10. Subroutines


// Here, in this simple example, 'greeted', is used as a 'global'

// variable. In a more complex program, however, this would not be

// the case [subsequent sections exlain why]

int greeted;

// ----

void hello()
  write("hi there!, this procedure has been called %d times\n", ++greeted);

int how_many_greetings()
  return greeted;

// ------------

int main()
  int greetings = how_many_greetings();
  write("bye there!, there have been %d greetings so far\n", greetings);

// ----------------------------

// Alternate means of defining functions [could, optionally, have also

// included type information in 'function' declaration]; could also

// have been done within scope of 'main'

int greeted;

// ----

function hello = lambda()
    write("hi there!, this procedure has been called %d times\n", ++greeted);

function how_many_greetings = lambda() { return greeted; };

// ------------

int main()
  int greetings = how_many_greetings();
  write("bye there!, there have been %d greetings so far\n", greetings);

Accessing Subroutine Arguments

// Subroutine parameters are named, that is, access to these items from

// within a function is reliant on their being named in the parameter

// list [together with mandatory type information], something which is

// in line with many other commonly-used languages

float hypotenuse(float side1, float side2)
  // Arguments passed to this function are accessable as, 'side1',

  // and 'side2', respectively, and each is expected to be a 'float'

  // type

  return side1 * side1 + side2 * side2;

// ----

// 'side1' -> 3.0

// 'side2' -> 4.0

float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0);

// ------------

// However, Pike also allows parameters [and return types where applicable]:

// * To have one of a set of types [see (1)]

// * To have a generic type [see (2)]

// * To be optional, in which case any arguments are packaged as an

//   array, and array notation needed to access each item [see (3)]

// (1). Here the function will accept either 'int' or 'float'

// arguments, and perform runtime type checking to identify what is

// supplied

float hypotenuse(int|float side1, int|float side2)
  // If 'int' arguments passed. convert to 'float'

  float s1 = intp(side1) ? (float) side1 : side1;
  float s2 = intp(side2) ? (float) side2 : side2;

  return s1 * s1 + s2 * s2;

// ----

// Both are legal calls

float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0);
float diag = hypotenuse(3, 4);

// ------------

// (2). Here the function still expects to be called with two arguments 

// but each may be of *any* type [admittedly a very contrived example

// of little utility except for illustrative value]. Such a function

// is almost entirely reliant on careful runtime type checking if it

// is to behave reliably

float hypotenuse(mixed side1, mixed side2)
  if (stringp(side1)) { ... }
  if (arrayp(side1)) { ... }
  if (objectp(side1)) { ... }

// ----

// All are legal calls

float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0);
float diag = hypotenuse(3, 4);
float diag = hypotenuse("3", "4");
float diag = hypotenuse(({3}), ({4}));

// ------------

// (3). Here, the function is defined to accept two, mandatory

// parameters [still accessable via name], then a set of zero or more

// optional parameters, which are accessable within the function body

// via an array [the placeholder, 'args', represents an array of zero

// or more elements each corresponding to one of the passed arguments

float hypotenuse(float side1, mixed side2, mixed ... args)
  // Mandatory parameters still accessable as usual

  ... side1 ... side2 ...

  // Total number of arguments passed to function determinable via:

  int total_passed_args = query_num_arg();
  // 'args' contains all optional arguments: 0 - N

  int optional_args = sizeof(args);

  // Process variable arguments ...

  foreach(args, mixed arg)
    ... if (strinp(arg)) { ... }


// ----

// All are legal calls

float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0);
float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0, "a");
float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0, lambda(){ return 5; }, "fff");
float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0, 1, "x", ({ 6, 7, 9 }));

// ----------------------------

// Modifies copy

array(int|float) int_all(array(int|float) arr)
  array(int|float) retarr = copy_value(arr);
  int i; for(int i; i < sizeof(retarr); ++i) { retarr[i] = (int) arr[i]; }
  return retarr;

// Modifies original

array(int|float) trunc_all(array(int|float) arr)
  int i; for(int i; i < sizeof(arr); ++i) { arr[i] = (int) arr[i]; }
  return arr;

// ----

array(int|float) nums = ({1.4, 3.5, 6.7});

// Copy modified - 'ints' and 'nums' separate arrays

array(int|float) ints = int_all(nums);
write("%O\n", nums);
write("%O\n", ints);

// Original modified - 'ints' acts as alias for 'nums'

ints = trunc_all(nums);
write("%O\n", nums);
write("%O\n", ints);

Making Variables Private to a Function

void some_func()
  // Variables declared within a function are local to that function

  mixed variable = something;

// ----------------------------

// Assuming these are defined at file level, that is, outside of 'main'

// or any other function they are accessable by every other member of

// the same file [and if this file (read: class or program) is the

// only one comprising the 'system', they are effectively 'global']

string name = argv[1]; int age = (int) argv[2];

int c = fetch_time();

int condition;

// ------------

int run_check()
  condition = 1;

int check_x(int x)
  string y = "whatever";

  // Whilst 'run_check' has access to 'name', 'age', and 'c' [because

  // these are declared at a higher scope], it does not have access to

  // 'y' or any other locally defined variable


  // 'run_check' will have updated 'condition'

  if (condition) write("got x: %d\n", x);

Creating Persistent Private Variables

// Pike does not implement C style 'static' variables [i.e. persisent

// local variables], nor does it implement C++ style 'class variables'

// [oddly enough, also implemented in C++ via use of the 'static'

// keyword], both of which could be used to implement solutions to the

// problems presented in this section. Also, there is no direct

// equivalent to Perl's 'BEGIN' block [closest equivalent is the

// class 'create' method]. So, to solve a problem like implementing a

// 'counter':


// * Use Pike's OOP facilities [simple, natural]

// * Use closures [somewhat unwieldly, but possible]

// OOP Approach

class Counter
  private int counter;

  static void create(int start) { counter = start; }
  public int next() { return ++counter; }
  public int prev() { return --counter; }

// ----

int main()
  Counter counter = Counter(42);

  write("%d\n", counter->next());
  write("%d\n", counter->prev());

// ----------------------------

// A refinement of the previous implementation that mimics 'static'

// variables

class Static
  // 'static' variable that is shared by all instance of 'Counter'

  int counter;

  class Counter
    public int next() { return ++counter; }
    public int prev() { return --counter; }

  Counter make() { return Counter(); }

  public void create(int counter_) { counter = counter_; }

// ----

int main()
  Static mkst = Static(42);

  Static.Counter counter_1 = mkst->make();
  Static.Counter counter_2 = mkst->make();

  // Same value of, 'counter', is accessed by each object

  write("%d\n", counter_1->next());
  write("%d\n", counter_1->next());

  write("%d\n", counter_2->next());
  write("%d\n", counter_2->prev());

// ----------------------------

// Closure Approach [Admittedly somewhat contrived: a Scheme overdose ;) !]

function(string : function(void : int)) make_counter(int start)
  int counter = start;
  int next_counter() { return ++counter; };
  int prev_counter() { return --counter; };
    lambda(string op)
      if (op == "next") return next_counter;
      if (op == "prev") return prev_counter;
      return 0;

int next_counter(function(string : function(void : int)) counter)
  return counter("next")();

int prev_counter(function(string : function(void : int)) counter)
  return counter("prev")();

// ----

int main()
  function(string : function(void : int)) counter = make_counter(42);

  write("%d\n", next_counter(counter));
  write("%d\n", prev_counter(counter));

Determining Current Function Name

// It's possible to obtain a great deal of program metadata through the

// following sets of library functions:


// * 'this_object', and the sets of 'object_...' and 'program_...'

//   functions

// * 'Program' module [provides object inheritance metadata]


// The use of, 'this_object', in particular, allows the current object

// instance to be interrogated like a hash table i.e. all variables and

// methods are accessable as hash table entries.


// Unfortunately, however, it doesn't appear possible to obtain the

// current method / function name, at least, not without resorting

// to tricks like embedding a string in each method explicitly naming

// it.


// An example of program metadata use appears in chapter 'Objects and

// Ties'. Since the function name cannot, AFAICT, be obtained, the

// current section is not implemented.


Passing Arrays and Hashes by Reference

// Procedure parameters are passed by reference [read: the handle or

// address (or whatever) of an object is passed and is used to uniquely

// identify that object], so there is no special treatment required.

// If an argument represents a mutable object then care should be taken

// to not mutate the object within the function, either by making a copy

// of the object [e.g. use 'copy_value' to clone it], or by using a

// 'read-only' control structure like 'foreach' [if applicable] to

// access it

int|array(int) array_diff(array(int) a, array(int) b)
  // Ensure an array copy is made ...

  int|array(int) ret = sizeof(a) != sizeof(b) ? 0 : copy_value(a);
  if (!ret) ret;

  // ... transformed, and returned

  for (int i; i < sizeof(ret); ++i) { ret[i] -= b[i]; }; return ret;

// ----------------------------

int|array(int) add_vec_pair(array(int) a, array(int) b)
  int vecsize = sizeof(a);

  // Ensure an array copy is made ...

  int|array(int) ret = vecsize != sizeof(b) ? 0 : allocate(vecsize);
  if (!ret) ret;

  // ... transformed, and returned

  for (int i; i < vecsize; ++i) { ret[i] = a[i] + b[i]; }; return ret;

// ----

array(int) a = ({1, 2}), b = ({5, 8});
array(int) c = add_vec_pair(a, b);
write("%O\n", c);

Detecting Return Context

// Just as for subroutine parameters, Pike allows variation in return

// types, where it may be of a specific type, one of a set of types, or

// a generic return type. Whilst the Perl examples require that the

// user to nominate a return type when the function is called, in Pike

// it is handled in one of two ways:


// * Ensure function and receiving variable type match [see (1)]

// * Use generic receiving variable, and type check [see (2)]

// (1). Subroutine has set of return types. Whilst type checking

// does occur [thus user code only need handle these known types

// because other types won't be allowed], caller/ receiver needs to

// type check so as correctly handle known cases

int|array(int)|string mysub()
  return 5;
  return ({5});
  return "5";

// ----

int|array(int)|string receiver = mysub();

if (intp(receiver)) { ... }
if (arrayp(receiver)) { ... }
if (stringp(receiver)) { ... }

// ----------------------------

// (2). Subroutine has generic return type, so no type checking occurs.

// It is up to the caller / receiver to thoroughly type check lest

// some unforseen type be returned and possibly mishandled

mixed mysub()
  return 5;
  return ({5});
  return "5";

// ----

mixed receiver = mysub();

if (intp(receiver)) { ... }
if (arrayp(receiver)) { ... }
if (stringp(receiver)) { ... }

Passing by Named Parameter

// Pike doesn't directly support named / keyword parameters, but these

// can be easily mimiced using an array of mappings as function arguments

// The mappings, themselves, could be implemented via a custom class

// [see (1)], or via the 'mapping'type [see (2) - Perl examples]

// (1)

class KeyedValue
  string key; mixed value;

  static void create(string key_, mixed value_)
    key = key_; value = value_;

void the_func(array(KeyedValue) keyargs)
  foreach(keyargs, KeyedValue kv)
    write("Key: %10s|Value: %10O\n", kv->key, kv->value);

// ----

int main()
  array(KeyedValue) keyargs =
    aggregate(KeyedValue("name", "Bob"),
              KeyedValue("age", 36),
              KeyedValue("income", 51000));


// ----------------------------

// (2)

class RaceTime
  int time; string dim;

  static void create(int time_, string dim_)
    time = time_; dim = dim_;

void the_func(mapping(string : RaceTime) ... args)
  int start_time, finish_time, increment_time;
  string start_dim, finish_dim, increment_dim;

  foreach(args, mapping(string : RaceTime) arg)
    arg["start"] && (start_time = arg["start"]->time, start_dim = arg["start"]->dim);
    arg["finish"] && (finish_time = arg["finish"]->time, finish_dim = arg["finish"]->dim);
    arg["increment"] && (increment_time = arg["increment"]->time, increment_dim = arg["increment"]->dim);

  write("times: start %d, finish %d, increment %d\n",
        start_time, finish_time, increment_time);

// ----

int main()
  array(mapping(string : RaceTime)) named_args =
      (["increment" : RaceTime(20, "s")]),
      (["start" : RaceTime(5, "m")]),
      (["finish" : RaceTime(3, "m")]) });

  // Package arguments as array for passing to function


  named_args =
      (["start" : RaceTime(5, "m")]),
      (["finish" : RaceTime(30, "m")]) });

  // Ditto


  // Pass argument(s) directly in argument list

  the_func((["finish" : RaceTime(30, "m")]));

Skipping Selected Return Values

// It is languages that support pattern matching, such as Prolog, Oz and

// SML, that tend to offer such facilities. These languages all offer

// a 'match all and throw away' operator that can be used in place of 

// an identifier name(s), and have the resultant value(s) be discarded.

// Such a facility helps keep code uncluttered because only values

// that are required need to be named.


// Pike does not implement pattern matching, so does not sport such an

// operator, nor any equivalent facility. Thus, none of the examples in

// this section are directly implementable.


Returning More Than One Array or Hash

// Pike supports the return of a single value from a function. Where

// multiple values need to be returned, they can be packaged as an

// aggregate such as an array or mapping, and *that* item returned.

// The caller / receiver would, of course, be responsible for

// appropriately extracting required elements from that returned item

// (this process could be hardcoded, or generalised using extensive

// runtime type checking). Alternatively, a custom class encapsulating

// the return values can be used and an instance of that item returned

// and processed


array(mixed) somefunc()
  array(int) arr = ({1, 2, 3});
  mapping(string : int) hash = (["x" : 1, "y" : 2, "z" : 3]);

  // Return an array containing an array and a hash

  return aggregate(arr, hash);

// ----

// Get return array

array(mixed) arr = somefunc();

// Extract and process elements

foreach(arr, mixed item)
  write("Return item has type: %t, value: %O\n", item, item);

// ----------------------------

class RetValues
  array(int) arr; mapping(string : int) hash;

  static void create()
    arr = aggregate(1, 2, 3);
    hash = aggregate_mapping("x", 1, "y", 2, "z", 3);
RetValues somefunc() { return RetValues(); }

// ----

RetValues rv = RetValues();

write("Return item has type: %t, value: %O\n", rv->arr, rv->arr);
write("Return item has type: %t, value: %O\n", rv->hash, rv->hash);

Returning Failure

// Pike offers a very simple, consistent means of 'returning failure':

// return 0 [representing 'false'] when a task does not succeed, otherwise

// return whatever was the expected value. This design is extensively

// used in the Pike library, and is well supported by the language in

// that:

// * Alternate return types may be specified

// * A 'mixed' return type, indicating possible return of any type

//   value, may be used

void die(string msg, void|int(1..256) rc) { werror(msg + NEWLINE); exit(rc ? rc : PROBLEM); }

// ----

int|array(string) afunc()

  if (ok)
    // ... return an array ...

    // failure, so return 0

    return 0;

// ----

int main()
  int|array(string) arr = afunc();

  if (!arr) die("Error with 'afunc' ...");

  // ok, so use 'arr' ...


Prototyping Functions

// Whether Pike is seen to support prototyping depends on the definition

// of this term used:


// * Prototyping along the lines used in Ada, Modula X, and even C / C++,

//   in which a procedure's interface is declared separately from its

//   implementation, is *not* supported


// * Prototyping in which, as part of the procedure definition, parameter

//   information must be supplied. This is a requirement in Pike in that

//   parameter number, names and type, must be given. Return types must

//   also be specified, but there is an exeption when using lambdas

void func_with_no_arg() { ... }

void func_with_one_arg(int arg1) { ... }

void func_with_two_arg(int arg1, string arg2) { ... }

void func_with_three_arg(int arg1, string arg2, float arg3) { ...}

// ----

// Return type, 'void', specified 

function f = lambda(int arg1 : void) { ... }

// Return type not specified, defaults to 'mixed'

function g = lambda(int arg1) { ... }

Handling Exceptions

// Like so many modern languages, Pike implements exception handling

// using the 'catch' and 'throw' keywords 

// ----

// Not exactly like the Perl example, but a way of immediately exiting

// from an application [note: using, 'exit', prevents any of the 'atexit'

// call backs from executing, so application cleanup may be compromised]

void die(string msg, void|int(1..256) rc) { werror(msg + NEWLINE); exit(rc ? rc : PROBLEM); }

// ----

die("some message");

// ----------------------------

int(0..1) rmAll(array(string) filelist)
  // 'result' will be 0 if the 'catch' block succeeds

  mixed result = catch
    foreach(filelist, string filename) { rm(filename) || throw(PROBLEM); }

  // Return value of 'catch' block can be tested, and appropriate

  // action taken; here, a non-zero return code will be returned

  // [like many library functions] to indicate failure

  return result == OK;

// ----

// Attempt to remove the following files ...

array(string) files = ({"...", "...", "..."});

rmAll(files) || die("Could not remove all files - exiting");

Saving Global Values

// Global variable

int age = 18;

// ----

void print_age()
  // Global value, 'age', is accessed

  write("Age is %d\n", age);

// ------------

int main()
  // A local variable named, 'age' will act to 'shadow' the globally

  // defined version, thus any changes to, 'age', will not affect

  // the global version

  int age = 5;

  // Prints 18, the current value of the global version


  // Local version is altered, *not* global version

  age = 23;

  // Prints 18, the current value of the global version


// ----------------------------

// Global variable

int age = 18;

// ----

void print_age()
  // Global value, 'age', is accessed

  write("Age is %d\n", age);

// ------------

int main()
  // Here no local version declared: any changes affect global version

  age = 5;

  // Prints 5, the new value of the global version


  // Global version again altered

  age = 23;

  // Prints 23, the new value of the global version


// ----------------------------

// Global variable

int age = 18;

// ----

void print_age()
  // Global value, 'age', is accessed

  write("Age is %d\n", age);

// ------------

int main()
  // Global version value saved into local version

  int age = global::age;

  // Prints 18, the new value of the global version


  // Global version this time altered

  global::age = 23;

  // Prints 23, the new value of the global version


  // Global version value restored from saved local version

  global::age = age;

  // Prints 18, the restored value of the global version


Redefining a Function

// Define functions - will be considered constant / unchangeable

void grow() { write("grow\n"); }
void shrink() { write("shrink\n"); }

// ----

// Execute functions: 'grow', 'shrink' output respectively

grow(); shrink();

// Attempt to redefine, 'grow' fails because it is considered a

// constant value:


//   grow = shrink;


// However, it is possible to bind 'shrink' to a new local variable

// called, 'grow'

function grow = shrink;

// Execute functions: 'shrink', 'shrink' output respectively because

// local 'grow' shadows global version, and it is referencing the

// code for 'shrink'

grow(); shrink();

// ------------

// Define functions by assigning lambdas to global variables

function(void : void) grow = lambda() { write("grow\n"); }
function(void : void) shrink = lambda() { write("shrink\n"); }

// ----

// Execute functions: 'grow', 'shrink' output respectively

grow(); shrink();

// Attempt to redefine, 'grow' successful since a simple variable

// assignment is being performed

grow = shrink;

// Execute functions: 'shrink', 'shrink' output respectively - 'grow'

// has, effectively, been 'redefined' [note: reference to original

// 'grow' code has been lost (but it could have been saved, then

// restored)]

grow(); shrink();

// ----------------------------

function barney = lambda() { ... };

// ...

// 'fred' is now an alias for the code attached to 'barney'

function fred = barney;

// ----------------------------

function red = lambda(string text)
    return "<FONT COLOR='red'>" + text + "</FONT>";

// ----

write("%s\n", red("careful here"));

// ------------

function colour_font = lambda(string colour, string text)
    return "<FONT COLOR='" + colour + "'>" + text + "</FONT>";

function red = lambda(string text) { return colour_font("red", text); };
function green = lambda(string text) { return colour_font("green", text); };

// ... more 'colour' functions ...

// ----

write("%s\n", red("careful here"));
write("%s\n", green("careful there"));
// ... 

// ------------

// Pike offers the 'compile' family of functions that allow for the

// runtime compilation and [in combinaton with other Pike functions]

// the subsequent execution, of Pike code, obtained either as a

// dynamically-generated string, or loaded from file / URL. This,

// AFAICT, is the Pike feature closest to that of the 'eval' function

// found in languages like Scheme. The example here is rather

// contrived and unwieldly, but it does show how code is generated,

// compiled, and executed, and it *does* closely follow the Perl code


// Assemble text needed to build function

string build_colour_func(string colour)
  // Could also use library function, 'sprintf', to build string

  string bodytext = "\"<FONT COLOR='" + colour + "'>\" + text + \"</FONT>\"";
  return "string " + colour + "(string text) { return " + bodytext + "; };";

int main(int argc, array(string) argv)
  // 1. Generate source code. A function is built for each colour by

  //    calling, 'build_colour_func', and all the text collected into

  //    'cf_text'

  array(string) colours =
    ({"red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "purple", "violet"});

  string cf_text = "";

  foreach(colours, string colour)
    cf_text += build_colour_func(colour);

  // 2. Compile generated source code, and make it accessable to the

  //    current program. These two steps are, here, combined for brevity,

  //    but consist of the following:


  //        program prog = compile_string(cf_text);

  //        object cf_code = prog();


  //    The latter step sees the code's 'create' method called for

  //    initialisation, and also makes items accessable via:


  //        cf_code[ITEMNAME]


  //    For example, the function, 'red', may be:

  //        referenced -> cf_code["red"]

  //        applied    -> cf_code["red"](" ... ")


  object cf_code = compile_string(cf_text)();

  // 3. Apply the generated functions

  mapping(string:string) colours_and_text = 
    (["red":"baron", "blue":"zephyr", "green":"beret",
      "yellow":"ribbon", "orange":"county", "purple":"haze",

  foreach(indices(colours_and_text), string colour)
    // Get relevant function

    function colour_func = cf_code[colour];

    // Apply function with relevant argument(s)

    write("%s\n", colour_func(colours_and_text[colour]));

    // Or, above lines can be replaced with:

    //     write("%s\n", cf_code[colour](colours_and_text[colour]));


Trapping Undefined Function Calls with AUTOLOAD


// in your class

  mapping functions = ([]);
  function `->(string fun) 
      functions[fun]=lambda(mixed|void ... args)
                       return sprintf("<FONT COLOR=%s>%{%s %}</FONT>", fun, args); 
    return functions[fun];

// then outside


Nesting Subroutines

// Alternate, though identically-behaving, nested subroutine definitions

int outer(int arg)
  int x = arg + 35;
  int inner() { return x * 19; };
  return x + inner();

// ------------

int outer(int arg)
  int x = arg + 35;
  function(void : int) inner = lambda() { return x * 19; };
  return x + inner();

// ------------

function outer = lambda(int arg)
    int x = arg + 35;
    return (lambda() { return x * 19; })() + x;

// ------------

function(int : int) outer = lambda(int arg)
    int x = arg + 35;
    return (lambda() { return x * 19; })() + x;

Program: Sorting Your Mail