str = "\\n" -- two characters, \ and an n str2 = "Jon 'Maddog' Orwant" -- in haskell we can do string only with ", no single quote str3 = "\n" -- a "newline" character str4 = "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant" -- literal double quotes str5 = "Multiline string must use a backslash at end of line\n\ \and a backslash at beginning of line\n"; str6 = "It is a common practice\n\ \to indent lines\n\ \(the indentation doesn't change the value of the string)\n" |
groupNelem n = unfoldr f where f [] = Nothing f s = Just (splitAt n s) -- split at five byte boundaries fivers = groupNelem 5 -- chop string into individual characters: -- nothing to do s = "This is what you have" first = take 1 s -- "T" start = take 2 $ drop 5 s -- "is" rest = drop 13 s -- "you have" last' = last s -- 'e' import Text.Regex s = "This is what you have" -- strings are immutable s2 = a ++ "wasn't" ++ drop 2 b where (a, b) = splitAt 5 s s3 = subRegex (mkRegex " is ") s " wasn't " -- "This wasn't what you have" -- substitute "at" for "is", restricted to first five characters s4 = a' ++ b where (a, b) = splitAt 5 s a' = subRegex (mkRegex "is") a "at" -- do it another way import Text.Regex import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow f = uncurry (++) . Arrow.first subst . splitAt 5 where subst s = subRegex (mkRegex "is") s "at" -- unpack chars using parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec fromRight (Right v) = v fromRight v = error ("fromRight: " ++ show v) parseStr parser s = fromRight $ parse parser "" s nchars n = count n anyToken a = "To be or not to be" b = parseStr (nchars 6 >> nchars 6) a -- "or not" -- not same example as perl's unpack with "X5" which means "back up a byte" -- here is an example using lookAhead where we start again at some point [b3,c3] = parseStr (sequence [ lookAhead p1, p2 ]) a -- ["or","be"] where p1 = nchars 6 >> nchars 2 p2 = nchars 3 >> nchars 2 import List cut2fmt l = zipWith (-) l (1:l) applyfmt fmt s = l ++ [s'] where (s', l) = mapAccumL f s fmt f s n = (s',subs) where (subs,s') = splitAt n s fmt = cut2fmt [8,14,20,26,30] -- [7,6,6,6,4] l = applyfmt fmt "12345678912345678901234567890123456789" -- 1234567 891234 567890 123456 7890 123456789 |
-- boolean operators only work on booleans a = b || c -- if you have an optional value, use type Maybe import Maybe v1 = fromMaybe "b" $ Just "a" -- "a" v2 = fromMaybe "b" $ Nothing -- "b" -- to combine Maybe values, you can use mplus import Control.Monad (mplus) v1' = (Just "a") `mplus` (Just "b") -- Just "a" v2' = Nothing `mplus` (Just "b") -- Just "b" -- you could also define some perlish things: class Default_val a where default_val :: a is_default_val :: a -> Bool instance Default_val [a] where default_val = [] is_default_val = null instance Default_val Num where default_val = 0 is_default_val = (== 0) a &&& b = if a.is_default_val then default_val else b a ||| b = if a.is_default_val then b else a foo = bar ||| "DEFAULT VALUE" -- import Maybe import System argv0 = fmap listToMaybe getArgs dir = fmap (fromMaybe "/tmp") argv0 -- or dir' = fmap (head . (++ ["/tmp"])) getArgs |
-- no side effect in haskell => swap is a nonsense |
import Char i = ord 'e' -- 101 c = chr 101 -- 'e' import Text.Printf printf "Number %d is character %c\n" 101 101 ascii_character_numbers = map ord "sample" -- [115,97,109,112,108,101] word = map chr ascii_character_numbers ibm = map (chr . (+ 1) . ord) "HAL" -- "IBM" |
s = "an apple a day" msg1 = "unique chars are: " ++ sort (nub s) msg2 = "sum is " ++ (show $ sum $ map ord $ s) -- slowcat ----------------------- #!/usr/bin/runghc {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} import System import System.IO import System.Posix import Text.Regex any_input [] = getContents any_input (f:_) = readFile f main = do (time, args') <- fmap get_time getArgs s <- any_input args' hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering mapM_ (\c -> putChar c >> usleep (5000 * time)) s where get_time (x:args) | (Just [d]) <- matchRegex (mkRegex "^-([0-9]+)") x = (read d, args) get_time args = (1, args) |
string = "Yoda said, \"can you see this?\"" allwords = words string revwords = unwords (reverse allwords) revwords = (unwords . reverse . words) string -- another version of revwords which works for spaces revwords' = (unwords . reverse . splitRegex (mkRegex " ")) string -- yet another version using a home made version of splitRegex' which keeps the matched string import List import Text.Regex -- special unfoldr (unfoldr only returns [b] whereas we also need the rest) -- nb: we can use Control.Arrow.first which is \f (a,b) -> (f a, b) -- and write: Arrow.first (a :) (unfoldr' f b') unfoldr' :: (a -> Maybe (b, a)) -> a -> ([b], a) unfoldr' f b = case f b of Just (a, b') -> let (l, b'') = unfoldr' f b' in (a:l, b'') Nothing -> ([], b) splitRegex' :: Regex -> String -> [(String, String)] splitRegex' re s = case unfoldr' f s of (l, "") -> l (l, s) -> l ++ [(s, "")] where -- small helper functions which tranform matchRegexAll output -- to the one wanted by unfoldr' f = fmap f' . matchRegexAll re f' (before, matched, after, _) = ((before, matched), after) words' = concatMap (\(a,b) -> [a,b]) . splitRegex' (mkRegex "\\s+") revwords' = (concat . reverse . words') string {- import Test.QuickCheck import Char instance Arbitrary Char where arbitrary = fmap chr $ choose (32,255) coarbitrary n = variant (ord n) property_words' s = (concat . words') s == s verif = quickCheck property_words' -} -- word = "reviver"; is_palindrome s = s == reverse s long_palindromes = fmap (filter (\s -> s == reverse s && length s > 5) . lines) $ readFile "/usr/share/dict/words" |
expand_tabs "" = "" expand_tabs s = foldr1 ((++) . adjust) $ splitRegex (mkRegex "\t") s where adjust a = a ++ replicate (8 - (length a) `mod` 8) ' ' -- replace spaces with tab unexpand = concat . map (reverse . unexp . reverse) . groupNelem 8 where unexp s = if head s == ' ' && length s == 8 then '\t' : dropWhile (== ' ') s else s {- Here is a property that can be given to quickCheck property_expand s = (expand_tabs . unexpand) s == s -} |
-- can't do eval in haskell -- subRegex only allow a fixed string -- subRegexOnceWith below takes a (String -> String) function to compute a result -- (and do the substitution only once) subRegexOnceWith re new s = case matchRegexAll re s of Nothing -> s Just (before, matched, after, _) -> before ++ new matched ++ after s = subRegexOnceWith (mkRegex "[0-9]+") (show . (* 2) . read) "I am 17 years old" |
import Char s1 = map toUpper "dromedary" -- "DROMEDARY" s2 = map toLower s1 -- "dromedary" s3 = toUpper (head s2) : tail s2 capitalize "" = "" capitalize (x:xs) = toUpper x : map toLower xs -- capitalize each word's first character, downcase the rest s4 = map capitalize $ words "thIS is a loNG liNE" -- randcap: filter to randomly capitalize 20% of the letters #!/usr/bin/runghc import System import System.IO import Random import Char any_input [] = getContents any_input (f:_) = readFile f rand :: Int -> Int -> IO Int rand low high = getStdRandom (randomR (low, high)) randcap :: String -> IO String randcap = sequence . map f where f c = fmap (modify_char c) $ rand(1,5) modify_char c n = (if n == 1 then toUpper else toLower) c main = do s <- getArgs >>= any_input randcap s >>= putStr |
s = "I have " ++ show (n+1) ++ " guanacos." -- multiline strings are quite ugly in haskell -- so skipping the send_mail example |
var = "your text\n\ \goes here\n" |
import Data.List input = "Folding and splicing is the work of an editor,\ \ not a mere collection of silicon and mobile electrons!" wrap columns first_indent indent s = intercalate "\n" $ wgroup (tail first_indent) (words s) where wgroup current [] = [current] wgroup current (w : ws) = if length current + length w + 1 < columns then wgroup (current ++ " " ++ w) ws else current : wgroup (indent ++ w) ws -- another version wrap_simple columns s = intercalate "\n" $ map unwords $ groupWhile pred $ words s where pred = (<= columns) . sum . map ((+1) . length) wrap columns first_indent indent s = first_indent ++ intercalate ("\n" ++ indent) (map unwords $ first : next) where (first, rest) = spanWhile (pred $ columns - length first_indent) (words s) next = groupWhile (pred $ columns - length indent) rest pred width = (<= width) . sum . map ((+1) . length) spanWhile :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) spanWhile p l = spanWhile' [] l where spanWhile' seen [] = (seen, []) spanWhile' seen (x:xs) = let seen' = seen ++ [x] in if p seen' then spanWhile' seen' xs else (seen, x:xs) groupWhile :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupWhile p l = case spanWhile p l of ([], []) -> [] (l', []) -> [l'] (l', rest) -> l' : groupWhile p rest |
import Text.Regex import Char subRegexWith re new s = case matchRegexAll re s of Nothing -> s Just (before, matched, after, _) -> before ++ new matched ++ (subRegexWith re new after) quoteMeta :: String -> String quoteMeta = concatMap (\c -> if (isAlphaNum c) then [c] else ['\\', c]) t1 = subRegex (mkRegex $ quoteMeta "^") "foo^bar" "+" -- "foo+bar" (without the quoteMeta, it goes into a dead loop) t2 = subRegex (mkRegex $ quoteMeta "${") "${foo}bar" "{" -- "{foo}bar" t3 = subRegexWith (mkRegex "\\$\\{[^}]*\\}") (map toUpper) "${foo}bar}" -- "${FOO}bar}" |
trim_beg, trim_end, trim :: String -> String trim_beg = snd . span isSpace trim_end = reverse . trim_beg . reverse trim = trim_end . trim_beg trimmed = ">" ++ trim "\t `Here' \t \t \n\n\n" ++ "<" |
parse_csv :: String -> [String] parse_csv s = case lex s of (x, "") -> [x] (x, xs) -> x : parse_csv xs where lex "" = ("", "") lex (',':xs) = ("",xs) lex ('"':xs) = (x++x',xs'') where (x,xs') = lexString xs (x',xs'') = lex xs' lex (other:xs) = (other:x,xs') where (x,xs') = lex xs lexString ('"':xs) = ("",xs) lexString ('\\':c:xs) = ('\\':c:x , xs') where (x,xs') = lexString xs lexString (c:xs) = (c:x,xs') where (x,xs') = lexString xs -- the same using Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec fromRight (Right v) = v fromRight v = error ("fromRight: " ++ show v) parseStr parser s = fromRight $ parse parser "" s toList = fmap (\c -> [c]) many_ = fmap concat . many parse_csv' = parseStr $ (quoted_string <|> raw_string) `sepBy` char ',' where quoted_string = between (char '"') (char '"') (chars_until '"') raw_string = chars_until ',' chars_until c = many_ (sequence [ char '\\', anyChar ] <|> toList (noneOf [c])) test_string = "XYZZY,\"\",\"O'Reilly, Inc\",\"Wall, Larry\",\"a \\\"glub\\\" bit,\",5,\"Error, Core Dumped\"" output = concatMap format_it $ zip [0..] (parse_csv test_string) where format_it (line, s) = show line ++ " : " ++ s ++ "\n" |
import List import Maybe import Char import System.Posix.User soundex name = (chars!!0) : concatMap show codes' where chars = map toUpper (filter isAlpha name) -- duplicate consecutive soundex digits are skipped codes = map head $ group $ map letter_to_code chars -- remove first, remove codes 0, add right-pad with 0 codes' = take 3 (filter (/= 0) (tail codes) ++ [0, 0..]) letter_to_code :: Char -> Int letter_to_code c = snd $ fromJust $ find (\(letters, _) -> c `elem` letters) letters_code letters_code = [ ("AEIOUYHW", 0) , ("BFPV", 1) , ("CGJKQSXZ", 2) , ("DT", 3) , ("L", 4) , ("MN", 5) , ("R", 6) ] errors = filter (\(code,name) -> code /= soundex name) [ ("H452", "holmes") , ("A355", "adomomi") , ("V536", "vonderlehr") , ("B400", "ball") , ("S000", "shaw") , ("J250", "jackson") , ("S545", "scanlon") , ("S532", "saintjohn") , ("K525", "kingsmith") , ("B331", "booth-davis") , ("K530", "Knuth") , ("K530", "Kant") , ("L300", "Lloyd") , ("L300", "Ladd") ] -- one need to flush between putStr and getLine, -- it would not be needed if we had printer a newline -- the other solution is to disable buffering with hSetBuffering putStr_getLine s = do putStr s hFlush stdout getLine msoundex = do user <- putStr_getLine "Lookup user: " matching <- fmap (filter $ matches user) getAllUserEntries mapM_ (putStrLn . format_user) matching where matches wanted user = soundex wanted `elem` (map soundex $ userName user : words (userGecos user)) format_user user = userName user ++ ": " ++ userGecos user |
-- download the following standalone program
module Main where
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE.String as PCRE
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (intersperse)
transDict :: [(String,String)]
transDict =
[("analysed" ,"analyzed")
,("built-in" ,"builtin")
,("chastized" ,"chastised")
,("commandline" ,"command-line")
,("de-allocate" ,"deallocate")
,("dropin" ,"drop-in")
,("hardcode" ,"hard-code")
,("meta-data" ,"metadata")
,("multiway" ,"multi-way")
,("non-empty" ,"nonempty")
,("non-profit" ,"nonprofit")
,("non-trappable" ,"nontrappable")
,("pre-define" ,"predefine")
,("preextend" ,"pre-extend")
,("re-compiling" ,"recompiling")
,("reenter" ,"re-enter")
,("turnkey" ,"turn-key")]
transWord :: String -> String
transWord word = case (lookup (map toLower word) transDict) of
Just trans -> trans
Nothing -> word
transDictRegex :: IO PCRE.Regex
transDictRegex = do
compres <- PCRE.compile compopt execopt pattern
case compres of
Left (offset, string)
-> error $
"Regex pattern error" ++
" at offset " ++ show offset ++
" for string: " ++ string
Right regex
-> return regex
where pattern = "(" ++ (concat $ intersperse "|" $ map fst transDict) ++ ")"
compopt = PCRE.compCaseless + PCRE.compMultiline + PCRE.compUTF8
execopt = PCRE.execBlank
matchRegex :: String -> IO (String, String, String)
matchRegex input = do
regex <- transDictRegex
execres <- PCRE.regexec regex input
case execres of
Left err -> error $ "regexec WrapError " ++ show err ++ "for: " ++ input
Right Nothing -> return (input, [], [])
Right (Just (head, word, tail, _)) -> return (head, word, tail)
translate :: String -> IO String
translate [] = do return []
translate input = do
(head, word, tail) <- matchRegex input
tailTrans <- (translate tail)
return $ head ++ (transWord word) ++ tailTrans
main :: IO ()
main = do getContents >>= translate >>= putStr |
-- download the following standalone program
module Main where
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import System.Time (ClockTime(..))
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import Data.List (elemIndex, foldl', intercalate, words)
import qualified Data.Text as T
psFields :: [String]
psFields = ["flags","uid","pid","ppid","pri","nice","size","rss","wchan","stat",
-- Accessors for ps output line fields -----------------------------------------
breakPSFields :: String -> [String]
breakPSFields line =
breakFields line nInitCols
where nInitCols = (length psFields) - 1
dropSpace = dropWhile isSpace
breakFields [] _ = []
breakFields cs 0 = [T.unpack $ T.strip $ T.pack cs]
breakFields cs n = let (h,t) = break isSpace $ dropSpace cs
t' = (breakFields t (n - 1))
in h:t'
type PSField = ([String], String)
getPSFields :: IO [PSField]
getPSFields = do
(ecode, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "ps" psargs []
case ecode of
ExitFailure eno -> error $ "ps failure: [" ++ show eno ++ "] " ++ err
ExitSuccess -> return $ map (\l -> (breakPSFields l, l)) $ tail $ lines out
where psargs = ["ax", "-o", intercalate "," psFields]
filterPSFields :: (PSField -> Bool) -> IO [PSField]
filterPSFields p = do getPSFields >>= (\fs -> return $ filter p fs)
printPSFields :: (PSField -> Bool) -> IO ()
printPSFields p = filterPSFields p >>= mapM_ (putStrLn . snd)
-- Query DSL -------------------------------------------------------------------
parseInt :: String -> Int
parseInt cs = read cs :: Int
parseClockTime :: String -> ClockTime
parseClockTime cs = TOD (toInteger secs) 0
where secs = foldl' (\a s -> (60 * a) + s) 0 $
map (parseInt . T.unpack) $
T.split (T.pack ":") (T.pack cs)
liftAcP :: String -> (String -> a) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> PSField -> Bool
liftAcP a p f v s = (p $ (fst s) !! i) `f` v
where i = case (a `elemIndex` psFields) of
Just n -> n
Nothing -> error $ "Wrong ps field: " ++ a
flagsP = liftAcP "flags" parseInt
uidP = liftAcP "uid" parseInt
pidP = liftAcP "pid" parseInt
ppidP = liftAcP "ppid" parseInt
priP = liftAcP "pri" parseInt
niceP = liftAcP "nice" id
sizeP = liftAcP "size" parseInt
rssP = liftAcP "rss" parseInt
wchanP = liftAcP "wchan" id
statP = liftAcP "stat" id
ttyP = liftAcP "tty" id
timeP = liftAcP "time" parseClockTime
commandP = liftAcP "command" id
liftOpP o x y s = (x s) `o` (y s)
(&&?) = liftOpP (&&)
infixr 3 &&?
(||?) = liftOpP (||)
infixr 2 ||?
-- Example Runs ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- You will need below ghc command line wrapper before using this script from
-- the command line.
-- $ cat
-- #!/bin/sh
-- ghc -e "printPSFields \$ $@" PSGrep.hs
-- Rest is trivial...
-- $ ./ 'flagsP (==) 0 &&? sizeP (<) 1024'
-- 0 0 3019 1 19 0 256 504 - Ss+ tty2 00:00:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty2
-- 0 0 3020 1 19 0 256 508 - Ss+ tty3 00:00:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty3
-- 0 0 3022 1 19 0 256 500 - Ss+ tty4 00:00:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty4
-- 0 0 3023 1 19 0 256 504 - Ss+ tty5 00:00:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty5
-- 0 0 3024 1 19 0 256 504 - Ss+ tty6 00:00:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty6
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |