single_level = [ "this", "that", "the", "other" ] -- there is no non-homogeneous list. You can do things with tuples: nested = ("this", "that", ["the", "other"]) -- (String, String, [String]) -- arrays are generally eschewed in Haskell, lists are prefered. -- arrays are useful if you desperately need: -- * huge amounts of raw data. -- * constant (O(1)) lookup => use Data.Array -- * constant (O(1)) update => use Data.Array.IO, Data.Array.ST or Data.Array.Storable -- (or even Data.Array.Diff) -- see -- and for more -- creating an Array from a list: import Data.Array listToArray :: [a] -> Array Int a listToArray l = listArray (0, length l - 1) l a1 = listToArray l1 -- => array (0,3) [(0,"Crosby"),(1,"Stills"),(2,"Nash"),(3,"Young")] -- getting back the list l1' = elems a1 -- creating an IOArray from a list: import Data.Array.IO listToIOArray :: [a] -> IO (IOArray Int a) listToIOArray l = newListArray (0, length l - 1) l a1 = listToIOArray l1 l1' = a1 >>= getElems |
a = [ "quick", "brown", "fox" ] a' = words "Why are you teasing me?" l = lines "The boy stood on the burning deck\n\ \It was as hot as glass." big_array = do s <- readFile "mydatafile" return (lines s) -- more compact: big_array = fmap lines (readFile "mydatafile") -- using readProcess from "Helpers" his_host = "" host_info = do Right info <- readProcess "nslookup" [his_host] "" return info -- calling ps on our running process import System import System.Posix (getProcessID) t = do id <- getProcessID system ("ps " ++ show id) |
import Data.List commify_series :: [String] -> String commify_series [] = "" commify_series [x] = x commify_series xs = intercalate ", " (init xs) ++ " and " ++ (last xs) array = ["red", "yellow", "green"] s1 = "I have " ++ commify_series array ++ " marbles" -- I have red, yellow and green marbles s2 = "I have " ++ concat array ++ " marbles" -- I have redyellowgreen marbles s3 = "I have " ++ unwords array ++ " marbles" -- I have red yellow green marbles |
-- arrays can't be resized -- similar behaviour for lists explained below what_about_that_list x = unlines [ "The list now has " ++ show (length x) ++ " elements." , "The index of the last element is " ++ show (length x - 1) ++ "." , "Element .3 is`" ++ x!!3 ++ "'." ] l1 = [ "Crosby", "Stills", "Nash", "Young" ] -- remove last element l2 = init l1 -- ["Crosby", "Stills", "Nash"] -- keep 3 elements l3 = take 3 l1 -- ["Crosby", "Stills", "Nash"] -- calling what_about_that_list on l2 or l3 would raise -- *** Exception: Prelude.(!!): index too large -- when accessing element .3 -- grow list l4 = take 10001 (l1 ++ repeat "") -- same, but much less haskell'ish, prefer above l4' = l1 ++ replicate (10001 - length l1) "" -- writing a function that grow and shrink a list is easy: resize_list n default_val l = take n (l ++ repeat default_val) |
bad_users = filter is_valid_user all_users t = mapM_ complain bad_users t' = mapM_ do_it all_users where do_it user = do usage <- get_usage user when (usage > max_quota) (complain user) -- equivalent of "env | sort" import System.Environment import List t = getEnvironment >>= putStr . format where format = unlines . map (\(var, val) -> var ++ "=" ++ val) . sort -- display lines from "who" matching "simonpj" (readProcess is in "Helpers") t = do Right s <- readProcess "who" [] "" mapM_ putStrLn (filter ("simonpj" `isPrefixOf`) $ lines s) -- print file with words reversed: t = readFile "/etc/fstab" >>= putStr . reverse_words_of_each_line where reverse_words_of_each_line = unlines . map (unwords . reverse . words) . lines -- modify every element l = map (-1 +) [1,2,3] -- [0,1,2] -- multiply everything in a and b by seven l = [ ("a", [ 0.5, 3 ]), ("b", [ 0, 1 ]) ] l' = map (\(name, xs) -> (name, map (* 7) xs)) l -- => [ ("a", [ 3.5, 21 ]), ("b", [ 0, 7 ]) ] -- same using Arrow.second l_' = map (Arrow.second $ map (* 7)) l -- for a more cryptic version, replace Arrow.second with fmap -- same using Data.Map import qualified Data.Map as Map m = Map.fromList [ ("a", [ 0.5, 3 ]), ("b", [ 0, 1 ]) ] m' = (map (* 7)) m |
-- not relevant in haskell since we have always kind of references |
l = nub [ 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5 ] -- [ 1, 2, 3, 5 ] -- generate a list of users logged in, removing duplicates (readProcess is in "Helpers") t = do Right s <- readProcess "who" [] "" let users = sort $ nub $ map (head . words) $ lines s putStrLn ("users logged in: " ++ unwords users) |
l = [ 1, 2, 4 ] \\ [ 4, 1 ] -- [ 2 ] -- beware of duplicates: xs = [ 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5 ] ys = [ 1, 2, 4 ] l1 = xs \\ ys -- [ 1, 3, 3, 5 ] l2 = nub xs \\ ys -- [ 3, 5 ] l3 = filter (`notElem` ys) xs -- [ 3, 3, 5 ] -- for faster operations, use Data.Set: import qualified Data.Set as Set l = filter (`Set.notMember` Set.fromList [ 4, 1 ]) [ 1, 2, 4 ] -- => [ 2 ] s1 = Set.fromList [ 1, 2, 4 ] s2 = Set.fromList [ 4, 1 ] s3 = Set.\\ s1 s2 |
a = [1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8] b = [2, 3, 5, 7, 9] l1 = a `intersect` b -- [ 3, 5, 7 ] l2 = a `union` b -- [ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 9 ] l3 = a \\ b -- [ 1, 6, 8 ] -- see also union and intersection in Data.Set |
l = [ "Time", "Flies" ] l2 = l ++ [ "An", "Arrow" ] -- ["Time", "Flies", "An", "Arrow"] insertAt n e l = before ++ [e] ++ after where (before, after) = splitAt n l l3 = insertAt 2 "Like" l2 -- ["Time", "Flies", "Like", "An", "Arrow"] replaceAt n e l = before ++ [e] ++ tail after where (before, after) = splitAt n l replaceAllAt assoc l = foldr (\(n, e) -> replaceAt n e) l assoc l4 = replaceAt 0 "Fruit" l3 l5 = replaceAllAt [ (3,"A"), (4,"Banana") ] l4 -- => ["Fruit", "Flies", "Like", "A", "Banana"] -- arrays are better suited for modifying an element, -- but arrays are not suited for adding elements -- (using listToArray from "Helpers") l3' = listToArray l3 l4' = l3' Array.// [ (0, "Fruit") ] l5' = l4' Array.// [ (3,"A"), (4,"Banana") ] |
l = reverse [1..5] -- [5,4,3,2,1] reverse_sort = reverse . sort reverse_sort' = sortBy (\a b -> b <=> a) reverse_sort'' = sortBy (flip (<=>)) l = reverse_sort [3,2,5,1] -- [5,3,2,1] |
-- remove n elements from front of array (front,array') = splitAt array n -- remove n elements from the end of array (array',end) = splitAt array (array.length array - n) (this : that : friends') = [ "Peter", "Paul", "Mary", "Jim", "Tim" ] -- this contains "Peter", that has "Paul", and friends' has "Mary", "Jim", and "Tim" beverages = words "Dew Jolt Cola Sprite Fresca" (beverages', pair) = splitAt (length beverages - 2) beverages -- pair contains ["Sprite", "Fresca"] -- and beverages' has ["Dew", "Jolt", "Cola"] |
data Employee = Employee { name, position :: String , salary :: Int } deriving (Show,Eq) employees = [ Employee { name="Jim", position="Manager", salary=26000 } , Employee { name="Jill", position="Engineer", salary=24000 } , Employee { name="Jack", position="Engineer", salary=22000 } ] (Just engineer) = find ((== "Engineer") . position) employees s = name engineer ++ " is engineer" |
bigs = filter (> 1000000) nums -- display lines from "who" matching "simonpj" (readProcess is in "Helpers") t = do Right s <- readProcess "who" [] "" mapM_ putStrLn (filter ("simonpj" `isPrefixOf`) $ lines s) -- using employees defined in previous section engineers = [ x | x <- employees, position x == "Engineer"] engineers' = filter ((== "Engineer") . position) employees -- => [ Employee { name="Jill", ... }, Employee { name="Jack", ... } ] secondary_assistance = filter ((\x -> x >= 26000 && x < 30000) . salary) employees -- => [ Employee { name="Jim", position="Manager", salary=26000 } ] |
