//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name = 'www.perl.com' addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(name) println addresses // => {www.perl.com/, www.perl.com/} // or to just resolve one: println InetAddress.getByName(name) // => www.perl.com/ // try a different address name = 'groovy.codehaus.org' addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(name) println addresses // => {groovy.codehaus.org/} // starting with IP address address = InetAddress.getByAddress([208, 201, 239, 36] as byte[]) println address.hostName // => www.oreillynet.com // For more complex operations use dnsjava: http://www.dnsjava.org/ import org.xbill.DNS.* System.setProperty("sun.net.spi.nameservice.provider.1","dns,dnsjava") Lookup lookup = new Lookup('cnn.com', Type.ANY) records = lookup.run() println "${records?.size()} record(s) found" records.each{ println it } // => // 17 record(s) found // cnn.com. 55 IN A // cnn.com. 55 IN A // cnn.com. 55 IN A // cnn.com. 55 IN A // cnn.com. 55 IN A // cnn.com. 55 IN A // cnn.com. 55 IN A // cnn.com. 55 IN A // cnn.com. 324 IN NS twdns-02.ns.aol.com. // cnn.com. 324 IN NS twdns-03.ns.aol.com. // cnn.com. 324 IN NS twdns-04.ns.aol.com. // cnn.com. 324 IN NS twdns-01.ns.aol.com. // cnn.com. 3324 IN SOA twdns-01.ns.aol.com. hostmaster.tbsnames.turner.com. 2007011203 900 300 604801 900 // cnn.com. 3324 IN MX 10 atlmail3.turner.com. // cnn.com. 3324 IN MX 10 atlmail5.turner.com. // cnn.com. 3324 IN MX 20 nycmail2.turner.com. // cnn.com. 3324 IN MX 30 nycmail1.turner.com. // faster reverse lookup using dnsjava def reverseDns(hostIp) { name = ReverseMap.fromAddress(hostIp) rec = Record.newRecord(name, Type.PTR, DClass.IN) query = Message.newQuery(rec) response = new ExtendedResolver().send(query) answers = response.getSectionArray(Section.ANSWER) if (answers) return answers[0].rdataToString() else return hostIp } println ' => ' + reverseDns('') // => => www.oreillynet.com. def hostAddrs(name) { addresses = Address.getAllByName(name) println addresses[0].canonicalHostName + ' => ' + addresses.collect{ it.hostAddress }.join(' ') } hostAddrs('www.ora.com') // => www.oreillynet.com. => hostAddrs('www.whitehouse.gov') // => => //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // commons net examples (explicit error handling not shown) import java.text.DateFormat import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient // connect server = "localhost" //server = "ftp.host.com" ftp = new FTPClient() ftp.connect( server ) ftp.login( 'anonymous', 'guest' ) //ftp.login( 'username', 'password' ) println "Connected to $server. $ftp.replyString" // retrieve file ftp.changeWorkingDirectory( '.' ) //ftp.changeWorkingDirectory( 'serverFolder' ) file = new File('README.txt') //new File('localFolder' + File.separator + 'localFilename') file.withOutputStream{ os -> ftp.retrieveFile( 'README.txt', os ) //ftp.retrieveFile( 'serverFilename', os ) } // upload file file = new File('otherFile.txt') //new File('localFolder' + File.separator + 'localFilename') file.withInputStream{ fis -> ftp.storeFile( 'otherFile.txt', fis ) } // List the files in the directory files = ftp.listFiles() println "Number of files in dir: $files.length" df = DateFormat.getDateInstance( DateFormat.SHORT ) files.each{ file -> println "${df.format(file.timestamp.time)}\t $file.name" } // Logout from the FTP Server and disconnect ftp.logout() ftp.disconnect() // => // Connected to localhost. 230 User logged in, proceed. // Number of files in dir: 2 // 18/01/07 otherFile.txt // 25/04/06 README.txt // Using AntBuilder; for more details, see: // http://ant.apache.org/manual/OptionalTasks/ftp.html ant = new AntBuilder() ant.ftp(action:'send', server:'ftp.hypothetical.india.org', port:'2121', remotedir:'/pub/incoming', userid:'coder', password:'java1', depends:'yes', binary:'no', systemTypeKey:'Windows', serverTimeZoneConfig:'India/Calcutta'){ fileset(dir:'htdocs/manual'){ include(name:'**/*.html') } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // using AntBuilder; for more info, see: // http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/mail.html ant = new AntBuilder() ant.mail(mailhost:'smtp.myisp.com', mailport:'1025', subject:'Test build'){ from(address:'config@myisp.com') replyto(address:'me@myisp.com') to(address:'all@xyz.com') message("The ${buildname} nightly build has completed") attachments(){ // ant 1.7 uses files attribute in earlier versions fileset(dir:'dist'){ include(name:'**/*.zip') } } } // using commons net import org.apache.commons.net.smtp.* client = new SMTPClient() client.connect( "mail.myserver.com", 25 ) if( !SMTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(client.replyCode) ) { client.disconnect() System.err.println("SMTP server refused connection.") System.exit(1) } // Login client.login( "myserver.com" ) // Set the sender and recipient(s) client.setSender( "config@myisp.com" ) client.addRecipient( "all@xyz.com" ) // Use the SimpleSMTPHeader class to build the header writer = new PrintWriter( client.sendMessageData() ) header = new SimpleSMTPHeader( "config@myisp.com", "all@xyz.com", "My Subject") header.addCC( "me@myisp.com" ) header.addHeaderField( "Organization", "My Company" ) // Write the header to the SMTP Server writer.write( header.toString() ) // Write the body of the message writer.write( "This is a test..." ) // Close the writer writer.close() if ( !client.completePendingCommand() ) // failure System.exit( 1 ) // Logout from the e-mail server (QUIT) and close connection client.logout() client.disconnect() // You can also use JavaMail; for more details, see: // http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/ // For testing programs which send emails, consider: // Dumbster (http://quintanasoft.com/dumbster/) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // slight variation to original cookbook: // prints 1st, 2nd and last articles from random newsgroup import org.apache.commons.net.nntp.NNTPClient postingPerm = ['Unknown', 'Moderated', 'Permitted', 'Prohibited'] client = new NNTPClient() client.connect("news.example.com") list = client.listNewsgroups() println "Found ${list.size()} newsgroups" aList = list[new Random().nextInt(list.size())] println "$aList.newsgroup has $aList.articleCount articles" println "PostingPermission = ${postingPerm[aList.postingPermission]}" first = aList.firstArticle println "First=$first, Last=$aList.lastArticle" client.retrieveArticle(first)?.eachLine{ println it } client.selectNextArticle() client.retrieveArticle()?.eachLine{ println it } client.retrieveArticle(aList.lastArticle)?.eachLine{ println it } writer = client.postArticle() // ... use writer ... writer.close() client.logout() if (client.isConnected()) client.disconnect() // => // Found 37025 newsgroups // alt.comp.sys.palmtops.pilot has 730 articles // PostingPermission = Permitted // First=21904, Last=22633 // ... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // slight variation to original cookbook to print summary of messages on server // uses commons net import org.apache.commons.net.pop3.POP3Client server = 'pop.myisp.com' username = 'gnat' password = 'S33kr1T Pa55w0rD' timeoutMillis = 30000 def printMessageInfo(reader, id) { def from, subject reader.eachLine{ line -> lower = line.toLowerCase() if (lower.startsWith("from: ")) from = line[6..-1].trim() else if (lower.startsWith("subject: ")) subject = line[9..-1].trim() } println "$id From: $from, Subject: $subject" } pop3 = new POP3Client() pop3.setDefaultTimeout(timeoutMillis) pop3.connect(server) if (!pop3.login(username, password)) { System.err.println("Could not login to server. Check password.") pop3.disconnect() System.exit(1) } messages = pop3.listMessages() if (!messages) System.err.println("Could not retrieve message list.") else if (messages.length == 0) println("No messages") else { messages.each{ message -> reader = pop3.retrieveMessageTop(message.number, 0) if (!reader) { System.err.println("Could not retrieve message header. Skipping...") } printMessageInfo(new BufferedReader(reader), message.number) } } pop3.logout() pop3.disconnect() // You can also use JavaMail; for more details, see: // http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variation to original cookbook: this more extensive example // uses telnet to extract weather information about Sydney from // a telnet-based weather server at the University of Michigan. import org.apache.commons.net.telnet.TelnetClient def readUntil( pattern ) { sb = new StringBuffer() while ((ch = reader.read()) != -1) { sb << (char) ch if (sb.toString().endsWith(pattern)) { def found = sb.toString() sb = new StringBuffer() return found } } return null } telnet = new TelnetClient() telnet.connect( 'rainmaker.wunderground.com', 3000 ) reader = telnet.inputStream.newReader() writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(telnet.outputStream),true) readUntil( "Welcome" ) println 'Welcome' + readUntil( "!" ) readUntil( "continue:" ) writer.println() readUntil( "-- " ) writer.println() readUntil( "Selection:" ) writer.println("10") readUntil( "Selection:" ) writer.println("3") x = readUntil( "Return" ) while (!x.contains('SYDNEY')) { writer.println() x = readUntil( "Return" ) } m = (x =~ /(?sm).*(SYDNEY.*?)$/) telnet.disconnect() println m[0][1] // => // Welcome to THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND telnet service! // SYDNEY FAIR 10AM 81 27 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- address = InetAddress.getByName("web.mit.edu") timeoutMillis = 3000 println address.isReachable(timeoutMillis) // => true (if firewalls don't get in the way, may require privileges on Linux, // may not use ICMP but rather Echo protocol on Windows machines) // You can also use commons net EchoUDPClient and EchoTCPClient to interact // with the Echo protocol - sometimes useful for ping-like functionality. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import org.apache.commons.net.WhoisClient whois = new WhoisClient() whois.connect(WhoisClient.DEFAULT_HOST) result = whois.query('cnn.com') // as text of complete query println result // could extract info from result here (using e.g. regex) whois.disconnect() //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // not exact equivalent to original cookbook: just shows raw functionality client = new SMTPClient() client.connect( "smtp.example.com", 25 ) println client.verify("george") // => true println client.replyString // => 250 George Washington <george@wash.dc.gov> println client.verify("jetson") // => false println client.replyString // => 550 jetson... User unknown client.expn("presidents") println client.replyString // => // 250-George Washington <george@wash.dc.gov> // 250-Thomas Jefferson <tj@wash.dc.gov> // 250-Ben Franklin <ben@here.us.edu> // ... // expect these commands to be disabled by most public servers due to spam println client.replyString // => 502 Command is locally disabled //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |