#----------------------------- regexp $pattern $string regsub $pattern $string $replacement #----------------------------- regexp sheep $meadow # True if $meadow contains "sheep" #----------------------------- regsub old $meadow new meadow # Replace "old" with "new" in $meadow #----------------------------- if [regexp -nocase {\bovines?\b} $meadow ] { puts -nonewline {Here be sheep!} } #----------------------------- set string {good food} set string [regsub {o*} $string e] # regsub with out replacement var returns result. #----------------------------- foreach i [regexp -all -inline {\d+}] { puts "Found number $i" } #----------------------------- set numbers [regexp -all -inline {\d+}] #----------------------------- set digits 123456789 set nonlap [regexp -inline -all {\d\d\d} $digits] #no direct way for overlap since the regex behavior of /g|-all in tcl is differnt from perl. set yeslap {} for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $digits]} {incr i} { set match [regexp -inline {\d\d\d} [string range $digits $i end]] if {[string length $match]} { lappend yeslap $match } } #----------------------------- # no direct pre and post match vars in tcl. set string {And little lambs eat ivy} regexp -indices -- {l.*s} $string idxs set start [lindex $idxs 0] set stop [lindex $idxs 1] puts "([string range $string 0 $start-1]) ([string range $string $start $stop]) ([string range $string $stop+1 end])" |
#----------------------------- set dst $src regsub this $dst that dst #----------------------------- regsub this $src that dst #----------------------------- # strip to basename regsub ^.*/ $::argv0 {} progname #----------------------------- # it is easier to do it this way than the next. package require struct::list ::struct::list map $words {string totitle} # using regex. set capword [gregsub {(\w+)} $words { r {return [string totitle $r]} }] #----------------------------- # /usr/man/man3/foo.1 changes to /usr/man/cat3/foo.1 regsub {man(?=\d)} $manpage cat catpage #----------------------------- set bindirs {/usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin} set libdirs [string map {bin lib} $bindirs] puts $libdirs # /usr/lib /lib /usr/local/lib #----------------------------- regsub -all x $a y b # copy changed string to b set b [regsub -all x $a y a] # change a, count goes in b |
#----------------------------- # matching letters if [regexp {^[A-Za-z]+$} $var] { #may be better to user [[:alpha:]]+$ } #----------------------------- if [regexp {^[[:alpha:]]+$} $var] { puts "var is purely alphabetic" } #----------------------------- readlines $data { {line} { if {[regexp {^[[:alpha:]]+$} $line]} { puts -nonewline "$line: alphabetic" } else { puts -nonewline "$line: line noice" } } } #__END__ #silly #façade #coöperate #niño #Renée #Molière #hæmoglobin #naïve #tschüß #random!stuff#here |
#----------------------------- # matching words {\S+} # as many non-whitespace bytes as possible {[A-Za-z'-]+} # as many letters apostrophes and hyphens #----------------------------- {\y([A-Za-z]+)\y} # usually best {\s([A-Za-z]+)\s} # fails at ends or w/ punctuation |
#----------------------------- package require Tclx set str {www.tcl.tk} set re {(?x) # allow formatting ( # capture group (?: # grouping parens (?! [-_] ) # lookahead for neither - nor _ [\w] + # hostname component \. # add domain dot )+ # repeat [A-Za-z] # next must be letter [\w-]+ # now trailing domain part ) } puts [gregsub $re $str { {host} { return "$host \[[host_info addresses $host]\]" } }] #----------------------------- set re {(?x) # replace \# # a pound (\w+) # varname \# # another pound } puts [gregsub $re $str { {var} { return [uplevel 2 "set $var"] } }] |
#----------------------------- # finding Nth occurence of a match set pond "One fish two fish red fish blue fish" set want 3 set count 0 gregsub {(?i)(\w+)\s+fish} $pond { {c} { variable want variable count incr count if {$want == $count} { puts "The third fish is a $c one" } } } #----------------------------- set fishes [regexp -all -inline -- {(?i)\w+(?=\s+fish)} $pond ] puts "The third fish is a [lindex $fishes 2] one." #----------------------------- {(?i)(?:\w+\s+fish\s+){2}(\w+)\s+fish} #----------------------------- set count 0 gregsub {(?i)(\w+)\s+fish} $pond { {c} { uplevel 2 {incr count} #or what eveer you want to do. } } #----------------------------- set count [regsub -all -- {PAT} $string {} {}] #----------------------------- set count [expr [llength [regexp -all -- {PAT} $string]] + 1] #----------------------------- # no overlapping matches. # @@INCOMPLETE@@ #----------------------------- set colors [regexp -all -inline -- {(?i)\w+(?=\s+fish)} $pond ] set color [lindex $colors 2] # with out temporary. set color [lindex [regexp -all -inline -- {(?i)\w+(?=\s+fish)} $pond ] 2] puts "The third fish in the pond is $color" #----------------------------- set evens {} foreach {a b} [regexp -all -inline -- {(?i)\w+(?=\s+fish)} $pond ] { lappend evens $b } puts "The even numbered fish are $evens" #----------------------------- # hard to do sushi. #----------------------------- set pond "One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here" set color [lindex [regexp -all -inline -- {(?i)\w+(?=\s+fish)} $pond ] end] puts "Last fish is $color" # last fish is blue #----------------------------- set re {(?x) A # find some pattern A (?! # mustn't be able to find .* # something A # and A ) $ # thru end of str } #----------------------------- set pond "One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here" if [regexp -- {(?x) \y(\w+)\s+fish\y (?!.*\yfish\y) } $pond all one] { puts "Last fish is $one" } else { puts "Failed." } # last fish is blue |
#----------------------------- argf-iter { line { puts [regsub -all -- {<.*>} $line {}] } } #----------------------------- # headerfy: change certain chapter headers to html set re {(?xn) \A # start of record ( ^Chapter # title \s+ \d+ # decimal number \s+ : .* )$ } set options(CR) "\n" argf-iter { para { variable re puts -nonewline [regsub -all -- $re $para {<H1>\1</H1>}] } } array unset options(CR) #----------------------------- set options(CR) "\n\n" argf-iter { para { gregsub {(?w)^START(.*?)^END} $para { {chunk} { puts -nonewline "chunk in $::argv has $chunk" } } } } |
#----------------------------- # reading records with a pattern separator set chunks [split [regsub -all -- {pattern} [read -nonewline $fd] "\0"] "\0"] #----------------------------- set chunks [split [regsub -all -- {(?n)^\.(Ch|Se|Ss)$} [read -nonewline $fd] "\0"] "\0"] set len [llength $chunks] puts "I read $len chunks" |
#----------------------------- # tcl does not have regexp range operators #----------------------------- set fd [open $argv] set data [split [read $fd] "\n"] regrange {BEGIN PATTERN} .. {ENDPATTERN} $data { {line} { puts ">$line" } } set fd [open $argv] set data [split [read $fd] "\n"] foreach line [lrange $data $first_line_no $last_line_no-1] { puts $line } #----------------------------- set fd [open $argv] set data [split [read $fd] "\n"] regrange {BEGIN PATTERN} ... {ENDPATTERN} $data { {line} { puts ">$line" } } set fd [open $argv] set data [split [read $fd] "\n"] foreach line [lrange $data $first_line_no-1 $last_line_no] { puts $line } #----------------------------- set fd [open $argv] set data [split [read $fd] "\n"] puts [lrange $data 15-1 17-1] # prints lines 15 .. 17 as it is indexed by 0. #----------------------------- # the perl logic is not directly portable due to absence of range operators. set in_header {} regrange {} .. {^$} $data { {line} { variable in_header lappend in_header $line } } set in_body {} regrange {^$} .. {$-^} $data { # $-^ will not match any thing thus leaving an open end. {line} { variable in_body lappend in_body $line } } #----------------------------- set fd [open $argv] set data [split [read $fd] "\n"] array set seen {} regrange {(?i)^From:?\s} .. {^$} $data { line { variable seen set ids [regexp -inline -all {[^<>(),;\s]+\@[^<>(),;\s]+} $line] foreach id $ids { if {![info exists seen($id)]} { puts $id set seen($id) 0 } else { incr seen($id) } } } } |
#----------------------------- proc glob2pat globstr { # note - we dont need to do this, we already have 'glob' command. # escapes the chars '\' '.' '+' '^' '$' '{' '}' '(' ')' set patmap { "\\" "\\\\" {.} {\.} {+} {\+} {^} {\^} {$} {\$} "{" "\{" "}" "\}" {(} {\(} {)} {\)} * .* ? . [ [ ] ] } # using a bre to avoid other regexp rules return [append {} (?b)^ [string map $patmap [join $globstr]] $] } |
#----------------------------- # tcl caches compiled regexp if it is assigned to a variable (and even if it is not, # but that is restricted to last 30) so /o in perl is not necessary here. set pattern {blue} argf-iter { line { variable pattern if [regexp -- $pattern $line] { # do something. } } } #----------------------------- set popstates {CO ON MI WI MN} while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} { foreach state $popstates { if [regexp -- $state $line] { puts $line break } } } #----------------------------- # using argf-iter set popstates {CO ON MI WI MN} argf-iter { line { variable popstates foreach state $popstates { if [regexp -- $state $line] { puts -nonewline $line break } } } } #----------------------------- set popstates {CO ON MI WI MN} set pre {while {[gets $fd line]>= 0}} set code {} foreach state $popstates { append code [subst -nocommands { if [regexp -- $state [set line]] { puts [set line] } }] } eval [lappend pre $code] #----------------------------- package require struct::list set fd [open $argv] set sw_pre {[switch -regexp {$line}} set code {} append code [::struct::list map $popstates {apply { {state} { return "$state {return 1}" } }}] lappend code {default {return 0}} set tmp {} set myproc [append tmp $sw_pre { } [list [join $code]] {]}] while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} { if [subst [subst -nocommands $myproc]] { puts $line } } #----------------------------- proc build_exp words { # return a list of lambdas that can be applied to a line to get a # result string containing matching results. return [::struct::list map $words {apply {{word} { return "line {return \[regexp $word \$line\]}" }} }] } proc func {var f} { return [apply $f $var] } proc + {a b} {return [expr ($a + $b)]} proc * {a b} {return [expr ($a * $b)]} proc build_match_func {func init words} { #return an applicable lambda. return "line {return \[::struct::list fold \[::struct::list map \[build_exp {$words}\] \[list func \$line\]\] $init $func\]}" } set match_any [build_match_func + 0 $words] set match_all [build_match_func * 1 $words] while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} { if [apply $match_all $line] { puts $line } } #----------------------------- # we cache all regex in tcl. so there is no difference here. set popstates {CO ON MI WI MN} while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} { foreach state $popstates { if [regexp -- $state $line] { puts $line break } } } |
#----------------------------- chan configure stdout -buffering none while {![eof stdin]} { if {[catch { puts -nonewline "Pattern? " gets stdin pat regexp $pat {} } err]} { puts "Invalid pattern" } } #----------------------------- proc is_valid_pattern pat { return [expr ![catch {regexp $pat {}} err]] } #----------------------------- set rexp [lindex $argv 0] if [catch "regexp $rexp {}" err] { puts "Bad Pattern $rexp: $::argv0" exit -1 } set fd [open [lindex $argv 1]] foreach para [split [regsub -all -- "\n\n" [read $fd] "\0"] "\0"] { if [regexp $rexp $para] { puts $para } } close $fd #----------------------------- set safe [interp create -safe] if [$safe eval {regexp $pat $line}] { do_something } |
#----------------------------- # perl does not support \G switch # so we are left with: gregsub {(\d+)} $str { {match} { puts "Found $match" } } #----------------------------- set n [gregsub {^( )} $str { {match} { return 0 } }] #----------------------------- gregsub {^,?(\d+)} $str { {match} { puts "Found number $match" } } #----------------------------- # tcl does not have /c modifier either. proc gmatch {exp str block} { set start 0 while 1 { if {[regexp -indices -start $start -- $exp $str idx]} { set start [expr [lindex $idx 1] + 1] apply $block [string range $str {expand}$idx] } else break } return $start } set str "The year 1752 lost 10 days on the 3rd of September" set e [gmatch {\d+} $str { {match} { puts $match } }] if [regexp -indices -start $e -- {\S+} $str idx] { puts "Found [string range $str {expand}$idx] after last number" } #----------------------------- # use the [lindex $idx end] as the pos for next regexp match.. |
#----------------------------- # try removing tags very badly regsub -all -- {<.*>} $line {} line #----------------------------- # non greedy but still bad. regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $line {} line #----------------------------- # stil wrong set txt "<b><i>this</i> and <i>that</i> are important</b> Oh, <b><i>me too!</i></b>" regexp -all -inline -- {(?x) <b><i>(.*?)</i></b> } $txt #----------------------------- {(?x)BEGIN((?:(?!BEGIN).)*)END} #----------------------------- {(?x) <b><i>( (?: (?!</b>|</i>). )* )</i></b> } #----------------------------- {(?x) <b><i>( (?: (?!</[bi]>). )* )</i></b> } #----------------------------- {(?x) <b><i> [^<]* #stuff not possibly bad and not possibly end (?: (?! </?[ib]> ) #what we cant have < [^>]* ) * </i></b> } |
#----------------------------- # no easy way to do this. # a difference in the tcl regex implementation means that if I say \1+, it immediatly # changes the definition of \1 do not know if this behavior is correct. # but it means that unlike the perl version, we print the dup words multiple times. # if they are repeated more than 2 times . # using a non capturing gropu (?:xx\1xx) did not help. set fd [open $argv] set p 0 foreach para [split [regsub -all -- "\n\n" [read -nonewline $fd] "\0"] "\0"] { incr p set start 0 while 1 { set re {\y(\S+)\y(\s+\1\y)} if {[regexp -indices -start $start -- $re $para all one two]} { puts "dup word '[string range $para {expand}$one]' at paragraph $p" set start [expr [lindex $all end] + 1] } else break } } #----------------------------- set a nobody set b bodysnatcher if [regexp -- {^(\w+)(\w+) \2(\w+)$} "$a $b" all 1 2 3] { puts "$2 overlaps in $1-$2-$3" } #----------------------------- {^(\w+?)(\w+) \2(\w+)$} #----------------------------- # prime factors set arg 180 set cap [string repeat o $arg] while {[regexp -- {^(oo+?)\1+$} $cap all one]} { puts -nonewline [string length $one] regsub -all $one $cap o cap } puts [string length $cap] #----------------------------- # diophantine set cap [string repeat o 281] if {[regexp -- {(o*)\1{11}(o*)\2{14}(o*)\3{15}$} [string repeat o 281] all 1 2 3]} { puts "One solution is x=[string length $1] y=[string length $2] z=[string length $3]" } else { puts "No match" } # One solution is x=17 y=3 z=2 #----------------------------- {^(o+)\1{11}(o+)\2{14}(o+)\3{15}$} => One solution is x=17 y=3 z=2 {^(o*?)\1{11}(o*)\2{14}(o*)\3{15}$} => One solution is x=0 y=7 z=11 {^(o+?)\1{11}(o*)\2{14}(o*)\3{15}$} => One solution is x=1 y=3 z=14 |
#----------------------------- # alpha | beta {alpha|beta} #----------------------------- # alpha & beta {(?=.*alpha)(?=.*beta)} #----------------------------- # alpha beta | beta alpha {alpha.*beta|beta.*alpha} #----------------------------- # !beta {^(?:(?!beta).)*$} #----------------------------- # !bad but good {(?=(?:(?!BAD).)*$)GOOD} # we dont have an operator like =~ or !~ in tcl so no prefered way. #----------------------------- if {[expr [regexp {pat1} $string] && [regexp {pat2} $string]]} { something } #----------------------------- if {[expr [regexp {pat1} $string] || [regexp {pat2} $string]]} { something } #----------------------------- # mini grep set pat [::struct::list shift argv] argf-iter { line { variable pat if [regexp $pat $line] { puts -nonewline $line } } } #----------------------------- regexp {(?=.*bell)(?=.*lab)} "labelled" [expr {[regexp {} bell] && [regexp {} lab]}] #----------------------------- if [regexp {(?xw) ^ # start (?= # lookahead .* bell ) (?= .* lab ) } $murray_hill] { puts "Looks like Bell Labs might be in Murray Hill!" } #----------------------------- regexp {(?:^.*bell.*lab)|(?:^.*lab.*bell)} labelled #----------------------------- set brand labelled if [regexp {(?xw) (?: # non-capturing grouper ^ .*? # any amount of stuff at the front bell # look for a bell .*? # followed by any amount of anything lab # look for a lab ) # end grouper | # otherwise, try the other direction (?: # non-capturing grouper ^ .*? # any amount of stuff at the front lab # look for a lab .*? # followed by any amount of anything bell # followed by a bell ) # end grouper } $brand] { puts "Our brand has bell and lab separate." } #----------------------------- regexp {(?w)^(?:(?!waldo).)*$} $map #----------------------------- if [regexp {(?xw) ^ # start of string (?: # non-capturing grouper (?! # look ahead negation waldo # is he ahead of us now? ) # is so, the negation failed . # any character (cuzza /s) ) * # repeat that grouping 0 or more $ # through the end of the string } $map] { puts "There's no waldo here!" } #----------------------------- {(?x) ^ # anchored to the start (?! # zero-width look-ahead assertion .* # any amount of anything (faster than .*?) ttyp # the string you don't want to find ) # end look-ahead negation; rewind to start .* # any amount of anything (faster than .*?) tchrist # now try to find Tom } |
#----------------------------- set ans [gets stdin] set safe [interp create -safe] if [$safe eval {regexp -nocase SEND $ans}] { puts {Action is send} } elseif [$safe eval {regexp -nocase STOP $ans}] { puts {Action is stop} } elseif [$safe eval {regexp -nocase START $ans}] { puts {Action is start} } elseif [$safe eval {regexp -nocase ABORT $ans}] { puts {Action is abort} } elseif [$safe eval {regexp -nocase LIST $ans}] { puts {Action is list} } elseif [$safe eval {regexp -nocase EDIT $ans}] { puts {Action is edit} } #----------------------------- set ans [gets stdin] set safe [interp create -safe] proc smatch {exp data} { variable safe return [$safe eval [list regexp -nocase $exp $data]] } set actions {SEND STOP START ABORT LIST EDIT} foreach act $actions { if [smatch $act $ans] { puts "Action is [string tolower $act]" } } #----------------------------- set errors 0 argf-iter { cmd { variable errors switch -regexp $cmd { edit invoke_editor send deliver_message list {$pager $file} abort { puts {see you} exit } default { puts "unknown command $cmd" incr errors } } } } |
#----------------------------- set urls {(http|telnet|gopher|file|wais|ftp)} set ltrs {\w} set gunk {/#~:.?+=&%@!\-} set punc {.:?\-} set any "$ltrs$gunk$punc" argf-iter { line { variable urls variable ltrs variable gunk variable punc variable any #puts [subst -nocommands (?x) regsub -all [subst -nocommands {(?x) \\y ( $urls : [$any] +? ) (?= [$punc]* [^$any] | $ ) }] $line {<A HREF="\1">\1</A>} line puts $line } } |
#----------------------------- {(?i)^m*(d?c{0,3}|c[dm])(l?x{0,3}|x[lc])(v?i{0,3}|i[vx])$} #----------------------------- regsub {(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)} $str {\3\2\1} str #----------------------------- {(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$} # keyword is $1, value is $2 #----------------------------- {.{80,}} #----------------------------- {(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)} #----------------------------- regsub -all {/usr/bin} $str {/usr/local/bin} str #----------------------------- gregsub {%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])} $str { {match} { return [format %x $match] } } #----------------------------- regsub -all {(?x) /\* # Match the opening delimiter .*? # Match a minimal number of characters \*/ # Match the closing delimiter } $str {} #----------------------------- regsub {^\s+} $str {} str regsub {\s+$} $str {} str # but really, in Ruby we'd just do: string trim $str #----------------------------- regsub -all {\\n} $str "\n" str #----------------------------- regsub -all {^.*::} $str {} str #----------------------------- {(?x)^([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\. ([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$} #----------------------------- regsub {.*$/|} $str {} str #----------------------------- set cols { } if [info exists env::(TERMCAP)] { set cols $::env(TERMCAP) } if [regexp {:co#(\d+):} $cols all one] { set cols $one } { set cols 80 } #----------------------------- set name [regsub -all { /\S+/|} "$::argv0 $argv" { }] #----------------------------- if {![regexp -nocase {linux} $tcl_platform(os)]} { error "This isn't Linux" } #----------------------------- regsub -all {\n\s+} $str {} str #----------------------------- regexp -all {\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+} $line nums #----------------------------- # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # no direct translation for \W # regexp -all {\y[^\Wa-z0-9_]+\y} $line capword #----------------------------- # regexp -all {\y[^\WA-Z0-9_]+\y} $line lowords #----------------------------- # regexp -all {\y[^\Wa-z0-9_][^\WA-Z0-9_]*\y} $line icwords #----------------------------- regexp -all {<A[^>]+?HREF\s*=\s*["']?([^'" >]+?)[ '"]?>} $line links #----------------------------- set initial {} regexp {^\S+\s+(\S)\S*\s+\S} $line all initial #----------------------------- # @@INCOMPLETE@@ #----------------------------- set sentences {} foreach para [split [regsub -all -- "\n\n" [read -nonewline $fd] "\0"] "\0"] { regsub -all -- "\n" $para { } para regsub -all -- { {3,}} $para { } para lappend sentences [regexp -all -inline {\S.*?[!?.](?= |\Z)}] } #----------------------------- {(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)} # YYYY in $1, MM in $2, DD in $3 #----------------------------- # @@INCOMPLETE@@ #----------------------------- {(?i)\yoh\s+my\s+gh?o(d(dess(es)?|s?)|odness|sh)\y} #----------------------------- # @@INCOMPLETE@@ |