# -*- python -*- # vim:set ft=python: # @@PLEAC@@_NAME # @@SKIP@@ Python # @@PLEAC@@_WEB # @@SKIP@@ http://www.python.org # @@PLEAC@@_INTRO # @@SKIP@@ The latest version of Python is 2.4 but users of 2.3 and 2.2 (and # @@SKIP@@ in some cases earlier versions) can use the code herein. # @@SKIP@@ Users of 2.2 and 2.3 should install or copy code from utils.py # @@SKIP@@ (http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/python/utils.py) # @@SKIP@@ [the first section provides compatability code with 2.4] # @@SKIP@@ Users of 2.2 should install optik (http://optik.sourceforge.com) # @@SKIP@@ [for optparse and textwrap] # @@SKIP@@ Where a 2.3 or 2.4 feature is unable to be replicated, an effort # @@SKIP@@ has been made to provide a backward-compatible version in addition # @@SKIP@@ to one using modern idioms. # @@SKIP@@ Examples which translate the original Perl closely but which are # @@SKIP@@ unPythonic are prefixed with a comment stating "DON'T DO THIS". # @@SKIP@@ In some cases, it may be useful to know the techniques in these, # @@SKIP@@ though it's a bad solution for the specific problem. # @@PLEAC@@_1.0 #----------------------------- mystr = "\n" # a newline character mystr = r"\n" # two characters, \ and n #----------------------------- mystr = "Jon 'Maddog' Orwant" # literal single quote inside double quotes mystr = 'Jon "Maddog" Orwant' # literal double quote inside single quotes #----------------------------- mystr = 'Jon \'Maddog\' Orwant' # escaped single quote mystr = "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant" # escaped double quote #----------------------------- mystr = """ This is a multiline string literal enclosed in triple double quotes. """ mystr = ''' And this is a multiline string literal enclosed in triple single quotes. ''' #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.1 #----------------------------- # get a 5-char string, skip 3, then grab 2 8-char strings, then the rest # Note that struct.unpack cannot use * for an unknown length. # See http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/65224 import struct (lead, s1, s2), tail = struct.unpack("5s 3x 8s 8s", data[:24]), data[24:] # split at five-char boundaries fivers = struct.unpack("5s" * (len(data)//5), data) fivers = print [x[i*5:i*5+5] for i in range(len(x)/5)] # chop string into individual characters chars = list(data) #----------------------------- mystr = "This is what you have" # +012345678901234567890 Indexing forwards (left to right) # 109876543210987654321- Indexing backwards (right to left) # note that 0 means 10 or 20, etc. above first = mystr[0] # "T" start = mystr[5:7] # "is" rest = mystr[13:] # "you have" last = mystr[-1] # "e" end = mystr[-4:] # "have" piece = mystr[-8:-5] # "you" #----------------------------- # Python strings are immutable. # In general, you should just do piecemeal reallocation: mystr = "This is what you have" mystr = mystr[:5] + "wasn't" + mystr[7:] # Or replace and reallocate mystr = "This is what you have" mystr = mystr.replace(" is ", " wasn't ") # DON'T DO THIS: In-place modification could be done using character arrays import array mystr = array.array("c", "This is what you have") mystr[5:7] = array.array("c", "wasn't") # mystr is now array('c', "This wasn't what you have") # DON'T DO THIS: It could also be done using MutableString from UserString import MutableString mystr = MutableString("This is what you have") mystr[-12:] = "ondrous" # mystr is now "This is wondrous" #----------------------------- # you can test simple substrings with "in" (for regex matching see ch.6): if txt in mystr[-10:]: print "'%s' found in last 10 characters"%txt # Or use the startswith() and endswith() string methods: if mystr.startswith(txt): print "%s starts with %s."%(mystr, txt) if mystr.endswith(txt): print "%s ends with %s."%(mystr, txt) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.2 #----------------------------- # Introductory Note: quite a bit of this section is not terribly Pythonic # as names must be set before being used. For instance, unless myvar has # been previously defined, these next lines will all raise NameError: myvar = myvar or some_default myvar2 = myvar or some_default myvar |= some_default # bitwise-or, not logical-or - for demo # The standard way of setting a default is often: myvar = default_value if some_condition: pass # code which may set myvar to something else # if myvar is returned from a function and may be empty/None, then use: myvar = somefunc() if not myvar: myvar = default_value # If you want a default value that can be overridden by the person calling # your code, you can often wrap it in a function with a named parameter: def myfunc(myvar="a"): return myvar + "b" print myfunc(), myfunc("c") #=> ab cb # Note, though, that this won't work for mutable objects such as lists or # dicts that are mutated in the function as the object is only created once # and repeated calls to the same function will return the same object. This # can be desired behaviour however - see section 10.3, for instance. def myfunc(myvar=[]): myvar.append("x") return myvar print myfunc(), myfunc() #=> ['x'] ['x', 'x'] # You need to do: def myfunc(myvar=None): if myvar is None: myvar = [] myvar.append("x") return myvar print myfunc(), myfunc() #=> ['x'] ['x'] #=== Perl Equivalencies start here # use b if b is true, otherwise use c a = b or c # as that is a little tricksy, the following may be preferred: if b: a = b else: a = c # set x to y unless x is already true if not x: x = y #----------------------------- # use b if b is defined, else c try: a = b except NameError: a = c #----------------------------- foo = bar or "DEFAULT VALUE" #----------------------------- # To get a user (for both UNIX and Windows), use: import getpass user = getpass.getuser() # DON'T DO THIS: find the user name on Unix systems import os user = os.environ.get("USER") if user is None: user = os.environ.get("LOGNAME") #----------------------------- if not starting_point: starting_point = "Greenwich" #----------------------------- if not a: # copy only if empty a = b if b: # assign b if nonempty, else c a = b else: a = c #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.3 #----------------------------- v1, v2 = v2, v1 #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: temp = a a = b b = temp #----------------------------- a = "alpha" b = "omega" a, b = b, a # the first shall be last -- and versa vice #----------------------------- alpha, beta, production = "January March August".split() alpha, beta, production = beta, production, alpha #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.4 #----------------------------- num = ord(char) char = chr(num) #----------------------------- char = "%c" % num print "Number %d is character %c" % (num, num) print "Number %(n)d is character %(n)c" % {"n": num} print "Number %(num)d is character %(num)c" % locals() #=> Number 101 is character e #----------------------------- ascii_character_numbers = [ord(c) for c in "sample"] print ascii_character_numbers #=> [115, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101] word = "".join([chr(n) for n in ascii_character_numbers]) word = "".join([chr(n) for n in [115, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101]]) print word #=> sample #----------------------------- hal = "HAL" ibm = "".join([chr(ord(c)+1) for c in hal]) # add one to each ASCII value print ibm #=> IBM #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.5 #----------------------------- mylist = list(mystr) #----------------------------- for char in mystr: pass # do something with char #----------------------------- mystr = "an apple a day" uniq = sorted(set(mystr)) print "unique chars are: '%s'" % "".join(uniq) #=> unique chars are: ' adelnpy' #----------------------------- ascvals = [ord(c) for c in mystr] print "total is %s for '%s'."%(sum(ascvals), mystr) #=> total is 1248 for 'an apple a day'. #----------------------------- # sysv checksum def checksum(myfile): values = [ord(c) for line in myfile for c in line] return sum(values)%(2**16) - 1 import fileinput print checksum(fileinput.input()) # data from sys.stdin # Using a function means any iterable can be checksummed: print checksum(open("C:/test.txt") # data from file print checksum("sometext") # data from string #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/python # slowcat - emulate a s l o w line printer # usage: slowcat [- DELAY] [files ...] import sys, select import re DELAY = 1 if re.match("^-\d+$",sys.argv[1]): DELAY=-int(sys.argv[1]) del sys.argv[1] for ln in fileinput.input(): for c in ln: sys.stdout.write(c) sys.stdout.flush() select.select([],[],[], 0.005 * DELAY) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.6 #----------------------------- # 2.3+ only revchars = mystr[::-1] # extended slice - step is -1 revwords = " ".join(mystr.split(" ")[::-1]) # pre 2.3 version: mylist = list(mystr) mylist.reverse() revbytes = "".join(mylist) mylist = mystr.split() mylist.reverse() revwords = ' '.join(mylist) # Alternative version using reversed(): revchars = "".join(reversed(mystr)) revwords = " ".join(reversed(mystr.split(" "))) # reversed() makes an iterator, which means that the reversal # happens as it is consumed. This means that "print reversed(mystr)" is not # the same as mystr[::-1]. Standard usage is: for char in reversed(mystr): pass # ... do something #----------------------------- # 2.3+ only word = "reviver" is_palindrome = (word == word[::-1]) #----------------------------- # Generator version def get_palindromes(fname): for line in open(fname): word = line.rstrip() if len(word) > 5 and word == word[::-1]: yield word long_palindromes = list(get_palindromes("/usr/share/dict/words")) # Simpler old-style version using 2.2 string reversal def rev_string(mystr): mylist = list(mystr) mylist.reverse() return "".join(mylist) long_palindromes=[] for line in open("/usr/share/dict/words"): word = line.rstrip() if len(word) > 5 and word == rev_string(word): long_palindromes.append(word) print long_palindromes #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.7 #----------------------------- mystr.expandtabs() mystr.expandtabs(4) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.8 #----------------------------- text = "I am %(rows)s high and %(cols)s long"%{"rows":24, "cols":80) print text #=> I am 24 high and 80 long rows, cols = 24, 80 text = "I am %(rows)s high and %(cols)s long"%locals() print text #=> I am 24 high and 80 long #----------------------------- import re print re.sub("\d+", lambda i: str(2 * int(i.group(0))), "I am 17 years old") #=> I am 34 years old #----------------------------- # expand variables in text, but put an error message in # if the variable isn't defined class SafeDict(dict): def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get(key, "[No Variable: %s]"%key) hi = "Hello" text = "%(hi)s and %(bye)s!"%SafeDict(locals()) print text #=> Hello and [No Variable: bye]! #If you don't need a particular error message, just use the Template class: from string import Template x = Template("$hi and $bye!") hi = "Hello" print x.safe_substitute(locals()) #=> Hello and $bye! print x.substitute(locals()) # will throw a KeyError #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.9 #----------------------------- mystr = "bo peep".upper() # BO PEEP mystr = mystr.lower() # bo peep mystr = mystr.capitalize() # Bo peep #----------------------------- beast = "python" caprest = beast.capitalize().swapcase() # pYTHON #----------------------------- print "thIS is a loNG liNE".title() #=> This Is A Long Line #----------------------------- if a.upper() == b.upper(): print "a and b are the same" #----------------------------- import random def randcase_one(letter): if random.randint(0,5): # True on 1, 2, 3, 4 return letter.lower() else: return letter.upper() def randcase(myfile): for line in myfile: yield "".join(randcase_one(letter) for letter in line[:-1]) for line in randcase(myfile): print line #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.10 #----------------------------- "I have %d guanacos." % (n + 1) print "I have", n+1, "guanacos." #----------------------------- #Python templates disallow in-string calculations (see PEP 292) from string import Template email_template = Template("""\ To: $address From: Your Bank CC: $cc_number Date: $date Dear $name, Today you bounced check number $checknum to us. Your account is now closed. Sincerely, the management """) import random import datetime person = {"address":"Joe@somewhere.com", "name": "Joe", "cc_number" : 1234567890, "checknum" : 500+random.randint(0,99)} print email_template.substitute(person, date=datetime.date.today()) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.11 #----------------------------- # indenting here documents # # in python multiline strings can be used as here documents var = """ your text goes here """ # using regular expressions import re re_leading_blanks = re.compile("^\s+",re.MULTILINE) var1 = re_leading_blanks.sub("",var)[:-1] # using string methods # split into lines, use every line except first and last, left strip and rejoin. var2 = "\n".join([line.lstrip() for line in var.split("\n")[1:-1]]) poem = """ Here's your poem: Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errand meet. And whither then? I cannot say. --Bilbo in /usr/src/perl/pp_ctl.c """ import textwrap print textwrap.dedent(poem)[1:-1] #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.12 #----------------------------- from textwrap import wrap output = wrap(para, initial_indent=leadtab subsequent_indent=nexttab) #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # wrapdemo - show how textwrap works txt = """\ Folding and splicing is the work of an editor, not a mere collection of silicon and mobile electrons! """ from textwrap import TextWrapper wrapper = TextWrapper(width=20, initial_indent=" "*4, subsequent_indent=" "*2) print "0123456789" * 2 print wrapper.fill(txt) #----------------------------- """Expected result: 01234567890123456789 Folding and splicing is the work of an editor, not a mere collection of silicon and mobile electrons! """ #----------------------------- # merge multiple lines into one, then wrap one long line from textwrap import fill import fileinput print fill("".join(fileinput.input())) #----------------------------- # Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize() isn't in the Perl standard library. # It isn't in the Python standard library either. Michael Hudson's # recipe from python-list #530228 is shown here. # (http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/python-list/530228) # Be aware that this will work on Unix but not on Windows. from termwrap import wrap import struct, fcntl def getheightwidth(): height, width = struct.unpack( "hhhh", fcntl.ioctl(0, TERMIOS.TIOCGWINSZ ,"\000"*8))[0:2] return height, width # PERL <>, $/, $\ emulation import fileinput import re _, width = getheightwidth() for para in re.split(r"\n{2,}", "".join(fileinput.input())): print fill(para, width) # @@PLEAC@@_1.13 #----------------------------- mystr = '''Mom said, "Don't do that."''' #" re.sub("['\"]", lambda i: "\\" + i.group(0), mystr) re.sub("[A-Z]", lambda i: "\\" + i.group(0), mystr) re.sub("\W", lambda i: "\\" + i.group(0), "is a test!") # no function like quotemeta? # @@PLEAC@@_1.14 #----------------------------- mystr = mystr.lstrip() # left mystr = mystr.rstrip() # right mystr = mystr.strip() # both ends # @@PLEAC@@_1.15 #----------------------------- import csv def parse_csv(line): reader = csv.reader([line], escapechar='\\') return reader.next() line = '''XYZZY,"","O'Reilly, Inc","Wall, Larry","a \\"glug\\" bit,",5,"Error, Core Dumped,",''' #" fields = parse_csv(line) for i, field in enumerate(fields): print "%d : %s" % (i, field) # pre-2.3 version of parse_csv import re def parse_csv(text): pattern = re.compile('''"([^"\\\]*(?:\\\.[^"\\\]*)*)",?|([^,]+),?|,''') mylist = ["".join(elem) for elem in re.findall(pattern, text)] if text[-1] == ",": mylist += [''] return mylist # cvs.reader is meant to work for many lines, something like: # (NB: in Python default, quotechar is *not* escaped by backslash, # but doubled instead. That's what Excel does.) for fields in cvs.reader(lines, dialect="some"): for num, field in enumerate(fields): print num, ":", field #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.16 #----------------------------- def soundex(name, len=4): """ soundex module conforming to Knuth's algorithm implementation 2000-12-24 by Gregory Jorgensen public domain """ # digits holds the soundex values for the alphabet digits = '01230120022455012623010202' sndx = '' fc = '' # translate alpha chars in name to soundex digits for c in name.upper(): if c.isalpha(): if not fc: fc = c # remember first letter d = digits[ord(c)-ord('A')] # duplicate consecutive soundex digits are skipped if not sndx or (d != sndx[-1]): sndx += d # replace first digit with first alpha character sndx = fc + sndx[1:] # remove all 0s from the soundex code sndx = sndx.replace('0','') # return soundex code padded to len characters return (sndx + (len * '0'))[:len] user = raw_input("Lookup user: ") if user == "": raise SystemExit name_code = soundex(user) for line in open("/etc/passwd"): line = line.split(":") for piece in line[4].split(): if name_code == soundex(piece): print "%s: %s\n" % line[0], line[4]) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.17 #----------------------------- import sys, fileinput, re data = """\ analysed => analyzed built-in => builtin chastized => chastised commandline => command-line de-allocate => deallocate dropin => drop-in hardcode => hard-code meta-data => metadata multicharacter => multi-character multiway => multi-way non-empty => nonempty non-profit => nonprofit non-trappable => nontrappable pre-define => predefine preextend => pre-extend re-compiling => recompiling reenter => re-enter turnkey => turn-key """ mydict = {} for line in data.split("\n"): if not line.strip(): continue k, v = [word.strip() for word in line.split("=>")] mydict[k] = v pattern_text = "(" + "|".join([re.escape(word) for word in mydict.keys()]) + ")" pattern = re.compile(pattern_text) args = sys.argv[1:] verbose = 0 if args and args[0] == "-v": verbose = 1 args = args[1:] if not args: sys.stderr.write("%s: Reading from stdin\n" % sys.argv[0]) for line in fileinput.input(args, inplace=1, backup=".orig"): output = "" pos = 0 while True: match = pattern.search(line, pos) if not match: output += line[pos:] break output += line[pos:match.start(0)] + mydict[match.group(1)] pos = match.end(0) sys.stdout.write(output) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_1.18 #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/python # psgrep - print selected lines of ps output by # compiling user queries into code. # # examples : # psgrep "uid<10" import sys, os, re class PsLineMatch: # each field from the PS header fieldnames = ("flags","uid","pid","ppid","pri","nice","size", \ "rss","wchan","stat","tty","time","command") numeric_fields = ("flags","uid","pid","ppid","pri","nice","size","rss") def __init__(self): self._fields = {} def new_line(self, ln): self._ln = ln.rstrip() # ps header for option "wwaxl" (different than in the perl code) """ F UID PID PPID PRI NI VSZ RSS WCHAN STAT TTY TIME COMMAND" 004 0 1 0 15 0 448 236 schedu S ? 0:07 init" . . . . . . . . . . . . . """ # because only the last entry might contain blanks, splitting # is safe data = self._ln.split(None,12) for fn, elem in zip(self.fieldnames, data): if fn in self.numeric_fields: # make numbers integer self._fields[fn] = int(elem) else: self._fields[fn] = elem def set_query(self, args): # assume args: "uid==500", "command ~ ^wm" conds=[] m = re.compile("(\w+)([=<>]+)(.+)") for a in args: try: (field,op,val) = m.match(a).groups() except: print "can't understand query \"%s\"" % (a) raise SystemExit if field in self.numeric_fields: conds.append(a) else: conds.append("%s%s'%s'",(field,op,val)) self._desirable = compile("(("+")and(".join(conds)+"))", "","eval") def is_desirable(self): return eval(self._desirable, {}, self._fields) def __str__(self): # to allow "print". return self._ln if len(sys.argv)<=1: print """usage: %s criterion ... Each criterion is a Perl expression involving: %s All criteria must be met for a line to be printed.""" \ % (sys.argv[0], " ".join(PsLineMatch().fieldnames)) raise SystemExit psln = PsLineMatch() psln.set_query(sys.argv[1:]) p = os.popen("ps wwaxl") print p.readline()[:-1] # emit header line for ln in p.readlines(): psln.new_line(ln) if psln.is_desirable(): print psln p.close() # alternatively one could consider every argument being a string and # support wildcards: "uid==500" "command~^wm" by means of re, but this # does not show dynamic python code generation, although re.compile # also precompiles. #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.1 #----------------------------- # The standard way of validating numbers is to convert them and catch # an exception on failure try: myfloat = float(mystr) print "is a decimal number" except TypeError: print "is not a decimal number" try: myint = int(mystr) print "is an integer" except TypeError: print "is not an integer" # DON'T DO THIS. Explicit checking is prone to errors: if mystr.isdigit(): # Fails on "+4" print 'is a positive integer' else: print 'is not' if re.match("[+-]?\d+$", mystr): # Fails on "- 1" print 'is an integer' else: print 'is not' if re.match("-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$", mystr): # Opaque, and fails on "- 1" print 'is a decimal number' else: print 'is not' #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.2 #----------------------------- # equal(num1, num2, accuracy) : returns true if num1 and num2 are # equal to accuracy number of decimal places def equal(num1, num2, accuracy): return abs(num1 - num2) < 10**(-accuracy) #----------------------------- from __future__ import division # use / for float div and // for int div wage = 536 # $5.36/hour week = 40 * wage # $214.40 print "One week's wage is: $%.2f" % (week/100) #=> One week's wage is: $214.40 #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.3 #----------------------------- rounded = round(num) # rounds to integer #----------------------------- a = 0.255 b = "%.2f" % a print "Unrounded: %f\nRounded: %s" % (a, b) print "Unrounded: %f\nRounded: %.2f" % (a, a) #=> Unrounded: 0.255000 #=> Rounded: 0.26 #=> Unrounded: 0.255000 #=> Rounded: 0.26 #----------------------------- from math import floor, ceil print "number\tint\tfloor\tceil" a = [3.3, 3.5, 3.7, -3.3] for n in a: print "% .1f\t% .1f\t% .1f\t% .1f" % (n, int(n), floor(n), ceil(n)) #=> number int floor ceil #=> 3.3 3.0 3.0 4.0 #=> 3.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 #=> 3.7 3.0 3.0 4.0 #=> -3.3 -3.0 -4.0 -3.0 #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.4 #----------------------------- # To convert a string in any base up to base 36, use the optional arg to int(): num = int('0110110', 2) # num is 54 # To convert an int to an string representation in another base, you could use # : import baseconvert def dec2bin(i): return baseconvert.baseconvert(i, baseconvert.BASE10, baseconvert.BASE2) binstr = dec2bin(54) # binstr is 110110 #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.5 #----------------------------- for i in range(x,y): pass # i is set to every integer from x to y, excluding y for i in range(x, y, 7): pass # i is set to every integer from x to y, stepsize = 7 print "Infancy is:", for i in range(0,3): print i, print print "Toddling is:", for i in range(3,5): print i, print # DON'T DO THIS: print "Childhood is:", i = 5 while i <= 12: print i i += 1 #=> Infancy is: 0 1 2 #=> Toddling is: 3 4 #=> Childhood is: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.6 #----------------------------- # See http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/4442 # for a module that does this #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.7 #----------------------------- import random # use help(random) to see the (large) list of funcs rand = random.randint(x, y) #----------------------------- rand = random.randint(25, 76) print rand #----------------------------- elt = random.choice(mylist) #----------------------------- import string chars = string.letters + string.digits + "!@$%^&*" password = "".join([random.choice(chars) for i in range(8)]) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.8 #----------------------------- # Changes the default RNG random.seed() # Or you can create independent RNGs gen1 = random.Random(6) gen2 = random.Random(6) gen3 = random.Random(10) a1, b1 = gen1.random(), gen1.random() a2, b2 = gen2.random(), gen2.random() a3, b3 = gen3.random(), gen3.random() # a1 == a2 and b1 == b2 #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.9 #----------------------------- # see http://www.sbc.su.se/~per/crng/ or http://www.frohne.westhost.com/rv11reference.htm #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.10 #----------------------------- import random mean = 25 sdev = 2 salary = random.gauss(mean, sdev) print "You have been hired at %.2f" % salary #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.11 #----------------------------- radians = math.radians(degrees) degrees = math.degrees(radians) # pre-2.3: from __future__ import division import math def deg2rad(degrees): return (degrees / 180) * math.pi def rad2deg(radians): return (radians / math.pi) * 180 #----------------------------- # Use deg2rad instead of math.radians if you have pre-2.3 Python. import math def degree_sine(degrees): radians = math.radians(degrees) return math.sin(radians) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.12 #----------------------------- import math # DON'T DO THIS. Use math.tan() instead. def tan(theta): return math.sin(theta) / math.cos(theta) #---------------- # NOTE: this sets y to 16331239353195370.0 try: y = math.tan(math.pi/2) except ValueError: y = None #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.13 #----------------------------- import math log_e = math.log(VALUE) #----------------------------- log_10 = math.log10(VALUE) #----------------------------- def log_base(base, value): return math.log(value) / math.log(base) #----------------------------- # log_base defined as above answer = log_base(10, 10000) print "log10(10,000) =", answer #=> log10(10,000) = 4.0 #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.14 #----------------------------- # NOTE: must have NumPy installed. See # http://www.pfdubois.com/numpy/ import Numeric a = Numeric.array( ((3, 2, 3), (5, 9, 8) ), "d") b = Numeric.array( ((4, 7), (9, 3), (8, 1) ), "d") c = Numeric.matrixmultiply(a, b) print c #=> [[ 54. 30.] #=> [ 165. 70.]] print a.shape, b.shape, c.shape #=> (2, 3) (3, 2) (2, 2) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.15 #----------------------------- a = 3+5j b = 2-2j c = a * b print "c =", c #=> c = (16+4j) print c.real, c.imag, c.conjugate() #=> 16.0 4.0 (16-4j) #----------------------------- import cmath print cmath.sqrt(3+4j) #=> (2+1j) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.16 #----------------------------- number = int(hexadecimal, 16) number = int(octal, 8) s = hex(number) s = oct(number) num = raw_input("Gimme a number in decimal, octal, or hex: ").rstrip() if num.startswith("0x"): num = int(num[2:], 16) elif num.startswith("0"): num = int(num[1:], 8) else: num = int(num) print "%(num)d %(num)x %(num)o\n" % { "num": num } #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.17 #----------------------------- def commify(amount): amount = str(amount) firstcomma = len(amount)%3 or 3 # set to 3 if would make a leading comma first, rest = amount[:firstcomma], amount[firstcomma:] segments = [first] + [rest[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(rest), 3)] return ",".join(segments) print commify(12345678) #=> 12,345,678 # DON'T DO THIS. It works on 2.3+ only and is slower and less straightforward # than the non-regex version above. import re def commify(amount): amount = str(amount) amount = amount[::-1] amount = re.sub(r"(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)", r"\1,", amount) return amount[::-1] # @@PLEAC@@_2.18 # Printing Correct Plurals #----------------------------- def pluralise(value, root, singular="", plural="s"): if value == 1: return root + singular else: return root + plural print "It took", duration, pluralise(duration, 'hour') print "%d %s %s enough." % (duration, pluralise(duration, 'hour'), pluralise(duration, '', 'is', 'are')) #----------------------------- import re def noun_plural(word): endings = [("ss", "sses"), ("([psc]h)", r"\1es"), ("z", "zes"), ("ff", "ffs"), ("f", "ves"), ("ey", "eys"), ("y", "ies"), ("ix", "ices"), ("([sx])", r"\1es"), ("", "s")] for singular, plural in endings: ret, found = re.subn("%s$"%singular, plural, word) if found: return ret verb_singular = noun_plural; # make function alias #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_2.19 # Program: Calculating Prime Factors #----------------------------- #% bigfact 8 9 96 2178 #8 2**3 # #9 3**2 # #96 2**5 3 # #2178 2 3**2 11**2 #----------------------------- #% bigfact 239322000000000000000000 #239322000000000000000000 2**19 3 5**18 39887 # # #% bigfact 25000000000000000000000000 #25000000000000000000000000 2**24 5**26 #----------------------------- import sys def factorise(num): factors = {} orig = num print num, '\t', # we take advantage of the fact that (i +1)**2 = i**2 + 2*i +1 i, sqi = 2, 4 while sqi <= num: while not num%i: num /= i factors[i] = factors.get(i, 0) + 1 sqi += 2*i + 1 i += 1 if num != 1 and num != orig: factors[num] = factors.get(num, 0) + 1 if not factors: print "PRIME" for factor in sorted(factors): if factor: tmp = str(factor) if factors[factor]>1: tmp += "**" + str(factors[factor]) print tmp, print #-------- if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 1: print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], " number [number, ]" else: for strnum in sys.argv[1:]: try: num = int(strnum) factorise(num) except ValueError: print strnum, "is not an integer" #----------------------------- # A more Pythonic variant (which separates calculation from printing): def format_factor(base, exponent): if exponent > 1: return "%s**%s"%(base, exponent) return str(base) def factorise(num): factors = {} orig = num # we take advantage of the fact that (i+1)**2 = i**2 + 2*i +1 i, sqi = 2, 4 while sqi <= num: while not num%i: num /= i factors[i] = factors.get(i, 0) + 1 sqi += 2*i + 1 i += 1 if num not in (1, orig): factors[num] = factors.get(num, 0) + 1 if not factors: return ["PRIME"] out = [format_factor(base, exponent) for base, exponent in sorted(factors.items())] return out def print_factors(value): try: num = int(value) if num != float(value): raise ValueError except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError("Can only factorise an integer") factors = factorise(num) print num, "\t", " ".join(factors) # @@PLEAC@@_3.0 #----------------------------- #introduction # There are three common ways of manipulating dates in Python # mxDateTime - a popular third-party module (not discussed here) # time - a fairly low-level standard library module # datetime - a new library module for Python 2.3 and used for most of these samples # (I will use full names to show which module they are in, but you can also use # from datetime import datetime, timedelta and so on for convenience) import time import datetime print "Today is day", time.localtime()[7], "of the current year" # Today is day 218 of the current year today = datetime.date.today() print "Today is day", today.timetuple()[7], "of ", today.year # Today is day 218 of 2003 print "Today is day", today.strftime("%j"), "of the current year" # Today is day 218 of the current year # @@PLEAC@@_3.1 #----------------------------- # Finding todays date today = datetime.date.today() print "The date is", today #=> The date is 2003-08-06 # the function strftime() (string-format time) produces nice formatting # All codes are detailed at http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-time.html print t.strftime("four-digit year: %Y, two-digit year: %y, month: %m, day: %d") #=> four-digit year: 2003, two-digit year: 03, month: 08, day: 06 # @@PLEAC@@_3.2 #----------------------------- # Converting DMYHMS to Epoch Seconds # To work with Epoch Seconds, you need to use the time module # For the local timezone t = datetime.datetime.now() print "Epoch Seconds:", time.mktime(t.timetuple()) #=> Epoch Seconds: 1060199000.0 # For UTC t = datetime.datetime.utcnow() print "Epoch Seconds:", time.mktime(t.timetuple()) #=> Epoch Seconds: 1060195503.0 # @@PLEAC@@_3.3 #----------------------------- # Converting Epoch Seconds to DMYHMS now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(EpochSeconds) #or use datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp() print now #=> datetime.datetime(2003, 8, 6, 20, 43, 20) print now.ctime() #=> Wed Aug 6 20:43:20 2003 # or with the time module oldtimetuple = time.localtime(EpochSeconds) # oldtimetuple contains (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, yearday, daylightSavingAdjustment) print oldtimetuple #=> (2003, 8, 6, 20, 43, 20, 2, 218, 1) # @@PLEAC@@_3.4 #----------------------------- # Adding to or Subtracting from a Date # Use the rather nice datetime.timedelta objects now = datetime.date(2003, 8, 6) difference1 = datetime.timedelta(days=1) difference2 = datetime.timedelta(weeks=-2) print "One day in the future is:", now + difference1 #=> One day in the future is: 2003-08-07 print "Two weeks in the past is:", now + difference2 #=> Two weeks in the past is: 2003-07-23 print datetime.date(2003, 8, 6) - datetime.date(2000, 8, 6) #=> 1095 days, 0:00:00 #----------------------------- birthtime = datetime.datetime(1973, 01, 18, 3, 45, 50) # 1973-01-18 03:45:50 interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=5, minutes=17, hours=2, days=55) then = birthtime + interval print "Then is", then.ctime() #=> Then is Wed Mar 14 06:02:55 1973 print "Then is", then.strftime("%A %B %d %I:%M:%S %p %Y") #=> Then is Wednesday March 14 06:02:55 AM 1973 #----------------------------- when = datetime.datetime(1973, 1, 18) + datetime.timedelta(days=55) print "Nat was 55 days old on:", when.strftime("%m/%d/%Y").lstrip("0") #=> Nat was 55 days old on: 3/14/1973 # @@PLEAC@@_3.5 #----------------------------- # Dates produce timedeltas when subtracted. diff = date2 - date1 diff = datetime.date(year1, month1, day1) - datetime.date(year2, month2, day2) #----------------------------- bree = datetime.datetime(1981, 6, 16, 4, 35, 25) nat = datetime.datetime(1973, 1, 18, 3, 45, 50) difference = bree - nat print "There were", difference, "minutes between Nat and Bree" #=> There were 3071 days, 0:49:35 between Nat and Bree weeks, days = divmod(difference.days, 7) minutes, seconds = divmod(difference.seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) print "%d weeks, %d days, %d:%d:%d" % (weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds) #=> 438 weeks, 5 days, 0:49:35 #----------------------------- print "There were", difference.days, "days between Bree and Nat." #=> There were 3071 days between bree and nat # @@PLEAC@@_3.6 #----------------------------- # Day in a Week/Month/Year or Week Number when = datetime.date(1981, 6, 16) print "16/6/1981 was:" print when.strftime("Day %w of the week (a %A). Day %d of the month (%B).") print when.strftime("Day %j of the year (%Y), in week %W of the year.") #=> 16/6/1981 was: #=> Day 2 of the week (a Tuesday). Day 16 of the month (June). #=> Day 167 of the year (1981), in week 24 of the year. # @@PLEAC@@_3.7 #----------------------------- # Parsing Dates and Times from Strings time.strptime("Tue Jun 16 20:18:03 1981") # (1981, 6, 16, 20, 18, 3, 1, 167, -1) time.strptime("16/6/1981", "%d/%m/%Y") # (1981, 6, 16, 0, 0, 0, 1, 167, -1) # strptime() can use any of the formatting codes from time.strftime() # The easiest way to convert this to a datetime seems to be; now = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime("16/6/1981", "%d/%m/%Y")[0:5]) # the '*' operator unpacks the tuple, producing the argument list. # @@PLEAC@@_3.8 #----------------------------- # Printing a Date # Use datetime.strftime() - see helpfiles in distro or at python.org print datetime.datetime.now().strftime("The date is %A (%a) %d/%m/%Y") #=> The date is Friday (Fri) 08/08/2003 # @@PLEAC@@_3.9 #----------------------------- # High Resolution Timers t1 = time.clock() # Do Stuff Here t2 = time.clock() print t2 - t1 # 2.27236813618 # Accuracy will depend on platform and OS, # but time.clock() uses the most accurate timer it can time.clock(); time.clock() # 174485.51365466841 # 174485.55702610247 #----------------------------- # Also useful; import timeit code = '[x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]' eval(code) # [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] t = timeit.Timer(code) print "10,000 repeats of that code takes:", t.timeit(10000), "seconds" print "1,000,000 repeats of that code takes:", t.timeit(), "seconds" # 10,000 repeats of that code takes: 0.128238644856 seconds # 1,000,000 repeats of that code takes: 12.5396490336 seconds #----------------------------- import timeit code = 'import random; l = random.sample(xrange(10000000), 1000); l.sort()' t = timeit.Timer(code) print "Create a list of a thousand random numbers. Sort the list. Repeated a thousand times." print "Average Time:", t.timeit(1000) / 1000 # Time taken: 5.24391507859 # @@PLEAC@@_3.10 #----------------------------- # Short Sleeps seconds = 3.1 time.sleep(seconds) print "boo" # @@PLEAC@@_3.11 #----------------------------- # Program HopDelta # Save a raw email to disk and run "python hopdelta.py FILE" # and it will process the headers and show the time taken # for each server hop (nb: if server times are wrong, negative dates # might appear in the output). import datetime, email, email.Utils import os, sys, time def extract_date(hop): # According to RFC822, the date will be prefixed with # a semi-colon, and is the last part of a received # header. date_string = hop[hop.find(';')+2:] date_string = date_string.strip() time_tuple = email.Utils.parsedate(date_string) # convert time_tuple to datetime EpochSeconds = time.mktime(time_tuple) dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(EpochSeconds) return dt def process(filename): # Main email file processing # read the headers and process them f = file(filename, 'rb') msg = email.message_from_file(f) hops = msg.get_all('received') # in reverse order, get the server(s) and date/time involved hops.reverse() results = [] for hop in hops: hop = hop.lower() if hop.startswith('by'): # 'Received: by' line sender = "start" receiver = hop[3:hop.find(' ',3)] date = extract_date(hop) else: # 'Received: from' line sender = hop[5:hop.find(' ',5)] by = hop.find('by ')+3 receiver = hop[by:hop.find(' ', by)] date = extract_date(hop) results.append((sender, receiver, date)) output(results) def output(results): print "Sender, Recipient, Time, Delta" print previous_dt = delta = 0 for (sender, receiver, date) in results: if previous_dt: delta = date - previous_dt print "%s, %s, %s, %s" % (sender, receiver, date.strftime("%Y/%d/%m %H:%M:%S"), delta) print previous_dt = date def main(): # Perform some basic argument checking if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Usage: mailhop.py FILENAME" else: filename = sys.argv[1] if os.path.isfile(filename): process(filename) else: print filename, "doesn't seem to be a valid file." if __name__ == '__main__': main() # @@PLEAC@@_4.0 #----------------------------- # Python does not automatically flatten lists, in other words # in the following, non-nested contains four elements and # nested contains three elements, the third element of which # is itself a list containing two elements: non_nested = ["this", "that", "the", "other"] nested = ["this", "that", ["the", "other"]] #----------------------------- tune = ["The", "Star-Spangled", "Banner"] #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.1 #----------------------------- a = ["quick", "brown", "fox"] a = "Why are you teasing me?".split() text = """ The boy stood on the burning deck, It was as hot as glass. """ lines = [line.lstrip() for line in text.strip().split("\n")] #----------------------------- biglist = [line.rstrip() for line in open("mydatafile")] #----------------------------- banner = "The Mines of Moria" banner = 'The Mines of Moria' #----------------------------- name = "Gandalf" banner = "Speak, " + name + ", and enter!" banner = "Speak, %s, and welcome!" % name #----------------------------- his_host = "www.python.org" import os host_info = os.popen("nslookup " + his_host).read() # NOTE: not really relevant to Python (no magic '$$' variable) python_info = os.popen("ps %d" % os.getpid()).read() shell_info = os.popen("ps $$").read() #----------------------------- # NOTE: not really relevant to Python (no automatic interpolation) banner = ["Costs", "only", "$4.95"] banner = "Costs only $4.95".split() #----------------------------- brax = """ ' " ( ) < > { } [ ] """.split() #""" brax = list("""'"()<>{}[]""") #""" rings = '''They're "Nenya Narya Vilya"'''.split() #''' tags = 'LI TABLE TR TD A IMG H1 P'.split() sample = r'The backslash (\) is often used in regular expressions.'.split() #----------------------------- banner = "The backslash (\\) is often used in regular expressions.".split() #----------------------------- ships = u"Niña Pinta Santa María".split() # WRONG (only three ships) ships = [u"Niña", u"Pinta", u"Santa María"] # right #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.2 #----------------------------- def commify_series(args): n = len(args) if n == 0: return "" elif n == 1: return args[0] elif n == 2: return args[0] + " and " + args[1] return ", ".join(args[:-1]) + ", and " + args[-1] commify_series([]) commify_series(["red"]) commify_series(["red", "yellow"]) commify_series(["red", "yellow", "green"]) #----------------------------- mylist = ["red", "yellow", "green"] print "I have", mylist, "marbles." print "I have", " ".join(mylist), "marbles." #=> I have ['red', 'yellow', 'green'] marbles. #=> I have red yellow green marbles. #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # commify_series - show proper comma insertion in list output data = ( ( 'just one thing', ), ( 'Mutt Jeff'.split() ), ( 'Peter Paul Mary'.split() ), ( 'To our parents', 'Mother Theresa', 'God' ), ( 'pastrami', 'ham and cheese', 'peanut butter and jelly', 'tuna' ), ( 'recycle tired, old phrases', 'ponder big, happy thoughts' ), ( 'recycle tired, old phrases', 'ponder big, happy thoughts', 'sleep and dream peacefully' ), ) def commify_series(terms): for term in terms: if "," in term: sepchar = "; " break else: sepchar = ", " n = len(terms) if n == 0: return "" elif n == 1: return terms[0] elif n == 2: return " and ".join(terms) return "%s%sand %s" % (sepchar.join(terms[:-1]), sepchar, terms[-1]) for item in data: print "The list is: %s." % commify_series(item) #=> The list is: just one thing. #=> The list is: Mutt and Jeff. #=> The list is: Peter, Paul, and Mary. #=> The list is: To our parents, Mother Theresa, and God. #=> The list is: pastrami, ham and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, and tuna. #=> The list is: recycle tired, old phrases and ponder big, happy thoughts. #=> The list is: recycle tired, old phrases; ponder big, happy thoughts; and # sleep and dream peacefully. #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.3 #----------------------------- # Python allocates more space than is necessary every time a list needs to # grow and only shrinks lists when more than half the available space is # unused. This means that adding or removing an element will in most cases # not force a reallocation. del mylist[size:] # shrink mylist mylist += [None] * size # grow mylist by appending 'size' None elements # To add an element to the end of a list, use the append method: mylist.append(4) # To insert an element, use the insert method: mylist.insert(0, 10) # Insert 10 at the beginning of the list # To extend one list with the contents of another, use the extend method: list2 = [1,2,3] mylist.extend(list2) # To insert the contents of one list into another, overwriting zero or # more elements, specify a slice: mylist[1:1] = list2 # Don't overwrite anything; grow mylist if needed mylist[2:3] = list2 # Overwrite mylist[2] and grow mylist if needed # To remove one element from the middle of a list: # To remove elements from the middle of a list: del mylist[idx1:idx2] # 0 or more x = mylist.pop(idx) # remove mylist[idx] and assign it to x # You cannot assign to or get a non-existent element: # >>> x = [] # >>> x[4] = 5 # # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "", line 1, in -toplevel- # x[4] = 5 # IndexError: list assignment index out of range # # >>> print x[1000] # # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "", line 1, in -toplevel- # print x[1000] # IndexError: list index out of range #----------------------------- def what_about_that_list(terms): print "The list now has", len(terms), "elements." print "The index of the last element is", len(terms)-1, "(or -1)." print "Element #3 is %s." % terms[3] people = "Crosby Stills Nash Young".split() what_about_that_list(people) #----------------------------- #=> The list now has 4 elements. #=> The index of the last element is 3 (or -1). #=> Element #3 is Young. #----------------------------- people.pop() what_about_that_list(people) #----------------------------- people += [None] * (10000 - len(people)) #----------------------------- #>>> people += [None] * (10000 - len(people)) #>>> what_about_that_list(people) #The list now has 10000 elements. #The index of the last element is 9999 (or -1). #Element #3 is None. #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.4 #----------------------------- for item in mylist: pass # do something with item #----------------------------- for user in bad_users: complain(user) #----------------------------- import os for (key, val) in sorted(os.environ.items()): print "%s=%s" % (key, val) #----------------------------- for user in all_users: disk_space = get_usage(user) # find out how much disk space in use if disk_space > MAX_QUOTA: # if it's more than we want ... complain(user) # ... then object vociferously #----------------------------- import os for line in os.popen("who"): if "dalke" in line: print line, # or print line[:-1] # or: print "".join([line for line in os.popen("who") if "dalke" in line]), #----------------------------- for line in myfile: for word in line.split(): # Split on whitespace print word[::-1], # reverse word print # pre 2.3: for line in myfile: for word in line.split(): # Split on whitespace chars = list(word) # Turn the string into a list of characters chars.reverse() print "".join(chars), print #----------------------------- for item in mylist: print "i =", item #----------------------------- # NOTE: you can't modify in place the way Perl does: # data = [1, 2, 3] # for elem in data: # elem -= 1 #print data #=>[1, 2, 3] data = [1, 2, 3] data = [i-1 for i in data] print data #=>[0, 1, 2] # or for i, elem in enumerate(data): data[i] = elem - 1 #----------------------------- # NOTE: strings are immutable in Python so this doesn't translate well. s = s.strip() data = [s.strip() for s in data] for k, v in mydict.items(): mydict[k] = v.strip() #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.5 #----------------------------- fruits = ["Apple", "Blackberry"] for fruit in fruits: print fruit, "tastes good in a pie." #=> Apple tastes good in a pie. #=> Blackberry tastes good in a pie. #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: for i in range(len(fruits)): print fruits[i], "tastes good in a pie." # If you must explicitly index, use enumerate(): for i, fruit in enumerate(fruits): print "%s) %s tastes good in a pie."%(i+1, fruit) #----------------------------- rogue_cats = ["Morris", "Felix"] namedict = { "felines": rogue_cats } for cat in namedict["felines"]: print cat, "purrs hypnotically." print "--More--\nYou are controlled." #----------------------------- # As noted before, if you need an index, use enumerate() and not this: for i in range(len(namedict["felines"])): print namedict["felines"][i], "purrs hypnotically." #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.6 #----------------------------- uniq = list(set(mylist)) #----------------------------- # See http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/259174 # for a more heavyweight version of a bag seen = {} for item in mylist: seen[item] = seen.get(item, 0) + 1 uniq = seen.keys() #----------------------------- seen = {} uniq = [] for item in mylist: count = seen.get(item, 0) if count == 0: uniq.append(item) seen[item] = count + 1 #----------------------------- # generate a list of users logged in, removing duplicates import os usernames = [line.split()[0] for line in os.popen("who")] uniq = sorted(set(usernames)) print "users logged in:", " ".join(uniq) # DON'T DO THIS: import os ucnt = {} for line in os.popen("who"): username = line.split()[0] # Get the first word ucnt[username] = ucnt.get(username, 0) + 1 # record the users' presence # extract and print unique keys users = ucnt.keys() users.sort() print "users logged in:", " ".join(users) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.7 #----------------------------- # assume a_list and b_list are already loaded aonly = [item for item in a_list if item not in b_list] # A slightly more complex Pythonic version using sets - if you had a few # lists, subtracting sets would be clearer than the listcomp version above a_set = set(a_list) b_set = set(b_list) aonly = list(a_set - b_set) # Elements in a_set but not in b_set # DON'T DO THIS. seen = {} # lookup table to test membership of B aonly = [] # answer # build lookup table for item in b_list: seen[item] = 1 # find only elements in a_list and not in b_list for item in a_list: if not item not in seen: # it's not in 'seen', so add to 'aonly' aonly.append(item) #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS. There's lots of ways not to do it. seen = {} # lookup table aonly = [] # answer # build lookup table - unnecessary and poor Python style [seen.update({x: 1}) for x in b_list] aonly = [item for item in a_list if item not in seen] #----------------------------- aonly = list(set(a_list)) # DON'T DO THIS. seen = {} aonly = [] for item in a_list: if item not in seen: aonly.append(item) seen[item] = 1 # mark as seen #----------------------------- mydict["key1"] = 1 mydict["key2"] = 2 #----------------------------- mydict[("key1", "key2")] = (1,2) #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: seen = dict.fromkeys(B.keys()) # DON'T DO THIS pre-2.3: seen = {} for term in B: seen[term] = None #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: seen = {} for k, v in B: seen[k] = 1 #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.8 #----------------------------- a = (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) b = (2, 3, 5, 7, 9) a_set = set(a) b_set = set(b) union = a_set | b_set # or a_set.union(b_set) isect = a_set & b_set # or a_set.intersection(b_set) diff = a_set ^ b_set # or a_set.symmetric_difference(b_set) # DON'T DO THIS: union_list = []; isect_list = []; diff = [] union_dict = {}; isect_dict = {} count = {} #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: for e in a: union_dict[e] = 1 for e in b: if union_dict.has_key(e): isect_dict[e] = 1 union_dict[e] = 1 union_list = union_dict.keys() isect_list = isect_dict.keys() #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: for e in a + b: if union.get(e, 0) == 0: isect[e] = 1 union[e] = 1 union = union.keys() isect = isect.keys() #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: count = {} for e in a + b: count[e] = count.get(e, 0) + 1 union = []; isect = []; diff = [] for e in count.keys(): union.append(e) if count[e] == 2: isect.append(e) else: diff.append(e) #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: isect = []; diff = []; union = [] count = {} for e in a + b: count[e] = count.get(e, 0) + 1 for e, num in count.items(): union.append(e) [None, diff, isect][num].append(e) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.9 #----------------------------- # "append" for a single term and # "extend" for many terms mylist1.extend(mylist2) #----------------------------- mylist1 = mylist1 + mylist2 mylist1 += mylist2 #----------------------------- members = ["Time", "Flies"] initiates = ["An", "Arrow"] members.extend(initiates) # members is now ["Time", "Flies", "An", "Arrow"] #----------------------------- members[2:] = ["Like"] + initiates print " ".join(members) members[:1] = ["Fruit"] # or members[1] = "Fruit" members[-2:] = ["A", "Banana"] print " ".join(members) #----------------------------- #=> Time Flies Like An Arrow #=> Fruit Flies Like A Banana #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.10 #----------------------------- # reverse mylist into revlist revlist = mylist[::-1] # or revlist = list(reversed(mylist)) # or pre-2.3 revlist = mylist[:] # shallow copy revlist.reverse() #----------------------------- for elem in reversed(mylist): pass # do something with elem # or for elem in mylist[::-1]: pass # do something with elem # if you need the index and the list won't take too much memory: for i, elem in reversed(list(enumerate(mylist))): pass # If you absolutely must explicitly index: for i in range(len(mylist)-1, -1, -1): pass #----------------------------- descending = sorted(users, reverse=True) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.11 #----------------------------- # remove n elements from the front of mylist mylist[:n] = [] # or del mylist[:n] # remove n elements from front of mylist, saving them into front front, mylist[:n] = mylist[:n], [] # remove 1 element from the front of mylist, saving it in front: front = mylist.pop(0) # remove n elements from the end of mylist mylist[-n:] = [] # or del mylist[-n:] # remove n elements from the end of mylist, saving them in end end, mylist[-n:] = mylist[-n:], [] # remove 1 element from the end of mylist, saving it in end: end = mylist.pop() #----------------------------- def shift2(terms): front = terms[:2] terms[:2] = [] return front def pop2(terms): back = terms[-2:] terms[-2:] = [] return back #----------------------------- friends = "Peter Paul Mary Jim Tim".split() this, that = shift2(friends) # 'this' contains Peter, 'that' has Paul, and # 'friends' has Mary, Jim, and Tim beverages = "Dew Jolt Cola Sprite Fresca".split() pair = pop2(beverages) # pair[0] contains Sprite, pair[1] has Fresca, # and 'beverages' has (Dew, Jolt, Cola) # In general you probably shouldn't do things that way because it's # not clear from these calls that the lists are modified. #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.12 for item in mylist: if criterion: pass # do something with matched item break else: pass # unfound #----------------------------- for idx, elem in enumerate(mylist): if criterion: pass # do something with elem found at mylist[idx] break else: pass ## unfound #----------------------------- # Assuming employees are sorted high->low by wage. for employee in employees: if employee.category == 'engineer': highest_engineer = employee break print "Highest paid engineer is:", highest_engineer.name #----------------------------- # If you need the index, use enumerate: for i, employee in enumerate(employees): if employee.category == 'engineer': highest_engineer = employee break print "Highest paid engineer is: #%s - %s" % (i, highest_engineer.name) # The following is rarely appropriate: for i in range(len(mylist)): if criterion: pass # do something break else: pass ## not found #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.13 matching = [term for term in mylist if test(term)] #----------------------------- matching = [] for term in mylist: if test(term): matching.append(term) #----------------------------- bigs = [num for num in nums if num > 1000000] pigs = [user for (user, val) in users.items() if val > 1e7] #----------------------------- import os matching = [line for line in os.popen("who") if line.startswith("gnat ")] #----------------------------- engineers = [employee for employee in employees if employee.position == "Engineer"] #----------------------------- secondary_assistance = [applicant for applicant in applicants if 26000 <= applicant.income < 30000] #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.14 sorted_list = sorted(unsorted_list) #----------------------------- # pids is an unsorted list of process IDs import os, signal, time for pid in sorted(pids): print pid pid = raw_input("Select a process ID to kill: ") try: pid = int(pid) except ValueError: raise SystemExit("Exiting ... ") os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(2) try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) except OSError, err: if err.errno != 3: # was it already killed? raise #----------------------------- descending = sorted(unsorted_list, reverse=True) #----------------------------- allnums = [4, 19, 8, 3] allnums.sort(reverse=True) # inplace #----------------------------- # pre 2.3 allnums.sort() # inplace allnums.reverse() # inplace #or allnums = sorted(allnums, reverse=True) # reallocating #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.15 ordered = sorted(unordered, cmp=compare) #----------------------------- ordered = sorted(unordered, key=compute) # ...which is somewhat equivalent to: precomputed = [(compute(x), x) for x in unordered] precomputed.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0])) ordered = [v for k,v in precomputed.items()] #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS. def functional_sort(mylist, function): mylist.sort(function) return mylist ordered = [v for k,v in functional_sort([(compute(x), x) for x in unordered], lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))] #----------------------------- ordered = sorted(employees, key=lambda x: x.name) #----------------------------- for employee in sorted(employees, key=lambda x: x.name): print "%s earns $%s" % (employee.name, employee.salary) #----------------------------- sorted_employees = sorted(employees, key=lambda x: x.name): for employee in sorted_employees: print "%s earns $%s" % (employee.name, employee.salary) # load bonus for employee in sorted_employees: if bonus(employee.ssn): print employee.name, "got a bonus!" #----------------------------- sorted_employees = sorted(employees, key=lambda x: (x.name, x.age)): #----------------------------- # NOTE: Python should allow access to the pwd fields by name # as well as by position. import pwd # fetch all users users = pwd.getpwall() for user in sorted(users, key=lambda x: x[0]): print user[0] #----------------------------- sorted_list = sorted(names, key=lambda x: x[:1]) #----------------------------- sorted_list = sorted(strings, key=len) #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS. temp = [(len(s), s) for s in strings] temp.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0])) sorted_list = [x[1] for x in temp] #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS. def functional_sort(mylist, function): mylist.sort(function) return mylist sorted_fields = [v for k,v in functional_sort( [(int(re.search(r"(\d+)", x).group(1)), x) for x in fields], lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))] #----------------------------- entries = [line[:-1].split() for line in open("/etc/passwd")] for entry in sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (x[3], x[2], x[0])): print entry #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.16 #----------------------------- import itertools for process in itertools.cycle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]): print "Handling process", process time.sleep(1) # pre 2.3: import time class Circular(object): def __init__(self, data): assert len(data) >= 1, "Cannot use an empty list" self.data = data def __iter__(self): while True: for elem in self.data: yield elem circular = Circular([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) for process in circular: print "Handling process", process time.sleep(1) # DON'T DO THIS. All those pops and appends mean that the list needs to be # constantly reallocated. This is rather bad if your list is large: import time class Circular(object): def __init__(self, data): assert len(data) >= 1, "Cannot use an empty list" self.data = data def next(self): head = self.data.pop(0) self.data.append(head) return head circular = Circular([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) while True: process = circular.next() print "Handling process", process time.sleep(1) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.17 #----------------------------- # generate a random permutation of mylist in place import random random.shuffle(mylist) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.18 #----------------------------- import sys def make_columns(mylist, screen_width=78): if mylist: maxlen = max([len(elem) for elem in mylist]) maxlen += 1 # to make extra space cols = max(1, screen_width/maxlen) rows = 1 + len(mylist)/cols # pre-create mask for faster computation mask = "%%-%ds " % (maxlen-1) for n in range(rows): row = [mask%elem for elem in mylist[n::rows]] yield "".join(row).rstrip() for row in make_columns(sys.stdin.readlines(), screen_width=50): print row # A more literal translation import sys # subroutine to check whether at last item on line def EOL(item): return (item+1) % cols == 0 # Might not be portable to non-linux systems def getwinsize(): # Use the curses module if installed try: import curses stdscr = curses.initscr() rows, cols = stdscr.getmaxyx() return cols except ImportError: pass # Nope, so deal with ioctl directly. What value for TIOCGWINSZ? try: import termios TIOCGWINSZ = termios.TIOCGWINSZ except ImportError: TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468 # This is Linux specific import struct, fcntl s = struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0) try: x = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), TIOCGWINSZ, s) except IOError: return 80 rows, cols = struct.unpack("HHHH", x)[:2] return cols cols = getwinsize() data = [s.rstrip() for s in sys.stdin.readlines()] if not data: maxlen = 1 else: maxlen = max(map(len, data)) maxlen += 1 # to make extra space # determine boundaries of screen cols = (cols / maxlen) or 1 rows = (len(data)+cols) / cols # pre-create mask for faster computation mask = "%%-%ds " % (maxlen-1) # now process each item, picking out proper piece for this position for item in range(rows * cols): target = (item % cols) * rows + (item/cols) if target < len(data): piece = mask % data[target] else: piece = mask % "" if EOL(item): piece = piece.rstrip() # don't blank-pad to EOL sys.stdout.write(piece) if EOL(item): sys.stdout.write("\n") if EOL(item): sys.stdout.write("\n") #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_4.19 #----------------------------- def factorial(n): s = 1 while n: s *= n n -= 1 return s #----------------------------- def permute(alist, blist=[]): if not alist: yield blist for i, elem in enumerate(alist): for elem in permute(alist[:i] + alist[i+1:], blist + [elem]): yield elem for permutation in permute(range(4)): print permutation #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS import fileinput # Slightly modified from # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/66463 def print_list(alist, blist=[]): if not alist: print ' '.join(blist) for i in range(len(alist)): blist.append(alist.pop(i)) print_list(alist, blist) alist.insert(i, blist.pop()) for line in fileinput.input(): words = line.split() print_list(words) #----------------------------- class FactorialMemo(list): def __init__(self): self.append(1) def __call__(self, n): try: return self[n] except IndexError: ret = n * self(n-1) self.append(ret) return ret factorial = FactorialMemo() import sys import time sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) start = time.time() factorial(2000) f1 = time.time() - start factorial(2100) # First 2000 values are cached already f2 = time.time() - f1 - start print "Slow first time:", f1 print "Quicker the second time:", f2 #----------------------------- class MemoizedPermutations(list): def __init__(self, alist): self.permute(alist, []) def permute(self, alist, blist): if not alist: self.append(blist) for i, elem in enumerate(alist): self.permute(alist[:i] + alist[i+1:], blist + [elem]) def __call__(self, seq, idx): return [seq[n] for n in self[idx]] p5 = MemoizedPermutations(range(5)) words = "This sentence has five words".split() print p5(words, 17) print p5(words, 81) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.0 #----------------------------- # dictionaries age = {"Nat": 24, "Jules": 24, "Josh": 17} #----------------------------- age = {} age["Nat"] = 24 age["Jules"] = 25 age["Josh"] = 17 #----------------------------- food_color = {"Apple": "red", "Banana": "yellow", "Lemon": "yellow", "Carrot": "orange" } #----------------------------- # NOTE: keys must be quoted in Python # @@PLEAC@@_5.1 mydict[key] = value #----------------------------- # food_color defined per the introduction food_color["Raspberry"] = "pink" print "Known foods:" for food in food_color: print food #=> Known foods: #=> Raspberry #=> Carrot #=> Lemon #=> Apple #=> Banana #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.2 # does mydict have a value for key? if key in mydict: pass # it exists else: pass # it doesn't #----------------------------- # food_color per the introduction for name in ("Banana", "Martini"): if name in food_color: print name, "is a food." else: print name, "is a drink." #=> Banana is a food. #=> Martini is a drink. #----------------------------- age = {} age["Toddler"] = 3 age["Unborn"] = 0 age["Phantasm"] = None for thing in ("Toddler", "Unborn", "Phantasm", "Relic"): print ("%s:"%thing), if thing in age: print "Exists", if age[thing] is not None: print "Defined", if age[thing]: print "True", print #=> Toddler: Exists Defined True #=> Unborn: Exists Defined #=> Phantasm: Exists #=> Relic: #----------------------------- # Get file sizes for the requested filenames import fileinput, os size = {} for line in fileinput.input(): filename = line.rstrip() if filename in size: continue size[filename] = os.path.getsize(filename) # @@PLEAC@@_5.3 # remove key and its value from mydict del mydict[key] #----------------------------- # food_color as per Introduction def print_foods(): foods = food_color.keys() print "Keys:", " ".join(foods) print "Values:", for food in foods: color = food_color[food] if color is not None: print color, else: print "(undef)", print print "Initially:" print_foods() print "\nWith Banana set to None" food_color["Banana"] = None print_foods() print "\nWith Banana deleted" del food_color["Banana"] print_foods() #=> Initially: #=> Keys: Carrot Lemon Apple Banana #=> Values: orange yellow red yellow #=> #=> With Banana set to None #=> Keys: Carrot Lemon Apple Banana #=> Values: orange yellow red (undef) #=> #=> With Banana deleted #=> Keys: Carrot Lemon Apple #=> Values: orange yellow red #----------------------------- for key in ["Banana", "Apple", "Cabbage"]: del food_color[key] #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.4 #----------------------------- for key, value in mydict.items(): pass # do something with key and value # If mydict is large, use iteritems() instead for key, value in mydict.iteritems(): pass # do something with key and value #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: for key in mydict.keys(): value = mydict[key] # do something with key and value #----------------------------- # food_color per the introduction for food, color in food_color.items(): print "%s is %s." % (food, color) # DON'T DO THIS: for food in food_color: color = food_color[food] print "%s is %s." % (food, color) #----------------------------- print """%(food)s is %(color)s. """ % vars() #----------------------------- for food, color in sorted(food_color.items()): print "%s is %s." % (food, color) #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # countfrom - count number of messages from each sender import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: infile = open(sys.argv[1]) else: infile = sys.stdin counts = {} for line in infile: if line.startswith("From: "): name = line[6:-1] counts[name] = counts.get(name, 0) + 1 for (name, count) in sorted(counts.items()): print "%s: %s" % (name, count) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.5 for key, val in mydict.items(): print key, "=>", val #----------------------------- print "\n".join([("%s => %s" % item) for item in mydict.items()]) #----------------------------- print mydict #=> {'firstname': 'Andrew', 'login': 'dalke', 'state': 'New Mexico', 'lastname': 'Dalke'} #----------------------------- import pprint pprint.pprint(dict) #=> {'firstname': 'Andrew', #=> 'lastname': 'Dalke', #=> 'login': 'dalke', #=> 'state': 'New Mexico'} #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.6 #----------------------------- class SequenceDict(dict): """ Dictionary that remembers the insertion order. The lists returned by keys(), values() and items() are in the insertion order. """ def __init__(self, *args): self._keys={} # key --> id self._ids={} # id --> key self._next_id=0 def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._keys[key]=self._next_id self._ids[self._next_id]=key self._next_id+=1 return dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): id=self._keys[key] del(self._keys[key]) del(self._ids[id]) return dict.__delitem__(self, key) def values(self): values=[] ids=list(self._ids.items()) ids.sort() for id, key in ids: values.append(self[key]) return values def items(self): items=[] ids=list(self._ids.items()) ids.sort() for id, key in ids: items.append((key, self[key])) return items def keys(self): ids=list(self._ids.items()) ids.sort() keys=[] for id, key in ids: keys.append(key) return keys def update(self, d): for key, value in d.items(): self[key]=value def clear(self): dict.clear(self) self._keys={} self._ids={} self._next_id=0 def testSequenceDict(): sd=SequenceDict() # First Test sd[3]="first" sd[2]="second" sd[1]="third" print sd.keys() print sd.items() print sd.values() del(sd[1]) del(sd[2]) del(sd[3]) print sd.keys(), sd.items(), sd.values() print sd._ids, sd._keys print "---------------" # Second Test sd["b"]="first" sd["a"]="second" sd.update({"c": "third"}) print sd.keys() print sd.items() print sd.values() del(sd["b"]) del(sd["a"]) del(sd["c"]) print sd.keys(), sd.items(), sd.values() print sd._ids, sd._keys def likePerlCookbook(): food_color=SequenceDict() food_color["Banana"]="Yellow"; food_color["Apple"]="Green"; food_color["Lemon"]="Yellow" print "In insertion order, the foods' color are:" for food, color in food_color.items(): print "%s is colored %s" % (food, color) if __name__=="__main__": #testSequenceDict() likePerlCookbook() # @@PLEAC@@_5.7 import os ttys = {} who = os.popen("who") for line in who: user, tty = line.split()[:2] ttys.setdefault(user, []).append(tty) for (user, tty_list) in sorted(ttys.items()): print user + ": " + " ".join(tty_list) #----------------------------- import pwd for (user, tty_list) in ttys.items(): print user + ":", len(tty_list), "ttys." for tty in sorted(tty_list): try: uid = os.stat("/dev/" + tty).st_uid user = pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0] except os.error: user = "(not available)" print "\t%s (owned by %s)" % (tty, user) # @@PLEAC@@_5.8 # lookup_dict maps keys to values reverse = dict([(val, key) for (key, val) in lookup_dict.items()]) #----------------------------- surname = {"Mickey": "Mantle", "Babe": "Ruth"} first_name = dict([(last, first) for (first, last) in surname.items()]) print first_name["Mantle"] #=> Mickey #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl -w # foodfind - find match for food or color import sys if not sys.argv[1:]: raise SystemExit("usage: foodfind food_or_color") given = sys.argv[1] color_dict = {"Apple": "red", "Banana": "yellow", "Lemon": "yellow", "Carrot": "orange", } food_dict = dict([(color, food) for (food, color) in color_dict.items()]) if given in color_dict: print given, "is a food with color", color_dict[given] elif given in food_dict: print food_dict[given], "is a food with color", given #----------------------------- # food_color as per the introduction foods_with_color = {} for food, color in food_color.items(): foods_with_color.setdefault(color, []).append(food) print " ".join(foods_with_color["yellow"]), "were yellow foods." #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.9 #----------------------------- # mydict is the hash to sort for key, value in sorted(mydict.items()): # do something with key, value #----------------------------- # food_color as per section 5.8 for food, color in sorted(food_color.items()): print "%s is %s." % (food, color) #----------------------------- # NOTE: alternative version for item in sorted(food_color.items()): print "%s is %s." % item #----------------------------- # NOTE: alternative version showing a user-defined function def food_cmp(x, y): return cmp(x, y) for food, color in sorted(food_color, cmp=food_cmp): print "%s is %s." % (food, color) #----------------------------- def food_len_cmp(x, y): return cmp(len(x), len(y)) for food in sorted(food_color, cmp=food_len_cmp): print "%s is %s." % (food, food_color[food]) # In this instance, however, the following is both simpler and faster: for food in sorted(food_color, key=len): print "%s is %s." % (food, food_color[food]) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.10 #----------------------------- merged = {} merged.update(a_dict) merged.update(b_dict) #----------------------------- # NOTE: alternative version merged = a_dict.copy() merged.update(b_dict) #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: merged = {} for k, v in a_dict.items(): merged[k] = v for k, v in b_dict.items(): merged[k] = v #----------------------------- # food_color as per section 5.8 drink_color = {"Galliano": "yellow", "Mai Tai": "blue"} ingested_color = drink_color.copy() ingested_color.update(food_color) #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: drink_color = {"Galliano": "yellow", "Mai Tai": "blue"} substance_color = {} for k, v in food_color.items(): substance_color[k] = v for k, v in drink_color.items(): substance_color[k] = v #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: substance_color = {} for mydict in (food_color, drink_color): for k, v in mydict: substance_color[k] = v #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS: substance_color = {} for item in food_color.items() + drink_color.items(): for k, v in mydict: substance_color[k] = v #----------------------------- substance_color = {} for mydict in (food_color, drink_color): for k, v in mydict.items(): if substance_color.has_key(k): print "Warning:", k, "seen twice. Using the first definition." continue substance_color[k] = v # I think it's a copy, in which case all_colors = new_colors.copy() # @@PLEAC@@_5.11 common = [k for k in dict1 if k in dict2] #----------------------------- this_not_that = [k for k in dict1 if k not in dict2] #----------------------------- # citrus_color is a dict mapping citrus food name to its color. citrus_color = {"Lemon": "yellow", "Orange": "orange", "Lime": "green"} # build up a list of non-citrus foods non_citrus = [k for k in food_color if k not in citruscolor] #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.12 #----------------------------- # references as keys of dictionaries is no pb in python name = {} for filename in ("/etc/termcap", "/vmunix", "/bin/cat"): try: myfile = open(filename) except IOError: pass else: names[myfile] = filename print "open files:", ", ".join(name.values()) for f, fname in name.items(): f.seek(0, 2) # seek to the end print "%s is %d bytes long." % (fname, f.tell()) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.13 # Python doesn't allow presizing of dicts, but hashing is efficient - # it only re-sizes at intervals, not every time an item is added. # @@PLEAC@@_5.14 count = {} for element in mylist: count[element] = count.get(element, 0) + 1 # @@PLEAC@@_5.15 #----------------------------- import fileinput father = {'Cain': 'Adam', 'Abel': 'Adam', 'Seth': 'Adam', 'Enoch': 'Cain', 'Irad': 'Enoch', 'Mehujael': 'Irad', 'Methusael': 'Mehujael', 'Lamech': 'Methusael', 'Jabal': 'Lamech', 'Tubalcain': 'Lamech', 'Enos': 'Seth', } for line in fileinput.input(): person = line.rstrip() while person: # as long as we have people, print person, # print the current name person = father.get(person) # set the person to the person's father print #----------------------------- import fileinput children = {} for k, v in father.items(): children.setdefault(v, []).append(k) for line in fileinput.input(): person = line.rstrip() kids = children.get(person, ["nobody"]) print person, "begat", ", ".join(kids) #----------------------------- import sys, re pattern = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*include\s*<([^>]+)') includes = {} for filename in filenames: try: infile = open(filename) except IOError, err: print>>sys.stderr, err continue for line in infile: match = pattern.match(line) if match: includes.setdefault(match.group(1), []).append(filename) #----------------------------- # list of files that don't include others mydict = {} for e in reduce(lambda a,b: a + b, includes.values()): if not includes.has_key(e): mydict[e] = 1 include_free = mydict.keys() include_free.sort() # @@PLEAC@@_5.16 #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python -w # dutree - print sorted indented rendition of du output import os, sys def get_input(args): # NOTE: This is insecure - use only from trusted code! cmd = "du " + " ".join(args) infile = os.popen(cmd) dirsize = {} kids = {} for line in infile: size, name = line[:-1].split("\t", 1) dirsize[name] = int(size) parent = os.path.dirname(name) kids.setdefault(parent, []).append(name) # Remove the last field added, which is the root kids[parent].pop() if not kids[parent]: del kids[parent] return name, dirsize, kids def getdots(root, dirsize, kids): size = cursize = dirsize[root] if kids.has_key(root): for kid in kids[root]: cursize -= dirsize[kid] getdots(kid, dirsize, kids) if size != cursize: dot = root + "/." dirsize[dot] = cursize kids[root].append(dot) def output(root, dirsize, kids, prefix = "", width = 0): path = os.path.basename(root) size = dirsize[root] fmt = "%" + str(width) + "d %s" line = fmt % (size, path) print prefix + line prefix += (" " * (width-1)) + "| " + (" " * len(path)) if kids.has_key(root): kid_list = kids[root] kid_list.sort(lambda x, y, dirsize=dirsize: cmp(dirsize[x], dirsize[y])) width = len(str(dirsize[kid_list[-1]])) for kid in kid_list: output(kid, dirsize, kids, prefix, width) def main(): root, dirsize, kids = get_input(sys.argv[1:]) getdots(root, dirsize, kids) output(root, dirsize, kids) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # @@PLEAC@@_6.0 # Note: regexes are used less often in Python than in Perl as tasks are often # covered by string methods, or specialised objects, modules, or packages. import re # "re" is the regular expression module. re.search("sheep",meadow) # returns a MatchObject is meadow contains "sheep". if not re.search("sheep",meadow): print "no sheep on this meadow only a fat python." # replacing strings is not done by "re"gular expressions. meadow = meadow.replace("old","new") # replace "old" with "new" and assign result. #----------------------------- re.search("ovine",meadow) meadow = """Fine bovines demand fine toreadors. Muskoxen are polar ovibovine species. Grooviness went out of fashion decades ago.""" meadow = "Ovines are found typically in ovaries." if re.search(r"\bovines\b",meadow,re.I) : print "Here be sheep!" #----------------------------- # The tricky bit mystr = "good food" re.sub("o*","e",mystr,1) # gives 'egood food' echo ababacaca | python -c "import sys,re; print re.search('(a|ba|b)+(a|ac)+',sys.stdin.read()).group()" #----------------------------- # pattern matching modifiers # assume perl code iterates over some file import re, fileinput for ln = fileinput.input(): fnd = re.findall("(\d+)",ln) if len(fnd) > 0: print "Found number %s" % (fnd[0]) # ---------------------------- digits = "123456789" nonlap = re.findall("(\d\d\d)", digits) yeslap = ["not yet"] print "Non-overlapping:",",".join(nonlap) print "Overlapping :",",".join(yeslap) # ---------------------------- mystr = "And little lambs eat ivy" fnd = re.search("(l[^s]*s)", mystr) print "(%s) (%s) (%s)" % (mystr[:fnd.start()], fnd.group(), mystr[fnd.end():]) # (And ) (little lambs) ( eat ivy) # @@PLEAC@@_6.1 import re dst = re.sub("this","that",src) #----------------------------- # strip to basename basename = re.sub(".*/(?=[^/]+)","",progname) # Make All Words Title-Cased # DON'T DO THIS - use str.title() instead def cap(mo): return mo.group().capitalize() re.sub("(?P\w+)",cap,"make all words title-cased") # /usr/man/man3/foo.1 changes to /usr/man/cat3/foo.1 manpage = "/usr/man/man3/foo.1" catpage = re.sub("man(?=\d)","cat",manpage) #----------------------------- bindirs = "/usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin".split() libdirs = [d.replace("bin", "lib") for d in bindirs] print " ".join(libdirs) #=> /usr/lib /lib /usr/local/lib #----------------------------- # strings are never modified in place. #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_6.2 ##--------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS. use line[:-1].isalpha() [this probably goes for the # remainder of this section too!] import re if re.match("^[A-Za-z]+$",line): print "pure alphabetic" ##--------------------------- if re.match(r"^[^\W\d_]+$", line, re.LOCALE): print "pure alphabetic" ##--------------------------- import re import locale try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'fr_CA.ISO8859-1') except: print "couldn't set locale to French Cnadian" raise SystemExit DATA=""" silly façade coöperate niño Renée Molière hæmoglobin naïve tschüß random!stuff#here """ for ln in DATA.split(): ln = ln.rstrip() if re.match(r"^[^\W\d_]+$",ln,re.LOCALE): print "%s: alphabetic" % (ln) else: print "%s: line noise" % (ln) # although i dont think "coöperate" should be in canadian ##--------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_6.3 # Matching Words "\S+" # as many non-whitespace bytes as possible "[A-Za-z'-]+" # as many letters, apostrophes, and hyphens # string split is similar to splitting on "\s+" "A text with some\tseparator".split() "\b*([A-Za-z]+)\b*" # word boundaries "\s*([A-Za-z]+)\s*" # might work too as on letters are allowed. re.search("\Bis\B","this thistle") # matches on thistle not on this re.search("\Bis\B","vis-a-vis") # does not match # @@PLEAC@@_6.4 #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/python # resname - change all "foo.bar.com" style names in the input stream # into "foo.bar.com []" (or whatever) instead import socket # load inet_addr import fileinput import re match = re.compile("""(?P # capture hostname (?: # these parens for grouping only [\w-]+ # hostname component \. # ant the domain dot ) + # now repeat that whole thing a bunch of times [A-Za-z] # next must be a letter [\w-] + # now trailing domain part ) # end of hostname capture """,re.VERBOSE) # for nice formatting def repl(match_obj): orig_hostname = match_obj.group("hostname") try: addr = socket.gethostbyname(orig_hostname) except socket.gaierror: addr = "???" return "%s [%s]" % (orig_hostname, addr) for ln in fileinput.input(): print match.sub(repl, ln) #----------------------------- re.sub("""(?x) # nicer formatting \# # a pound sign (\w+) # the variable name \# # another pound sign """, lambda m: eval(m.group(1)), # replace with the value of the global variable line ) ##----------------------------- re.sub("""(?x) # nicer formatting \# # a pound sign (\w+) # the variable name \# # another pound sign """, lambda m: eval(eval(m.group(1))), # replace with the value of *any* variable line ) ##----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_6.5 import re pond = "one fish two fish red fish blue fish" fishes = re.findall(r"(?i)(\w+)\s+fish\b",pond) if len(fishes)>2: print "The third fish is a %s one." % (fishes[2]) ##----------------------------- re.findall(r"(?i)(?:\w+\s+fish\s+){2}(\w+)\s+fish",pond) ##----------------------------- count = 0 for match_object in re.finditer(r"PAT", mystr): count += 1 # or whatever you want to do here # "progressive" matching might be better if one wants match 5 from 50. # to count use count = len(re.findall(r"PAT",mystr)) count = len(re.findall(r"aba","abaababa")) # "count" overlapping matches count = len(re.findall(r"(?=aba)","abaababa")) # FASTEST non-overlapping might be str.count "abaababa".count("aba") ##----------------------------- pond = "one fish two fish red fish blue fish" colors = re.findall(r"(?i)(\w+)\s+fish\b",pond) # get all matches color = colors[2] # then the one we want # or without a temporary list color = re.findall(r"(?i)(\w+)\s+fish\b",pond)[2] # just grab element 3 print "The third fish in the pond is %s." % (color) ##----------------------------- import re pond = "one fish two fish red fish blue fish" matches = re.findall(r"(\w+)\s+fish\b",pond) evens = [fish for (i, fish) in enumerate(matches) if i%2] print "Even numbered fish are %s." % (" ".join(evens)) ##----------------------------- count = 0 def four_is_sushi(match_obj): global count count += 1 if count==4: return "sushi%s" % (match_obj.group(2)) return "".join(match_obj.groups()) re.sub(r"""(?x) # VERBOSE \b # makes next \w more efficient ( \w+ ) # this is what we'll be changing ( \s+ fish \b )""", four_is_sushi, pond) # one fish two fish red fish sushi fish ##----------------------------- # greedily last_fish = re.findall(r"(?i).*\b(\w+)\s+fish\b",pond) ##----------------------------- pond = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here" color = re.findall(r"(?i)\b(\w+)\s+fish\b",pond)[-1] print "Last fish is "+color+"." # FASTER using string. lastfish = pond.rfind("fish") color = pond[:lastfish].split()[-1] ##----------------------------- r"""(?x) A # find some pattern A (?! # mustn't be able to find .* # something A # and A ) $ # through the end of string """ pond = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here" fnd = re.findall(r"""(?xis) # VERBOSE, CASEINSENSITIVE, DOTALL \b ( \w+ ) \s+ fish \b (?! .* \b fish \b )""", pond) if len(fnd): print "Last fish is %s." % (fnd[0]) else: print "Failed!" # @@PLEAC@@_6.6 # Matching Multiple Lines # #!/usr/bin/python # killtags - very bad html tag killer import re import sys text = open(sys.argv[1]).read() # read the whole file text = re.sub("(?ms)<.*?>","",text) # strip tags (terrible print text ## ---------------------------- #!/usr/bin/python # headerfy: change certain chapter headers to html import sys, re match = re.compile(r"""(?xms) # re.VERBOSE, re.MULTILINE, and re.DOTALL \A # start of the string (?P # capture in g Chapter # literal string \s+ # mandatory whitespace \d+ # decimal number \s* # optional whitespace : # a real colon . * # anything not a newline till end of line ) """) text = open(sys.argv[1]).read() # read the whole file for paragraph in text.split("\n"): # split on unix end of lines p = match.sub("


",paragraph) print p ## ---------------------------- # the one liner does not run. # python -c 'import sys,re; for p in open(sys.argv[1]).read().split("\n\n"): print re.sub(r"(?ms)\A(Chapter\s+\d+\s*:.*)","


",p)' ## ---------------------------- match = re.compile(r"(?ms)^START(.*?)^END") # s makes . span line boundaries # m makes ^ match at the beginning of the string and at the beginning of each line chunk = 0 for paragraph in open(sys.argv[1]).read().split("\n\n"): chunk += 1 fnd = match.findall(paragraph) if fnd: print "chunk %d in %s has <<%s>>" % (chunk,sys.argv[1],">>,<<".join(fnd)) ## ---------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_6.7 import sys # Read the whole file and split chunks = open(sys.argv[1]).read().split() # on whitespace chunks = open(sys.argv[1]).read().split("\n") # on line ends # splitting on pattern import re pattern = r"x" chunks = re.split(pattern, open(sys.argv[1]).read()) ##----------------------------- chunks = re.split(r"(?m)^\.(Ch|Se|Ss)$",open(sys.argv[1]).read()) print "I read %d chunks." % (len(chunks)) # without delimiters chunks = re.split(r"(?m)^\.(?:Ch|Se|Ss)$",open(sys.argv[1]).read()) # with delimiters chunks = re.split(r"(?m)^(\.(?:Ch|Se|Ss))$",open(sys.argv[1]).read()) # with delimiters at chunkstart chunks = re.findall(r"""(?xms) # multiline, dot matches lineend, allow comments ((?:^\.)? # consume the separator if present .*?) # match everything but not greedy (?= # end the match on this but dont consume it (?: # dont put into group [1] ^\.(?:Ch|Se|Ss)$ # either end on one of the roff commands |\Z # or end of text ) )""", open(sys.argv[1]).read()) # [1] if "?:" is removed the result holds tuples: ('.Ch\nchapter x','.Ch') # which might be more usefull. # @@PLEAC@@_6.8 ##----------------------------- # Python doesn't have perl's range operators # If you want to only use a selected line range, use enumerate # (though note that indexing starts at zero: for i, line in enumerate(myfile): if firstlinenum <= i < lastlinenum: dosomethingwith(line) # Using patterned ranges is slightly trickier - # You need to search for the first pattern then # search for the next pattern: import re for line in myfile: if re.match(pat1, line): break dosomethingwith(line) # Only if pat1 can be on same line as pat2 for line in myfile: if re.match(pat2, line): break dosomethingwith(line) ##----------------------------- # If you need to extract ranges a lot, the following generator funcs # may be useful: def extract_range(myfile, start, finish): for i, line in enumerate(myfile): if start <= i < finish: yield line elif i == finish: break for line in extract_range(open("/etc/passwd"), 3, 5): print line def patterned_range(myfile, startpat, endpat=None): startpat = re.compile(startpat) if endpat is not None: endpat = re.compile(endpat) in_range = False for line in myfile: if re.match(startpat, line): in_range = True if in_range: yield line if endpat is not None and re.match(endpat, line): break # DO NOT DO THIS. Use the email module instead for line in patterned_range(msg, "^From:?", "^$"): pass #... # @@PLEAC@@_6.9 tests = (("list.?",r"^list\..$"), ("project.*",r"^project\..*$"), ("*old",r"^.*old$"), ("type*.[ch]",r"^type.*\.[ch]$"), ("*.*",r"^.*\..*$"), ("*",r"^.*$"), ) # The book says convert "*","?","[","]" all other characters will be quoted. # The book uses "\Q" which escapes any characters that would otherwise be # treated as regular expression. # Escaping every char fails as "\s" is not "s" in a regex. def glob2pat(globstr): pat = globstr.replace("\\",r"\\") pat = pat.replace(".",r"\.").replace("?",r".").replace("*",r".*") return "^"+pat+"$" for globstr, patstr in tests: g2p = glob2pat(globstr) if g2p != patstr: print globstr, "failed! Should be", patstr, "but was", g2p # @@PLEAC@@_6.10 # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch06/popgrep1 #----------------------------- # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch06/popgrep2 #----------------------------- # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch06/popgrep3 #----------------------------- # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch06/grepauth #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_6.11 # Testing for a Valid Pattern import re while True: pat = raw_input("Pattern? ") try: re.compile(pat) except re.error, err: print "INVALID PATTERN", err continue break # ---- def is_valid_pattern(pat): try: re.compile(pat) except re.error: return False return True # ---- # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch06/paragrep # ---- # as we dont evaluate patterns the attack :: # # $pat = "You lose @{[ system('rm -rf *']} big here"; # # does not work. # @@PLEAC@@_6.12 # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch06/localeg # @@PLEAC@@_6.13 ##----------------------------- import difflib matchlist = ["ape", "apple", "lapel", "peach", "puppy"] print difflib.get_close_matches("appel", matchlist) #=> ['lapel', 'apple', 'ape'] ##----------------------------- # Also see: # http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/i/u/iua1/python/apse/ # http://www.bio.cam.ac.uk/~mw263/pyagrep.html # @@PLEAC@@_6.14 ##----------------------------- # To search (potentially) repeatedly for a pattern, use re.finditer(): # DO NOT DO THIS. Split on commas and convert elems using int() mystr = "3,4,5,9,120" for match in re.finditer("(\d+)", mystr): n = match.group(0) if n == "9": break # '120' will never be matched print "Found number", n # matches know their end position mystr = "The year 1752 lost 10 days on the 3rd of September" x = re.finditer("(\d+)", mystr) for match in x: n = match.group(0) print "Found number", n tail = re.match("(\S+)", mystr[match.end():]) if tail: print "Found %s after the last number."%tail.group(0) # @@PLEAC@@_6.15 # Python's regexes are based on Perl's, so it has the non-greedy # '*?', '+?', and '??' versions of '*', '+', and '?'. # DO NOT DO THIS. import htmllib, formatter, etc, instead #----------------------------- # greedy pattern txt = re.sub("<.*>", "", txt) # try to remove tags, very badly # non-greedy pattern txt = re.sub("<.*?>", "", txt) # try to remove tags, still rather badly #----------------------------- txt = "this and that are important Oh, me too!" print re.findall("(.*?)", txt ##----------------------------- print re.findall("/BEGIN((?:(?!BEGIN).)*)END/", txt) ##----------------------------- print re.findall("((?:(?!|).)*)", txt) ##----------------------------- print re.findall("((?:(?!<[ib]>).)*)", txt) ##----------------------------- print re.findall(""" [^<]* # stuff not possibly bad, and not possibly the end. (?: # at this point, we can have '<' if not part of something bad (?! ) # what we can't have < # okay, so match the '<' [^<]* # and continue with more safe stuff ) * """, re.VERBOSE, txt) ##----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_6.16 ##----------------------------- text = """ This is a test test of the duplicate word finder. """ words = text.split() for curr, next in zip(words[:-1], words[1:]): if curr.upper() == next.upper(): print "Duplicate word '%s' found." % curr # DON'T DO THIS import re pat = r""" \b # start at a word boundary (begin letters) (\S+) # find chunk of non-whitespace \b # until another word boundary (end letters) ( \s+ # separated by some whitespace \1 # and that very same chunk again \b # until another word boundary ) + # one or more sets of those """ for match in re.finditer(pat, text, flags=re.VERBOSE|re.IGNORECASE): print "Duplicate word '%s' found." % match.group(1) ##----------------------------- a = 'nobody'; b = 'bodysnatcher'; text = a+" "+b pat = r"^(\w+)(\w+) \2(\w+)$" for match in re.finditer(pat, text): m1, m2, m3 = match.groups() print m2, "overlaps in %s-%s-%s"%(m1, m2, m3) ##----------------------------- pat = r"^(\w+?)(\w+) \2(\w+)$" ##----------------------------- try: while True: factor = re.match(r"^(oo+?)\1+$", n).group(1) n = re.sub(factor, "o", n) print len(factor) except AttributeError: print len(n) ##----------------------------- def diaphantine(n, x, y, z): pat = r"^(o*)\1{%s}(o*)\2{%s}(o*)\3{%s}$"%(x-1, y-1, z-1) text = "o"*n try: vals = [len(v) for v in re.match(pat, text).groups()] except ValueError: print "No solutions." else: print "One solution is: x=%s, y=%s, z=%s."%tuple(vals) diaphantine(n=281, x=12, y=15, z=16) # @@PLEAC@@_6.17 ##----------------------------- # Pass any of the following patterns to re.match(), etc pat = "ALPHA|BETA" pat = "^(?=.*ALPHA)(?=.*BETA)" pat = "ALPHA.*BETA|BETA.*ALPHA" pat = "^(?:(?!PAT).)*$" pat = "(?=^(?:(?!BAD).)*$)GOOD" ##----------------------------- if not re.match(pattern, text): something() ##----------------------------- if re.match(pat1, text) and re.match(pat2, text): something() ##----------------------------- if re.match(pat1, text) or re.match(pat2, text): something() ##----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS. """minigrep - trivial grep""" import sys, re pat = sys.argv[1] for line in sys.stdin: if re.match(pat, line): print line[:-1] ##----------------------------- if re.match(r"^(?=.*bell)(?=.*lab)", "labelled"): something() ##----------------------------- if re.search("bell", s) and re.search("lab", s): something() ##----------------------------- if re.match(""" ^ # start of string (?= # zero-width lookahead .* # any amount of intervening stuff bell # the desired bell string ) # rewind, since we were only looking (?= # and do the same thing .* # any amount of intervening stuff lab # and the lab part ) """, murray_hill, re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE): print "Looks like Bell Labs might be in Murray Hill!" ##----------------------------- if re.match(r"(?:^.*bell.*lab)|(?:^.*lab.*bell)", "labelled"): something() ##----------------------------- brand = "labelled" if re.match(""" (?: # non-capturing grouper ^ .*? # any amount of stuff at the front bell # look for a bell .*? # followed by any amount of anything lab # look for a lab ) # end grouper | # otherwise, try the other direction (?: # non-capturing grouper ^ .*? # any amount of stuff at the front lab # look for a lab .*? # followed by any amount of anything bell # followed by a bell ) # end grouper """, brand, re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE): print "Our brand has bell and lab separate." ##----------------------------- x = "odlaw" if re.match("^(?:(?!waldo).)*$", x): print "There's no waldo here!" ##----------------------------- if re.match(""" ^ # start of string (?: # non-capturing grouper (?! # look ahead negation waldo # is he ahead of us now? ) # is so, the negation failed . # any character (cuzza /s) ) * # repeat that grouping 0 or more $ # through the end of the string """, x, re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL): print "There's no waldo here!\n"; ##----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_6.18 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_6.19 ##----------------------------- from email._parseaddr import AddressList print AddressList("fred&barney@stonehenge.com").addresslist[0] print AddressList("fred&barney@stonehenge.com (Hanna Barbara)").addresslist[0] name, address = AddressList("Mr Fooby Blah ").addresslist[0] print "%s's address is '%s'"%(name, address) # @@PLEAC@@_6.20 ##----------------------------- # Assuming the strings all start with different letters, or you don't # mind there being precedence, use the startswith string method: def get_action(answer): answer = answer.lower() actions = ["send", "stop", "abort", "list", "end"] for action in actions: if action.startswith(answer): return action print "Action is %s."%get_action("L") #=> Action is list. ##----------------------------- #DON'T DO THIS: import re answer = "ab" answer = re.escape(answer.strip()) for action in ("SEND", "STOP", "ABORT", "LIST", "EDIT"): if re.match(answer, action, flags=re.IGNORECASE): print "Action is %s."%action.lower() ##----------------------------- import re, sys def handle_cmd(cmd): cmd = re.escape(cmd.strip()) for name, action in {"edit": invoke_editor, "send": deliver_message, "list": lambda: system(pager, myfile), "abort": sys.exit, } if re.match(cmd, name, flags=re.IGNORECASE): action() break else: print "Unknown command:", cmd handle_cmd("ab") # @@PLEAC@@_6.21 ##----------------------------- # urlify - wrap HTML links around URL-like constructs import re, sys, fileinput def urlify_string(s): urls = r'(http|telnet|gopher|file|wais|ftp)' ltrs = r'\w'; gunk = r'/#~:.?+=&%@!\-' punc = r'.:?\-' any = ltrs + gunk + punc pat = re.compile(r""" \b # start at word boundary ( # begin \1 { %(urls)s : # need resource and a colon [%(any)s] +? # followed by one or more # of any valid character, but # be conservative and take only # what you need to.... ) # end \1 } (?= # look-ahead non-consumptive assertion [%(punc)s]* # either 0 or more punctuation [^%(any)s] # followed by a non-url char | # or else $ # then end of the string ) """%locals(), re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) return re.sub(pat, r"\1", s) if __name__ == "__main__": for line in fileinput.input(): print urlify_string(line) # @@PLEAC@@_6.22 ##----------------------------- # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_6.23 # The majority of regexes in this section are either partially # or completely The Wrong Thing to Do. ##----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS. Use a Roman Numeral module, etc. (since # you need one anyway to calculate values) pat = r"^m*(d?c{0,3}|c[dm])(l?x{0,3}|x[lc])(v?i{0,3}|i[vx])$" re.match(pat, "mcmlxcvii") ##----------------------------- txt = "one two three four five" # If the words are cleanly delimited just split and rejoin: word1, word2, rest = txt.split(" ", 2) print " ".join([word2, word1, rest]) # Otherwise: frompat = r"(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)" topat = r"\3\2\1" print re.sub(frompat, topat, txt) ##----------------------------- print str.split("=") # DON'T DO THIS pat = r"(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$" print re.match(pat, "key=val").groups() ##----------------------------- line = "such a very very very very very very very very very very very very very long line" if len(line) > 80: process(line) # DON'T DO THIS pat = ".{80,}" if re.match(pat, line): process(line) ##----------------------------- dt = time.strptime("12/11/05 12:34:56", "%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S") # DON'T DO THIS pat = r"(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)" dt = re.match(pat, "12/11/05 12:34:56").groups() ##----------------------------- txt = "/usr/bin/python" print txt.replace("/usr/bin", "/usr/local/bin") # Alternatively for file operations use os.path, shutil, etc. # DON'T DO THIS print re.sub("/usr/bin", "/usr/local/bin", txt) ##----------------------------- import re def unescape_hex(matchobj): return chr(int(matchobj.groups(0)[0], 16)) txt = re.sub(r"%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])", unescape_hex, txt) # Assuming that the hex escaping is well-behaved, an alternative is: def unescape_hex(seg): return chr(int(seg[:2], 16)) + seg[2:] segs = txt.split("%") txt = segs[0] + "".join(unescape_hex(seg) for seg in segs[1:]) ##----------------------------- txt = re.sub(r""" /\* # Match the opening delimiter .*? # Match a minimal number of characters \*/ # Match the closing delimiter """, "", txt, re.VERBOSE) ##----------------------------- txt.strip() # DON'T DO THIS txt = re.sub(r"^\s+", "", txt) txt = re.sub(r"\s+$", "", txt) ##----------------------------- txt.replace("\\n", "\n") # DON'T DO THIS txt = re.sub("\\n", "\n", txt) ##----------------------------- txt = re.sub("^.*::", "") ##----------------------------- import socket socket.inet_aton(txt) # Will raise an error if incorrect # DON'T DO THIS. octseg =r"([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])" dot = r"\." pat = "^" + octseg + dot + octseg + dot + octseg + dot + octseg + "$" if not re.match(pat, txt, re.VERBOSE) raise ValueError # Defitely DON'T DO THIS. pat = r"""^([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\. ([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$""" ##----------------------------- fname = os.path.basename(path) # DON'T DO THIS. fname = re.sub("^.*/", "", path) ##----------------------------- import os try: tc = os.environ["TERMCAP"] except KeyError: cols = 80 else: cols = re.match(":co#(\d+):").groups(1) ##----------------------------- # (not quite equivalent to the Perl version) name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # DON'T DO THIS. name = re.sub("^.*/", "", sys.argv[0]) ##----------------------------- if sys.platform != "linux": raise SystemExit("This isn't Linux") ##----------------------------- txt = re.sub(r"\n\s+", " ", txt) # In many cases you could just use: txt = txt.replace("\n", " ") ##----------------------------- nums = re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+", txt) ##----------------------------- # If the words are clearly delimited just use: capwords = [word for word in txt.split() if word.isupper()] # Otherwise capwords = [word for word in re.findall(r"\b(\S+)\b", txt) if word.isupper()] # (probably) DON'T DO THIS. capwords = re.findall(r"(\b[^\Wa-z0-9_]+\b)", txt) ##----------------------------- # If the words are clearly delimited just use: lowords = [word for word in txt.split() if word.islower()] # Otherwise lowords = [word for word in re.findall(r"\b(\S+)\b", txt) if word.islower()] # (probably) DON'T DO THIS. lowords = re.findall(r"(\b[^\WA-Z0-9_]+\b)", txt) ##----------------------------- # If the words are clearly delimited just use: icwords = [word for word in txt.split() if word.istitle()] # Otherwise icwords = [word for word in re.finditer(r"\b(\S+)\b") if word.istitle()] # DON'T DO THIS. icwords = re.findall(r"(\b[^\Wa-z0-9_][^\WA-Z0-9_]*\b)", txt) ##----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS - use HTMLParser, etc. links = re.findall(r"""]+?HREF\s*=\s*["']?([^'" >]+?)[ '"]?>""", txt) ##----------------------------- names = txt.split() if len(names) == 3: initial = names[1][0] else: initial = "" # DON'T DO THIS. pat = "^\S+\s+(\S)\S*\s+\S" try: initial = re.match(pat, txt).group(1) except AttributeError: initial = "" ##----------------------------- txt = re.sub('"([^"]*)"', "``\1''", txt) ##----------------------------- sentences = [elem[0] for elem in re.findall(r"(.*?[!?.])( |\Z)", s)] ##----------------------------- import time dt = time.strptime(txt, "%Y-%m-%d") # DON'T DO THIS. year, month, day = re.match(r"(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)", txt).groups() ##----------------------------- pat = r""" ^ (?: 1 \s (?: \d\d\d \s)? # 1, or 1 and area code | # ... or ... \(\d\d\d\) \s # area code with parens | # ... or ... (?: \+\d\d?\d? \s)? # optional +country code \d\d\d ([\s\-]) # and area code ) \d\d\d (\s|\1) # prefix (and area code separator) \d\d\d\d # exchange $ """ re.match(pat, txt, re.VERBOSE) ##----------------------------- re.match(r"\boh\s+my\s+gh?o(d(dess(es)?|s?)|odness|sh)\b", txt, re.IGNORECASE) ##----------------------------- for line in file(fname, "Ur"): #Universal newlines process(line) # DON'T DO THIS lines = [re.sub(r"^([^\012\015]*)(\012\015?|\015\012?)", "", line) for line in file(fname)] ##----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_7.0 for line in open("/usr/local/widgets/data"): if blue in line: print line[:-1] #--------- import sys, re pattern = re.compile(r"\d") for line in sys.stdin: if not pattern.search(line): sys.stderr.write("No digit found.\n") sys.stdout.write("Read: " + line) sys.stdout.close() #--------- logfile = open("/tmp/log", "w") #--------- logfile.close() #--------- print>>logfile, "Countdown initiated ..." print "You have 30 seconds to reach minimum safety distance." # DONT DO THIS import sys old_output, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, logfile print "Countdown initiated ..." sys.stdout = old_output print "You have 30 seconds to reach minimum safety distance." #--------- # @@PLEAC@@_7.1 # Python's open() function somewhat covers both perl's open() and # sysopen() as it has optional arguments for mode and buffering. source = open(path) sink = open(path, "w") #--------- # NOTE: almost no one uses the low-level os.open and os.fdopen # commands, so their inclusion here is just silly. If # os.fdopen(os.open(...)) were needed often, it would be turned # into its own function. Instead, I'll use 'fd' to hint that # os.open returns a file descriptor import os source_fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDONLY) source = os.fdopen(fd) sink_fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY) sink = os.fdopen(sink_fd) #--------- myfile = open(filename, "w") fd = os.open(filename, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT) myfile = open(filename, "r+") #--------- fd = os.open(name, flags) fd = os.open(name, flags, mode) #--------- myfile = open(path) fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDONLY) #----------------------------- myfile = open(path, "w") fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREAT) fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREAT, 0600) #----------------------------- fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_EXCL|os.O_CREAT) fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_EXCL|os.O_CREAT, 0600) #----------------------------- myfile = open(path, "a") fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREAT) fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|s.O_CREAT, 0600) #----------------------------- fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND) #----------------------------- myfile = open(path, "rw") fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDWR) #----------------------------- fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT) fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT, 0600) #----------------------------- fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_EXCL|os.O_CREAT) fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_EXCL|os.O_CREAT, 0600) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_7.2 # Nothing different needs to be done with Python # @@PLEAC@@_7.3 import os filename = os.path.expanduser(filename) # @@PLEAC@@_7.4 myfile = open(filename) # raise an exception on error try: myfile = open(filename) except IOError, err: raise AssertionError("Couldn't open %s for reading : %s" % (filename, err.strerror)) # @@PLEAC@@_7.5 import tempfile myfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile() #----------------------------- # NOTE: The TemporaryFile() call is much more appropriate # I would not suggest using this code for real work. import os, tempfile while True: name = os.tmpnam() try: fd = os.open(name, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL) break except os.error: pass myfile = tempfile.TemporaryFileWrapper(os.fdopen(fd), name) # now go on to use the file ... #----------------------------- import os while True: tmpname = os.tmpnam() fd = os.open(tmpnam, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL) if fd: tmpfile = os.fdopen(fd) break os.remove(tmpnam) #----------------------------- import tempfile myfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(bufsize = 0) for i in range(10): print>>myfile, i myfile.seek(0) print "Tmp file has:", myfile.read() #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_7.6 DATA = """\ your data goes here """ for line in DATA.split("\n"): pass # process the line # @@PLEAC@@_7.7 for line in sys.stdin: pass # do something with the line # processing a list of files from commandline import fileinput for line in fileinput.input(): do something with the line #----------------------------- import sys def do_with(myfile): for line in myfile: print line[:-1] filenames = sys.argv[1:] if filenames: for filename in filenames: try: do_with(open(filename)) except IOError, err: sys.stderr.write("Can't open %s: %s\n" % (filename, err.strerror)) continue else: do_with(sys.stdin) #----------------------------- import sys, glob ARGV = sys.argv[1:] or glob.glob("*.[Cch]") #----------------------------- # NOTE: the getopt module is the prefered mechanism for reading # command line arguments import sys args = sys.argv[1:] chop_first = 0 if args and args[0] == "-c": chop_first += 1 args = args[1:] # arg demo 2: Process optional -NUMBER flag # NOTE: You just wouldn't process things this way for Python, # but I'm trying to preserve the same semantics. import sys, re digit_pattern = re.compile(r"-(\d+)$") args = sys.argv[1:] if args: match = digit_pattern.match(args[0]) if match: columns = int(match.group(1)) args = args[1:] # NOTE: here's the more idiomatic way, which also checks # for the "--" or a non "-" argument to stop processing args = sys.argv[1:] for i in range(len(args)): arg = args[i] if arg == "--" or not arg.startwith("-"): break if arg[1:].isdigit(): columns = int(arg[1:]) continue # arg demo 3: Process clustering -a, -i, -n, or -u flags import sys, getopt try: args, filenames = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ainu") except getopt.error: raise SystemExit("usage: %s [-ainu] [filenames] ..." % sys.argv[0]) append = ignore_ints = nostdout = unbuffer = 0 for k, v in args: if k == "-a": append += 1 elif k == "-i": ignore_ints += 1 elif k == "-n": nostdout += 1 elif k == "-u": unbuffer += 1 else: raise AssertionError("Unexpected argument: %s" % k) #----------------------------- # Note: Idiomatic Perl get translated to idiomatic Python import fileinput for line in fileinput.input(): sys.stdout.write("%s:%s:%s" % (fileinput.filename(), fileinput.filelineno(), line)) #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # findlogin1 - print all lines containing the string "login" for line in fileinput.input(): # loop over files on command line if line.find("login") != -1: sys.stdout.write(line) #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # lowercase - turn all lines into lowercase ### NOTE: I don't know how to do locales in Python for line in fileinput.input(): # loop over files on command line sys.stdout.write(line.lower()) #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # NOTE: The Perl code appears buggy, in that "Q__END__W" is considered # to be a __END__ and words after the __END__ on the same line # are included in the count!!! # countchunks - count how many words are used. # skip comments, and bail on file if __END__ # or __DATA__ seen. chunks = 0 for line in fileinput.input(): for word in line.split(): if word.startswith("#"): continue if word in ("__DATA__", "__END__"): fileinput.close() break chunks += 1 print "Found", chunks, "chunks" # @@PLEAC@@_7.8 import shutil old = open("old") new = open("new","w") for line in old: new.writeline(line) new.close() old.close() shutil.copyfile("old", "old.orig") shutil.copyfile("new", "old") # insert lines at line 20: for i, line in enumerate(old): if i == 20: print>>new, "Extra line 1\n" print>>new, "Extra line 2\n" print>>new, line # or delete lines 20 through 30: for i, line in enumerate(old): if 20 <= i <= 30: continue print>>new, line # @@PLEAC@@_7.9 # modifying with "-i" commandline switch is a perl feature # python has fileinput import fileinput, sys, time today = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",time.localtime()) for line in fileinput.input(inplace=1, backup=".orig"): sys.stdout.write(line.replace("DATE",today)) # set up to iterate over the *.c files in the current directory, # editing in place and saving the old file with a .orig extension. import glob, re match = re.compile("(?<=[pP])earl") files = fileinput.FileInput(glob.glob("*.c"), inplace=1, backup=".orig") while True: line = files.readline() sys.stderr.write(line) if not line: break if files.isfirstline(): sys.stdout.write("This line should appear at the top of each file\n") sys.stdout.write(match.sub("erl",line)) # @@PLEAC@@_7.10 #----------------------------- myfile = open(filename, "r+") data = myfile.read() # change data here myfile.seek(0, 0) myfile.write(data) myfile.truncate(myfile.tell()) myfile.close() #----------------------------- myfile = open(filename, "r+") data = [process(line) for line in myfile] myfile.seek(0, 0) myfile.writelines(data) myfile.truncate(myfile.tell()) myfile.close() #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_7.11 import fcntl myfile = open(somepath, 'r+') fcntl.flock(myfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX) # update file, then... myfile.close() #----------------------------- fcntl.LOCK_SH fcntl.LOCK_EX fcntl.LOCK_NB fcntl.LOCK_UN #----------------------------- import warnings try: fcntl.flock(myfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError: warnings.warn("can't immediately write-lock the file ($!), blocking ...") fcntl.flock(myfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX) #----------------------------- fcntl.flock(myfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN) #----------------------------- # option "r+" instead "w+" stops python from truncating the file on opening # when another process might well hold an advisory exclusive lock on it. myfile = open(somepath, "r+") fcntl.flock(myfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX) myfile.seek(0, 0) myfile.truncate(0) print>>myfile, "\n" # or myfile.write("\n") myfile.close() #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_7.12 # Python doesn't have command buffering. Files can have buffering set, # when opened: myfile = open(filename, "r", buffering=0) #Unbuffered myfile = open(filename, "r", buffering=1) #Line buffered myfile = open(filename, "r", buffering=100) #Use buffer of (approx) 100 bytes myfile = open(filename, "r", buffering=-1) #Use system default myfile.flush() # Flush the I/O buffer # stdout is treated as a file. If you ever need to flush it, do so: import sys sys.stdout.flush() # DON'T DO THIS. Use urllib, etc. import socket mysock = socket.socket() mysock.connect(('www.perl.com', 80)) # mysock.setblocking(True) mysock.send("GET /index.html http/1.1\n\n") f = mysock.makefile() print "Doc is:" for line in f: print line[:-1] # @@PLEAC@@_7.13 import select while True: rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select([file1, file2, file3], [], [], 0) for r in rlist: pass # Do something with the file handle # @@PLEAC@@_7.14 # @@SKIP@@ Use select.poll() on Unix systems. # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_7.15 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_7.16 # NOTE: this is all much easier in Python def subroutine(myfile): print>>myfile, "Hello, file" variable = myfile subroutine(variable) # @@PLEAC@@_7.17 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_7.18 for myfile in files: print>>myfile, stuff_to_print # NOTE: This is unix specific import os file = os.popen("tee file1 file2 file3 >/dev/null", "w") print>>myfile, "whatever" # NOTE: the "make STDOUT go to three files" is bad programming style import os, sys sys.stdout.file = os.popen("tee file1 file2 file3", "w") print "whatever" sys.stdout.close() # You could use a utility object to redirect writes: class FileDispatcher(object): def __init__(self, *files): self.files = files def write(self, msg): for f in self.files: f.write(msg) def close(self): for f in self.files: f.close() x = open("C:/test1.txt", "w") y = open("C:/test2.txt", "w") z = open("C:/test3.txt", "w") fd = FileDispatcher(x, y, z) print>>fd, "Foo" # equiv to fd.write("Foo"); fd.write("\n") print>>fd, "Testing" fd.close() # @@PLEAC@@_7.19 import os myfile = os.fdopen(fdnum) # open the descriptor itself myfile = os.fdopen(os.dup(fdnum)) # open to a copy of the descriptor ### outcopy = os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdin.fileno()), "w") incopy = os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdin.fileno()), "r") # @@PLEAC@@_7.20 original = open("C:/test.txt") alias = original alias.close() print original.closed #=>True import copy original = open("C:/test.txt") dupe = copy.copy(original) dupe.close() print original.closed #=>False # DON'T DO THIS. import sys oldstderr = sys.stderr oldstdout = sys.stdout sys.stderr = open("C:/stderrfile.txt") sys.stdout = open("C:/stdoutfile.txt") print "Blah" # Will be written to C:/stdoutfile.txt sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = oldstdout sys.stderr = oldstderr # @@PLEAC@@_7.21 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_7.22 # On Windows: import msvcrt myfile.seek(5, 0) msvcrt.locking(myfile.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_NBLCK, 3) # On Unix: import fcntl fcntl.lockf(myfile.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB, 3, 5) # ^^PLEAC^^_8.0 #----------------------------- for line in DATAFILE: line = line.rstrip() size = len(line) print size # output size of line #----------------------------- for line in datafile: print length(line.rstrip()) # output size of line #----------------------------- lines = datafile.readlines() #----------------------------- whole_file = myfile.read() #----------------------------- ## No direct equivalent in Python #% perl -040 -e '$word = <>; print "First word is $word\n";' #----------------------------- ## No direct equivalent in Python #% perl -ne 'BEGIN { $/="%%\n" } chomp; print if /Unix/i' fortune.dat #----------------------------- print>>myfile, "One", "two", "three" # "One two three" print "Baa baa black sheep." # Sent to default output file #----------------------------- buffer = myfile.read(4096) rv = len(buffer) #----------------------------- myfile.truncate(length) open("/tmp/%d.pid" % os.getpid(), "a").truncate(length) #----------------------------- pos = myfile.tell() print "I'm", pos, "bytes from the start of DATAFILE." #----------------------------- logfile.seek(0, 2) # Seek to the end datafile.seek(pos) # Seek to a given byte outfile.seek(-20, 1) # Seek back 20 bytes #----------------------------- written = os.write(datafile.fileno(), mystr) if written != len(mystr): warnings.warn("only read %s bytes, not %s" % (written, len(mystr))) #----------------------------- pos = os.lseek(myfile.fileno(), 0, 1) # don't change position #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.1 def ContReader(infile): lines = [] for line in infile: line = line.rstrip() if line.endswith("\\"): lines.append(line[:-1]) continue lines.append(line) yield "".join(lines) lines = [] if lines: yield "".join(lines) for line in ContReader(datafile): pass # process full record in 'line' here # ^^PLEAC^^_8.2 import os count = int(os.popen("wc -l < " + filename).read()) #----------------------------- for count, line in enumerate(open(filename)): pass count += 1 # indexing is zero based #----------------------------- myfile = open(filename) count = 0 for line in myfile: count += 1 # 'count' now holds the number of lines read #----------------------------- myfile = open(filename) count = 0 while True: line = myfile.readline() if not line: break count += 1 #----------------------------- count = 0 while True: s = myfile.read(2**16) count += s.count("\n") #----------------------------- for line, count in zip(open(filename), xrange(1, sys.maxint)): pass # 'count' now holds the number of lines read #----------------------------- import fileinput fi = fileinput.FileInput(filename) while fi.readline(): pass count = fi.lineno() #----------------------------- def SepReader(infile, sep = "\n\n"): text = infile.read(10000) if not text: return while True: fields = text.split(sep) for field in fields[:-1]: yield field text = fields[-1] new_text = infile.read(10000) if not new_text: yield text break text += new_text para_count = 0 for para in SepReader(open(filename)): para_count += 1 # FIXME: For my test case (Python-pre2.2 README from CVS) this # returns 175 paragraphs while Perl returns 174. #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.3 for line in sys.stdin: for word in line.split(): pass # do something with 'chunk' #----------------------------- pat = re.compile(r"(\w[\w'-]*)") for line in sys.stdin: pos = 0 while True: match = pat.search(line, pos) if not match: break pos = match.end(1) # do something with match.group(1) # EXPERIMENTAL in the sre implementation but # likely to be included in future (post-2.2) releases. pat = re.compile(r"(\w[\w'-]*)") for line in sys.stdin: scanner = pat.scanner(line) while True: match = scanner.search() if not match: break # do something with match.group(1) #----------------------------- # Make a word frequency count import fileinput, re pat = re.compile(r"(\w[\w'-]*)") seen = {} for line in fileinput.input(): pos = 0 while True: match = pat.search(line, pos) if not match: break pos = match.end(1) text = match.group(1).lower() seen[text] = seen.get(text, 0) + 1 # output dict in a descending numeric sort of its values for text, count in sorted(seen.items, key=lambda item: item[1]): print "%5d %s" % (count, text) #----------------------------- # Line frequency count import fileinput, sys seen = {} for line in fileinput.input(): text = line.lower() seen[text] = seen.get(text, 0) + 1 for text, count in sorted(seen.items, key=lambda item: item[1]): sys.stdout.write("%5d %s" % (count, text)) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.4 lines = myfile.readlines() while lines: line = lines.pop() # do something with 'line' #----------------------------- for line in reversed(myfile): pass # do something with line #----------------------------- for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[-i] #----------------------------- for paragraph in sorted(SepReader(infile)): pass # do something #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.5 import time while True: for line in infile: pass # do something with the line time.sleep(SOMETIME) infile.seek(0, 1) #----------------------------- import time naptime = 1 logfile = open("/tmp/logfile") while True: for line in logfile: print line.rstrip() time.sleep(naptime) infile.seek(0, 1) #----------------------------- while True: curpos = logfile.tell() while True: line = logfile.readline() if not line: break curpos = logfile.tell() sleep(naptime) logfile.seek(curpos, 0) # seek to where we had been #----------------------------- import os if os.stat(LOGFILENAME).st_nlink == 0: raise SystemExit #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.6 import random, fileinput text = None for line in fileinput.input(): if random.randrange(fileinput.lineno()) == 0: text = line # 'text' is the random line #----------------------------- # XXX is the perl code correct? Where is the fortunes file opened? import sys adage = None for i, rec in enumerate(SepReader(open("/usr/share/games/fortunes"), "%\n")): if random.randrange(i+1) == 0: adage = rec print adage #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.7 import random lines = data.readlines() random.shuffle(lines) for line in lines: print line.rstrip() #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.8 # using efficient caching system import linecache linecache.getline(filename, DESIRED_LINE_NUMBER) # or doing it more oldskool lineno = 0 while True: line = infile.readline() if not line or lineno == DESIRED_LINE_NUMBER: break lineno += 1 #----------------------------- lines = infile.readlines() line = lines[DESIRED_LINE_NUMBER] #----------------------------- for i in range(DESIRED_LINE_NUMBER): line = infile.readline() if not line: break #----------------------------- ## Not sure what this thing is doing. Allow fast access to a given ## line number? # usage: build_index(*DATA_HANDLE, *INDEX_HANDLE) # ^^PLEAC^^_8.9 # given $RECORD with field separated by PATTERN, # extract @FIELDS. fields = re.split(pattern_string, text) #----------------------------- pat = re.compile(pattern_string) fields = pat.split(text) #----------------------------- re.split(r"([+-])", "3+5-2") #----------------------------- [3, '+', 5, '-', 2] #----------------------------- fields = record.split(":") #----------------------------- fields = re.split(r":", record) #----------------------------- fields = re.split(r"\s+", record) #----------------------------- fields = record.split(" ") #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.10 myfile = open(filename, "r") prev_pos = pos = 0 while True: line = myfile.readline() if not line: break prev_pos = pos pos = myfile.tell() myfile = open(filename, "a") myfile.truncate(prev_pos) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.11 open(filename, "rb") open(filename, "wb") #----------------------------- gifname = "picture.gif" gif_file = open(gifname, "rb") # Don't think there's an equivalent for these in Python #binmode(GIF); # now DOS won't mangle binary input from GIF #binmode(STDOUT); # now DOS won't mangle binary output to STDOUT #----------------------------- while True: buff = gif.read(8 * 2**10) if not buff: break sys.stdout.write(buff) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.12 address = recsize * recno myfile.seek(address, 0) buffer = myfile.read(recsize) #----------------------------- address = recsize * (recno-1) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.13 import posixfile address = recsize * recno myfile.seek(address) buffer = myfile.read(recsize) # ... work with the buffer, then turn it back into a string and ... myfile.seek(-recsize, posixfile.SEEK_CUR) myfile.write(buffer) myfile.close() #----------------------------- ## Not yet implemented # weekearly -- set someone's login date back a week # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # ^^PLEAC^^_8.14 ## Note: this isn't optimal -- the 's+=c' may go O(N**2) so don't ## use for large strings. myfile.seek(addr) s = "" while True: c = myfile.read(1) if not c or c == "\0": break s += c #----------------------------- myfile.seek(addr) offset = 0 while True: s = myfile.read(1000) x = s.find("\0") if x != -1: offset += x break offset += len(s) if len(s) != 1000: # EOF break myfile.seek(addr) s = myfile.read(offset - 1) myfile.read(1) #----------------------------- ## Not Implemented # bgets - get a string from an address in a binary file #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl # strings - pull strings out of a binary file import re, sys ## Assumes SepReader from above pat = re.compile(r"([\040-\176\s]{4,})") for block in SepReader(sys.stdin, "\0"): pos = 0 while True: match = pat.search(block, pos) if not match: break print match.group(1) pos = match.end(1) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_8.15 # RECORDSIZE is the length of a record, in bytes. # TEMPLATE is the unpack template for the record # FILE is the file to read from # FIELDS is a tuple, one element per field import struct RECORDSIZE= struct.calcsize(TEMPLATE) while True: record = FILE.read(RECORDSIZE): if len(record)!=RECORDSIZE: raise "short read" FIELDS = struct.unpack(TEMPLATE, record) # ---- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.16 # NOTE: to parse INI file, see the stanard ConfigParser module. import re pat = re.compile(r"\s*=\s*") for line in config_file: if "#" in line: # no comments line = line[:line.index("#")] line = line.strip() # no leading or trailing white if not line: # anything left? continue m = pat.search(line) var = line[:m.start()] value = line[m.end():] User_Preferences[var] = value # ^^PLEAC^^_8.17 import os mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, \ atime, mtime, ctime = os.stat(filename) mode &= 07777 # discard file type info #----------------------------- info = os.stat(filename) if info.st_uid == 0: print "Superuser owns", filename if info.st_atime > info.st_mtime: print filename, "has been read since it was written." #----------------------------- import os def is_safe(path): info = os.stat(path) # owner neither superuser nor me # the real uid is in stored in the $< variable if info.st_uid not in (0, os.getuid()): return False # check whether group or other can write file. # use 066 to detect either reading or writing if info.st_mode & 022: # someone else can write this if not os.path.isdir(path): # non-directories aren't safe return False # but directories with the sticky bit (01000) are if not (info.st_mode & 01000): return False return True #----------------------------- ## XXX What is '_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED'? def is_verysafe(path): terms = [] while True: path, ending = os.path.split(path) if not ending: break terms.insert(0, ending) for term in terms: path = os.path.join(path, term) if not is_safe(path): return False return True #----------------------------- # Program: tctee # Not Implemented (requires reimplementing Perl's builtin '>>', '|', # etc. semantics) # @@PLEAC@@_8.18 #!/usr/bin/python # tailwtmp - watch for logins and logouts; # uses linux utmp structure, from /usr/include/bits/utmp.h # /* The structure describing an entry in the user accounting database. */ # struct utmp # { # short int ut_type; /* Type of login. */ # pid_t ut_pid; /* Process ID of login process. */ # char ut_line[UT_LINESIZE]; /* Devicename. */ # char ut_id[4]; /* Inittab ID. */ # char ut_user[UT_NAMESIZE]; /* Username. */ # char ut_host[UT_HOSTSIZE]; /* Hostname for remote login. */ # struct exit_status ut_exit; /* Exit status of a process marked # as DEAD_PROCESS. */ # long int ut_session; /* Session ID, used for windowing. */ # struct timeval ut_tv; /* Time entry was made. */ # int32_t ut_addr_v6[4]; /* Internet address of remote host. */ # char __unused[20]; /* Reserved for future use. */ # }; # /* Values for the `ut_type' field of a `struct utmp'. */ # #define EMPTY 0 /* No valid user accounting information. */ # # #define RUN_LVL 1 /* The system's runlevel. */ # #define BOOT_TIME 2 /* Time of system boot. */ # #define NEW_TIME 3 /* Time after system clock changed. */ # #define OLD_TIME 4 /* Time when system clock changed. */ # # #define INIT_PROCESS 5 /* Process spawned by the init process. */ # #define LOGIN_PROCESS 6 /* Session leader of a logged in user. */ # #define USER_PROCESS 7 /* Normal process. */ # #define DEAD_PROCESS 8 /* Terminated process. */ # # #define ACCOUNTING 9 import time import struct import os class WTmpRecord: fmt = "hI32s4s32s256siili4l20s"; _fieldnames = ["type","PID","Line","inittab","User","Hostname", "exit_status", "session", "time", "addr" ] def __init__(self): self._rec_size = struct.calcsize(self.fmt) def size(self): return self._rec_size def unpack(self, bin_data): rec = struct.unpack(self.fmt, bin_data) self._rec = [] for i in range(len(rec)): if i in (2,3,4,5): # remove character zeros from strings self._rec.append( rec[i].split("\0")[0] ) else: self._rec.append(rec[i]) return self._rec def fieldnames(self): return self._fieldnames def __getattr__(self,name): return self._rec[self._fieldnames.index(name)] rec = WTmpRecord() f = open("/var/log/wtmp","rb") f.seek(0,2) while True: while True: bin = f.read(rec.size()) if len(bin) != rec.size(): break rec.unpack(bin) if rec.type != 0: print " %1d %-8s %-12s %-24s %-20s %5d %08x" % \ (rec.type, rec.User, rec.Line, time.strftime("%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(rec.time)), rec.Hostname, rec.PID, rec.addr) time.sleep(1) f.close() # @@PLEAC@@_8.19 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_8.20 #!/usr/bin/python # laston - find out when given user last logged on import sys import struct import pwd import time import re f = open("/var/log/lastlog","rb") fmt = "L32s256s" rec_size = struct.calcsize(fmt) for user in sys.argv[1:]: if re.match(r"^\d+$", user): user_id = int(user) else: try: user_id = pwd.getpwnam(user)[2] except: print "no such uid %s" % (user) continue f.seek(rec_size * user_id) bin = f.read(rec_size) if len(bin) == rec_size: data = struct.unpack(fmt, bin) if data[0]: logged_in = "at %s" % (time.strftime("%a %H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(data[0]))) line = " on %s" % (data[1]) host = " from %s" % (data[2]) else: logged_in = "never logged in" line = "" host = "" print "%-8s UID %5d %s%s%s" % (user, user_id, logged_in, line, host) else: print "Read failed." f.close() # ^^PLEAC^^_9.0 #----------------------------- entry = os.stat("/usr/bin/vi") #----------------------------- entry = os.stat("/usr/bin") #----------------------------- entry = os.stat(INFILE.name) #----------------------------- entry = os.stat("/usr/bin/vi") ctime = entry.st_ino size = entry.st_size #----------------------------- f = open(filename) f.seek(0, 2) if not f.tell(): raise SystemExit("%s doesn't have text in it."%filename) #----------------------------- for filename in os.listdir("/usr/bin"): print "Inside /usr/bin is something called", filename #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_9.1 #----------------------------- fstat = os.stat(filename) readtime = fstat.st_atime writetime = fstat.st_mtime os.utime(filename, (newreadtime, newwritetime)) #DON'T DO THIS: readtime, writetime = os.stat(filename)[7:9] #----------------------------- SECONDS_PER_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24 fstat = os.stat(filename) atime = fstat.st_atime - 7 * SECONDS_PER_DAY mtime = fstat.st_mtime - 7 * SECONDS_PER_DAY os.utime(filename, (atime, mtime)) #----------------------------- mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime utime(filename, (time.time(), mtime)) #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl -w # uvi - vi a file without changing its access times import sys, os if len(sys.argv) != 2: raise SystemExit("usage: uvi filename") filename = argv[1] fstat = os.stat(filename) # WARNING: potential security risk os.system( (os.environ.get("EDITOR") or "vi") + " " + filename) os.utime(filename, (fstat.st_atime, fstat.st_mtime)) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_9.2 #----------------------------- os.remove(filename) err_flg = 0 for filename in filenames: try: os.remove(filename) except OSError, err: err_flg = 1 if err_flg: raise OSError("Couldn't remove all of %s: %s" % (filenames, err)) #----------------------------- os.remove(filename) #----------------------------- success = 0 for filename in filenames: try: os.remove(filename) success += 1 except OSError, err: pass if success != len(filenames): sys.stderr.write("could only delete %d of %d files" % \ (success, len(filenames))) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_9.3 #----------------------------- import shutil shutil.copy(oldfile, newfile) #----------------------------- ## NOTE: this doesn't do the same thing as the Perl code, ## eg, handling of partial writes. infile = open(oldfile) outfile = open(newfile, "w") blksize = 16384 # preferred block size? while True: buf = infile.read(blksize) if not buf: break outfile.write(buf) infile.close() outfile.close() #----------------------------- # WARNING: these are insecure - do not use in hostile environments os.system("cp %s %s" % (oldfile, newfile)) # unix os.system("copy %s %s" % (oldfile, newfile)) # dos, vms #----------------------------- import shutil shutil.copy("datafile.dat", "datafile.bak") shutil.copy("datafile.new", "datafile.dat") os.remove("datafile.new") #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_9.4 #----------------------------- import os seen = {} def do_my_thing(filename): fstat = os.stat(filename) key = (fstat.st_ino, fstat.st_dev) if not seen.get(key): # do something with filename because we haven't # seen it before pass seen[key] = seen.get(key, 0 ) + 1 #----------------------------- for filename in files: fstat = os.stat(filename) key = (fstat.st_ino, fstat.st_dev) seen.setdefault(key, []).append(filename) keys = seen.keys() keys.sort() for inodev in keys: ino, dev = inodev filenames = seen[inodev] if len(filenames) > 1: # 'filenames' is a list of filenames for the same file pass #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_9.5 #----------------------------- for filename in os.listdir(dirname): # do something with "$dirname/$file" pass #----------------------------- # XXX No -T equivalent in Python #----------------------------- # 'readir' always skipes '.' and '..' on OSes where those are # standard directory names for filename in os.listdir(dirname): pass #----------------------------- # XX Not Implemented -- need to know what DirHandle does # use DirHandle; #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_9.6 #----------------------------- import glob filenames = glob.glob("*.c") #----------------------------- filenames = [filename for filename in os.listdir(path) if filename.endswith(".c")] #----------------------------- import re allowed_name = re.compile(r"\.[ch]$", re.I).search filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if allowed_name(f)] #----------------------------- import re, os allowed_name = re.compile(r"\.[ch]$", re.I).search fnames = [os.path.join(dirname, fname) for fname in os.listdir(dirname) if allowed_name(fname)] #----------------------------- dirs = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f.isdigit()] dirs = [d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(d)] dirs = sorted(dirs, key=int) # Sort by numeric value - "9" before "11" #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_9.7 # Processing All Files in a Directory Recursively # os.walk is new in 2.3. # For pre-2.3 code, there is os.path.walk, which is # little harder to use. #----------------------------- import os for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top): pass # do whatever #----------------------------- import os, os.path for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top): for name in dirs: print os.path.join(root, name) + '/' for name in files: print os.path.join(root, name) #----------------------------- import os, os.path numbytes = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top): for name in files: path = os.path.join(root, name) numbytes += os.path.getsize(path) print "%s contains %s bytes" % (top, numbytes) #----------------------------- import os, os.path saved_size, saved_name = -1, '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top): for name in files: path = os.path.join(root, name) size = os.path.getsize(path) if size > saved_size: saved_size = size saved_name = path print "Biggest file %s in %s is %s bytes long" % ( saved_name, top, saved_size) #----------------------------- import os, os.path, time saved_age, saved_name = None, '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top): for name in files: path = os.path.join(root, name) age = os.path.getmtime(path) if saved_age is None or age > saved_age: saved_age = age saved_name = path print "%s %s" % (saved_name, time.ctime(saved_age)) #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # fdirs - find all directories import sys, os, os.path argv = sys.argv[1:] or ['.'] for top in argv: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top): for name in dirs: path = os.path.join(root, name) print path # ^^PLEAC^^_9.8 #----------------------------- # DeleteDir - remove whole directory trees like rm -r import shutil shutil.rmtree(path) # DON'T DO THIS: import os, sys def DeleteDir(dir): for name in os.listdir(dir): file = os.path.join(dir, name) if not os.path.islink(file) and os.path.isdir(file): DeleteDir(file) else: os.remove(file) os.rmdir(dir) # @@PLEAC@@_9.9 # Renaming Files # code sample one to one from my perlcookbook # looks strange to me. import os for fname in fnames: newname = fname # change the file's name try: os.rename(fname, newname) except OSError, err: print "Couldn't rename %s to %s: %s!" % \ (fname, newfile, err) # use os.renames if newname needs directory creation. #A vaguely Pythonic solution is: import glob def rename(files, transfunc) for fname in fnames: newname = transfunc(fname) try: os.rename(fname, newname) except OSError, err: print "Couldn't rename %s to %s: %s!" % \ (fname, newfile, err) def transfunc(fname): return fname[:-5] rename(glob.glob("*.orig"), transfunc) def transfunc(fname): return fname.lower() rename([f for f in glob.glob("*") if not f.startswith("Make)], transfunc) def transfunc(fname): return fname + ".bad" rename(glob.glob("*.f"), transfunc) def transfunc(fname): answer = raw_input(fname + ": ") if answer.upper().startswith("Y"): return fname.replace("foo", "bar") rename(glob.glob("*"), transfunc) def transfunc(fname): return ".#" + fname[:-1] rename(glob.glob("/tmp/*~"), transfunc) # This _could_ be made to eval code taken directly from the command line, # but it would be fragile #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_9.10 #----------------------------- import os base = os.path.basename(path) dirname = os.path.dirname(path) dirname, filename = os.path.split(path) base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) #----------------------------- path = '/usr/lib/libc.a' filename = os.path.basename(path) dirname = os.path.dirname(path) print "dir is %s, file is %s" % (dirname, filename) # dir is /usr/lib, file is libc.a #----------------------------- path = '/usr/lib/libc.a' dirname, filename = os.path.split(path) name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) print "dir is %s, name is %s, extension is %s" % (dirname, name, ext) # NOTE: The Python code prints # dir is /usr/lib, name is libc, extension is .a # while the Perl code prints a '/' after the directory name # dir is /usr/lib/, name is libc, extension is .a #----------------------------- import macpath path = "Hard%20Drive:System%20Folder:README.txt" dirname, base = macpath.split(path) name, ext = macpath.splitext(base) print "dir is %s, name is %s, extension is %s" % (dirname, name, ext) # dir is Hard%20Drive:System%20Folder, name is README, extension is .txt #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS - it's not portable. def extension(path): pos = path.find(".") if pos == -1: return "" ext = path[pos+1:] if "/" in ext: # wasn't passed a basename -- this is of the form 'x.y/z' return "" return ext #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_9.11 #!/usr/bin/python # sysmirror - build spectral forest of symlinks import sys, os, os.path pgmname = sys.argv[0] if len(sys.argv)!=3: print "usage: %s realdir mirrordir" % pgmname raise SystemExit (srcdir, dstdir) = sys.argv[1:3] if not os.path.isdir(srcdir): print "%s: %s is not a directory" % (pgmname,srcdir) raise SystemExit if not os.path.isdir(dstdir): try: os.mkdir(dstdir) except OSError: print "%s: can't make directory %s" % (pgmname,dstdir) raise SystemExit # fix relative paths srcdir = os.path.abspath(srcdir) dstdir = os.path.abspath(dstdir) def wanted(arg, dirname, names): for direntry in names: relname = "%s/%s" % (dirname, direntry) if os.path.isdir(relname): mode = os.stat(relname).st_mode try: os.mkdir("%s/%s" % (dstdir,relname), mode) except: print "can't mkdir %s/%s" % (dstdir,relname) raise SystemExit else: if relname[:2] == "./": relname = relname[2:] os.symlink("%s/%s" % (srcdir, relname), "%s/%s" % (dstdir,relname)) os.chdir(srcdir) os.path.walk(".",wanted,None) # @@PLEAC@@_9.12 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # ^^PLEAC^^_10.0 #----------------------------- # DO NOT DO THIS... greeted = 0 def hello(): global greeted greeted += 1 print "hi there" #... as using a callable object to save state is cleaner # class hello # def __init__(self): # self.greeted = 0 # def __call__(self): # self.greeted += 1 # print "hi there" # hello = hello() #----------------------------- hello() # call subroutine hello with no arguments/parameters #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.1 #----------------------------- import math # Provided for demonstration purposes only. Use math.hypot() instead. def hypotenuse(side1, side2): return math.sqrt(side1**2 + side2**2) diag = hypotenuse(3, 4) # diag is 5.0 #----------------------------- print hypotenuse(3, 4) # prints 5.0 a = (3, 4) print hypotenuse(*a) # prints 5.0 #----------------------------- both = men + women #----------------------------- nums = [1.4, 3.5, 6.7] # Provided for demonstration purposes only. Use: # ints = [int(num) for num in nums] def int_all(nums): retlist = [] # make new list for return for n in nums: retlist.append(int(n)) return retlist ints = int_all(nums) # nums unchanged #----------------------------- nums = [1.4, 3.5, 6.7] def trunc_em(nums): for i,elem in enumerate(nums): nums[i] = int(elem) trunc_em(nums) # nums now [1,3,6] #----------------------------- # By convention, if a method (or function) modifies an object # in-place, it returns None rather than the modified object. # None of Python's built-in functions modify in-place; methods # such as list.sort() are somewhat more common. mylist = [3,2,1] mylist = mylist.sort() # incorrect - returns None mylist = sorted(mylist) # correct - returns sorted copy mylist.sort() # correct - sorts in-place #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.2 #----------------------------- # Using global variables is discouraged - by default variables # are visible only at and below the scope at which they are declared. # Global variables modified by a function or method must be declared # using the "global" keyword if they are modified def somefunc(): variable = something # variable is invisible outside of somefunc #----------------------------- import sys name, age = sys.args[1:] # assumes two and only two command line parameters start = fetch_time() #----------------------------- a, b = pair c = fetch_time() def check_x(x): y = "whatever" run_check() if condition: print "got", x #----------------------------- def save_list(*args): Global_List.extend(args) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.3 #----------------------------- ## Python allows static nesting of scopes for reading but not writing, ## preferring to use objects. The closest equivalent to: #{ # my $counter; # sub next_counter { return ++$counter } #} ## is: def next_counter(counter=[0]): # default lists are created once only. counter[0] += 1 return counter[0] # As that's a little tricksy (and can't make more than one counter), # many Pythonistas would prefer either: def make_counter(): counter = 0 while True: counter += 1 yield counter next_counter = make_counter().next # Or: class Counter: def __init__(self): self.counter = 0 def __call__(self): self.counter += 1 return self.counter next_counter = Counter() #----------------------------- ## A close equivalent of #BEGIN { # my $counter = 42; # sub next_counter { return ++$counter } # sub prev_counter { return --$counter } #} ## is to use a list (to save the counter) and closured functions: def make_counter(start=0): counter = [start] def next_counter(): counter[0] += 1 return counter[0] def prev_counter(): counter[0] -= 1 return counter[0] return next_counter, prev_counter next_counter, prev_counter = make_counter() ## A clearer way uses a class: class Counter: def __init__(self, start=0): self.value = start def next(self): self.value += 1 return self.value def prev(self): self.value -= 1 return self.value def __int__(self): return self.value counter = Counter(42) next_counter = counter.next prev_counter = counter.prev #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.4 ## This sort of code inspection is liable to change as ## Python evolves. There may be cleaner ways to do this. ## This also may not work for code called from functions ## written in C. #----------------------------- import sys this_function = sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name #----------------------------- i = 0 # how far up the call stack to look module = sys._getframe(i).f_globals["__name__"] filename = sys._getframe(i).f_code.co_filename line = sys._getframe(i).f_lineno subr = sys._getframe(i).f_code.co_name has_args = bool(sys._getframe(i+1).f_code.co_argcount) # 'wantarray' is Perl specific #----------------------------- me = whoami() him = whowasi() def whoami(): sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name def whowasi(): sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.5 #----------------------------- # Every variable name is a reference to an object, thus nothing special # needs to be done to pass a list or a dict as a parameter. list_diff(list1, list2) #----------------------------- # Note: if one parameter to zip() is longer it will be truncated def add_vecpair(x, y): return [x1+y1 for x1, y1 in zip(x, y)] a = [1, 2] b = [5, 8] print " ".join([str(n) for n in add_vecpair(a, b)]) #=> 6 10 #----------------------------- # DO NOT DO THIS: assert isinstance(x, type([])) and isinstance(y, type([])), \ "usage: add_vecpair(list1, list2)" #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.6 #----------------------------- # perl return context is not something standard in python... # but still you can achieve something alike if you really need it # (but you must really need it badly since you should never use this!!) # # see http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/284742 for more # # NB: it has been tested under Python 2.3.x and no guarantees can be given # that it works under any future Python version. import inspect,dis def expecting(): """Return how many values the caller is expecting""" f = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back bytecode = f.f_code.co_code i = f.f_lasti instruction = ord(bytecode[i+3]) if instruction == dis.opmap['UNPACK_SEQUENCE']: howmany = ord(bytecode[i+4]) return howmany elif instruction == dis.opmap['POP_TOP']: return 0 return 1 def cleverfunc(): howmany = expecting() if howmany == 0: print "return value discarded" if howmany == 2: return 1,2 elif howmany == 3: return 1,2,3 return 1 cleverfunc() x = cleverfunc() print x x,y = cleverfunc() print x,y x,y,z = cleverfunc() print x,y,z # ^^PLEAC^^_10.7 #----------------------------- thefunc(increment= "20s", start="+5m", finish="+30m") thefunc(start= "+5m",finish="+30m") thefunc(finish= "+30m") thefunc(start="+5m", increment="15s") #----------------------------- def thefunc(increment='10s', finish='0', start='0'): if increment.endswith("m"): pass #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.8 #----------------------------- a, _, c = func() # Use _ as a placeholder... a, ignore, c = func() # ...or assign to an otherwise unused variable #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.9 #----------------------------- def somefunc(): mylist = [] mydict = {} # ... return mylist, mydict mylist, mydict = somefunc() #----------------------------- def fn(): return a, b, c #----------------------------- h0, h1, h2 = fn() tuple_of_dicts = fn() # eg: tuple_of_dicts[2]["keystring"] r0, r1, r2 = fn() # eg: r2["keystring"] #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.10 #----------------------------- # Note: Exceptions are almost always preferred to error values return #----------------------------- def empty_retval(): return None def empty_retval(): return # identical to return None def empty_retval(): pass # None returned by default (empty func needs pass) #----------------------------- a = yourfunc() if a: pass #----------------------------- a = sfunc() if not a: raise AssertionError("sfunc failed") assert sfunc(), "sfunc failed" #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.11 # Prototypes are inapplicable to Python as Python disallows calling # functions without using brackets, and user functions are able to # mimic built-in functions with no special actions required as they # only flatten lists (and convert dicts to named arguments) if # explicitly told to do so. Python functions use named parameters # rather than shifting arguments: def myfunc(a, b, c=4): print a, b, c mylist = [1,2] mydict1 = {"b": 2, "c": 3} mydict2 = {"b": 2} myfunc(1,2,3) #=> 1 2 3 myfunc(1,2) #=> 1 2 4 myfunc(*mylist) #=> 1 2 4 myfunc(5, *mylist) #=> 5, 1, 2 myfunc(5, **mydict1) #=> 5, 2, 3 myfunc(5, **mydict2) #=> 5, 2, 4 myfunc(c=3, b=2, a=1) #=> 1, 2, 3 myfunc(b=2, a=1) #=> 1, 2, 4 myfunc(mylist, mydict1) #=> [1, 2] {'c': 3, 'b': 2} 4 # For demonstration purposes only - don't do this def mypush(mylist, *vals): mylist.extend(vals) mylist = [] mypush(mylist, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) print mylist #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # ^^PLEAC^^_10.12 #----------------------------- raise ValueError("some message") # specific exception class raise Exception("use me rarely") # general exception raise "don't use me" # string exception (deprecated) #----------------------------- # Note that bare excepts are considered bad style. Normally you should # trap specific exceptions. For instance these bare excepts will # catch KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, and MemoryError as well as # more common errors. In addition they force you to import sys to # get the error message. import warnings, sys try: func() except: warnings.warn("func raised an exception: " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) #----------------------------- try: func() except: warnings.warn("func blew up: " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) #----------------------------- class MoonPhaseError(Exception): def __init__(self, phase): self.phase = phase class FullMoonError(MoonPhaseError): def __init__(self): MoonPhaseError.__init__("full moon") def func(): raise FullMoonError() # Ignore only FullMoonError exceptions try: func() except FullMoonError: pass #----------------------------- # Ignore only MoonPhaseError for a full moon try: func() except MoonPhaseError, err: if err.phase != "full moon": raise #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.13 # There is no direct equivalent to 'local' in Python, and # it's impossible to write your own. But then again, even in # Perl it's considered poor style. # DON'T DO THIS (You probably shouldn't use global variables anyway): class Local(object): def __init__(self, globalname, val): self.globalname = globalname self.globalval = globals()[globalname] globals()[globalname] = val def __del__(self): globals()[self.globalname] = self.globalval foo = 4 def blah(): print foo def blech(): temp = Local("foo", 6) blah() blah() blech() blah() #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.14 #----------------------------- grow = expand grow() # calls expand() #----------------------------- one.var = two.table # make one.var the same as two.table one.big = two.small # make one.big the same as two.small #----------------------------- fred = barney # alias fred to barney #----------------------------- s = red("careful here") print s #> careful here #----------------------------- # Note: the 'text' should be HTML escaped if it can contain # any of the characters '<', '>' or '&' def red(text): return "" + text + "" #----------------------------- def color_font(color, text): return "%s" % (color, text) def red(text): return color_font("red", text) def green(text): return color_font("green", text) def blue(text): return color_font("blue", text) def purple(text): return color_font("purple", text) # etc #----------------------------- # This is done in Python by making an object, instead of # saving state in a local anonymous context. class ColorFont: def __init__(self, color): self.color = color def __call__(self, text): return "%s" % (self.color, text) colors = "red blue green yellow orange purple violet".split(" ") for name in colors: globals()[name] = ColorFont(name) #----------------------------- # If you really don't want to make a new class, you can # fake it somewhat by passing in default args. colors = "red blue green yellow orange purple violet".split(" ") for name in colors: def temp(text, color = name): return "%s" % (color, text) globals()[name] = temp #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.15 # Python has the ability to derive from ModuleType and add # new __getattr__ and __setattr__ methods. I don't know the # expected way to use them to emulate Perl's AUTOLOAD. Instead, # here's how something similar would be done in Python. This # uses the ColorFont defined above. #----------------------------- class AnyColor: def __getattr__(self, name): return ColorFont(name) colors = AnyColor() print colors.chartreuse("stuff") #----------------------------- ## Skipping this translation because 'local' is too Perl ## specific, and there isn't enough context to figure out ## what this is supposed to do. #{ # local *yellow = \&violet; # local (*red, *green) = (\&green, \&red); # print_stuff(); #} #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.16 #----------------------------- def outer(arg1): x = arg1 + 35 def inner(): return x * 19 return x + inner() #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_10.17 #----------------------------- import mailbox, sys mbox = mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(sys.stdin) def extract_data(msg, idx): subject = msg.getheader("Subject", "").strip() if subject[:3].lower() == "re:": subject = subject[3:].lstrip() text = msg.fp.read() return subject, idx, msg, text messages = [extract_data(idx, msg) for idx, msg in enumerate(mbox)] #----------------------------- # Sorts by subject then by original position in the list for subject, pos, msg, text in sorted(messages): print "%s\n%s"%(msg, text) #----------------------------- # Sorts by subject then date then original position def subject_date_position(elem): return (elem[0], elem[2].getdate("Date"), elem[1]) messages.sort(key=subject_date_position) # Pre 2.4: messages = sorted(messages, key=subject_date_position) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.0 #Introduction. # In Python, all names are references. # All objects are inherently anonymous, they don't know what names refer to them. print ref # prints the value that the name ref refers to. ref = 3 # assigns the name ref to the value 3. #----------------------------- aref = mylist #----------------------------- aref = [3, 4, 5] # aref is a name for this list href = {"How": "Now", "Brown": "Cow"} # href is a name for this dictionary #----------------------------- # Python doesn't have autovivification as (for simple types) there is no difference between a name and a reference. # If we try the equivalent of the Perl code we get the list, not a reference to the list. #----------------------------- # To handle multidimensional arrays, you should use an extension to Python, # such as numarray (http://www.stsci.edu/resources/software_hardware/numarray) #----------------------------- # In Python, assignment doesn't return anything. #----------------------------- Nat = { "Name": "Leonhard Euler", "Address": "1729 Ramanujan Lane\nMathworld, PI 31416", "Birthday": 0x5bb5580 } #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.1 aref = mylist anon_list = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] anon_copy = anon_list implicit_creation = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] #----------------------------- anon_list.append(11) #----------------------------- two = implicit_creation[0] #----------------------------- # To get the last index of a list, you can use len() # [or list.__len__() - but don't] directly last_idx = len(aref) - 1 # Normally, though, you'd use an index of -1 for the last # element, -2 for the second last, etc. print implicit_creation[-1] #=> 10 num_items = len(aref) #----------------------------- last_idx = aref.__len__() - 1 num_items = aref.__len__() #----------------------------- if not isinstance(someVar, type([])): print "Expected a list" #----------------------------- print list_ref #----------------------------- # sort is in place. list_ref.sort() #----------------------------- list_ref.append(item) #----------------------------- def list_ref(): return [] aref1 = list_ref() aref2 = list_ref() # aref1 and aref2 point to different lists. #----------------------------- list_ref[N] # refers to the Nth item in the list_ref list. #----------------------------- # The following two statements are equivalent and return up to 3 elements # at indices 3, 4, and 5 (if they exist). pie[3:6] pie[3:6:1] #----------------------------- # This will insert 3 elements, overwriting elements at indices 3,4, or 5 - if they exist. pie[3:6] = ["blackberry", "blueberry", "pumpkin"] #----------------------------- for item in pie: print item # DON'T DO THIS (this type of indexing should be done with enumerate) # xrange does not create a list 0..len(pie) - 1, it creates an object # that returns one index at a time. for idx in xrange(len(pie)): print pie[idx] # @@PLEAC@@_11.2 # Making Hashes of Arrays hash["KEYNAME"].append("new value") for mystr in hash.keys(): print "%s: %s" % (mystr, hash[mystr]) hash["a key"] = [3, 4, 5] values = hash["a key"] hash["a key"].append(value) # autovivification also does not work in python. residents = phone2name[number] # do this instead residents = phone2name.get(number, []) # @@PLEAC@@_11.3 # Taking References to Hashes href = hash anon_hash = { "key1":"value1", "key2" : "value2 ..." } anon_hash_copy = anon_hash.copy() hash = href value = href[key] slice = [href[k] for k in (key1, key2, key3)] keys = hash.keys() import types if type(someref) != types.DictType: raise "Expected a dictionary, not %s" % type(someref) if isinstance(someref,dict): raise "Expected a dictionary, not %s" % type(someref) for href in ( ENV, INC ): for key in href.keys(): print "%s => %s" % (key, href[key]) values = [hash_ref[k] for k in (key1, key2, key3)] for key in ("key1", "key2", "key3"): hash_ref[k] += 7 # not like in perl but the same result. #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.4 #----------------------------- cref = func cref = lambda a, b: ... #----------------------------- returned = cref(arguments) #----------------------------- funcname = "thefunc" locals()[funcname](); #----------------------------- commands = { 'happy': joy, 'sad': sullen, 'done': (lambda : sys.exit()), # In this case "done: sys.exit" would suffice 'mad': angry, } print "How are you?", cmd = raw_input() if cmd in commands: commands[cmd]() else: print "No such command: %s" % cmd #----------------------------- def counter_maker(): start = [0] def counter_function(): # start refers to the variable defined in counter_maker, but # we can't reassign or increment variables in parent scopes. # By using a one-element list we can modify the list without # reassigning the variable. This way of using a list is very # like a reference. start[0] += 1 return start[0]-1 return counter_function counter = counter_maker() for i in range(5): print counter() #----------------------------- counter1 = counter_maker() counter2 = counter_maker() for i in range(5): print counter1() print counter1(), counter2() #=> 0 #=> 1 #=> 2 #=> 3 #=> 4 #=> 5 0 #----------------------------- import time def timestamp(): start_time = time.time() def elapsed(): return time.time() - start_time return elapsed early = timestamp() time.sleep(20) later = timestamp() time.sleep(10) print "It's been %d seconds since early" % early() print "It's been %d seconds since later" % later() #=> It's been 30 seconds since early. #=> It's been 10 seconds since later. #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.5 # A name is a reference to an object and an object can be referred to # by any number of names. There is no way to manipulate pointers or # an object's id. This section is thus inapplicable. x = 1 y = x print x, id(x), y, id(y) x += 1 # "x" now refers to a different object than y print x, id(x), y, id(y) y = 4 # "y" now refers to a different object than it did before print x, id(x), y, id(y) # Some objects (including ints and strings) are immutable, however, which # can give the illusion of a by-value/by-reference distinction: a = x = [1] b = y = 1 c = z = "s" print a, b, c #=> [1] 1 s x += x # calls list.__iadd__ which is inplace. y += y # can't find int.__iadd__ so calls int.__add__ which isn't inplace z += z # can't find str.__iadd__ so calls str.__add__ which isn't inplace print a, b, c #=> [1, 1] 1 s # @@PLEAC@@_11.6 # As indicated by the previous section, everything is referenced, so # just create a list as normal, and beware that augmented assignment # works differently with immutable objects to mutable ones: mylist = [1, "s", [1]] print mylist #=> [1, s, [1]] for elem in mylist: elem *= 2 print mylist #=> [1, s, [1, 1]] mylist[0] *= 2 mylist[-1] *= 2 print mylist #=> [1, s, [1, 1, 1, 1]] # If you need to modify every value in a list, you should use a list comprehension # which does NOT modify inplace: import math mylist = [(val**3 * 4/3*math.pi) for val in mylist] # @@PLEAC@@_11.7 #----------------------------- c1 = mkcounter(20) c2 = mkcounter(77) print "next c1: %d" % c1['next']() # 21 print "next c2: %d" % c2['next']() # 78 print "next c1: %d" % c1['next']() # 22 print "last c1: %d" % c1['prev']() # 21 print "old c2: %d" % c2['reset']() # 77 #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS. Use an object instead def mkcounter(start): count = [start] def next(): count[0] += 1 return count[0] def prev(): count[0] -= 1 return count[0] def get(): return count[0] def set(value): count[0] = value return count[0] def bump(incr): count[0] += incr return count[0] def reset(): count[0] = start return count[0] return { 'next': next, 'prev': prev, 'get': get, 'set': set, 'bump': bump, 'reset': reset, 'last': prev} #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.8 #----------------------------- mref = obj.meth # later... mref("args", "go", "here") #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.9 #----------------------------- record = { "name": "Jason", "empno": 132, "title": "deputy peon", "age": 23, "salary": 37000, "pals": ["Norbert", "Rhys", "Phineas"], } print "I am %s, and my pals are %s." % (record["name"], ", ".join(record["pals"])) #----------------------------- byname = {} byname[record["name"]] = record rp = byname.get("Aron") if rp: print "Aron is employee %d."% rp["empno"] byname["Jason"]["pals"].append("Theodore") print "Jason now has %d pals." % len(byname["Jason"]["pals"]) for name, record in byname.items(): print "%s is employee number %d." % (name, record["empno"]) employees = {} employees[record["empno"]] = record; # lookup by id rp = employees.get(132) if (rp): print "Employee number 132 is %s." % rp["name"] byname["Jason"]["salary"] *= 1.035 peons = [r for r in employees.values() if r["title"] == "peon"] tsevens = [r for r in employees.values() if r["age"] == 27] # Go through all records print employees.values() for rp in sorted(employees.values(), key=lambda x:x["age"]): print "%s is age %d."%(rp["name"], rp["age"]) # use @byage, an array of arrays of records byage = {} byage[record["age"]] = byage.get(record["age"], []) + [record] for age, records in byage.items(): print records print "Age %s:"%age, for rp in records: print rp["name"], print #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.10 #----------------------------- FieldName: Value #----------------------------- for record in list_of_records: # Note: sorted added in Python 2.4 for key in sorted(record.keys()): print "%s: %s" % (key, record[key]) print #----------------------------- import re list_of_records = [{}] while True: line = sys.stdin.readline() if not line: # EOF break # Remove trailing \n: line = line[:1] if not line.strip(): # New record list_of_records.append({}) continue key, value = re.split(r':\s*', line, 1) # Assign the key/value to the last item in the list_of_records: list_of_records[-1][key] = value #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.11 import pprint mylist = [[1,2,3], [4, [5,6,7], 8,9, [0,3,5]], 7, 8] mydict = {"abc": "def", "ghi":[1,2,3]} pprint.pprint(mylist, width=1) fmtdict = pprint.pformat(mydict, width=1) print fmtdict # "import pprint; help(pprint)" for more details # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # Note that pprint does not currently handle user objects #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.12 newlist = list(mylist) # shallow copy newdict = dict(mydict) # shallow copy # Pre 2.3: import copy newlist = copy.copy(mylist) # shallow copy newdict = copy.copy(mydict) # shallow copy # shallow copies copy a data structure, but don't copy the items in those # data structures so if there are nested data structures, both copy and # original will refer to the same object mylist = ["1", "2", "3"] newlist = list(mylist) mylist[0] = "0" print mylist, newlist #=> ['0', '2', '3'] ['1', '2', '3'] mylist = [["1", "2", "3"], 4] newlist = list(mylist) mylist[0][0] = "0" print mylist, newlist #=> [['0', '2', '3'], 4] [['0', '2', '3'], 4] #----------------------------- import copy newlist = copy.deepcopy(mylist) # deep copy newdict = copy.deepcopy(mydict) # deep copy # deep copies copy a data structure recursively: import copy mylist = [["1", "2", "3"], 4] newlist = copy.deepcopy(mylist) mylist[0][0] = "0" print mylist, newlist #=> [['0', '2', '3'], 4] [['1', '2', '3'], 4] #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.13 import pickle class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self.val = 1 x = Foo() x.val = 3 p_x = pickle.dumps(x) # Also pickle.dump(x, myfile) which writes to myfile del x x = pickle.loads(p_x) # Also x = pickle.load(myfile) which loads from myfile print x.val #=> 3 #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.14 import os, shelve fname = "testfile.db" if not os.path.exists(fname): d = shelve.open("testfile.db") for i in range(100000): d[str(i)] = i d.close() d = shelve.open("testfile.db") print d["100"] print d["1212010201"] # KeyError #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_11.15 # bintree - binary tree demo program # Use the heapq module instead? import random import warnings class BTree(object): def __init__(self): self.value = None ### insert given value into proper point of ### the tree, extending this node if necessary. def insert(self, value): if self.value is None: self.left = BTree() self.right = BTree() self.value = value elif self.value > value: self.left.insert(value) elif self.value < value: self.right.insert(value) else: warnings.warn("Duplicate insertion of %s."%value) # recurse on left child, # then show current value, # then recurse on right child. def in_order(self): if self.value is not None: self.left.in_order() print self.value, self.right.in_order() # show current value, # then recurse on left child, # then recurse on right child. def pre_order(self): if self.value is not None: print self.value, self.left.pre_order() self.right.pre_order() # recurse on left child, # then recurse on right child, # then show current value. def post_order(self): if self.value is not None: self.left.post_order() self.right.post_order() print self.value, # find out whether provided value is in the tree. # if so, return the node at which the value was found. # cut down search time by only looking in the correct # branch, based on current value. def search(self, value): if self.value is not None: if self.value == value: return self if value < self.value: return self.left.search(value) else: return self.right.search(value) def test(): root = BTree() for i in range(20): root.insert(random.randint(1, 1000)) # now dump out the tree all three ways print "Pre order: ", root.pre_order() print "In order: ", root.in_order() print "Post order:", root.post_order() ### prompt until empty line while True: val = raw_input("Search? ").strip() if not val: break val = int(val) found = root.search(val) if found: print "Found %s at %s, %s"%(val, found, found.value) else: print "No %s in tree" % val if __name__ == "__main__": test() # ^^PLEAC^^_12.0 #----------------------------- ## Python's "module" is the closest equivalent to Perl's "package" #=== In the file "Alpha.py" name = "first" #=== End of file #=== In the file "Omega.py" name = "last" #=== End of file import Alpha, Omega print "Alpha is %s, Omega is %s." % (Alpha.name, Omega.name) #> Alpha is first, Omega is last. #----------------------------- # Python does not have an equivalent to "compile-time load" import sys # Depending on the implementation, this could use a builtin # module or load a file with the extension .py, .pyc, pyo, .pyd, # .so, .dll, or (with imputils) load from other files. import Cards.Poker #----------------------------- #=== In the file Cards/Poker.py __all__ = ["card_deck", "shuffle"] # not usually needed card_deck = [] def shuffle(): pass #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.1 #----------------------------- #== In the file "YourModule.py" __version__ = (1, 0) # Or higher __all__ = ["...", "..."] # Override names included in "... import *" # Note: 'import *' is considered poor style # and it is rare to use this variable. ######################## # your code goes here ######################## #----------------------------- import YourModule # Import the module into my package # (does not import any of its symbols) import YourModule as Module # Use a different name for the module from YourModule import * # Import all module symbols not starting # with an underscore (default); if __all__ # is defined, only imports those symbols. # Using this is discouraged unless the # module is specifically designed for it. from YourModule import name1, name2, xxx # Import the named symbols from the module from YourModule import name1 as name2 # Import the named object, but use a # different name to access it locally. #----------------------------- __all__ = ["F1", "F2", "List"] #----------------------------- __all__ = ["Op_Func", "Table"] #----------------------------- from YourModule import Op_Func, Table, F1 #----------------------------- from YourModule import Functions, Table #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.2 #----------------------------- # no import mod = "module" try: __import__(mod) except ImportError, err: raise ImportError("couldn't load %s: %s" % (mod, err)) # imports into current package try: import module except ImportError, err: raise ImportError("couldn't load 'module': %s" % (err, )) # imports into current package, if the name is known try: import module except ImportError, err: raise ImportError("couldn't load 'module': %s" % (err, )) # Use a fixed local name for a named module mod = "module" try: local_name = __import__(mod) except ImportError, err: raise ImportError("couldn't load %s: %s" % (mod, err)) # Use the given name for the named module. # (You probably don't need to do this.) mod = "module" try: globals()[mod] = __import__(mod) except ImportError, err: raise ImportError("couldn't load %s: %s" % (mod, err)) #----------------------------- DBs = "Giant.Eenie Giant.Meanie Mouse.Mynie Moe".split() for mod in DBs.split(): try: loaded_module = __import__(mod) except ImportError: continue # __import__ returns a reference to the top-most module # Need to get the actual submodule requested. for term in mod.split(".")[:-1]: loaded_module = getattr(loaded_module, term) break else: raise ImportError("None of %s loaded" % DBs) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.3 #----------------------------- import sys if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 3 or not sys.argv[1].isdigit() \ or not sys.argv[2].isdigit(): raise SystemExit("usage: %s num1 num2" % sys.argv[0]) import Some.Module import More.Modules #----------------------------- if opt_b: import math #----------------------------- from os import O_EXCL, O_CREAT, O_RDWR #----------------------------- import os O_EXCL = os.O_EXCL O_CREAT = os.O_CREAT O_RDWR = os.O_RDWR #----------------------------- import os O_EXCL, O_CREAT, O_RDWR = os.O_EXCL, os.O_CREAT, os.O_RDWR #----------------------------- load_module('os', "O_EXCL O_CREAT O_RDWR".split()) def load_module(module_name, symbols): module = __import__(module_name) for symbol in symbols: globals()[symbol] = getattr(module, symbol) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.4 #----------------------------- # Python doesn't have Perl-style packages # Flipper.py __version__ = (1, 0) __all__ = ["flip_boundary", "flip_words"] Separatrix = ' ' # default to blank def flip_boundary(sep = None): prev_sep = Separatrix if sep is not None: global Separatrix Separatrix = sep return prev_sep def flip_words(line): words = line.split(Separatrix) words.reverse() return Separatrix.join(words) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.5 #----------------------------- this_pack = __name__ #----------------------------- that_pack = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get("__name__", "") #----------------------------- print "I am in package", __name__ #----------------------------- def nreadline(count, myfile): if count <= 0: raise ValueError("Count must be > 0") return [myfile.readline() for i in range(count)] def main(): myfile = open("/etc/termcap") a, b, c = nreadline(3, myfile) myfile.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main() # DON'T DO THIS: import sys def nreadline(count, handle_name): assert count > 0, "count must be > 0" locals = sys._getframe(1).f_locals if not locals.has_key(handle_name): raise AssertionError("need open filehandle") infile = locals[handle_name] retlist = [] for line in infile: retlist.append(line) count -= 1 if count == 0: break return retlist def main(): FH = open("/etc/termcap") a, b, c = nreadline(3, "FH") if __name__ == "__main__": main() #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.6 #----------------------------- ## There is no direct equivalent in Python to an END block import time, os, sys # Tricks to ensure the needed functions exist during module cleanup def _getgmtime(asctime=time.asctime, gmtime=time.gmtime, t=time.time): return asctime(gmtime(t())) class Logfile: def __init__(self, file): self.file = file def _logmsg(self, msg, argv0=sys.argv[0], pid=os.getpid(), _getgmtime=_getgmtime): # more tricks to keep all needed references now = _getgmtime() print>>self.file, argv0, pid, now + ":", msg def logmsg(self, msg): self._logmsg(self.file, msg) def __del__(self): self._logmsg("shutdown") self.file.close() def __getattr__(self, attr): # forward everything else to the file handle return getattr(self.file, attr) # 0 means unbuffered LF = Logfile(open("/tmp/mylog", "a+", 0)) logmsg = LF.logmsg #----------------------------- ## It is more appropriate to use try/finally around the ## main code, so the order of initialization and finalization ## can be specified. if __name__ == "__main__": import logger logger.init("/tmp/mylog") try: main() finally: logger.close() #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.7 #----------------------------- #% python -c 'import sys\ for i, name in zip(xrange(sys.maxint), sys.path):\ print i, repr(name) #> 0 '' #> 1 '/usr/lib/python2.2' #> 2 '/usr/lib/python2.2/plat-linux2' #> 3 '/usr/lib/python2.2/lib-tk' #----------------------------- # syntax for sh, bash, ksh, or zsh #$ export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/pythonlib # syntax for csh or tcsh #% setenv PYTHONPATH ~/pythonlib #----------------------------- import sys sys.path.insert(0, "/projects/spectre/lib") #----------------------------- import FindBin sys.path.insert(0, FindBin.Bin) #----------------------------- import FindBin Bin = "Name" bin = getattr(FindBin, Bin) sys.path.insert(0, bin + "/../lib") #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.8 #----------------------------- #% h2xs -XA -n Planets #% h2xs -XA -n Astronomy::Orbits #----------------------------- # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # Need a distutils example #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.9 #----------------------------- # Python compiles a file to bytecode the first time it is imported and # stores this compiled form in a .pyc file. There is thus less need for # incremental compilation as once there is a .pyc file, the sourcecode # is only recompiled if it is modified. # ^^PLEAC^^_12.10 #----------------------------- # See previous section # ^^PLEAC^^_12.11 #----------------------------- ## Any definition in a Python module overrides the builtin ## for that module #=== In MyModule def open(): pass # TBA #----------------------------- from MyModule import open file = open() #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.12 #----------------------------- def even_only(n): if n & 1: # one way to test raise AssertionError("%s is not even" % (n,)) #.... #----------------------------- def even_only(n): if n % 2: # here's another # choice of exception depends on the problem raise TypeError("%s is not even" % (n,)) #.... #----------------------------- import warnings def even_only(n): if n & 1: # test whether odd number warnings.warn("%s is not even, continuing" % (n)) n += 1 #.... #----------------------------- warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.13 #----------------------------- val = getattr(__import__(packname), varname) vals = getattr(__import__(packname), aryname) getattr(__import__(packname), funcname)("args") #----------------------------- # DON'T DO THIS [Use math.log(val, base) instead] import math def make_log(n): def logn(val): return math.log(val, n) return logn # Modifying the global dictionary - this could also be done # using locals(), or someobject.__dict__ globaldict = globals() for i in range(2, 1000): globaldict["log%s"%i] = make_log(i) # DON'T DO THIS for i in range(2,1000): exec "log%s = make_log(i)"%i in globals() print log20(400) #=>2.0 #----------------------------- blue = colours.blue someobject.blue = colours.azure # someobject could be a module... #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.14 #----------------------------- # Python extension modules can be imported and used just like # a pure python module. # # See http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/~greg/python/Pyrex/ for # information on how to create extension modules in Pyrex [a # language that's basically Python with type definitions which # converts to compiled C code] # # See http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/ for information on how # to create extension modules in C++. # # See http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Python.html for information on how # to create extension modules in C/C++ # # See http://docs.python.org/ext/ext.html for information on how to # create extension modules in C/C++ (manual reference count management). # # See http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/ for information on how to # create extension modules in Fortran # # See http://www.scipy.org/Weave for information on how to # include inline C code in Python code. # # @@INCOMPLETE@@ Need examples of FineTime extensions using the different methods... #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.15 #----------------------------- # See previous section #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.16 #----------------------------- # To document code, use docstrings. A docstring is a bare string that # is placed at the beginning of a module or immediately after the # definition line of a class, method, or function. Normally, the # first line is a brief description of the object; if a longer # description is needed, it commences on the third line (the second # line being left blank). Multiline comments should use triple # quoted strings. # # Docstrings are automagically assigned to an object's __doc__ property. # # In other words these three classes are identical: class Foo(object): "A class demonstrating docstrings." class Foo(object): __doc__ = "A class demonstrating docstrings." class Foo(object): pass Foo.__doc__ = "A class demonstrating docstrings." # as are these two functions: def foo(): "A function demonstrating docstrings." def foo(): pass foo.__doc__ = "A function demonstrating docstrings." # the pydoc module is used to display a range of information about # an object including its docstrings: import pydoc print pydoc.getdoc(int) pydoc.help(int) # In the interactive interpreter, objects' documentation can be # using the help function: help(int) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.17 #----------------------------- # Recent Python distributions are built and installed with disutils. # # To build and install under unix # # % python setup.py install # # If you want to build under one login and install under another # # % python setup.py build # $ python setup.py install # # A package may also be available prebuilt, eg, as an RPM or Windows # installer. Details will be specific to the operating system. #----------------------------- # % python setup.py --prefix ~/python-lib #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.18 #----------------------------- #== File Some/Module.py # There are so many differences between Python and Perl that # it isn't worthwhile trying to come up with an equivalent to # this Perl code. The Python code is much smaller, and there's # no need to have a template. #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_12.19 #----------------------------- #% pmdesc #----------------------------- import sys, pydoc def print_module_info(path, modname, desc): # Skip files starting with "test_" if modname.split(".")[-1].startswith("test_"): return try: # This assumes the modules are safe for importing, # in that they don't have side effects. Could also # grep the file for the __version__ line. mod = pydoc.safeimport(modname) except pydoc.ErrorDuringImport: return version = getattr(mod, "__version__", "unknown") if isinstance(version, type("")): # Use the string if it's given pass else: # Assume it's a list of version numbers, from major to minor ".".join(map(str, version)) synopsis, text = pydoc.splitdoc(desc) print "%s (%s) - %s" % (modname, version, synopsis) scanner = pydoc.ModuleScanner() scanner.run(print_module_info) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.0 #----------------------------- # Inside a module named 'Data' / file named 'Data.py' class Encoder(object): pass #----------------------------- obj = [3, 5] print type(obj), id(obj), ob[1] ## Changing the class of builtin types is not supported ## in Python. #----------------------------- obj.Stomach = "Empty" # directly accessing an object's contents obj.NAME = "Thag" # uppercase field name to make it stand out (optional) #----------------------------- encoded = object.encode("data") #----------------------------- encoded = Data.Encoder.encode("data") #----------------------------- class Class(object): def __init__(self): pass #----------------------------- object = Class() #----------------------------- class Class(object): def class_only_method(): pass # more code here class_only_method = staticmethod(class_only_method) #----------------------------- class Class(object): def instance_only_method(self): pass # more code here #----------------------------- lector = Human.Cannibal() lector.feed("Zak") lector.move("New York") #----------------------------- # NOTE: it is rare to use these forms except inside of # methods to call specific methods from a parent class lector = Human.Cannibal() Human.Cannibal.feed(lector, "Zak") Human.Cannibal.move(lector, "New York") #----------------------------- print>>sys.stderr, "stuff here\n" # ^^PLEAC^^_13.1 #----------------------------- class Class(object): pass #----------------------------- import time class Class(object): def __init__(self): self.start = time.time() # init data fields self.age = 0 #----------------------------- import time class Class(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Sets self.start to the current time, and self.age to 0. If called # with arguments, interpret them as key+value pairs to # initialize the object with self.age = 0 self.__dict__.update(kwargs) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.2 #----------------------------- import time class Class(object): def __del__(self): print self, "dying at", time.ctime() #----------------------------- ## Why is the perl code introducing a cycle? I guess it's an ## example of how to keep from calling the finalizer self.WHATEVER = self #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.3 #----------------------------- # It is standard practice to access attributes directly: class MyClass(object) def __init__(self): self.name = "default" self.age = 0 obj = MyClass() obj.name = "bob" print obj.name obj.age += 1 # If you later find that you need to compute an attribute, you can always # retrofit a property(), leaving user code untouched: class MyClass(object): def __init__(self): self._name = "default" self._age = 0 def get_name(self): return self._name def set_name(self, name): self._name = name.title() name = property(get_name, set_name) def get_age(self): return self._age def set_age(self, val): if val < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid age: %s" % val) self._age = val age = property(get_age, set_age) obj = MyClass() obj.name = "bob" print obj.name obj.age += 1 # DON'T DO THIS - explicit getters and setters should not be used: class MyClass(object): def __init__(self): self.name = "default" def get_name(self): return self.name def set_name(self, name): self.name = name.title() obj = MyClass() obj.set_name("bob") print obj.get_name() #----------------------------- ## DON'T DO THIS (It's complex, ugly, and unnecessary): class MyClass(object): def __init__(self): self.age = 0 def name(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: return self.name elif len(args) == 1: self.name = args[0] else: raise TypeError("name only takes 0 or 1 arguments") def age(self, *args): prev = self.age if args: self.age = args[0] return prev # sample call of get and set: happy birthday! obj.age(1 + obj.age()) #----------------------------- him = Person() him.NAME = "Sylvester" him.AGE = 23 #----------------------------- # Here's another way to implement the 'obj.method()' is a getter # and 'obj.method(value)' is a settor. Again, this is not a # common Python idiom and should not be used. See below for a # more common way to do parameter checking of attribute assignment. import re, sys def carp(s): sys.stderr.write("WARNING: " + s + "\n") class Class: no_name = [] def name(self, value = no_name): if value is Class.no_name: return self.NAME value = self._enforce_name_value(value) self.NAME = value def _enforce_name_value(self, value): if re.search(r"[^\s\w'-]", value): carp("funny characters in name") if re.search(r"\d", value): carp("numbers in name") if not re.search(r"\S+(\s+\S+)+", value): carp("prefer multiword name") if not re.search(r"\S", value): carp("name is blank") return value.upper() # enforce capitalization #----------------------------- # A more typical way to enforce restrictions on a value # to set class Class: def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == "name": value = self._enforce_name_value(value) # Do any conversions self.__dict__[name] = value # Do the default __setattr__ action def _enforce_name_value(self, value): if re.search(r"[^\s\w'-]", value): carp("funny characters in name") if re.search(r"\d", value): carp("numbers in name") if not re.search(r"\S+(\s+\S+)+", value): carp("prefer multiword name") if not re.search(r"\S", value): carp("name is blank") return value.upper() # enforce capitalization #----------------------------- class Person: def __init__(self, name = None, age = None, peers = None): if peers is None: peers = [] # See Python FAQ 6.25 self.name = name self.age = age self.peers = peers def exclaim(self): return "Hi, I'm %s, age %d, working with %s" % \ (self.name, self.age, ", ".join(self.peers)) def happy_birthday(self): self.age += 1 return self.age #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.4 #----------------------------- ## In the module named 'Person' ... def population(): return Person.body_count[0] class Person(object): body_count = [0] # class variable - shared across all instances def __init__(self): self.body_count[0] += 1 def __del__(self): # Beware - may be non-deterministic (Jython)! self.body_count[0] -= 1 # later, the user can say this: import Person people = [] for i in range(10): people.append(Person.Person()) print "There are", Person.population(), "people alive." #=> There are 10 people alive. #----------------------------- him = Person() him.gender = "male" her = Person() her.gender = "female" #----------------------------- FixedArray.max_bounds = 100 # set for whole class alpha = FixedArray.FixedArray() print "Bound on alpha is", alpha.max_bounds #=>100 beta = FixedArray.FixedArray() beta.max_bounds = 50 # still sets for whole class print "Bound on alpha is", alpha.max_bounds #=>50 #----------------------------- # In the module named 'FixedArray' class FixedArray(object): _max_bounds = [7] # Shared across whole class def __init__(self, bounds=None): if bounds is not None: self.max_bounds = bounds def get_max_bounds(self): return self._max_bounds[0] def set_max_bounds(self, val): self._max_bounds[0] = val max_bounds = property(get_max_bounds, set_max_bounds) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.5 #----------------------------- # There isn't the severe separation between scalar, arrays and hashs # in Python, so there isn't a direct equivalent to the Perl code. class Person: def __init__(self, name=None, age=None, peers=None): if peers is None: peers = [] self.name = name self.age = age self.peers = peers p = Person("Jason Smythe", 13, ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"]) # or this way. (This is not the prefered style as objects should # be constructed with all the appropriate data, if possible.) p = Person() # allocate an empty Person p.name = "Jason Smythe" # set its name field p.age = 13 # set its age field p.peers.extend( ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred" ] ) # set its peers field p.peers = ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"] p.peers[:]= ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"] # fetch various values, including the zeroth friend print "At age %d, %s's first friend is %s." % \ (p.age, p.name, p.peers[0]) #----------------------------- # This isn't very Pythonic - should create objects with the # needed data, and not depend on defaults and modifing the object. import sys def carp(s): sys.stderr.write("WARNING: " + s + "\n") class Person: def __init__(self, name = "", age = 0): self.name = name self.age = age def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == "age": # This is very unpythonic if not isinstance(value, type(0)): carp("age '%s' isn't numeric" % (value,)) if value > 150: carp("age '%s' is unreasonable" % (value,)) self.__dict__[name] = value class Family: def __init__(self, head = None, address = "", members = None): if members is None: members = [] self.head = head or Person() self.address = address self.members = members folks = Family() dad = folks.head dad.name = "John" dad.age = 34 print "%s's age is %d" % (folks.head.name, folks.head.age) #----------------------------- class Card: def __init__(self, name=None, color=None, cost=None, type=None, release=None, text=None): self.name = name self.color = color self.cost = cost self.type = type self.release = release self.type = type #----------------------------- # For positional args class Card: _names = ("name", "color", "cost", "type", "release", "type") def __init__(self, *args): assert len(args) <= len(self._names) for k, v in zip(self._names, args): setattr(self, k, None) #----------------------------- # For keyword args class Card: _names = ("name", "color", "cost", "type", "release", "type") def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k in self._names: # Set the defaults setattr(self, k, None) for k, v in kwargs.items(): # add in the kwargs assert k in self._names, "Unexpected kwarg: " + k setattr(self, k, v) #----------------------------- class hostent: def __init__(self, addr_list = None, length = None, addrtype = None, aliases = None, name = None): self.addr_list = addr_list or [] self.length = length or 0 self.addrtype = addrtype or "" self.aliases = aliases or [] self.name = name or "" #----------------------------- ## XXX What do I do with these? #define h_type h_addrtype #define h_addr h_addr_list[0] #----------------------------- # make (hostent object)->type() same as (hostent object)->addrtype() # # *hostent::type = \&hostent::addrtype; # # # make (hostenv object)-> # addr() # same as (hostenv object)->addr_list(0) #sub hostent::addr { shift->addr_list(0,@_) } #----------------------------- # No equivalent to Net::hostent (Python uses an unnamed tuple) #package Extra::hostent; #use Net::hostent; #@ISA = qw(hostent); #sub addr { shift->addr_list(0,@_) } #1; #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.6 #----------------------------- class Class(Parent): pass #----------------------------- ## Note: this is unusual in Python code ob1 = SomeClass() # later on ob2 = ob1.__class__() #----------------------------- ## Note: this is unusual in Python code ob1 = Widget() ob2 = ob1.__class__() #----------------------------- # XXX I do not know the intent of the original Perl code # Do not use this style of programming in Python. import time class Person(possible,base,classes): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Call the parents' constructors, if there are any for baseclass in self.__class__.__bases__: init = getattr(baseclass, "__init__") if init is not None: init(self, *args, **kwargs) self.PARENT = parent # init data fields self.START = time.time() self.AGE = 0 #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.7 #----------------------------- methname = "flicker" getattr(obj, methname)(10) # calls obj->flicker(10); # call three methods on the object, by name for m in ("start", "run", "stop"): getattr(obj, m)() #----------------------------- methods = ("name", "rank", "serno") his_info = {} for m in methods: his_info[m] = getattr(ob, m)() # same as this: his_info = { 'name': ob.name(), 'rank': ob.rank(), 'serno': ob.serno(), } #----------------------------- fnref = ob.method #----------------------------- fnref(10, "fred") #----------------------------- obj.method(10, "fred") #----------------------------- # XXX Not sure if this is the correct translation. # XXX Is 'can' special? if isinstance(obj_target, obj.__class__): obj.can('method_name')(obj_target, *arguments) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.8 #----------------------------- isinstance(obj, mimetools.Message) issubclass(obj.__class__, mimetools.Message) if hasattr(obj, "method_name"): # check method validity pass #----------------------------- ## Explicit type checking is needed fewer times than you think. his_print_method = getattr(obj, "as_string", None) #----------------------------- __version__ = (3, 0) Some_Module.__version__ # Almost never used, and doesn't work for builtin types, which don't # have a __module__. his_vers = obj.__module__.__version__ #----------------------------- if Some_Module.__version__ < (3, 0): raise ImportError("Some_Module version %s is too old, expected (3, 0)" % (Some_Module.__version__,)) # or more simply assert Some_Module.__version__ >= (3, 0), "version too old" #----------------------------- __VERSION__ = '1.01' #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.9 #----------------------------- # Note: This uses the standard Python idiom of accessing the # attributes directly rather than going through a method call. # See earlier in this chapter for examples of how this does # not break encapsulation. class Person: def __init__(self, name = "", age = 0): self.name = name self.age = age #----------------------------- # Prefered: dude = Person("Jason", 23) dude = Person() dude.name = "Jason" dude.age = 23 print "%s is age %d." % (dude.name, dude.age) #----------------------------- class Employee(Person): pass #----------------------------- # Prefered: empl = Employee("Jason", 23) emp = Employee() empl.name = "Jason" empl.age = 23 print "%s is age %d." % (empl.name, empl.age) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.10 #----------------------------- # This doesn't need to be done since if 'method' doesn't # exist in the Class it will be looked for in its BaseClass(es) class Class(BaseClass): def method(self, *args, **kwargs): BaseClass.method(self, *args, **kwargs) # This lets you pick the specific method in one of the base classes class Class(BaseClass1, BaseClass2): def method(self, *args, **kwargs): BaseClass2.method(self, *args, **kwargs) # This looks for the first method in the base class(es) without # specifically knowing which base class. This reimplements # the default action so isn't really needed. class Class(BaseClass1, BaseClass2, BaseClass3): def method(self, *args, **kwargs): for baseclass in self.__class__.__bases__: f = getattr(baseclass, "method") if f is not None: return f(*args, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError("method") #----------------------------- self.meth() # Call wherever first meth is found Where.meth(self) # Call in the base class "Where" # XXX Does Perl only have single inheritence? Or does # it check all base classes? No directly equivalent way # to do this in Python, but see above. #----------------------------- import time # The Perl code calls a private '_init' function, but in # Python there's need for the complexity of 'new' mechanism # so it's best just to put the '_init' code in '__init__'. class Class: def __init__(self, *args): # init data fields self.START = time.time() self.AGE = 0 self.EXTRA = args # anything extra #----------------------------- obj = Widget(haircolor = "red", freckles = 121) #----------------------------- class Class(Base1, Base2, Base3): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): for base in self.__class__.__bases__: f = getattr(base, "__init__") if f is not None: f(self, *args, **kwargs) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.11 #----------------------------- # NOTE: Python prefers direct attribute lookup rather than # method calls. Python 2.2 will introduce a 'get_set' which # *may* be equivalent, but I don't know enough about it. So # instead I'll describe a class that lets you restrict access # to only specific attributes. class Private: def __init__(self, names): self.__names = names self.__data = {} def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.__names: return self.__data[name] raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name.startswith("_Private"): self.__dict__[name] = value return if name in self.__names: self.__data[name] = value return raise TypeError("cannot set the attribute %r" % (name,)) class Person(Private): def __init__(self, parent = None): Private.__init__(self, ["name", "age", "peers", "parent"]) self.parent = parent def new_child(self): return Person(self) #----------------------------- dad = Person() dad.name = "Jason" dad.age = 23 kid = dad.new_child() kid.name = "Rachel" kid.age = 2 print "Kid's parent is", kid.parent.name #=>Kid's parent is Jason # ^^PLEAC^^_13.12 #----------------------------- ## XXX No clue on what this does. For that matter, what's ## "The Data Inheritance Problem"? # ^^PLEAC^^_13.13 #----------------------------- node.NEXT = node #----------------------------- # This is not a faithful copy of the Perl code, but it does # show how to have the container's __del__ remove cycles in # its contents. Note that Python 2.0 includes a garbage # collector that is able to remove these sorts of cycles, but # it's still best to prevent cycles in your code. class Node: def __init__(self, value = None): self.next = self self.prev = self self.value = value class Ring: def __init__(self): self.ring = None self.count = 0 def __str__(self): # Helpful when debugging, to print the contents of the ring s = "#%d: " % self.count x = self.ring if x is None: return s values = [] while True: values.append(x.value) x = x.next if x is self.ring: break return s + " -> ".join(map(str, values)) + " ->" def search(self, value): node = self.ring while True: if node.value == value: return node node = node.next if node is self.ring: break def insert_value(self, value): node = Node(value) if self.ring is not None: node.prev, node.next = self.ring.prev, self.ring self.ring.prev.next = self.ring.prev = node self.ring = node self.count += 1 def delete_value(self, value): node = self.search(value) if node is not None: self.delete_node(node) def delete_node(self, node): if node is node.next: node.next = node.prev = None self.ring = None else: node.prev.next, node.next.prev = node.next, node.prev if node is self.ring: self.ring = node.next self.count -= 1 def __del__(self): while self.ring is not None: self.delete_node(self.ring) COUNT = 1000 for rep in range(20): r = Ring() for i in range(COUNT): r.insert_value(i) #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_13.14 #----------------------------- import UserString class MyString(UserString.UserString): def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.data.upper(), other.upper()) class Person: def __init__(self, name, idnum): self.name = name self.idnum = idnum def __str__(self): return "%s (%05d)" % (self.name.lower().capitalize(), self.idnum) #----------------------------- class TimeNumber: def __init__(self, hours, minutes, seconds): assert minutes < 60 and seconds < 60 self.hours = hours self.minutes = minutes self.seconds = seconds def __str__(self): return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (self.hours, self.minutes, self.seconds) def __add__(self, other): seconds = self.seconds + other.seconds minutes = self.minutes + other.minutes hours = self.hours + other.hours if seconds >= 60: seconds %= 60 minutes += 1 if minutes >= 60: minutes %= 60 hours += 1 return TimeNumber(hours, minutes, seconds) def __sub__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __mul__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __div__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError t1 = TimeNumber(0, 58, 59) sec = TimeNumber(0, 0, 1) min = TimeNumber(0, 1, 0) print t1 + sec + min + min # 1:01:00 #----------------------------- # For demo purposes only - the StrNum class is superfluous in this # case as plain strings would give the same result. class StrNum: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __cmp__(self, other): # both <=> and cmp # providing <=> gives us <, ==, etc. for free. # __lt__, __eq__, and __gt__ can also be individually specified return cmp(self.value, other.value) def __str__(self): # "" return self.value def __nonzero__(self, other): # bool return bool(self.value) def __int__(self, other): # 0+ return int(self.value) def __add__(self, other): # + return StrNum(self.value + other.value) def __radd__(self, other): # +, inverted return StrNum(other.value + self.value) def __mul__(self, other): # * return StrNum(self.value * other) def __rmul__(self, other): # *, inverted return StrNum(self.value * other) def demo(): # show_strnum - demo operator overloading x = StrNum("Red") y = StrNum("Black") z = x + y r = z * 3 print "values are %s, %s, %s, and %s" % (x, y, z, r) if x < y: s = "LT" else: s = "GE" print x, "is", s, y if __name__ == "__main__": demo() # values are Red, Black, RedBlack, and RedBlackRedBlackRedBlack # Red is GE Black #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # demo_fixnum - show operator overloading # sum of STRFixNum: 40 and STRFixNum: 12 is STRFixNum: 52 # product of STRFixNum: 40 and STRFixNum: 12 is STRFixNum: 480 # STRFixNum: 3 has 0 places # div of STRFixNum: 40 by STRFixNum: 12 is STRFixNum: 3.33 # square of that is STRFixNum: 11.11 # This isn't excatly the same as the original Perl code since # I couldn't figure out why the PLACES variable was used. #----------------------------- import re _places_re = re.compile(r"\.(\d+)") default_places = 0 class FixNum: def __init__(self, value, places = None): self.value = value if places is None: # get from the value m = _places_re.search(str(value)) if m: places = int(m.group(1)) else: places = default_places self.places = places def __add__(self, other): return FixNum(self.value + other.value, max(self.places, other.places)) def __mul__(self, other): return FixNum(self.value * other.value, max(self.places, other.places)) def __div__(self, other): # Force to use floating point, since 2/3 in Python is 0 # Don't use float() since that will convert strings return FixNum((self.value+0.0) / other.value, max(self.places, other.places)) def __str__(self): return "STR%s: %.*f" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.places, self.value) def __int__(self): return int(self.value) def __float__(self): return self.value def demo(): x = FixNum(40) y = FixNum(12, 0) print "sum of", x, "and", y, "is", x+y print "product of", x, "and", y, "is", x*y z = x/y print "%s has %d places" % (z, z.places) if not z.places: z.places = 2 print "div of", x, "by", y, "is", z print "square of that is ", z*z if __name__ == "__main__": demo() # ^^PLEAC^^_13.15 # You can't tie a variable, but you can use properties. import itertools class ValueRing(object): def __init__(self, colours): self.colourcycle = itertools.cycle(colours) def next_colour(self): return self.colourcycle.next() colour = property(next_colour) vr = ValueRing(["red", "blue"]) for i in range(6): print vr.colour, print # Note that you MUST refer directly to the property x = vr.colour print x, x, x #------------------------------------- # Ties are generally unnecessary in Python because of its strong OO support - # The resulting code is MUCH shorter: class AppendDict(dict): def __setitem__(self, key, val): if key in self: self[key].append(val) else: super(AppendDict, self).__setitem__(key, [val]) tab = AppendDict() tab["beer"] = "guinness" tab["food"] = "potatoes" tab["food"] = "peas" for key, val in tab.items(): print key, "=>", val #------------------------------------- class CaselessDict(dict): def __setitem__(self, key, val): super(CaselessDict, self).__setitem__(key.lower(), val) def __getitem__(self, key): return super(CaselessDict, self).__getitem__(key.lower()) tab = CaselessDict() tab["VILLAIN"] = "big " tab["herOine"] = "red riding hood" tab["villain"] = "bad wolf" for key, val in tab.items(): print key, "is", val #=>villain is bad wolf #=>heroine is red riding hood #------------------------------------- class RevDict(dict): def __setitem__(self, key, val): super(RevDict, self).__setitem__(key, val) super(RevDict, self).__setitem__(val, key) tab = RevDict() tab["red"] = "rojo" tab["blue"] = "azul" tab["green"] = "verde" tab["evil"] = ("No Way!", "Way!") for key, val in tab.items(): print key, "is", val #=>blue is azul #=>('No Way!', 'Way!') is evil #=>rojo is red #=>evil is ('No Way!', 'Way!') #=>azul is blue #=>verde is green #=>green is verde #=>red is rojo #------------------------------------- import itertools for elem in itertools.count(): print "Got", elem #------------------------------------- # You could use FileDispatcher from section 7.18 tee = FileDispatcher(sys.stderr, sys.stdout) #------------------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_14.0 # See http://www.python.org/doc/topics/database/ for Database Interfaces details. # currently listed on http://www.python.org/doc/topics/database/modules/ # # DB/2, Informix, Interbase, Ingres, JDBC, MySQL, pyodbc, mxODBC, ODBC Interface, # DCOracle, DCOracle2, PyGresQL, psycopg, PySQLite, sapdbapi, Sybase, ThinkSQL. # # @@PLEAC@@_14.1 #------------------------------------- import anydbm filename = "test.db" try: db = anydbm.open(filename) except anydbm, err: print "Can't open %s: %s!" % (filename, err) db["key"] = "value" # put value into database if "key" in db: # check whether in database val = db.pop("key") # retrieve and remove from database db.close() # close the database #------------------------------------- # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch14/userstats # @@PLEAC@@_14.2 # Emptying a DBM File import anydbm try: db = anydbm.open(FILENAME,'w') # open, for writing except anydbm.error, err: print "Can't open db %s: %s!" % (filename, err) raise SystemExit(1) db.clear() db.close() # ------------------------------- try: db = anydbm.open(filename,'n') # open, always create a new empty db except anydbm.error, err: print "Can't open db %s: %s!" % (filename, err) raise SystemExit(1) db.close() # ------------------------------- import os try: os.remove(FILENAME) except OSError, err: print "Couldn't remove %s to empty the database: %s!" % (FILENAME, err) raise SystemExit try: db = anydbm.open(FILENAME,'n') # open, flways create a new empty db except anydbm.error, err: print "Couldn't create %s database: %s!" % (FILENAME, err) raise SystemExit # @@PLEAC@@_14.3 # Converting Between DBM Files # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch14/db2gdbm # @@PLEAC@@_14.4 OUTPUT.update(INPUT1) OUTPUT.update(INPUT2) OUTPUT = anydbm.open("OUT","n") for INPUT in (INPUT1, INPUT2, INPUT1): for key, value in INPUT.iteritems(): if OUTPUT.has_key(key): # decide which value to use and set OUTPUT[key] if necessary print "key %s already present: %s, new: %s" % ( key, OUTPUT[key], value ) else: OUTPUT[key] = value # @@PLEAC@@_14.5 # On systems where the Berkeley DB supports it, dbhash takes an # "l" flag: import dbhash dbhash.open("mydb.db", "cl") # 'c': create if doesn't exist # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_14.6 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_14.7 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_14.8 # shelve uses anydbm to access and chooses between DBMs. # anydbm detect file formats automatically. import shelve db = shelve.open("celebrities.db") name1 = "Greg Stein" name2 = "Greg Ward" # shelve uses pickle to convert objects into strings and back. # This is automatic. db[name1] = ["of ViewCVS fame", "gstein@lyra.org"] db[name2] = ["of Distutils fame", "gward@python.net"] greg1 = db[name1] greg2 = db[name2] print "Two Gregs: %x %x" % (id(greg1), id(greg2)) if greg1 == greg2: print "You're having runtime fun with one Greg made two." else: print "No two Gregs are ever alike." # Changes to mutable entries are not written back by default. # You can get the copy, change it, and put it back. entry = db[name1] entry[0] = "of Subversion fame" db[name1] = entry # Or you can open shelve with writeback option. Then you can # change mutable entries directly. (New in 2.3) db = shelve.open("celebrities.db", writeback=True) db[name2][0] = "of Optik fame" # However, writeback option can consume vast amounts of memory # to do its magic. You can clear cache with sync(). db.sync() #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_14.9 # DON'T DO THIS. import os as _os, shelve as _shelve _fname = "persist.db" if not _os.path.exists(_fname): var1 = "foo" var2 = "bar" _d = _shelve.open("persist.db") globals().update(_d) print "var1 is %s; var2 is %s"%(var1, var2) var1 = raw_input("New var1: ") var2 = raw_input("New var2: ") for key, val in globals().items(): if not key.startswith("_"): _d[key] = val # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_14.10 #----------------------------- import dbmodule dbconn = dbmodule.connect(arguments...) cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) while True: row = cursor.fetchone() if row is None: break ... cursor.close() dbconn.close() #----------------------------- import MySQLdb import pwd dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(db='dbname', host='mysqlserver.domain.com', port=3306, user='user', passwd='password') cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE users (uid INT, login CHAR(8))") # Note: some databases use %s for parameters, some use ? or other # formats sql_fmt = "INSERT INTO users VALUES( %s, %s )" for userent in pwd.getpwall(): # the second argument contains a list of parameters which will # be quoted before being put in the query cursor.execute(sql_fmt, (userent.pw_uid, userent.pw_name)) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid < 50") for row in cursor.fetchall(): # NULL will be displayed as None print ", ".join(map(str, row)) cursor.execute("DROP TABLE users") cursor.close() dbconn.close() #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_14.11 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_15.1 #----------------------------- # Parsing program arguments # -- getopt way (All Python versions) #----------------------------- # Preamble import sys import getopt # getopt() explicitly receives arguments for it to process. # No magic. Explicit is better than implicit. # PERL: @ARGV argv = sys.argv[1:] # Note that sys.argv[0] is the script name, and need to be # stripped. #----------------------------- # Short options # PERL: getopt("vDo"); # Polluting the caller's namespace is evil. Don't do that. # PERL: getopt("vDo:", \%opts); opts, rest = getopt.getopt(argv, "vDo:") # If you want switches to take arguments, you must say so. # Unlike PERL, which silently performs its magic, switches # specified without trailing colons are considered boolean # flags by default. # PERL: getopt("vDo", \%opts); opts, rest = getopt.getopt(argv, "v:D:o:") # PERL: getopts("vDo:", \%opts); # getopt/getopts distinction is not present in Python 'getopt' # module. #----------------------------- # getopt() return values, compared to PERL # getopt() returns two values. The first is a list of # (option, value) pair. (Not a dictionary, i.e. Python hash.) # The second is the list of arguments left unprocessed. # Example # >>> argv = "-v ARG1 -D ARG2 -o ARG3".split() # >>> opts, rest = getopt.getopt(argv, "v:D:o:") # >>> print opts # [('-v', 'ARG1'), ('-D', 'ARG2'), ('-o', 'ARG3')] #----------------------------- # Long options # getopt() handles long options too. Pass a list of option # names as the third argument. If an option takes an argument, # append an equal sign. opts, rest = getopt.getopt(argv, "", [ "verbose", "Debug", "output="]) #----------------------------- # Switch clustering # getopt() does switch clustering just fine. # Example # >>> argv1 = '-r -f /tmp/testdir'.split() # >>> argv2 = '-rf /tmp/testdir'.split() # >>> print getopt.getopt(argv1, 'rf') # ([('-r', ''), ('-f', '')], ['/tmp/testdir']) # >>> print getopt.getopt(argv2, 'rf') # ([('-r', ''), ('-f', '')], ['/tmp/testdir']) #----------------------------- # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # TODO: Complete this section using 'getopt'. Show how to # use the parsed result. # http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-getopt.html # Python library reference has a "typical usage" demo. # TODO: Introduce 'optparse', a very powerful command line # option parsing module. New in 2.3. # @@PLEAC@@_15.2 ##------------------ import sys def is_interactive_python(): try: ps = sys.ps1 except: return False return True ##------------------ import sys def is_interactive(): # only False if stdin is redirected like "-t" in perl. return sys.stdin.isatty() # Or take advantage of Python's Higher Order Functions: is_interactive = sys.stdin.isatty ##------------------ import posix def is_interactive_posix(): tty = open("/dev/tty") tpgrp = posix.tcgetpgrp(tty.fileno()) pgrp = posix.getpgrp() tty.close() return (tpgrp == pgrp) # test with: # python 15.2.py # echo "dummy" | python 15.2.py | cat print "is python shell:", is_interactive_python() print "is a tty:", is_interactive() print "has no tty:", is_interactive_posix() if is_interactive(): while True: try: ln = raw_input("Prompt:") except: break print "you typed:", ln # @@PLEAC@@_15.3 # Python has no Term::Cap module. # One could use the curses, but this was not ported to windows, # use console. # just run clear import os os.system("clear") # cache output clear = os.popen("clear").read() print clear # or to avoid print's newline sys.stdout.write(clear) # @@PLEAC@@_15.4 # Determining Terminal or Window Size # eiter use ioctl import struct, fcntl, termios, sys s = struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0) hchar, wchar = struct.unpack("HHHH", fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ, s))[:2] # or curses import curses (hchar,wchar) = curses.getmaxyx() # graph contents of values import struct, fcntl, termios, sys width = struct.unpack("HHHH", fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ, struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0)))[1] if width<10: print "You must have at least 10 characters" raise SystemExit max_value = 0 for v in values: max_value = max(max_value,v) ratio = (width-10)/max_value # chars per unit for v in values: print "%8.1f %s" % (v, "*"*(v*ratio)) # @@PLEAC@@_15.5 # there seems to be no standard ansi module # and BLINK does not blink here. RED = '\033[31m' RESET = '\033[0;0m' BLINK = '\033[05m' NOBLINK = '\033[25m' print RED+"DANGER, Will Robinson!"+RESET print "This is just normal text" print "Will ``"+BLINK+"Do you hurt yet?"+NOBLINK+"'' and back" # @@PLEAC@@_15.6 # Show ASCII values for keypresses # _Getch is from http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/134892 class _Getch: """Gets a single character from standard input. Doesn't echo to screen.""" def __init__(self): try: self.impl = _GetchWindows() except ImportError: self.impl = _GetchUnix() def __call__(self): return self.impl() class _GetchUnix: def __init__(self): import tty, sys def __call__(self): import sys, tty, termios fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = sys.stdin.read(1) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch class _GetchWindows: def __init__(self): import msvcrt def __call__(self): import msvcrt return msvcrt.getch() getch = _Getch() print "Press keys to see their ASCII values. Use Ctrl-C to quit.\n" try: while True: char = ord(getch()) if char == 3: break print " Decimal: %3d Octal: %3o Hex: x%02x" % (char, char, char) except KeyboardError: pass #---------------------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_15.7 print "\aWake up!\n"; #---------------------------------------- # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_15.8 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_15.9 # On Windows import msvcrt if msvcrt.kbhit(): c = msvcrt.getch # See http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/134892 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_15.10 #---------------------------------------- import getpass import pwd import crypt password = getpass.getpass('Enter your password: ') username = getpass.getuser() encrypted = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_passwd if not encrypted or encrypted == 'x': # If using shadow passwords, this will be empty or 'x' print "Cannot verify password" elif crypt.crypt(password, encrypted) != encrypted: print "You are not", username else: print "Welcome,", username #---------------------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_15.11 # simply importing readline gives line edit capabilities to raw_ import readline readline.add_history("fake line") line = raw_input() # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch15/vbsh readline.add_history("some line!") readline.remove_history_item(position) line = readline.get_history_item(index) # an interactive python shell would be import code, readline code.InteractiveConsole().interact("code.InteractiveConsole") # @@PLEAC@@_15.12 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_15.13 #---------------------------------------- # This entry uses pexpect, a pure Python Expect-like module. # http://pexpect.sourceforge.net/ # for more information, check pexpect's documentation and example. import pexpect #---------------------------------------- # spawn program try: command = pexpect.spawn("program to run") except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect: # couldn't spawn program pass #---------------------------------------- # you can pass any filelike object to setlog # passing None will stop logging # stop logging command.setlog(None) # log to stdout import sys command.setlog(sys.stdout) # log to specific file fp = file("pexpect.log", "w") command.setlog(fp) #---------------------------------------- # expecting simple string command.expect("ftp>") # expecting regular expression # actually, string is always treated as regular expression # so it's the same thing command.expect("Name.*:") # you can do it this way, too import re regex = re.compile("Name.*:") command.expect(regex) #---------------------------------------- # expecting with timeout try: command.expect("Password:", 10) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: # timed out pass # setting default timeout command.timeout = 10 # since we set default timeout, following does same as above try: command.expect("Password:") except pexpect.TIMEOUT: # timed out pass #---------------------------------------- # what? do you *really* want to wait forever? #---------------------------------------- # sending line: normal way command.sendline("get spam_and_ham") # you can also treat it as file print>>command, "get spam_and_ham" #---------------------------------------- # finalization # close connection with child process # (that is, freeing file descriptor) command.close() # kill child process import signal command.kill(signal.SIGKILL) #---------------------------------------- # expecting multiple choices which = command.expect(["invalid", "success", "error", "boom"]) # return value is index of matched choice # 0: invalid # 1: success # 2: error # 3: boom #---------------------------------------- # avoiding exception handling choices = ["invalid", "success", "error", "boom"] choices.append(pexpect.TIMEOUT) choices.append(pexpect.EOF) which = command.expect(choices) # if TIMEOUT or EOF occurs, appropriate index is returned # (instead of raising exception) # 4: TIMEOUT # 5: EOF # @@PLEAC@@_15.14 from Tkinter import * def print_callback(): print "print_callback" main = Tk() menubar = Menu(main) main.config(menu=menubar) file_menu = Menu(menubar) menubar.add_cascade(label="File", underline=1, menu=file_menu) file_menu.add_command(label="Print", command=print_callback) main.mainloop() # using a class from Tkinter import * class Application(Tk): def print_callback(self): print "print_callback" def debug_callback(self): print "debug:", self.debug.get() print "debug level:", self.debug_level.get() def createWidgets(self): menubar = Menu(self) self.config(menu=menubar) file_menu = Menu(menubar) menubar.add_cascade(label="File", underline=1, menu=file_menu) file_menu.add_command(label="Print", command=self.print_callback) file_menu.add_command(label="Quit Immediately", command=sys.exit) # options_menu = Menu(menubar) menubar.add_cascade(label="Options", underline=0, menu=options_menu) options_menu.add_checkbutton( label="Create Debugging File", variable=self.debug, command=self.debug_callback, onvalue=1, offvalue=0) options_menu.add_separator() options_menu.add_radiobutton( label = "Level 1", variable = self.debug_level, value = 1 ) options_menu.add_radiobutton( label = "Level 2", variable = self.debug_level, value = 2 ) options_menu.add_radiobutton( label = "Level 3", variable = self.debug_level, value = 3 ) def __init__(self, master=None): Tk.__init__(self, master) # bound variables must be IntVar, StrVar, ... self.debug = IntVar() self.debug.set(0) self.debug_level = IntVar() self.debug_level.set(1) self.createWidgets() app = Application() app.mainloop() # @@PLEAC@@_15.15 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_15.16 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_15.17 # Start Python scripts without the annoying DOS window on win32 # Use extension ".pyw" on files - eg: "foo.pyw" instead of "foo.py" # Or run programs using "pythonw.exe" rather than "python.exe" # @@PLEAC@@_15.18 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_15.19 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_16.1 import popen2 # other popen methods than popen4 can lead to deadlocks # if there is much data on stdout and stderr (err_out, stdin) = popen2.popen4("program args") lines = err_out.read() # collect output into one multiline string (err_out, stdin) = popen2.popen4("program args") lines = err_out.readlines() # collect output into a list, one line per element #----------------------------- (err_out, stdin) = popen2.popen4("program args") output = [] while True: line = err_out.readline() if not line: break output.appen(line) output = ''.join(output) # @@PLEAC@@_16.2 import os myfile = "foo.txt" status = os.system("vi %s" % myfile) #----------------------------- import os os.system("cmd1 args | cmd2 | cmd3 >outfile") os.system("cmd args outfile 2>errfile") status = os.system("%s %s %s" % (program, arg1, arg2)) if status != 0: print "%s exited funny: %s" % (program, status) raise SystemExit # @@PLEAC@@_16.3 # ----------------------------- import os import sys import glob args = glob.glob("*.data") try: os.execvp("archive", args) except OSError, e: print "Couldn't replace myself with archive: %s" % err raise SystemExit # The error message does not contain the line number like the "die" in # perl. But if you want to show more information for debugging, you can # delete the try...except and you get a nice traceback which shows all # line numbers and filenames. # ----------------------------- os.execvp("archive", ["accounting.data"]) # @@PLEAC@@_16.4 # ------------------------- # Read from a child process import sys import popen2 pipe = popen2.Popen4("program arguments") pid = pipe.pid for line in pipe.fromchild.readlines(): sys.stdout.write(line) # Popen4 provides stdout and stderr. # This avoids deadlocks if you get data # from both streams. # # If you don't need the pid, you # can use popen2.popen4(...) # ----------------------------- # Write to a child process import popen2 pipe = popen2.Popen4("gzip > foo.gz") pid = pipe.pid pipe.tochild.write("Hello zipped world!\n") pipe.tochild.close() # programm will get EOF on STDIN # @@PLEAC@@_16.5 class OutputFilter(object): def __init__(self, target, *args, **kwds): self.target = target self.setup(*args, **kwds) self.textbuffer = "" def setup(self, *args, **kwds): pass def write(self, data): if data.endswith("\n"): data = self.process(self.textbuffer + data) self.textbuffer = "" if data is not None: self.target.write(data) else: self.textbuffer += data def process(self, data): return data class HeadFilter(OutputFilter): def setup(self, maxcount): self.count = 0 self.maxcount = maxcount def process(self, data): if self.count < self.maxcount: self.count += 1 return data class NumberFilter(OutputFilter): def setup(self): self.count=0 def process(self, data): self.count += 1 return "%s: %s"%(self.count, data) class QuoteFilter(OutputFilter): def process(self, data): return "> " + data import sys f = HeadFilter(sys.stdout, 100) for i in range(130): print>>f, i print txt = """Welcome to Linux, version 2.0.33 on a i686 "The software required `Windows 95 or better', so I installed Linux." """ f1 = NumberFilter(sys.stdout) f2 = QuoteFilter(f1) for line in txt.split("\n"): print>>f2, line print f1 = QuoteFilter(sys.stdout) f2 = NumberFilter(f1) for line in txt.split("\n"): print>>f2, line # @@PLEAC@@_16.6 # This script accepts several filenames # as argument. If the file is zipped, unzip # it first. Then read each line if the file import os import sys import popen2 for file in sys.argv[1:]: if file.endswith(".gz") or file.endswith(".Z"): (stdout, stdin) = popen2.popen2("gzip -dc '%s'" % file) fd = stdout else: fd = open(file) for line in fd: # .... sys.stdout.write(line) fd.close() #----------------------------- #----------------------------- # Ask for filename and open it import sys print "File, please?" line = sys.stdin.readline() file = line.strip() # chomp open(file) # @@PLEAC@@_16.7 # Execute foo_command and read the output import popen2 (stdout_err, stdin) = popen2.popen4("foo_command") for line in stdout_err.readlines(): # .... # @@PLEAC@@_16.8 # Open command in a pipe # which reads from stdin and writes to stdout import popen2 pipe = popen2.Popen4("wc -l") # Unix command pipe.tochild.write("line 1\nline 2\nline 3\n") pipe.tochild.close() output = pipe.fromchild.read() # @@PLEAC@@_16.9 # popen3: get stdout and stderr of new process # Attetion: This can lead to deadlock, # since the buffer of stderr or stdout might get filled. # You need to use select if you want to avoid this. import popen2 (child_stdout, child_stdin, child_stderr) = popen2.popen3(...) # @@PLEAC@@_16.10 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_16.11 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_16.12 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_16.13 # # Print available signals and their value # See "man signal" "man kill" on unix. import signal for name in dir(signal): if name.startswith("SIG"): value = getattr(signal, name) print "%s=%s" % (name, value) # @@PLEAC@@_16.14 # You can send signals to processes # with os.kill(pid, signal) # @@PLEAC@@_16.15 import signal def get_sig_quit(signum, frame): .... signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, get_sig_quit) # Install handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # Ignore this signal signal.signal(signal.SIGSTOP, signal.SIG_DFL) # Restore to default handling # @@PLEAC@@_16.16 # Example of handler: User must Enter Name ctrl-c does not help import sys import signal def ding(signum, frame): print "\aEnter your name!" return signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ding) print "Please enter your name:" name = "" while not name: try: name = sys.stdin.readline().strip() except: pass print "Hello: %s" % name # @@PLEAC@@_16.17 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_16.18 import signal # ignore signal INT signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # Install signal handler def tsktsk(signum, frame): print "..." signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, tsktsk) # @@PLEAC@@_16.19 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_16.20 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_16.21 import signal def handler(signum, frame): raise "timeout" signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) try: signal.alarm(5) # signal.alarm(3600) # long-time operation while True: print "foo" signal.alarm(0) except: signal.alarm(0) print "timed out" else: print "no time out" # @@PLEAC@@_16.22 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_17.0 # Socket Programming (tcp/ip and udp/ip) import socket # Convert human readable form to 32 bit value packed_ip = socket.inet_aton("") packed_ip = socket.inet_aton("www.oreilly.com") # Convert 32 bit value to ip adress ip_adress = socket.inet_ntoa(packed_ip) # Create socket object socketobj = socket(family, type) # Example socket.AF_INT, socket.SOCK_STREAM # Get socketname socketobj.getsockname() # Example, get port adress of client # @@PLEAC@@_17.1 # Example: Connect to a server (tcp) # Connect to a smtp server at localhost and send an email. # For real applications you should use smtplib. import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("localhost", 25)) # SMTP print s.recv(1024) s.send("mail from: \n") print s.recv(1024) s.send("rcpt to: \n") print s.recv(1024) s.send("data\n") print s.recv(1024) s.send("From: Python Lover\nSubject: Python is better then perl\n\nYES!\n.\n") print s.recv(1024) s.close() # @@PLEAC@@_17.2 # Create a Server, calling handler for every client # You can test it with "telnet localhost 1029" from SocketServer import TCPServer from SocketServer import BaseRequestHandler class MyHandler(BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): print "I got an request" server = TCPServer(("", 1029), MyHandler) server.serve_forever() # @@PLEAC@@_17.3 # This is the continuation of 17.2 import time from SocketServer import TCPServer from SocketServer import BaseRequestHandler class MyHandler(BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): # self.request is the socket object print "%s I got an request from ip=%s port=%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1] ) self.request.send("What is your name?\n") bufsize=1024 response=self.request.recv(bufsize).strip() # or recv(bufsize, flags) data_to_send="Welcome %s!\n" % response self.request.send(data_to_send) # or send(data, flags) print "%s connection finnished" % self.client_address[0] server = TCPServer(("", 1028), MyHandler) server.serve_forever() # ----------------- # Using select import select import socket in_list = [] in_list.append(mysocket) in_list.append(myfile) # ... out_list = [] out_list.append(...) except_list = [] except_list.append(...) (in_, out_, exc_) = select.select(in_list, out_list, except_list, timeout) for fd in in_: print "Can read", fd for fd in out_: print "Can write", fd for fd in exc_: print "Exception on", fd # Missing: setting TCP_NODELAY # @@PLEAC@@_17.4 import socket # Set up a UDP socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # send MSG = 'Hello' HOSTNAME = '' PORTNO = 10000 s.connect((HOSTNAME, PORTNO)) if len(MSG) != s.send(MSG): # where to get error message "$!". print "cannot send to %s(%d):" % (HOSTNAME,PORTNO) raise SystemExit(1) MAXLEN = 1024 (data,addr) = s.recvfrom(MAXLEN) s.close() print '%s(%d) said "%s"' % (addr[0],addr[1], data) # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch17/clockdrift # @@PLEAC@@_17.5 import socket import sys s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: s.bind(('', server_port)) except socket.error, err: print "Couldn't be a udp server on port %d : %s" % ( server_port, err) raise SystemExit while True: datagram = s.recv(MAX_TO_READ) if not datagram: break # do something s.close() # or import SocketServer class handler(SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler): def handle(self): # do something (with self.request[0]) s = SocketServer.UDPServer(('',10000), handler) s.serve_forever() # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch17/udpqotd # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch17/udpmsg # @@PLEAC@@_17.6 import socket import os, os.path if os.path.exists("/tmp/mysock"): os.remove("/tmp/mysock") server = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) server.bind("/tmp/mysock") client = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) client.connect("/tmp/mysock") # @@PLEAC@@_17.7 ipaddr, port = s.getpeername() hostname, aliaslist, ipaddrlist = socket.gethostbyaddr(ipaddr) ipaddr = socket.gethostbyname('www.python.org') # '' hostname, aliaslist, ipaddrlist = socket.gethostbyname_ex('www.python.org') # ('fang.python.org', ['www.python.org'], ['']) socket.gethostbyname_ex('www.google.org') # ('www.l.google.com', ['www.google.org', 'www.google.com'], # ['','', '']) # @@PLEAC@@_17.8 import os kernel, hostname, release, version, hardware = os.uname() import socket address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(address) hostname, aliaslist, ipaddrlist = socket.gethostbyname_ex(hostname) # e.g. ('lx3.local', ['lx3', 'b70'], ['', '']) # @@PLEAC@@_17.9 socket.shutdown(0) # Further receives are disallowed socket.shutdown(1) # Further sends are disallowed. socket.shutdown(2) # Further sends and receives are disallowed. # server.send("my request\n") # send some data server.shutdown(1) # send eof; no more writing answer = server.recv(1000) # but you can still read # @@PLEAC@@_17.10 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_17.11 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_17.12 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_17.13 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_17.14 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_17.15 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_17.16 #------------------------------ # Restart programm on signal SIGHUP # Script must be executable: chmod a+x foo.py #!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import time import signal def phoenix(signum, frame): print "Restarting myself: %s %s" % (self, args) os.execv(self, args) self = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) args = sys.argv[:] signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, phoenix) while True: print "work" time.sleep(1) #-------------------- # Read config file on SIGHUP import signal config_file = "/usr/local/etc/myprog/server_conf.py" def read_config(): execfile(config_file) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, read_config) # @@PLEAC@@_17.17 # chroot import os try: os.chroot("/var/daemon") except Exception: print "Could not chroot" raise SystemExit(1) #----------------------------- # fork (Unix): Create a new process # if pid == 0 --> parent process # else child process import os pid = os.fork() if pid: print "I am the new child %s" % pid raise SystemExit else: print "I am still the parent" # ---------------------------- # setsid (Unix): Create a new session import os id=os.setsid() # ---------------------------- # Work until INT TERM or HUP signal is received import time import signal time_to_die = 0 def sighandler(signum, frame): print "time to die" global time_to_die time_to_die = 1 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sighandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sighandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sighandler) while not time_to_die: print "work" time.sleep(1) # @@PLEAC@@_17.18 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_18.1 import socket try: host_info = socket.gethostbyname_ex(name) # (hostname, aliaslist, ipaddrlist) except socket.gaierror, err: print "Can't resolve hostname %s: %s" % (name, err[1]) # if you only need the first one import socket try: address = socket.gethostbyname(name) except socket.gaierror, err: print "Can't resolve hostname %s: %s" % (name, err[1]) # if you have an ip address try: host_info = socket.gethostbyaddr(address) # (hostname, aliaslist, ipaddrlist) except socket.gaierror, err: print "Can't resolve address %s: %s" % (address, err[1]) # checking back import socket try: host_info = socket.gethostbyaddr(address) except socket.gaierror, err: print "Can't look up %s: %s" % (address, err[1]) raise SystemExit(1) try: host_info = socket.gethostbyname_ex(name) except: print "Can't look up %s: %s" % (name, err[1]) raise SystemExit(1) found = address in host_info[2] # use dnspython for more complex jobs. # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch18/mxhost # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch18/hostaddrs # @@PLEAC@@_18.2 import ftplib ftp = ftplib.FTP("ftp.host.com") ftp.login(username, password) ftp.cwd(directory) # get file outfile = open(filename, "wb") ftp.retrbinary("RETR %s" % filename, outfile.write) outfile.close() # upload file upfile = open(upfilename, "rb") ftp.storbinary("STOR %s" % upfilename, upfile) upfile.close() ftp.quit() # @@PLEAC@@_18.3 import smtplib from email.MIMEText import MIMEText msg = MIMEText(body) msg['From'] = from_address msg['To'] = to_address msg['Subject'] = subject mailer = smtplib.SMTP() mailer.connect() mailer.sendmail(from_address, [to_address], msg.as_string()) # @@PLEAC@@_18.4 import nntplib # You can except nntplib.NNTPError to process errors # instead of displaying traceback. server = nntplib.NNTP("news.example.com") response, count, first, last, name = server.group("misc.test") headers = server.head(first) bodytext = server.body(first) article = server.article(first) f = file("article.txt") server.post(f) response, grouplist = server.list() for group in grouplist: name, last, first, flag = group if flag == 'y': pass # I can post to group # @@PLEAC@@_18.5 import poplib pop = poplib.POP3("mail.example.com") pop.user(username) pop.pass_(password) count, size = pop.stat() for i in range(1, count+1): reponse, message, octets = pop.retr(i) # message is a list of lines pop.dele(i) # You must quit, otherwise mailbox remains locked. pop.quit() # @@PLEAC@@_18.6 import telnetlib tn = telnetlib.Telnet(hostname) tn.read_until("login: ") tn.write(user + "\n") tn.read_until("Password: ") tn.write(password + "\n") # read the logon message up to the prompt d = tn.expect([prompt,], 10) tn.write("ls\n") files = d[2].split() print len(files), "files" tn.write("exit\n") print tn.read_all() # blocks till eof # @@PLEAC@@_18.7 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_18.8 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_18.9 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_19.0 # Introduction # # There is no standard cgi/web framework in python, # this is reason for ranting now and then. # # See `PyWebOff `__ # which compares CherryPy, Quixote, Twisted, WebWare and Zope # Karrigell and print stantements. # # Then there is Nevow and Standalone ZPT. # @@PLEAC@@_19.1 # Partial implementation of PLEAC Python section 19.1 # Written by Seo Sanghyeon # Standard CGI module is where PERL shines. Python # module, cgi, is nothing but a form parser. So it is # not really fair to compare these two. But I hesitate # to introduce any non-standard module. After all, # which one should I choose? # I would stick to simple print statements. I believe # the following is close to how these tasks are usually # done in Python. #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python # hiweb - using FieldStorage class to get at form data import cgi form = cgi.FieldStorage() # get a value from the form value = form.getvalue("PARAM_NAME") # print a standard header print "Content-Type: text/html" print # print a document print "

You typed: %s

" % ( cgi.escape(value), ) #----------------------------- import cgi form = cgi.FieldStorage() who = form.getvalue("Name") phone = form.getvalue("Number") picks = form.getvalue("Choices") # if you want to assure `picks' to be a list picks = form.getlist("Choices") #----------------------------- # Not Implemented # To implement -EXPIRES => '+3d', I need to study about import cgi import datetime time_format = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z" print "Expires: %s" % ( (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(+3)).strftime(time_format) ) print "Date: %s" % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime(time_format)) print "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1" #----------------------------- # NOTES # CGI::param() is a multi-purpose function. Here I want to # note which Python functions correspond to it. # PERL version 5.6.1, CGI.pm version 2.80. # Python version 2.2.3. cgi.py CVS revision 1.68. # Assume that `form' is the FieldStorage instance. # param() with zero argument returns parameter names as # a list. It is `form.keys()' in Python, following Python's # usual mapping interface. # param() with one argument returns the value of the named # parameter. It is `form.getvalue()', but there are some # twists: # 1) A single value is passed. # No problem. # 2) Multiple values are passed. # PERL: in LIST context, you get a list. in SCALAR context, # you get the first value from the list. # Python: `form.getvalue()' returns a list if multiple # values are passed, a raw value if a single value # is passed. With `form.getlist()', you always # get a list. (When a single value is passed, you # get a list with one element.) With `form.getfirst()', # you always get a value. (When multiple values are # passed, you get the first one.) # 3) Parameter name is given, but no value is passed. # PERL: returns an empty string, not undef. POD says this # feature is new in 2.63, and was introduced to avoid # "undefined value" warnings when running with the # -w switch. # Python: tricky. If you want black values to be retained, # you should pass a nonzero `keep_blank_values' keyword # argument. Default is not to retain blanks. In case # values are not retained, see below. # 4) Even parameter name is never mentioned. # PERL: returns undef. # Python: returns None, or whatever you passed as the second # argument, or `default` keyword argument. This is # consistent with `get()' method of the Python mapping # interface. # param() with more than one argument modifies the already # set form data. This functionality is not available in Python # cgi module. # @@PLEAC@@_19.2 # enable() from 'cgitb' module, by default, redirects traceback # to the browser. It is defined as 'enable(display=True, logdir=None, # context=5)'. # equivalent to importing CGI::Carp::fatalsToBrowser. import cgitb cgitb.enable() # to suppress browser output, you should explicitly say so. import cgitb cgitb.enable(display=False) # equivalent to call CGI::Carp::carpout with temporary files. import cgitb cgitb.enable(logdir="/var/local/cgi-logs/") # Python exception, traceback facilities are much richer than PERL's # die and its friends. You can use your custom exception formatter # by replacing sys.excepthook. (equivalent to CGI::Carp::set_message.) # Default formatter is available as traceback.print_exc() in pure # Python. In fact, what cgitb.enable() does is replacing excepthook # to cgitb.handler(), which knows how to format exceptions to HTML. # If this is not enough, (usually this is enough!) Python 2.3 comes # with a new standard module called 'logging', which is complex, but # very flexible and entirely customizable. # @@PLEAC@@_19.3 # # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch19/webwhoami # STDOUT/ERR flushing # # In contrast to what the perl cookbook says, modpython.org tells # STDERR is buffered too. # @@PLEAC@@_19.4 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_19.5 # use mod_python in the Apache web server. # Load the module in httpd.conf or apache.conf LoadModule python_module libexec/mod_python.so AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler mptest PythonDebug On # test.py file in /some/directory/htdocs/test from mod_python import apache def handler(req): req.write("Hello World!") return apache.OK # @@PLEAC@@_19.6 import os os.system("command %s %s" % (input, " ".join(files))) # UNSAFE # python doc lib cgi-security it says # # To be on the safe side, if you must pass a string gotten from a form to a shell # command, you should make sure the string contains only alphanumeric characters, dashes, # underscores, and periods. import re cmd = "command %s %s" % (input, " ".join(files)) if re.search(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9._\-]", cmd): print "rejected" sys.exit(1) os.system(cmd) trans = string.maketrans(string.ascii_letters+string.digits+"-_.", # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_19.7 #----------------------------- # This uses nevow's (http://nevow.com) stan; there's no standard # way to generate HTML, though there are many implementations of # this basic idea. from nevow import tags as T print T.ol[T.li['red'], T.li['blue'], T.li['green']] #
  1. red
  2. blue
  3. green
names = 'Larry Moe Curly'.split() print T.ul[ [T.li(type="disc")[name] for name in names] ] #
  • Larry
  • Moe
  • #
  • Curly
#----------------------------- print T.li["alpha"] #
  • alpha
  • print T.li['alpha'], T.li['omega'] #
  • alpha
  • omega
  • #----------------------------- states = { "Wisconsin": [ "Superior", "Lake Geneva", "Madison" ], "Colorado": [ "Denver", "Fort Collins", "Boulder" ], "Texas": [ "Plano", "Austin", "Fort Stockton" ], "California": [ "Sebastopol", "Santa Rosa", "Berkeley" ], } print ""; print T.tr[T.th('State'), T.th('Cities')] for k in sorted(states.keys()): print T.tr[ [T.th(k)] + [T.td(city) for city in sorted(states[k])] ] print "
    Cities I Have Known
    "; #----------------------------- # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    Cities I Have Known
    State Cities
    California Berkeley Santa RosaSebastopol
    Colorado Boulder DenverFort Collins
    Texas Austin Fort StocktonPlano
    Wisconsin Lake Geneva MadisonSuperior
    #----------------------------- print T.table[ [T.caption['Cities I have Known'], T.tr[T.th['State'], T.th['Cities']] ] + [T.tr[ [T.th(k)] + [T.td(city) for city in sorted(states[k])]] for k in sorted(states.keys())]] #----------------------------- # salcheck - check for salaries import MySQLdb import cgi form = cgi.FieldStorage() if 'limit' in form: limit = int(form['limit'].value) else: limit = '' # There's not a good way to start an HTML/XML construct with stan # without completing it. print 'Salary Query' print T.h1['Search'] print '
    ' print T.p['Enter minimum salary', T.input(type="text", name="limit", value=limit)] print T.input(type="submit") print '
    ' if limit: dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(db='somedb', host='server.host.dom', port=3306, user='username', passwd='password') cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary > %s""", (limit,)) print T.h1["Results"] print "" for row in cursor.fetchall(): print T.tr[ [T.td(cell) for cell in row] ] print "
    \n"; cursor.close() dbconn.close() print '' #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_19.8 #----------------------------- url = "http://python.org/pypi" print "Location: %s\n" % url raise SystemExit #----------------------------- # oreobounce - set a cookie and redirect the browser import Cookie import time c = Cookie.SimpleCookie() c['filling'] = 'vanilla cr?me' now = time.time() future = now + 3*(60*60*24*30) # 3 months expire_date = time.strftime('%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', future) c['filling']['expires'] = expire_date c['filling']['domain'] = '.python.org' whither = "http://somewhere.python.org/nonesuch.html" # Prints the cookie header print 'Status: 302 Moved Temporarily' print c print 'Location:', whither print #----------------------------- #Status: 302 Moved Temporarily #Set-Cookie: filling=vanilla%20cr%E4me; domain=.perl.com; # expires=Tue, 21-Jul-1998 11:58:55 GMT #Location: http://somewhere.perl.com/nonesuch.html #----------------------------- # os_snipe - redirect to a Jargon File entry about current OS import os, re dir = 'http://www.wins.uva.nl/%7Emes/jargon' matches = [ (r'Mac', 'm/Macintrash.html'), (r'Win(dows )?NT', 'e/evilandrude.html'), (r'Win|MSIE|WebTV', 'm/MicroslothWindows.html'), (r'Linux', 'l/Linux.html'), (r'HP-UX', 'h/HP-SUX.html'), (r'SunOS', 's/ScumOS.html'), (None, 'a/AppendixB.html'), ] for regex, page in matches: if not regex: # default break if re.search(regex, os.environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']): break print 'Location: %s/%s\n' % (dir, page) #----------------------------- # There's no special way to print headers print 'Status: 204 No response' print #----------------------------- #Status: 204 No response #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_19.9 # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch19/dummyhttpd # @@PLEAC@@_19.10 import Cookie cookies = Cookie.SimpleCookie() # SimpleCookie is more secure, but does not support all characters. cookies["preference-name"] = "whatever you'd like" print cookies # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch19/ic_cookies # @@PLEAC@@_19.11 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_19.12 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_19.13 #----------------------------- # first open and exclusively lock the file import os, cgi, fcntl, cPickle fh = open('/tmp/formlog', 'ab') fcntl.flock(fh.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX) form = cgi.FieldStorage() # This doesn't produce a readable file; we copy the environment so # that we save a plain dictionary (os.environ is a dictionary-like # object). cPickle.dump((form, os.environ.copy()) fh) fh.close() #----------------------------- import cgi, smtplib, sys form = cgi.FieldStorage() email = """\ From: %S To: hisname@hishost.com Subject: mailed form submission """ % sys.argv[0] for key in form: values = form[key] if not isinstance(values, list): value = [values.value] else: value = [v.value for v in values] for item in values: email += '\n%s: %s' % (key, value) server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.sendmail(sys.argv[0], ['hisname@hishost.com'], email) server.quit() #----------------------------- # @@INCOMPLETE@@ I don't get the point of these: # param("_timestamp", scalar localtime); # param("_environs", %ENV); #----------------------------- import fcntl, cPickle fh = open('/tmp/formlog', 'rb') fcntl.flock(fh.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_SH) count = 0 while True: try: form, environ = cPickle.load(fh) except EOFError: break if environ.get('REMOTE_HOST').endswith('perl.com'): continue if 'items requested' in form: count += int(form['items requested'].value) print 'Total orders:', count #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_19.14 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_20.1 #----------------------------- import urllib content = urllib.urlopen(url).read() try: import urllib content = urllib.urlopen(url).read() except IOError: print "could not get %s" % url #----------------------------- # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch20/titlebytes # @@PLEAC@@_20.2 # GET method import httplib conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('www.perl.com') conn.request('GET','/cgi-bin/cpan_mod?module=DB_File&readme=1') r1 = conn.getresponse() content = r1.read() # POST method import urllib params = urllib.urlencode({'module': 'DB_File', 'readme': 1}) content = urllib.urlopen('http://www.perl.com', params).read() # fields must be properly escaped # script.cgi?field1?arg=%22this%20isn%27t%20%3CEASY%3E%22 # proxies can be taken from environment, or specified # as the optional thrid parameter to urlopen. # @@PLEAC@@_20.3 # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch20/xurl # @@PLEAC@@_20.4 # Converting ASCII to HTML # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch20/text2html #----------------------------- import sys, re import htmlentitydefs def encode_entities(s): for k,v in htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name.items(): if k<256: # no unicodes s = s.replace(chr(k),"&%s;"%v) return s print "" text = sys.stdin.read() text = encode_entities(text) text = re.sub(r"(\n[ \t]+)"," . ",text) # continuation lines text = re.sub(r"(?m)^(\S+?:)\s*(.*?)$", r'', text); print text print "
    " # @@PLEAC@@_20.5 # Converting HTML to ASCII #----------------------------- import os ascii = os.popen("lynx -dump " + filename).read() #----------------------------- import formatter import htmllib w = formatter.DumbWriter() f = formatter.AbstractFormatter(w) p = htmllib.HTMLParser(f) p.feed(html) p.close() # Above is a bare minimum to use writer/formatter/parser # framework of Python. # Search Python Cookbook for more details, like writing # your own writers or formatters. # Recipe #52297 has TtyFormatter, formatting underline # and bold in Terminal. Recipe #135005 has a writer # accumulating text instead of printing. # @@PLEAC@@_20.6 import re plain_text = re.sub(r"<[^>]*>","",html_text) #WRONG # using HTMLParser import sys, HTMLParser class html(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def __init__(self): HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self) self._plaintext = "" self._ignore = False def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == "script": self._ignore = True def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == "script": self._ignore = False def handle_data(self, data): if len(data)>0 and not self._ignore: self._plaintext += data def get_plaintext(self): return self._plaintext def error(self,msg): # ignore all errors pass html_text = open(sys.argv[1]).read() parser = html() parser.feed(html_text) parser.close() # force processing all data print parser.get_plaintext() title_s = re.search(r"(?i)\s*(.*?)\s*", text) title = title_s and title_s.groups()[0] or "NO TITLE" # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch20/htitle # @@PLEAC@@_20.7 # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch20/churl # @@PLEAC@@_20.8 # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch20/surl # @@PLEAC@@_20.9 import re def template(filename, fillings): text = open(filename).read() def repl(matchobj): if fillings.has_key(matchobj.group(1)): return str(fillings[matchobj.group(1)]) return "" # replace quoted words with value from fillings dictionary text = re.sub("%%(.+?)%%", repl, text) return text fields = { "username":"peter", "count":"23", "total": "1234"} print template("/home/httpd/templates/simple.template", fields) # @@INCLUDE@@ include/python/ch20/userrep1 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_20.10 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_20.11 # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # @@PLEAC@@_20.12 # sample data, use ``LOGFILE = open(sys.argv[1])`` in real life LOGFILE = [ ' - - [04/Sep/2005:20:50:31 +0200] "GET /bus HTTP/1.1" 301 303\n', ' - - [04/Sep/2005:20:50:31 +0200] "GET /bus HTTP/1.1" 301 303 "-" "Opera/8.02 (X11; Linux i686; U; en)"\n', ' - - [04/Sep/2005:20:50:36 +0200] "GET /bus/libjs/layersmenu-library.js HTTP/1.1" 200 6228\n', ' - - [04/Sep/2005:20:50:36 +0200] "GET /bus/libjs/layersmenu-library.js HTTP/1.1" 200 6228 "http://localhost/bus/" "Opera/8.02 (X11; Linux i686; U; en)"\n', ] import re # similar too perl version. web_server_log_re = re.compile(r'^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[([^:]+):(\d+:\d+:\d+) ([^\]]+)\] "(\S+) (.*?) (\S+)" (\S+) (\S+)$') # with group naming. split_re = re.compile(r'''(?x) # allow nicer formatting (but requires escaping blanks) ^(?P\S+)\s (?P\S+)\s (?P\S+)\s \[ (?P[^:]+): (?P