3. Dates and Times


// Pike has an extensive Calendar module that provides all manners of

// manipulating dates and times.

write("Today is day %d of the current year.\n", localtime(time())->yday+1);
// Today is day 325 of the current year.

write("Today is day %d of the current year.\n", Calendar.now()->year_day());
// Today is day 325 of the current year.

Finding Today's Date

int day, month, year;
mapping now=localtime(time());
year  = now->year+1900;
month = now->mon+1;
day   = now->mday;

write("The current date is %04d %02d %02d\n", year, month, day);

object now=Calendar.now();
year  = now->year_no();
month = now->month_no();
day   = now->month_day();

write("The current date is %04d %02d %02d\n", year, month, day);

write("The current date is %04d %02d %02d\n", @lambda(){ return ({ now->year_no(), now->month_no(), now->month_day() }); }(Calendar.now()));
// this is essentially the same as the respective perl code:

// lambda creates an anonymous function, which in this case takes one argument 

// and returns an array. the array is the spliced into the arguments of write().

// if the goal is to get by without a temporary variable this is a rather

// pointless exercise, as there is still a temporary variable (in the function)

// and the temporary function on top of that. more interresting is the

// functional approach aspect.

Converting DMYHMS to Epoch Seconds

// dwim_time() handles most common date and time formats.

Calendar.dwim_time("2:40:25 23.11.2004");
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 CET)

Calendar.dwim_time("2:40:25 23.11.2004")->unix_time();
// Result: 1101174025

Calendar.dwim_time("2:40:25 UTC 23.11.2004");
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

// faster, because there is no need for guessing:

Calendar.parse("%Y-%M-%D %h:%m:%s %z","2004-11-23 2:40:25 UTC");
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

// without parsing

Calendar.Second(2004, 11, 23, 2, 40, 25);
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 CET)

// functional

// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 CET)

Calendar.Day(2004, 11, 23)->set_timezone("UTC")->hour(2)->minute(40)->second(25);
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

// set a time today

// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 CET)

Calendar.dwim_time("2:40:25 UTC");           
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

Calendar.parse("%h:%m:%s %z","2:40:25 UTC");                    
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

Converting Epoch Seconds to DMYHMS

int unixtime=1101174025;
int day, month, year;
mapping then=localtime(unixtime);
year  = then->year+1900;
month = then->mon+1;
day   = then->mday;

write("Dateline: %02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d\n", then->hour, then->min, then->sec, then->year+1900, then->mon+1, then->mday);
// Dateline: 02:40:25-2004/11/23

object othen=Calendar.Second(unixtime);
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 CET)

write("Dateline: %02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d\n", othen->hour_no(), 
      othen->minute_no(), othen->second_no(), othen->year_no(), 
      othen->month_no(), othen->month_day());
// Dateline: 02:40:25-2004/11/23

Adding to or Subtracting from a Date

int days_offet=55;
int hour_offset=2;
int minute_offset=17;
int second_offset=5;

object then=Calendar.parse("%D/%M/%Y, %h:%m:%s %p","18/Jan/1973, 3:45:50 pm")
write("Then is %s\n", then->format_ctime());
// Then is Wed Mar 14 18:02:55 1973

write("To be precise: %d:%d:%d, %d/%d/%d\n", 
             then->hour_no(), then->minute_no(), then->second_no(),
             then->month_no(), then->month_day(), then->year_no());
// To be precise: 18:2:55, 3/14/1973

int years   = 1973;
int months  = 1;
int days    = 18;
int offset  = 55;
object then = Calendar.Day(years, months, days)+offset;
write("Nat was 55 days old on: %d/%d/%d\n", then->month_no(), then->month_day(),then->year_no());
// Nat was 55 days old on: 3/14/1973

Difference of Two Dates

int bree = 361535725;         // 16 Jun 1981, 4:35:25

int nat  = 96201950;          // 18 Jan 1973, 3:45:50

int difference = bree-nat;
write("There were %d seconds between Nat and Bree\n", difference);
// There were 265333775 seconds between Nat and Bree

int seconds =  difference                % 60;
int minutes = (difference / 60)          % 60;
int hours   = (difference / (60*60) )    % 24;
int days    = (difference / (60*60*24) ) % 7;
int weeks   =  difference / (60*60*24*7);

write("(%d weeks, %d days, %d:%d:%d)\n", weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds);
// (438 weeks, 4 days, 23:49:35)

object bree = Calendar.dwim_time("16 Jun 1981, 4:35:25");
// Result: Second(Tue 16 Jun 1981 4:35:25 CEST)

object nat  = Calendar.dwim_time("18 Jan 1973, 3:45:50");
// Result: Second(Thu 18 Jan 1973 3:45:50 CET)

object difference = nat->range(bree);
// Result: Second(Thu 18 Jan 1973 3:45:50 CET - Tue 16 Jun 1981 4:35:26 CEST)

write("There were %d days between Nat and Bree\n", difference/Calendar.Day());
// There were 3071 days between Nat and Bree

int days=difference/Calendar.Day();
object left=difference->add(days,Calendar.Day)->range(difference->end());

// Calendar handles timezone differences, and since the range crosses from

// normal to daylight savings time, there is one day which has only 23 hours.

// by adding the number of days we effectively move the beginning of the range

// to the same day as the end, leaving us with a range that is less than a day

// long. when adding the days, the daylight savings switch will be taken into

// account.

write("Bree came %d days, %d:%d:%d after Nat\n", 

// Bree came 3071 days, 0:49:36 after Nat

// the following is more accurate, taking into account that the days where

// daylight savings time is switched do not have 24, but 23 and 25 hours.

// thanks to mirar on the pike list for pointing this out and providing a

// correct solution.

array(int) breakdown_elapsed(object u, void|array on)
  array res=({});
  if (!on) on=({Day,Hour,Minute,Second});
  foreach (on;;program|TimeRange p)
    if (u==u->end()) { res+=({0}); continue; }
    int x=u/p;
  return res;

write("Bree came %d days, %d:%d:%d after Nat\n",

// Bree came 3071 days, 0:49:36 after Nat

Day in a Week/Month/Year or Week Number

mapping day=localtime(time());
// Result: 2

// Result: 4

// Result: 336

int year=1981;
int month=6;
int day=16;
object date;
date = Calendar.Day(year, month, day);
// Result: Day(Tue 16 Jun 1981)

// Result: 3

// Result: 24

// Result: 167

write("%d/%d/%d was a %s\n", month, day, year, date->week_day_name());
// 6/16/1981 was a Tuesday

write("in the week number %d.\n", date->week_no());
// in the week number 25.

Parsing Dates and Times from Strings

string date = "1998-06-03";
int yyyy;
int mm;
int dd;
[yyyy, mm, dd] = array_sscanf(date, "%d-%d-%d");

object day;
day=Calendar.parse("%Y-%M-%D", date);

// Result: 896824800

// Result: 1998

// Result: 6

// Result: 3

Printing a Date

object now=Calendar.dwim_time("Sun Sep 21 15:33:36 1997");
// Result: Second(Sun 21 Sep 1997 15:33:36 CEST)

// Result: "Sun Sep 21 15:33:36 1997\n"

// there is no equivalent to scalar localtime

now = Calendar.Second(1973, 1, 18, 3, 45, 50);
write("strftime gives: %s %02d/%02d/%!2d\n", now->week_day_name(), 
        now->month_no(), now->month_day(), now->year_no());
// strftime gives: Sunday 01/18/73

// pike doesn't have strftime, but hey.

// instead Calendar provides a large array of predefined formats:

// format_nice() and format_nicez() depend on the unit:

now->format_nice();           // "18 Jan 1973 3:45:50"

now->week()->format_nice();   // "w3 1973"

now->format_nicez();          // "18 Jan 1973 3:45:50 CET"

now->hour()->format_nicez();  // "18 Jan 1973 3:00 CET"

// others are unit independant.