-- sort works for numbers l1 = sort [100, 3, 20] -- [3, 20, 100] -- strings representing numbers will be sorted alphabetically l2 = sort ["100", "3", "20"] -- ["100", "20", "3"] -- you may specify another sort method (not lexicographic ordering): -- for comparing: import Data.Ord (comparing) l3 = sortBy (comparing (read :: String -> Int)) ["100", "3", "20"] -- ["3", "20", "100"] -- same, but may typically run faster sortByKey f = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . map (\x -> (f x, x)) l3' = sortByKey (read :: String -> Int) ["100", "3", "20"] -- more cryptic: replace (\x -> (f x, x)) with (f Arrow.&&& id) |
data Employee = Employee { name, position :: String , salary :: Int } deriving (Show,Eq) employees = [ Employee { name="Jim", position="Manager", salary=26000 } , Employee { name="Jill", position="Engineer", salary=24000 } , Employee { name="Jack", position="Engineer", salary=22000 } ] employee_sorted = sortBy (comparing name) employees -- => [ Employee { name="Jack", ... }, Employee { name="Jill", ... }, Employee { name="Jim", ... } ] sortByKey f = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . map (\x -> (f x, x)) sortByKeyRev f = map snd . sortBy (flip $ comparing fst) . map (\x -> (f x, x)) employee_sorted' = sortByKey name employees ordered = sortByKey abs [ 1, -3, 2, 6 ] -- [ 1, 2, -3, 6 ] ordered_rev = sortByKeyRev abs [ 1, -3, 2, 6 ] -- [ 6, -3, 2, 1 ] names = [ "Azzz", "Za", "Bbbbbbb" ] sort_by_2nd_char = sortByKey (!! 1) names -- ["Za","Bbbbbbb","Azzz"] sort_by_last_char = sortByKey last names -- ["Za","Bbbbbbb","Azzz"] sort_by_length = sortByKey length names -- ["Za","Azzz","Bbbbbbb"] -- import Text.Regex m = readFile "/etc/passwd" >>= (putStr . unlines . sortByKey key . lines) where key line = case splitRegex (mkRegex ":") line of (name : _ : uid : gid : _) -> (read gid :: Int, read uid :: Int, name) |
import System.Posix (sleep) -- circular lists are easily defined using infinite list circular = [1,2,3,4,5] ++ circular m = mapM_ do_it (take 10 circular) where do_it n = do putStrLn ("Handling process " ++ show n) sleep 1 |
rand :: Int -> Int -> IO Int rand low high = getStdRandom (randomR (low, high)) randomPermute :: [a] -> IO [a] randomPermute [] = return [] randomPermute xs = do n <- rand 0 (length xs - 1) let (a, e : b) = splitAt n xs -- taking n-th element and putting it first ab <- randomPermute (a ++ b) return $ e : ab l = randomPermute [1..5] -- example of result: [2,3,5,1,4] |
-- using groupNelem from "Helpers" make_columns :: Int -> [String] -> [String] make_columns screen_width mylist = map concat $ transpose $ groupNelem rows $ map pad_it mylist where maxlen = maximum(map length mylist) + 1 -- 1 needed to make extra space cols = max 1 (screen_width `div` maxlen) rows = 1 + (length mylist `div` cols) pad_it s = take maxlen (s ++ repeat ' ') -- using external program "resize -u" to get terminal size (readProcess is in "Helpers") getTerminalSize :: IO (Maybe (Int, Int)) getTerminalSize = do Right s <- readProcess "resize" ["-u"] "" let vars = parse_shell_vars s return $ do x <- lookup "COLUMNS" vars y <- lookup "LINES" vars return (read x, read y) where parse_shell_vars = catMaybes . map break_it . lines break_it s = case break (== '=') s of (_, "") -> Nothing (var, _:val) -> Just (var, if last val == ';' then init val else val) main = do size <- getTerminalSize let width = maybe 80 fst size interact (unlines . make_columns width . words) |
permutations [] = [[]] permutations (x:xs) = [zs | ys <- permutations xs, zs <- interleave x ys ] where interleave x [] = [[x]] interleave x (y:ys) = [x:y:ys] ++ map (y:) (interleave x ys) -- the list comprehension can be replaced by: concatMap (interleave x) $ permutations xs t = mapM_ (putStrLn . unwords) $ permutations $ words "man bites dog" -- man bites dog -- bites man dog -- bites dog man -- man dog bites -- dog man bites -- dog bites man |