meadow.m!(I, "\bovines?\b", println("Here be sheep!")) string = "good food" string.subst!("o*", "e") "ababacaca".m!( "((a|ba|b)+(a|ac)+)", s,_,_ -> s.println ) # => ababa s.m!(G, "(\d+)", e->println("Found number {e}")) numbers = s.m(G, "(\d+)") |
dst = src.subst("this", "that") # Make All Words Title-Cased capword = word.subst(G, "(\w+)", capitalize) # /usr/man/man3/foo.1 changes to /usr/man/cat3/foo.1 catpage = manpage.subst("man(?=\d)", "cat") bindirs = " /usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin ".words libdirs =, "bin", "lib")) println(libdirs.join(" ")) # /usr/lib /lib /usr/local/lib |
s = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish" want = 3 count = 0 s.m!( G|I, "(\w+)\s+fish\b", s -> count++ if count == want then println("The third fish is a {s} one.") # => red ) s.m!( I, "(?:\w+\s+fish\s+)\{2}(\w+)\s+fish", s -> println("The third fish is a {s} one.") # => red ) colors = s.m(G|I, "(\w+)\s+fish\b") println("The third fish is a {colors[2]} one.") # => red pond = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here." color = pond.m(G|I, "\b(\w+)\s+fish\b").last println("Last fish is {color}.") #=> Last fish is blue. |,i -> println(s) if i.member?(15 .. 17)) r = Regexp::new_range(m?(, I, "<XMP>"), m?(, I, "</XMP>")) l.each(s -> if s.member?(r) then print(s)) header = Regexp::new_range(_ -> True, == "") body = Regexp::new_range(== "", _ -> True) l.each(s -> in_header = s.member?(header) in_body = s.member?(body) ) header = Regexp::new_range(m?(, I, "^From:?\s"), == "") Sys::stdall.collect(s -> if s.member?(header) then c = "[^<>(),;\s]" s.m(G, "({c}+\@{c}+)") else [] ).flatten.uniq.each(println) |
s.glob2pat = patmap = { "*", ".*", "?", ".", "[", "[", "]", "]", } s.subst!(G, "(.)", (c -> patmap{c} or c.quotemeta)) "^{s}$" |
# no need |
# not possible? do not allow runtime constructed regexps? |