a = ("quick", "brown", "fox") a = "Why are you teasing me?".words big_array = "mydatafile".open(Sep(crlf)).lines banner = "The Mines of Moria" banner = q(The Mines of Moria) name = "Gandalf" banner = "Speak, {name}, and enter!" banner = qq(Speak, {name}, and welcome!) ships = "Niña Pinta Santa María".words # WRONG ships = ("Niña", "Pinta", "Santa María") |
commify_series = [] -> "" l -> l', e = l.pop l'.join(", ") + " and " + e array = ("red", "yellow", "green") println("I have {array.join(" ")} marbles.") #=> I have red yellow green marbles. |
l.what_about_that_array = println("The array now has {l.size} elements.") println("The index of the last element is {l.size - 1}.") println("Element #3 is `{l[3]}'.") "Crosby Stills Nash Young".words.what_about_that_array |
bad_users.each(complain) bad_users.each(user -> complain(user)) Sys::env.keys.sort.each(var -> "{var}={Sys::env{var}}".println) Sys::env.each(var, val -> "{var}={val}".println) # but non-sorted Sys::env.sort_by(a,_ , b,_ -> a <=> b).each(var, val -> "{var}={val}".println) bad_users.each(user -> if user.get_usage > Max_quota then complain(user) ) "who".popen.lines(s -> s.m!("tchrist", s.print) ) df.lines(s -> s.words.each(s -> s.rev.println) ) array.each(item -> "i = {item}".println) array.each(--) a = ( 0.5, 3 ); b = ( 0, 1 ) (a,b).each(l -> l.map(a -> a *= 7 "{a} ".print ) ) |
unique = list.uniq # generate a list of users logged in, removing duplicates users = "who".popen.lines.map(m(,"(\S+)")).sort.uniq println("users logged in: {users}") |
difference(a, b) |
union(a, b) intersection(a, b) difference(union(a,b), intersection(a,b)) |
members = ("Time", "Flies") initiates = ("An", "Arrow") members += initiates # members is now ("Time", "Flies", "An", "Arrow") members = ("Time", "Flies") initiates = ("An", "Arrow") members.insert!(2, "Like" + initiates) # members is now ("Time", "Flies", "Like", "An", "Arrow") members[0] = "Fruit" members[2,3] = "A", "Banana" # members is now ("Fruit", "Flies", "Like", "A", "Banana") |
reversed = array.rev array.rev.each(e -> # do something with e () ) |
a.shift2 = a.shift!, a.shift! a.pop2 = swap(a.pop!, a.pop!) friends = "Peter Paul Mary Jim Tim".words (this, that) = friends.shift2 # this contains Peter, that has Paul, and # friends has Mary, Jim, and Tim beverages = "Dew Jolt Cola Sprite Fresca".words pair = beverages.pop2 # pair[0] contains Sprite, pair[1] has Fresca, # and beverages has (Dew, Jolt, Cola) |
highest_engineer = employees.find(employee -> employee.category == "engineer") println("Highest paid engineer is: {highest_engineer.name}") |
bigs = nums.filter(n -> n > 1_000_000) pigs = users.filter(_, n -> n > 1e7).keys matching = popen("who").lines.filter(m(, "^gnat ")) engineers = employees.filter(employee -> employee.category == "engineer") secondary_assistance = applicants.filter(e -> e{Income} >= 26_000 && e{Income} < 30_000) |
sorted = sort(non_sorted) # if non_sorted !> Vector(Int) # pids is an unsorted array of process IDs pids.sort.each(println) println("Select a process ID to kill:") try pid = Sys::stdin.line.chomp.to_int pid.kill(TERM) sleep(2) pid.kill(KILL) with Failed(To_int) -> die("Exiting ... \n") descending = non_sorted.sort_by(a,b -> b <=> a) |
ordered = unordered.sort_by(compare) precomputed = unordered.map(e -> e.compute, e) ordered_precomputed = precomputed.sort_by(a,b -> a[0] <=> b[0]) ordered = ordered_precomputed.map(a -> a[0]) ordered = unordered.map(e -> e.compute, e) .sort_by(a,b -> a[0] <=> b[0]) .map(a -> a[0]) sorted = employees.sort_by(a,b -> a.name <=> b.name || b.age <=> a.age) # getpwent is an iterator users = getpwent().to_list users.sort_by!(a,b -> a{Name} <=> b{Name}) users.each(user -> user{Name}.println) sorted = names.sort_by(a,b -> a[1] <=> b[1]) sorted = string.sort_by(a,b -> a.size <=> b.size) sorted_fields = fields.map(e -> e.m("(\d+)"), e) .sort_by(a,b -> a[0] <=> b[0]) .map(a -> a[0]) "/etc/passwd".open .lmap(e -> e.split(":")[3,2,0], e) .sort_by(a,b -> a[1] <=> b[1] ||| # gid a[2] <=> b[2] ||| # uid a[3] <=> b[3] # login ) .map(a -> a[0]) |
circular.unshift!(circular.pop!) # the last shall be first circular.push!(circular.shift!) # and vice versa l.grab_and_rotate = e = l.shift! l.push!(e) e processes = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) loop process = grab_and_rotate(processes) println("Handling process {process}") sleep(1) |
l.randomize! l.fisher_yates_shuffle = (l.size - 1 .. 0).each(i -> j = random(i+1) l[i,j] = l[j,i] if i != j ) l.naive_shuffle = l.each_with_index(_, i -> j = random(l.size) l[i,j] = l[j,i] if i != j ) |