4. Arrays


// Nested arrays are supported, and may be easily printed using 'print_r'

$nested = array('this', 'that', 'the', 'other');

$nested = array('this', 'that', array('the', 'other')); print_r($nested);

$tune = array('The', 'Star-Spangled', 'Banner');

Specifying a List In Your Program

// PHP offers only the 'array' type which is actually an associative array, though
// may be numerically indexed, to mimic vectors and matrices; there is no separate
// 'list' type

$a = array('quick', 'brown', 'fox');

// ------------

$a = escapeshellarg('Why are you teasing me?');

// ------------

$lines = <<<END_OF_HERE_DOC
    The boy stood on the burning deck,
    it was as hot as glass.

// ------------

$bigarray = array_map('rtrim', file('mydatafile'));

// ------------

$banner = 'The mines of Moria';

$banner = escapeshellarg('The mines of Moria');

// ------------

$name = 'Gandalf';

$banner = "Speak {$name}, and enter!";

$banner = 'Speak ' . escapeshellarg($name) . ' and welcome!';

// ------------

$his_host = 'www.perl.com';

$host_info = `nslookup $his_host`;

$cmd = 'ps ' . posix_getpid(); $perl_info = `$cmd`;

$shell_info = `ps $$`;

// ------------

$banner = array('Costs', 'only', '$4.95');

$banner = array_map('escapeshellarg', split(' ', 'Costs only $4.95'));

// ------------

// AFAIK PHP doesn't support non-quoted strings ala Perl's 'q', 'qq' and 'qw', so arrays
// created from strings must use quoted strings, and make use of 'split' [or equivalent].
// A slew of functions exist for performing string quoting, including 'escapeshellarg',
// 'quotemeta', and 'preg_quote'

$brax = split(' ', '( ) < > { } [ ]');

// Do this to quote each element within '..'
// $brax = array_map('escapeshellarg', split(' ', '( ) < > { } [ ]'));

$rings = split(' ', 'Nenya Narya Vilya');

$tags = split(' ', 'LI TABLE TR TD A IMG H1 P');

$sample = split(' ', 'The vertical bar | looks and behaves like a pipe.');

Printing a List with Commas

function commify_series($list)
  $n = str_word_count($list); $series = str_word_count($list, 1);

  if ($n == 0) return NULL;
  if ($n == 1) return $series[0];
  if ($n == 2) return $series[0] . ' and ' . $series[1];
  return join(', ', array_slice($series, 0, -1)) . ', and ' . $series[$n - 1];

// ------------

echo commify_series('red') . "\n";
echo commify_series('red yellow') . "\n";
echo commify_series('red yellow green') . "\n";

$mylist = 'red yellow green';
echo 'I have ' . commify_series($mylist) . " marbles.\n";

// ----------------------------

function commify_series($arr)
  $n = count($arr); $sepchar = ',';

  foreach($arr as $str)
    if (strpos($str, ',') === false) continue;
    $sepchar = ';'; break; 

  if ($n == 0) return NULL;
  if ($n == 1) return $arr[0];
  if ($n == 2) return $arr[0] . ' and ' . $arr[1];
  return join("{$sepchar} ", array_slice($arr, 0, -1)) . "{$sepchar} and " . $arr[$n - 1];

// ------------

$lists = array(
  array('just one thing'),
  split(' ', 'Mutt Jeff'),
  split(' ', 'Peter Paul Mary'),
  array('To our parents', 'Mother Theresa', 'God'),
  array('pastrami', 'ham and cheese', 'peanut butter and jelly', 'tuna'),
  array('recycle tired, old phrases', 'ponder big, happy thoughts'),
  array('recycle tired, old phrases', 'ponder big, happy thoughts', 'sleep and dream peacefully'));

foreach($lists as $arr)
  echo 'The list is: ' . commify_series($arr) . ".\n";

Changing Array Size

// AFAICT you cannot grow / shrink an array to an arbitrary size. However, you can:
// * Grow an array by appending an element using subscrip notation, or using
//   either 'array_unshift' or 'array_push' to add one or more elements

$arr[] = 'one';
array_unshift($arr, 'one', 'two', 'three');
array_push($arr, 'one', 'two', 'three');

// * Shrink an array by using 'unset' to remove one or more specific elements, or
//   either 'array_shift' or 'array_pop' to remove an element from the ends

unset($arr[$idx1], $arr[$idx2], $arr[$idx3]);
$item = array_shift($arr);
$item = array_pop($arr);

// ----------------------------

function what_about_the_array()
  global $people;

  echo 'The array now has ' . count($people) . " elements\n";
  echo 'The index value of the last element is ' . (count($people) - 1) . "\n";
  echo 'Element #3 is ' . $people[3] . "\n";

$people = array('Crosby', 'Stills', 'Nash', 'Young');


// Cannot, AFAICT, resize the array to an arbitrary size

Doing Something with Every Element in a List

foreach ($list as $item) {
    // do something with $item

// Environment listing example

// PHP defines a superglobal $_ENV to provide access to environment
// variables.

// Beware, array assignment means copying in PHP. You need to use
// the reference operator to avoid copying. But we want a copy here.
$env = $_ENV;

// PHP can sort an array by key, so you don't need to get keys,
// and then sort.

foreach ($env as $key => $value) {
    echo "{$key}={$value}\n";

// Literal translation of Perl example would be:
$keys = array_keys($_ENV);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
    echo "{$key}={$_ENV[$key]}\n";

// This assumes that MAX_QUOTA is a named constant.
foreach ($all_users as $user) {
    $disk_space = get_usage($user);
    if ($disk_space > MAX_QUOTA) {

// You can't modify array's elements in-place.
$array = array(1, 2, 3);
$newarray = array();
foreach ($array as $item) {
    $newarray[] = $item - 1;

// Before PHP 5, that is. You can precede the reference operator
// before $item to get reference instead of copy.
$array = array(1, 2, 3);
foreach ($array as &$item) {

// TODO: explain the old each() and list() iteration construct.
// foreach is new in PHP 4, and there are subtle differences.

Iterating Over an Array by Reference

// Conventional 'read-only' access
foreach($array as $item)
  ; // Can access, but not update, array element referred to by '$item'

// ----

// '&' makes '$item' a reference
foreach($array as &$item)
  ; // Update array element referred to by '$item'

// ------------

$arraylen = count($array);

for($i = 0; $i < $arraylen; $i++)
  ; // '$array' is updateable via subscript notation

// ----------------------------

$fruits = array('Apple', 'Raspberry');

foreach($fruits as &$fruit)
  echo "{$fruit} tastes good in a pie.\n";

$fruitlen = count($fruits);

for($i = 0; $i < $fruitlen; $i++)
  echo "{$fruits[$i]} tastes good in a pie.\n";

// ----------------------------

$rogue_cats = array('Blackie', 'Goldie', 'Silkie');

// Take care to assign reference to '$rogue_cats' array via '=&'
$namelist['felines'] =& $rogue_cats;

// Take care to make '$cat' a reference via '&$' to allow updating
foreach($namelist['felines'] as &$cat)
  $cat .= ' [meow]';

// Via array reference
foreach($namelist['felines'] as $cat)
  echo "{$cat} purrs hypnotically.\n";

echo "---\n";

// Original array
foreach($rogue_cats as $cat)
  echo "{$cat} purrs hypnotically.\n";

Extracting Unique Elements from a List

// PHP offers the 'array_unique' function to perform this task. It works with both keyed,
// and numerically-indexed arrays; keys / indexes are preserved; use of 'array_values' 
// is recommended to reindex numerically-indexed arrays since there will likely be missing
// indexes

// Remove duplicate values
$unique = array_unique($array);

// Remove duplicates, and reindex [for numerically-indexed arrays only]
$unique = array_values(array_unique($array));

// or use:
$unique = array_keys(array_flip($array));

// ----------------------------

// Selected Perl 'seen' examples
foreach($list as $item)
  if (!isset($seen[$item]))
    $seen[$item] = TRUE;
    $unique[] = $item;

// ------------

foreach($list as $item)
  $seen[$item] || (++$seen[$item] && ($unique[] = $item));

// ------------

function some_func($item)
  ; // Do something with '$item'

foreach($list as $item)
  $seen[$item] || (++$seen[$item] && some_func($item));

// ----------------------------

foreach(array_slice(preg_split('/\n/', `who`), 0, -1) as $user_entry)
  $user = preg_split('/\s/', $user_entry);


echo "users logged in:\n";

foreach($ucnt as $user => $cnt)
  echo "\t{$user} => {$cnt}\n";

Finding Elements in One Array but Not Another

// PHP offers the 'array_diff' and 'array_diff_assoc' functions to perform this task. Same
// points as made about 'array_unique' apply here also

$a = array('c', 'a', 'b', 'd');
$b = array('c', 'a', 'b', 'e');

$diff = array_diff($a, $b);                 // $diff -> [3] 'd'
$diff = array_diff($b, $a);                 // $diff -> [3] 'e'

// Numerically-indexed array, reindexed
$diff = array_values(array_diff($a, $b));   // $diff -> [0] 'd'
$diff = array_values(array_diff($b, $a));   // $diff -> [0] 'e'

// ----------------------------

// 1st Perl 'seen' example only

$a = array('k1' => 11, 'k2' => 12, 'k4' => 14);
$b = array('k1' => 11, 'k2' => 12, 'k3' => 13);

foreach($b as $item => $value) { $seen[$item] = 1; }

// Stores key only e.g. $aonly[0] contains 'k4', same as Perl example
foreach($a as $item => $value) { if (!$seen[$item]) $aonly[] = $item; }

// Stores key and value e.g. $aonly['k4'] contains 14, same entry as in $a
foreach($a as $item => $value) { if (!$seen[$item]) $aonly[$item] = $value; }

// ----------------------------

// Conventional way: $hash = array('key1' => 1, 'key2' => 2);

$hash['key1'] = 1;
$hash['key2'] = 2;

$hash = array_combine(array('key1', 'key2'), array(1, 2));

// ------------

$seen = array_slice($b, 0);

$seen = array_combine(array_keys($b), array_fill(0, count($b), 1));

Computing Union, Intersection, or Difference of Unique Lists

// PHP offers a number of array-based 'set operation' functions:
// * union:        array_unique(array_merge(...))
// * intersection: array_intersect and family
// * difference:   array_diff and family
// which may be used for this type of task. Also, if returned arrays need to be
// reindexed, 'array_slice($array, 0)', or 'array_values($array)' are useful

$a = array(1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8);
$b = array(2, 3, 5, 7, 9);

$union = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($a, $b))); // 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
$isect = array_values(array_intersect($a, $b));           // 3, 5, 7
$diff = array_values(array_diff($a, $b));                 // 1, 8

Appending One Array to Another

// PHP offers the 'array_merge' function to perform this task. Duplicate values are retained,
// but if arrays are numerically-indexed, resulting array is reindexed

$arr1 = array('c', 'a', 'b', 'd');
$arr2 = array('c', 'a', 'b', 'e');

$new = array_merge($arr1, $arr2);     // $new -> 'c', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'd'

// ----------------------------

$members = array('Time', 'Flies');
$initiates = array('An', 'Arrow');

$members = array_merge($members, $initiates);

// ------------

$members = array('Time', 'Flies');
$initiates = array('An', 'Arrow');

// 'array_splice' is the PHP equivalent to Perl's 'splice'
array_splice($members, 2, 0, array_merge(array('Like'), $initiates));
echo join(' ', $members) . "\n";

array_splice($members, 0, 1, array('Fruit'));
array_splice($members, -2, 2, array('A', 'Banana'));
echo join(' ', $members) . "\n";

Reversing an Array

$reversed = array_reverse($array);

// ----------------------------

foreach(array_reverse($array) as $item)
  ; // ... do something with '$item' ...

// ------------

for($i = count($array) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
  ; // ... do something with '$array[$i]' ...

// ----------------------------

$array = array_reverse($array);

// ------------


Processing Multiple Elements of an Array

// Array elements can be deleted using 'unset'; removing several elements would require applying
// 'unset' several times, probably in a loop. However, they would most likely also need to be
// reindexed, so a better approach would be to use 'array_slice' which avoids explicit looping.
// Where elements need to be removed, and those elements also returned, it is probably best to
// combine both operations in a function. This is the approach taken here in implementing both
// 'shiftN' and 'popN', and it is these functions that are used in the examples

function popN(&$arr, $n)
  $ret = array_slice($arr, -($n), $n);
  $arr = array_slice($arr, 0, count($arr) - $n);
  return $ret;

function shiftN(&$arr, $n)
  $ret = array_slice($arr, 0, $n);
  $arr = array_slice($arr, $n);
  return $ret;

// ------------

// Remove $n elements from the front of $array; return them in $fron
$front = shiftN($array, $n);

// Remove $n elements from the end of $array; return them in $end
$end = popN($array, $n);

// ------------

$friends = array('Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary', 'Jim', 'Tim');

list($this_, $that) = shiftN($friends, 2);

echo "{$this_} {$that}\n";

// ------------

$beverages = array('Dew', 'Jolt', 'Cola', 'Sprite', 'Fresca');

$pair = popN($beverages, 2);

echo join(' ', $pair) . "\n";

Finding the First List Element That Passes a Test

// This section illustrates various 'find first' techniques. The Perl examples all use an
// explicit loop and condition testing [also repeated here]. This is the simplest, and
// [potentially] most efficient approach because the search can be terminated as soon as a
// match is found. However, it is worth mentioning a few alternatives:
// * 'array_search' performs a 'find first' using the element value rather than a condition
//    check, so isn't really applicable here
// * 'array_filter', whilst using a condition check, actually performs a 'find all', though
//   all but the first returned element can be discarded. This approach is actually less error
//   prone than using a loop, but the disadvantage is that each element is visited: there is no
//   means of terminating the search once a match has been found. It would be nice if this
//   function were to have a third parameter, a Boolean flag indicating whether to traverse
//   the whole array, or quit after first match [next version, maybe :) ?]

$found = FALSE;

foreach($array as $item)
  // Not found - skip to next item
  if (!$criterion) continue;

  // Found - save and leave
  $match = $item;
  $found = TRUE;

if ($found)
  ; // do something with $match
  ; // not found

// ------------

function predicate($element)
  if (criterion) return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

$match = array_slice(array_filter($array, 'predicate'), 0, 1);

if ($match)
  ; // do something with $match[0]
  ; // $match is empty - not found

// ----------------------------

class Employee
  public $name, $age, $ssn, $salary;

  public function __construct($name, $age, $ssn, $salary, $category)
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->age = $age;
    $this->ssn = $ssn;
    $this->salary = $salary;
    $this->category = $category;

// ------------

$employees = array(
  new Employee('sdf', 27, 12345, 47000, 'Engineer'),
  new Employee('ajb', 32, 12376, 51000, 'Programmer'),
  new Employee('dgh', 31, 12355, 45000, 'Engineer'));

// ------------

function array_update($arr, $lambda, $updarr)
  foreach($arr as $key) $lambda($updarr, $key);
  return $updarr;

function highest_salaried_engineer(&$arr, $employee)
  static $highest_salary = 0;
  if ($employee->category == 'Engineer')
    if ($employee->salary > $highest_salary)
      $highest_salary = $employee->salary;
      $arr[0] = $employee;

// ------------

// 'array_update' custom function is modelled on 'array_reduce' except that it allows the
// return of an array, contents and length of which are entirely dependant on what the
// callback function does. Here, it is logically working in a 'find first' capacity
$highest_salaried_engineer = array_update($employees, 'highest_salaried_engineer', array());

echo 'Highest paid engineer is: ' . $highest_salaried_engineer[0]->name . "\n";

Finding All Elements in an Array Matching Certain Criteria

// PHP implements 'grep' functionality [as embodied in the current section] in the 'array_filter'
// function

function predicate($element)
  if (criterion) return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

$matching = array_filter($list, 'predicate');

// ------------

$bigs = array_filter($nums, create_function('$n', 'return $n > 1000000;'));

// ------------

function is_pig($user)
  $user_details = preg_split('/(\s)+/', $user);
  // Assuming field 5 is the resource being compared
  return $user_details[5] > 1e7;  

$pigs = array_filter(array_slice(preg_split('/\n/', `who -u`), 0, -1), 'is_pig');

// ------------

$matching = array_filter(array_slice(preg_split('/\n/', `who`), 0, -1),
                         create_function('$user', 'return preg_match(\'/^gnat /\', $user);'));

// ------------

class Employee
  public $name, $age, $ssn, $salary;

  public function __construct($name, $age, $ssn, $salary, $category)
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->age = $age;
    $this->ssn = $ssn;
    $this->salary = $salary;
    $this->category = $category;

// ------------

$employees = array(
  new Employee('sdf', 27, 12345, 47000, 'Engineer'),
  new Employee('ajb', 32, 12376, 51000, 'Programmer'),
  new Employee('dgh', 31, 12355, 45000, 'Engineer'));

// ------------

$engineers = array_filter($employees,
                          create_function('$employee', 'return $employee->category == "Engineer";'));

