str = "\\n" -- two characters, \ and an n str2 = "Jon 'Maddog' Orwant" -- in haskell we can do string only with ", no single quote str3 = "\n" -- a "newline" character str4 = "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant" -- literal double quotes -- no q/qq/qw/.. stuff in haskell -- no multiline, you can emulate it with ++ and \n, or unlines str5 = "This is a multiline here document\n" ++ "terminated by on a line by itself\n" |
s = "This is what you have" first = s!![0] -- "T" start = s!![5,6] -- "is" rest = s!![13..] -- "you have" las = s!![-1] -- "e" las2 = s.last -- 'e' end = s!![-4 .. -1] -- "have" piece = s!![-8 .. -5] -- "you" [lead,ss1,ss2,trailing] = s.unpack [Grab 2, Forward 3, Grab 1, Grab 2, GrabAll] -- Regexp are better for this, why introduce extra concept (unpack) [lead2,ss12,ss22,trailing2] = s.match "^(..)...(.)(..)(.*)" [lead3,ss13,ss23,trailing3] = s.match "^(.{2}).{3}(.)(.{2})(.*)" -- just to show how to use repetition fivers = s.unpack ((Grab 5).replicate (s.length `div` 5)) -- in haskell string == [Char] => no need to do unpack("A1" x length($string), $string) characters = s -- can't modify string in haskell s' = s.substr 5 2 "wasn't" -- "This wasn't what you have" s'' = s'.substr2 (-12) "ondrous" -- "This wasn't wondrous",note the () arount negative number :( s''' = s''.substr 0 1 "" -- "his wasn't wondrous", delete first character <=> tail s'''' = s'''.substr2 (-10) "" -- "his wasn'" ,delete last 10 characters <=> reverse . drop 10 . reverse m = if s!![-10 .. -1] =~ "have" then putStrLn "Pattern matches in last 10 characters" else return () m' = putStrLn "Pattern matches in last 10 characters" `when` (s!![-10 .. -1] =~ "have" ) -- cant do as short as in perl cos cant use affection in haskell news = s!![0..5].(substS "is" "at" [Global_Match]) ++ s!![6..] -- "That at what you have" a1 = "make a hat" a1' = a1!![-1] ++ a1!![1..(a1.length -2)] ++ a1!![0] -- "take a ham" b1 = "to be or not to be" b2 = b1.unpack [Forward 6, Grab 6] -- "or not" [b3,c3] = b1.unpack [Forward 6, Grab 2, Backward 5, Grab 2] -- ["or","be"] cut2fmt xs = xs.foldl aux (1,[]).snd.(GrabAll:).reverse where aux (n,l) i = (i,(Grab (i - n)) : l) fmt = cut2fmt [8,14,20,26,30] -- [Grab 7,Grab 6,Grab 6,Grab 6,Grab 4,GrabAll] |
v3 = "a" ||| "b" -- -> "a" v4 = "" ||| "b" -- -> "b" -- force to put the type :( v5 = (2::Int) &&& "ee" -- -> "ee" v6 = (0::Int) &&& "ee" -- -> "" -- no x ||= y v3' = v3 ||| v4 dir = argv >>> (\x -> (x ||| ["/tmp"]).head) dir' = argv >>> ((||| ["/tmp"]) $ head) -- or even more cryptic |
-- no side effect in haskell => swap is a nosense |
i1 = ord 'a' c1 = chr 97 -- ascii = string.unpack("C*"), string = ascii.pack("C*"), no need in haskell, String = [Char] -- there is also packedString that are more efficient but less cool cos not list anymore ibm = "HAL".map next_char -- "IBM" |
s1 = "unique chars are: " ++ ("an apple a day".unique.sort) sum1 = ("sum is " ^ ord.sum).putStrLn -- TODO, script.hs HERE |
s2 = s1.reverse -- can do: s3 = (unwords . reverse . words) s1 -- s3 = (words $ reverse $ unwords) s1 s3 = s1.words.reverse.unwords s3' = s1.split " ".reverse.join " " -- not the same, cos words = split "\s+" s3''= s1.split "\\s+".reverse.join " " -- eval long_palindromes or long_palindromes >>= (mapM putStrLn) long_palindromes = cat "/usr/share/dict/words" >>> filter(\s -> s == s.reverse && s.length > 4) |
-- TODO, must do: \s if s == [] then [] else foldr1 .... ? must make a foldr1sure expand_tabs = split "\t" $ (foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ (times (8 - a.length `mod` 8) ' ') ++ b)) -- more efficient -- expand_tabs = fixpoint (break_char '\t' (\a b -> a ++ (' '.times (8 - a.length `mod` 8)) ++ b)) |
