4. Arrays


// nested arrays are supported

array flat = ({ "this", "that", "the", "other" });
array nested = ({ "this", "that", ({ "the", "other" }) });

array tune = ({ "The", "Star-Spangled", "Banner" });
// Result: "The"

// Result: "Star-Spangled"

// the typing may be more specific

// only strings allowed in the array (thus no nesting!)

array(string) flat = ({ "this", "that", "the", "other" });

// allow one level of nesting

array(string|array(string)) admit1 = ({ "this", "that", ({ "the", "other" }) });

// the first level may only contain arrays, other levels may contain anything

array(array) require1 ({ ({ "this", "that" }), ({ "the", "other" }) });

Specifying a List In Your Program

// list

array(string) a = ({ "quick", "brown", "fox" });

// words

array(string) a = "Why are you teasing me?"/" ";

// lines

array(string) lines = #"The boy stood on the burning deck,
It was as hot as glass."/"\n";

// file

array(string) bigarray = Stdio.read_file("mydatafile")/"\n";

// the quoting issues do not apply.

array(string) ships = "Niña Pinta Santa María"/" ";         // wrong

array(string) ships = ({ "Niña", "Pinta", "Santa María" }); // right


Printing a List with Commas

// download the following standalone program
// chapter 4.2
// commify_series - show proper comma insertion in list output

array(array(string)) lists =
    ({ "just one thing" }),
    ({ "Mutt", "Jeff" }),
    ({ "Peter", "Paul", "Mary" }),
    ({ "To our parents", "Mother Theresa", "God" }),
    ({ "pastrami", "ham and cheese", "peanut butter and jelly", "tuna" }),
    ({ "recycle tired, old phrases", "ponder big, happy thoughts" }),
    ({ "recycle tired, old phrases",
       "ponder big, happy thoughts",
       "sleep and dream peacefully" }),

void main()
  write("The list is: %s.\n", commify_list(lists[*])[*]);

string commify_list(array(string) list)
    case 1: return list[0];
    case 2: return sprintf("%s and %s", @list);
      string seperator=",";
      int count;
      while(count<sizeof(list) && search(list[count], seperator)==-1)
      return sprintf("%{%s"+seperator+" %}and %s", 
                     list[..sizeof(list)-2], list[-1]);

Changing Array Size

void what_about_that_array(array list)
    write("The array now has %d elements.\n", sizeof(list));
    write("The index of the last element is %d.\n", sizeof(list)-1);
    write("Element #3 is %O.\n", list[3]);

array people = ({ "Crosby", "Stills", "Nash", "Young" });
// The array now has 4 elements.

// The index of the last element is 3.

// Element #3 is "Young".

// The array now has 3 elements.

// The index of the last element is 2.

// Index 3 is out of array range -3..2.

// The array now has 10001 elements.

// The index of the last element is 10000.

// Element #3 is 0.

array people = ({ "Crosby", "Stills", "Nash", "Young" }); // resetting the array

// Index 10000 is out of array range -4..3.

// accessing a nonexisting index is always an error.

// arrays can not be enlarged this way.

Doing Something with Every Element in a List

foreach(list; int index; mixed item)
  // do something with item (and possibly index)


foreach(bad_users;; object user)

// for such simple cases pike provides a convenient automap feature:

// will do the same as the foreach above.

foreach(sort(indices(getenv()));; string var)
  write("%s=%s\n", var, getenv(var));

// if you don't need an assurance that the indices are sorted (they most likely

// are sorted anyways) you may use:

foreach(getenv(); string var; string value)
  write("%s=%s\n", var, value);

foreach(all_users;; string user)
  int disk_space = get_usage(user);
  if(disk_space > MAX_QUOTA)

// continue; to jump to the next

// break; to stop the loop

// redo can be done by doing a loop with the proper checks in the block

object pipe=Stdio.File();
Process.create_process(({ "who" }), ([ "stdout":pipe->pipe() ]));
foreach(pipe->line_iterator();; string line)
  if(search(line, "tchrist")>-1)

object fh=Stdio.File("somefile");
foreach(fh->line_iterator(); int linenr; string line)
  foreach(Process.split_quoted_string(line);; string word)//split on whitespace


array(int) list = ({ 1,2,3 });
foreach(list;; int item)
write("%{%d %}\n", list);
// Result: 1 2 3 

// we can still use foreach instead of for, 

// because foreach gives us the index as well:

foreach(list; int index;)
write("%{%d %}\n", list);
// Result: 0 1 2

array a = ({ 0.5, 3 });
array b = ({ 0, 1 });
// foreach handles only one array so there is nothing to gain here. 

// better use automap:

array a_ = a[*]*7;
array b_ = b[*]*7;
write("%{%O %}\n", a_+b_);
// 3.500000 21 0 7

string scalar = " abc ";
array(string) list = ({ " a ", " b " });
mapping(mixed:string) hash = ([ "a":" a ", "b":" b " ]);

scalar = String.trim_whites(scalar);
list = String.trim_whites(list[*]);
foreach(hash; int key;)

Iterating Over an Array by Reference

// pike does not distinguish between arrays and array references 

// (they are all references anyways) so this section does not apply

Extracting Unique Elements from a List

mapping seen = ([]);
array   uniq = ({});
foreach(list;; mixed item)
    seen[item] = 1;
    uniq += ({ item });

mapping seen = ([]);
array   uniq = ({});
foreach(list;; mixed item)
    uniq += ({ item });

mapping seen = ([]);
array   uniq = ({});
foreach(list;; mixed item)

// the following is probably the most natural for pike

mapping seen = ([]);
array   uniq = ({});
foreach(list;; mixed item)
uniq = indices(seen);

// not necessarily faster but shorter:

array uniq = indices(({ list[*],1 }));

// also short, and preserving the originaal order:

array uniq = list&indices(({ list[*],1 }));

object pipe = Stdio.File();
Process.create_process(({ "who" }), ([ "stdout":pipe->pipe() ]));
mapping ucnt = ([]);
foreach(pipe->line_iterator();; string line)
  ucnt[(line/" ")[0]]++;

array users = sort(indices(ucnt));
write("users logged in: %s\n", users*" ");

Finding Elements in One Array but Not Another

// one of pikes strenghts are operators.

// the following are the only idiomatic solutions to the problem

array A = ({ 1, 2, 3 });
array B = ({ 2, 3, 4 });
array aonly = A-B;
// Result: ({ 1 });

Computing Union, Intersection, or Difference of Unique Lists

array a = ({ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 });
array b = ({ 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 });

// union:

array union = a|b;
// ({ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 9 })

// intersection

array intersection = a&b;
// ({ 3, 5, 7 })

// difference

array difference = a-b; 
// ({ 1, 6, 8 })

// symetric difference

array symdiff= a^b;
// ({ 1, 6, 8, 2, 9 })

Appending One Array to Another

// join arrays

// appending to an array will always create a new array and pike is designed to

// handle this efficiently.

array members = ({ "Time", "Flies" });
array initiates = ({ "An", "Arrow" });
members += initiates;
// members is now ({ "Time", "Flies", "An", "Arrow" })

members = members[..1]+({ "Like" })+members[2..];
write("%s\n", members*" ");

members[0] = "Fruit";
members = members[..sizeof(members)-3]+({ "A", "Banana" });
write("%s\n", members*" ");

// Time Flies Like An Arrow

// Fruit Flies Like A Banana

Reversing an Array

// almost any operation you do on the elements will add more overhead than

// reversing the array, if there is any possible optimization, pike will do it

// for you.

array reversed = reverse(arr);

// unless you were going to use for anyways then foreach(reverse( ...)) is

// preferable.

foreach(reverse(arr);; mixed item)
  // do something with item


for(int i=sizeof(arr)-1; i<=0; i--)
  // so something with arr[i]


array ascending = sort(users);
array descending = reverse(sort(users));

// reverse(sort()) is faster by a magnitude

array descending = Array.sort_array(users, lambda(mixed a, mixed b)
                                             return a<b; 

Processing Multiple Elements of an Array

array arr = ({ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 });
int n=3;
array front = arr[..n-1];
arr = arr[n..];

array back = arr[sizeof(arr)-n..];
arr = arr[..sizeof(arr)-(n+1)];

// since new arrays are created if elements are added or removed

// shift and pop are not usefull here.