Sorting an Array Numerically

// PHP offers a rich set of sorting functions. Key features:
// * Inplace sorts; the original array, not a a copy, is sorted
// * Separate functions exist for sorting [both ascending and descending order]:
//   - By value, assign new keys / indices [sort, rsort]
//   - By key   [ksort, krsort] (for non-numerically indexed arrays)
//   - By value [asort, arsort]
//   - As above, but using a user-defined comparator [i.e. callback function]
//     [usort, uasort, uksort]
//   - Natural order sort [natsort]
// * Significantly, if sorting digit-only elements, whether strings or numbers,
//   'natural order' [i.e. 1 before 10 before 100 (ascending)] is retained. If
//   the elements are alphanumeric e.g. 'z1', 'z10' then 'natsort' should be
//   used [note: beware of 'natsort' with negative numbers; prefer 'sort' or 'asort']

$unsorted = array(7, 12, -13, 2, 100, 5, 1, -2, 23, 3, 6, 4);

sort($unsorted);                 // -13, -2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 23, 100
rsort($unsorted);                // 100, 23, 12, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, -2, -13

asort($unsorted);                // -13, -2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 23, 100
arsort($unsorted);               // 100, 23, 12, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, -2, -13

natsort($unsorted);              // -2, -13, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 23, 100

// ------------

function ascend($left, $right) { return $left > $right; }
function descend($left, $right) { return $left < $right; }

// ------------

usort($unsorted, 'ascend');      // -13, -2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 23, 100
usort($unsorted, 'descend');     // 100, 23, 12, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, -2, -13

uasort($unsorted, 'ascend');     // -13, -2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 23, 100
uasort($unsorted, 'descend');    // 100, 23, 12, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, -2, -13

// ----------------------------

function kill_process($pid)
  // Is 'killable' ?
  if (!posix_kill($pid, 0)) return;

  // Ok, so kill in two stages
  posix_kill($pid, 15); // SIGTERM
  posix_kill($pid, 9);  // SIGKILL

function pid($pentry)
  $p = preg_split('/\s/', trim($pentry));
  return $p[0];

$processes = array_map('pid', array_slice(preg_split('/\n/', `ps ax`), 1, -1));

echo join(' ,', $processes) . "\n";

echo 'Enter a pid to kill: ';
if (($pid = trim(fgets(STDIN))))

Sorting a List by Computable Field

// Tasks in this section would typically use the PHP 'usort' family of functions
// which are used with a comparator function so as to perform custom comparisions.
// A significant difference from the Perl examples is that these functions are
// inplace sorters, so it is the original array that is modified. Where this must
// be prevented a copy of the array can be made and sorted

function comparator($left, $right)
  ; // Compare '$left' with '$right' returning result

// ------------

$ordered = array_slice($unordered);
usort($ordered, 'comparator');

// ----------------------------

// The Perl example looks like it is creating a hash using computed values as the key,
// array values as the value, sorting on the computed key, then extracting the sorted
// values and placing them back into an array

function compute($value)
  ; // Return computed value utilising '$value'

// ------------

// Original numerically-indexed array [sample data used]
$unordered = array(5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 2, 6);

// Create hash using 'compute' function to generate the keys. This example assumes that
// each value in the '$unordered' array is used in generating the corresponding '$key'
foreach($unordered as $value)
  $precomputed[compute($value)] = $value;

// Copy the hash, and sort it by key
$ordered_precomputed = array_slice($precomputed, 0); ksort($ordered_precomputed);

// Extract the values of the hash in current order placing them in a new numerically-indexed
// array
$ordered = array_values($ordered_precomputed);

// ----------------------------

// As above, except uses 'array_update' and 'accum' to help create hash

function array_update($arr, $lambda, $updarr)
  foreach($arr as $key) $lambda($updarr, $key);
  return $updarr;

function accum(&$arr, $value)
  $arr[compute($value)] = $value;

// ------------

function compute($value)
  ; // Return computed value utilising '$value'

// ------------

// Original numerically-indexed array [sample data used]
$unordered = array(5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 2, 6);

// Create hash
$precomputed = array_update($unordered, 'accum', array());

// Copy the hash, and sort it by key
$ordered_precomputed = array_slice($precomputed, 0); ksort($ordered_precomputed);

// Extract the values of the hash in current order placing them in a new numerically-indexed
// array
$ordered = array_values($ordered_precomputed);

// ----------------------------

class Employee
  public $name, $age, $ssn, $salary;

  public function __construct($name, $age, $ssn, $salary)
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->age = $age;
    $this->ssn = $ssn;
    $this->salary = $salary;

// ------------

$employees = array(
  new Employee('sdf', 27, 12345, 47000),
  new Employee('ajb', 32, 12376, 51000),
  new Employee('dgh', 31, 12355, 45000));

// ------------

$ordered = array_slice($employees, 0);
usort($ordered, create_function('$left, $right', 'return $left->name > $right->name;'));

// ------------

$sorted_employees = array_slice($employees, 0);
usort($sorted_employees, create_function('$left, $right', 'return $left->name > $right->name;'));

$bonus = array(12376 => 5000, 12345 => 6000, 12355 => 0);

foreach($sorted_employees as $employee)
  echo "{$employee->name} earns \${$employee->salary}\n";

foreach($sorted_employees as $employee)
  if (($amount = $bonus[$employee->ssn]))
    echo "{$employee->name} got a bonus of: \${$amount}\n";

// ------------

$sorted = array_slice($employees, 0);
usort($sorted, create_function('$left, $right', 'return $left->name > $right->name || $left->age != $right->age;'));

// ----------------------------

// PHP offers a swag of POSIX functions for obtaining user information [i.e. they all read
// the '/etc/passwd' file for the relevant infroamtion], and it is these that should rightly
// be used for this purpose. However, since the intent of this section is to illustrate array
// manipulation, these functions won't be used. Instead a custom function mimicing Perl's
// 'getpwent' function will be implemented so the code presented here can more faithfully match
// the Perl code

function get_pw_entries()
  function normal_users_only($e)
    $entry = split(':', $e); return $entry[2] > 100 && $entry[2] < 32768;

  foreach(array_filter(file('/etc/passwd'), 'normal_users_only') as $entry)
    $users[] = split(':', trim($entry));

  return $users;

// ------------

$users = get_pw_entries();

usort($users, create_function('$left, $right', 'return $left[0] > $right[0];'));
foreach($users as $user) echo "{$user[0]}\n";

// ----------------------------

$names = array('sdf', 'ajb', 'dgh');

$sorted = array_slice($names, 0);
usort($sorted, create_function('$left, $right', 'return substr($left, 1, 1) > substr($right, 1, 1);'));

// ------------

$strings = array('bbb', 'aa', 'c');

$sorted = array_slice($strings, 0);
usort($sorted, create_function('$left, $right', 'return strlen($left) > strlen($right);'));

// ----------------------------

function array_update($arr, $lambda, $updarr)
  foreach($arr as $key) $lambda($updarr, $key);
  return $updarr;

function accum(&$arr, $value)
  $arr[strlen($value)] = $value;

// ----

$strings = array('bbb', 'aa', 'c');

$temp = array_update($strings, 'accum', array());
$sorted = array_values($temp);

// ----------------------------

function array_update($arr, $lambda, $updarr)
  foreach($arr as $key) $lambda($updarr, $key);
  return $updarr;

function accum(&$arr, $value)
  if (preg_match('/(\d+)/', $value, $matches))
    $arr[$matches[1]] = $value;

// ----

$fields = array('b1b2b', 'a4a', 'c9', 'ddd', 'a');

$temp = array_update($fields, 'accum', array());
$sorted_fields = array_values($temp);

Implementing a Circular List

array_unshift($a1, array_pop($a1));  // last -> first
array_push($a1, array_shift($a1));   // first -> last

// ----------------------------

function grab_and_rotate(&$arr)
  $item = $arr[0];
  array_push($arr, array_shift($arr));
  return $item;

// ------------

$processes = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

while (TRUE)
  $process = grab_and_rotate($processes);
  echo "Handling process {$process}\n";

Randomizing an Array

// PHP offers the 'shuffle' function to perform this task

$arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);


echo join(' ', $arr) . "\n";

// ----------------------------

// Perl example equivalents
function fisher_yates_shuffle(&$a)
  $size = count($a) - 1;

  for($i = $size; $i >= 0; $i--)
    if (($j = rand(0, $i)) != $i)
      list($a[$i], $a[$j]) = array($a[$j], $a[$i]);

function naive_shuffle(&$a)
  $size = count($a);

  for($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)
    $j = rand(0, $size - 1);
    list($a[$i], $a[$j]) = array($a[$j], $a[$i]);

// ------------

$arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);

echo join(' ', $arr) . "\n";

echo join(' ', $arr) . "\n";

Program: words


Program: permute