11. References and Records


;; In CL you don't need extra syntax to treat variables (symbols) as
;; references, they already work that way.
(format t "~A" sref) ; prints the value that the reference SREF refers to
(setf sref 3)                           ; assigns SREF's referent
;; The Perl subsection here isn't any different from the above, in CL.
;;print ${$sref};             # prints the scalar $sref refers to
;;${$sref} = 3;               # assigns to $sref's referent
;; We're calling this MY-AREF instead of AREF to avoid confusion with
;; CL's built-in AREF function.
(setf my-aref array)       ; no special synatx needed to get reference
;; Not sure what the Perl here is trying to show.  Probably has no
;; realistic equivalent in CL.
;; $pi = \3.14159;
;; $$pi = 4;           # runtime error
(setf my-aref #(3 4 5)) ; new array (no "anonymous" distinction in CL)
;; MKHASH defined in appendix, not standard CL
(setf href (mkhash "How" "Now" "Brown" "Cow"))
(makunbound 'my-aref)
(setf my-aref #(1 2 3))
(format t "~A" my-aref)
;; #(1 2 3)
;; Perl doesn't support "rectangular" multi-dimensional arrays (i.e.,
;; a continuous block of memory with all cells preallocated), instead
;; it supports "jagged" arrays (i.e., arrays of references to other
;; arrays).  CL supports rectangular arrays by default, but there's
;; nothing stopping you from using jagged arrays instead, since CL
;; arrays can contain anything.  In this example we'll assume jagged
;; arrays, to match the Perl example's semantics.

;; You could go like this, but it is a lot of typing and is confusing
;; to read.
(setf (aref (aref (aref (aref a 4) 23) 53) 21) "fred")
(format t "~A" (aref (aref (aref (aref a 4) 23) 53) 21))
;; fred

;; An AREF-like macro to handle jagged arrays will save typing/errors.
(defmacro perl-aref (array &rest subscripts)
  "Allows AREF-like access to arrays-of-refrences (as opposed to true
multidimensional arrays.)"
  (labels ((make-arefs (array subscripts)
             (if subscripts
                 (make-arefs `(aref ,array ,(car subscripts)) (cdr subscripts))
    (make-arefs array subscripts)))

(setf (perl-aref a 4 23 53 21) "fred")
(format t "~A" (perl-aref a 4 23 53 21))
;; fred

;; Each of the following will print out the entire substructure.
(format t "~A" (perl-aref a 4 23 53))
(format t "~A" (perl-aref a 4 23))
(format t "~A" (perl-aref a 4))
(setf op-cit (or (cite ibid) (error "couldn't make a reference")))
;; MKHASH defined in appendix
(setf nat (mkhash "Name" "Leonhard Euler"
                  "Address" (format nil "1729 Ramanujan Lane~%Mathworld, PI 31416")
                  "Birthday" #x5bb5580))

Taking References to Arrays

(setf my-aref array) 
(setf anon-array #(1 3 5 7 9))
(setf anon-copy (copy-seq my-array))
(setf implicit-creation (copy-seq #(2 4 6 8 10))) ; not sure this is what the Perl means
(vector-push-extend 11 anon-array)      ; ANON-ARRAY must have fill pointer (unlike above)
(setf two (aref implicit-creation 0))
(setf last-idx (1- (length my-aref)))
(setf num-items (length my-aref))
;; check wehther SOMEREF contains a simple array reference
(check-type someref simple-vector) ; CHECK-TYPE does a die() implicitly, if necessary

(format t "~{~A~^ ~}~%" (coerce array-ref 'list))

;; SORT modifies the original array so we use STABLE-SORT to be more
;; like the Perl example.
(setf order (stable-sort array-ref '<))

;; Only works if ARRAY-REF has a fill-pointer
(setf array-ref (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)) ; for example
(vector-push-extend item array-ref)
(defun array-ref ()
  ;; This is probably the closest to what the Perl would return.
  (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))

(setf aref1 (array-ref))
(setf aref2 (array-ref))
(format t "~A" (aref array-ref n))      ; access item in position N, works on any array
(format t "~A" (svref array-ref n)) ; access item in position N, possibly fastest, only
                                    ; works on type SIMPLE-VECTOR (single-dimensional arrays)
(format t "~A" (elt array-ref n))       ; same, works on any sequence type, but possibly slower
(setf pie #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
(make-array 3 :displaced-to pie :displaced-index-offset 3) ; array slice
(setf (subseq pie 3 6) #("blackberry" "blueberry" "pumpkin")) ; note 6 instead of 5, not a typo
(setf sliceref (make-array 3 :displaced-to pie :displaced-index-offset 3)) ; not wrong
(map nil
     #'(lambda (item)
         ;; ITEM has data

(dotimes (idx (array-dimension array-ref 0))
  ;; (svref array-ref idx) has data

Making Hashes of Arrays

;; Note: HASH must be creaed with :TEST 'EQUAL
(push "new value" (gethash "KEYNAME" hash))
   for string being the hash-keys of hash
   do (format t "~A: ~A~%" string (gethash string hash)))
(setf (gethash "a key" hash) #(3 4 5))  ; anonymous array
(setf (gethash "a key" hash) '(3 4 5))  ; ...or a list would work too
(setf values (gethash "a key" hash))
(push value (gethash "a key" hash))
(setf residents (gethash number phone2name)) ; will be NIL if not found
;; The Perl example would translate to the same thing as the previous
;; subsection in CL (since GETHASH returns NIL when there is no value,
;; and NIL is the empty list).  However, to match the "sprit" of the
;; Perl example (and return an empty array instead of an empty list),
;; you could do the following, which takes advantage of the fact that
;; GETHASH returns a second value indicating whether or not the hash
;; key actually has a value.
(setf residents (multiple-value-bind (value exists) (gethash number phone2name)
                  (if exists

Taking References to Hashes

(setf href hash)
(setf anon-hash (mkhash "key1" "value1" "key2" "value2" ...)) ; MKHASH defined in appendix

;; Couldn't find anything like this in standard CL.  Someone please
;; correct me if I'm wrong.
(defun copy-hash-table (hash-table)
  "Make shallow copy of HASH."
  (let ((newhash (make-hash-table :test (hash-table-test hash-table) 
                                  :size (hash-table-size hash-table))))
    (loop for key being the hash-keys of hash-table using (hash-value value)
         do (setf (gethash key newhash) (gethash key hash-table)))

(setf anonymous-hash-copy (copy-hash-table hash))
(setf hash href)
(setf value (gethash key href))

(setf slice (loop for key in (list key1 key2 key3)
                 collect (gethash key href)))
(setf keys (loop for key being the hash-keys of href collect key))
(check-type someref hash-table) ; CHECK-TYPE does a die() implicitly, if necessary
(dolist (href (list env inc)) ; ENV and INC don't exist in CL, just matching the Perl
  (loop for key being the hash-keys of href using (hash-value value)
       do (format t "~A => ~A~%" key value)))
(setf values (loop for key in '("key1" "key2" "key3")
                collect (gethash key hash-ref)))

;; The following will NOT work like the Perl example, VAL is a copy of
;; the hash value because numeric values are copied.
(dolist val (loop for key in '("key1" "key2" "key3")
               collect (gethash key hash-ref))
        (incf val 7))              ; does NOT modify hash table at all

;; You'd have to do something like this instead.
(loop for key in '("key1" "key2" "key3")
   do (incf (gethash key hash-ref 0) 7))

Taking References to Functions

;; If you want to be able to call the function using the alias like
;; "normal" (i.e., as the first element of a form) SETF its
(setf (symbol-function 'cref) #'func)
(setf (symbol-function 'cref) #'(lambda (...)))

;; If you do the following instead, you'll have to use APPLY and/or
(setf 'cref2 #'func)
(setf 'cref2 #'(lambda (...)))
(setf returned (cref ...))
;; If you have a list of arguments (more like the Perl example):
(setf returned (apply 'cref arguments))
;; Or you can use FUNCALL (not that you really need to in this case)
(setf returned (funcall 'cref ...))

;; If you didn't use SYMBOL-FUNCTION, then you can do the following:
(setf returned (apply cref arguments)) ; note the lack of a ' in front of CREF
(setf returned (funcall cref ...))      ; ditto
(defun thefunc ()
  ;; ...
(setf funcname "THEFUNC")  ; upper-case to pick up correct symbol name
(funcall (intern funcname))
;; MKHASH defined in appendix
(defparameter *commands*
  (mkhash "happy" #'joy
          "sad" #'sullen
          "done" #'(lambda () (error "See ya!"))
          "mad" #'angry))

(format t "How are you?")
(let* ((string (chomp (read-line))) ; CHOMP defined in appendix
       (command (gethash string *commands*)))
  (if command
      (funcall command)
      (format t "No such command: ~A~%" string)))
(defun counter-maker ()
  (let ((start 0))
    #'(lambda ()
        (prog1 start                       ; return value of START prior to increment
          (incf start)))))

(setf (symbol-function 'counter) (counter-maker))

(loop repeat 5 do (format t "~A~%" (counter)))
(setf (symbol-function 'counter1) (counter-maker)
      (symbol-function 'counter2) (counter-maker))

(loop repeat 5 do (format t "~A~%" (counter1)))
(format t "~A ~A~%" (counter1) (counter2))
;; 0
;; 1
;; 2
;; 3
;; 4
;; 5 0
(defun timestamp ()
  (let ((start-time (get-universal-time)))
    #'(lambda ()
        (- (get-universal-time) start-time))))

(setf (symbol-function 'early) (timestamp))
(sleep 20)
(setf (symbol-function 'later) (timestamp))
(sleep 10)
(format t "It's been ~D seconds since early.~%" (early))
(format t "It's been ~D seconds since later.~%" (later))
;; It's been 30 seconds since early.
;; It's been 10 seconds since later.

Taking References to Scalars

;; Although you can't get a reference directly to the scalar that a
;; symbol points to (at least, not if it's a number or character), you
;; can just refer to the symbol itself, for largely the same effect.
(setf scalar-ref 'scalar)               ; get reference to symbol
;; Not sure what this was trying to demonstrate.
;;undef $anon_scalar_ref;
;;$$anon_scalar_ref = 15;
;; There's no way to do this in CL that I know of.
;;$anon_scalar_ref = \15;
(format t "~A" (symbol-value scalar-ref)) ; dereference it
(setf (symbol-value scalar-ref) (concatenate 'string (symbol-value scalar-ref) "string"))
;; This is a BAD idea in CL.  Symbols are relatively expensive, there
;; is no guarantee that name collisions won't happen, possible memory
;; leak issues, etc.
(let ((symbol-number -1))
  (defun new-anon-symbol ()
    (intern (format nil "_NEWANONSYM~D" (incf symbol-number)))))
(setf sref (new-anon-symbol)
      (symbol-value sref) 3)
(format t "Three = ~A~%" (symbol-value sref))
(setf my-array (vector (new-anon-symbol) (new-anon-symbol)))
(setf (symbol-value (svref my-array 0)) 6.02e23
      (symbol-value (svref my-array 1)) "avocado")
(format t "ARRAY contains: ~{~A~^, ~}~%" (map 'list 'symbol-value array))
(setf var (with-output-to-string (output)
            (sb-ext:run-program "uptime" nil :search t :output output)))
(setf vref 'var)
(when (scan "load" (symbol-value vref)))
(setf (symbol-value vref) (chomp (symbol-value vref)))
;; check whether SOMEREF contains a reference to a symbol, which we're
;; using instead of Perl's scalar references.
(check-type someref 'symbol)            ; does the die() for us

Creating Arrays of Scalar References

(setf array-of-scalar-refs (vector 'a 'b))
;; Note that because #() quotes its contents, A and B refer to the
;; symbols A and B, not their values, which is the closest
;; approximation to what the Perl is doing.
(setf array-of-scalar-refs #(a b))
(setf (symbol-value (aref array-of-scalar-refs 1)) 12) ; B = 12
(setq a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4)                  ; initialize
(setf my-array (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd))    ; refs to each symbol
(setf my-array #(a b c d))              ; same thing!
(setf my-array (loop repeat 4 collect (new-anon-symbol))) ; allocate 4 anon symbols

(incf (symbol-value (aref my-array 2)) 9) ; C now 12

(symbol-macrolet ((element (symbol-value (aref my-array (1- (length my-array))))))
  (setf element (* element 5))          ; D now 20
  (setf element (* element 5)))         ; D now 100

(let ((tmp (aref my-array (1- (length my-array)))))   ; using temporary
  (setf (symbol-value tmp) (* 5 (symbol-value tmp)))) ; D now 500
;; Note that PI is built in to CL.
(map 'nil 
     #'(lambda (sref)
         "Replace with spherical volumes."
         (symbol-macrolet ((element (symbol-value sref)))
           (setf element (* (expt element 3)
                            (* 4/3 pi)))))

Using Closures Instead of Objects

(setf c1 (mkcounter 20)
      c2 (mkcounter 77))

(format t "next c1: ~d~%" (funcall (gethash "NEXT" c1))) ; 21 
(format t "next c2: ~d~%" (funcall (gethash "NEXT" c2))) ; 78 
(format t "next c1: ~d~%" (funcall (gethash "NEXT" c1))) ; 22 
(format t "last c1: ~d~%" (funcall (gethash "PREV" c1))) ; 21 
(format t "old  c2: ~d~%" (funcall (gethash "RESET" c2))) ; 77
(defun mkcounter (start)
  (let* ((count start)
          ;; MKHASH defined in appendix
           "NEXT"   #'(lambda () (incf count))
           "PREV"   #'(lambda () (decf count))
           "GET"    #'(lambda () count)
           "SET"    #'(lambda (new-count) (setf count new-count))
           "BUMP"   #'(lambda (delta) (incf count delta))
           "RESET"  #'(lambda () (setf count start)))))
    (setf (gethash "LAST" bundle) (gethash "PREV" bundle))

Creating References to Methods

;; Methods in CL are generic functions that can be specialized on any
;; of their arguments.  The technique that the Perl code is using to
;; allow calling meth() without the $obj-> is needless in CL.  You can
;; make a reference to a method, the same way you might make a
;; referece a normal function.  There's not much point in doing this,
;; normally.
(setf (symbol-function 'mref) #'meth)
;; later...
(mref "args" "go" "here")
(setf (symbol-funtion 'sref) #'meth)

Constructing Records

;; MKHASH defined in appendix
(setf record (mkhash
              :name    "Jason"
              :empno   132
              :title   "deputy peon"
              :age     23
              :salary  37000
              :pals    '("Norbert" "Rhys" "Phineas")))

(format t "I am ~A, and my pals are ~{~A~^, ~}~%"
        (gethash :name record)
        (gethash :pals record))
(defparameter *byname* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
;; store record
(setf (gethash (gethash :name record) *byname*) record)

;; later on, look up by name
(let ((rp (gethash "Aron" *byname*)))
  (when rp
    (format t "Aron is employee number ~D~%" (gethash :empno rp))))

;; give jason a new pal
(push "Theodore" (gethash :pals (gethash "Jason" *byname*)))
(format t "Jason now has ~D pals~%" (length (gethash :pals (gethash "Jason" *byname*))))
;; Go through all records
(maphash #'(lambda (name record)
             (format t "~A is employee number ~D~%" name (gethash :empno record)))
;; store record
(defparameter *employees* (make-array 0 :adjustable t))
(let ((empno (gethash :empno record)))
  (unless (array-in-bounds-p *employees* empno)
    ;; :INITIAL-ELEMENT used to prevent array from being extended with 0's
    (adjust-array *employees* (1+ empno) :initial-element nil))
  (setf (aref *employees* empno) record))

;; lookup by id
(when-let (rp (aref *employees* 132))
  (format t "employee 132 is ~A~%" (gethash :name rp)))
;; The use of SYMBOL-MACROLET saves us from repeating a complicated
;; expression multiple times.  Could also define a macro to make this
;; easier.
(symbol-macrolet ((salary (gethash :salary (gethash "Jason" *byname*))))
  (setf salary (* salary 1.035)))
(setf peons (remove-if-not
             #'(lambda (employee)
                 (and employee
                      (scan (create-scanner "peon" :case-insensitive-mode t)
                                     (gethash :title employee))))
;; Or:
(setf peons (perl-grep *employees*
              (and it
                   (scan (create-scanner "peon" :case-insensitive-mode t)
                                  (gethash :title it)))))

(setf tsevens (remove-if-not 
               #'(lambda (employee) 
                   (and employee
                        (= (gethash :age employee) 
(defun hash-slice (hash &rest keys)
  "Meant to emulate Perl's built-in hash slicing feature."
  (loop for key in keys collect (gethash key hash)))

