3. Dates and Times


puts Time.now

print "Today is day ", Time.now.yday, " of the current year.\n"
print "Today is day ", Time.now.day, " of the current month.\n"

Finding Today's Date

day, month, year = Time.now.day, Time.now.month, Time.now.year
# or
day, month, year = Time.now.to_a[3..5]

tl = Time.now.localtime
printf("The current date is %04d %02d %02d\n", tl.year, tl.month, tl.day)


Converting DMYHMS to Epoch Seconds

Time.local(year, month, day, hour, minute, second).tv_sec
Time.gm(year, month, day, hour, minute, second).tv_sec

Converting Epoch Seconds to DMYHMS

sec, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, zone = Time.at(epoch_secs).to_a

Adding to or Subtracting from a Date

when_ = now + difference         # now -> Time ; difference -> Numeric (delta in seconds)
then_ = now - difference

Difference of Two Dates

bree = 361535725
nat  =  96201950

difference = bree - nat
puts "There were #{difference} seconds between Nat and Bree"

seconds    =  difference % 60
difference = (difference - seconds) / 60
minutes    =  difference % 60
difference = (difference - minutes) / 60
hours      =  difference % 24
difference = (difference - hours)   / 24
days       =  difference % 7
weeks      = (difference - days)    /  7

puts "(#{weeks} weeks, #{days} days, #{hours}:#{minutes}:#{seconds})"

Day in a Week/Month/Year or Week Number

monthday, weekday, yearday = date.mday, date.wday, date.yday

# AFAIK the week number is not just a division since week boundaries are on sundays
weeknum = d.strftime("%U").to_i + 1

year  = 1981
month = "jun"                     # or `6' if you want to emulate a broken language
day   = 16
t = Time.mktime(year, month, day)
print "#{month}/#{day}/#{year} was a ", t.strftime("%A"), "\n"

Parsing Dates and Times from Strings

yyyy, mm, dd = $1, $2, $3 if "1998-06-25" =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/

epoch_seconds = Time.mktime(yyyy, mm, dd).tv_sec

# dunno an equivalent to Date::Manip#ParseDate

Printing a Date

string = Time.at(epoch_secs)
Time.at(1234567890).gmtime        # gives: Fri Feb 13 23:31:30 UTC 2009

time = Time.mktime(1973, "jan", 18, 3, 45, 50)
print "In localtime it gives: ", time.localtime, "\n"

High-Resolution Timers

# Ruby provides micro-seconds in Time object

# Ruby gives the seconds in floating format when substracting two Time objects
before = Time.now
line = gets
elapsed = Time.now - before
puts "You took #{elapsed} seconds."

# On my Celeron-400 with Linux-2.2.19-14mdk, average for three execs are:
#   This Ruby version:       average 0.00321 sec
#   Cookbook's Perl version: average 0.00981 sec
size = 500
number_of_times = 100
total_time = 0
number_of_times.times {
    # populate array
    array = []
    size.times { array << rand }
    # sort it
    begin_ = Time.now
    time = Time.now - begin_
    total_time += time
printf "On average, sorting %d random numbers takes %.5f seconds\n",
    size, (total_time/Float(number_of_times))

Short Sleeps

sleep(0.005)                      # Ruby is definitely not as broken as Perl :)
# (may be interrupted by sending the process a SIGALRM)

Program: hopdelta

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
# hopdelta - feed mail header, produce lines
#            showing delay at each hop.
require 'time'
class MailHopDelta

    def initialize(mail)
        @head = mail.gsub(/\n\s+/,' ')
        @topline = %w-Sender Recipient Time Delta-
        @start_from = mail.match(/^From.*\@([^\s>]*)/)[1]
        @date = Time.parse(mail.match(/^Date:\s+(.*)/)[1])

    def out(line)
         "%-20.20s %-20.20s %-20.20s  %s" % line

    def hop_date(day)
        day.strftime("%I:%M:%S %Y/%m/%d")

    def puts_hops
        puts out(@topline) 
        puts out(['Start', @start_from, hop_date(@date),''])
        @head.split(/\n/).reverse.grep(/^Received:/).each do |hop|
            hop.gsub!(/\bon (.*?) (id.*)/,'; \1')
            whence = hop.match(/;\s+(.*)$/)[1]
            unless whence
                warn "Bad received line: #{hop}"
            from = $+ if hop =~ /from\s+(\S+)|\((.*?)\)/
            by   = $1 if hop =~ /by\s+(\S+\.\S+)/
            next unless now = Time.parse(whence).localtime
            delta = now - @date
            puts out([from, by, hop_date(now), hop_time(delta)])
            @date = now

    def hop_time(secs)
        sign = secs < 0 ? -1 : 1
        days, secs = secs.abs.divmod(60 * 60 * 24)
        hours,secs = secs.abs.divmod(60 * 60)
        mins, secs = secs.abs.divmod(60)
        rtn =  "%3ds" % [secs  * sign]
        rtn << "%3dm" % [mins  * sign] if mins  != 0
        rtn << "%3dh" % [hours * sign] if hours != 0
        rtn << "%3dd" % [days  * sign] if days  != 0 

$/ = ""
mail = MailHopDelta.new(ARGF.gets).puts_hops