// if you need shift and pop capabilities use the ADT classes:

array shift2(ADT.Queue queue)
  return ({ queue->read(), queue->read() });

ADT.Queue friends = ADT.Queue("Peter", "Paul", "Mary", "Jim", "Tim");
string this, that;
[this, that] = shift2(friends);
// this contains Peter, that has Paul, and

// friends has Mary, Jim, and Tim

ADT.Stack beverages = ADT.Stack();
beverages->set_stack(({ "Dew", "Jolt", "Cola", "Sprite", "Fresca" }));
array pair = beverages->pop(2); // implementing pop2 would gain nothing here

// pair[0] contains Sprite, pair[1] has Fresca,

// and beverages has (Dew, Jolt, Cola)

// to be able to shift and pop on the same list use the following:

array shift2(ADT.CircularList list)
  return ({ list->pop_front(), list->pop_front() });

array pop2(ADT.CircularList list)
  return reverse( ({ list->pop_back(), list->pop_back() }) );
ADT.CircularList friends = ADT.CircularList( ({"Peter", "Paul", "Mary", "Jim", "Tim"}) );
string this, that;
[this, that] = shift2(friends);
// this contains Peter, that has Paul, and

// friends has Mary, Jim, and Tim

ADT.CircularList beverages = ADT.CircularList( ({ "Dew", "Jolt", "Cola", "Sprite", "Fresca" }) );
array pair = pop2(beverates);
// pair[0] contains Sprite, pair[1] has Fresca,

// and beverages has (Dew, Jolt, Cola)

Finding the First List Element That Passes a Test

mixed match = search(arr, element);

int test(mixed element)
    return 1;
    return 0;

mixed match = Array.search_array(arr, test);

if(match != -1)
  // do something with arr[match]

  // do something else


// another convenient way if you do many tests on the same list,

// and you do not care for the position is:

if( (multiset)arr[element] )
  // found

  // not found


Finding All Elements in an Array Matching Certain Criteria

array matching=({});

foreach(list;; mixed element)
    matching+=({ element });

array matching = map(list, test)-({ 0 });
array matching = test(list[*])-({ 0 }); 
// apply test() on each element in list, collect the results, and remove

// results that are 0.

Sorting an Array Numerically

// since pike has different types for strings and numbers, ints and floats are

// of course sorted numerically 

// (sort() is destructive, the original array is changed)

array(int) unsorted = ...;
array(int) sorted = sort(unsorted);

// but suppose you want to sort an array of strings by their numeric value then

// things get a bit more interresting:

array(string) unsorted = ({ "123asdf", "3poiu", "23qwert", "3ayxcv" });

sort((array(int))unsorted, unsorted);
// unsorted is now sorted.

Sorting a List by Computable Field

array unordered;
int compare(mixed a, mixed b)
  // return comparison of a and b

array ordered = Array.sort_array(unordered, compare);


int compute(mixed element)
  // return computation from element

array precomputed = map(unordered, compute);
sort(precomputed, unordered); // will destructively sort unordered in the same

array ordered = unordered;    // manner as precomputed.


sort(map(unordered, compute), unordered); // without a temp variable

sort(compute(unordered[*]), unordered);   // using the automap operator

                                          // both get compiled to the same code


array ordered = sort(employees, lambda(mixed a, mixed b)
                                  return a->name > b->name;


                         lambda(mixed a, mixed b){ return a->name > b->name; })
        ;; mixed employee)
  write("%s earns $%d\n", employee->name, employee->salary);


array ordered_employees = 
                         lambda(mixed a, mixed b){ return a->name > b->name; });
foreach(ordered_employees;; mixed employee)
  write("%s earns $%d\n", employee->name, employee->salary);

mapping bonus;
foreach(ordered_employees;; mixed employee)
  // you are not supposed to use the social security number as an id

    write("%s got a bonus!\n", employee->name);


array sorted = Array.sort_array(employees, 
                                lambda(mixed a, mixed b)
                                    return (a->name < b->name)
                                  return (b->age < a->age);


array(array) users = System.get_all_users();

// System.get_all_users() returns an array of arrays, with the name as the

// first element in each inner array, sort handles multidimensional arrays, so

// we can skip creating our own sort function.

// if we wanted to sort on something else one could rearrange the array:

array user;
  users += ({ user[2], user });
sort(users);  // now we are sorting by uid.

