1. Strings


(setf string "\\n")                     ; two characters, \ and an n
(setf string "John 'Maddog' Orwant")    ; literal single quotes
;; newlines may be inserted literally
(setf string "                          
")                                      ; a "newline" character
;; or by creating a string explicitly
(setf string (make-string 1 :initial-element #\Newline))
;; or by using format with a nil output stream
(setf string (format nil "~%"))
(setf string "John \"Maddog\" Orwant")  ; literal double quotes
(setf string "John 'Maddog' Orwant")  ; literal single quotes
(setf string "
This is a multiline string, terminated by a
double quotation mark.
;; There are no CL equivalents to Perl's other ways of quoting
;; strings (q//, etc).

Accessing Substrings

;; assign a substring to a variable
(setf value (subseq string offset (+ offset count)))
(setf value (subseq string offset))

;; edit a substring
(setf string (concatenate 'string 
                          (subseq string 0 offset) 
                          (subseq string (+ offset count))))
(setf string (concatenate 'string 
                          (subseq string 0 offset) 
;; get a 5-byte string, skip 3, then grab 2 8-byte strings, then the
;; rest
(setf leading (subseq data 5)
      s1 (subseq data 8 8)
      s2 (subseq data 16 8)
      trailing (subseq data 24))

;; split at five byte boundries
(let ((length (length string)))
  (loop for idx from 0 upto length by 5
     collect (subseq string idx (min length (+ idx 5)))))

;; chop string into individual characters
(loop for idx from 0 upto (1- (length string))
      collect (char string idx))
(defparameter *string* "This is what you have")
;;;             +012345678901234567890  Indexing forwards  (left to right)
;;;              109876543210987654321- Indexing backwards (right to left)

(let ((first (subseq *string* 0 1))                        ; "T"
      (start (subseq *string* 5 7))                        ; "is"
      (rest (subseq *string* 13))                       ; "you have"
      (last (subseq *string* (+ (length *string*) -1))) ; "e"
      (end (subseq *string* (+ (length *string*) -4)))   ; "have"
      (piece (subseq *string*
                     (+ (length *string*) -8)
                     (+ (length *string*) -8 3)))) ; "you"
  (list first start rest last end piece))
;; ("T" "is" "you have" "e" "have" "you")
(defparameter *string* "This is what you have")
(print *string*)
;; This is what you have

;; Change "is" to "wasn't"
(setf *string* (concatenate 'string
                            (subseq *string* 0 5)
                            (subseq *string* (+ 5 2))))
;; This wasn't what you have

;; Replace last 12 characters
(setf *string* (concatenate 'string
                            (subseq *string* 0 (+ (length *string*) -12))
;; This wasn't wondrous

;; Delete first character
(setf *string* (subseq *string* 1))
;; his wasn't wondrous

;; Delete last 10 characters
(setf *string* (subseq *string* 0 (+ (length *string*) -10)))
;; his wasn'
;; you can test substrings with the :start and :end keyword parameters
(when (scan "pattern" *string* :start (- (length *string*) 10))
  (format t "Pattern matches in last 10 characters~%"))

;; substitute "at" for "is", restricted to first five characters
(concatenate 'string
              (regex-replace "is" *string* "at"
                             :start 0
                             :end (min (length *string*) 5))
              (when (> (length *string*) 5)
                (subseq *string* 5)))
;; exchange the first and last letters in a string
(let ((a "make a hat"))
  ;; ROTATEF is CL's general-purpose swap macro
  (rotatef (char a 0) (char a (1- (length a))))
  (princ a))
;; take a ham
;; extract column with SUBSEQ
(let* ((a "To be or not to be")
       (b (subseq a 6 12))) ; skip 6, grab 6
  (format t "~A~%" b)
;; or not

  ;; forward 6, grab 2; backward 5, grab 2
  (destructuring-bind (b c) `(,(subseq a 6 8) ,(subseq a 3 5))
    (format t "~A~%~A~%" b c)))
;; or
;; be
(defun cut2fmt (&rest positions)
  "Useless in CL, which lacks Perl's unpack(); here for completeness."
  (let ((template "")
        (lastpos 1))
    (dolist (place positions)
      (setf template (format nil "~AA~D " template (- place lastpos)))
      (setf lastpos place))
    (setf template (concatenate 'string template "A*"))
(let ((fmt (cut2fmt 8 14 20 26 30)))
  (format t "~A~%" fmt))
;; A7 A6 A6 A6 A4 A*

Establishing a Default Value

;; use b if b is true, else c
(setf a (or b c))

;; set x to y unless x is already true
(unless x (setf x y))
;; use B if B is defined, otherwise C
(setf a (if (boundp 'b) b c))
(setf foo (or bar "DEFAULT VALUE"))
(defparameter ARGV (copy-seq (cdr *posix-argv*)) "Arguments from shell, Perl style")

(setf dir (or (pop ARGV) "/tmp"))
(setf dir (or (nth 0 ARGV) "/tmp"))
(setf dir (if (plusp (length ARGV)) (pop ARGV) "/tmp"))
(setf dir (if (plusp (length ARGV)) (nth 0 ARGV) "/tmp"))
(setf count (make-hash-table))
(incf (gethash (or shell "/bin/sh") count 0))
;; find the user name on Unix systems
(setf user (or (posix-getenv "USER")
               (posix-getenv "LOGNAME")
               (let ((uid (sb-posix:getuid)))
                 (or (sb-posix:passwd-name (sb-posix:getpwuid uid))
                     (format nil "Unknown uid number ~a" uid)))
               "Unknown uid"))
(setf starting-point (or starting-point "Greenwich"))
;; Perl array-to-array assignment copies the array, hence the need for
;; COPY-SEQ below.
(unless (plusp (length a))
  (setf a (copy-seq b)))                ; copy only if empty
(setf a (copy-seq (if (plusp (length b))
                      c)))              ; assign b if nonempty, else c

Exchanging Values Without Using Temporary Variables

;; There are several ways to swap variables in CL.  ROTATEF is usually
;; the simplest choice.
(rotatef VAR1 VAR2)
(psetq VAR1 VAR2 VAR2 VAR1)
(multiple-value-setq (VAR1 VAR2) 
  (values VAR2 VAR1))
(setf temp a
      a b
      b temp)
(let ((a "alpha")
      (b "omega"))
  (rotatef a b))           ; the first shall be last -- and versa vice
(destructuring-bind (alpha beta production)
    ;; In CL one would normally use symbols here:
    ;; '(January March August)
    '("January" "March" "August")
  ;; move beta       to alpha,
  ;; move production to beta,
  ;; move alpha      to production
  (rotatef alpha beta production))

Converting Between ASCII Characters and Values

(setq num (char-code char))
(setq char (code-char num))
(setq char (format nil "~c" (code-char num)))
(format t "Number ~d is character ~c~%" num (code-char num))
;; Number 101 is character e
(setq ASCII (map 'list #'char-code string))
(setq string (map 'string #'code-char ASCII))
(setq ascii-value (char-code #\e))             ; now 101
(setq character (code-char 101))               ; now #\e
(format t "Number ~D is character ~C~%" 101 (code-char 101))
(let ((ascii-character-numbers (map 'list #'char-code "sample")))
  (format t "~{~A~^ ~}~%" ascii-character-numbers)
;; 115 97 109 112 108 101
  (setf word (map 'string #'code-char ascii-character-numbers))
  (setf word (map 'string #'code-char #(115 97 109 112 108 101))) ; same
  (format t "~A~%" word))
;; sample
(let* ((hal "HAL")
       (ibm (map 'string
                 (lambda (char)
                   (code-char (1+ (char-code char)))) ; add one to each ASCII value
  (format t "~A~%" ibm))                ; prints "IBM"

Processing a String One Character at a Time

(setq array (map 'list #'string string))

(setq array (loop for char across string
               collect (char-code char)))
(do-matches-as-strings (match "(.)" string)
  ;; do something with MATCH
(let ((seen (make-hash-table))
      (string "an apple a day"))
  (loop for char across string do
       (incf (gethash char seen 0)))
  (let ((chars (loop for char being each hash-key of seen
                  collect char)))
    (format t "unique chars are: ~{~C~}~%" 
            (sort chars '< :key 'char-code))))
;; unique chars are:  adelnpy
(let ((string "an apple a day"))
  (format t "sum is ~D~%"
          (reduce #'+ string :key #'char-code)))
(let ((string "an apple a day"))
  (format t "sum is ~D~%"
          (loop for char across string
                summing (char-code char))))
(let ((string "an apple a day"))
  (format t "sum is ~D~%"
          (loop for char across string
             sum (char-code char))))
;; prints "1248" if string was "an apple a day"
;; There's no equivalent to Perl's unpack(), this is about as close as
;; you can get.
(setf sum (loop for char across string
             sum (char-code char)))
;; In CL it makes more sense to call this function from the REPL than
;; it does to put it into a separate script.  E.g.,
;;  > (sum "/tmp/xyz" "~/foo/bar.txt")
(defun sum (&rest files)
  (let ((sum 0))
    (dolist (filename files)
      (with-open-file (file filename :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
        (do ((b (read-byte file nil :eof)
                (read-byte file nil :eof)))
            ((eql b :eof))
          (incf sum b))))
    (let ((r (+ (mod sum (expt 2 16))
                (truncate (/ (mod sum (expt 2 32))
                             (expt 2 16))))))
      (+ (mod r (expt 2 16))
         (truncate (/ r (expt 2 16)))))))
;;CL-USER> (sum "/mach.sym")
;;%cksum -o 2 /mach.sym
;;24298 1203 /mach.sym
(defun slowcat (number-or-filename &rest more-files)
  "The first argument can be a number of seconds to sleep between
characters, otherwise it should be a file name."
  (let ((delay (if (numberp number-or-filename) number-or-filename 1))
        (files (if (numberp number-or-filename) more-files (cons number-or-filename more-files))))
    (dolist (filename files)
      (with-open-file (file filename)
        (do ((c (read-char file nil :eof)
                (read-char file nil :eof)))
            ((eql c :eof))
          (format t "~C" c)
          (sleep (* delay 0.005)))))))

Reversing a String by Word or Character

(setq revbytes (reverse string))
(setq revwords (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}"
                       (reverse (split " " string))))
(setq revwords (reverse
                (do* ((stringstream (make-string-input-stream string))
                      (result nil (cons next result))
                      (next (read stringstream nil 'eos)
                            (read stringstream nil 'eos)))
                     ((equal next 'eos)
                      (reverse result)))))
(setq gnirts (reverse string))          ; reverse letters in string

(setq sdrow (reverse words))            ; reverse elements in words

(setq confused (reverse (apply #'concatenate 'string words))) ; reverse letters in join("", @words)
(setq string "Yoda said, \"can you see this?\"")
(setq allwords (split " " string))
(setq revwords (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" (reverse allwords)))
(format t "~A~%" revwords)
;this?" see you "can said, Yoda
(setq revwords (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" (reverse (split " " string))))
(setq revwords (apply #'concatenate 'string
                      (split "(\\s+)" string :with-registers-p t)))
(defun palindrome-p (word)
  (string= word (reverse word)))
(palindrome-p "reviver")
;; T
(with-open-file (inf "/usr/share/dict/words")
  (loop for word = (read-line inf nil nil)
        while word
        when (and (string= word (reverse word)) 
                  (> (length word) 5))
        do (format t "~a~%" word)))
;; deedeed
;; degged
;; hallah
;; kakkak
;; murdrum
;; redder
;; repaper
;; retter
;; reviver
;; rotator
;; sooloos
;; tebbet
;; terret

Expanding and Compressing Tabs


(defun tab-expand (string &optional (tabstop 8))
  (flet ((needed-spaces (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
           (declare (ignore target-string start end reg-starts reg-ends))
           (make-string (- (* (- match-end match-start) tabstop)
                           (mod match-start tabstop))
                        :initial-element #\Space)))
    (regex-replace-all "\\t+" string #'needed-spaces)))

(defun tab-unexpand (string &optional (tabstop 8))
  (flet ((needed-tabs (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
           (declare (ignore target-string start end reg-starts reg-ends))
           (let ((match-length (- match-end match-start)))
             (concatenate 'string
                          (make-string (floor match-length tabstop)
                                       :initial-element #\Tab)
                          (make-string (mod match-length tabstop)
                                       :initial-element #\Space)))))
    (regex-replace-all "  +" string #'needed-tabs)))
(loop for line = (read-line *standard-input* nil nil)
      while line do
      (format t "~A~%" (tab-expand line)))
(loop for line = (read-line *standard-input* nil nil)
      while line do
      (format t "~A~%" (tab-unexpand line)))

Expanding Variables in User Input


(setf text "You owe $debt to me")
(defun global-deref (match var-name)
  "Helper function to simulate Perl's string interpolation in
  (write-to-string (symbol-value (intern (string-upcase var-name)))))

(setf text (regex-replace-all "\\$(\\w+)" text #'global-deref
                                       :simple-calls t))
(setq rows 24 cols 80)
(setq text "I am $rows high and $cols long")
(setq text (regex-replace-all "\\$(\\w+)" text
                                       :simple-calls t))
(format t "~A~%" text)
;; I am 24 high and 80 long
(setf text "I am 17 years old")
(setf text (regex-replace-all "(\\d+)" text
                                       (lambda (match num-str)
                                         (declare (ignore match))
                                          (* 2 (parse-integer num-str))))
                                       :simple-calls t))
(* 2 17)
;; expand variables in text, but put an error message in
;; if the variable isn't defined
(flet ((deref-with-err (match word)
         (declare (ignore match))
         (let ((word-sym (intern (string-upcase word))))
           (if (boundp word-sym)
               (write-to-string (symbol-value word-sym))
               (format nil "[NO VARIABLE: $~a]" word-sym)))))
  (setf text (regex-replace-all "\\$(\\w+)" text
                                         :simple-calls t)))

Controlling Case

(setf big (string-upcase little))       ; "bo peep" -> "BO PEEP"
(setf little (string-downcase big))     ; "JOHN"    -> "john"
;; Reminder: the following depends on CL-INTERPOL.
(setf big #?"\U$(little)")              ; "bo peep" -> "BO PEEP"
(setf little #?"\L$(big)")              ; "JOHN" -> "john"
(setf big (string-upcase little :end 1)    ; "bo"      -> "Bo"
(setf little (string-downcase BIG :end 1)) ; "BoPeep"    -> "boPeep"
(setf big #?"\u$(little)")                 ; "bo"      -> "Bo"
(setf little #?"\l$(big)")                 ; "BoPeep"    -> "boPeep"
(setf beast "dromedary")
;; Capitalize various parts of beast
(setf capit (string-upcase beast :end 1))      ; Dromedary
(setf capit #?"\u\L$(beast)")                  ; (same)
(setf capall (string-upcase beast))            ; DROMEDARY
(setf capall #?"\U$(beast)")                   ; (same)
(setf caprest (string-downcase (string-upcase beast) :end 1)) ; dROMEDARY
(setf caprest #?"\l\U$(beast)")                               ; (same)
;; capitalize each word's first character, downcase the rest
(setf text "thIS is a loNG liNE")
(format t "~A~%" (string-capitalize text))
;; This Is A Long Line
;; string= is case-sensitive, string-equal is case-insensitive
(when (string-equal a b)
  (format t "a and b are the same~%"))
;; It's considered bad form to perform bitwise operations on character
;; types, and breaks unicode-aware lisps.  Trust the compiler to
;; optimize.
(defun randcase (char)
  (if (< (random 100) 20)
      (char-upcase char)
      (char-downcase char)))

Interpolating Functions and Expressions Within Strings

(setf answer (concatenate 'string var1 (func) var2))
(setf answer (format nil "STRING ~{~A~} MORE STRING" list-expr))
(setf answer (format nil "STRING ~A MORE STRING" atomic-expr))
(setf phrase (format nil "I have ~D guanacos." (1+ n)))
(setf phrase #?"I have ${(1+ n)} guanacos.") ; uses CL-INTERPOL
(format t "I have ~D guanacos.~%" (1+ n))
(some-func (format nil "What you want is ~{~A~} items"
                   (split ":" rec)))
(let ((text (format nil "~
To: ~A
From: Your Bank
Cc: ~{~A~^, ~}
Date: ~A (today)

Dear ~A,

Today, you bounced check number ~D to us.
Your account is now closed.

the management
                    (get-manager-list naughty)
                    (let (date-str (with-output-to-string (str)
                                     (run-program "/bin/date" nil
                                                  :output str)))
                      (subseq date-str 0 (1- (length date-str))))
                    (+ 500 (random 100)))))
  (unless (send-mail text target)
    (error "Couldn't send mail")))

Indenting Here Documents

;; all in one
(setf var (regex-replace-all
           (create-scanner #?r"^\s+" :multi-line-mode t)
"your text
goes here
" ""))

;; or with two steps
(setf var "your text
goes here
(setf var (regex-replace-all 
           (create-scanner #?r"^\s+" :multi-line-mode t)
(setf var (regex-replace-all 
           (create-scanner #?r"^\s+" :multi-line-mode t)
"    The five varieties of camelids
    are the familiar camel, his friends
    the llama and the alpaca, and the
    rather less well-known guanaco
    and vicuña.
" ""))
(defun fix (string)
   (create-scanner #?r"^\s+" :multi-line-mode t)

(format t "~A~%" (fix "    My stuff goes here
(setf quote 
       (create-scanner #?r"\s+--")
        (create-scanner #?r"^\s+" :multi-line-mode t)
"        ...we will have peace, when you and all your works have
        perished--and the works of your dark master to whom you would
        deliver us. You are a liar, Saruman, and a corrupter of mens
        hearts.  --Theoden in /usr/src/perl/taint.c
(when *remember-the-main*
  (setf perl-main-C (dequote
"        @@@ int
         @@@ runops() {
         @@@     SAVEI32(runlevel);
         @@@     runlevel++;
         @@@     while ( op = (*op->op_ppaddr)() ) ;
         @@@     TAINT_NOT;
         @@@     return 0;
         @@@ }
  ;; add more code here if you want
(defparameter *poem* (dequote
"       Now far ahead the Road has gone,
          And I must follow, if I can,
       Pursuing it with eager feet,
          Until it joins some larger way
       Where many paths and errands meet.
          And whither then? I cannot say.
                --Bilbo in /usr/src/perl/pp_ctl.c

(format t "Here's your poem:~%~%~A~%" *poem*)
(defun dequote (string)
  ;; Can't get multiple values returned thru the OR, hence the use of
  (destructuring-bind (white leader) ; common whitespace and common leading string
      (or (register-groups-bind ($1 $2)
              (#?r/^\s*(?:([^\w\s]+)(\s*).*\n)(?:\s*\1\2?.*\n)+$/ string)
            (list $2 (quote-meta-chars $1)))
          (list (scan-to-strings #?r"^(\s+)" string) ""))
     (create-scanner (format nil #?r"^\s*?~a(?:~a)?" leader white) :multi-line-mode t)

Reformatting Paragraphs

(defvar *default-line-width* 72)

(defun partition (list max-part-len item-offset-len)
  "Partitions supplied `LIST' into list of item lists where every sublist is of
maximum `MAX-PART-LEN' size. (`ITEM-OFFSET-LEN' is added to every item while
calculating item lengths.)"
  (destructuring-bind (parts part part-len)
       (lambda (accum item)
         (destructuring-bind (parts part part-len) accum
           (let ((item-len (+ (length item) item-offset-len)))
             (if (< max-part-len (+ part-len item-len))
                 (list (cons (nreverse part) parts) (list item) item-len)
                 (list parts (cons item part) (+ part-len item-len))))))
       list :initial-value (list nil nil 0))
    (declare (ignore part-len))
    (nreverse (if part (cons part parts) parts))))

(defun wrap-paragraph (string &optional line-width)
  (with-output-to-string (out)
    (dolist (words
               (ppcre:split "\\s+" string)
               (1+ (or line-width *default-line-width*))
      (format out "~&~{~A~^ ~}" words))))

(defun wrap-paragraphs (string &optional line-width)
  (format nil "~{~A~^~%~%~}"
          (mapcar (lambda (paragraph) (wrap-paragraph paragraph line-width))
                  (ppcre:split "([\\r]?\\n){2,}" string))))

(wrap-paragraphs "foo0 foo1 foo2 foo3 foo5 foo6 foo7 foo8
foo9 bar0

bar1 bar2

bar3 bar4 bar5 bar6
bar8 bar9 baz0

baz1 baz2 baz3 baz4 baz5 baz6 baz7 baz8 baz9" 14)
; => "foo0 foo1 foo2
;     foo3 foo5 foo6
;     foo7 foo8 foo9
;     bar0
;     bar2 bar1
;     bar3 bar4 bar5
;     bar6 bar7 bar8
;     baz0 bar9
;     baz1 baz2 baz3
;     baz4 baz5 baz6
;     baz9 baz8 baz7"

Escaping Characters

;; backslash
(setf var (regex-replace-all "([CHARLIST])" var "\\\1"))

;; double
(setf var (regex-replace-all "([CHARLIST])" var "\\1\\1"))
(setf string (regex-replace-all "%" string "%%"))
(setf string "Mom said, \"Don't do that.\"")
(setf string (regex-replace-all "(['\"])" string #?r"\\\1"))
(setf string "Mom said, \"Don't do that.\"")
(setf string (regex-replace-all "(['\"])" string #?r"\1\1"))
(setf string (regex-replace-all #?r"([^A-Z])" string #?r"\\\1"))
(setf string #?r"this \Qis a test!\E")
(setf string "this is\\ a\\ test\\!")
(setf string (concatenate 'string "this " (quote-meta-chars "is a test!")))

Trimming Blanks from the Ends of a String

(setf string (regex-replace #?r/^\s+/ string "")) 
(setf string (regex-replace #?r/\s+$/ string ""))

;;; The closest thing to Perl's wantarray is CL's ability to return
;;; multiple values from a function.  Unless the caller uses
;;; MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND (or, in this case, MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST), they
;;; will only "see" the first value.  Note also that, normally, you'd
;;; use CL's built-in STRING-TRIM function for this.
(defun trim (&rest strings)
   (loop for string in strings
      collect (regex-replace #?r/^\s+/ 
                                      (regex-replace #?r/\s+$/ string "")

(setf string (trim string))
(setf many (multiple-value-list (apply 'trim many)))
;; print what's typed, but surrounded by >< symbols
   (let ((line (read-line)))
     (chomp line)
     (format t #?">$(line)<~%")))

Parsing Comma-Separated Data

(defun parse-csv (text)
  (let (fields)
    (cl-ppcre:do-register-groups (quoted unquoted)
        ("\"([^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*)\",?|([^,]+),?|," text)
      (push (or quoted unquoted) fields))
    (nreverse fields)))
;; CL has no obvious equivalent to Text::ParseWords
(defparameter *line* "XYZZY,\"\",\"O'Reilly, Inc\",\"Wall, Larry\",\"a \\\"glug\\\" bit,\",5,\"Error, Core Dumped\"")
(let ((fields (parse-csv *line*)))
     for i below (length fields)
     do (format t "~D : ~A~%" i (elt fields i))))
;;0 : XYZZY
;;1 : 
;;2 : O'Reilly, Inc
;;3 : Wall, Larry
;;4 : a \"glug\" bit,
;;5 : 5
;;6 : Error, Core Dumped

Soundex Matching

(defun system-users ()
  (with-open-file (in "/etc/passwd")
    (loop for line = (read-line in nil nil)
          while line collect (ppcre:split ":" line))))

(defun soundex (string)
   (with-output-to-string (out)
     (loop for char across string
           when (alphanumericp char)
             do (format out "~C" char)))))

(defun lookup-user (user)
  (let ((user-code (soundex user)))
  (dolist (user-spec (system-users))
    (dolist (user-name (ppcre:split "\\s+" (elt user-spec 4)))
      (unless (mismatch user-code (soundex user-name))
        (format t "User: ~S. (Matched Token: ~S.)~%"
                (elt user-spec 0) user-name))))))

(defun prompt-read (prompt)
  (format *query-io* "~A: " prompt)
  (force-output *query-io*)
  (read-line *query-io*))

(defun prompt-lookup-user ()
  (lookup-user (prompt-read "Lookup user")))

; TEST> (prompt-lookup-user)
; Lookup user: volkan
; User: "vy". (Matched Token: "Volkan".)

