age = { "Nat" , 24, "Jules", 25, "Josh" , 17, } age{"Nat"} = 24 age{"Jules"} = 25 age{"Josh"} = 17 |
food_color = { "Apple" , "red", "Banana", "yellow", "Lemon" , "yellow", "Carrot", "orange", } food_color{"Raspberry"} = "pink" println("Known foods:") food_color.keys.each(println) |
("Banana", "Martini").each(name -> println("{name} is a {if food_color.key?(name) then "food" else "drink"}") ) # Banana is a food. # Martini is a drink. |
food_color.remove_key!("Banana") |
food_color.each(food, color -> "{food} is {color}.".println) food_color.keys.sort.each(food -> "{food} is {food_color{food}}.".println) |
hash.each(k,v -> "{k} => {v}".println) |
# the default should be to keep the order, so no pb here. |
ttys = {} popen("who").each(s -> user, tty = s.words[0,1] #ttys{user} = [] if not ttys.key?(user) <- not needed, auto created with *** ttys{user}.push!(tty) ) ttys.keys.sort.each(user -> "{user}: {ttys{user}.join(", ")}".println) # or the more functional: popen("who").foldl({}, (ttys, s -> user, tty = s.words[0,1] #ttys{user} = [] if not ttys.key?(user) <- not needed, auto created with *** ttys{user}.push(tty) )).keys.sort.each(user -> "{user}: {ttys{user}.join(", ")}".println) |
surname = { "Mickey","Mantle" , "Babe","Ruth" } println(surname.value2key("Mantle")) # => Mickey |
food_color.keys.sort.each(food -> "{food} is {food_color{food}}.".println) |
merged = a + b drink_color = { "Galliano","yellow" , "Mai Tai","blue" } ingested_colors = drink_color + food_color substance_color = drink_color + food_color intersection(drink_color, food_color).each(k,_ -> println("Warning: {k} seen twice. Using the last definition.") ) |
all_colors += new_colors common = intersection(hash1, hash2).keys common = intersection(hash1.keys, hash2.keys) citrus_color = { "Lemon", "yellow", "Orange", "orange", "Lime", "green", } non_citrus = difference(food_color, citrus_color).keys non_citrus = difference(food_color.keys, citrus_color.keys) |
# no pb, merd's dicts handle any kind of objects which have Eq |
# TODO |
count = {} array.each(e -> count{e}++) |
father = { "Cain" , "Adam", "Abel" , "Adam", "Seth" , "Adam", "Enoch" , "Cain", "Irad" , "Enoch", "Mehujael" , "Irad", "Methusael" , "Mehujael", "Lamech" , "Methusael", "Jabal" , "Lamech", "Jubal" , "Lamech", "Tubalcain" , "Lamech", "Enos" , "Seth", } Sys::stdall.each(e -> e.chomp! #fathers = e : e.unfoldr1(e -> Some(father{e}) or None) #println(fathers.join(" ")) print("{e}") try loop e = fathers{e} print("{e} ") with _ -> println("") ) Sys::stdall.each(e -> e.chomp! children = father.key2values(e) ||| [ "nobody" ] println("{e} begat {children.join(", ")}.") ) includes = {} files.each(file -> try -> s.pattern_matches( "^\s*#\s+include\s+<(.*?)>", f -> includes.push!(f) ) ) with File_error(err) -> warn("Couldn't read {file}: {err}; skipping.\n") ) include_free = # list of files that don't include others difference(includes.values.flatten.uniq, includes.keys) |