4. Arrays


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* REXX is perhaps an unusual language in that it does not implement  */
/* either C-style structures or C-style arrays. Instead, it implements*/
/* what are called 'compound variables' which, under the covers, are a*/
/* form of associative array [or 'hash', to use the Perl treminology].*/
/* Compound variable usage will be further discussed in Chapter 5 in  */
/* the context of Perl 'hashes'.                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* Compound variable usage aside, array-like functionality may be had */
/* via:                                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Third party libraries ['rxHash' library illustrated here] which  */
/*   merely involves manipulating array-like objects using relevant   */
/*   library subroutines. Any mention of 'arrays' in this chapter is  */
/*   to be understood as referring to entities created using this     */
/*   library, and it should be appreciated that such code is not truly*/
/*   portable, but specific to platforms on which this library is     */
/*   available [currently UNIX / Linux, Win32, OS/2]                  */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Delimited strings; a character (usually a SPACE) delimits a set  */
/*   of character sequences, each of which may be considered to be a  */
/*   'word' or 'element'. BIF's such as WORD, WORDS, and DELWORD allow*/
/*   delimited strings to model sets, records, and both single and    */
/*   multi-dimension arrays. Whilst very useful, they suffer from two */
/*   problems:                                                        */
/*                                                                    */
/*   - Immutable, so any modification sees a copy made [read: poor    */
/*     performance when compared to in-place modification]            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   - Cannot be [easily] nested, so do not have quite the utility of */
/*     true lists like those found in functional languages            */    
/*                                                                    */
/* In order to improve the readability of examples, and to avoid the  */
/* presence of too much redundant code, a number of custom helper     */
/* subroutines / functions will be used. Most of these routines are   */
/* functionally similar to Perl or Python counterparts such as 'split'*/
/* and 'join', while others are similar to Scheme routines such as    */
/* 'foreach', 'map', and 'reduce'. Code and documentation for these   */
/* will be found in the Appendix; listed here for easy reference:     */ 
/*                                                                    */
/* * Constructors / Finaliser                                         */
/*   - array = makeArray(var1, var2, ...)                             */
/*   - array = makeArrayRange(start, end, increment)                  */
/*   - dropArray(array1, array2, ...)                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Array Manipulation                                               */
/*   - array = ajoin(array1, array2, ...)                             */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Perl / Python Hybrids                                            */
/*   - array = split(string, delimiter)                               */
/*   - array = chop(string, length)                                   */
/*   - string = join(array, delimiter)                                */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Functional Hybrids                                               */
/*   - forupdate(array, procname, procargs, ...)                      */
/*   - foreach(array, procname, procargs, ...)                        */
/*   - reduction = reduce(array, reduction, procname, procargs, ...)  */
/*   - array = map(array, procname, procargs, ...)                    */
/*                                                                    */
/* In addition, the 'rxHash' library will be used to implement other  */
/* useful data structure-handling routines, including:                */
/*                                                                    */
/* * ...                                                              */
/*                                                                    */
/* REXX purists will certainly criticise the approach taken as one    */
/* that is:                                                           */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Non-portable, particularly to 'large-system' environments        */ 
/* * Inefficient, particularly any use of the INTERPRET instruction   */
/* * Non-REXX idiomatic, by trying to mimic Python or Scheme idioms   */
/*                                                                    */
/* However, I simply wish to counter by saying that this approach:    */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Helps REXX examples more closely resemble the Perl-originals     */
/* * Non-compound variable 'arrays' are not REXX-idiomatic anyway, so */
/*   it shouldn't be a concern [compound variable use will be covered */
/*   in the chapter on hashes]                                        */
/* * Showcases the versatility of the REXX language                   */
/*                                                                    */
/* Third-party library directions:                                    */
/*                                                                    */
/* Use of 'rxHash' assumes the following prologue / epilogue:         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   call rxFuncAdd 'arrLoadFuncs', 'rxhash', 'arrLoadFuncs'          */
/*   call arrLoadFuncs                                                */
/*   ...                                                              */
/*   call arrDropFuncs                                                */
/*                                                                    */
/* whilst use of 'rexxUtil' requires:                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/*   call rxFuncAdd 'sysLoadFuncs', 'rexxutil', 'sysLoadFuncs'        */
/*   call sysLoadFuncs                                                */
/*   ...                                                              */
/*   call sysDropFuncs                                                */
/*                                                                    */
/* A final thing worth mentioning is the reason for using 'rxHash' to */
/* implement numerically-indexed arrays [which need to have elements  */
/* 'shuffled' when middle element insertions and deletions are made]  */
/* rather than other data structures like lists. The reason was so ma-*/
/* ximum utility could be maintained:                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Only numeric arrays can easily be converted to compound variables*/
/*   [and vice versa] by library functions                            */
/* * Only numeric arrays can easily be sorted, both by a supplied lib-*/
/*   rary function [thus providing fast sorting] and in general, w/o  */
/*   the need for copying elememts                                    */
/* * Only numeric arrays are traversable via DO ... END; otherwise the*/
/*   'arrStemDoOver' has to be used, and it neither iterates in order */
/*   nor does it allow the number of elements to be discerned         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Load general-purpose functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'sysLoadFuncs', 'rexxUtil', 'sysLoadFuncs'
call sysLoadFuncs

