set presidents [list Reagan Bush Clinton] # => Reagan Bush Clinton set nested [list this that [list the other]] llength $nested # => 3 set tune [list The Star-spangled Banner] list #0 = [lindex $tune 0] #1 = [lindex $tune 1] # => #0 = The #1 = Star-spangled |
set a [list quick brown fox] # => quick brown fox set a "Why are you teasing me?" # => Why are you teasing me? set lines [list] foreach {l} [split { The boy stood on the burning deck, It was as hot as glass. } \n ] { set line [string trimleft $l] if {[string length $line]} { lappend lines $line } } puts $lines # => {The boy stood on the burning deck,} {It was as hot as glass.} set f [open $mydatafile] ;# Automatically raises error on failure set biglist [split [read $f] \n] lappend banner1 Costs only \$4.95 set banner2 [list Costs only \$4.95] set banner3 [split {Costs only $4.95}] expr {"$banner1" == "$banner2" && "$banner2" == "$banner3"} # => 1 set ships [list Niña Pinta Santa María] ;# WRONG (4 ships) llength $ships # => 4 set ships [list Niña Pinta {Santa María}] ;# right (3 ships) llength $ships # => 3 |
set list [list red yellow green] puts [list I have $list marbles.] # => I have {red yellow green} marbles. set list [list red yellow green] puts "I have $list marbles." # => I have red yellow green marbles. set lists { {{just one thing}} {Mutt Jeff} {Peter Paul Mary} {{to our parents} {Mother Theresa} God} {{pastrami} {ham and cheese} {peanut butter and jelly} {tuna}} {{recycle tired, old phrases} {ponder big, happy thoughts}} {{recycle tired, old phrases} {ponder big, happy thoughts} {sleep and dream peacefully} } } proc commifySeries {args} { if {[regexp , $args]} { set sepchar ";" } else { set sepchar , } # Tcl has a switch command, nyah nyah nyah switch [llength $args] { 0 { return {} } 1 { eval return $args } 2 { return [join $args { and }] } default { set args [lreplace $args end end [concat and [lindex $args end]]] return [join $args "$sepchar "] } } } # => just one thing # => Mutt and Jeff # => Peter, Paul, and Mary # => to our parents, Mother Theresa, and God # => pastrami, ham and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, and tuna # => recycle tired, old phrases and ponder big, happy thoughts # => recycle tired, old phrases; ponder big, happy thoughts; and sleep and dream peacefully |
# There is no equivalent to $#ARRAY in Tcl. proc whatAboutThatList args { variable people append res "The list now has [set len [llength $people]] elements.\n" append res "The index of the last element is [incr len -1].\n" append res "Element #3 is `[lindex $people 3]'." } set people [list Crosby Stills Nash Young] whatAboutThatList # => The list now has 4 elements. # => The index of the last element is 3. # => Element #3 is `Young'. set people [lrange $people 0 end-1] whatAboutThatList # => The list now has 3 elements. # => The index of the last element is 2. # => Element #3 is `'. # append 10001-(length of list) null elements to the list: for {set i [llength $people]} {$i <= 10000} {incr i} { lappend people {} } whatAboutThatList # => The list now has 10001 elements. # => The index of the last element is 10000. # => Element #3 is `'. |
foreach user $badUsers { complain $user } foreach key [lsort [array names env]] { puts $key=$env($key) } foreach {user} $allUsers { set diskSpace [getUsage $user] if {$diskSpace > $MAXQUOTA} { complain $user } } # Tcl has no implicit variables like Perl's $_. foreach _ [exec who] { if [regexp tchrist $_] { puts $_ } } # Tcl does not sneak in references unexpectedly. # If you need to mutate a list, this is the preferred # idiom: # set mylist [mutate $mylist args] # You *can* 'simulate' manipulation by reference by # using call-by-name and connecting a local variable # to a variable with that name in the outer scope: proc timesSeven {listname} { upvar $listname listref for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $listref]} {incr i} { set listref [lreplace $listref $i $i [expr {[lindex $listref $i] * 7}]] } } |
variable res {} set fruits [list Apple Blackberry] set fruitRef fruits # the variable fruitRef is now set to the name of the fruit list, # which makes it a kind of reference variable foreach fruit [set $fruitRef] { append res "$fruit tastes good in a pie.\n" } puts $res # => Apple tastes good in a pie. # => Blackberry tastes good in a pie. |
lsort -unique [list how much wood would a wood chuck chuck] # => a chuck how much wood would # This is an order of magnitude slower than the previous solution. foreach e $list { array set unique [list $e {}] } array names unique # => a wood much chuck how would |
# Use the TclX standard package (contained in # the ActiveTcl distribution). package require Tclx set listA [list 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5] set listB [list 1 2 4] set res [intersect3 $listA $listB] # [intersect3] yields three result lists; # we want the first one: lindex $res 0 # => 3 5 |
# Use the TclX standard package (contained in # the ActiveTcl distribution). package require Tclx set listA [list 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5] set listB [list 1 2 4 4 6 7] foreach {difference intersection -} [intersect3 $listA $listB] break set union [union $listA $listB] list $difference $intersection $union # => {3 5} {1 2 4} {1 2 3 4 5 6 7} |
set members [list Time Flies] lappend members An Arrow # => Time Flies An Arrow set members [list Time Flies] set initiates [list An Arrow] set members [concat $members $initiates] # => Time Flies An Arrow set members [list Time Flies An Arrow] set members [linsert $members 2 Like] # => Time Flies Like An Arrow set members [list Time Flies Like An Arrow] set members [lreplace $members 0 0 Fruit] set members [lreplace $members end-1 end A Banana] # => Fruit Flies Like A Banana |
set list [list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] set rlist [list] for {set i [expr {[llength $list]-1}]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { lappend rlist [lindex $list $i] } puts $rlist # => 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 set list [list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] lsort -decreasing $list # => 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |
proc splice-ish {listname number} { upvar $listname list set length [llength $list] if {$number < 0} { set number [expr {abs($number)}] set res [lrange $list end-[expr {$number-1}] end] set list [lrange $list 0 end-$number] } else { set res [lrange $list 0 [expr {$number-1}]] set list [lrange $list $number end] } return $res } proc shift2 {listname} { upvar $listname list return [splice-ish list 2] } set friends [list Peter Paul Mary Jim Tim] foreach {this that} [shift2 friends] break list $this $that $friends # => Peter Paul {Mary Jim Tim} proc pop2 {listname} { upvar $listname list return [splice-ish list -2] } set beverages [list Dew Jolt Cola Sprite Fresca] set pair [pop2 beverages] list $beverages $pair # => {Dew Jolt Cola} {Sprite Fresca} |
set matchIdx [lsearch $list $criterion] if {$matchIdx >= 0} { set match [lindex $list $matchIdx] ## do something with $match } else { ## unfound } set matchIdx [lsearch $list $criterion] if {$matchIdx >= 0} { ## found in [lindex $list $matchIdx] } else { ## unfound } Employee is an [incr Tcl] class with the members category, name, salary, ssn, and age. lappend employees [Employee #auto {manager John 120000 {}}] lappend employees [Employee #auto {engineer Susie 100000 {}}] lappend employees [Employee #auto {programmer Harold 90000 {}}] foreach employee $employees { if {[$employee category] eq "engineer"} { set highestEngineer $employee break } } $highestEngineer name # => Susie |
# If the test is matching an element's value against # an exact string, a wildcard pattern, or a regular # expression, use the standard package TclX (contained # in the ActiveTcl distribution). package require Tclx set matching [lmatch [list ab ac bc dk ab] a*] # => ab ac ab # If another type of test is necessary, or TclX is # unavailable, a foreach loop is useful: # TEST could have been a regular proc, of course interp alias {} TEST {} string match a* set matching [list] foreach e [list ab ac bc dk ab] { if {[TEST $e]} { lappend matching $e } } set matching # => ab ac ab |
set numsorted [lsort -real [list 38 388.7 1.56 279 1e7]] # => 1.56 38 279 388.7 1e7 set descending [lsort -decreasing -real [list 38 388.7 1.56 279 1e7]] # => 1e7 388.7 279 38 1.56 |
# Generic code for using a custom comparison in a list sort: # set ordered [lsort -command compare $unordered] # Tcl doesn't have a standard map command as used by the following # examples. # Pool (<URL:>) # includes a command, ::pool::list::apply, which is similar to Perl's # map. package require Pool_Base namespace import ::pool::list::apply set unordered [list 1+7 5-2 3+4] proc compute e {list [expr $e] $e} proc second args {lindex $args 1} set precomputed [apply compute $unordered] set orderedPrecomputed [lsort -integer -index 0 $precomputed] set ordered [apply second $orderedPrecomputed] # => 5-2 3+4 1+7 Employee is an [incr Tcl] class with the members category, name, salary, ssn, and age. apply names $employees # => Betsy Ewan Fran Andy Carl Diane set ordered [lsort -command Employee::compare-name $employees] apply names $ordered # => Andy Betsy Carl Diane Ewan Fran foreach employee [lsort -command Employee::compare-name $employees] { puts "[$employee name] earns \$[$employee salary]" } # => Andy earns $110000 # => Betsy earns $120000 # => Carl earns $90000 # => Diane earns $80000 # => Ewan earns $115000 # => Fran earns $110000 set sortedEmployees [lsort -command Employee::compare-name $employees] foreach employee $sortedEmployees { puts "[$employee name] earns \$[$employee salary]" } # load bonus array foreach employee $sortedEmployees { if {[info exists bonus([$employee ssn])]} { puts "[$employee name] got a bonus!" } } # => Andy earns $110000 # => Betsy earns $120000 # => Carl earns $90000 # => Diane earns $80000 # => Ewan earns $115000 # => Fran earns $110000 # => Ewan got a bonus! # => Fran got a bonus! # The class procedure Employee::compare-name-or-age looks # like this: # proc compare-name-or-age {a b} { # set cmp [string compare [[namespace parent]::$a name] [[namespace parent]::$b name]] # if {$cmp != 0} { # return $cmp # } else { # return [expr {[[namespace parent]::$a age]-[[namespace parent]::$b age]}] # } # } lappend employees [Employee #auto {{} Andy 95000 28}] ;# add another Andy set sorted [lsort -command Employee::compare-name-or-age $employees] apply names-and-ages $sorted # => {Andy 28} {Andy 30} {Betsy 43} {Carl 30} {Diane 27} {Ewan 37} {Fran 35} |
set circular [concat [lrange $list 1 end] [lindex $list 0]] set circular [concat [lindex $list end] [lrange $list 0 end-1]] proc grabAndRotate {listname} { upvar $listname list set first [lindex $list 0] set list [concat [lrange $list 1 end] $first] return $first } while 1 { set process [grabAndRotate processes] puts "Handling process $process" after 1000 } |
proc FisherYatesShuffle {listname} { upvar $listname list for {set i [expr {[llength $list]-1}]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set j [expr {int(rand()*$i+1)}] if {$i != $j} { set temp [lindex $list $i] set list [lreplace $list $i $i [lindex $list $j]] set list [lreplace $list $j $j $temp] } } } # Several shuffle algorithms in Tcl are compared for performance # here: <URL:>. # This is a very efficient algorithm for small lists: proc K {x y} {return $x} proc shuffle5a { list } { set n 1 set slist {} foreach item $list { set index [expr {int(rand()*$n)}] set slist [linsert [K $slist [set slist {}]] $index $item] incr n } return $slist } ;# Christoph Bauer |
package require math 1.2 # n2pat N len : produce the $N-th pattern of length $len proc n2pat {N len} { set i 1 set pat [list] while {$i <= $len + 1} { lappend pat [expr {$N % $i}] set N [expr {int($N/$i)}] incr i } return $pat } # pat2perm pat : turn pattern returned by n2pat into # permutation of integers. proc pat2perm {args} { if {[llength $args] == 1} { set pat [lindex $args 0] } else { set pat $args } set source [list] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $pat]} {incr i} { lappend source $i } set perm [list] while {[llength $pat]} { set i [lindex $pat end] set pat [lrange $pat 0 end-1] lappend perm [lindex $source $i] set source [lreplace $source $i $i] } return $perm; } # n2perm N len : generate the $Nth permutation of $len objects proc n2perm {N len} { return [pat2perm [n2pat $N $len]] } proc main {} { while {[gets stdin _] >= 0} { set data [split $_] set len [llength $data] set numPermutations [::math::factorial $len] for {set i 0} {$i < $numPermutations} {incr i} { set permutation [list] foreach {p} [n2perm $i [expr {$len - 1}]] { lappend permutation [lindex $data $p] } puts $permutation } } } main |