2. Numbers

Checking Whether a String Is a Valid Number

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The REXX-idiomatic numeric validation approach is to use the       */
/* 'DATATYPE' BIF. For more complex validation needs the 'VERIFY' BIF */
/* may also be used but since it only checks for the presence or the  */
/* absence of characters it needs to be augmented with other checks.  */
/*                                                                    */
/* Regex-based validation [once implemented] requires the least work. */
/* The examples make use of a REXXToolkit routine, 'match', which     */
/* uses the 'RxRe' external library. See Appendix for details.        */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* REXX BIF-based Validation */

/* Accepts: +9 -9 9.0 9.0e+2 9.0E-3 */
if \DATATYPE(string, 'N') then ; say "not a decimal number"

/* Accepts: +9 -9 Rejects: 9.0 9.0e+2 9.0E-3 */
if \(DATATYPE(string, 'W') & POS(".", string) == 0) then
  say "not an integer"

/* ----------- */

   Checks for presence / absence of characters, but does not
   check position of characters, or presence of patterns. Useful
   for quick, but not thorough, validation

if VERIFY(string, "0123456789") \= 0 then ; say "has nondigits"

if VERIFY(string, "+-.Ee0123456789") \= 0 then ; say "not a decimal"

/* ----------- */

   Custom function, 'isDecimal', which uses a combination of the
   PARSE instruction, and DATATYPE BIF to thoroughly validate a
   decimal value

tbl = "+934.521e-2 -934.521 934 ",
      "+934.521e-a +934.521f-2 +934.!e-2 ",

entries = WORDS(tbl)

do i = 1 for entries
  entry = WORD(tbl, i)
  if isDecimal(entry) then ; say entry "is decimal"
  else ; say entry "is NOT decimal"

exit 0

/* ----------- */

isDecimal : procedure expose (globals)
  parse upper value ARG(1) with whole "." frac "E" exp
  if exp \= NULL then ; if \DATATYPE(exp, 'W') then ; return FALSE
  if frac \= NULL then ; if \DATATYPE(frac, 'W') then ; return FALSE
  if whole \= NULL then ; if \DATATYPE(whole, 'W') then ; return FALSE
  return TRUE

/* ----------------------------- */

/* Regex-based Validation */

if match(string, "PATTERN") then
  /* Is a number */
  /* Is not */

/* ----------- */

/* Also rejects: +9 -9 9.0 */
if match(string, "[^[:digit:]]") then ; say "has nondigits"

/* Also rejects: +9 -9 9.0 */
if \match(string, "^[[:digit:]]+$") then ; say "not a natural number"

/* Rejects: +9 9.0  Accepts: -9 */
if \match(string, "^-?[[:digit:]]+$") then ; say "not an integer"

/* Rejects: 9.0  Accepts: +9 -9 */
if \match(string, "^[+-]?[[:digit:]]+$") then ; say "not an integer"

/* Accepts: +9 -9 9.0 9.0e+2 9.0E-3 */
decimalRE = "^[+-]?[[:digit:]]+\.?[[:digit:]]+[e|E][+-]?[[:digit:]]+$"

if \match(string, decimalRE) then
  say "not a decimal number"

Comparing Floating-Point Numbers

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The NUMERIC instruction allows adjustment of:                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Significant digits used in arithmetic operations [DIGITS]        */
/* * Digits to be ignored during arithmetic comparisons [FUZZ]        */
/*                                                                    */
/* Default values are usually adequate. Increasing DIGITS increases   */
/* precision, but slows down arithmetic operations. FUZZ is by default*/
/* 0, so all digits are significant in comparison operations.         */
/*                                                                    */
/* The FORMAT BIF may be used like the C-derived, 'sprintf', function */
/* to compare floating point values as strings.                       */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

numeric digits 11
a = 1234567.8234 ; b = 1234567.8237

/* Compare 'DIGITS - FUZZ' [11] number of digits */
numeric fuzz 0
if a = b then ; say "a = b"          /* FALSE */

/* Compare 'DIGITS - FUZZ' [10] number of digits */
numeric fuzz 1
if a = b then ; say "a = b"          /* FALSE */

/* Compare 'DIGITS - FUZZ' [9] number of digits */
numeric fuzz 2
if a = b then ; say "a = b"          /* TRUE */

/* ----------------------------- */

   Returns TRUE if 'num1' and 'num2' are equal to 'accuracy' number
   of decimal places

isEqual(num1, num2, accuracy)

/* ----------------------------- */

a = 1234567.8234 ; b = 1234567.8237

   isEqual(a, b, 1) ==> TRUE
   isEqual(a, b, 2) ==> TRUE
   isEqual(a, b, 3) ==> TRUE
   isEqual(a, b, 4) ==> FALSE

exit 0

/* ----------- */

isEqual : procedure expose (globals)
  places = ARG(3) ; numeric fuzz 0
  return FORMAT(ARG(1),, places) == FORMAT(ARG(2),, places)

/* ----------------------------- */

wage = 536                           /* $ 5.36 / hr */
week = 40 * wage                     /* $ 214.40 */

say "One week's wage is: $" FORMAT(week / 100,, 2)

Rounding Floating-Point Numbers

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The 'FORMAT' BIF is REXX's equivalent to the much-used, C-derived  */
/* 'sprintf' function.                                                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Truncate to integer value */
truncated = TRUNC(value, length)

/* Round value [and possibly justify] */
rounded = FORMAT(value, n_before_decimal, n_after_decimal)

/* ----------------------------- */

a = 0.255 ; b = FORMAT(a, 1, 2)

say "Unrounded:" a "Rounded:" b
say "Unrounded:" a "Rounded:" FORMAT(a, 1, 2)

   Unrounded: 0.255 Rounded: 0.26
   Unrounded: 0.255 Rounded: 0.26

/* ----------------------------- */

   Example illustrating external library routine use. Not, however,
   that the FORMAT BIF can be used to perform the same tasks as
   'NInt', 'Floor' and 'Ceil', making library routine use unnecessary

/* Load [rexxMath] math functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'mathLoadFuncs', 'rexxMath', 'mathLoadFuncs'
call mathLoadFuncs

tbl = "3.3 3.5 3.7 -3.3"

say cstr2rxstr("number\tint\tfloor\tceil")

do while tbl <> NULL
  parse var tbl n tbl
  line = FORMAT(n, 2, 1) || "\t" ||,
         FORMAT(NInt(n), 2, 1) || "\t" ||,
         FORMAT(Floor(n), 2, 1) || "\t" ||,
         FORMAT(Ceil(n), 2, 1)
  say cstr2rxstr(line)

   number int floor ceil
    3.3          3.0     3.0     4.0
    3.5          4.0     3.0     4.0
    3.7          4.0     3.0     4.0
   -3.3         -3.0    -4.0    -3.0

/* Unload math functions */
call mathDropFuncs

exit 0

/* ----------- */

cstr2rxstr : procedure expose (globals)
  s = ARG(1) ; tbl = "\n 0A \r 0D \t 09"

  do while tbl \= NULL
    parse var tbl esc replc tbl
    s = CHANGESTR(esc, s, X2C(replc))

  return s

Converting Between Binary and Decimal

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Binary, hexadecimal, decimal interconversion is well-supported via */
/* the following BIF's:                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* * X2D, D2X [hex->dec, dec->hex, respectively]                      */
/* * X2B, B2X [hex->bin, bin->hex, respectively]                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* Easily combined to create functions that interconvert binary and   */
/* decimal.                                                           */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Convert binary string to decimal */
decimal = B2D('0110110')

/* Convert decimal value to binary string */
binary = D2B(54)

exit 0

/* ----------- */

B2D : procedure expose (globals)
  return X2D(B2X(ARG(1)))

D2B : procedure expose (globals)
  return X2B(D2X(ARG(1)))

Operating on a Series of Integers

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The 'do' loop is the REXX-idiomatic control structure for          */
/* repetitive tasks such as list traversal. Recursive solutions are   */
/* possible but less efficient due to argument passing overhead, and  */
/* lack of tail-call optimisation.                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

x = 1 ; y = 5 ; step = 1

/* Number sequence is traversed using 'do' loop */

/* 'i' set from value of 1 through to 5 in 'step' increments */
do i = x to y by step

  /* do something with 'i' */


/* ----------- */

/* 'i' set from value of 1 through to 5; default increment of 1 */
do i = x to y

  /* do something with 'i' */


/* ----------------------------- */

call CHAROUT , "Infancy is: "
do i = 0 to 2 ; call CHAROUT , i || SPACE ; end
say NULL

call CHAROUT , "Toddling is: "
do i = 3 to 4 ; call CHAROUT , i || SPACE ; end
say NULL

call CHAROUT , "Childhood is: "
do i = 5 to 12 ; call CHAROUT , i || SPACE ; end
say NULL

/* ----------------------------- */

   REXX does not sport a native 'foreach' control structure, but it
   is possible to implement similar behaviour provided certain
   conventions are followed such as generating lists of SPACE or
   COMMA-separated sequences

/* ----------------------------- */

sequence = makeIntegerSequence(1, 5, 1)

do while sequence <> NULL
  parse var sequence value sequence
  call CHAROUT , value || SPACE

/* ----------- */

/* Partial reimplementation of earlier example */

infancy = makeIntegerSequence(0, 2, 1)

call CHAROUT , "Infancy is: "
do while infancy <> NULL
  parse var infancy value infancy
  call CHAROUT , value || SPACE

/* ... */

exit 0

/* ----------- */

/* Iterative ['do' loop-based] */
makeIntegerSequence : procedure expose (globals)
  x = ARG(1) ; y = ARG(2) ; step = ARG(3)
  seq = x ; x = x + 1 ; do i = x to y by step ; seq = seq i ; end
  return seq

/* Recursive */
makeIntegerSequenceR : procedure expose (globals)
  x = ARG(1) ; y = ARG(2) ; step = ARG(3)
  if x > y then ; return NULL
  return x makeIntegerSequenceR(x + step, y, step)

/* Iterative [Tail Recursive] */
makeIntegerSequenceI : procedure expose (globals)
  x = ARG(1) ; y = ARG(2) ; step = ARG(3) ; seq = ARG(4)
  if x > y then ; return STRIP(seq)
  return makeIntegerSequenceI(x + step, y, step, (seq x))

Working with Roman Numerals

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* REXX sports no inbuilt Roman numeral-handling routines. A custom   */
/* implementation appears below.                                      */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

roman = arabic2roman(arabic)
arabic = roman2arabic(roaman)

/* ----------------------------- */

roman_fifteen = arabic2roman(15)

say "Roman for fifteen is" roman_fifteen

arabic_fifteen = roman2arabic(roman_fifteen)

say "Converted back" roman_fifteen "is" arabic_fifteen

exit 0

/* ----------- */

roman2arabic : procedure
  tbl.I = 1 ; tbl.V = 5 ; tbl.X = 10 ; tbl.L = 50
  tbl.C = 100 ; tbl.D = 500 ; tbl.M = 1000 

  tbl.IV = 4 ; tbl.IX = 9 ; tbl.XL = 40 ; tbl.XC = 90
  tbl.CD = 400 ; tbl.CM = 900

  roman = " " || TRANSLATE(STRIP(ARG(1))) ; arabic = 0

  do i = LENGTH(roman) - 1 to 1 by -1
    r = SUBSTR(roman, i, 2)

    if SYMBOL('tbl.r') == 'VAR' then ; i = i - 1
    else ; r = RIGHT(r, 1)

    arabic = arabic + tbl.r

  return arabic

/* ----------- */

arabic2roman : procedure
  arabic = REVERSE(ARG(1)) ; len = LENGTH(arabic) ; roman = ""

  tbl.1 = "I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX"
  tbl.2 = "X XX XXX XL L LX LXX LXXX XC"
  tbl.3 = "C CC CCC CD D DC DCC DCCC CM"

  if len < 4 then
    do i = 1 to len
      j = SUBSTR(arabic, i, 1) ; if j == 0 then ; iterate 
      roman = WORD(tbl.i, j) || roman 
  else ; do
    do i = 1 to 3
      j = SUBSTR(arabic, i, 1) ; if j == 0 then ; iterate 
      roman = WORD(tbl.i, j) || roman 
    roman = COPIES("M", REVERSE(SUBSTR(arabic, 4))) || roman

  return roman

Generating Random Numbers

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Random number [well, pseudo-random :)] generation is typically     */
/* performed using the 'RANDOM' BIF.                                  */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

random = RANDOM(maxval)              /* 0 - maxval [maxval <= 100000] */
random = RANDOM(minval, maxval)      /* minval - maxval [as above] */

/* ----------------------------- */

tbl = "abcdefghijklmnop"
elt = randomChoice(tbl)              /* One of 'a', 'b', ... */

tbl = "12 67 asde cvs +++ &fgt klmnop"
elt = randomChoice(tbl)              /* One of 12, 67, ... */

/* ----------------------------- */

/* Generate 8 character-length password with randomly chosen chars */
chars = XRANGE("A", "Z") || XRANGE("a", "z") ||,
        XRANGE("0", "9") || "!$%#@*&"

password = NULL

do 8
  password = password || randomChoice(chars)

exit 0

/* ----------- */

randomChoice : procedure expose (globals)
  tbl = ARG(1) ; items = WORDS(tbl)

  if items == 1 then do
    items = LENGTH(tbl) ; item = SUBSTR(tbl, RANDOM(1, items), 1)
  end ; else do
    item = WORD(tbl, RANDOM(1, items))

  return item

Generating Different Random Numbers

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* See comments in previous section                                   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

random = RANDOM(,, seed)   /* Each such call reseeds the RNG */

Making Numbers Even More Random

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Custom functions for this type of task are easily written in REXX. */
/* Examples include:                                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/* * 'lcg', simple linear-congruential RNG                            */
/* * 'randomSlice' - see example below                                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

random = 47523 ; reps = 10

do reps
  random = lcg(random)
  /* do something with 'random' ... */

/* ----------------------------- */

reps = 10

do reps
     Random length digit sequence; sliced from random position of a
     default-length 'RANDU'-generated digit sequence
  random = randomSlice()

  /* 3 digit sequence; as previous  */
  random = randomSlice(3)

     4 digit sequence; sliced from random position of a 13 digit
     length 'RANDU'-generated digit sequence
  random = randomSlice(4, 13)

/* ----------- */

lgc : procedure expose (globals)
  numeric digits 17
  return 16807 * ARG(1) // 2147483647

randomSlice : procedure expose (globals)
  sizeSlice = ARG(1) ; sizePool = ARG(2)
  if sizePool == NULL | sizePool > 17 then ; sizePool = 17
  if sizeSlice == NULL then ; sizeSlice = RANDOM(1, sizePool - 1)
  if sizeSlice >= sizePool then ; sizeSlice = sizePool - 1;
  posSlice = RANDOM(1, sizePool - sizeSlice)
  numeric digits sizePool
  parse value RANDU() with "." frac
  return SUBSTR(frac, posSlice, sizeSlice)

