5. Hashes


# To associate keys with values, PicoLisp uses (besides the built-in database)
# 1. Symbol properties ('put', 'get', ':' etc.)
# 2. Association lists ('assoc', 'asoq', 'get')
# 3. Binary trees ('idx', 'lup')
# For the examples in this section we use association lists
(de Age
   (Nat . 24)
   (Jules . 25)
   (Josh . 17) )
(push 'Age
   (cons 'Nat 24)
   (cons 'Jules 25)
   (cons 'Josh 17) )
(de FoodColor
   (Apple . "red")
   (Banana . "yellow")
   (Lemon . "yellow")
   (Carrot . "orange") )

Adding an Element to a Hash

# FoodColor defined per the introduction
(push 'FoodColor '(Raspberry . "pink"))

: (prinl "Known foods:") (for F FoodColor (println (car F)))
Known foods:

Testing for the Presence of a Key in a Hash

# FoodColor per the introduction
: (for Name '("Banana", "Martini")
   (prinl Name (if (assoc Name FoodColor) " is a food." " is a drink.")) )
Banana is a food.
Martini is a drink.

Deleting from a Hash

(del Key Var)
# FoodColor per the introduction
(de printFoods ()
   (prin "Keys: ")
   (apply println (mapcar car FoodColor))
   (prin "Values: ")
   (apply println (mapcar cdr FoodColor)) )

(prinl "Initially:")
(prinl "With Banana undef:")
(del (assoc 'Banana FoodColor) 'FoodColor)
Keys: Raspberry Apple Banana Lemon Carrot
Values: "pink" "red" "yellow" "yellow" "orange"

With Banana undef:
Keys: Raspberry Apple Lemon Carrot
Values: "pink" "red" "yellow" "orange"

Traversing a Hash

# FoodColor as per the introduction
: (for F FoodColor
   (prinl (car F) " is " (cdr F)) )
Apple is red
Banana is yellow
Lemon is yellow
Carrot is orange

: (mapc
   '((Food Color) (prinl Food " is " Color))
   (mapcar car FoodColor)
   (mapcar cdr FoodColor) )
Apple is red
Banana is yellow
Lemon is yellow
Carrot is orange
: (for F (sort FoodColor)
   (prinl (car F) " is " (cdr F)) )
Apple is red
Banana is yellow
Carrot is orange
Lemon is yellow
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(load "@lib/misc.l")

(in (opt)
   (until (eof)
      (when (match '(~(chop "From: ") @From) (line))
         (accu 'From @From 1) ) ) )

(for Person (sort From)
   (prinl (car Person) ": " (cdr Person)) )



Printing a Hash

# FoodColor as per the introduction
: FoodColor
-> ((Apple . "red") (Banana . "yellow") (Lemon . "yellow") (Carrot . "orange"))

: (mapc println FoodColor)
(Apple . "red")
(Banana . "yellow")
(Lemon . "yellow")
(Carrot . "orange")

: (for X FoodColor
   (prinl (car X) " => " (cdr X)) )
Apple => red
Banana => yellow
Lemon => yellow
Carrot => orange

Retrieving from a Hash in Insertion Order

(queue 'FoodColor (cons 'Banana "Yellow"))
(queue 'FoodColor (cons 'Apple "Green"))
(queue 'FoodColor (cons 'Lemon "Yellow"))

: FoodColor
-> ((Banana . "Yellow") (Apple . "Green") (Lemon . "Yellow"))

# In insertion order, the foods are:
: (for Food FoodColor
   (prinl "   " (car Food)) )
In insertion order, the foods are:

# Still in insertion order, the foods' colors are:
: (for Food FoodColor
   (prinl (car Food) " is colored " (cdr Food) ".") )
Banana is colored Yellow.
Apple is colored Green.
Lemon is colored Yellow.

Hashes with Multiple Values Per Key

: (setq Ttys
         (in '(who)
               (while (read)
                  (link (cons @ (read)))
                  (line) ) ) ) ) ) )
-> ((abu tty1 pts/1 pts/3 pts/4 pts/5) (root tty2))

: (for U Ttys
   (prin (car U) ": ")
   (apply println (cdr U)) )
abu: tty1 pts/1 pts/3 pts/4 pts/5
root: tty2
(for U Ttys
   (prinl (car U) ": " (length (cdr U)) " ttys.")
   (for Tty (sort (cdr U))
      (prinl "^I" Tty " (owned by " (car U) ")") ) )
# Delete all pts/3 .. pts/5
(for U Ttys
   (con U (diff (cdr U) '(pts/3 pts/4 pts/5))) )

: Ttys
-> ((abu tty1 pts/1) (root tty2))

Inverting a Hash

   Surname '((Mickey . Mantle) (Babe . Ruth))
   FirstName (mapcar '((X) (cons (cdr X) (car X))) Surname) )

: (get FirstName 'Mantle)
-> Mickey
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(ifn (argv Given)
   (out 2 (prinl "usage: foodfind food_or_color"))

   (de Color
      ("Apple" . "red")
      ("Banana" . "yellow")
      ("Lemon" . "yellow")
      ("Carrot" . "orange") )

   (when (assoc Given Color)
      (prinl Given " is a food with color " (cdr @) ".") )
   (when (find '((X) (= Given (cdr X))) Color)
      (prinl (car @) "  is a food with color " Given ".") ) )


# FoodColor as per the introduction
: (extract
   '((F) (and (= "yellow" (cdr F)) (car F)))
   FoodColor )
-> (Banana Lemon)

Sorting a Hash

: (setq FoodColor (sort FoodColor))
-> ((Apple . "red") (Banana . "yellow") (Carrot . "orange") (Lemon . "yellow"))

: (setq FoodColor (by cdr sort FoodColor))
-> ((Carrot . "orange") (Apple . "red") (Banana . "yellow") (Lemon . "yellow"))

Merging Hashes

# FoodColor per the introduction
   DrinkColor '((Galliano . "yellow") ("Mai Tai" . "blue"))
   IngestedColor (append FoodColor DrinkColor) )
: (setq AllColors (uniq (mapcar cdr IngestedColor)))
-> ("red" "yellow" "orange" "blue")

Finding Common or Different Keys in Two Hashes

# FoodColor per the introduction
# CitrusColor is a hash mapping citrus food name to its color.
(de CitrusColor
   (Lemon . "yellow")
   (Orange . "orange")
   (Lime . "green") )

# build up a list of non-citrus foods
: (filter '((F) (not (assoc (car F) CitrusColor))) FoodColor)
-> ((Apple . "red") (Banana . "yellow") (Carrot . "orange"))

Hashing References

(setq Files
      '((File) (and (info File) (cons File (car @))))
      '("/etc/termcap", "/vmunix", "/bin/cat") ) )

(prinl "open files " (glue ", " (mapcar car Files)))
(for F Files
   (prinl (car F) " is " (cdr F) " bytes long.") )

Presizing a Hash

# Has no meaning in PicoLisp. All data structures grow dynamically.

Finding the Most Common Anything

: (off Count)
-> NIL
: (for Element '(a b c b c d)
   (accu 'Count Element 1) )
-> (d . 1)
: Count
-> ((d . 1) (c . 2) (b . 2) (a . 1))

Representing Relationships Between Data

(de Father
   (Cain . Adam)
   (Abel . Adam)
   (Seth . Adam)
   (Enoch . Cain)
   (Irad . Enoch)
   (Mehujael . Irad)
   (Methusael . Mehujael)
   (Lamech . Methusael)
   (Jubal . Lamech)
   (Tubalcain . Lamech)
   (Enos . Seth) )

(de ancestor (Name)
   (while (assoc Name Father)
      (setq Name (cdr @)) )
   Name )  # Always 'Adam'

(setq Children
      '((L) (cons (cdar L) (mapcar car L)))
      (by cdr group Father) ) )

(de children (Name)
   (prinl Name " begat "
      (if (get Children Name)
         (glue ", " @)
         "nobody" ) ) )
: (children 'Adam)
Adam begat Cain, Abel, Seth

: (children 'Enos)
Enos begat nobody

Program: dutree

# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
# dutree - print sorted indented rendition of du output

(load "@lib/misc.l")

# Run du, read input, save directories and sizes
(setq *Dirsize  # ((name size kids ..) ..)
   (by length sort
      (in (list 'du (opt))
            (while (read)
               (link (list (split (line) "/") @)) ) ) ) ) )

# Assign kids
(for D *Dirsize
   (when (assoc (head -1 (car D)) *Dirsize)
      (conc @ (cons (car D))) ) )

(let Root (car *Dirsize)
   # Figure out how much is taken up in each directory
   # that isn't stored in subdirectories.  add a new
   # fake kid called "." containing that much
   (recur (Root)
      (let (Size (cadr Root)  Cursize Size)
         (for Kid (cddr Root)
            (when (assoc Kid *Dirsize)
               (dec 'Cursize (cadr @))
               (recurse @) ) )
         (unless (= Size Cursize)
            (let Dot (append (car Root) '((".")))
               (push '*Dirsize (list Dot Cursize))
               (conc Root (cons Dot)) ) ) ) )
   # Recursively output everything
   (let (Prefix NIL  Width (length (cadr Root)))
      (recur (Root Prefix Width)
         (let Name (last (car Root))
            (prinl Prefix (align Width (cadr Root)) " " Name)
            (let? Kids
                  (by cadr sort
                     (mapcar '((K) (assoc K *Dirsize)) (cddr Root)) ) )
               (setq Prefix (pack Prefix (align Width "|")))
               (setq Width (+ 1 (length Name) (length (cadar Kids))))
               (for Kid Kids
                  (recurse Kid Prefix Width) ) ) ) ) ) )

