20. Web Automation



Fetching a URL from a Perl Script

use LWP::Simple;
$content = get($URL);
use LWP::Simple;
unless (defined ($content = get $URL)) {
    die "could not get $URL\n";
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w 
# titlebytes - find the title and size of documents 
use LWP::UserAgent; 
use HTTP::Request; 
use HTTP::Response; 
use URI::Heuristic;
my $raw_url = shift                or die "usage: $0 url\n"; 
my $url = URI::Heuristic::uf_urlstr($raw_url);
$| = 1;                                                                         # to flush next line 
printf "%s =>\n\t", $url;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); 
$ua->agent("Schmozilla/v9.14 Platinum"); # give it time, it'll get there
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); 
                                                    # perplex the log analysers
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ($response->is_error()) {
     printf " %s\n", $response->status_line;
 } else {
     my $count;
     my $bytes;
     my $content = $response->content();
     $bytes = length $content;
     $count = ($content =~ tr/\n/\n/);
     printf "%s (%d lines, %d bytes)\n", $response->title(), $count, $bytes; } 

#% titlebytes http://www.tpj.com/
#http://www.tpj.com/ =>
#    The Perl Journal (109 lines, 4530 bytes)

Automating Form Submission

use LWP::Simple;
use URI::URL;

my $url = url('http://www.perl.com/cgi-bin/cpan_mod');
$url->query_form(module => 'DB_File', readme => 1);
$content = get($url);
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use LWP::UserAgent;

$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $req = POST 'http://www.perl.com/cgi-bin/cpan_mod',
               [ module => 'DB_File', readme => 1 ];
$content = $ua->request($req)->as_string;
$ua->proxy(['http', 'ftp'] => 'http://proxy.myorg.com:8081');

Extracting URLs

use HTML::LinkExtor;

$parser = HTML::LinkExtor->new(undef, $base_url);
@links = $parser->links;
foreach $linkarray (@links) {
    my @element = @$linkarray;
    my $elt_type = shift @element;                  # element type

    # possibly test whether this is an element we're interested in
    while (@element) {
        # extract the next attribute and its value
        my ($attr_name, $attr_value) = splice(@element, 0, 2);
        # ... do something with them ...
<A HREF="http://www.perl.com/">Home page</A>
<IMG SRC="images/big.gif" LOWSRC="images/big-lowres.gif">
  [ a,   href   => "http://www.perl.com/" ],
  [ img, src    => "images/big.gif",
         lowsrc => "images/big-lowres.gif" ]
if ($elt_type eq 'a' && $attr_name eq 'href') {
    print "ANCHOR: $attr_value\n" 
        if $attr_value->scheme =~ /http|ftp/;
if ($elt_type eq 'img' && $attr_name eq 'src') {
    print "IMAGE:  $attr_value\n";
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# xurl - extract unique, sorted list of links from URL
use HTML::LinkExtor;
use LWP::Simple;

$base_url = shift;
$parser = HTML::LinkExtor->new(undef, $base_url);
@links = $parser->links;
foreach $linkarray (@links) {
    my @element  = @$linkarray;
    my $elt_type = shift @element;
    while (@element) {
        my ($attr_name , $attr_value) = splice(@element, 0, 2);
for (sort keys %seen) { print $_, "\n" }

#% xurl http://www.perl.com/CPAN
@URLs = ($message =~ /<URL:(.*?)>/g);

Converting ASCII to HTML

# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w -p00
# text2html - trivial html encoding of normal text
# -p means apply this script to each record.
# -00 mean that a record is now a paragraph

use HTML::Entities;
$_ = encode_entities($_, "\200-\377");

if (/^\s/) {
    # Paragraphs beginning with whitespace are wrapped in <PRE> 
    s{(.*)$}        {<PRE>\n$1</PRE>\n}s;           # indented verbatim
} else {
    s{^(>.*)}       {$1<BR>}gm;                    # quoted text
    s{<URL:(.*?)>}    {<A HREF="$1">$1</A>}gs         # embedded URL  (good)
    s{(http:\S+)}   {<A HREF="$1">$1</A>}gs;        # guessed URL   (bad)
    s{\*(\S+)\*}    {<STRONG>$1</STRONG>}g;         # this is *bold* here
    s{\b_(\S+)\_\b} {<EM>$1</EM>}g;                 # this is _italics_ here
    s{^}            {<P>\n};                        # add paragraph tag

    print "<TABLE>";
    $_ = encode_entities(scalar <>);
    s/\n\s+/ /g;  # continuation lines
    while ( /^(\S+?:)\s*(.*)$/gm ) {                # parse heading
        print "<TR><TH ALIGN='LEFT'>$1</TH><TD>$2</TD></TR>\n";
    print "</TABLE><HR>";

Converting HTML to ASCII

$ascii = `lynx -dump $filename`;
use HTML::FormatText;
use HTML::Parse;

$html = parse_htmlfile($filename);
$formatter = HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin => 0, rightmargin => 50);
$ascii = $formatter->format($html);
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use HTML::FormatText;

$html = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();

$formatter = HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin => 0, rightmargin => 50);

$ascii = $formatter->format($html);

Extracting or Removing HTML Tags

($plain_text = $html_text) =~ s/<[^>]*>//gs;     #WRONG
use HTML::Parse;
use HTML::FormatText;
$plain_text = HTML::FormatText->new->format(parse_html($html_text));
#% perl -pe 's/<[^>]*>//g' file
#<IMG SRC = "foo.gif"
#     ALT = "Flurp!">
#% perl -0777 -pe 's/<[^>]*>//gs' file
    local $/;               # temporary whole-file input mode
    $html = <FILE>;
    $html =~ s/<[^>]*>//gs;
#<IMG SRC = "foo.gif" ALT = "A > B">
#<!-- <A comment> -->
#<script>if (a<b && a>c)</script>
#<# Just data #>
#<![INCLUDE CDATA [ >>>>>>>>>>>> ]]>
#<!-- This section commented out.
#    <B>You can't see me!</B>
package MyParser;
use HTML::Parser;
use HTML::Entities qw(decode_entities);

@ISA = qw(HTML::Parser);

sub text {
    my($self, $text) = @_;
    print decode_entities($text);

package main;
($title) = ($html =~ m#<TITLE>\s*(.*?)\s*</TITLE>#is);
# download the following standalone program
# htitle - get html title from URL

die "usage: $0 url ...\n" unless @ARGV;
require LWP;

foreach $url (@ARGV) {
    $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
    $res = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url));
    print "$url: " if @ARGV > 1;
    if ($res->is_success) {
        print $res->title, "\n";
    } else {
        print $res->status_line, "\n";

#% htitle http://www.ora.com
#www.oreilly.com -- Welcome to O'Reilly & Associates!
#% htitle http://www.perl.com/ http://www.perl.com/nullvoid
#http://www.perl.com/: The www.perl.com Home Page
#http://www.perl.com/nullvoid: 404 File Not Found

Finding Stale Links

# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# churl - check urls

use HTML::LinkExtor;
use LWP::Simple qw(get head);

$base_url = shift
    or die "usage: $0 <start_url>\n";
$parser = HTML::LinkExtor->new(undef, $base_url);
@links = $parser->links;
print "$base_url: \n";
foreach $linkarray (@links) {
    my @element  = @$linkarray;
    my $elt_type = shift @element;
    while (@element) {
        my ($attr_name , $attr_value) = splice(@element, 0, 2);
        if ($attr_value->scheme =~ /\b(ftp|https?|file)\b/) {
            print "  $attr_value: ", head($attr_value) ? "OK" : "BAD", "\n";

#% churl http://www.wizards.com
#  FrontPage/FP_Color.gif:  OK
#  FrontPage/FP_BW.gif:  BAD
#  #FP_Map:  OK
#  Games_Library/Welcome.html:  OK

Finding Fresh Links

# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# surl - sort URLs by their last modification date

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use URI::URL qw(url);

my($url, %Date);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();

while ( $url = url(scalar <>) ) {
    my($req, $ans);
    next unless $url->scheme =~ /^(file|https?)$/;
    $ans = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new("HEAD", $url));
    if ($ans->is_success) {
        $Date{$url} = $ans->last_modified || 0;  # unknown
    } else {
        print STDERR "$url: Error [", $ans->code, "] ", $ans->message, "!\n";

foreach $url ( sort { $Date{$b} <=> $Date{$a} } keys %Date ) {
    printf "%-25s %s\n", $Date{$url} ? (scalar localtime $Date{$url})
                                     : "<NONE SPECIFIED>", $url;

#% xurl http://www.perl.com/  | surl | head
#Mon Apr 20 06:16:02 1998  http://electriclichen.com/linux/srom.html
#Fri Apr 17 13:38:51 1998  http://www.oreilly.com/
#Fri Mar 13 12:16:47 1998  http://www2.binevolve.com/
#Sun Mar  8 21:01:27 1998  http://www.perl.org/
#Tue Nov 18 13:41:32 1997  http://www.perl.com/universal/header.map
#Wed Oct  1 12:55:13 1997  http://www.songline.com/
#Sun Aug 17 21:43:51 1997  http://www.perl.com/graphics/perlhome_header.jpg
#Sun Aug 17 21:43:47 1997  http://www.perl.com/graphics/perl_id_313c.gif
#Sun Aug 17 21:43:46 1997  http://www.perl.com/graphics/ora_logo.gif
#Sun Aug 17 21:43:44 1997  http://www.perl.com/graphics/header-nav.gif

Creating HTML Templates

sub template {
    my ($filename, $fillings) = @_;
    my $text;
    local $/;                   # slurp mode (undef)
    local *F;                   # create local filehandle
    open(F, "< $filename\0")    || return;
    $text = <F>;                # read whole file
    close(F);                   # ignore retval
    # replace quoted words with value in %$fillings hash
    $text =~ s{ %% ( .*? ) %% }
              { exists( $fillings->{$1} )
                      ? $fillings->{$1}
                      : ""
    return $text;
#<!-- simple.template for internal template() function -->
#<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Report for %%username%%</TITLE></HEAD>
#<BODY><H1>Report for %%username%%</H1>
#%%username%% logged in %%count%% times, for a total of %%total%% minutes.
#<!-- fancy.template for Text::Template -->
#<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Report for {$user}</TITLE></HEAD>
#<BODY><H1>Report for {$user}</H1>
#{ lcfirst($user) } logged in {$count} times, for a total of 
#{ int($total / 60) } minutes.
%fields = (
            username => $whats_his_name,
            count    => $login_count,
            total    => $minute_used,

print template("/home/httpd/templates/simple.template", \%fields);
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# userrep1 - report duration of user logins using SQL database

use DBI;
use CGI qw(:standard);

# template() defined as in the Solution section above
$user = param("username")                   or die "No username";

$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:connections:mysql.domain.com:3306",
    "connections", "seekritpassword")       or die "Couldn't connect\n";
$sth = $dbh->prepare(<<"END_OF_SELECT")     or die "Couldn't prepare SQL";
    SELECT COUNT(duration),SUM(duration) 
    FROM logins WHERE username='$user'

# this time the duration is assumed to be in seconds
if (@row = $sth->fetchrow()) {
    ($count, $seconds) = @row;
} else {
    ($count, $seconds) = (0,0);


print header();
print template("report.tpl", {   
    'username' => $user,
    'count'    => $count,
    'total'    => $total 

You owe: {$total}
The average was {$count ?  ($total/$count) : 0}.
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# userrep2 - report duration of user logins using SQL database

use Text::Template;
use DBI;
use CGI qw(:standard);

$tmpl = "/home/httpd/templates/fancy.template";
$template = Text::Template->new(-type => "file", -source => $tmpl);
$user = param("username")                   or die "No username";

$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:connections:mysql.domain.com:3306",
    "connections", "secret passwd")         or die "Couldn't db connect\n";
$sth = $dbh->prepare(<<"END_OF_SELECT")     or die "Couldn't prepare SQL";
    SELECT COUNT(duration),SUM(duration) 
    FROM logins WHERE username='$user'

$sth->execute()                             or die "Couldn't execute SQL";

if (@row = $sth->fetchrow()) {
    ($count, $total) = @row;
} else {
    $count = $total = 0;


print header();
print $template->fill_in();


Mirroring Web Pages

use LWP::Simple;
mirror($URL, $local_filename);

Creating a Robot

use LWP::RobotUA;
$ua = LWP::RobotUA->new('websnuffler/0.1', 'me@wherever.com');
403 (Forbidden) Forbidden by robots.txt
#% GET http://www.webtechniques.com/robots.txt 
#User-agent: *
#     Disallow: /stats
#     Disallow: /db
#     Disallow: /logs
#     Disallow: /store
#     Disallow: /forms
#     Disallow: /gifs
#     Disallow: /wais-src
#     Disallow: /scripts
#     Disallow: /config
#% GET http://www.cnn.com/robots.txt | head
## robots, scram
## $I d : robots.txt,v 1.2 1998/03/10 18:27:01 mreed Exp $
#User-agent: *
#Disallow: /
#User-agent:     Mozilla/3.01 (hotwired-test/0.1)
#Disallow:   /cgi-bin
#Disallow:   /TRANSCRIPTS
#Disallow:   /development

Parsing a Web Server Log File

while (<LOGFILE>) {
  my ($client, $identuser, $authuser, $date, $time, $tz, $method,
      $url, $protocol, $status, $bytes) =
      /^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[([^:]+):(\d+:\d+:\d+) ([^\]]+) "(\S+) (.*?) (\S+)" (\S+) (\S+)$/ or next;
  # ...

Processing Server Logs

# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# sumwww - summarize web server log activity

$lastdate = "";

# read CLF files and tally hits from the host and to the URL
sub daily_logs {
    while (<>) {
        ($type, $what) = /"(GET|POST)\s+(\S+?) \S+"/ or next;
        ($host, undef, undef, $datetime) = split;
        ($bytes) = /\s(\d+)\s*$/ or next;
        ($date)  = ($datetime =~ /\[([^:]*)/);
        $posts  += ($type eq POST);
        $home++ if m, / ,;
        if ($date ne $lastdate) {
            if ($lastdate) { write_report()     }
            else           { $lastdate = $date  }
        $bytesum += $bytes;
    write_report() if $count;

# use *typeglob aliasing of global variables for cheap copy
sub summary  {
    $lastdate = "Grand Total";
    *count   = *sumcount;
    *bytesum = *bytesumsum;
    *hosts   = *allhosts;
    *posts   = *allposts;
    *what    = *allwhat;
    *home    = *allhome;

# display the tallies of hosts and URLs, using formats
sub write_report {

    # add to summary data
    $lastdate    = $date;
    $sumcount   += $count;
    $bytesumsum += $bytesum;
    $allposts   += $posts;
    $allhome    += $home;

    # reset daily data
    $posts = $count = $bytesum = $home = 0;
    @allwhat{keys %what}   = keys %what;
    @allhosts{keys %hosts} = keys %hosts;
    %hosts = %what = ();

format STDOUT_TOP =
@|||||||||| @|||||| @||||||| @||||||| @|||||| @|||||| @|||||||||||||
"Date",     "Hosts", "Accesses", "Unidocs", "POST", "Home", "Bytes"
----------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------------

format STDOUT =
@>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>> @>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>>>>
$lastdate,  scalar(keys %hosts), 
            $count, scalar(keys %what), 
                             $posts,  $home,  $bytesum

#     Date      Hosts  Accesses Unidocs   POST    Home       Bytes
# ----------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------------
# 19/May/1998     353     6447     3074     352      51       16058246
# 20/May/1998    1938    23868     4288     972     350       61879643
# 21/May/1998    1775    27872     6596    1064     376       64613798
# 22/May/1998    1680    21402     4467     735     285       52437374
# 23/May/1998    1128    21260     4944     592     186       55623059
# Grand Total    6050   100849    10090    3715    1248      250612120
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# aprept - report on Apache logs

use Logfile::Apache;

$l = Logfile::Apache->new(
    File  => "-",                   # STDIN
    Group => [ Domain, File ]);

$l->report(Group => Domain, Sort => Records);
$l->report(Group => File,   List => [Bytes,Records]);

# Domain                  Records 
# ===============================
# US Commercial        222 38.47% 
# US Educational       115 19.93% 
# Network               93 16.12% 
# Unresolved            54  9.36% 
# Australia             48  8.32% 
# Canada                20  3.47% 
# Mexico                 8  1.39% 
# United Kingdom         6  1.04% 
# File                               Bytes          Records 
# =========================================================
# /                           13008  0.89%         6  1.04% 
# /cgi-bin/MxScreen           11870  0.81%         2  0.35% 
# /cgi-bin/pickcards          39431  2.70%        48  8.32% 
# /deckmaster                143793  9.83%        21  3.64% 
# /deckmaster/admin           54447  3.72%         3  0.52% 

Program: htmlsub

#<H1>Welcome to Scooby World!</H1>
#I have <A HREF="pictures.html">pictures</A> of the crazy dog
#himself.  Here's one!<P>
#<IMG SRC="scooby.jpg" ALT="Good doggy!"><P>
#<BLINK>He's my hero!</BLINK>  I would like to meet him some day,
#and get my picture taken with him.<P>
#P.S. I am deathly ill.  <A HREF="shergold.html">Please send
#% htmlsub picture photo scooby.html
#<H1>Welcome to Scooby World!</H1>
#I have <A HREF="pictures.html">photos</A> of the crazy dog
#himself.  Here's one!<P>
#<IMG SRC="scooby.jpg" ALT="Good doggy!"><P>
#<BLINK>He's my hero!</BLINK>  I would like to meet him some day,
#and get my photo taken with him.<P>
#P.S. I am deathly ill.  <A HREF="shergold.html">Please send
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# htmlsub - make substitutions in normal text of HTML files
# from Gisle Aas <gisle@aas.no>

sub usage { die "Usage: $0 <from> <to> <file>...\n" }

my $from = shift or usage;
my $to   = shift or usage;
usage unless @ARGV;

# Build the HTML::Filter subclass to do the substituting.

package MyFilter;
require HTML::Filter;
use HTML::Entities qw(decode_entities encode_entities);

sub text
   my $self = shift;
   my $text = decode_entities($_[0]);
   $text =~ s/\Q$from/$to/go;       # most important line

# Now use the class.

package main;
foreach (@ARGV) {


Program: hrefsub

#% hrefsub shergold.html cards.html scooby.html
#<H1>Welcome to Scooby World!</H1>
#I have <A HREF="pictures.html">pictures</A> of the crazy dog
#himself.  Here's one!<P>
#<IMG SRC="scooby.jpg" ALT="Good doggy!"><P>
#<BLINK>He's my hero!</BLINK>  I would like to meet him some day,
#and get my picture taken with him.<P>
#P.S. I am deathly ill.  <a href="cards.html">Please send
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# hrefsub - make substitutions in <A HREF="..."> fields of HTML files
# from Gisle Aas <gisle@aas.no>

sub usage { die "Usage: $0 <from> <to> <file>...\n" }

my $from = shift or usage;
my $to   = shift or usage;
usage unless @ARGV;

# The HTML::Filter subclass to do the substitution.

package MyFilter;
require HTML::Filter;
use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities);

sub start {
   my($self, $tag, $attr, $attrseq, $orig) = @_;
   if ($tag eq 'a' && exists $attr->{href}) {
           if ($attr->{href} =~ s/\Q$from/$to/g) {
               # must reconstruct the start tag based on $tag and $attr.
               # wish we instead were told the extent of the 'href' value
               # in $orig.
               my $tmp = "<$tag";
               for (@$attrseq) {
                   my $encoded = encode_entities($attr->{$_});
                   $tmp .= qq( $_="$encoded ");
               $tmp .= ">";

# Now use the class.

package main;
foreach (@ARGV) {