/* Load array functions from external library */
call rxFuncAdd 'arrLoadFuncs', 'rxHash', 'arrLoadFuncs'
call arrLoadFuncs

/* ----------------------------- */

nested = makeArray("this", "that", "the", "other") ; call arrDrop nested

/* ----------- */

   NESTED arrays are possible, though somewhat awkward to use because
   references to any 'contained' arrays must be explicitly created
   and explicitly destroyed [though they can be inlined if the
   'containing' array will be freed using the 'dropArray' routine].
   The situation is analogous to managing C pointers [in fact, that
   *is* what is being done, albeit indirectly :)]

/* Make inner array, store reference, add it as outer array element */
lvl_1 = makeArray("the", "other")
nested = makeArray("this", "that", lvl_1)

/* Take care to destroy inner array reference before container itself */
call arrDrop lvl_1 ; call arrDrop nested

/* ----------- */

   Alternative to above, but *must* free with 'dropArray'; preferable
   to use latter anyway since it accepts multiple arguments except on
   large arrays, or those containing deeply-nested arrays

nested = makeArray("this", "that", makeArray("the", "other"))

call dropArray nested

/* ----------------------------- */

tune = makeArray("The", "Star-spangled", "Banner") ; call dropArray tune

Specifying a List In Your Program

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Array management entails:                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* * Creating an array, and saving its 'handle'                       */
/* * Using the handle for subsequent access, and updates              */
/* * Explicitly destroying the array via the handle; failure to do    */
/*   this will see memory leakages occur                              */
/*                                                                    */
/* Really no different to managing pointers in a language like C. Of  */
/* course since it is a library facility rather than an language elem-*/
/* ent, it is less convenient [i.e. no inlining of array creation cal-*/
/* -ls, no 'array literals' etc] to use.                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

a = makeArray("quick", "brown", "fox") ; call dropArray a

/* ----------------------------- */

a = split("Why are you teasing me?") ; call dropArray a

/* ----------------------------- */

lines = makeArray()

signal HEREDOC /*
The boy stood on the burning deck,
It was as hot as glass.

  do i = SIGL + 1
    line = SOURCELINE(i)
    if line = "*/" then ; leave
    call asplice lines, -1, "IA", line

call dropArray lines

/* ----------------------------- */

bigarray = makeArray()

parse value LINEIN("mydatafile.txt") with line
do while line <> NULL
  call asplice bigarry, -1, "IA", line
  parse value LINEIN("mydatafile.txt") with line

call dropArray bigarray

/* ----------------------------- */

banner = "The Mines of Moria"
banner = 'The Mines of Moria'

/* ----------------------------- */

name = "Gandalf"
banner = "Speak," name || ", and enter."

/* ----------------------------- */

his_host = "www.perl.com"

host_info = nslookup(his_host)

/* ----------- */

nslookup : procedure expose (globals)
  cmd = "nslookup" ARG(1) ; out = NULL
  address SYSTEM cmd with OUTPUT STEM cmdout.
  do i = 1 for cmdout.0 ; out = out NEWLINE cmdout.i ; end
  return STRIP(out)

/* ----------------------------- */

banner = makeArray("Costs", "only", "$4.95") ; call dropArray banner
banner = split("Costs only $4.95") ; call dropArray banner

/* ----------------------------- */

brax = split('"' "'" "( ) < > { } [ ]", SPACE)
rings = split("'They're" '"Nenya Narya Vilya"' || "'", SPACE)
tags = split("LI TABLE TR TD A IMG H1 P", SPACE)

call dropArray brax, rings, tags

banner = "The '\' is often used in regular expressions."

/* ----------------------------- */

   For unicode support see 'rexxUtil' library's 'sysToUnicode' and
   'sysFromUnicode' functions

Printing a List with Commas

say commify_series(NULL)
say commify_series("red")
say commify_series("red yellow")
say commify_series("red yellow green")

mylist = "red yellow green"
say "I have" commify_series(mylist) "marbles."

exit 0

/* ----------- */

commify_series : procedure expose (globals)
  if ARG() > 1 then ; return NULL

  list = ARG(1) ; n = WORDS(list) 

    when n == 0 then ; return NULL
    when n == 1 then ; return WORD(list, 1)
    when n == 2 then ; return WORD(list, 1) "and" WORD(list, 2)
      series = WORD(list, 1)  
      do i = 2 to n - 1 ; series = series || "," WORD(list, i) ; end
      return STRIP(series) || ", and" WORD(list, n)

/* ----------------------------- */

   Implementation uses nested arrays

data = makeArray(,
  makeArray("just one thing"),,
  split("Mutt Jeff"),,
  split("Peter Paul Mary"),,
  makeArray("To our parents", "Mother Theresa", "God"),,
  makeArray("pastrami", "ham and cheese",,
            "peanut butter and jelly", "tuna"),,
  makeArray("recycle tired, old phrases",,
            "ponder big, happy thoughts"),,
  makeArray("recycle tired, old phrases",,
            "ponder big, happy thoughts",,
            "sleep and dream peacefully"))

call foreach data, "print_list"

call dropArray data

exit 0

/* ----------- */

print_list : procedure expose (globals)
  say "The list is:" commify_series(ARG(1)) || "."

/* -- */

commify_series : procedure expose (globals)
  if ARG() > 1 then ; return NULL

  /* handle array */
  if isArray(ARG(1)) then do
    current = ARG(1) ; n = getArray(current, 0) 

      when n == 0 then ; return NULL
      when n == 1 then ; return getArray(current, 1)
      when n == 2 then ; return getArray(current, 1) "and",
                         getArray(current, 2)
        series = getArray(current, 1)  
        do i = 2 to n - 1
          current_word = getArray(current, i)
          if POS(",", current_word) > 0 then
            sepchar = ";"
            sepchar = ","
          series = series || sepchar current_word
        return STRIP(series) || sepchar "and" getArray(current, n)

  end ; else do
    /* handle multi-word string */
    list = ARG(1) ; n = WORDS(list) 

      when n == 0 then ; return NULL
      when n == 1 then ; return WORD(list, 1)
      when n == 2 then ; return WORD(list, 1) "and" WORD(list, 2)
        series = WORD(list, 1)  
        do i = 2 to n - 1
          current_word = WORD(list, i)
          if POS(",", current_word) > 0 then
            sepchar = ";"
            sepchar = ","
          series = series || sepchar current_word
        return STRIP(series) || sepchar "and" WORD(list, n)

Changing Array Size

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Arrays, as implemented in the REXXToolkit functions [see Appendix] */
/* using the 'rexxUtil' library, cannot be grown / shrunk to specified*/
/* sizes as most of the examples in this section require. Their size  */
/* does, however, dynamically alter as elements are added / removed   */
/* via applications of the 'asplice' function.                        */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

people = split("Crosby Stills Nash Young", SPACE)

call what_about_that_array people

   The list has 4 elements.
   The index of the last element is 4.
   Element #4 is Young.

   Note: REXX convention is for 1-based numerically-indexed arrays

/* ----------- */

call asplice people, -1, 'D' 1
call what_about_that_array people

   The list has 3 elements.
   The index of the last element is 3.
   Element #4 is .

   Note: An invalid array element returns the empty-string, "" / NULL

/* ----------------------------- */

/* Growing / shrinking arrays to specified sizes is inapplicable */

/* ----------------------------- */

call dropArray people

exit 0

/* ----------- */

what_about_that_array : procedure expose (globals)
  arr = ARG(1)
  say "The list has" arrGet(arr, 0) "elements."
  say "The index of the last element is" arrGet(arr, 0) || "."
  say "Element #4 is" arrGet(arr, 4) || "."

Doing Something with Every Element in a List

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The canonical means of iterating in REXX is via the DO ... END con-*/
/* trol structure. To traverse an array [quickly]:                    */
/*                                                                    */
/*   do i = 1 for arrGet(oldarr, 0)                                   */
/*     call arrSet newarr, i, arrGet(oldarr, i)                       */
/*   end                                                              */
/*                                                                    */
/* or more safely:                                                    */
/*                                                                    */
/*   do i = 1 for getArrayLength(oldarr)                              */
/*     call setArray newarr, i, getArray(oldarr, i)                   */
/*   end                                                              */
/*                                                                    */
/* For convenience this functionality is packaged in the REXXToolkit's*/
/* 'foreach' and 'forupdate' functions. The former is modelled after  */
/* the 'foreach' routine that is found in many functional and scripti-*/
/* ng languages in which each element of a data structure is visited  */
/* and a specified function is invoked. 'forupdate' is a variant that */
/* updates each visited element.                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* Of course if maximum performance is required, say, when working on */
/* very large arrays which may be traversed multiple times, an inline */
/* DO ... END structure that uses the array-access primitives like    */
/* 'arrGet' and 'arrSet', should be used.                             */  
/*                                                                    */
/* It is also worth noting that Perl seems to make little distinction */
/* between arrays and lists. In REXX, however, a language that doesn't*/
/* implement a 'list' data structure, it is common to see strings of  */
/* space-separated words used as lists, and use made of the PARSE ins-*/
/* truction to 'traverse the list' much as one might use CAR and CDR  */
/* in LISP or Scheme to do the same. Example:                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   list = "one two three"                                           */
/*   do while list <> NULL                                            */
/*     parse var list token list                                      */
/*       ... do something with 'token' ...                            */
/*   end                                                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

mylist = makeArray(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ; procname = "print"

call foreach mylist, procname

call dropArray mylist

exit 0

/* ----------- */

print : procedure expose (globals)
  say ARG(1) ; return

/* ----------------------------- */

bad_users = makeArray("Tom", "Dick", "Harry")

call foreach bad_users, "complain"

call dropArray bad_users

exit 0

/* ----------- */

complain : procedure expose (globals)
  say "You are a *** very bad *** user," ARG(1) ; return

/* ----------------------------- */

/* Extract environment data into a compound variable, and sort */
address SYSTEM "set" with OUTPUT STEM environ.
call sysStemSort 'environ.'

/* Array from compound variable; print with 'foreach' and helper */
arr = arrFromStem('environ.')
call foreach arr, "showEnvironInfo"

call dropArray arr ; drop environ.

   A more idiomatic REXX approach would be to access the compound
   variable directly, so avoiding array conversion and access

   do i = 1 for environ.0
     parse value environ.i with key "=" val
     say key "=" val

exit 0

/* ----------- */

showEnvironInfo : procedure expose (globals)
  parse value ARG(1) with key "=" val
  say key "=" val ; return

/* ----------------------------- */

all_users = split(get_all_users(), SPACE)
MAX_QUOTA = get_max_quota()

call foreach all_users, "complain_if_overquota", MAX_QUOTA

call dropArray all_users

exit 0

/* ----------- */

complain_if_overquota : procedure expose (globals)
  user = ARG(1) ; MAX_QUOTA = ARG(2)
  if get_usage(user) > MAX_QUOTA then
    say "You are a *** very bad *** user," ARG(1)

/* Dummy routines - used for illustration only */

get_max_quota : procedure expose (globals)
  return 100

get_all_users : procedure expose (globals)
  return "u1 u2 u3" 

get_usage : procedure expose (globals)
  quotas = "u1 99 u2 101 u3 102"
  return WORD(quotas, WORDPOS(ARG(1), quotas) + 1)

/* ----------------------------- */

/* Extract list of system users */
address SYSTEM "who|cut -d' ' -f1|uniq" with OUTPUT STEM users.

arr = arrFromStem('users.')

   Iterate over array using 'arrDoOver'. Not strictly needed
   for numerically-indexed arrays, but quite handy for for
   non-numeric-indexed arrays

userIdx = arrDoOver(arr)
do while userIdx \= NULL
  user = arrGet(arr, userIdx)
  if user == "tchrist" then do ; say user ; leave ; end
  userIdx = arrDoOver(arr)

call dropArray arr ; drop users.

/* ----------------------------- */

   REXXToolkit function, 'areadfile', may be used to read file contents
   into an array; each element may be a line, word [optionally
   delimited], character, or specified number of characters

arr = areadfile("lines.txt", 'W')

call foreach arr, "rev_and_print"

call dropArray arr

exit 0

/* ----------- */

rev_and_print : procedure expose (globals)
  say REVERSE(ARG(1)) ; return

/* ----------------------------- */

arr = makeArray(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

call foreach arr, "print"

call dropArray arr

exit 0

/* ----------- */

print : procedure expose (globals)
  say "i =" ARG(1) ; return

/* ----------------------------- */

   REXXToolkit function, 'forupdate', is a mutating version of,
   'foreach' [it updates array elements], thus complements the
   latter quite well. There is also a 'map' function which is
   similar except that it returns a new array leaving the source
   array untouched

arr = makeArray(1, 2, 3)

call forupdate arr, "incr", -1

call dropArray arr

exit 0

/* ----------- */

incr : procedure expose (globals)
  return ARG(1) + ARG(2)

/* ----------------------------- */

a = makeArray(0.5, 3) ; b = makeArray(0.5, 3)

call forupdate_seq a, b, "mul", 7

call dropArray a, b

exit 0

/* ----------- */

mul : procedure expose (globals)
  return ARG(1) * ARG(2)

/* ----------------------------- */

   'foreach' and 'forupdate' only work with arrays - to also use
   these functions with simple variables [scalars] and compound
   variable [hashes], first convert the items to arrays ...

scalar = 1 ; hash.0 = 3 ; hash.1 = 3 ; hash.2 = 6 ; hash.3 = 7

a = makeArray(scalar) ; b = makeArray(...) ; c = arrFromStem('hash.')

call forupdate_seq a, b, c, "do_trim"

call dropArray a, b, c

exit 0

/* ----------- */

do_trim : procedure expose (globals)
  return STRIP(ARG(1))

Iterating Over an Array by Reference

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The REXXToolkit array functions are all passed one or more array   */
/* references. Consequently the examples in this section illustrate   */
/* functionality that has already been showcased in the previous sect-*/
/* ion. Therefore, only one example will be implemented.              */ 
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

fruits = makeArray("Apple", "Blackberry")

/* Pointless to do this in REXX */
fruit_ref = fruits

call foreach fruit_ref, "print"

call dropArray fruit_ref

exit 0

/* ----------- */

print : procedure expose (globals)
  say ARG(1) "tastes good in a pie." ; return

Extracting Unique Elements from a List

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The simplest way of removing duplicates is to use a data structure */
/* that does so: a set is the usual candidate [illustarted below]. In */
/* the absence of such a facility, more verbose approaches are needed,*/
/* and, in the tradition of the Perl Cookbook, here are some of them !*/
/* Also illustrated are the REXXToolkit's set and hash table routines */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

   The following code is modelled on the first example, making use of
   a hash table to weed out duplicates and allow values to be loaded
   from one array to another

list = split(" ... ", SPACE) ; uniq = makeArray() ; seen = makeHash()

call foreach list, "uniq_if_not_seen", uniq, seen

/* ... do something with 'uniq' ... */

call dropArray list, uniq, seen

exit 0

/* ----------- */

uniq_if_not_seen : procedure expose (globals)
  key = ARG(1) ; uniq = ARG(2) ; seen = ARG(3)
  if hashExist(seen, key) then ; return
  call hashPut seen, key, TRUE ; call asplice uniq, -1, "IA", key

/* ----------------------------- */

   A, rather contrived, variation of the above making use of
   string parsing and a hash table  

list = " ... " ; seen = makeHash() ; uniq = makeArray()

do while list <> NULL
  parse var list key list ; call hashPut seen, key, TRUE

uniqp = hashToPairs(seen)

do while uniqp <> NULL
  parse var uniqp key ":" value uniqp ; call asplice uniq, -1, "IA", key

/* ... do something with 'uniq' ... */

call dropArray uniq, seen

exit 0

/* ----------------------------- */

   A much simpler alternative to all the above is to create a set, then 
   extract an array from that set

set = setFromStr(" ... ") ; uniq = arrFromSet(set)

/* ... do something with 'uniq' ... */

call dropArray uniq, set

exit 0

/* ----------------------------- */

   Duplicates removed through type conversion:
   - user list obtained as a compound variable [i.e. stem]
   - convert stem to array, then array to set [removes duplicates]
   - convert set to string for parsing, printing etc

address SYSTEM "who|cut -d' ' -f1" with OUTPUT STEM ustem.
uarr = arrFromStem('ustem.') ; uset = setFromArr(uarr)
users = strFromSet(uset)

/* Print user list as a single line */
say "users logged in:" users

   Free all intermediate data structures [stems and strings are
   native] so no explicit freeing required
call dropArray uarr, uset

exit 0

Finding Elements in One Array but Not Another

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Most of the examples in this section are, at core, set difference  */
/* operations, so can be easily and compactly solved if set type or   */
/* set operation routines are available. Otherwise it involves rather */
/* labourious multiple hash table lookup and traversal, an approach   */
/* taken by most of the Perl examples.                                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Assume, 'a_arr' and 'b_arr' exist, and will not be freed here */

seen = makeHash()

call foreach a_arr, "add_if_not_seen", seen
call foreach b_arr, "drop_if_seen", seen

a_only = hashKeys(seen)

/* ... do something with 'a_only' ... */

call dropArray a_only, seen

exit 0

/* ----------- */

add_if_not_seen : procedure expose (globals)
  key = ARG(1) ; seen = ARG(2)
  if hashExist(seen, key) then ; return
  call hashPut seen, key, TRUE ; return

/* ----------- */

drop_if_seen : procedure expose (globals)
  key = ARG(1) ; seen = ARG(2)
  call hashDrop seen, key ; return

/* ----------------------------- */

   The simplest way is by using the REXXToolkit's 'setd' routine to
   perform a 'set difference' operation

/* Assume, 'a_arr' and 'b_arr' exist, and will not be freed here */

/* Convert arrays to sets, removing any duplicates in the process */
a_set = setFromArr(a_arr) ; b_set = setFromArr(b_arr)

/* Create a new set of items in 'a_set', but not in 'b_set' */
a_only = setd(a_set, b_set)

/* ... do something with 'a_only' ... */

/* Free intermediate data structures */
call dropArray a_set, b_set, a_only

exit 0

/* ----------------------------- */

   Hash table usage examples ?

/* Create empty hash table, add a couple of items */
hash = makeHash()

call hashPut hash, "key1", 1 ; call hashPut hash, "key2", 2 

call dropArray hash

/* ----------- */

   Multiple values can be added when converting from a
   string of key:value pairs
hash = hashFromPairs("key1:value key2:value...")

/* ----------- */

/* Empty hash table by freeing it and creating another */
call dropArray hash ; hash = makeHash()

Computing Union, Intersection, or Difference of Unique Lists

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* REXXToolkit implements several set manipulation routines which make*/
/* all manner of set operations quite straightforward. The examples   */
/* follow the Perl lead, though this isn't the implementation route   */
/* that would ordinarily be taken. Note: this section uses the array  */
/* manipulation routines [getArray, setArray, getArrayLength] as an   */
/* alternative to the 'foreach' and 'forupdate' routines.             */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

   Preferred approach: REXXToolkit set routines   

a = makeSet(1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) ; b = makeSet(2, 3, 5, 7, 9)

union = setu(a, b) ; isect = seti(a, b) ; diff = setd(a, b)

call dropArray a, b, union, isect, diff

/* ----------------------------- */

a_arr = makeArray(1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) ; b_arr = makeArray(2, 3, 5, 7, 9)

union_hash = makeHash() ; isect_hash = makeHash()
diff_hash = makeHash()

/* ----------- */

do i = 1 to getArrayLength(a_rr)
  call hashPut union_hash, getArray(a_arr, i), TRUE

do i = 1 to getArrayLength(b_rr)
  if hashExist(union_hash, getArray(b_arr, i)) then
    call hashPut isect_hash, getArray(b_arr, i), TRUE
  call hashPut union_hash, getArray(a_arr, i), TRUE

union_arr = hashKeys(union_hash) ; isect_arr = hashKeys(isect_hash)

call dropArray union_arr, isect_arr

/* ----------- */

call foreach_seq a_arr, b_arr, "isect_if_not_union", union_hash,,

union_arr = hashKeys(union_hash) ; isect_arr = hashKeys(isect_hash)

call dropArray union_arr, isect_arr

exit 0

/* -- */

isect_if_not_union : procedure expose (globals)
  key = ARG(1) ; union = ARG(2) ; isect = ARG(3)
  if hashGet(union, key) \= TRUE then ; call hashPut isect, key, TRUE
  call hashPut union, key, TRUE ; return

/* ----------- */

count_hash = makeHash()

call foreach_seq a_arr, b_arr, "count_keys", count_hash

call dropArray union_arr, isect_arr, diff_arr

union_arr = makeArray() ; isect_arr = makeArray()
diff_arr = makeArray()

count_keys = hashKeys(count_hash) 

call foreach count_keys, "select_count_members",,
             count_hash, union_arr, isect_arr, diff_arr

call dropArray count_hash, count_keys

exit 0

/* -- */

count_keys : procedure expose (globals)
  key = ARG(1) ; count = ARG(2)
  if \hashExist(count, key) then do
    call hashPut count, key, 1 ; return
  call hashPut count, key, (hashGet(count, key) + 1)

/* -- */

select_count_members : procedure expose (globals)
  key = ARG(1) ; count_hash = ARG(2) ; union_arr = ARG(3)
  isect_arr = ARG(4) ; diff_arr = ARG(5)
  call asplice union_arr, -1, "IA", key
  if hashGet(count, key) == 2 then
    call asplice isect_arr, -1, "IA", key
    call asplice diff_arr, -1, "IA", key

/* ----------- */

call dropArray a_arr, b_arr, union_arr, isect_arr, union_hash,,
               isect_hash, diff_hash

/* ----------------------------- */

Appending One Array to Another

   Use REXXToolkit function, 'ajoin' [see Appendix]. It may be used to
   concatenate two or more arrays; by default it modifies the first
   specified array, but may be used to create a new array

arr1 = makeArray(...) ; arr2 = makeArray(...)

/* New array from concatenation of 'arr1' and 'arr2' */
arr3 = ajoin(arr1, arr2, 'C')

call dropArray arr1, arr2, arr3

/* ----------- */

arr1 = makeArray(...) ; arr2 = makeArray(...)

/* 'arr1' modified */
call ajoin arr1, arr2

call dropArray arr1, arr2

/* ----------------------------- */

members = makeArray("Time", "Flies")
initiates = makeArray("An", "Arrow")

/* 'members' modified: ("Time", "Flies", "An", "Arrow") */
call ajoin members, initiates

/* ----------- */

  Use REXXToolkit function, 'asplice', to alter array contents
  [see Appendix]; a handy alternative to explicitly using array
  indexes e.g.

    call asplice members, -2, 'R', "A", "Banana"


    /* Fast, but crashes if 'members' is not an array */
    call arrSet members, (arrGet(members, 0) - 1), "A"
    call arrSet members, (arrGet(members, 0)), "Banana"


    /* Slower, but safer, than previous example */
    call setArray members, (getArrayLength(members) - 1), "A"
    call setArray members, (getArrayLength(members)), "Banana"

call asplice members, 2, 'IA', "Like", initiates
printArray members

call asplice members, 1, 'R', "Fruit"
call asplice members, -2, 'R', "A", "Banana"
printArray members

   was: ("Time", "Flies", "An", "Arrow")
   now: ("Fruit", "Flies", "Like", "A", "Banana")

/* ----------- */

call dropArray members, initiates

Reversing an Array

arr = makeArray(4, 7, 2, 8, 3, 1) ; alen = arrGet(arr, 0)

i = 1 ; j = alen

do until i > j
  t = arrGet(arr, j)
  call arrSet arr, j, arrGet(arr, i) ; call arrSet arr, i, t
  i = i + 1 ; j = j - 1

call dropArray arr

/* ----------------------------- */

arr = makeArray(4, 7, 2, 8, 3, 1)

/* Use REXXToolkit function, 'areverse' [see Appendix] */

/* Reverse a copy of the array */
cpy = areverse(arr, 'C')

/* In-place reverse array */
call areverse arr

call dropArray arr, cpy

Processing Multiple Elements of an Array

Finding the First List Element That Passes a Test

Finding All Elements in an Array Matching Certain Criteria

Sorting an Array Numerically

Sorting a List by Computable Field

Implementing a Circular List

   Example modelled directly on Perl code

processes = makeArray(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

do forever
  process = grab_and_rotate(processes)
  say "Handling process" process
  call sysSleep 1

call dropArray processes

/* ----------- */

grab_and_rotate : procedure expose (globals)
  arr = ARG(1)
  call asplice arr, -1, 'IA', getArray(arr, 1)
  call asplice arr, 1, 'D' 1
  return getArray(arr, 1)

/* ----------------------------- */

   Example utilising the REXX 'string as list' idiom

processes = "1 2 3 4 5"

do forever
  process = WORD(processes, 1)
  processes = grab_and_rotate(processes)
  say "Handling process" process
  call sysSleep 1

/* ----------- */

grab_and_rotate : procedure expose (globals)
  list = ARG(1) ; return DELWORD(list, 1, 1) WORD(list, 1)

Randomizing an Array

alen = ... ; arr = makeArrayRange(1, alen, 1)

/* Fischer-Yates Shuffle */
do i = alen to 1 by -1
  j = RANDOM(1, i) ; if i == j then ; iterate
  tmp = arrGet(arr, i) ; call arrSet arr, i, arrGet(arr, j)
  call arrSet arr, j, tmp

/* ----------- */

/* Naive Shuffle */
do alen
  p1 = RANDOM(1, alen) ; p2 = RANDOM(1, alen)
  do while p2 == p1 ; p2 = RANDOM(1, alen) ; end
  tmp = arrGet(arr, p1) ; call arrSet arr, p1, arrGet(arr, p2)
  call arrSet arr, p2, tmp

call dropArray arr

/* ----------------------------- */

alen = ... ; arr = makeArrayRange(1, alen, 1)

/* Use REXXToolkit function, 'ashuffle' [see Appendix] */

/* Shuffle a copy of the array */
cpy = ashuffle(arr, 'C')

/* In-place shuffle array */
call ashuffle arr

call dropArray arr, cpy

Program: words


Program: permute