6. Pattern Matching


;; Note that the following do not modify STRING, which may be
;; different from how the Perl snippet works.
(use-package :cl-ppcre)         ; assumed by all of section 6.0's code
(scan pattern string)
(regex-replace pattern string replacement)
(scan "sheep" meadow)   ; Non-nil if MEADOW contains "sheep"
(not (scan "sheep" meadow)) ; Non-nil if MEADOW doesn't contain "sheep"
(regex-replace "old" meadow "new") ; Replace "old" with "new" in MEADOW
;; Fine bovines demand fine toreadors.
;; Muskoxen are a polar ovibovine species.
;; Grooviness went out of fashion decades ago.
;; Ovines are found typically in oviaries.
(when (scan (create-scanner "\\bovines?\\b" :case-insensitive-mode t)
           (format t "Here be sheep!"))
(setf my-string "good food")
(setf my-string (regex-replace "o*" my-string "e"))
;; Not sure how to reproduce the same output.  The above
;; REGEX-REPLACE just prepends "e" every time (but I'm not
;; sure that's wrong).
(with-input-from-string (s "ababacaca
  (let ((match (scan-to-strings "(a|ba|b)+(a|ac)+" (read-line s))))
    (format t "~A~%" match)))
;; ababa
;;% echo ababacaca | 
;;    awk 'match($0,/(a|ba|b)+(a|ac)+/) { print substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH) }'
;; Since there is no magic $_ variable in CL, using MY-STRING as an
;; example.
(register-groups-bind (num)
    ("(\\d+)" some-string)
  (format t "Found number ~A~%" num))
;; Again, MY-STRING is a placeholder for $_.
(defparameter *numbers* (mapcar #'parse-integer (all-matches-as-strings "(\\d+)" my-string)))
(defparameter *digits* "1234567890")
(defparameter *nonlap* (all-matches-as-strings "(\\d\\d\\d)" *digits*))
(defparameter *yeslap* (all-matches-as-strings "(?=\\d\\d\\d)" *digits*))
(format t "Non-overlapping:  ~{~A~^ ~}~%Overlapping:      ~{~A~^ ~}~%" 
        *nonlap* *yeslap*)
;; Non-overlapping:  123 456 789
;; Overlapping:             

;; Note that CL-PPCRE seems to treat ?= differently from Perl, hence
;; the lack of output for Overlapping.
;; CL-PPCRE doesn't support $` etc after a match (it does for
;; REGEX-REPLACE but that wouldn't work here.

Copying and Substituting Simultaneously

(setf dst (regex-replace "that" src "this"))
;; No difference from previous.
;; strip to basename
(defparameter *progname* (regex-replace "^.*/" (car *posix-argv*) ""))

;; Make All Words Title-Cased
;; Unfortunately \u and \L aren't supported by CL-PPCRE (AFAICT), but
;; CL does have built-in support for capitalization.
(defparameter *capword* (string-capitalize *word*))

;; /usr/man/man3/foo.1 changes to /usr/man/cat3/foo.1
(defparameter *catpage* (regex-replace "man(?=\\d)" *manpage* "cat"))
(defparameter *bindirs* '("/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/local/bin"))
(defparameter *libdirs* (mapcar #'(lambda (dir) (regex-replace "bin" dir "lib")) *bindirs*))
(format t "~{~A~^ ~}~%" *libdirs*)
;; /usr/lib /lib /usr/local/lib
(setf a (regex-replace-all "x" b "y"))  ; copy B and then change A
;; CL-PPCRE doesn't support returning the count of changed characters.

Matching Letters

(when (scan "^[A-Za-z]+$" var)
  ;; it is purely alphabetic
(when (scan "^[^\\W\\d_]+$" var)
  ;; it is purely alphabetic
;; This seems to work without setting the locale.  Not sure why but
;; there ya' go.
(let ((data '("silly" "façade" "coöperate" "niño" "Renée" "Molière" "hæmoglobin" "naïve" "tschüß"
  (loop for word in data
        do (if (scan "^[^\W\d_]+$" word)
               (format t "~A: alphabetic~%" word)
               (format t "~A: line noise~%" word))))
;;silly: alphabetic
;;façade: line noise
;;coöperate: alphabetic
;;niño: alphabetic
;;Renée: alphabetic
;;Molière: alphabetic
;;hæmoglobin: alphabetic
;;naïve: alphabetic
;;tschüß: alphabetic
;;random!stuff#here: line noise

Matching Words

;; "\\S+"               ; as many non-whitespace bytes as possible
;; "[A-Za-z'-]+"        ; as many letters, apostrophes, and hyphens
;; "\\b([A-Za-z]+)\\b"            ; usually best
;; "\\s([A-Za-z]+)\\s"            ; fails at ends or w/ punctuation

Commenting Regular Expressions

;; It makes more sense for this just to be a function in CL rather
;; than a separate "script".
(defun hostname->address (hostname)
  (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" 
           (ignore-errors (concatenate 'list
                                        (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name hostname))))
           (list "???"))))

(defun resname (stream)
  (let ((matcher (create-scanner 
                  "    (     # capture the hostname in $1
        (?:                 # these parens for grouping only
            (?! [-_]  )     # lookahead for neither underscore nor dash
            [\\w-] +        # hostname component
            \\.             # and the domain dot
        ) +                 # now repeat that whole thing a bunch of times
        [A-Za-z]            # next must be a letter
        [\\w-] +            # now trailing domain part
    )                       # end of $1 capture" :extended-mode t)))
    (iter (for line in-stream stream using 'read-line)
          (format t "~A"
                   #'(lambda (target-string start end 
                                            match-start match-end 
                                            reg-starts reg-ends)
                       (declare (ignore start end reg-starts reg-ends))
                       (let ((hostname (subseq target-string match-start match-end)))
                         (concatenate 'string hostname " [" (hostname->address hostname) "]"))))))))
  "                  # replace
  \\#                #   a pound sign
  (\\w+)             #   the variable name
  \\#                #   another pound sign"
  :extended-mode t)
 my-string                         ; using this instead of implicit $_
 #'(lambda (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
     (declare (ignore start end reg-starts reg-ends))
     (let ((symb (string-upcase (subseq target-string (elt reg-starts 0) (elt reg-ends 0)))))
       (format nil "~A" (symbol-value (intern symb))))))
;; I'm not sure there's any way to do this in CL.  There's
;; no guarantee that a local variable hasn't been optimized
;; away, for example.  EVAL operates in the null lexical
;; environment, so can't be used for this purpose.

Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match

Matching Multiple Lines

Reading Records with a Pattern Separator

Extracting a Range of Lines

Matching Shell Globs as Regular Expressions

Speeding Up Interpolated Matches

Testing for a Valid Pattern

Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions

Approximate Matching

Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off

Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches

Detecting Duplicate Words

Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern

Matching Multiple-Byte Characters

Matching a Valid Mail Address

Matching Abbreviations

Program: urlify

Program: tcgrep

Regular Expression Grabbag