18. Internet Services

Simple DNS Lookups

use Socket;

@addresses = gethostbyname($name)   or die "Can't resolve $name: $!\n";
@addresses = map { inet_ntoa($_) } @addresses[4 .. $#addresses];
# @addresses is a list of IP addresses ("", "")
use Socket;

$address = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($name));
# $address is a single IP address ""
use Socket;

$name = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($address), AF_INET)
            or die "Can't resolve $address: $!\n";
# $name is the hostname ("www.perl.com")
use Socket;
$packed_address = inet_aton("");
$ascii_address  = inet_ntoa($packed_address);
$packed = gethostbyname($hostname)
            or die "Couldn't resolve address for $hostname: $!\n";
$address = inet_ntoa($packed);
print "I will use $address as the address for $hostname\n";
# $address is the IP address I'm checking, like ""
use Socket;
$name    = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($address), AF_INET)
                or die "Can't look up $address : $!\n";
@addr    = gethostbyname($name)
                or die "Can't look up $name : $!\n";
$found   = grep { $address eq inet_ntoa($_) } @addr[4..$#addr];
# download the following standalone program
# mxhost - find mx exchangers for a host
use Net::DNS;

$host = shift;
$res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new();
@mx = mx($res, $host)
   or die "Can't find MX records for $host (".$res->errorstring,")\n";

foreach $record (@mx) {
    print $record->preference, " ", $record->exchange, "\n";

#% mxhost cnn.com
#10 mail.turner.com
#30 alfw2.turner.com
# download the following standalone program
# hostaddrs - canonize name and show addresses
use Socket;
use Net::hostent;
$name = shift;
if ($hent = gethostbyname($name)) {
    $name      = $hent->name;                # in case different
    $addr_ref  = $hent->addr_list;
    @addresses = map { inet_ntoa($_) } @$addr_ref;
print "$name => @addresses\n";

#% hostaddrs www.ora.com
#helio.ora.com =>
#% hostaddrs www.whitehouse.gov
#www.whitehouse.gov =>

Being an FTP Client

use Net::FTP;

$ftp = Net::FTP->new("ftp.host.com")    or die "Can't connect: $@\n";
$ftp->login($username, $password)       or die "Couldn't login\n";
$ftp->cwd($directory)                   or die "Couldn't change directory\n";
$ftp->get($filename)                    or die "Couldn't get $filename\n";
$ftp->put($filename)                    or die "Couldn't put $filename\n";
$ftp = Net::FTP->new("ftp.host.com",
                     Timeout => 30,
                     Debug   => 1)
    or die "Can't connect: $@\n";

    or die "Couldn't authenticate.\n";

    or die "Still couldn't authenticate.\n";

$ftp->login($username, $password)
    or die "Couldn't authenticate, even with explicit username
            and password.\n";

$ftp->login($username, $password, $account)
    or die "No dice.  It hates me.\n";
$ftp->put($localfile, $remotefile)
    or die "Can't send $localfile: $!\n";
$ftp->put(*STDIN, $remotefile)
    or die "Can't send from STDIN: $!\n";
$ftp->get($remotefile, $localfile)
    or die "Can't fetch $remotefile : $!\n";
$ftp->get($remotefile, *STDOUT)
    or die "Can't fetch $remotefile: $!\n";
print "I'm in the directory ", $ftp->pwd(), "\n";
   $ftp->mkdir("/pub/gnat/perl", 1)
    or die "Can't create /pub/gnat/perl recursively: $!\n";
@lines = $ftp->ls("/pub/gnat/perl")
    or die "Can't get a list of files in /pub/gnat/perl: $!";
$ref_to_lines = $ftp->dir("/pub/perl/CPAN/src/latest.tar.gz")
    or die "Can't check status of latest.tar.gz: $!\n";
$ftp->quit()    or warn "Couldn't quit.  Oh well.\n";

Sending Mail

use Mail::Mailer;

$mailer = Mail::Mailer->new("sendmail");
$mailer->open({ From    => $from_address,
                To      => $to_address,
                Subject => $subject,
    or die "Can't open: $!\n";
print $mailer $body;
open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -odq")
                    or die "Can't fork for sendmail: $!\n";
print SENDMAIL <<"EOF";
From: User Originating Mail <me\@host>
To: Final Destination <you\@otherhost>
Subject: A relevant subject line

Body of the message goes here, in as many lines as you like.
close(SENDMAIL)     or warn "sendmail didn't close nicely";
$mailer = Mail::Mailer->new("sendmail");
$mailer = Mail::Mailer->new("mail", "/u/gnat/bin/funkymailer");
$mailer = Mail::Mailer->new("smtp", "mail.myisp.com");
eval {
    $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new("bogus", "arguments");
    # ...
if ($@) {
    # the eval failed
    print "Couldn't send mail: $@\n";
} else {
    # the eval succeeded
    print "The authorities have been notified.\n";
$mailer->open( 'From'    => 'Nathan Torkington <gnat@frii.com>',
               'To'      => 'Tom Christiansen <tchrist@perl.com>',
               'Subject' => 'The Perl Cookbook' );
print $mailer <<EO_SIG;
Are we ever going to finish this book?
My wife is threatening to leave me.
She says I love EMACS more than I love her.
Do you have a recipe that can help me?

close($mailer)                      or die "can't close mailer: $!";
open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t -odq")
            or die "Can't fork for sendmail: $!\n";
print SENDMAIL <<"EOF";
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist\@perl.com>
To: Nathan Torkington <gnat\@frii.com>
Subject: Re: The Perl Cookbook

(1) We will never finish the book.
(2) No man who uses EMACS is deserving of love.
(3) I recommend coq au vi.


Reading and Posting Usenet News Messages

use Net::NNTP;

$server = Net::NNTP->new("news.host.dom")
    or die "Can't connect to news server: $@\n";
($narticles, $first, $last, $name) = $server->group( "misc.test" )
    or die "Can't select misc.test\n";
$headers  = $server->head($first)
    or die "Can't get headers from article $first in $name\n";
$bodytext = $server->body($first)
    or die "Can't get body from article $first in $name\n";
$article  = $server->article($first)
    or die "Can't get article $first from $name\n";


    or warn "Server didn't tell me I could post.\n";

$server->post( [ @lines ] )
    or die "Can't post: $!\n";
$server = Net::NNTP->new("news.mycompany.com")
    or die "Couldn't connect to news.mycompany.com: $@\n";
$grouplist = $server->

    or die "Couldn't fetch group list\n";

foreach $group (keys %$grouplist) {
    if ($grouplist->{$group}->[2] eq 'y') {
        # I can post to $group
($narticles, $first, $last, $name) = $server->group("comp.lang.perl.misc")
    or die "Can't select comp.lang.perl.misc\n";
@lines = $server->article($message_id)
    or die "Can't fetch article $message_id: $!\n";
@group = $server->group("comp.lang.perl.misc")
    or die "Can't select group comp.lang.perl.misc\n";
@lines = $server->head($group[1])
    or die "Can't get headers from first article in comp.lang.perl.misc\n";
    or die "Can't post\n";
unless ($server->
) {
    warn "You may not post.\n";

Reading Mail with POP3

$pop = Net::POP3->new($mail_server)
    or die "Can't open connection to $mail_server : $!\n";
defined ($pop->login($username, $password))
    or die "Can't authenticate: $!\n";
$messages = $pop->list
    or die "Can't get list of undeleted messages: $!\n";
foreach $msgid (keys %$messages) {
    $message = $pop->get($msgid);
    unless (defined $message) {
        warn "Couldn't fetch $msgid from server: $!\n";
    # $message is a reference to an array of lines
$pop = Net::POP3->new( "pop.myisp.com" )
    or die "Can't connect to pop.myisp.com: $!\n";
$pop = Net::POP3->new( "pop.myisp.com",
                       Timeout => 30 )
    or die "Can't connect to pop.myisp.com : $!\n";
defined ($pop->login("gnat", "S33kr1T Pa55w0rD"))
    or die "Hey, my username and password didn't work!\n";

defined ($pop->login( "midget" ))           # use Net::Netrc to find password
    or die "Authentication failed.\n";

defined ($pop->
                     # current username and Net::Netrc
    or die "Authentication failed.  Miserably.\n";
$pop->apop( $username, $password )
    or die "Couldn't authenticate: $!\n";
%undeleted = $pop->

foreach $msgnum (keys %undeleted) {
    print "Message $msgnum is $undeleted{$msgnum} bytes long.\n";
print "Retrieving $msgnum : ";
$message = $pop->get($msgnum);
if ($message) {
    # succeeded
    print "\n";
    print @$message;                # print the message
} else {
        # failed
    print "failed ($!)\n";

Simulating Telnet from a Program

use Net::Telnet;

$t = Net::Telnet->new( Timeout => 10,
                       Prompt  => '/%/',
                       Host    => $hostname );

$t->login($username, $password);
@files = $t->cmd("ls");
(undef, $process_string) = $t->waitfor('/\d+ processes/');
/[\$%#>] $/
$telnet = Net::Telnet->new( Errmode => sub { main::log(@_) }, ... );
$telnet->login($username, $password)
    or die "Login failed: @{[ $telnet->errmsg() ]}\n";
$telnet->waitfor(String => 'greasy smoke', Timeout => 30)

Pinging a Machine

use Net::Ping;

$p = Net::Ping->new()
    or die "Can't create new ping object: $!\n";
print "$host is alive" if $p->ping($host);
# use TCP if we're not root, ICMP if we are
$pong = Net::Ping->new( $> ? "tcp" : "icmp" );

(defined $pong)
    or die "Couldn't create Net::Ping object: $!\n";

if ($pong->ping("kingkong.com")) {
    print "The giant ape lives!\n";
} else {
    print "All hail mighty Gamera, friend of children!\n";

Using Whois to Retrieve Information from the InterNIC

use Net::Whois;

$domain_obj = Net::Whois::Domain->new($domain_name)
    or die "Couldn't get information on $domain_name: $!\n";

# call methods on $domain_obj to get name, tag, address, etc.
$d = Net::Whois::Domain->new( "perl.org" )
    or die "Can't get information on perl.org\n";
print "The domain is called ", $d->domain, "\n";
print "Its tag is ", $d->tag, "\n";
print "Mail for ", $d->name, " should be sent to:\n";
print map { "\t$_\n" } $d->address;
print "\t", $d->country, "\n";
$contact_hash = $d->contacts;
if ($contact_hash) {
    print "Contacts:\n";
    foreach $type (sort keys %$contact_hash) {
        print "  $type:\n";
        foreach $line (@{$contact_hash->{$type}}) {
            print "    $line\n";
} else {
    print "No contact information.\n";

Program: expn and vrfy

#% cat > expn
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#% ln expn vrfy
#% expn gnat@frii.com
#Expanding gnat at frii.com (gnat@frii.com):
#calisto.frii.com Hello coprolith.frii.com [],
#    pleased to meet you
#% expn gnat@frii.com
#Expanding gnat at mail.frii.net (gnat@frii.com):
#deimos.frii.com Hello coprolith.frii.com [],
#    pleased to meet you
#Nathan Torkington <gnat@deimos.frii.com>
#Expanding gnat at mx1.frii.net (gnat@frii.com):
#phobos.frii.com Hello coprolith.frii.com [],
#    pleased to meet you
#xpanding gnat at mx2.frii.net (gnat@frii.com):
#europa.frii.com Hello coprolith.frii.com [],
#    pleased to meet you
#Expanding gnat at mx3.frii.net (gnat@frii.com):
#ns2.winterlan.com Hello coprolith.frii.com [],
#    pleased to meet you
#550 gnat... User unknown
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# expn -- convince smtp to divulge an alias expansion
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use Sys::Hostname;

my $fetch_mx = 0;
# try loading the module, but don't blow up if missing
eval {    
    require Net::DNS;
    $fetch_mx = 1;

my $selfname = hostname();
die "usage: $0 address\@host ...\n" unless @ARGV;

# Find out whether called as "vrfy" or "expn".
my $VERB = ($0 =~ /ve?ri?fy$/i)  ? 'VRFY' : 'EXPN';
my $multi = @ARGV > 1;
my $remote;

# Iterate over addresses give on command line.
foreach my $combo (@ARGV) {
    my ($name, $host) = split(/\@/, $combo);
    my @hosts;
    $host ||= 'localhost';
    @hosts = map { $_->exchange } mx($host)     if $fetch_mx;
    @hosts = ($host)   unless @hosts;

    foreach my $host (@hosts) { 
        print $VERB eq 'VRFY' ? "Verify" : "Expand", 
            "ing $name at $host ($combo):";

        $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new(
                       Proto    => "tcp",
                       PeerAddr => $host,
                       PeerPort => "smtp(25)",

        unless ($remote) { 
            warn "cannot connect to $host\n";
        print "\n";


        # use CRLF network line terminators
        print $remote "HELO $selfname\015\012";
        print $remote "$VERB $name\015\012";
        print $remote "quit\015\012";
        while (<$remote>) {
                /^220\b/ && next;
                /^221\b/ && last;
        close($remote)                  or die "can't close socket: $!";
        print "\n"; #  if @ARGV;
