A. Helpers

// (this section is optional; use it if you need to import very

// generic stuff for the whole code)


// Note: To avoid clutter each example will only include any necessary

// code. However, it should be understood that:


// * The following constants need to be defined:


//    constant FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1, PROBLEM = 1, OK = 0,

//      EOF = -1, NULL = "", NEWLINE = "\n", LF = 10, SPACE = 32;


// * Each example needs to be enclosed within the following block:


//    int main(int argc, array(string) argv)

//    {

//      ...

//    }


//   where a 'main' is not provided. Also:


//   - Any function definitions would ordinarily be placed

//     before, and outside of, 'main'

//   - Variables can be assumed to be locals residing in 'main';

//     any 'global' variables will be defined at the start of the

//     code example prior to any function definitions

// ----------------------------

string chop(string s, void|int size)
  int length = sizeof(s);
  return size > 0 && size < length ? s[..length - (size + 1)] : s;