Generating Biased Random Numbers

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Gaussian RNG                                                       */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Need this for access to non-standard, 'RANDU', function */ 
options 'AREXX_BIFS'

/* Using 'rexxMath' Library Routines */

/* Load [rexxMath] math functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'mathLoadFuncs', 'rexxMath', 'mathLoadFuncs'
call mathLoadFuncs

/* ----------- */

mean = 25.0 ; sdev = 2.0 ; salary = gaussian_rand() * mean + sdev

say "You have been hired at:" FORMAT(salary,, 2)

/* ----------- */

/* Unload math functions */
call mathDropFuncs

exit 0

/* ----------- */

gaussian_rand : procedure
  w = 2.0
  do while w > 1.0
    u1 = 2.0 * RANDU() - 1.0 ; u2 = 2.0 * RANDU() - 1.0
    w = u1 * u1 + u2 * u2
  w = Sqrt((-2.0 * Log10(w)) / w) ; g2 = u1 * w ; g1 = u2 * w

  return g1

Doing Trigonometry in Degrees, not Radians

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Aside from supporting the usual arithmetic operations, including   */
/* exponentiation [via the '**' operator], and a few BIF's including  */
/* 'MIN', 'MAX', 'SIGN' and 'ABS', REXX offers no built-in support for*/
/* mathematical operations. Instead the programmer can implement the  */
/* required functionality themselves, or make use of external library */
/* routines.                                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* REXX-native mathematical functions are easily implementable, but   */
/* the string-expressable, arbitrary precision arithmetic model used  */
/* ensures they will not be as 'high performance' as hardware-based   */
/* implementations, precluding their use for 'serious' number crunch- */
/* ing. On the other hand, external library routines are [like the one*/
/* illustrated here] to be hardware-based, hence offer performance    */
/* comparable to that of other languages after both function call and */
/* data conversion overhead is taken into account.                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Using 'rxMath' Library Routines */

/* Load [rxMath] math functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'mathLoadFuncs', 'rxMath', 'mathLoadFuncs'
call mathLoadFuncs

/* Accepts argumets in either degree, radian, or gradian form */
say rxCalcSin(30, 'D')
say FORMAT(rxCalcSin(60, 'D'),,3)

/* Unload math functions */
call mathDropFuncs

exit 0

/* ----------- */

/* Using native REXX Routines [need 'Sin' from external library] */

radians = DEG2RAD(degrees)
degrees = RAD2DEG(radians)

/* ----------------------------- */

/* Load [rexxMath] math functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'mathLoadFuncs', 'rexxMath', 'mathLoadFuncs'
call mathLoadFuncs

say degree_sin(30)
say FORMAT(degree_sin(60),,3)

/* Unload math functions */
call mathDropFuncs

exit 0

/* ----------- */

degree_sin : procedure expose (globals)
     ARG(1) - Degrees
     'Sin' [a 'rexxMath' library routine] expects its argument in
     radians so 'DEG2RAD' used to perform the conversion
  return Sin(DEG2RAD(ARG(1)))

DEG2RAD : procedure expose (globals)
  return ARG(1) / 180 * PI()

RAD2DEG : procedure expose (globals)
  return ARG(1) / PI() * 180

PI : procedure expose (globals)
  return 3.14159265358979323846264338327

Calculating More Trigonometric Functions

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* See comments in previous section header                            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Using 'rxMath' Library Routines */

/* Load [rxMath] math functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'mathLoadFuncs', 'rxMath', 'mathLoadFuncs'
call mathLoadFuncs

/* Accepts argumets in either degree, radian, or gradian form */
theta = 1.7 ; tan = rxCalcSin(theta, 'R') / rxCalcCos(theta, 'R')

say "tan of theta" theta "[radians]:" tan
say "tan of theta" FORMAT(theta,, 3) "[radians]:" FORMAT(tan,, 3)

/* ----------- */

say "tan of theta" theta "[radians]:" rxCalcTan(theta, 'R')
say "tan of theta" FORMAT(theta,, 3) "[radians]:",

/* ----------- */

theta = 0.37 ; say "acos of" theta "[radians]:" rxCalcArcCos(theta, 'R')

/* ----------- */

/* Unload math functions */
call mathDropFuncs

exit 0

/* ----------------------------- */

/* Using 'rexxMath' Library Routines */

/* Load [rexxMath] math functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'mathLoadFuncs', 'rexxMath', 'mathLoadFuncs'
call mathLoadFuncs

theta = 1.7 ; tan = Sin(theta) / Cos(theta)

say "tan of theta" theta "[radians]:" tan
say "tan of theta" FORMAT(theta,, 3) "[radians]:" FORMAT(tan,, 3)

/* ----------- */

say "tan of theta" theta "[radians]:" Tan(theta)
say "tan of theta" FORMAT(theta,, 3) "[radians]:" FORMAT(Tan(theta),, 3)

/* ----------- */

theta = 0.37 ; say "acos of" theta "[radians]:" ACos(theta)

/* ----------- */

/* Unload math functions */
call mathDropFuncs

exit 0

Taking Logarithms

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* See comments in previous section header                            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Using 'rxMath' Library Routines */

/* Load [rxMath] math functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'mathLoadFuncs', 'rxMath', 'mathLoadFuncs'
call mathLoadFuncs

log_e = rxCalcLog(value)

/* ----------- */

log_10 = rxCalcLog10(value)

/* ----------- */

answer = rxlog_base(10, 10000)

say "log_base(10, 10000) ==>" FORMAT(answer,, 2)
say "log10(10000)        ==>" FORMAT(rxCalcLog10(10000),, 2)

/* ----------- */

/* Unload math functions */
call mathDropFuncs

exit 0

/* ----------- */

rxlog_base : procedure expose (globals)
  base = ARG(1) ; value = ARG(2)
  return rxCalcLog(value) / rxCalcLog(base)

/* ----------------------------- */

/* Using 'rexxMath' Library Routines */

/* Load [rexxMath] math functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'mathLoadFuncs', 'rexxMath', 'mathLoadFuncs'
call mathLoadFuncs

log_e = Log(value)

/* ----------- */

log_10 = Log10(value)

/* ----------- */

answer = log_base(10, 10000)

say "log_base(10, 10000) ==>" FORMAT(answer,, 2)
say "log10(10000)        ==>" FORMAT(Log10(10000),, 2)

/* ----------- */

/* Unload math functions */
call mathDropFuncs

exit 0

/* ----------- */

log_base : procedure expose (globals)
  base = ARG(1) ; value = ARG(2)
  return Log(value) / Log(base)

Multiplying Matrices

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* REXX offers no matrix-handling BIF's. Below can be found a custom  */
/* implementation that, perhaps unusually, represents matrices as str-*/
/* ings. Notes:                                                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Since strings are immutable, matrix manipulations result in new  */
/*   strings being created; high performance, therefore, should not be*/
/*   expected                                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Only a smattering of operations are offered, and some of them use*/ 
/*   rather naive algorithms [e.g. multiplication - Winograd's algori-*/
/*   thm could instead be used]                                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* * There is much code redundancy [e.g. 'madd' and 'msub' are identi-*/
/*   save for the arithmetic operation performed]. This could have be-*/
/*   en avoided via use of both the VALUE BIF and INTERPRET instructi-*/
/*   on [an approach much used in Chapter 4], but it was felt that co-*/
/*   de would be more readable, and perhaps more easily adapted if ke-*/
/*   pt simple, despite the repetition.                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Decision to model matrices as strings was based on two factors:  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   - Avoiding global array use                                      */
/*   - Illustrate how ADT's may be modelled using strings, and showca-*/
/*     se the REXX PARSE instruction and string manipulation BIF's    */
/*                                                                    */
/* Performance can be significantly improved without resorting to the */
/* use of global arrays by using an external library like T. J. McPhe-*/
/* e's, 'rxHash', that implements arrays as special strings that may  */
/* be freely passed around. Chapter 4 makes extensive use of this very*/
/* versatile library. I hope to provide an expanded version of the    */
/* present library using this technique as part of the REXXToolkit [to*/
/* be found in the Appendix] sometime in 2007.                        */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Global Constants */
FALSE = 0 ; TRUE = 1 ; NULL = "" ; NEWLINE = "0A"X ; SPACE = ' '
NaN = "NaN"

/* Matrix-specific global constants */
MTAG = "<M>" ; MHSEP = "|" ; MRAWSEP = "; " ; MRSEP = ";"


/* -- */

/* Global Roots and 'expose' list */
globals = "sys. env. args. $. FALSE TRUE NULL NEWLINE SPACE NaN"

/* Matrix-specific 'expose' list */
          "MRSEP" ,

/* ----------------------------- */

x = makeMatrix("3 2 3;5 9 8;") ; y = makeMatrix("4 7;9 3;8 1;")

z = mmul(x, y)

say "z =" ; call mdump z

/* ----------------------------- */

say "z determinant:" mdet(z)

say "z inverse =" ; call mdump minverse(z), 8

say "trace:      " mtrace(z)

say "z transpose =" ; call mdump mtranspose(z)

exit 0

/* ----------------------------- */

   * *** IMPORTANT ***
     Matrix rows and columns numbered from 1, and *not* 0 like so
     many zero-index-based languages

   * Variable size, delimited strings represent the matrix type.
     Each such string has a header section followed by a data
     section; typically, the string is split, metadata extracted
     from the header, and the data section returned for subsequent

   * Easy to view matrix contents: just SAY the string. The 'mdump'
     routine is available for pretty printing

   * Simple error-handling approach used: a value of, 'NaN', is
     returned where any error is detected [applies only to routines
     that do error checking - 'stupid' usage merely sees the script

   * Matrix Format [EBNF]:

     <matrix> ::= <header> <data>

          <header> ::= <type-tag> <rows> <columns> <matrix-type> <EOH>
            <data> ::= <row>+

        <type-tag> ::= '<M>'
            <rows> ::= <integer>
          <colums> ::= <integer>
     <matrix-type> ::= 'S' | 'R' | 'V' | 'Z' | 'I'
             <EOH> ::= '|'

             <row> ::= <decimal>+ <EOR>
             <EOR> ::= ';'

         <integer> ::= digit+
         <decimal> ::= <integer> | digit+ '.' digit+
           <digit> ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7'
                     | '8' | '9'

   * Matrix Format Examples:

     - 1-row matrices considered vectors
       1x1 -> "<M>1 1 V|7;"
       1x3 -> "<M>1 3 V|7 8 9;"

     - Square Matrices; regular, zero, or identity
       2x2 Regular  -> "<M>2 2 R|1 2;4 5;"
       3x3 Regular  -> "<M>3 3 R|1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9;"
       3x3 Zero     -> "<M>3 3 Z|0 0 0;0 0 0;0 0 0;"
       3x3 Identity -> "<M>3 3 I|1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1;"

     - Singular Matrices
       2x3 -> "<M>2 3 S|1 2 3;4 5 6;"
       3x2 -> "<M>3 2 S|1 2;3 4;5 6;"

   * Matrix string contains both metadata and uses a delimiter to
     mark out rows. Using only one of these items would have allowed
     determination of the other [i.e. compute metadata by counting
     delimiters, or tokenise into rows using metadata], but using both
     allowed for easy type-checking and simplified tokenisation via
     the PARSE instruction

   * Routines classed as follows:

     - Constructors [makeVector, makeMatrix, makeDiagonal]
     - Type Checkers [isVector, isMatrix, is1x1, is2x2]
     - Metadata [mrows, mcols]
     - Comparators [meql]
     - Selectors [extractMatrix, mrow, mcol, msubset, mminor]
     - Matrix Arithmetic [madd, msub, mmul, mdiv]
     - Matrix OPerations [mtranspose, mcofactor, mdet1x1, mdet2x2,
       mdet, minv1x1, minverse, mtrace]
     - Elementary Row / Column Operations [mswapc, mswapr, maddc,
       maddr, mmulc, mmulr]. These are needed for solving linear
       equations via Echelon method
     - Pretty Print [mdump]

   * Routine documentation has the following structure:

       Parameter List
       Routine Example(s)

       Parameter list conventions include:
       - x | y | z -> One of x or y or z
       - [optional arguments ...]
       - Types:
         + s, s1, s2 -> string(s)
         + n, n1, n2 -> numeric
         + v, v1, v2 -> vector(s)
         + m, m1, m2 -> matrices

/* ----------- */

makeVector : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     s | n1 [, n2, ...]
     Returns a vector created by parsing, 's', or assembling, 'n1',
     'n2' ...
     v = makeVector("1 2 3;")
     v = makeVector(1, 2, 3)
  argc = ARG() ; if argc == 0 then ; return NaN
  if argc == 1 then do
    v = ARG(1) ; argc = WORDS(v)
  end ; else do
    v = NULL ; do i = 1 for argc ; v = v ARG(i) ; end ; v = STRIP(v)
  return MTAG || 1 argc MTYPE_VECTOR || MHSEP || v || MRSEP

makeMatrix : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     s | v1 [, v2, ...]
     Returns a matrix created by parsing, 's', or assembling, 'v1',
     'v2' ...
     m = makeMatrix("1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9;")
     m = makeMatrix(makeVector(1, 2, 3))
     m = makeMatrix(makeVector(1, 2, 3), makeVector(4, 5, 6),,
         makeVector(7, 8, 9))
  argc = ARG() ; if argc == 0 then ; return NaN
  if argc == 1 then do
    m = ARG(1) ; if isVector(m) then ; return m
    rows = COUNTSTR(MRSEP, m)
    cols = WORDS(SUBSTR(m, 1, POS(MRSEP, m) - 1))
    rv = NULL ; do i = 1 for rows
      parse var m row (MRSEP) m ; rv = rv || row || MRSEP
  end ; else do
    rows = argc ; rv = NULL ; do i = 1 for rows
      parse value ARG(i) with (MTAG) . cols . (MHSEP) data
      rv = rv || data
    when cols == rows then ; type = MTYPE_REGULAR
    otherwise ; type = MTYPE_SINGULAR
  return MTAG || rows cols type || MHSEP || STRIP(rv)

makeDiagonal : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     s | v | n1 [, n2, ...]
     Returns a square matrix with a leading diagonal having the values
     obtained by parsing, 's', assembling, 'v1', 'v2', or from, 'v'
     m = makeDiagonal("1 2 3;")
     m = makeDiagonal(1, 2, 3)
     m = makeDiagonal(makeVector(1, 2, 3))
  argc = ARG() ; if argc == 0 then ; return NaN
  ONE_ONLY = TRUE ; chksum = 0
  if argc == 1 then do
    v = ARG(1) ; if isVector(v) then do
      parse var v (MTAG) . cols . (MHSEP) data
    end ; else do
      cols = WORDS(SUBSTR(v, 1, POS(MRSEP, v) - 1)) ; data = v
    parse var data row (MRSEP) .
    rows = cols ; rv = NULL ; do i = 1 for rows
      do j = 1 for cols
        if i == j then do
          parse var row item row
          chksum = chksum + item ; rv = rv item
          if item > 1 then ; ONE_ONLY = FALSE
        end ; else ; rv = rv 0
      rv = rv || MRSEP
  end ; else do
    cols = argc ; rows = cols ; rv = NULL
    do i = 1 for rows
      do j = 1 for cols
        if i == j then do
          value = ARG(i) ; chksum = chksum + value ; rv = rv value
          if value > 1 then ; ONE_ONLY = FALSE
        end ; else ; rv = rv 0
      rv = rv || MRSEP
    when chksum == 0 then ; type = MTYPE_ZERO
    when chksum == rows & ONE_ONLY then ; type = MTYPE_IDENTITY
    otherwise ; type = MTYPE_REGULAR
  return MTAG || rows cols type || MHSEP ||,

/* -- */

isMatrix : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     TRUE if 'm' determined to be a matrix
     if \isMatrix(m) then ; return NaN
  parse value WORD(ARG(1), 1) with marker +3 rows .
  return marker == MTAG & rows >= 1

isVector : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     TRUE if 'm' determined to be a vector, a 1-row matrix. Note
     that a vector is still a matrix, merely a more specialised one
     if \isVector(v) then ; return NaN
  parse value WORD(ARG(1), 1) with marker +3 rows .
  return marker == MTAG & rows == 1

is2x2 : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     TRUE if 'm' determined to be a 2x2 matrix. Required in recursive
     matrix operations like determinant, cofactor and inverse
     if is2x2(m) then ; return mdet2x2(m)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) rows cols . (MHSEP) .
  return rows == cols & rows == 2

is1x1 : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     TRUE if 'm' determined to be a 1x1 matrix, a single-element,
     square matrix. Required in recursive matrix operations like
     determinant, cofactor and inverse
     if is1x1(m) then ; return mdet1x1(m)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) rows cols . (MHSEP) .
  return rows == cols & rows == 1

/* ----------- */

mrows : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     Returns number of rows matrix, 'm', possesses
     rows = mrows(m)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) rows . . (MHSEP) . ; return rows

mcols : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     Returns number of columns matrix, 'm', possesses
     columns = mcols(m)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) . cols . (MHSEP) . ; return cols

/* -- */

meql : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m1, m2
     TRUE if 'm1' and 'm2' determined to be equal, that is:
     * Structurally identical i.e. same number of rows and columns
     * Same type
     * Same contents
     if meql(m1, m2) then ; return ...
  return ARG(1) == ARG(2)

/* -- */

extractMatrix : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     Returns matrix data sans header 
     data = extractMatrix(m)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) . . . (MHSEP) data ; return data

mrow : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, row
     Extracts specified row number, 'row', from matrix, 'm'
     row = mrow(m, 2)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) rows . . (MHSEP) data ; r = ARG(2)
  if r < 1 | r > rows then ; return NaN
  do i = 1 while data <> NULL
    parse var data row (MRSEP) data ; if i == r then ; leave
  end ; return row

mcol : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, col
     Extracts specified column number, 'col', from matrix, 'm'
     column = mcol(m, 2)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) . cols . (MHSEP) data ; c = ARG(2)
  if c < 1 | c > cols then ; return NaN
  col = NULL ; do while data <> NULL
    parse var data row (MRSEP) data ; col = col WORD(row, c)
  end ; return STRIP(col)

msubset : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, row, col [[, xlen], ylen]
     Returns a matrix extracted from matrix, 'm', data starting from
     row number, 'row', and column number, 'col'. Entire length of
     specified items is returned unless an optional length value is
     specified for each item
     m2 = msubset(m1, 2, 3)
     m2 = msubset(m1, 2, 3, 5, 5)
     m2 = msubset(m1, 2, 3, , 5)
     m2 = msubset(m1, 2, 3, 5)
  argc = ARG() ; rv = NaN
  if argc <> 3 | argc <> 5 then ; return rv
  x = ARG(2) ; y = ARG(3)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) rows cols . (MHSEP) data
  if x > rows | y > cols then ; return rv
  xlen = rows ; if ARG(4, 'E') then ; xlen = ARG(4)
  ylen = cols ; if ARG(5, 'E') then ; ylen = ARG(5)

  /* ... to be completed ... */

  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

mminor : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, row, col
     Returns a matrix extracted from matrix, 'm', data consisting of
     all rows and columns except the specified row number, 'row', and
     column number, 'col'. Such a matrix is known as the 'minor' and
     is needed for computing a matrix's determinant
     minor = mminor(m, 1, 3)
  argc = ARG() ; rv = NaN
  if argc <> 3 then ; return rv
  x = ARG(2) ; y = ARG(3)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) rows cols . (MHSEP) data
  if x > rows | y > cols then ; return rv

  rv = NULL ; do i = 1 while data <> NULL
    parse var data row (MRSEP) data
    if i == x then ; iterate
    do j = 1 while row <> NULL
      parse var row item row
      if j == y then ; iterate
      rv = rv item
    end ; rv = rv || MRSEP
  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

/* -- */

mdump : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m [, width]
     Pretty prints matrix, 'm'; default width used unless specified
     call mdump m
     call mdump m, 8
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) . . . (MHSEP) data
  cellwidth = 4 ; if ARG(2, 'E') then ; cellwidth = ARG(2)
  do while data <> NULL
    parse var data row (MRSEP) data
    out = "|" ; do while row <> NULL
      parse var row item row ; out = out LEFT(item, cellwidth) "|"
    say out
  end ; return

/* -- */

madd : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m1, m2 | n
     Returns matrix where:
     * 'n' added to each element, or
     * corresponding elements of matrices added together [each matrix
       must have the same size i.e. m1:RxC == m2:RxC]
     m3 = madd(m1, m2)
     m3 = madd(m1, 5)
  m1 = ARG(1) ; m2 = ARG(2) ; rv = NaN
  if \isMatrix(m1) then ; return rv
  parse var m1 (MTAG) m1rows m1cols . (MHSEP) m1data
  if isMatrix(m2) then do
    parse var m2 (MTAG) m2rows m2cols . (MHSEP) m2data
    if m1rows <> m2rows | m1cols <> m2cols then ; return rv
    rv = NULL ; do while m1data <> NULL
      parse var m1data m1row (MRSEP) m1data
      parse var m2data m2row (MRSEP) m2data
      do while m1row <> NULL
        parse var m1row m1item m1row ; parse var m2row m2item m2row
        rv = rv (m1item + m2item)
      end ; rv = rv || MRSEP
  end ; else do
    rv = NULL ; do while m1data <> NULL
      parse var m1data m1row (MRSEP) m1data
      do while m1row <> NULL
        parse var m1row m1item m1row ; rv = rv (m1item + m2)
      end ; rv = rv || MRSEP
  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

msub : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m1, m2 | n
     Returns matrix where:
     * 'n' subtracted from to each element, or
     * corresponding elements of matrices subtracted [each matrix
       must have the same size i.e. m1:RxC == m2:RxC]
     m3 = msub(m1, m2)
     m3 = msub(m1, 5)
  m1 = ARG(1) ; m2 = ARG(2) ; rv = NaN
  if \isMatrix(m1) then ; return rv
  parse var m1 (MTAG) m1rows m1cols . (MHSEP) m1data
  if isMatrix(m2) then do
    parse var m2 (MTAG) m2rows m2cols . (MHSEP) m2data
    if m1rows <> m2rows | m1cols <> m2cols then ; return rv
    rv = NULL ; do while m1data <> NULL
      parse var m1data m1row (MRSEP) m1data
      parse var m2data m2row (MRSEP) m2data
      do while m1row <> NULL
        parse var m1row m1item m1row ; parse var m2row m2item m2row
        rv = rv (m1item - m2item)
      end ; rv = rv || MRSEP
  end ; else do
    rv = NULL ; do while m1data <> NULL
      parse var m1data m1row (MRSEP) m1data
      do while m1row <> NULL
        parse var m1row m1item m1row ; rv = rv (m1item - m2)
      end ; rv = rv || MRSEP
  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

mmul : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m1, m2 | n
     Returns matrix where:
     * 'n' multiplied with each element, or
     * corresponding elements of matrices multiplied [matrices
       must meet condition m1:C == m2:R; m3 -> m1:Rxm2:C]
     m3 = mmul(m1, m2)
     m3 = mmul(m1, 5)
  m1 = ARG(1) ; m2 = ARG(2) ; rv = NaN
  if \isMatrix(m1) then ; return rv
  parse var m1 (MTAG) m1rows m1cols . (MHSEP) m1data
  if isMatrix(m2) then do
    parse var m2 (MTAG) m2rows m2cols . (MHSEP) m2data
    if m1cols <> m2rows then ; return rv

    /* Extract matrix data, load into compound variables, 'a' and 'b' */    
    r = 1 ; c = 1 ; a.0 = m1rows ; a.0.0 = m1cols
    do while m1data <> NULL
      parse var m1data m1row (MRSEP) m1data
      do while m1row <> NULL
        parse var m1row item m1row ; a.r.c = item
        c = c + 1
      r = r + 1 ; c = 1
    r = 1 ; c = 1 ; b.0 = m2rows ; b.0.0 = m2cols
    do while m2data <> NULL
      parse var m2data m2row (MRSEP) m2data
      do while m2row <> NULL
        parse var m2row item m2row ; b.r.c = item
        c = c + 1
      r = r + 1 ; c = 1

    /* Perform multiplication using compound variables */
    do i = 1 to a.0                      /* m1rows */
      do j = 1 to b.0.0                  /* m2cols */
        c.i.j = 0 ; do k = 1 to b.0      /* m2rows */
          c.i.j = c.i.j + a.i.k * b.k.j 

    /* Return computed values as new matrix */
    rv = NULL ; do i = 1 to m1rows
      do j = 1 to m2cols ; rv = rv c.i.j ; end
      rv = rv || MRSEP

  end ; else do
    rv = NULL ; do while m1data <> NULL
      parse var m1data m1row (MRSEP) m1data
      do while m1row <> NULL
        parse var m1row m1item m1row ; rv = rv (m1item * m2)
      end ; rv = rv || MRSEP

  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

mdiv : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m1, m2 | n
     Returns matrix where:
     * 'n' divided into each element, or
     * corresponding elements of matrices divided [matrices
       must meet condition m1:C == m2:R, and m2 must be square;
       m3 -> m1:Rxm2:C]
     m3 = mdiv(m1, m2)
     m3 = mdiv(m1, 5)
  m1 = ARG(1) ; m2 = ARG(2) ; rv = NaN
  if \isMatrix(m1) then ; return rv
  parse var m1 (MTAG) m1rows m1cols . (MHSEP) m1data
  if isMatrix(m2) then do
    parse var m2 (MTAG) m2rows m2cols . (MHSEP) m2data
    if m1cols <> m2rows | m2cols <> m2rows then ; return rv
    return mmul(m1, minverse(m2))
  end ; else do
    rv = NULL ; do while m1data <> NULL
      parse var m1data m1row (MRSEP) m1data
      do while m1row <> NULL
        parse var m1row m1item m1row ; rv = rv (m1item / m2)
      end ; rv = rv || MRSEP
  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

/* -- */

maddr : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, n | v, row
     Returns matrix with all elements of row number, 'row',
     of matrix, 'm':
     * Having, 'n' added, or
     * corresponding elements from, 'v', added [assumes m:R == v:R]
     m2 = maddr(m1, 4, 3)
     m2 = maddr(m1, makeVector("1 2 3;"), 3)
  m = ARG(1) ; v = ARG(2) ; row = ARG(3) ; rv = NaN ; isVector = FALSE
  if \isMatrix(m) then ; return rv
  parse var m (MTAG) mrows mcols . (MHSEP) mdata

  if isVector(v) then do
    parse var v (MTAG) . vcols . (MHSEP) vrow (MRSEP)
    if row > mrows | mcols <> vcols then ; return rv
    isVector = TRUE

  rv = NULL ; do i = 1 while mdata <> NULL
    parse var mdata mrow (MRSEP) mdata
    if i == row then
      do while mrow <> NULL
        parse var mrow mitem mrow
        if isVector then ; parse var vrow vitem vrow ; else ; vitem = v
        rv = rv (mitem + vitem)
      rv = rv || mrow
    rv = rv || MRSEP

  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

maddc : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, n | v, col
     Returns matrix with all elements of column number, 'col',
     of matrix, 'm':
     * Having, 'n' added, or
     * corresponding elements from, 'v', added [assumes m:C == v:C]
     m2 = maddc(m1, 4, 3)
     m2 = maddc(m1, makeVector("1 2 3;"), 3)
  m = ARG(1) ; v = ARG(2) ; col = ARG(3) ; rv = NaN ; isVector = FALSE
  if \isMatrix(m) then ; return rv
  parse var m (MTAG) mrows mcols . (MHSEP) mdata

  if isVector(v) then do
    parse var v (MTAG) . vcols . (MHSEP) vrow (MRSEP)
    if col > mcols | mrows <> vcols then ; return rv
    isVector = TRUE

  rv = NULL ; do while mdata <> NULL
    parse var mdata mrow (MRSEP) mdata
    do j = 1 while mrow <> NULL
      parse var mrow mitem mrow
      if j == col then do
        if isVector then ; parse var vrow vitem vrow ; else ; vitem = v
        rv = rv (mitem + vitem)
      end ; else do
        rv = rv mitem
    rv = rv || MRSEP