-- cant do eval in haskell, too meta, too reflexif s4 = "I am 17 years old".subst "\\d+" (\n -> show ((read n) * 2)) |
s5 = "bo beep".upcase s6 = s5.downcase s7 = s6.capitalize s8 = "thIS is a loNG liNE" capitalize |
-- s9 = "I have " ++ (show (10+1)) ++ " guanacos." s9 = "I have "^10+1^" guanacos." |
-- cant put lines at beginning of line cos of layout pb -- Multi_line is to say that ^ match beginning of every line, not of the string multi = (substS "^\\s+" "" [Global_Match,Multi_Line] ° unlines) [ " This is a multiline here document", " terminated by nothing" ] |
-- in fact this fonction is wrong, cos it insert a space at the front of the sentence (must use a foldl1) wrap width s = let (all, line) = (words s).foldl (\ (all, line) w -> if (line++" "++w).length > width then (all++[line], w) else (all, line++" "++w) ) ([],"") in join "\n" (all++[line]) |
escaping = "Mom Said, \"Don't do that.\"" esc1 = escaping.gsubst "['\"]" ("\\"++) -- section, <=> (\x -> "\\" ++ x) esc3 = escaping.gsubst "[^A-Z]" ("\\"++) esc4 = escaping.gsubst "[^\\w]" ("\\"++) |
s10 = " titi".substS "^\\s+" "" [] s11 = " titi ".substS "\\s+$" "" [] trim = substS "^\\s+" "" [] ° substS "\\s+$" "" [] |
parse_csv s = let re = ["\"([^\"\\\\]*(\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*)\",?" -- "toto,titi" ,"([^,]+),?" -- something that not start with " can not contain any , => go until next , ,"," ].join "|" xxs = s.gmatch re in (\xs -> (xs!(0::Int)) ||| (xs!(2::Int))) testline = "XYZZY,\"\",\"O'Reilly, Inc\",\"Wall, Larry\",\"a \\\"glug\\\" bit,\",5,\"Error, Core Dumped\"" mparse = testline.parse_csv.foldM(\i x -> putStrLn (i^" : "^x) >>> (\_ -> i+1)) 0 |
-- from explanation from soundex s = x:'-':((res++[0,0,0]).take show.concat) -- note that as haskell is lazy, this code is efficient where group = [("AEIOUYHW",0) ,("BFPV",1) ,("CGJKQSXZ",2) ,("DT",3) ,("L",4) ,("MN",5) ,("R",6) ] code x = group.find (\(letters,_) -> x `elem` letters).just.snd (x:xs) = s.upcase.substS "[^\\w]" "" [Global_Match] -- A consonant immediately following an initial letter from the same code group is ignored xs' = if xs.length > 0 && xs.head.code == x.code && x.code > 0 then xs.tail else xs trim xs = xs.dropWhile (\x -> x.code == 0) next_code xs = xs.trim.(\xs -> if length xs > 0 then xs.head.code else 0) aux xs = case trim xs of [] -> [] (x:xs) -> if x.code == xs.next_code then aux xs else x.code:aux xs res = aux xs' soundexes = ["holmes" -- H-452 ,"adomomi" -- A-350 -- 355 ,"vonderlehr" -- V-536 ,"ball" -- B-400 ,"shaw" -- S-000 ,"jackson" -- J-250 ,"scanlon" -- S-545 ,"saintjohn" -- S-532 ,"kingsmith" -- K-525 ,"booth-davis" -- B-312 ,"Knuth" -- K-530 ,"Kant" -- K-530 ,"Lloyd" -- L-300 ,"Ladd" -- L-300 ].map soundex -- TODO, not complete ($quota,$comment,$gcos,$expire) = getpw* data Passwd_entry = Passwd_entry {pw_name,pw_passwd,pw_comment,pw_dir,pw_shell::String, pw_uid,pw_gid::Int} deriving (Eq,Show) getpwent s = let [name1,passwd1,uid1,gid1,comment1,dir1,shell1] = s.split ":" in Passwd_entry {pw_name=name1,pw_passwd=passwd1,pw_uid=read uid1,pw_gid=read gid1, pw_comment=comment1,pw_dir=dir1,pw_shell=shell1} msoundex = do putStr "Lookup user: " user <- getLine cat "/etc/passwd" >>= each (\l -> let Passwd_entry {pw_name=name,pw_comment=comment} = l.getpwent [firstname,lastname] = comment.match "(\\w+)[^,]*\\b(\\w+)" soundex' xs = if xs == [] then "" else xs.soundex in if user.soundex' `elem` (map soundex' [name,firstname,lastname]) then putStrLn (name++": "++firstname++" "++lastname) else return () ) -- TODO, pstyle and psgrep ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |