# -*- picolisp -*-
# @@SKIP@@ PicoLisp

# @@SKIP@@ http://picolisp.com

# @@PLEAC@@_1.0
# PicoLisp has no special string type. Instead, symbols are used. Syntactically,
# "transient" symbols resemble strings in other languages. Also, there is no
# separate character type. Instead, characters are represented by strings of
# length 1 (using 1 .. 3 bytes (UTF-8)).
(setq String "^J")             # a newline character
(setq String "\^J")            # two characters, '^' and 'J'
: "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant"      # literal double quotes
-> "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant"

# Single quotes do not delimit strings, and are not special inside strings
: "This is a multiline string
containing a newline"
-> "This is a multiline string^Jcontaining a newline"

: "This is a multiline string \
without a newline"
-> "This is a multiline string without a newline"

# @@PLEAC@@_1.1
# First 'chop' the string to convert it to a list of characters, and then use
# the rich set of list processing functions. Optionally, you can 'pack' the
# result to a string (not necessary in many cases, as many functions that expect
# a string also accept a list of characters).
# get a 5-byte string, skip 3, then grab 2 8-byte strings, then the rest
: (let S (chop "This is a suitable string")
   (prinl (cut 5 'S))
   (cut 3 'S)
   (prinl (cut 8 'S))
   (prinl (cut 8 'S))
   (prinl S) )
a suitab
le strin
# split at five byte boundaries
: (make (for (S (chop "This is what you have")  S)
   (link (pack (cut 5 'S))) ) )
-> ("This " "is wh" "at yo" "u hav" "e")
(let S (chop "This is what you have")
   (prinl (car S))
   (prinl (tail 2 (head 4 S)))
   (prinl (tail -13 S))
   (prinl (tail 1 S))
   (prinl (tail 4 S))
   (prinl (head 3 (tail 8 S))) )
you have
# You can test for substrings with 'pre?' and 'sub?'
: (pre? "a" "abc")
-> "abc"

: (sub? "bc" "abcdef")
-> "abcdef"

:  (sub? "x" "abc")
-> NIL

# or use the 'match' function
: (match '("a" "b" @X "d" "e") (chop "abcde"))
-> T
: @X
-> ("c")
# substitute "at" for "is", restricted to first five characters
: (match '(@A "i" "s" @Z) (head 5 (chop "Me is You"))) (pack @A "at" @Z)
-> "Me at"
# exchange the first and last letters in a string
: (let S (chop "make a hat")
   (xchg S (tail 1 S))
   (pack S) )
-> "take a ham"
# extract column
: (pack (tail 6 (head 12 (chop "To be or not to be"))))
-> "or not"
# skip every second character
: (pack (filter prog2 (chop "To be or not to be") '(T NIL .)))
-> "T eo o ob"

# @@PLEAC@@_1.2
# Use B if B is true, else C
(setq A (or B C))

# set X to Y unless X is already true
(default X Y)
# use B if B is defined, else C
(setq A (or (fun? B) C))
(def 'A (or (fun? B) C))
(setq Dir (or (opt) "/tmp"))
(setq Dir (if (argv) (car @) "/tmp"))
# find the user name on Unix systems
(setq User
      (sys "USER")
      (sys "LOGNAME")
      (native "@" "getlogin" 'S)  # 'native' only in 64-bits
      (car (native "@" "getpwuid" '(S) UserID))
      (pack "Unknown uid number " UserID) ) )
: (default StartingPoint "Greenwich")
-> "Greenwich"
(setq A (if B B C))            # assign B if nonempty, else C

# @@PLEAC@@_1.3
(xchg 'Var1 'Var2)
(setq Temp A  A B  B Temp)
(setq A "alpha"  B "omega") (xchg 'A 'B)
: (setq Alpha 'January Beta 'March Production 'August)
-> August
: (setq Alpha Beta  Beta Production  Production Alpha)
-> March
: Alpha
-> March
: Beta
-> August

# @@PLEAC@@_1.4
(char Character) -> Number
(char Number) -> Character
: (let Num 101
   (prinl "Number " Num " is character " (char Num)) )
Number 101 is character e
-> "e"
: (mapcar char (chop "sample"))
-> (115 97 109 112 108 101)

: (pack (mapcar char (115 97 109 112 108 101)))
-> "sample"
: (pack
      '((C) (char (inc (char C))))
      (chop "HAL") ) )
-> "IBM"

# @@PLEAC@@_1.5
(for Char (chop String)
   (doSomethingWith Char) )
: (prinl "unique chars are: " (sort (uniq (chop "an apple a day"))))
unique chars are:  adelnpy

# Analog to Perl
: (let Seen NIL
   (for C (chop "an apple a day")
      (accu 'Seen C 1) )
   (pack (sort (mapcar car Seen))) )
-> " adelnpy"
: (sum char (chop "an apple a day"))
-> 1248
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
# sum - compute 16-bit checksum of all input files

(let Sum 0
   (while (opt)
      (in @
         (while (char) (inc 'Sum (char @))) ) )
   (println (% Sum 65535)) )


$ ./sum lib.l lib/misc.l
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
# slowcat - emulate a   s l o w   line printer
# usage: slowcat [-DELAY] [files ...]

(let Delay (ifn (lt0 (format (car (argv)))) 1 (opt) (- @))
   (for F (argv)
      (for C (in F (till))
         (prin C)
         (wait (* 5 Delay)) ) ) )



# @@PLEAC@@_1.6
   RevChars (flip (chop String))
   RevWords (glue " " (flip (split (chop String) " "))) )
# reverse word order
: (glue " "
      (split (chop "Yoda said, \"can you see this?\"") " ") ) )
-> "this?\" see you \"can said, Yoda"
: (de palindrome? (S)
   (= (setq S (chop S)) (reverse S)) )
: (palindrome? "reviver")
-> T
: (in "/usr/share/dict/words"
   (until (eof)
      (let L (line)
            (> (length L) 5)
            (= L (reverse L))
            (prinl L) ) ) ) )

# @@PLEAC@@_1.7
(let Str (line)
   (use (@A @Z)                        # Expand tabs
      (while (match '(@A "^I" @Z) Str)
         (setq Str
               (need (- 8 (% (length @A) 8)) " ")
               @Z ) ) ) )
   Str )
(let Str (line)
   (make                               # Compress tabs
      (while (nth Str 9)
         (let S (trim (cut 8 'Str))
            (chain S)
            (or (= 8 (length S)) (link "^I")) ) )
      (and Str (chain @)) ) )

# @@PLEAC@@_1.8
: (let Dept 123
   (prinl "You owe " Dept " to me.")
   (pack "You owe " Dept " to me.") )
You owe 123 to me.
-> "You owe 123 to me."
: (text "I am @1 high and @2 long" 24 80)
-> "I am 24 high and 80 long"
(let (@Rows 24  @Cols 80)
   (fill '(I am @Rows high and @Cols long)) )
-> (I am 24 high and 80 long)
# expand variables in 'Lst', but put an error message in
# if the variable isn't defined
(let (@Rows 24  Lst '(I am @Rows high and @Cols long))
   (for Var (fish pat? Lst)
      (unless (val Var)
         (set Var (pack "[NO VARIABLE: " Var "]")) ) )
   (fill Lst) )
-> (I am 24 high and "[NO VARIABLE: @Cols]" long)

# @@PLEAC@@_1.9
: (uppc "bo peep")
-> "BO PEEP"
: (lowc "JOHN")
-> "john"
: (let S (chop "dromedary") (pack (uppc (car S)) (cdr S)))
-> "Dromedary"
# capitalize each word's first character, downcase the rest
(let Str "thIS is a loNG liNE"
   (glue " "
         '((W) (cons (uppc (car W)) (mapcar lowc (cdr W))))
         (split (chop Str) " ") ) ) )
-> "This Is A Long Line"
(when (= (uppc A) (uppc B))
   (prinl "A and B are the same") )
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
# randcap: filter to randomly capitalize 20% of the letters

(in NIL
   (while (char)
      (let C @
         (prin (if (=0 (rand 0 4)) (uppc C) C)) ) ) )



# @@PLEAC@@_1.10
: (let N 7
   (prinl "I have " (+ N 2) " guanacos.")
   (pack "I have " (+ N 2) " guanacos.") )
I have 9 guanacos.
-> "I have 9 guanacos."
: (let N 7
   (text "I have @1 guanacos." (+ N 2)) )
(mail "localhost" 25 "Your Bank" Naughty "Subject"
   (prinl "Dear " Naughty)
   (prinl "Today, you bounced check number " (+ 500 (rand 0 99)) " to us.")
   "Your account is now closed."
   "the management" )

# @@PLEAC@@_1.11
(de myhere (Target)  # The built-in 'here' cannot be used
   (setq Target (chop Target))
      (for (L (line)  (and L (<> L Target))  (line))
         (link L) ) ) )
(setq Var (mapcar clip (myhere "HERE_TARGET")))
   your text
   goes here

# or with two steps
(setq Var (myhere "HERE_TARGET"))
   your text
   goes here
(setq Var (mapcar clip Var))
(prinl "Here's your poem:")
(let (Str (prog (char) (line))  Cnt 1)
   (for (S Str  (and S (sp? (car S)))  (cdr S))
      (inc 'Cnt) )
      (prinl (nth Str Cnt))
      (T (eof))
      (setq Str (line))
      (T (=  '`(chop "EVER_ON_AND_ON") Str)) ) )
   Now far ahead the Road has gone,
      And I must follow, if I can,
   Pursuing it with eager feet,
      Until it joins some larger way
   Where many paths and errands meet.
      And whither then? I cannot say.
            --Bilbo in /usr/src/perl/pp_ctl.c

# @@PLEAC@@_1.12
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(load "@lib/misc.l")

(let Input
      (wrap 17
         (conc (need 4 " ")
               "Folding and splicing is the work of an editor, \
               not a mere collection of silicon \
               and \
               mobile electrons!" ) ) ) )
   (prinl (replace Input "^J" "^J  ")) )



# @@PLEAC@@_1.13
# backslash
: (let (CharList '(a d g)  Str "abcdefghi")
         '((C) (pack (and (member C CharList) "\\") C))
         (chop Str) ) ) )
-> "\\abc\\def\\ghi"

# double
: (let (CharList '(a d g)  Str "abcdefghi")
         '((C) (pack (and (member C CharList) C) C))
         (chop Str) ) ) )
-> "aabcddefgghi"

# @@PLEAC@@_1.14
(trim (chop String))  # Remove trailing white space
(clip (chop String))  # Remove white space from both ends
# print what's typed, but surrounded by >< symbols
(in NIL
   (until (eof)
      (prinl ">" (clip (line)) "<") ) )

# @@PLEAC@@_1.15
(for (I . Line)
   (let *Uni T
         "XYZZY,\"\",\"O'Reilly, Inc\",\"Wall, Larry\",\"a \
         \\\"glug\\\" bit,\",5,  \"Error, Core Dumped\"" ) )
   (prinl I " : " Line) )
2 :
3 : O'Reilly, Inc
4 : Wall, Larry
5 : a "glug" bit,
6 : 5
7 : Error, Core Dumped

# @@PLEAC@@_1.16
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(load "@lib/misc.l")

(de soundex (Str)
      (pad -4
            (uppc (char (char Str)))
            (head 3
               (let Last NIL
                           (setq C
                              (case (uppc C)
                                 (`(chop "BFPV") "1")
                                 (`(chop "CGJKQSXZ") "2")
                                 (("D" "T") "3")
                                 ("L" "4")
                                 (("M" "N") "5")
                                 ("R" "6") ) )
                           (<> Last C)
                           (setq Last C) ) )
                     (cdr (chop Str)) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

(prin "Lookup user: ")
(let (User (clip (in NIL (line T)))  Code (soundex User))
   (while (native "@" "getpwent" '(S S I I S S S))  # 'native' only in 64-bits
      (let Lst @
         (when (or (= Code (soundex (car Lst))) (= Code (soundex (get Lst 5))))
            (println Lst) ) ) ) )


$ ./soundexUsers
Lookup user: sshd
("sshd" "x" 71 65 "SSH daemon" "/var/lib/sshd" "/bin/false")

# @@PLEAC@@_1.17
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
# Use: ./fixstyle [-v] <infile >outfile

(and (= "-v" (opt)) (on *Verbose))

(de Data
   ("analysed" . "analyzed")
   ("built-in" . "builtin")
   ("chastized" . "chastised")
   ("commandline" . "command-line")
   ("de-allocate" . "deallocate")
   ("dropin" . "drop-in")
   ("hardcode" . "hard-code")
   ("meta-data" . "metadata")
   ("multicharacter" . "multi-character")
   ("multiway" . "multi-way")
   ("non-empty" . "nonempty")
   ("non-profit" . "nonprofit")
   ("non-trappable" . "nontrappable")
   ("pre-define" . "predefine")
   ("preextend" . "pre-extend")
   ("re-compiling" . "recompiling")
   ("reenter" . "re-enter")
   ("turnkey" . "turn-key") )

(in NIL
   (while (apply echo '`(mapcar car Data))
      (let (Key @  Val (get Data Key))
         (when *Verbose
            (out 2 (prinl Key " => " Val)) )
         (prin Val) ) ) )



# @@PLEAC@@_1.18
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

# Use: psgrep 'lisp-expression'
# Takes a single optional argument:
# An arbitrary lisp expression without the outermost parentheses
# For example:
#    psgrep '= "Ss+" STAT'
#    psgrep 'and (> SIZE 10000) (= TT "tty1")'
#    psgrep 'member UID (101 102 104 106)'
# The variables (case-sensitive!) have the
# same names as the column headers

(load "@lib/misc.l")

(de PsFields
   (F         1  "flags"   NIL (read))
   (UID       6  "uid"     NIL (read))
   (PID       6  "pid"     NIL (read))
   (PPID      6  "ppid"    NIL (read))
   (PRI       4  "pri"     NIL (read))
   (NI        4  "nice"    NIL (read))
   (NIL       1)
   (SIZE      5  "size"    NIL (read))
   (NIL       1)
   (RSS       5  "rss"     NIL (read))
   (NIL       1)
   (WCHAN    -7  "wchan"   NIL (skip) (till " " T))
   (STAT     -5  "stat"    NIL (skip) (till " " T))
   (TT       -9  "tty"     NIL (skip) (till " " T))
   (TIME      8  "time"    (tim$ TIME T) (skip) ($tim (till " " T)))
   (NIL       1)
   (COMMAND -30  "command" NIL (char) (line T)) )

(let Cond (or (str (opt)) T)
   (in (list 'ps "hax" "-o" (glue "," (extract caddr PsFields)))
      (let Fmt (mapcar cadr PsFields)
         (apply tab (mapcar car PsFields) Fmt)
         (bind (mapcar car PsFields)
            (until (eof)
               (for Fld PsFields
                  (when (car Fld)
                     (set @ (run (cddddr Fld))) ) )
               (when (eval Cond)
                  (apply tab
                        '((Fld) (or (eval (cadddr Fld)) (val (car Fld))))
                        PsFields )
                     Fmt ) ) ) ) ) ) )



# @@PLEAC@@_2.1
# PicoLisp has only a single numeric type, the bignum.
# The function 'format' returns NIL if the argument is
# not a legal number
: (format "12345")
-> 12345                       # is a number
: (format "123a5")
-> NIL                         # is not
: (format "1234.5678")
-> 1235
: (format "1234,5678" 2 ",")
-> 123457
: (format "-1,234.5" 2 "." ",")
-> -123450

# @@PLEAC@@_2.2
# PicoLisp has no real floating point numbers
# Only scaled (fixpoint) integers
: (= (format "1234.5678" 2) (format "1234.572" 2))
-> T

# @@PLEAC@@_2.3
: (format "1234.5678")
-> 1235
: (format "1234.5678" 2)
-> 123457

: (scl 3)
-> 3
: (setq A 0.255)
-> 255
: (prinl "Unrounded: " (format A *Scl) "^JRounded: " (round A 2))
Unrounded: 0.255
Rounded: 0.26
-> "0.26"
: (scl 1)
-> 1
: (let Fmt (7 7 7 7)
   (tab Fmt "number" "int" "floor" "ceil")
   (for N (3.3 3.5 3.7 -3.3)
      (tab Fmt
         (format N *Scl)
         (format (* 1.0 (/ N 1.0)) *Scl)
         (format (* 1.0 (*/ (- N 0.5) 1.0)) *Scl)
         (format (* 1.0 (*/ (+ N 0.5) 1.0)) *Scl) ) ) )
 number    int  floor   ceil
    3.3    3.0    3.0    4.0
    3.5    3.0    3.0    4.0
    3.7    3.0    3.0    4.0
   -3.3   -3.0   -4.0   -3.0
-> NIL

# @@PLEAC@@_2.4
: (bin 54)
-> "110110"
: (bin "110110")
-> 54

# @@PLEAC@@_2.5
: (prin "Infancy is: ") (for N 3 (printsp (dec N))) (prinl)
Infancy is: 0 1 2
: (prin "Toddling is: ") (println 3 4)
Toddling is: 3 4
: (prin "Childhood is: ") (apply println (range 5 12))
Childhood is: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
# or
: (prin "Childhood is: ") (mapc printsp (range 5 12)) (prinl)
Childhood is: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
# or
: (prin "Childhood is: ") (for (N 5 (>= 12 N) (inc N)) (printsp N)) (prinl)

# @@PLEAC@@_2.6
: (de roman (N)
            '((C D)
               (while (>= N D)
                  (dec 'N D)
                  (link C) ) )
            '(M CM D CD C XC L XL X IX V IV I)
            (1000 900 500 400 100 90 50 40 10 9 5 4 1) ) ) ) )
-> roman

: (prinl "Roman for fifteen is " (roman 15))
Roman for fifteen is XV
-> "XV"

: (de arabic (R)
   (let N 0
      (for (L (chop (uppc R))  L)
            '((C D)
               (when (head C L)
                  (cut (length C) 'L)
                  (inc 'N D) ) )
            '`(mapcar chop '(M CM D CD C XC L XL X IX V IV I))
            (1000 900 500 400 100 90 50 40 10 9 5 4 1) ) )
      N ) )
-> arabic

: (prinl "Converted back, " (roman 15) " is " (arabic (roman 15)))
Converted back, XV is 15
-> 15

# @@PLEAC@@_2.7
: (rand)
-> 643875838651014379
: (rand 1 6)  # Dice
-> 3
: (rand 900000 999999)
-> 989901
: (rand T)  # Boolean
-> NIL
: (rand T)
-> T
: (setq Password
      (head 8
         (by '(NIL (rand)) sort
               (chop "!@$%\^&*")
               (mapcar char
                     (range `(char "A") `(char "Z"))
                     (range `(char "a") `(char "z"))
                     (range `(char "0") `(char "9")) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

# @@PLEAC@@_2.8
: (seed 42)
-> 62419389940

: (seed "Hello world")
-> -967786026117696633

: (seed (time))
-> -54340987292621

# @@PLEAC@@_2.9
: (in "/dev/urandom" (rd 12))
-> 50416291644794614409246112035

# @@PLEAC@@_2.10
(load "@lib/math.l")

(de rand2 ()
   (rand `(inc -1.0) `(dec 1.0)) )

(de gaussianRand ()
   (use (U1 U2 W)
            (setq W
                  (*/ (setq U1 (rand2)) U1 1.0)
                  (*/ (setq U2 (rand2)) U2 1.0) ) )
            1.0 ) )
      (setq W (sqrt (*/ 1.0 -2.0 (log W) W)))
      (*/ U2 W 1.0) ) )

   "You have been hired at $"
   (round (+ 25.0 (* 2 (gaussianRand))) 2) )

# @@PLEAC@@_2.11
(load "@lib/math.l")

(de deg2rad (Deg)
   (*/ Deg pi 180.0) )

(de rad2deg (Rad)
   (*/ Rad 180.0 pi) )

# @@PLEAC@@_2.12
(load "@lib/math.l")
:  (format (cos 0.333333) *Scl)
-> "0.944957"

:  (format (acos 0.944957) *Scl)
-> "0.333333"

: (format (tan pi/2) *Scl)
-> "3060023.306953"

# @@PLEAC@@_2.13
(load "@lib/math.l")
: (format (log 10.0) *Scl)
-> "2.302585"

(de logBase(Base Val)
   (*/ (log Val) 1.0 (log Base)) )

: (format (logBase 10.0 10000.0) *Scl)
-> "4.000000"

# @@PLEAC@@_2.14
(de mmult (Mat1 Mat2)
   (unless (= (length Mat1) (length (car Mat2)))
      (quit "IndexError: matrices don't match") )
         (apply mapcar Mat2
            '(@ (apply + (mapcar * Row (rest)))) ) )
      Mat1 ) )
: (mmult
   '((3 2 3) (5 9 8))
   '((4 7) (9 3) (8 8)) )
-> ((54 51) (165 126))

# @@PLEAC@@_2.15
# PicoLisp doesn't have a complex library, but a set of
# functions for complex numbers can be easily written
(load "@lib/math.l")

(de addComplex (A B)
      (+ (car A) (car B))        # Real
      (+ (cdr A) (cdr B)) ) )    # Imag

(de mulComplex (A B)
         (*/ (car A) (car B) 1.0)
         (*/ (cdr A) (cdr B) 1.0) )
         (*/ (car A) (cdr B) 1.0)
         (*/ (cdr A) (car B) 1.0) ) ) )

(de invComplex (A)
   (let Denom
         (*/ (car A) (car A) 1.0)
         (*/ (cdr A) (cdr A) 1.0) )
         (*/ (car A) 1.0 Denom)
         (- (*/ (cdr A) 1.0 Denom)) ) ) )

(de negComplex (A)
   (cons (- (car A)) (- (cdr A))) )

(de sqrtComplex (A)
      (R (sqrt (+ (* (car A) (car A)) (* (cdr A) (cdr A))))
         Y (sqrt (* (- R (car A)) 0.5))
         X (*/ (cdr A) 0.5 Y) )
      (cons  # Return both results
         (cons X Y)
         (cons (- X) (- Y)) ) ) )

(de fmtComplex (A)
      (round (car A) (dec *Scl))
      (and (gt0 (cdr A)) "+")
      (round (cdr A) (dec *Scl))
      "i" ) )
: (let (A (3.0 . 5.0)  B (2.0 . -2.0))
   (prinl "c = " (fmtComplex (mulComplex A B))) )
c = 16.00000+4.00000i
: (let D (3.0 . 4.0)
   (prinl "sqrt(" (fmtComplex D) ") = " (fmtComplex (car (sqrtComplex D)))) )
sqrt(3.00000+4.00000i) = 2.00000+1.00000i

# @@PLEAC@@_2.16
(prin "Gimme a number in decimal, octal, or hex: ")
(let Num (in NIL (clip (line)))
   (setq Num
      (if2 (= "0" (car Num)) (= "x" (cadr Num))
         (hex (cddr Num))
         (oct (cdr Num))
         (format Num) ) )
   (prinl Num " " (hex Num) " " (oct Num)) )
(prin "Enter file permission in octal: ")
(let Permissions (oct (in NIL (clip (line))))
   (prinl "The decimal value is " Permissions) )

# @@PLEAC@@_2.17
: (let Cnt -1740525205
      "Your web page received "
      (format Cnt 0 "." ",")
      " accesses last month." ) )
Your web page received -1,740,525,205 accesses last month.

# @@PLEAC@@_2.18
(prinl "It took " Time " hour" (unless (= 1 Time) "s"))

   " hour" (unless (= 1 Time) "s")
   (if (= 1 Time) " is" " are")
   " enough." )

(prinl "It took " Time " centur" (if (= 1 Time) "y" "ies"))
(de nounPlural (Str)
   (let (S (chop Str)  @A)
         ((find tail '((s s) (p h) (s h) (c h) (z)) (circ S))
            (pack Str "es") )
         ((tail '(f f) S) (pack S "s"))
         ((match '(@A f) S) (pack @A "ves"))
         ((tail '(e y) S) (pack S "s"))
         ((match '(@A y) S) (pack @A "ies"))
         ((match '(@A i x) S) (pack @A "ices"))
         ((or (tail '(s) S) (tail '(x) S))
            (pack S "es") )
         (T (pack S "s")) ) ) )
(for S
      fish fly ox
      species genus phylum
      cherub radius jockey
      index matrix mythos
      phenomenon formula )
   (prinl "One " S ", two " (nounPlural S) ".") )

# @@PLEAC@@_2.19
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(load "@lib/misc.l")

(de factor (N)
      (let (D 2  L (1 2 2 . (4 2 4 2 4 6 2 6 .))  M (sqrt N))
         (while (>= M D)
            (if (=0 (% N D))
               (setq M (sqrt (setq N (/ N (link D)))))
               (inc 'D (pop 'L)) ) )
         (link N) ) ) )

(while (opt)
   (let? N (format @)
      (let Factors (factor N)
         (tab (-11 1 -60)
            " "
            (ifn (cdr Factors)
               (glue " "
                        (if (cdr L)
                           (pack (car L) "**" (length L))
                           (car L) ) )
                     (by prog group Factors) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


$  ./bigfact 17 60 125 239322000000000000000000
17          PRIME
60          2**2 3 5
125         5**3
239322000000000000000000 2**19 3 5**18 39887

# @@PLEAC@@_3.0
# Dates and times are handled in PicoLisp by the built-in 'date' and 'time'
# functions, and additional functions like 'day' and 'week', and various
# functions for formatting and localization
: (prinl
   "Today is day "
   (- (date) (date (car (date (date))) 1 1) -1)
   " of the current year." )
Today is day 365 of the current year.

# @@PLEAC@@_3.1
: (date (date))
-> (2010 12 31)
: (prinl "The current date is " (dat$ (date) " "))
The current date is 2010 12 31
: (prinl "The current date is " (dat$ (date) "-"))
The current date is 2010-12-31
: (prinl (stamp))
2010-12-31 13:31:27

# @@PLEAC@@_3.2
: (- (+ (* 86400 (date T)) (time T)) (* 86400 (date 1970 1 1)))
-> 1293799342

: (- (+ (* 86400 (date 2010 12 30)) (time 6 57 52)) (* 86400 (date 1970 1 1)))
-> 1293692272

: (- (+ (* 86400 ($dat "20101230")) ($tim "6:57:52")) (* 86400 (date 1970 1 1)))
-> 1293692272

# @@PLEAC@@_3.3
: (let
   (Secs (+ 1293692272 (* 86400 (date 1970 1 1)))
      Date (/ Secs 86400)
      Time (% Secs 86400) )
   (prinl "Date: " (datSym Date) ",  time: " (tim$ Time T)) )
Date: 30dec10,  time: 06:57:52

# @@PLEAC@@_3.4
# See also the add/subtract in above epoch calculations
: (let D (date)
      "Today: " (day D) ", " (datStr D)
      " -> next week: " (day (inc 'D 7)) ", " (datStr D) ) )
Today: Friday, 2010-12-31 -> next week: Friday, 2011-01-07

# @@PLEAC@@_3.5
: (prinl
   "Today Jimi Hendrix would be "
   (- (date) (date 1942 11 27))
   " days old" )
Today Jimi Hendrix would be 24871 days old

# @@PLEAC@@_3.6
: (prinl "Today is " (day (date)))
Today is Friday

: (prinl "Jimi Hendrix was born on a " (day (date 1942 11 27)))
Jimi Hendrix was born on a Friday
: (prinl "This is the " (week (date)) "th week")
This is the 52th week
: (prinl "This is the " (cadr (date (date))) "th month")
This is the 12th month
: (prinl "This is the year " (car (date (date))))
This is the year 2010