// alternative:

array(array) users = System.get_all_users();
sort(users[*][2], users);



array names;
array sorted = Array.sort_array(names, lambda(mixed a, mixed b)
                                         return a[1] < b[1];
// faster:

sort(names[*][1], names);

array strings;
array sorted = Array.sort_array(strings, lambda(mixed a, mixed b)
                                         return sizeof(a) < sizeof(b);
// faster:

sort(sizeof(strings[*]), strings);

array strings;
array temp = map(strings, sizeof);
sort(temp, strings); 
array sorted = strings;

array strings;
sort(map(strings, sizeof), strings);   // pick one

sort(sizeof(strings[*]), strings);

array fields;
array temp = map(fields, array_sscanf, "%*s%d%*s");
sort(temp, fields);
array sorted_fields=fields;


sort(array_sscanf(fields[*], "%*s%d%*s"), fields);
array sorted_fields=fields;

array passwd_lines = (Stdio.read_file("/etc/passwd")/"\n")-({""});
array(array) passwd = passwd_lines[*]/":";

int compare(mixed a, mixed b)
    return (int)a[3]<(int)b[3];
    return (int)a[2]<(int)b[2];
  return a[0]<b[0];

array sorted_passwd = Array.sort_array(passwd, compare);

// alternatively the following uses the builtin sort

sort( passwd[*][0], passwd);
sort( ((array(int))passwd[*][2]), passwd);
sort( ((array(int))passwd[*][3]), passwd);

Implementing a Circular List

ADT.CircularList circular;

mixed grab_and_rotate(ADT.CircularList list)
  mixed element = list->pop_front();
  return element;

ADT.CircularList processes = ADT.CircularList( ({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }) );
  int process = grab_and_rotate(processes);
  write("Handling process %d\n", process);

Randomizing an Array

array arr;
Array.shuffle(arr);  // this uses the fisher-yates shuffle


// being creative with the algorithm, this is not as memory efficient,

// but it shows the utility of multisets.

array set_shuffle(array list)
  multiset elements=(multiset)list;
  list=({});                     // reset the list

  while(sizeof(elements))        // while we still have elements left

    mixed pick=random(elements); // pick a random element

    list+=({ pick });            // add it to the new list

    elements[pick]--;            // remove the element we picked

  return list;

array list;


inherit "mjd_permute";
int permutations = factorial(sizeof(list));
array shuffle = list[n2perm(random(permutations)+1, sizeof(list))[*]];


void naive_shuffle(array list)
  for(int i=0; i<sizeof(list); i++)
    int j=random(sizeof(list)-1);
    [ list[i], list[j] ] = ({ list[j], list[i] });

Program: words

// download the following standalone program
// section 4.18 example 4.2
// words - gather lines, present in columns

void main()
  array words=Stdio.stdin.read()/"\n";   // get all input
  int maxlen=sort(sizeof(words[*]))[-1]; // sort by size and pick the largest
  maxlen++;                              // add space

  // get boundaries, this should be portable
  int cols = Stdio.stdout->tcgetattr()->columns/maxlen;
  int rows = (sizeof(words)/cols) + 1;

  string mask="%{%-"+maxlen+"s%}\n";     // compute format

  words=Array.transpose(words/rows);     // split into groups as large as the
                                         // number of rows and then transpose
  write(mask, words[*]);                 // apply mask to each group

Program: permute

int factorial(int n)
  int s=1;
  return s;
write("%d\n", factorial(500));
// TODO: provide a short example using Array.permute()


// download the following standalone program

void main()
  string line;
    permute(line/" ");

void permute(array items, array|void perms)
    write((perms*" ")+"\n");
    foreach(items; int i;)
      array newitems=items[..i-1]+items[i+1..];
      array newperms=items[i..i]+perms;
      permute(newitems, newperms);


// download the following standalone program

mapping fact=([ 1:1 ]);

int factorial(int n)
  return fact[n];

array n2pat(int N, int len)
  int i=1;
  array pat=({});

  while(i <= len)
    pat += ({ N%i });
  return pat;

array pat2perm(array pat)
  array source=indices(pat);
  array perm=({});
    perm += ({ source[pat[-1]] });
    source = source[..pat[-1]-1]+source[pat[-1]+1..];
  return perm;

array n2perm(int N, int len)
  return pat2perm(n2pat(N, len));

void main()
  array data;
  while(data=Stdio.stdin->gets()/" ")
    int num_permutations = factorial(sizeof(data));
    for(int i; i<num_permutations; i++)
      array permutation = data[n2perm(i, sizeof(data))[*]];
      write(permutation*" "+"\n");