Program: fixstyle

(defvar *replacements*
  '(("analysed"        . "analyzed")
    ("built-in"        . "builtin")
    ("chastized"       . "chastised")
    ("commandline"     . "command-line")
    ("de-allocate"     . "deallocate")
    ("dropin"          . "drop-in")
    ("hardcode"        . "hard-code")
    ("meta-data"       . "metadata")
    ("multicharacter"  . "multi-character")
    ("multiway"        . "multi-way")
    ("non-empty"       . "nonempty")
    ("non-profit"      . "nonprofit")
    ("non-trappable"   . "nontrappable")
    ("pre-define"      . "predefine")
    ("preextend"       . "pre-extend")
    ("re-compiling"    . "recompiling")
    ("reenter"         . "re-enter")
    ("turnkey"         . "turn-key")))

(let ((scanner
        (format nil "(~{~A~^|~})" (mapcar #'car *replacements*)))))
  (defun apply-replacements (string)
     scanner string
     (lambda (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
       (declare (ignore start end reg-starts reg-ends))
       (cdr (find (make-array (- match-end match-start)
                              :element-type (array-element-type target-string)
                              :displaced-to target-string
                              :displaced-index-offset match-start)
                  *replacements* :test #'string-equal :key #'car))))))

(defun replace-stream (in out)
  (loop for line = (read-line in nil nil)
        while line do (format out "~&~A" (apply-replacements line))))

     (format nil "~{~&~A~}"
             '("If I have analysed these built-in"
               "results correctly in a chastized manner"
               "from commandline")))
  (with-output-to-string (out)
    (replace-stream stream out)))
; => "If I have analyzed these builtin
;     results correctly in a chastised manner
;     from command-line"

Program: psgrep

(defvar *ps-fields*
  '((flags   . integer)
    (uid     . integer)
    (pid     . integer)
    (ppid    . integer)
    (pri     . integer)
    (nice    . integer)
    (size    . integer)
    (rss     . integer)
    (wchan   . string)
    (stat    . string)
    (tty     . string)
    (time    . string)
    (command . string)))

(defun format-ps-fields (fields)
   (lambda (field-type field)
     (ecase field-type
       (integer (parse-integer field :junk-allowed t))
       (string field)))
   (mapcar #'cdr *ps-fields*)

(defun ps ()
        (format nil "ps -o ~{~(~A~)~^,~}" (mapcar #'car *ps-fields*))))
    (let ((header (read-line in nil nil))
          (lines (loop for line = (read-line in nil nil)
                       while line collect line)))
      (values (mapcar #'format-ps-fields
                       (let ((limit (length *ps-fields*)))
                         (lambda (line) (ppcre:split "\\s+" line :limit limit)))
              header lines))))

(defmacro ps-grep (expr)
  (alexandria:with-unique-names (header-printed-p entries entry header lines line)
    `(let (,header-printed-p)
       (multiple-value-bind (,entries ,header ,lines) (ps)
         (loop for ,entry in ,entries
               for ,line in ,lines
               when (destructuring-bind ,(mapcar #'car *ps-fields*) ,entry
                      (declare (ignorable ,@(mapcar #'car *ps-fields*)))
                 do (unless ,header-printed-p
                      (format t "~A~%" ,header)
                      (setq ,header-printed-p t))
                    (format t "~A~%" ,line))))))

(ps-grep (and (< 2220 rss) (= flags 1)))
;    1  1000  2931     1  19   0   828  2644 -      Ss   ?        00:00:03 /usr/bin/fetchmail --daemon 600 --logfile /home/vy/.fetchmail.log
;    1  1000  3106  3104  19   0  1700  2360 -      Ss   ?        00:00:09 SCREEN -U