$entry = stat('/bin/vi'); $entry = stat('/usr/bin'); $entry = stat($argv[1]); // ------------ $entry = stat('/bin/vi'); $ctime = $entry['ctime']; $size = $entry['size']; // ---------------------------- // For the simple task of determining whether a file contains, text', a simple // function that searches for a newline could be implemented. Not exactly // foolproof, but very simple, low overhead, no installation headaches ... function containsText($file) { $status = FALSE; if (($fp = fopen($file, 'r'))) { while (FALSE !== ($char = fgetc($fp))) { if ($char == "\n") { $status = TRUE; break; } } fclose($fp); } return $status; } // PHP offers the [currently experimental] Fileinfo group of functions to // determine file types based on their contents / 'magic numbers'. This // is functionality similar to the *NIX, 'file' utility. Note that it must // first be installed using the PEAR utility [see PHP documentation] function isTextFile($file) { // Note: untested code, but I believe this is how it is supposed to work $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_NONE); $status = (finfo_file($finfo, $file) == 'ASCII text'); finfo_close($finfo); return $status; } // Alternatively, use the *NIX utility, 'file', directly function isTextFile($file) { return exec(trim('file -bN ' . escapeshellarg($file))) == 'ASCII text'; } // ---- containsText($argv[1]) || die("File {$argv[1]} doesn't have any text in it\n"); isTextFile($argv[1]) || die("File {$argv[1]} doesn't have any text in it\n"); // ---------------------------- $dirname = '/usr/bin/'; ($dirhdl = opendir($dirname)) || die("Couldn't open {$dirname}\n"); while (($file = readdir($dirhdl)) !== FALSE) { printf("Inside %s is something called: %s\n", $dirname, $file); } closedir($dirhdl); |
$filename = 'example.txt'; // Get the file's current access and modification time, respectively $fs = stat($filename); $readtime = $fs['atime']; $writetime = $fs['mtime']; // Alter $writetime, and $readtime ... // Update file timestamp touch($filename, $writetime, $readtime); // ---------------------------- $filename = 'example.txt'; // Get the file's current access and modification time, respectively $fs = stat($filename); $atime = $fs['atime']; $mtime = $fs['mtime']; // Dedicated functions also exist to retrieve this information: // // $atime = $fileatime($filename); // $mtime = $filemtime($filename); // // Perform date arithmetic. Traditional approach where arithmetic is performed // directly with Epoch Seconds [i.e. the *NIX time stamp value] will work ... define('SECONDS_PER_DAY', 60 * 60 * 24); // Set file's access and modification times to 1 week ago $atime -= 7 * SECONDS_PER_DAY; $mtime -= 7 * SECONDS_PER_DAY; // ... but care must be taken to account for daylight saving. Therefore, the // recommended approach is to use library functions to perform such tasks: $atime = strtotime('-7 days', $atime); $mtime = strtotime('-7 days', $mtime); // Update file timestamp touch($filename, $mtime, $atime); // Good idea to clear the cache after such updates have occurred so fresh // values will be retrieved on next access clearstatcache(); // ---------------------------- $argc == 2 || die("usage: {$argv[0]} filename\n"); $filename = $argv[1]; $fs = stat($filename); $atime = $fs['atime']; $mtime = $fs['mtime']; // Careful here: since interactive, use, 'system', not 'exec', to launch [latter // does not work under *NIX - at least, not for me :)] system(trim(getenv('EDITOR') . ' vi ' . escapeshellarg($filename)), $retcode); touch($filename, $mtime, $atime) || die("Error updating timestamp on file, {$filename}!\n"); |
// The 'unlink' function is used to delete regular files, whilst the 'rmdir' function // does the same on non-empty directories. AFAIK, no recursive-deletion facility // exists, and must be manually programmed $filename = '...'; @unlink($filename) || die("Can't delete, {$filename}!\n"); // ------------ $files = glob('...'); $problem = FALSE; // Could simply use a foreach loop foreach($files as $filename) { @unlink($filename) || $problem = TRUE; } // // Alternatively, an applicative approach could be used, one closer in spirit to // largely-functional languages like Scheme // // function is_all_deleted($deleted, $filename) { return @unlink($filename) && $deleted; } // $problem = !array_reduce($files, 'is_all_deleted', TRUE); // if ($problem) { fwrite(STDERR, 'Could not delete all of:'); foreach($files as $filename) { fwrite(STDERR, ' ' . $filename); } fwrite(STDERR, "\n"); exit(1); } // ------------ function rmAll($files) { $count = 0; foreach($files as $filename) { @unlink($filename) && $count++; }; return $count; // An applicative alternative using 'create_function', PHP's rough equivalent of 'lambda' ... // // return array_reduce($files, // create_function('$count, $filename', 'return @unlink($filename) && $count++;'), 0); } // ---- $files = glob('...'); $toBeDeleted = sizeof($files); $count = rmAll($files); ($count == $toBeDeleted) || die("Could only delete {$count} of {$toBeDeleted} files\n"); |
$oldfile = '/tmp/old'; $newfile = '/tmp/new'; copy($oldfile, $newfile) || die("Error copying file\n"); // ---------------------------- // All the following copy a file by copying its contents. Examples do so in a single // operation, but it is also possible to copy arbitrary blocks, or, line-by-line in // the case of 'text' files $oldfile = '/tmp/old'; $newfile = '/tmp/new'; if (is_file($oldfile)) file_put_contents($newfile, file_get_contents($oldfile)); else die("Problem copying file {$oldfile} to file {$newfile}\n"); // ------------ $oldfile = '/tmp/old'; $newfile = '/tmp/new'; fwrite(($nh = fopen($newfile, 'wb')), fread(($oh = fopen($oldfile, 'rb')), filesize($oldfile))); fclose($oh); fclose($nh); // ------------ // As above, but with some error checking / handling $oldfile = '/tmp/old'; $newfile = '/tmp/new'; ($oh = fopen($oldfile, 'rb')) || die("Problem opening input file {$oldfile}\n"); ($nh = fopen($newfile, 'wb')) || die("Problem opening output file {$newfile}\n"); if (($filesize = filesize($oldfile)) > 0) { fwrite($nh, fread($oh, $filesize)) || die("Problem reading / writing file data\n"); } fclose($oh); fclose($nh); // ---------------------------- // Should there be platform-specfic problems copying 'very large' files, it is // a simple matter to call a system command utility via, 'exec' // *NIX-specific example. Could check whether, 'exec', succeeded, but checking whether // a file exists after the operation might be a better approach $oldfile = '/tmp/old'; $newfile = '/tmp/new'; is_file($newfile) && unlink($newfile); exec(trim('cp --force ' . escapeshellarg($oldfile) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($newfile))); is_file($newfile) || die("Problem copying file {$oldfile} to file {$newfile}\n"); // For other operating systems just change: // * filenames // * command being 'exec'ed // as the rest of the code is platform independant |
function makeDevInodePair($filename) { if (!($fs = @stat($filename))) return FALSE; return strval($fs['dev'] . $fs['ino']); } // ------------ function do_my_thing($filename) { // Using a global variable to mimic Perl example, but could easily have passed // '$seen' as an argument global $seen; $devino = makeDevInodePair($filename); // Process $filename if it has not previously been seen, else just increment if (!isset($seen[$devino])) { // ... process $filename ... // Set initial count $seen[$devino] = 1; } else { // Otherwise, just increment the count $seen[$devino] += 1; } } // ---- // Simple example $seen = array(); do_my_thing('/tmp/old'); do_my_thing('/tmp/old'); do_my_thing('/tmp/old'); do_my_thing('/tmp/new'); foreach($seen as $devino => $count) { echo "{$devino} -> {$count}\n"; } // ------------ // A variation on the above avoiding use of global variables, and illustrating use of // easily-implemented 'higher order' techniques // Helper function loosely modelled on, 'array_reduce', but using an array as // 'accumulator', which is returned on completion function array_update($arr, $lambda, $updarr) { foreach($arr as $key) $lambda($updarr, $key); return $updarr; } function do_my_thing(&$seen, $filename) { if (!array_key_exists(($devino = makeDevInodePair($filename)), $seen)) { // ... processing $filename ... // Update $seen $seen[$devino] = 1; } else { // Update $seen $seen[$devino] += 1; } } // ---- // Simple example $files = array('/tmp/old', '/tmp/old', '/tmp/old', '/tmp/new'); // Could do this ... $seen = array(); array_update($files, 'do_my_thing', &$seen); // or this: $seen = array_update($files, 'do_my_thing', array()); // or a 'lambda' could be used: array_update($files, create_function('$seen, $filename', '... code not shown ...'), &$seen); foreach($seen as $devino => $count) { echo "{$devino} -> {$count}\n"; } // ---------------------------- $files = glob('/tmp/*'); define(SEP, ';'); $seen = array(); foreach($files as $filename) { if (!array_key_exists(($devino = makeDevInodePair($filename)), $seen)) $seen[$devino] = $filename; else $seen[$devino] = $seen[$devino] . SEP . $filename; } $devino = array_keys($seen); sort($devino); foreach($devino as $key) { echo $key . ':'; foreach(split(SEP, $seen[$key]) as $filename) echo ' ' . $filename; echo "\n"; } |
// Conventional POSIX-like approach to directory traversal $dirname = '/usr/bin/'; ($dirhdl = opendir($dirname)) || die("Couldn't open {$dirname}\n"); while (($file = readdir($dirhdl)) !== FALSE) { ; // ... do something with $dirname/$file // ... } closedir($dirhdl); // ------------ // Newer [post PHP 4], 'applicative' approach - an array of filenames is // generated that may be processed via external loop ... $dirname = '/usr/bin/'; foreach(scandir($dirname) as $file) { ; // ... do something with $dirname/$file // ... } // .. or, via callback application, perhaps after massaging by one of the // 'array' family of functions [also uses, 'array_update', from earlier section] $newlist = array_update(array_reverse(scandir($dirname)), create_function('$filelist, $file', ' ; '), array()); // And don't forget that the old standby, 'glob', that returns an array of // paths filtered using the Bourne Shell-based wildcards, '?' and '*', is // also available foreach(glob($dirname . '*') as $path) { ; // ... do something with $path // ... } // ---------------------------- // Uses, 'isTextFile', from an earlier section $dirname = '/usr/bin/'; echo "Text files in {$dirname}:\n"; foreach(scandir($dirname) as $file) { // Take care when constructing paths to ensure cross-platform operability $path = $dirname . $file; if (is_file($path) && isTextFile($path)) echo $path . "\n"; } // ---------------------------- function plain_files($dirname) { ($dirlist = glob($dirname . '*')) || die("Couldn't glob {$dirname}\n"); // Pass function name directly if only a single function performs filter test return array_filter($dirlist, 'is_file'); // Use, 'create_function', if a multi-function test is needed // // return array_filter($dirlist, create_function('$path', 'return is_file($path);')); // } // ------------ foreach(plain_files('/tmp/') as $path) { echo $path . "\n"; } |
$dirname = '/tmp/'; // Full paths $pathlist = glob($dirname . '*.c'); // File names only - glob-based matching $filelist = array_filter(scandir($dirname), create_function('$file', 'return fnmatch("*.c", $file);')); // ---------------------------- $dirname = '/tmp/'; // File names only - regex-based matching [case-insensitive] $filelist = array_filter(scandir($dirname), create_function('$file', 'return eregi("\.[ch]$", $file);')); // ---------------------------- $dirname = '/tmp/'; // Directory names - all-digit names $dirs = array_filter(glob($dirname . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR), create_function('$path', 'return ereg("^[0-9]+$", basename($path));')); |
// Recursive directory traversal function and helper: traverses a directory tree // applying a function [and a variable number of accompanying arguments] to each // file class Accumulator { public $value; public function __construct($start_value) { $this->value = $start_value; } } // ------------ function process_directory_($op, $func_args) { if (is_dir($func_args[0])) { $current = $func_args[0]; foreach(scandir($current) as $entry) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') continue; $func_args[0] = $current . '/' . $entry; process_directory_($op, $func_args); } } else { call_user_func_array($op, $func_args); } } function process_directory($op, $dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) return FALSE; $func_args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1); process_directory_($op, $func_args); return TRUE; } // ---------------------------- $dirlist = array('/tmp/d1', '/tmp/d2', '/tmp/d3'); // Do something with each directory in the list foreach($dirlist as $dir) { ; // Delete directory [if empty] -> rmdir($dir); // Make it the 'current directory' -> chdir($dir); // Get list of files it contains -> $filelist = scandir($dir); // Get directory metadata -> $ds = stat($dir); } // ------------ $dirlist = array('/tmp/d1', '/tmp/d2', '/tmp/d3'); function pf($path) { // ... do something to the file or directory ... printf("%s\n", $path); } // For each directory in the list ... foreach($dirlist as $dir) { // Is this a valid directory ? if (!is_dir($dir)) { printf("%s does not exist\n", $dir); continue; } // Ok, so get all the directory's entries $filelist = scandir($dir); // An 'empty' directory will contain at least two entries: '..' and '.' if (count($filelist) == 2) { printf("%s is empty\n", $dir); continue; } // For each file / directory in the directory ... foreach($filelist as $file) { // Ignore '..' and '.' entries if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; // Apply function to process the file / directory pf($dir . '/' . $file); } } // ---------------------------- function accum_filesize($file, $accum) { is_file($file) && ($accum->value += filesize($file)); } // ------------ // Verify arguments ... $argc == 2 || die("usage: {$argv[0]} dir\n"); $dir = $argv[1]; is_dir($dir) || die("{$dir} does not exist / not a directory\n"); // Collect data [use an object to accumulate results] $dirsize = new Accumulator(0); process_directory('accum_filesize', $dir, $dirsize); // Report results printf("%s contains %d bytes\n", $dir, $dirsize->value); // ---------------------------- function biggest_file($file, $accum) { if (is_file($file)) { $fs = filesize($file); if ($accum->value[1] < $fs) { $accum->value[0] = $file; $accum->value[1] = $fs; } } } // ------------ // Verify arguments ... $argc == 2 || die("usage: {$argv[0]} dir\n"); $dir = $argv[1]; is_dir($dir) || die("{$dir} does not exist / not a directory\n"); // Collect data [use an object to accumulate results] $biggest = new Accumulator(array('', 0)); process_directory('biggest_file', $dir, $biggest); // Report results printf("Biggest file is %s containing %d bytes\n", $biggest->value[0], $biggest->value[1]); // ---------------------------- function youngest_file($file, $accum) { if (is_file($file)) { $fct = filectime($file); if ($accum->value[1] > $fct) { $accum->value[0] = $file; $accum->value[1] = $fct; } } } // ------------ // Verify arguments ... $argc == 2 || die("usage: {$argv[0]} dir\n"); $dir = $argv[1]; is_dir($dir) || die("{$dir} does not exist / not a directory\n"); // Collect data [use an object to accumulate results] $youngest = new Accumulator(array('', 2147483647)); process_directory('youngest_file', $dir, $youngest); // Report results printf("Youngest file is %s dating %s\n", $youngest->value[0], date(DATE_ATOM, $youngest->value[1])); |
// AFAICT, there is currently no library function that recursively removes a // directory tree [i.e. a directory, it's subdirectories, and any other files] // with a single call. Such a function needs to be custom built. PHP tools // with which to do this: // * 'unlink', 'rmdir', 'is_dir', and 'is_file' functions, will all take care // of the file testing and deletion // * Actual directory traversal requires obtaining directory / subdirectory // lists, and here there is much choice available, though care must be taken // as each has it's own quirks // - 'opendir', 'readdir', 'closedir' // - 'scandir' // - 'glob' // - SPL 'directory iterator' classes [newish / experimental - not shown here] // // The PHP documentation for 'rmdir' contains several examples, each illustrating // one of each approach; the example shown here is loosely based on one of these // examples // Recursor - recursively traverses directory tree function rmtree_($dir) { $dir = "$dir"; if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (FALSE !== ($item = readdir($dh))) { if ($item != '.' && $item != '..') { $subdir = $dir . '/' . "$item"; if (is_dir($subdir)) rmtree_($subdir); else @unlink($subdir); } } closedir($dh); @rmdir($dir); } } // Launcher - performs validation then starts recursive routine function rmtree($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { (substr($dir, -1, 1) == '/') && ($dir = substr($dir, 0, -1)); rmtree_($dir); return !is_dir($dir); } return FALSE; } // ------------ $argc == 2 || die("usage: rmtree dir\n"); rmtree($argv[1]) || die("Could not remove directory {$argv[1]}\n"); |
$filepairs = array('x.txt' => 'x2.txt', 'y.txt' => 'y.doc', 'zxc.txt' => 'cxz.txt'); foreach($filepairs as $oldfile => $newfile) { @rename($oldfile, $newfile) || fwrite(STDERR, sprintf("Could not rename %s to %s\n", $oldfile, $newfile)); } // ---------------------------- // Call a system command utility via, 'exec'. *NIX-specific example. Could check whether, // 'exec', succeeded, but checking whether a renamed file exists after the operation might // be a better approach $oldfile = '/tmp/old'; $newfile = '/tmp/new'; is_file($newfile) && unlink($newfile); exec(trim('mv --force ' . escapeshellarg($oldfile) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($newfile))); is_file($oldfile) || die("Problem renaming file {$oldfile} to file {$newfile}\n"); // For other operating systems just change: // * filenames // * command being 'exec'ed // as the rest of the code is platform independant // ---------------------------- // A modified implementation of Larry's Filename Fixer. Rather than passing // a single expression, a 'from' regexp is passed; each match in the file // name(s) is changed to the value of 'to'. It otherwise behaves the same // $argc > 2 || die("usage: rename from to [file ...]\n"); $from = $argv[1]; $to = $argv[2]; if (count(($argv = array_slice($argv, 3))) < 1) while (!feof(STDIN)) $argv[] = substr(fgets(STDIN), 0, -1); foreach($argv as $file) { $was = $file; $file = ereg_replace($from, $to, $file); if (strcmp($was, $file) != 0) @rename($was, $file) || fwrite(STDERR, sprintf("Could not rename %s to %s\n", $was, $file)); } |
$base = basename($path); $dir = dirname($path); // PHP's equivalent to Perl's 'fileparse' $pathinfo = pathinfo($path); $base = $pathinfo['basename']; $dir = $pathinfo['dirname']; $ext = $pathinfo['extension']; // ---------------------------- $path = '/usr/lib/libc.a'; printf("dir is %s, file is %s\n", dirname($path), basename($path)); // ------------ $path = '/usr/lib/libc.a'; $pathinfo = pathinfo($path); printf("dir is %s, name is %s, extension is %s\n", $pathinfo['dirname'], $pathinfo['basename'], $pathinfo['extension']); // ---------------------------- // Handle Mac example as a simple parse task. However, AFAIK, 'pathinfo' is cross-platform, // so should handle file path format differences transparently $path = 'Hard%20Drive:System%20Folder:README.txt'; $macp = array_combine(array('drive', 'folder', 'filename'), split("\:", str_replace('%20', ' ', $path))); $macf = array_combine(array('name', 'extension'), split("\.", $macp['filename'])); printf("dir is %s, name is %s, extension is %s\n", ($macp['drive'] . ':' . $macp['folder']), $macf['name'], ('.' . $macf['extension'])); // ---------------------------- // Not really necessary since we have, 'pathinfo', but better matches Perl example function file_extension($filename, $separator = '.') { return end(split(("\\" . $separator), $filename)); } // ---- echo file_extension('readme.txt') . "\n"; |