  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

mmulr : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, n, row
     Returns matrix with all elements of row number, 'row',
     of matrix, 'm', multiplied by, 'n'
     m2 = mmulr(m1, 4, 3)
  m = ARG(1) ; n = ARG(2) ; row = ARG(3) ; rv = NaN
  if \isMatrix(m) then ; return rv
  parse var m (MTAG) mrows mcols . (MHSEP) mdata
  if row > mrows then ; return rv
  rv = NULL ; do i = 1 while mdata <> NULL
    parse var mdata mrow (MRSEP) mdata
    if i == row then
      do while mrow <> NULL
        parse var mrow mitem mrow ; rv = rv (mitem * n)
      rv = rv mrow
    rv = rv || MRSEP
  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

mmulc : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, n, col
     Returns matrix with all elements of column number, 'col',
     of matrix, 'm', multiplied by, 'n'
     m2 = mmulc(m1, 4, 3)
  m = ARG(1) ; n = ARG(2) ; col = ARG(3) ; rv = NaN
  if \isMatrix(m) then ; return rv
  parse var m (MTAG) mrows mcols . (MHSEP) mdata
  if col > mcols then ; return rv
  rv = NULL ; do while mdata <> NULL
    parse var mdata mrow (MRSEP) mdata
    do j = 1 while mrow <> NULL
      parse var mrow mitem mrow
      if j == col then ; rv = rv (mitem * n)
      else ; rv = rv mitem
    rv = rv || MRSEP
  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

mswapr : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, x, y
     Returns matrix with row numbers, 'x', and 'y', of matrix, 'm',
     m2 = mswapr(m1, 1, 3)
  m = ARG(1) ; x = ARG(2) ; y = ARG(3) ; rv = NaN
  if \isMatrix(m) then ; return rv
  parse var m (MTAG) rows . . (MHSEP) data
  if x > rows | y > rows then ; return rv
  xr = mrow(m, x) ; yr = mrow(m, y)
  rv = NULL ; do i = 1 while data <> NULL
    parse var data row (MRSEP) data
    if i == x then ; rv = rv yr
    else ; if i == y then ; rv = rv xr
    else ; rv = rv row
    rv = rv || MRSEP
  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

mswapc : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, x, y
     Returns matrix with column numbers, 'x', and 'y', of matrix, 'm',
     m2 = mswapc(m1, 1, 3)
  m = ARG(1) ; x = ARG(2) ; y = ARG(3) ; rv = NaN
  if \isMatrix(m) then ; return rv
  parse var m (MTAG) rows cols . (MHSEP) data
  if x > cols | y > cols then ; return rv

  r = 1 ; c = 1 ; a.0 = rows ; a.0.0 = cols
  do while data <> NULL
    parse var data row (MRSEP) data
    do while row <> NULL
      parse var row item row ; a.r.c = item
      c = c + 1
    r = r + 1 ; c = 1

  do i = 1 to a.0
    tmp = a.i.x ; a.i.x = a.i.y ; a.i.y = tmp

  rv = NULL ; do i = 1 to a.0
    do j = 1 to a.0.0 ; rv = rv a.i.j ; end
    rv = rv || MRSEP

  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

/* -- */

mtranspose : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     Returns matrix consisting of the transpose of 'm' [i.e.
     corresponding row / column positions swapped]
     transpose = mtranspose(m)
  m = ARG(1) ; rv = NaN
  if \isMatrix(m) then ; return rv
  parse var m (MTAG) rows cols . (MHSEP) data
  r = 1 ; c = 1 ; a.0 = rows ; a.0.0 = cols
  do while data <> NULL
    parse var data row (MRSEP) data
    do while row <> NULL
      parse var row item row ; a.r.c = item
      c = c + 1
    r = r + 1 ; c = 1
  rv = NULL ; do j = 1 to a.0.0
    do i = 1 to a.0 ; rv = rv a.i.j ; end
    rv = rv || MRSEP
  return makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP)))

mcofactor : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     m, i, j
     Returns the cofactor of the matrix; sign determined via values
     of row and column numbers, 'i', and 'j', respectively
     cofactor = mcofactor(m, i, j)
  m = ARG(1) ; i = ARG(2) ; j = ARG(3)
  if ((i + j) // 2) <> 0 then ; sign = -1 ; else ; sign = 1
  if is1x1(m) then ; return sign * mdet(m)
  return sign * mdet(mminor(m, i, j))

mdet1x1 : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     Returns the determinant of a 1x1 square matrix
     determinant = mdet1x1(m)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) . . . (MHSEP) a (MRSEP) .
  return a

mdet2x2 : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     Returns the determinant of a 2x2 square matrix
     determinant = mdet2x2(m)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) . . . (MHSEP) a b (MRSEP) c d (MRSEP) .
  return a * d - b * c

mdet : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     Returns the determinant of the square matrix
     determinant = mdet(m)
  m = ARG(1)
  if is1x1(m) then ; return mdet1x1(m)
  if is2x2(m) then ; return mdet2x2(m)
  parse var m (MTAG) . cols . (MHSEP) row (MRSEP) .
  det = 0 ; do j = 1 to cols
    det = det + WORD(row, j) * mcofactor(m, 1, j)
  end ; return det

minv1x1 : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     Returns the inverse of the 1x1 matrix
     inverse = minv1x1(m)
  parse value ARG(1) with (MTAG) . . . (MHSEP) a (MRSEP) .
  return 1 / a

minverse : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     Returns the inverse of the square matrix
     inverse = minverse(m)
  m = ARG(1) ; if \isMatrix(m) then ; return NaN
  parse var m (MTAG) rows cols . (MHSEP) data
  if rows <> cols then ; return NaN
  if is1x1(m) then ; return makeVector(minv1x1(m))
  rv = NULL ; det = mdet(m) ; do i = 1 for rows
    do j = 1 for cols ; rv = rv (mcofactor(m, i, j) / det) ; end
    rv = rv || MRSEP
  return mtranspose(makeMatrix(STRIP(CHANGESTR(MRAWSEP, rv, MRSEP))))

mtrace : procedure expose (globals) (matdefs)
     Returns the trace of the square matrix [i.e. sum of the leading
     diagonal elements]
     trace = mtrace(m)
  m = ARG(1) ; trace = 0
  if \isMatrix(m) then ; return NaN
  parse var m (MTAG) rows cols . (MHSEP) data
  if rows <> cols then ; return NaN
  do i = 1 while data <> NULL
    parse var data row (MRSEP) data
    do j = 1 while row <> NULL
      parse var row item row ; if i == j then ; trace = trace + item
  return trace

Using Complex Numbers

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* REXX offers no complex number-handling BIF's. However, there are   */
/* native-REXX implementations available from:                        */
/*                                                                    */
/*     http://www.geocities.com/zabrodskyvlada/aat/a_contents.html    */
/*                                                                    */
/* just as there are implementations of many other classic algorithms.*/
/*                                                                    */
/* The code below, however, is not adapted from the examples at this  */
/* site, but is instead inspired by a Scheme implementation in the    */
/* very well known publication, 'Structure and Interpretation of Prog-*/
/* rams' by Abelson and Sussman. See:                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/*     http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/sicp/book/node43.html   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Using 'rexxMath' Library Routines */

/* Load [rexxMath] math functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'mathLoadFuncs', 'rexxMath', 'mathLoadFuncs'
call mathLoadFuncs

/* ----------- */

a = makeComplex(3, 5) ; b = makeComplex(2, -2)

c = cmul(a, b)

say "c =" asComplex(c)

/* ----------- */

c = cmul(makeComplex(3, 5), makeComplex(2, -2))

say "c =" asComplex(c)

/* ----------- */

d = makeComplex(3, 4)

say "d =" asComplex(d)
say "sqrt(d) =" asComplex(csqrt(d))

/* ----------- */

say "Rectangualar Notation:" asComplex(csqrt(makeComplex(3, 4)))

say "Polar Notation:" asPolar(csqrt(makeComplex(3, 4)))

/* ----------- */

/* Unload math functions */
call mathDropFuncs

exit 0

/* ----------------------------- */

makeComplex : procedure
  return "<C> " ARG(1) " " ARG(2)

makeFromPolar : procedure
  r = ARG(1) ; a = ARG(2)
  return makeComplex(r * Cos(a), r * Sin(a))

real : procedure
  parse value ARG(1) with "<C>" real . ; return real

imag : procedure
  parse value ARG(1) with "<C>" . imag . ; return imag

magnitude : procedure
  parse value ARG(1) with "<C>" real imag .
  return Sqrt(real * real + imag * imag)

angle : procedure
  parse value ARG(1) with "<C>" real imag .
  return ATan(imag, real)

isNaN : procedure
  return ARG(1) == "NaN"

isComplex : procedure
  return LEFT(ARG(1), 3) == "<C>"

asComplex : procedure
  z = ARG(1) ; if \isComplex(z) then ; return "NaN"
  else ; do
    parse var z "<C>" real imag .
    dec = 3 ; if ARG(2, E) then ; dec = ARG(2)
    sign = "+" ; if imag < 0 then ; sign = "-"
    return FORMAT(real,, dec) sign FORMAT(ABS(imag),, dec) || "i"

asPolar : procedure
  z = ARG(1) ; if \isComplex(z) then ; return "NaN"
  else ; do
    parse var z "<C>" real imag .
    dec = 3 ; if ARG(2, E) then ; dec = ARG(2)
    return "(" || FORMAT(magnitude(z),, dec) || ",",
           FORMAT(angle(z),, dec) || ")"

/* ----------- */

cadd : procedure
  z1 = ARG(1) ; z2 = ARG(2)
  if \isComplex(z1) | \isComplex(z1) then ; return "NaN"
  rz1 = real(z1) ; rz2 = real(z2); iz1 = imag(z1) ; iz2 = imag(z2)
  return makeComplex((rz1 + rz2), (iz1 + iz2))

csub : procedure
  z1 = ARG(1) ; z2 = ARG(2)
  if \isComplex(z1) | \isComplex(z1) then ; return "NaN"
  rz1 = real(z1) ; rz2 = real(z2); iz1 = imag(z1) ; iz2 = imag(z2)
  return makeComplex((rz1 - rz2), (iz1 - iz2))

cmul : procedure
  z1 = ARG(1) ; z2 = ARG(2)
  if \isComplex(z1) | \isComplex(z1) then ; return "NaN"
  mz1 = magnitude(z1) ; mz2 = magnitude(z2) ; az1 = angle(z1)
  az2 = angle(z2)
  return makeComplex((mz1 * mz2), (az1 + az2))

cdiv : procedure
  z1 = ARG(1) ; z2 = ARG(2)
  if \isComplex(z1) | \isComplex(z1) then ; return "NaN"
  mz1 = magnitude(z1) ; mz2 = magnitude(z2) ; az1 = angle(z1)
  az2 = angle(z2)
  return makeComplex((mz1 / mz2), (az1 - az2))

csqrt : procedure
  z = ARG(1) ; if \isComplex(z) then ; return "NaN"
  r = magnitude(z) ; a = angle(z)
  u = makeComplex(Sqrt(r) * Cos(a / 2.0), Sqrt(r) * Sin(a / 2.0))
  t = makeComplex(-real(u), -imag(u))
  if \(angle(u) < angle(t)) then ; u = t
  return u

Converting Between Octal and Hexadecimal

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Whilst binary, hexadecimal, decimal interconversion is quite well  */
/* supported in REXX, octal support is non-existent. This is because  */
/* of REXX's mainframe heritage: octal is simply not used on these    */
/* platforms.                                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* It is, however, quite easy to implement suitable custom functions  */
/* as has been done here.                                             */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

  hexadecimal = "2A" ; octal = "10"

  number = X2D(hexadecimal)
  number = O2D(octal)

  hexadecimal = D2X(number)
  octal = D2O(number)

/* ----------------------------- */

     Assumes following input formats:

       decimal - plain digits
       octal - leading '0' character
       hexadecimal - leading '0x' | '0X' character sequence


       14 -> 016 -> 0xE

  call CHAROUT , "Gimme a number in decimal, octal, or hex: "

  parse value LINEIN() with "0x" hex =1 "0" oct =1 dec

    when hex \= NULL then ; number = X2D(hex)
    when oct \= NULL then ; number = O2D(oct)
    when dec \= NULL then ; number = dec

  say number "d" D2X(number) "h" D2O(number) "o"

  exit 0

/* ----------- */

D2O : procedure expose (globals)
  parse arg d, o
  do until d = 0 ; r = d // 8 ; d = d % 8 ; o = r || o ; end
  return o

O2D : procedure expose (globals)
  parse value ARG(1) LENGTH(ARG(1)) 0 with ov sp dv
  do i = 1 for sp
    parse var ov =(i) oi +1
    if oi == "8" | oi == "9" then ; return NULL
    parse value (dv + ((8 ** (sp - i)) * oi)) with dv
  return dv

Putting Commas in Numbers

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* REXX-idiomatic approach to this task is via 'do' loop and string   */
/* manipulation BIF since it is cross-platform and guarantees the best*/
/* performance. However, a recursive solution is easily implementable */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* REXX-idiomatic 'do' loop and BIF Example */

commified = commify("12345678") ; say commified

exit 0

/* ----------- */

commify : procedure expose (globals)
  s = ARG(1) ; l = LENGTH(s) - 3
  do i = l by -3 while i > 0 ; s = INSERT(",", s, i) ; end
  return s

/* ----------------------------- */

/* Recursive Implementation */

commified = commify("12345678") ; say commified

exit 0

/* ----------- */

commify : procedure expose (globals)
  return STRIP(commify_(REVERSE(ARG(1))), 'T', ",")

commify_ : procedure expose (globals)
  parse value ARG(1) with car +3 cdr
  if car == NULL then ; return NULL
  return commify_(cdr) || REVERSE(car) || ","

Printing Correct Plurals

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* REXX-idiomatic approach to this task is via 'do' loop and the PARSE*/
/* instruction.                                                       */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

duration = 1
say "It took" duration pluralise(duration, "hour")
say duration pluralise(duration, "hour"),
    pluralise(duration, "", "is", "are"),

duration = 5
say "It took" duration pluralise(duration, "hour")
say duration pluralise(duration, "hour"),
    pluralise(duration, "", "is", "are"),

exit 0

/* ----------- */

pluralise : procedure
  value = ARG(1) ; root = ARG(2)
  singular = "" ; if ARG(3, 'E') then ; singular = ARG(3)
  plural = "s" ; if ARG(4, 'E') then ; plural = ARG(4)
  if value == 1 then ; return root || singular
  return root || plural

/* ----------------------------- */

list = "mess index leaf puppy"

do while list <> "" 
  parse var list word list
  say LEFT(word, 6) "->" plural(word)

exit 0

/* ----------- */

plural : procedure
  endings = "ss:sses ph:phes sh:shes ch:ches ey:eys ix:ices",
            "ff:ffs z:zes f:ves y:ies s:ses x:xes"

  singular = ARG(1) ; plural = singular ; do while endings <> NULL
    parse var endings key ":" value endings

    /* ===
       Both approaches below work. First one makes exclusive use of
       string manipulation BIF's, while the second one uses the PARSE
       instruction to split a string, and is probably faster

    /* 1 */
    if RIGHT(singular, LENGTH(key)) == key then do
      plural = LEFT(singular, LENGTH(singular) - LENGTH(key)) || value

    /* 2 */
    pos = LENGTH(singular) - LENGTH(key)
    parse var singular car +(pos) cdr
    if cdr == key then do ; plural = car || value ; leave ; end

    === */

    pos = LENGTH(singular) - LENGTH(key)
    parse var singular car +(pos) cdr
    if cdr == key then do ; plural = car || value ; leave ; end


  return plural

Program: Calculating Prime Factors