11. References and Records


module "/pliant/lnaguage/unsafe.pli" # using pointers is unsafe
var Pointer:Int sref  # declaration of a reference to an Int
sref :> value         # reference assignment (sref "points" to value content)
var Link:Int sref2    # declaration of a link (concerns object, increments reference count)
sref2 :> new Int      # typical use of "new" to create a new object
console sref # prints the scalar value that the reference sref refers to
sref := 3    # assigns to sref's referent
var Pointer:(Array:Int) aref :> array
sref :> null map Int
sref := 4            # runtime error
var Link:(Array Int) aref :> new Array:Int    # new array
aref += 3; aref += 4; aref += 5
gvar Link:(Dictionary Str Str) href :> new (Dictionary Str Str) # new hash
implicit href
  insert "How" "Now"
  insert "Brown" "Cow"
aref :> null map Array:Int
aref :> new Array:Int
console (cast addressof:aref Int)

Taking References to Arrays

aref :> array
anon_array :> new Array:Int; annon_array += 1; annon_array += 3;
annon_array += 5; annon_array += 7; annon_array += 9;
annon_array += 11
one := annon_array 0
num_items := aref size
# check whether an Arrow is the address of an array of Int
if entry_type:arrow <> Array:Int
  error error_id_unexpected "Expected an array reference, not "+entry_type:arrow:name

array_ref += item # append new element to orig array
function array_ref -> ref
  arg Link:(Array:Int) ref
  gvar Array:Int array
  ref :> array

var Link:(Array:Int) aref1 :> array_ref
var Link:(Array:Int) aref2 :> array_ref
console array_ref:n            # access item in position n
each item array_ref
  # item has data

for (var Int idx) 0 array_ref:size-1
  # array_ref:idx has data

Making Hashes of Arrays

Taking References to Hashes

var Link:(Dictionary Str Str) href :> hash
var Link:(Dictionary Str Str) anon_hash
implicit anon_hash
  insert "key1" "value1"
  insert "key2" "value2"
value := href key
if entry_type:arrow <> (Dictionary Str Str)
  error error_id_unexpected "Expected a has reference, not "+entry_type:arrow:name
each item href
  console (href key item) " => " item eol

Taking References to Functions

module "/pliant/language/compiler.pli" # access to Function type
function thefunc s -> i
  arg Str s; arg Int i
var Link:Function fun :> the_function thefunc Str -> Int

function wrapper s f -> i               # used to perform an indirect call
  arg Str s; arg Function f; arg Int i

value := wrapper "hello" fun            # actually calls the_func 
var (Dictionary Str (Link Function)) commands   # Function may not be copied, use links.
var Link:Function fun
implicit commands
  fun :> thefunction joy -> Str; insert "happy" fun
  fun :> thefunction sullen -> Str; insert "sad" fun
  fun :> thefunction angry -> Str; insert "mad" fun

module "/pliant/language/ui/ansi_terminal.pli" # access to terminal functions
var Str string := keyboard_input "How are you? "

function wrapper2 fun -> s  # wrapper function for indirect call
  arg Function fun; arg Str s
if (commands exists string)
  console (wrapper2 commands:string) eol
  console "No such command : " string eol
type Counter
  field Int start <- 0

function 'cast Int' c -> i   # counter is incremented when used as an Int
  arg Counter c; arg Int i
  i := c start
  (addressof c:start) map Int += 1

function make_counter -> counter
  arg Link:Counter counter
  counter :> new Counter

var Link:Counter counter :> counter_maker
for (var Int i) 0 5
  var Int value := counter; console value eol
var Link:Counter counter1 :> counter_maker
var Link:Counter counter2 :> counter_maker

for (var Int i) 0 5
  var Int value := counter1; console value eol

console (cast counter1 Int) " " (cast counter2 Int) eol
5 0

Taking References to Scalars

scalar_ref :> scalar         # get reference to named scalar
console scalar_ref           # dereference it
scalar_ref := 23             # alter referent's value
function new_anon_scalar -> s
  arg Link:Int s
  s :> new Int
sref :> new_anon_scalar
sref := 3
console "Three = " sref eol

Creating Arrays of Scalar References

Using Closures Instead of Objects

Creating References to Methods

Constructing Records

Reading and Writing Hash Records to Text Files

Printing Data Structures

Copying Data Structures

Storing Data Structures to Disk

Transparently Persistent Data Structures

Program: Binary Trees