//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // quotes are optional around the key age = [ Nat:24, Jules:25, Josh:17 ] assert age['Nat'] == 24 // alternate syntax assert age."Jules" == 25 foodColor = [ Apple: 'red', Banana: 'yellow', Lemon: 'yellow', Carrot: 'orange' ] assert foodColor.size() == 4 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foodColor['Lemon'] = 'green' assert foodColor.size() == 4 assert foodColor['Lemon'] == 'green' foodColor['Raspberry'] = 'pink' assert foodColor.size() == 5 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assert ['Banana', 'Martini'].collect{ foodColor.containsKey(it)?'food':'drink' } == [ 'food', 'drink' ] age = [Toddler:3, Unborn:0, Phantasm:null] ['Toddler', 'Unborn', 'Phantasm', 'Relic'].each{ key -> print "$key: " if (age.containsKey(key)) print 'has key ' if (age.containsKey(key) && age[key]!=null) print 'non-null ' if (age.containsKey(key) && age[key]) print 'true ' println '' } // => // Toddler: has key non-null true // Unborn: has key non-null // Phantasm: has key // Relic: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assert foodColor.size() == 5 foodColor.remove('Banana') assert foodColor.size() == 4 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hash = [:] hash.each { key, value -> // do something with key and value } hash.each { entry -> // do something with entry } hash.keySet().each { key -> // do something with key } sb = new StringBuffer() foodColor.each { food, color -> sb << "$food is $color\n" } assert '\n' + sb.toString() == ''' Lemon is green Carrot is orange Apple is red Raspberry is pink ''' foodColor.each { entry -> assert entry.key.size() > 4 && entry.value.size() > 2 } foodColorsSortedByFood = [] foodColor.keySet().sort().each { k -> foodColorsSortedByFood << foodColor[k] } assert foodColorsSortedByFood == ["red", "orange", "green", "pink"] fakedInput = ''' From: someone@somewhere.com From: someone@spam.com From: someone@somewhere.com ''' from = [:] fakedInput.split('\n').each{ matcher = (it =~ /^From:\s+([^\s>]*)/) if (matcher.matches()) { sender = matcher[0][1] if (from.containsKey(sender)) from[sender] += 1 else from[sender] = 1 } } // More useful to sort by number of received mail by person from.entrySet().sort { a,b -> b.value<=>a.value}.each { e-> println "${e.key}: ${e.value}" } // => // someone@somewhere.com: 2 // someone@spam.com: 1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hash = [a:1, b:2, c:3] // Map#toString already produce a pretty decent output: println hash // => ["b":2, "a":1, "c":3] // Or do it by longhand for customised formatting hash.each { k,v -> println "$k => $v" } // => // b => 2 // a => 1 // c => 3 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // java.util.LinkedHashMap "maintains a doubly-linked list running through all of its entries. // This linked list defines the iteration ordering, which is normally the order in which keys // were inserted into the map (insertion-order)". foodColor = new LinkedHashMap() foodColor['Banana'] = 'Yellow' foodColor['Apple'] = 'Green' foodColor['Lemon'] = 'Yellow' foodColor.keySet().each{ key -> println key } // => // Banana // Apple // Lemon //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foodsOfColor = [ Yellow:['Banana', 'Lemon'], Green:['Apple'] ] foodsOfColor['Green'] += 'Melon' assert foodsOfColor == ["Green":["Apple", "Melon"], "Yellow":["Banana", "Lemon"]] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- surname = [Mickey: 'Mantle', Babe: 'Ruth'] assert surname.findAll{ it.value == 'Mantle' }.collect{ it.key } == ["Mickey"] firstname = [:] surname.each{ entry -> firstname[entry.value] = entry.key } assert firstname == ["Ruth":"Babe", "Mantle":"Mickey"] // foodfindScript: #!/usr/bin/groovy // usage: foodfind food_or_color" color = [Apple:'red', Banana:'yellow', Lemon:'yellow', Carrot:'orange'] given = args[0] if (color.containsKey(given)) println "$given is a food with color ${color[given]}." if (color.containsValue(given)) { // could use commify() here - see 4.2 foods = color.findAll{it.value == given}.collect{it.key} join = foods.size() == 1 ? 'is a food' : 'are foods' println "${foods.join(', ')} $join with color ${given}." } // foodfind red // => Apple is a food with color red. // foodfind yellow // => Lemon, Banana are foods with color yellow. // foodfind Carrot // => Carrot is a food with color orange. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foodColor = [Apple:'red', Carrot:'orange', Banana:'yellow', Cherry:'black'] // Sorted by keys assert foodColor.keySet().sort() == ["Apple", "Banana", "Carrot", "Cherry"] // you could now iterate through the hash with the sorted keys assert foodColor.values().sort() == ["black", "orange", "red", "yellow"] assert foodColor.values().sort{it.size()} == ["red", "black", "orange", "yellow"] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //merged = a.clone.update(b) # because Hash#update changes object in place drinkColor = [Galliano:'yellow', 'Mai Tai':'blue'] ingestedColor = [:] ingestedColor.putAll(drinkColor) // overrides any common keys ingestedColor.putAll(foodColor) totalColors = ingestedColor.values().sort().unique() assert totalColors == ["black", "blue", "orange", "red", "yellow"] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foodColor['Lemon']='yellow' citrusColor = [Lemon:'yellow', Orange:'orange', Lime:'green'] println foodColor println citrusColor common = foodColor.keySet().intersect(citrusColor.keySet()) assert common == ["Lemon"] foodButNotCitrus = foodColor.keySet().toList() - citrusColor.keySet().toList() assert foodButNotCitrus == ["Carrot", "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// no problem here, Groovy handles any kind of object for key-ing
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Groovy uses Java implementations for storing hashes and these // support setting an initial capacity and load factor (which determines // at what point the hash will be resized if needed) hash = [:] // Groovy shorthand gets defaults hash = new HashMap() // default capacity and load factor println hash.capacity() // => 16 ('A'..'Z').each{ hash[it] = it } println hash.capacity() // => 64 hash = new HashMap(100) // initial capacity of 100 and default load factor hash = new HashMap(100, 0.8f) // initial capacity of 100 and 0.8 load factor //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- count = [:] letters = [] foodColor.values().each{ letters.addAll((it as String[]).toList()) } letters.each{ if (count.containsKey(it)) count[it] += 1 else count[it] = 1 } assert count == ["o":3, "d":1, "k":1, "w":2, "r":2, "c":1, "l":5, "g":1, "b":1, "a":2, "y":2, "n":1, "e":4] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- father = [ Cain:'Adam', Abel:'Adam', Seth:'Adam', Enoch:'Cain', Irad:'Enoch', Mehujael:'Irad', Methusael:'Mehujael', Lamech:'Methusael', Jabal:'Lamech', Jubal:'Lamech', Tubalcain:'Lamech', Enos:'Seth' ] def upline(person) { while (father.containsKey(person)) { print person + ' ' person = father[person] } println person } upline('Irad') // => Irad Enoch Cain Adam children = [:] father.each { k,v -> if (!children.containsKey(v)) children[v] = [] children[v] += k } def downline(person) { println "$person begat ${children.containsKey(person)?children[person].join(', '):'Nobody'}.\n" } downline('Tubalcain') // => Tubalcain begat Nobody. downline('Adam') // => Adam begat Abel, Seth, Cain. // This one doesn't recurse through subdirectories (as a simplification) // scriptToFindIncludeFilesWhichContainNoIncludesScript: dir = '<path_to_usr/include>' includes = [:] new File(dir).eachFile{ file -> if (file.directory) return file.eachLine{ line -> matcher = (line =~ '^\\s*#\\s*include\\s*<([^>]+)>') if (matcher.matches()) { if (!includes.containsKey(file.name)) includes[file.name] = [] includes[file.name] += matcher[0][1] } } } // find referenced files which have no includes; assumes all files // were processed and none are missing println includes.values().sort().flatten().unique() - includes.keySet() //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dutree - print sorted indented rendition of du output // obtaining this input is not shown, it is similar to other examples // on some unix systems it will be: duProcessFakedInput = "du options".process().text duProcessFakedInput = ''' 11732 groovysoap/lib 68 groovysoap/src/main/groovy/net/soap 71 groovysoap/src/main/groovy/net 74 groovysoap/src/main/groovy 77 groovysoap/src/main 9 groovysoap/src/examples 8 groovysoap/src/examples/groovy 102 groovysoap/src/test 202 groovysoap/src 11966 groovysoap ''' // The DuNode class collects all information about a directory, class DuNode { def name def size def kids = [] // support for sorting nodes with side def compareTo(node2) { size <=> node2.size } def getBasename() { name.replaceAll(/.*\//, '') } // returns substring before last "/", otherwise null def getParent() { def p = name.replaceAll(/\/[^\/]+$/,'') return (p == name) ? null : p } } // The DuTree does the actual work of // getting the input, parsing it, building up a tree // and formatting it for output class DuTree { def input def topdir def nodes = [:] def dirsizes = [:] def kids = [:] // get a node by name, create it if it does not exist yet def getOrCreateNode(name) { if (!nodes.containsKey(name)) nodes[name] = new DuNode(name:name) return nodes[name] } // figure out how much is taken in each directory // that isn't stored in the subdirectories. Add a new // fake kid called "." containing that much. def getDots(node) { def cursize = node.size for (kid in node.kids) { cursize -= kid.size getDots(kid) } if (node.size != cursize) { def newnode = getOrCreateNode(node.name + "/.") newnode.size = cursize node.kids += newnode } } def processInput() { def name = '' input.split('\n').findAll{it.trim()}.each{ line -> def tokens = line.tokenize() def size = tokens[0] name = tokens[1] def node = getOrCreateNode(name) node.size = size.toInteger() nodes[name] = node def parent = node.parent if (parent) getOrCreateNode(parent).kids << node } topdir = nodes[name] } // recursively output everything // passing padding and number width as well // on recursive calls def output(node, prefix='', width=0) { def line = node.size.toString().padRight(width) + ' ' + node.basename println (prefix + line) prefix += line.replaceAll(/\d /, '| ') prefix = prefix.replaceAll(/[^|]/, ' ') if (node.kids.size() > 0) { // not a bachelor node kids = node.kids kids.sort{ a,b -> b.compareTo(a) } width = kids[0].size.toString().size() for (kid in kids) output(kid, prefix, width) } } } tree = new DuTree(input:duProcessFakedInput) tree.processInput() tree.getDots(tree.topdir) tree.output(tree.topdir) // => // 11966 groovysoap // | 11732 lib // | 202 src // | | 102 test // | | 77 main // | | | 74 groovy // | | | | 71 net // | | | | | 68 soap // | | | | | 3 . // | | | | 3 . // | | | 3 . // | | 14 . // | | 9 examples // | | | 8 groovy // | | | 1 . // | 32 . //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |