require 'net/ftp' begin ftp = Net::FTP::new("") ftp.login(username,password) ftp.chdir(directory) ftp.get(filename) ftp.put(filename) rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.print "FTP failed: " + $! ensure ftp.close() if ftp end # A better solution for a local use could be : Net::FTP::new("") do |ftp| ftp.login(username,password) ftp.chdir(directory) ftp.get(filename) ftp.put(filename) end # If you have only one file to get, there is a simple solution : require 'open-uri' open("") do |fh| # read from filehandle fh end #-------------------------------------------- # to wait a defined time for the connection, # use the timeout module require 'timeout' begin timeout(30){ ftp = Net::FTP::new("") ftp.debug_mode = true } rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.puts "Couldn't connect." rescue Timeout::Error $stderr.puts "Timeout while connecting to server." end begin ftp.login() rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.print "Couldn't authentificate.\n" end begin ftp.login(username) rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.print "Still couldn't authenticate.\n" end begin ftp.login(username, password) rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.print "Couldn't authenticate, even with explicit username and password.\n" end begin ftp.login(username, password, account) rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.print "No dice. It hates me.\n" end #----------------------------- ftp.put(localfile, remotefile) #----------------------------- # Sending data from STDIN is not directly supported # by the ftp library module. A possible way to do it is to use the # storlines method directly to send raw commands to the ftp server. #----------------------------- ftp.get(remotefile, localfile) #----------------------------- ftp.get(remotefile) { |data| puts data } #----------------------------- ftp.chdir("/pub/ruby") print "I'm in the directory ", ftp.pwd(), "\n" #----------------------------- ftp.mkdir("/pub/ruby/new_dir") #----------------------------- lines ="/pub/ruby/") # => ["drwxr-xr-x 2 matz users 4096 July 17 1998 1.0", ... ] latest = ftp.dir("/pub/ruby/*.tgz").sort.last ftp.nlst("/pub/ruby") # => ["/pub/ruby/1.0", ... ] #----------------------------- ftp.quit() |
require 'net/telnet' t = Net::Telnet::new( "Timeout" => 10, "Prompt" => /%/, "Host" => host ) t.login(username, password) files = t.cmd("ls") t.print("top") process_string = t.waitfor(/\d+ processes/) t.close #----------------------------- /[$%#>] \z/n #----------------------------- # In case of an error, the telnet module throws an exception. # For control of the behavior in case of an error, # you just need to catch the exceptions and do your custom # error handling. #----------------------------- begin telnet.login(username, password) rescue TimeoutError fail "Login failed !\n" end #----------------------------- telnet.waitfor('/--more--/') #----------------------------- telnet.waitfor(String => 'greasy smoke', Timeout => 30) |
require 'ping' puts "#{host} is alive.\n" if Ping.pingecho(host); #----------------------------- # the ping module only use TCP ping, not ICMP even if we are root if Ping.pingecho("") puts "The giant ape lives!\n"; else puts "All hail mighty Gamera, friend of children!\n"; end |