(dolist (rp (sort (loop for v being the hash-values of *byname* collect v)
                 :key #'(lambda (hash) (gethash :age hash))))
  (format t "~A is employee number ~D.~%" (gethash :name rp) (gethash :age rp))
  ;; or with a hash slice on the reference (note that we're using the
  ;; non-standard HASH-SLICE function defined above, whereas Perl
  ;; has a built-in to do it).
  (apply 'format t "~A is employee number ~D.~%" (hash-slice rp :name :age)))
;; use BYAGE, an array of lists of records
(push record (aref *byage* (gethash :age record)))
(dotimes (age (length *byage*))
  (when-let (records (aref *byage* age))
    (format t "Age ~D: " age)
    (dolist (rp records)
      (format t "~A " (gethash :name rp)))
    (format t "~%")))
(dotimes (age (length *byage*))
  (when-let (records (aref *byage* age))
    (format t "Age ~D: ~{~A~^, ~}~%" age (map 'list #'(lambda (employee)
                                                        (gethash :name employee))
                                              (aref *byage* age)))))

Reading and Writing Hash Records to Text Files

;; FieldName: Value
;; Using list instead of array since random access not required.
(defparameter *list-of-records* nil)

(map nil #'(lambda (record)
             (dolist (key (sort (loop for k being the hash-keys of record collect k)
                                'string-lessp :key 'symbol-name))
               (format t "~A: ~A~%" key (gethash key record)))
             (terpri))                  ; same as (format t "~%")
;; GET-PARAGRAPH defined above
(dolist (filename filenames)
  (with-open-file (file filename)
       for paragraph = (get-paragraph file)
       until (string-equal paragraph "")
       (let ((fields
              (split (create-scanner "^([^:]+):\\s*" :multi-line-mode t)
                              paragraph :with-registers-p t)))
         (push (apply 'mkhash (cdr fields)) *list-of-records*)))))

Printing Data Structures

Copying Data Structures

Storing Data Structures to Disk

Transparently Persistent Data Structures

Program: Binary Trees


;;; Binary trees example
(deftype tree () '(or null tree-node))
(defstruct (tree-node
             (:conc-name #:tree-))
  ;; subtrees
  (left nil :type tree)
  (right nil :type tree))

(defun tree-insert (tree value)
  "Return TREE with destructively inserted VALUE."
  (declare (type tree tree))
  (if tree
      (progn (if (< value (tree-value tree))
                 (setf (tree-left tree)
                       (tree-insert (tree-left tree) value))
                 (setf (tree-right tree)
                       (tree-insert (tree-right tree) value)))
      (make-tree-node :value value)))

(defun print-tree-in-order (tree)
  (when tree
    (print-tree-in-order (tree-left tree))
    (format t "~S " (tree-value tree))
    (print-tree-in-order (tree-right tree))))

(defun print-tree-in-preorder (tree)
  (when tree
    (format t "~S " (tree-value tree))
    (print-tree-in-preorder (tree-left tree))
    (print-tree-in-preorder (tree-right tree))))

(defun print-tree-in-postorder (tree)
  (when tree
    (print-tree-in-postorder (tree-left tree))
    (print-tree-in-postorder (tree-right tree))
    (format t "~S " (tree-value tree))))

(defun search-tree (tree value)
  "Return a subtree of TREE with the specified VALUE in root."
  (when tree
    (if (= (tree-value tree) value)
        (search-tree (if (< value (tree-value tree))
                         (tree-left tree)
                         (tree-right tree))

(defun test-trees ()
  (let ((tree nil))
    (dotimes (i 20)
      (setf tree (tree-insert tree (random 1000))))
    (format t "~&Pre order: ") (print-tree-in-preorder tree)
    (format t "~&In order:  ") (print-tree-in-order tree)
    (format t "~&Postorder: ") (print-tree-in-postorder tree)

    (loop do
         (format t "~&Search? ")
         (let* ((eof (gensym)) ; some hard-to-enter object
                (value (read *standard-input* nil eof)))
           (when (eq value eof) (loop-finish))
           (let ((found (search-tree tree value)))
             (if found
                 (format t "Found ~S at ~S~%" value found)
                 (format t "No ~S in tree~%" value)))))))