# @@PLEAC@@_3.7
# Calculate the days since the epoch
: (- (date) ($dat "1998-06-03" "-"))
-> 4594
: (date (expDat "31"))
-> (2010 12 31)

: (date (expDat "3112"))
-> (2010 12 31)

: (date (expDat "311210"))
-> (2010 12 31)

: (date (expDat "31.12.10"))
-> (2010 12 31)

: (date (expDat "31.12"))
-> (2010 12 31)

# @@PLEAC@@_3.8
(load "@lib/http.l")

: (httpDate (date T) (time T))
Fri, 31 Dec 2010 13:21:03 GMT
: (stamp)
-> "2010-12-31 14:21:47"
: (datStr (date))
-> "2010-12-31"

: (locale "DE" "de")

: (datStr (date))
-> "31.12.2010"

: (locale "JP" "jp")

: (datStr (date))
-> "2010/12/31"

# @@PLEAC@@_3.9
: (usec)         # Microseconds
-> 250502252
: (let U (usec)
   (prin "Press return when ready: ")
   (prinl "You took " (format (- (usec) U) 6) " seconds") )
Press return when ready:
You took 2.711455 seconds
: (bench (prin "Press return when ready: ") (line))
Press return when ready:
1.332 sec
# Generate, sort and count 1 million random numbers
: (bench (length (sort (make (do 1000000 (link (rand)))))))
2.839 sec
-> 1000000

# @@PLEAC@@_3.10
(wait 250)  # Sleep 0.25 secs
: (key 4000)  # Wait max. 4 secs for a keypress
-> "a"        # (pressed "a" after 2 seconds)

: (key 4000)
-> NIL        # (timed out)

# @@PLEAC@@_3.11
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(load "@lib/misc.l")

(in NIL
   (let (Fmt (-21 -21 -9 -10 10)  Sender "Start"  LastSecs NIL)
      (tab Fmt "Sender" "Recipient" "Time" NIL "Delta")
      (tab Fmt "------" "---------" "----" NIL "-----")
      (for Lst
               (while (from "^JReceived: from ")
                  (let Recipient (till " ^J" T)
                     (from "; ")
                     (from ",")
                        (Day (read)
                           Mon (index (till " " T) *Mon)
                           Year (read)
                           Tim (till " " T)
                           Offs (read)
                           Secs (+ (* 86400 (date Year Mon Day)) ($tim Tim)) )
                        (when (num? Offs)
                           (inc 'Secs (*/ 3600 Offs 100)) )
                              (dat$ (date Year Mon Day) "/")
                              Secs ) ) ) ) ) ) )
         #(println (list Day Mon Year Tim '- Secs))
         (tab Fmt
            (car Lst)
            (cadr Lst)
            (caddr Lst)
            (tim$ (- (cadddr Lst) LastSecs) T) )
         (setq Sender (car Lst)  LastSecs (cadddr Lst)) ) ) )


$ ./hopdelta <header
Sender               Recipient            Time                    Delta
------               ---------            ----                    -----
Start                app                  15:44:34 2010/12/31
app                  mo-p00-ob.rzone.de   15:44:34 2010/12/31  00:00:00
mo-p00-ob.rzone.de   post.strato.de       15:44:39 2010/12/31  00:00:05
post.strato.de       localhost            15:46:09 2010/12/31  00:01:30

# @@PLEAC@@_4.0
# PicoLisp doesn't support arrays as contiguous pieces of memory.
# Instead, the standard Lisp linked lists are used.
(setq Nested '(this that the other))
(setq Nested '(this that (the other)))
(setq Tune '("The" "Star-Spangled" "Banner"))

# @@PLEAC@@_4.1
(setq A '("quick" "brown" "fox"))
(setq A '(Why are you teasing me?))
: (setq Lines (make (char) (while (line T) (link @))))
The boy stood on the burning deck,
It was as hot as glass.

-> ("The boy stood on the burning deck," "It was as hot as glass.")
(setq Bigarray
   (in "mydatafile"
         (until (eof)
            (link (line T)) ) ) ) )
   PerlHost "www.perl.com"
   HostInfo (in (list 'nslookup PerlHost) (till NIL T)) )
: (split (chop "Costs only $4.95") " ")
-> (("C" "o" "s" "t" "s") ("o" "n" "l" "y") ("$" "4" "." "9" "5"))

: (mapcar pack (split (chop "Costs only $4.95") " "))
-> ("Costs" "only" "$4.95")
(setq Ships '("Niña" "Pinta" "Santa María"))

# @@PLEAC@@_4.2
: (pack "The " (glue ", " '(big brown dirty hungry)) " fox")
-> "The big, brown, dirty, hungry fox"
(setq Array '(red yellow green))

: (prinl "I have " Array " marbles.")
I have redyellowgreen marbles.

: (prinl "I have " (glue " " Array) " marbles.")
I have red yellow green marbles.
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
# commify_series - show proper comma insertion in list output

(de Lists
   ("just one thing")
   ("Mutt" "Jeff")
   ("Peter" "Paul" "Mary")
   ("To our parents" "Mother Theresa" "God")
   ("pastrami" "ham and cheese" "peanut butter and jelly" "tuna")
   ("recycle tired, old phrases" "ponder big, happy thoughts")
   ("recycle tired, old phrases" 
      "ponder big, happy thoughts" 
      "sleep and dream peacefully") )

(de commifySeries (Lst)
   (ifn (cddr Lst)
      (glue " and " Lst)
      (glue (if (find '((S) (sub? "," S)) Lst) "; " ", ")
            (head -1 Lst)
            (cons (pack "and " (last Lst))) ) ) ) )

(for L Lists
   (prinl "The list is: " (commifySeries L) ".") )


The list is: just one thing.
The list is: Mutt and Jeff.
The list is: Peter, Paul, and Mary.
The list is: To our parents, Mother Theresa, and God.
The list is: pastrami, ham and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, and tuna.
The list is: recycle tired, old phrases and ponder big, happy thoughts.
The list is: recycle tired, old phrases; ponder big, happy thoughts; and sleep and dream peacefully.

# @@PLEAC@@_4.3
(de whatAboutThatArray ()
   (prinl "The array now has " (length People) " elements.")
   (prinl "Element #4 is `" (get People 4) "'.") )

(de People
   Crosby Stills Nash Young )

: (whatAboutThatArray)
The array now has 4 elements.
Element #4 is `Young'.
(con (tail 2 People))

: (whatAboutThatArray)
The array now has 3 elements.
Element #4 is `'.
(setq People (need -10000 People))

: (whatAboutThatArray)
The array now has 10000 elements.
Element #4 is `'.

# @@PLEAC@@_4.4
(for Item List
   (doSomething Item) )
(for User BadUsers
   (complain User) )
(for User AllUsers
   (let DiskSpace (getUsage User)
      (when (> DiskSpace MAX_QUOTA)
         (complain User) ) ) )
(in '(who)
   (while (line T)
      (and (sub? "tchrist" @) (prinl @)) ) )
(until (eof)
   (prinl (glue " " (flip (split (line) " ")))) )
(for Item Array
   (prinl "i = " Item) )
(setq Array (1 2 3))
(map dec Array)

: Array
-> (0 1 2)

# @@PLEAC@@_4.5
# iterate over elements of list in $ARRAYREF
      (foo (car L))  # Do something with the element
      (set L) )      # Modify an element (destructively)
   List )

(for I (length List)
   (doSomethingWith (get List I)) )
   Fruits '(Apple Blackberry)
   FruitRef 'Fruits )

: (for Fruit (val FruitRef)
   (prinl Fruit " tastes good in a pie.") )
Apple tastes good in a pie.
Blackberry tastes good in a pie.

# @@PLEAC@@_4.6
: (let Uniq NIL
   (for Item '(a b c b c d c d e d e f)
      (unless (memq Item Uniq)
         (push 'Uniq Item) ) )
   Uniq )
-> (f e d c b a)
: (let Seen NIL
   (for Item '(a b c b c d c d e d e f)
      (accu 'Seen Item 1) )
   Seen )
-> ((f . 1) (e . 2) (d . 3) (c . 3) (b . 2) (a . 1))
: (uniq '(a b c b c d c d e d e f))
-> (a b c d e f)
# generate a list of users logged in, removing duplicates
: (in '(who)
         (while (split (line) " ")
            (link (pack (car @))) ) ) ) )
-> ("tim" "abu" "ben")
: (println 'Users 'logged 'in: (sort @))
Users logged in: ("abu" "ben" "tim")

# @@PLEAC@@_4.7
# find only elements in A and not in B
: (sect '(a b c d e f) '(a c f h))
-> (a c f)
# Using symbol values
: (setq key1 1  key2 2)
-> 2
: key1
-> 1
: key2
-> 2
# Using properties
: (put 'Hash 'key1 1)
-> 1
: (put 'Hash 'key2 2)
-> 2
: (get 'Hash 'key1)
-> 1
# Using association lists
: (de Hash (key1 . 1) (key2 . 2))
-> Hash
: (assoc 'key1 Hash)
-> (key1 . 1)
: (asoq 'key1 Hash)
-> (key1 . 1)
: (get Hash 'key1)
-> 1
# Using index tree
: (idx 'Hash '(key1 . 1) T)
-> NIL
: (idx 'Hash '(key2 . 2) T)
-> NIL
: (lup Hash 'key1)
-> (key1 . 1)

# @@PLEAC@@_4.8
   A (1 3 5 6 7 8)
   B (2 3 5 7 9) )
# Union
: (uniq (append A B))
-> (1 3 5 6 7 8 2 9)
# Intersection
: (sect A B)
-> (3 5 7)
# Difference
: (diff A B)
-> (1 6 8)

# @@PLEAC@@_4.9
   Members '(Time Flies)
   Initiates '(An Arrow) )
: (append Members Initiates)  # Non-destructive
-> (Time Flies An Arrow)
: (conc Members Initiates)  # Destructive
-> (Time Flies An Arrow)
# 'Members' is now (Time Flies An Arrow)
: (insert 3 Members 'Like)  # Non-destructive
-> (Time Flies Like An Arrow)
: (set Members 'Fruit)  # Destructive
-> Fruit
: (set (tail 1 Members) 'Banana)
-> Banana
: Members
-> (Fruit Flies An Banana)

# @@PLEAC@@_4.10
(reverse List)  # Non-destructive
(flip List)  # Destructive
: (sort (2 8 3 7 5 9 6))
-> (2 3 5 6 7 8 9)
: (by - sort (2 8 3 7 5 9 6))
-> (9 8 7 6 5 3 2)
: (flip (sort '(a 3 1 (1 2 3) d b 4 T NIL (a b c) (x y z) c 2)))
-> (T (x y z) (a b c) (1 2 3) d c b a 4 3 2 1 NIL)

# @@PLEAC@@_4.11
# remove N elements from front of List
: (setq List '(a b c d e f g))
-> (a b c d e f g)
: (cut 3 'List)
-> (a b c)
: List
-> (d e f g)
# remove N elements from end of List
: (setq List '(a b c d e f g))
-> (a b c d e f g)
: (tail 3 List)
-> (e f g)
: (con (nth List 4))
-> NIL
: List
-> (a b c d)
   Friends '(Peter Paul Mary Jim Tim)
   This (pop 'Friends)
   Thas (pop 'Friends) )

: This
-> Peter
: That
-> NIL
: Friends
-> (Mary Jim Tim)
   Beverages '(Dew Jolt Cola Sprite Fresca)
   Pair (tail 2 Beverages)
   Beverages (head 3 Beverages) )

: Pair
-> (Sprite Fresca)
: Beverages
-> (Dew Jolt Cola)

# @@PLEAC@@_4.12
      '((This) (== 'engineer (: category)))
      Employees )
   (prinl "Highest paid engineer is: " (: name))  )

# @@PLEAC@@_4.13
(de Nums 84598 4439223 248749 2488711 233716 3375644 211118)

: (filter '((N) (> N 1000000)) Nums)
-> (4439223 2488711 3375644)
: (filter > Nums (1000000 .))
-> (4439223 2488711 3375644)
(filter '((This) (== 'Engineer (: position))) Employees)

# @@PLEAC@@_4.14
# Pids is an unsorted array of process IDs
(sort Pids)
# Descending sort
: (flip (sort (4 19 8 4)))
-> (19 8 4 4)

: (sort (4 19 8 4) >)
-> (19 8 4 4)

: (by - sort (4 19 8 4))
-> (19 8 4 4)

# @@PLEAC@@_4.15
: (by cdr sort '((4 . 7) (19 . 3) (8 . 1) (4 . 2)))   # (recommended)
-> ((8 . 1) (4 . 2) (19 . 3) (4 . 7))

: (sort                                               # (slower and bigger)
   '((4 . 7) (19 . 3) (8 . 1) (4 . 2))
   '((X Y) (> (cdr Y) (cdr X))) )
-> ((8 . 1) (4 . 2) (19 . 3) (4 . 7))
(for This (by '((This) (: name)) sort Employees)
    (prinl (: name) " earns $" (: salary)) )
(by '((This) (cons (: name) (: age))) sort Employees)
(by '((S) (cadr (chop S))) sort Names)
(by length sort Strings)
   (in "/etc/passwd"
         (while (split (line) ":")
            (link (mix @ 4 3 1)) ) ) ) )

# @@PLEAC@@_4.16
: (circ 'a)
-> (a .)

: (circ 'a 'b 'c)
-> (a b c .)

: (rot @)
-> (c a b .)

# @@PLEAC@@_4.17
(by '(NIL (rand)) sort Lst)  # OK

# @@PLEAC@@_4.18
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
# words - gather lines, present in columns

   Data (in NIL
         (until (eof)
            (link (line T)) ) ) )
   Maxlen (inc (length (maxi length Data)))
   Cols (max (/ (or (format (sys "COLUMNS")) 80) Maxlen) 1)
   Rows (/ (+ (length Data) Cols) Cols)
   Data (make (while Data (link (cut Rows 'Data)))) )

(while (find bool Data)
      '((D) (space (- Maxlen (length (prin (pop D))))))
      Data )
   (prinl) )



# @@PLEAC@@_4.18
(de permute (Lst)
   (ifn (cdr Lst)
      (cons Lst)
               '((Y) (cons X Y))
               (permute (delete X Lst)) ) )
         Lst ) ) )

: (mapc println (permute '(man bites dog)))
(man bites dog)
(man dog bites)
(bites man dog)
(bites dog man)
(dog man bites)
(dog bites man)
(de factorial (N)
   (apply * (range 1 N)) )

: (for N 15 (tab (-20 -10) N (factorial N)))
1                   1
2                   2
3                   6
4                   24
5                   120
6                   720
7                   5040
8                   40320
9                   362880
10                  3628800
11                  39916800
12                  479001600
13                  6227020800
14                  87178291200
15                  1307674368000

: (factorial 500)
-> 12201368259911100687...00000000000000000000
: (length @)
-> 1135
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(load "@lib/simul.l")  # For 'permute' function

(in NIL
   (until (eof)
      (for F (permute (split (line) " "))
         (prinl (glue " " F)) ) ) )



# @@PLEAC@@_5.0
# To associate keys with values, PicoLisp uses (besides the built-in database)
# 1. Symbol properties ('put', 'get', ':' etc.)
# 2. Association lists ('assoc', 'asoq', 'get')
# 3. Binary trees ('idx', 'lup')
# For the examples in this section we use association lists
(de Age
   (Nat . 24)
   (Jules . 25)
   (Josh . 17) )
(push 'Age
   (cons 'Nat 24)
   (cons 'Jules 25)
   (cons 'Josh 17) )
(de FoodColor
   (Apple . "red")
   (Banana . "yellow")
   (Lemon . "yellow")
   (Carrot . "orange") )

# @@PLEAC@@_5.1
# FoodColor defined per the introduction
(push 'FoodColor '(Raspberry . "pink"))

: (prinl "Known foods:") (for F FoodColor (println (car F)))
Known foods:

# @@PLEAC@@_5.2
# FoodColor per the introduction
: (for Name '("Banana", "Martini")
   (prinl Name (if (assoc Name FoodColor) " is a food." " is a drink.")) )
Banana is a food.
Martini is a drink.

# @@PLEAC@@_5.3
(del Key Var)
# FoodColor per the introduction
(de printFoods ()
   (prin "Keys: ")
   (apply println (mapcar car FoodColor))
   (prin "Values: ")
   (apply println (mapcar cdr FoodColor)) )

(prinl "Initially:")
(prinl "With Banana undef:")
(del (assoc 'Banana FoodColor) 'FoodColor)
Keys: Raspberry Apple Banana Lemon Carrot
Values: "pink" "red" "yellow" "yellow" "orange"

With Banana undef:
Keys: Raspberry Apple Lemon Carrot
Values: "pink" "red" "yellow" "orange"

# @@PLEAC@@_5.4
# FoodColor as per the introduction
: (for F FoodColor
   (prinl (car F) " is " (cdr F)) )
Apple is red
Banana is yellow
Lemon is yellow
Carrot is orange

: (mapc
   '((Food Color) (prinl Food " is " Color))
   (mapcar car FoodColor)
   (mapcar cdr FoodColor) )
Apple is red
Banana is yellow
Lemon is yellow
Carrot is orange
: (for F (sort FoodColor)
   (prinl (car F) " is " (cdr F)) )
Apple is red
Banana is yellow
Carrot is orange
Lemon is yellow
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(load "@lib/misc.l")

(in (opt)
   (until (eof)
      (when (match '(~(chop "From: ") @From) (line))
         (accu 'From @From 1) ) ) )

(for Person (sort From)
   (prinl (car Person) ": " (cdr Person)) )



# @@PLEAC@@_5.5
# FoodColor as per the introduction
: FoodColor
-> ((Apple . "red") (Banana . "yellow") (Lemon . "yellow") (Carrot . "orange"))

: (mapc println FoodColor)
(Apple . "red")
(Banana . "yellow")
(Lemon . "yellow")
(Carrot . "orange")

: (for X FoodColor
   (prinl (car X) " => " (cdr X)) )
Apple => red
Banana => yellow
Lemon => yellow
Carrot => orange

# @@PLEAC@@_5.6
(queue 'FoodColor (cons 'Banana "Yellow"))
(queue 'FoodColor (cons 'Apple "Green"))
(queue 'FoodColor (cons 'Lemon "Yellow"))

: FoodColor
-> ((Banana . "Yellow") (Apple . "Green") (Lemon . "Yellow"))

# In insertion order, the foods are:
: (for Food FoodColor
   (prinl "   " (car Food)) )
In insertion order, the foods are:

# Still in insertion order, the foods' colors are:
: (for Food FoodColor
   (prinl (car Food) " is colored " (cdr Food) ".") )
Banana is colored Yellow.
Apple is colored Green.
Lemon is colored Yellow.

# @@PLEAC@@_5.7
: (setq Ttys
         (in '(who)
               (while (read)
                  (link (cons @ (read)))
                  (line) ) ) ) ) ) )
-> ((abu tty1 pts/1 pts/3 pts/4 pts/5) (root tty2))

: (for U Ttys
   (prin (car U) ": ")
   (apply println (cdr U)) )
abu: tty1 pts/1 pts/3 pts/4 pts/5
root: tty2
(for U Ttys
   (prinl (car U) ": " (length (cdr U)) " ttys.")
   (for Tty (sort (cdr U))
      (prinl "^I" Tty " (owned by " (car U) ")") ) )
# Delete all pts/3 .. pts/5
(for U Ttys
   (con U (diff (cdr U) '(pts/3 pts/4 pts/5))) )

: Ttys
-> ((abu tty1 pts/1) (root tty2))

# @@PLEAC@@_5.8
   Surname '((Mickey . Mantle) (Babe . Ruth))
   FirstName (mapcar '((X) (cons (cdr X) (car X))) Surname) )

: (get FirstName 'Mantle)
-> Mickey
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(ifn (argv Given)
   (out 2 (prinl "usage: foodfind food_or_color"))

   (de Color
      ("Apple" . "red")
      ("Banana" . "yellow")
      ("Lemon" . "yellow")
      ("Carrot" . "orange") )

   (when (assoc Given Color)
      (prinl Given " is a food with color " (cdr @) ".") )
   (when (find '((X) (= Given (cdr X))) Color)
      (prinl (car @) "  is a food with color " Given ".") ) )


# FoodColor as per the introduction
: (extract
   '((F) (and (= "yellow" (cdr F)) (car F)))
   FoodColor )
-> (Banana Lemon)

# @@PLEAC@@_5.9
: (setq FoodColor (sort FoodColor))
-> ((Apple . "red") (Banana . "yellow") (Carrot . "orange") (Lemon . "yellow"))

: (setq FoodColor (by cdr sort FoodColor))
-> ((Carrot . "orange") (Apple . "red") (Banana . "yellow") (Lemon . "yellow"))

# @@PLEAC@@_5.10
# FoodColor per the introduction
   DrinkColor '((Galliano . "yellow") ("Mai Tai" . "blue"))
   IngestedColor (append FoodColor DrinkColor) )
: (setq AllColors (uniq (mapcar cdr IngestedColor)))
-> ("red" "yellow" "orange" "blue")

# @@PLEAC@@_5.11
# FoodColor per the introduction
# CitrusColor is a hash mapping citrus food name to its color.
(de CitrusColor
   (Lemon . "yellow")
   (Orange . "orange")
   (Lime . "green") )

# build up a list of non-citrus foods
: (filter '((F) (not (assoc (car F) CitrusColor))) FoodColor)
-> ((Apple . "red") (Banana . "yellow") (Carrot . "orange"))

# @@PLEAC@@_5.12
(setq Files
      '((File) (and (info File) (cons File (car @))))
      '("/etc/termcap", "/vmunix", "/bin/cat") ) )

(prinl "open files " (glue ", " (mapcar car Files)))
(for F Files
   (prinl (car F) " is " (cdr F) " bytes long.") )

# @@PLEAC@@_5.13
# Has no meaning in PicoLisp. All data structures grow dynamically.

# @@PLEAC@@_5.14
: (off Count)
-> NIL
: (for Element '(a b c b c d)
   (accu 'Count Element 1) )
-> (d . 1)
: Count
-> ((d . 1) (c . 2) (b . 2) (a . 1))

# @@PLEAC@@_5.15
(de Father
   (Cain . Adam)
   (Abel . Adam)
   (Seth . Adam)
   (Enoch . Cain)
   (Irad . Enoch)
   (Mehujael . Irad)
   (Methusael . Mehujael)
   (Lamech . Methusael)
   (Jubal . Lamech)
   (Tubalcain . Lamech)
   (Enos . Seth) )

(de ancestor (Name)
   (while (assoc Name Father)
      (setq Name (cdr @)) )
   Name )  # Always 'Adam'

(setq Children
      '((L) (cons (cdar L) (mapcar car L)))
      (by cdr group Father) ) )

(de children (Name)
   (prinl Name " begat "
      (if (get Children Name)
         (glue ", " @)
         "nobody" ) ) )
: (children 'Adam)
Adam begat Cain, Abel, Seth

: (children 'Enos)
Enos begat nobody

# @@PLEAC@@_5.16
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
# dutree - print sorted indented rendition of du output

(load "@lib/misc.l")

# Run du, read input, save directories and sizes
(setq *Dirsize  # ((name size kids ..) ..)
   (by length sort
      (in (list 'du (opt))
            (while (read)
               (link (list (split (line) "/") @)) ) ) ) ) )

# Assign kids
(for D *Dirsize
   (when (assoc (head -1 (car D)) *Dirsize)
      (conc @ (cons (car D))) ) )

(let Root (car *Dirsize)
   # Figure out how much is taken up in each directory
   # that isn't stored in subdirectories.  add a new
   # fake kid called "." containing that much
   (recur (Root)
      (let (Size (cadr Root)  Cursize Size)
         (for Kid (cddr Root)
            (when (assoc Kid *Dirsize)
               (dec 'Cursize (cadr @))
               (recurse @) ) )
         (unless (= Size Cursize)
            (let Dot (append (car Root) '((".")))
               (push '*Dirsize (list Dot Cursize))
               (conc Root (cons Dot)) ) ) ) )
   # Recursively output everything
   (let (Prefix NIL  Width (length (cadr Root)))
      (recur (Root Prefix Width)
         (let Name (last (car Root))
            (prinl Prefix (align Width (cadr Root)) " " Name)
            (let? Kids
                  (by cadr sort
                     (mapcar '((K) (assoc K *Dirsize)) (cddr Root)) ) )
               (setq Prefix (pack Prefix (align Width "|")))
               (setq Width (+ 1 (length Name) (length (cadar Kids))))
               (for Kid Kids
                  (recurse Kid Prefix Width) ) ) ) ) ) )



# @@PLEAC@@_6.0
# PicoLisp has no strings, and doesn't operate on symbol names directly.
# (see the "Strings" section). Instead, patterns are applied to lists.
(match Pattern List)
(fill Pattern [Symbol|List])
: (match '(@Name had a @Adj lamb) '(Mary had a little lamb))
-> T
: @Name
-> (Mary)
: @Adj
-> (little)

# @@PLEAC@@_6.1
: (replace '(here in this town) 'this 'that 'town 'village)
-> (here in that village)
# strip to basename
: (let F (chop "abc/def/ghi")
   (prinl (last (split F '/)))  # Using 'split'
   (prinl (stem F '/)) )        # or 'stem'
# Make All Words Title-Cased
: (mapcar
      '((W) (pack (uppc (car W)) (cdr W)))
      (split (chop "Mary had a little lamb") " ") )
-> ("Mary" "Had" "A" "Little" "Lamb")
: (glue '/
      (split (chop "/usr/man/man3/foo.1") "/")
      '("m" "a" "n" "3")
      '("c" "a" "t" "3") ) )
-> "/usr/man/cat3/foo.1"
: (mapcar
   '((S) (pack (glue '/ (head -1 (split (chop S) '/))) "/lib"))
   '("/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/local/bin") )
-> ("/usr/lib" "/lib" "/usr/local/lib")

# @@PLEAC@@_6.2
      '((C) (nor (>= "Z" C "A") (>= "z" C "a")))
      List ) )  # it is purely alphabetic

# @@PLEAC@@_6.3
# as many non-whitespace bytes as possible
: (make (find '((C) (or (sp? C) (nil (link C)))) (chop "abcd efg")))
-> ("a" "b" "c" "d")

# as many letters, apostrophes, and hyphens
: (make
            (or (>= "Z" C "A") (>= "z" C "a") (sub? C "`-"))
            (link C) ) )
      (chop "ab`c-d/e") ) )
-> ("a" "b" "`" "c" "-" "d")

# ...


# @@PLEAC@@_7.0
(in "/usr/local/widgets/data"
   (until (eof)
      (and (sub? "blue" (line T)) (prinl @)) ) )
(setq Var (in NIL (till NIL T)))  # Read standard input till EOF
(out LogFile ...)

(setq Fd (open LogFile))
(close Fd)
(out "+LogFile"  # switch to LOGFILE for output
   (prinl "Countdown initiated ...") )
# return to original output
(prinl "You have 30 seconds to reach minimum safety distance.")

# @@PLEAC@@_7.1
(in "file"  # Open for input
   .. )

(out "file"  # Open for output
   .. )

(out "+file"  # Open for output (appending)
   .. )

# @@PLEAC@@_7.2

# Just like any other file, right?