now->format_ext_time();       // "Thursday, 18 January 1973 03:45:50"

now->format_ext_ymd();        // "Thursday, 18 January 1973"

now->format_iso_time();       // "1973-01-18 (Jan) -W03-4 (Thu) 03:45:50 UTC+1"

now->format_iso_ymd();        // "1973-01-18 (Jan) -W03-4 (Thu)"

now->format_mod();            // "03:45"

now->format_month();          // "1973-01"

now->format_month_short();    // "197301"

now->format_mtime();          // "1973-01-18 03:45"

now->format_time();           // "1973-01-18 03:45:50"

now->format_time_short();     // "19730118 03:45:50"

now->format_time_xshort();    // "730118 03:45:50"

now->format_tod();            // "03:45:50"

now->format_tod_short();      // "034550"

now->format_todz();           // "03:45:50 CET"

now->format_todz_iso();       // "03:45:50 UTC+1"

now->format_week();           // "1973-w3"

now->format_week_short();     // "1973w3"

now->format_iso_week();       // "1973-W03"

now->format_iso_week_short(); // "197303"

now->format_xtime();          // "1973-01-18 03:45:50.000000"

now->format_xtod();           // "03:45:50.000000"

now->format_ymd();            // "1973-01-18"

now->format_ymd_short();      // "19730118"

now->format_ymd_xshort();     // "730118"

now->format_ctime();          // "Thu Jan 18 03:45:50 1973\n"

now->format_smtp();           // "Thu, 18 Jan 1973 3:45:50 +0100"

now->format_http();           // "Thu, 18 Jan 1973 02:45:50 GMT"

High-Resolution Timers

int t=time();                 // current time in unixtime seconds

float t0=time(t);             // higher precision time passed since t

float t1=time(t);
float elapsed=t1-t0;
// Result: 0.009453


write("Press return when ready: ");
array(int) before=System.gettimeofday();
array(int) after=System.gettimeofday();
int elapsed_sec=after[0]-before[0];
int elapsed_usec=after[1]-before[1];

write("You took %d.%d seconds.\n", elapsed_sec, elapsed_usec);

// this is an expanded example compared to the one given for perl

// to allow comparison of different types.

// bignum are objects of the gmp library, which are seamlessly integrated with

// regular integers.

int main()
  // size values are adjusted so that each run takes about the same length.

  gaugethis(5000000, 100, lambda(){ return random(pow(2,31)-1); });
               // values to fit into a signed 32bit int.

  gaugethis(50000, 100, lambda(){ return pow(2,64)+random(pow(2,64)); });
               // make sure values are bignum even in case 64bit ints are used.

  gaugethis(500000, 100, lambda(){ return random_string(10); });
               // might be interresting to compare longer strings too.


void gaugethis(int size, int number_of_times, function rand)
  array gauged_times = ({});
  float average;

  int swidth=sizeof((string)size);
  int nwidth=sizeof((string)number_of_times);
  for(int i; i<number_of_times; i++)
    write("%*d: ", nwidth, i);
    array(int) arr=({});
    write("creating array: ");
    for(int j; j<size; j++)
      arr += ({ rand() }); 
    write(" sorting: ");

    float gaugetime=gauge // gauge measures cpu time, giving better results

    gauged_times += ({ gaugetime });
    write(" %f          \r", gaugetime);

  write("average: %O, min: %O, max: %O                           \n", 
        average, gauged_times[0], gauged_times[-1]);

Short Sleeps

int abort_on_signal=1;         // if true, aport on signal

sleep(0.25, abort_on_signal);

delay(0.25); // uses busy-wait for accuracy,

             // may be interrupted by signal handlers

Program: hopdelta

Calendar.dwim_time("Tue, 26 May 1998 23:57:38 -0400")->distance(
    Calendar.dwim_time("Wed, 27 May 1998 05:04:03 +0100"))->format_elapsed();   
// Result: "0:06:25"

// download the following standalone program
// chapter 3.11
// hopdelta - feed mail header, produce lines
//            showing delay at each hop.
int main()
  MIME.Message        mail = MIME.Message(Stdio.stdin.read());
  array           received = reverse(mail->headers->received/"\0");
  Calendar.Second lasttime = Calendar.dwim_time(mail->headers->date);

  array delays=({ ({ "Sender", "Recipient", "Time", "Delta" }) });
  delays+=({ ({ mail->headers->from, 
                array_sscanf(received[0], "from %[^ ]")[0], 
          }) });

  foreach(received;; string hop)
    string fromby, date;
    [fromby, date] = hop/";";
    Calendar.Second thistime = Calendar.dwim_time(date);

    delays+= ({ array_sscanf(fromby, "from %[^ ]%*sby %[^ ]%*s") + 
                ({ date, lasttime->distance(thistime)->format_elapsed() }) 


  write("%{%-=22s %-=22s %-=20s %=10s\n%}\n", delays);
  return 0;