11. References and Records


type Int_Ptr is access all Integer;
ref : Int_Ptr;
num : aliased Integer := 5;
ref := num'Access;

Put(Item => ref.all); -- Print the value ref refers to
ref.all := 3;         -- Assign to ref's referant
type Flt_Ptr is access all Float;
ref : Flt_Ptr;
pi : Float := 3.14159;
pi'Access := 4; -- Compile time error. The Access attribute cannot be used
                -- on the left hand side of an assignment.
                -- Also, "pi" is not defined as "aliased". This will also
                -- generate a compiler error
-- There is no direct relationship between arrays and references in Ada.
-- An array is a collection of like objects. An array name is NOT an
-- access or reference to the first element of the array as in C.
-- Ada provides two kinds of access types, general access types and
-- pool-specific acess types. Referants for pool-specific access types
-- must always be dynamically allocated. Referants for general access
-- types may be dynamically allocated, or may refer to aliased objects
-- generated on the stack.
type Pool_Ptr is access Float; -- Pool specific access type
type Gen_Ptr is access all Float; -- General access type

Taking References to Arrays

type Sales is array (Integer range 1..7) of Float;
type Sales_Access is access Sales; -- Pool specific example

Weekly_Sales : Sales_Access := new Sales; -- dynamically allocate
                                          -- the Sales array
                                          -- and assign its reference to
                                          -- Weekly_Sales
last_index : Integer := Sales'Last;
first_index : Integer := Sales'First;
num_items : Integer := Sales'Length;
-- Ada arrays are all fixed size. They cannot be enlarged after creation
-- Ada array types may be unconstrained in size, allowing the size of a
-- particular instance to be specified upon creation.

type String is array(Positive range <>) of Character;
s1 : String(1..10); -- s1 is a 10 element string
s2 : String(1..34); -- s2 is a 34 element string
s3 : String(11..20); -- s3 is a 10 element string with a
                     -- a starting index of 11
type String_Ref is access String;
r1 : String_Ref;

r1 := new String(1..20); -- Dynamically allocate an array
Put(r1(N)); -- Print the character at index N
r1(3..5)  -- Array slice
r1(3..5) := r1(9..11);
-- Ada provides no way to make a reference to a slice
for index in r1'Range loop
  -- iterate through all elements in the array
  -- referenced by r1
end loop;
for index in s1'Range loop
   -- iterate through all elements in array s1
end loop;

Making Hashes of Arrays

-- Ada provides no standard implementation of hashes

Taking References to Hashes

-- Ada provides no standard implemenation of hashes

Taking References to Functions

-- Define an access type to a function taking two integer parameters and
-- returning a boolean
type func_ref is access function (A, B : Integer) return Boolean;

-- Define an access type to a procedure taking no parameters
type proc_ref is access procedure;

-- Define a function taking two integers and returning a boolean
function Less_Than(X, Y : Integer) return Boolean;

-- Define an instance of the func_ref access type
compare : func_ref;

compare := Less_Than'Access; -- Less than matches the signature defined in
                             -- the func_ref type declaration
-- Calling the function through the referenc
if compare(num1, num2) then
   ...  -- act on the comparison
end if;

-- Define a procedure taking no parameters
procedure Print_Header;

-- Define an instance of proc_ref access type

action : proc_ref := Print_Header'Access;

-- Call the parameter-less procedure
-- Ada does not provide closures, or functions with static data
-- The same effect can be produced using Ada tasks.
package counters is
   task type Counter_Maker is
      entry Get_Count(Num : out Integer);
   end Counter_Maker
   type Counter_Ref is access Counter_Maker;
end counters;

package body counters is
   task body Counter_Maker is
      start : Integer := 0;
         accept Get_Count(Num : out Integer)
            Num := start;
         end Get_Count;
         start := start + 1;
      end loop;
   end Counter_Maker;
end counters;

counter1 : Counter_Ref := new Counter;
the_count : Integer;

for iter in 0..4 loop
end loop;
counter1 : Counter_Ref := new Counter;
counter2 : Counter_Ref := new Counter;
count1, count2 : Integer;

for iter in 0..4 loop
end loop;
Put_Line(Integer'Image(count1) & " " &
5 0
function Time_Diff(Base_Time : Time) return Duration is
   Now : Time := Clock;
   return Now - Base_Time;
end Time_Diff;

early : Time;
later : Time;

early := Clock;
delay 20.0;
later := Clock;
delay 10.0;
Put_Line("It's been " & Duration'Image(Time_Diff(early)) &
         " seconds since early.");
Put_Line("It's been " & Duration'Image(Time_Diff(later)) &
         " seconds since later");
-- It's been  30.007172430 seconds since early.
-- It's been  10.003749644 seconds since later.

Taking References to Scalars

-- Ada does not provide special syntax for obtaining reference to scalars
-- compared to vectors.

Creating Arrays of Scalar References

type Num_Ref is access all Integer;
type Ref_Array is array (1..10) of Num_Ref;
array_of_refs : Ref_Array;
array_of_refs := (Others => null); -- Set all values to null references

for index in Ref_Array'Range loop
   array_of_refs(index) := new Integer'(index);
end loop
for index in Ref_Array'Range loop
end loop;
for index in Ref_Array'Range loop
   array_of_refs(index).all := index * 10;
end loop;

Using Closures Instead of Objects


Creating References to Methods

Constructing Records

Reading and Writing Hash Records to Text Files

Printing Data Structures

Copying Data Structures

Storing Data Structures to Disk

Transparently Persistent Data Structures

Program: Binary Trees

-- Binary Tree Example

package Binary_Trees is
   type Tree is private;
   procedure insert(Item : in Integer; Into : in out Tree);
   procedure in_order(Item : in Tree);
   procedure pre_order(Item : in Tree);
   procedure post_order(Item : in Tree);
   function search(Item : in Integer; From : in Tree) return boolean;
   type node;
   type Tree is access Node;
   type Node is record
      Value : Integer;
      Left  : Tree := Null;
      Right : Tree := Null;
   end record;
end Binary_Trees;

with Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_Io;

package body Binary_Trees is

   procedure insert(Item : in Integer; Into : in out Tree) is
     if Into /= null then
        if Into.Value > Item then
           insert(Item, Into.Left);
        elsif Into.Value < Item then
           insert(Item, Into.Right);
        end if; -- Do nothing if duplicate
        Into := new Node;
        Into.Value := Item;
     end if;
        end insert;

   procedure in_order(Item : in Tree) is
     if Item = null then
     end if;
     Put(Integer'Image(Item.Value) & " ");
   end in_order;

   procedure pre_order(Item : in Tree) is
      if Item = null then
      end if;
      Put(Integer'Image(Item.Value) & " ");
   end pre_order;

   procedure post_order(Item : in Tree) is
      if Item = null then
      end if;
      Put(Integer'Image(Item.Value) & " ");
   end post_order;

   function search(Item : Integer; From : Tree) return Boolean is
      Result : Boolean;
      if From /= null then
         if From.Value = Item then
            Result := True;
         elsif From.Value > Item then
            Result := search(Item, From.Left);
            Result := search(Item, From.Right);
         end if;
         Result := False;
      end if;
      return Result;
   end search;
end Binary_Trees;

with Binary_Trees; use Binary_Trees;
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;
with Ada.Integer_Text_Io; use Ada.Integer_Text_Io;

procedure Tree_Test is
   package Rand_Num is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Integer);
   use Rand_Num;
   Seed : Generator;
   Val  : Integer;
   The_Tree : Tree;
   for num in 1..20 loop
      Val := Random(Seed);
      insert(Item => Val, Into => The_Tree);
   end loop;
        -- now dump out the tree all three ways
   Put("Pre Order: ");
   Put("In order: ");
   Put("Post_Order: ");

        -- prompt until EOF
      Put("Search? ");
      exit when Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File;
      Get(Val); -- read input as an integer
      if search(Item => Val, From => The_Tree) then
         Put_Line("Found " & Integer'Image(Val));
         Put_Line("No " & Integer'Image(Val) & " in tree");
      end if;
   end loop;
end Tree_Test;