// -*- pike -*-


// @@SKIP@@ Pike

// @@PLEAC@@_WEB

// @@SKIP@@ http://pike.ida.liu.se/


// @@SKIP@@ Most examples will work with pike 7.2 or even older,

// @@SKIP@@ some may need 7.4 or even 7.6

// @@SKIP@@ In pike variables must be declared, but may not

// @@SKIP@@ be declared twice, I am not yet sure if it is

// @@SKIP@@ better to declare all variables for each individual example

// @@SKIP@@ or per section...


// (this section is optional; use it if you need to import very

// generic stuff for the whole code)


// Note: To avoid clutter each example will only include any necessary

// code. However, it should be understood that:


// * The following constants need to be defined:


//    constant FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1, PROBLEM = 1, OK = 0,

//      EOF = -1, NULL = "", NEWLINE = "\n", LF = 10, SPACE = 32;


// * Each example needs to be enclosed within the following block:


//    int main(int argc, array(string) argv)

//    {

//      ...

//    }


//   where a 'main' is not provided. Also:


//   - Any function definitions would ordinarily be placed

//     before, and outside of, 'main'

//   - Variables can be assumed to be locals residing in 'main';

//     any 'global' variables will be defined at the start of the

//     code example prior to any function definitions

// ----------------------------

string chop(string s, void|int size)
  int length = sizeof(s);
  return size > 0 && size < length ? s[..length - (size + 1)] : s;

// @@PLEAC@@_1.0

// in pike only double quotes are used for strings

// they are not interpolated.

// single quotes are used for chars (the integer value of a character)

// see chapter 1.4


string str;                     // declare a variable of type string

str = "\n";                     // a "newline" character

str = "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant";  // literal double quotes


str =
#"This is a multiline string
terminated by a double-quote like any other string";

// @@PLEAC@@_1.1

// accessing part of a string


string str, value;
int offset, count;
value = str[offset..offset+count];
value = str[offset..];

string newstring, newtail;
str = str[..offset-1]+newstring+str[offset+count..];
str = str[..offset-1]+newtail;


// get a 5-byte string, skip 3, then grab 2 8-byte strings, then the rest

string leading, s1, s2, trailing;
[leading, s1, s2, trailing] = array_sscanf(str, "%5s%*3s%8s%8s%s");

// split at five byte boundaries

array(string) fivers = str/5;

// chop string into individual characters

array(string) chars = str/"";


str = "This is what you have"; 

string first, start, rest, last, end, piece;
int t = str[0];
// 84

first = str[0..0];                     
// "T"          

start = str[5..5+1]; 
// "is"

rest  = str[13..];   
// "you have"

last  = str[sizeof(str)-1..sizeof(str)-1];
// "e"

end   = str[sizeof(str)-4..]; 
// "have"                 

piece = str[sizeof(str)-8..sizeof(str)-8+2];
// "you"

str = "This is what you have";               
str = replace(str, ([ " is ":" wasn't " ]) );
// "This wasn't what you have"

str = str[..sizeof(str)-13]+"ondrous";       
// "This wasn't wondrous"

str = str[1..]; 
// "his wasn't wondrous"               

str = str[..sizeof(str)-11];
// "his wasn'"            

str = "This is what you have";
str = replace(str[..4], ([ "is":"at" ]) )+str[5..];
// "That is what you have"    

str = "make a hat";
// "make a hat"          

[str[0], str[-1]] = ({ str[-1], str[0] });
// "take a ham"

string a, b, c;
a = "To be or not to be";    
b = a[6..11];      
// "or not"                

b = a[6..7]; c=a[3..4];            
write("%s\n%s\n", b, c);

string cut2fmt(int ... positions)
  string template = "";
  int lastpos  = 1;
  foreach(positions ;; int place) 
    template += "A" + (place - lastpos) + " ";
    lastpos = place;     
  template += "A*";
  return template;

string fmt = cut2fmt(8, 14, 20, 26, 30);
write("%s\n", fmt);
//A7 A6 A6 A6 A4 A*         

// @@PLEAC@@_1.2

// set a default, ie, only set the value if no other value is set.


// use b if b is true, else c

a = b || c;

// set x to y unless x is already true

  x = y;

// use b if b is defined, else c

// an undefined variable would be a compile time error so this

// does not really apply. 

// return b if b is defined (was supplied by the caller), else c

int foo(int c, int|void b)
  return zero_type(b) ? c : b;

foo = bar || "DEFAULT VALUE";
argv = argv[1..];              // remove program, as that is always set.

dir = argv[0] || "/tmp";       // and see if anything is left...

dir = sizeof(argv) ? argv[0] : "/tmp";

user = getenv("USER") || getenv("LOGNAME") || getpwuid(getuid())[0] ||
"Unknown uid number "+getuid();

  starting_point = "Greenwich";

  a = b;              // copy only if empty              

a = (sizeof(b)?b:c);  // assign b if nonempty, else c

// @@PLEAC@@_1.3

[var1, var2] = ({ var2, var1 });  // gee, i love this example.        

                                  // it didn't even occur to me before

                                  // :-)

temp = a;
a    = b;             
b    = temp;

a = "alpha";
b = "omega";
[a, b] = ({ b, a });

[alpha, beta, production] = "January March August"/" ";
[alpha, beta, production] = ({ beta, production, alpha });

// @@PLEAC@@_1.4

// print the ascii value of a char, or the char from its ascii value

int i;                          // declare a variable of type int             

i = 'a';                        // the ascii value of "a"

i = '\n';                       // the ascii value of a "newline"


string char = "foo";
int num = char[0];   // gets the ascii value from the first char (that's

                     // what ord() in perl does)

char = String.int2char(num);

char = sprintf("%c",num);   // the same as String.int2char(num) :-)

write("Number %d is character %[0]c\n", num);

Number 101 is character e

string str;
array(int) arr;
arr = (array)str;
str = (string)arr;
int ascii_value = 'e';                      // now 101

string character = String.int2char(101);    // now "e"                  

write("Number %d is character %[0]c\n", 101);

array(int) ascii_character_numbers = (array(int))"sample";
write("%s\n", (array(string))ascii_character_numbers*" ");    

string word = (string)ascii_character_numbers;
string word = (string)({ 115, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101 });  // same

// sample           

string hal ="HAL";
array(int) ascii = (array)hal;
array(int) ibm = ascii[*]+1;       // add 1 to each element in the array.

array(int) ibm = map(ascii, `+, 1) // apply the function +, with the argument

                                   // 1, to each element in the array.

write(ibm+"\n");                   // prints "IBM"

// @@PLEAC@@_1.5

string hello = "Hello world!";
array(string) chars = hello/"";     // array of characters as strings

foreach(chars;; string char)        // this also matches newlines

  ;  // do stuff with char


string data = "an apple a day";
array(string) chars = data/"";
mapping(string:int) seen = ([]);

foreach(chars ;; string char)

write("unique chars are: %s\n", sort(indices(seen))*"");
// unique chars are:  adelnpy


string data = "an apple a day";
string result = sort(indices(mkmapping(data/"", allocate(sizeof(data))))*"";

write("unique chars are: %s\n", result);
// unique chars are:  adelnpy


string data = "an apple a day";
int sum;

foreach(data ;; int char)
  sum += char;

write("sum is %d\n", sum);
// sum is 1248


string data = "an apple a day";
int sum=`+(@(array)data);  

write("sum is %d\n", sum);
// sum is 1248


// download the following standalone program
// chapter 1.5
void main(int argc, array(string) argv)
  string data = Stdio.read_file(argv[1]);
  int checksum;

  foreach(data ;; int char)
    checksum += char;

  checksum %= pow(2,16)-1;
  write("%d\n", checksum);


// alternate version

// download the following standalone program
// chapter 1.5
void main(int argc, array(string) argv)
  string data=Stdio.read_file(argv[1]);
  int checksum = `+(@(array)data) % ((1<<16)-1);
  write("%d\n", checksum);


// download the following standalone program
// chapter 1.5
// slowcat - emulate a   s l o w  line printer
// usage: slowcat [-DELAY] [files ...]
void main(int argc, array argv)
  array(string) files;
  int delay = 1;

  if(argv[1][0] == '-')
    files = argv[2..];
    delay = (int)argv[1][1..];
    files = argv[1..];

  foreach(files, string file)
    string data = Stdio.read_file(file);
    foreach(data/"", string char)

// @@PLEAC@@_1.6

// #1.6 (reverse a string by char/word)

// by Olivier Girondel

string s = "This is  a string";
// Result: "This is  a string"

// Result: "gnirts a  si sihT"

reverse(s/" ") * " ";               // preserve whitespace

// Result: "string a  is This"

(reverse(s/" ")-({ "" })) * " ";    // collapse whitespace

// Result: "string a is This"


string word = "reviver";
int is_palindrome = word==reverse(word);

// download the following standalone program
// chapter 1.6
void main(int argc, array(string) argv)
  string data=Stdio.read_file(argv[1]);
  foreach(data/"\n", string line)
    if(line==reverse(line) && sizeof(line)>5)
    write("%s\n", line);

// @@PLEAC@@_1.7

string s = "This         is                a    \n   string";

string notabs=String.expand_tabs(s);
// Result: "This     is                a    \n   string"

string notabs=String.expand_tabs(s, 4);
// Result: "This     is            a    \n   string"

string notabs=String.expand_tabs(s, 4, "-");
// Result: "This   - is --------   a ---\n   string"


string s = "This     is      a     string";
string tabs="";

foreach(s/8.0 ;; string stop)
  int spaces=sizeof(String.common_prefix(({ reverse(stop), "        "}))); 
// Result: "This\t is\t a     string"

string notabs=""; 
foreach(tabs/"^I" ;; string stop)
    notabs+=" "*(8-sizeof(stop)); 
// Result: "This     is      a     string"

// @@PLEAC@@_1.8

// since variable names in pike do not have a special notation we need to 

// "invent" one for this.

// there are a few ways to solve this problem.

// here is one:

mapping(string:string) vars = ([ "$fruit$":"apple", "$desert$":"pudding" ]);
string template  = "Todays fruit is $fruit$, and for desert we have $desert$";
string menu = replace(template, vars);

// Result: "Todays fruit is apple, and for desert we have pudding"

// @@PLEAC@@_1.9

string upper, lower, result;
upper = "DON'T SHOUT!";
result = lower_case(upper);
// Result: "don't shout!"


lower = "speak up";
result = upper_case(lower);
// Result: "SPEAK UP"


result = String.capitalize(lower);
// Result: "Speak up"


string text = "thIS is a loNG liNE";
array(string) words = text/" ";       // splits the line into words

words = lower_case(words[*]);         // lower_case each word

words = String.capitalize(words[*]);  // capitalize each word

text = words*" ";                     // join back

// you may do the same in one short line:

text = String.capitalize(lower_case((text/" ")[*])[*])*" ";

// download the following standalone program
// chapter 1.9
// randcap: filter to randomly capitalize 20% of the letters

void main()
  string input;

string randcap(string char)
  return char;

// @@PLEAC@@_1.10

// since pike does not provide any string interpolation 

// there are no sneaky tricks here.

// a solution could be similar to the one in chapter 1.8

// putting functions into the mapping instead of string values, or use xml and

// callbacks

// TODO: provide an example of using the xml parser here

// @@PLEAC@@_1.11

// we believe that indenting the string and then removing that indent does not

// actually enhance readability of the code.

// but if you insist the following will remove all whitespace at the beginning

// of each line:

string here=#"your text
              goes here";
string there=array_sscanf((here/"\n")[*], "%*[\t ]%s")[*][0]*"\n";

// expanded version:

array tmp=({});
foreach(here/"\n";; string line)
  tmp+=array_sscanf(line, "%*[\t ]%s");
string there=tmp*"\n";

// @@PLEAC@@_1.12

// pike sprintf() provides a facility for wrapping (column mode):

// sprintf("%-=<int width>s", text);

// download the following standalone program
// chapter 1.12
// wrapdemo - show how wrapping with sprintf works
void main()
  array(string) input = ({ "Folding and splicing is the work of an editor,",
                           "not a mere collection of silicon",
                           "mobile electrons!"});
  int columns = 20;

  write(wrap(input*" ", 20, "  ", "  ")+"\n");

// unlike the perl version here leadtab is relative to nexttab, 
// to get a shorter lead use a negative int value. this allows the default of 0
// to be a lead indent that is the same as nexttab, and it also has the
// advantage of allowing you to change the indent without having to worry about
// the lead getting messed up.
// a negative lead will cut away from the nexttab which will be visible if you
// use something other than spaces
string wrap(string text, void|int width, 
            void|string|int nexttab, void|string|int leadtab)
  string leadindent="";
  string indent=""; 
  string indent2="";


    width-=sizeof(nexttab);  // this will be off if there are chars that have a
                             // different width than 1.
  else if(intp(nexttab))
    indent=" "*nexttab;

  else if(intp(leadtab))
    if(leadtab > 0)
      leadindent=" "*leadtab;
    else if(leadtab < 0)
  return sprintf("%^s%=*s%-=*s", indent, sizeof(indent2), indent2, 
                                 width, leadindent+text);


$ ./wrapdemo 
    Folding and     
  splicing is the   
  work of an editor,
  not a mere        
  collection of     
  silicon and mobile

// merge multiple lines into one, then wrap one long line

inherit "wrapdemo.pike";
wrap(replace(text, "\n", " "));

// read stdin and split by paragraph,

// remove \n in paragraphs

// reformat

// add paragraph break

foreach(Stdio.stdin->read()/"\n\n";; string para)
  write(wrap(replace(para, "\n", " "))+"\n\n");

// @@PLEAC@@_1.13

// we need to escape the \ for this example, ironic, eh?

array(string) charlist=({ "%", "\\" }); 
string var="some input % text with \\";

// backslash

var=replace(var, charlist, "\\"+charlist[*]);

// double

var=replace(var, charlist, charlist[*]+charlist[*]);

// @@PLEAC@@_1.14

string line=" foo\n\t ";
array(string) many=({ " bar\n\t ", " baz\t " });

// remove spaces and tabs


//remove spaces, tabs, newlines and carriage returns


// @@PLEAC@@_1.16

// contributed by martin nilsson

write("Lookup user: ");
string user = String.soundex(Stdio.stdin.gets());
foreach(get_all_users(), array u) 
  string firstname="", lastname="";
  sscanf(u[4], "%s %s,", firstname, lastname);
  if( user==String.soundex(u[0]) ||
      user==String.soundex(firstname) ||
      user==String.soundex(lastname) )
    write("%s: %s %s\n", u[0], firstname, lastname);

// @@PLEAC@@_2.1

string number="123.3asdf";

int|float realnumber= (int)number;  // casting to int will throw away all

                                    // nonnumber parts

string rest;
[realnumber, rest] = array_sscanf(number, "%d%s"); // scan for an integer

// if rest contains anything but the empty string, then there was more than a

// number in the string

// use %f to scan for float, %x for hex or %o for octal

// @@PLEAC@@_2.2

int same(float one, float two, int accuracy)
  return sprintf("%.*f", accuracy, one) == sprintf("%.*f", accuracy, two);

int wage=536;
int week=40*wage;
write("one week's wage is: $%.2f\n", week/100.0);

// @@PLEAC@@_2.3

float unrounded=3.5;
string rounded=sprintf("%.*f", accuracy, unrounded);

float a=0.255;
string b=sprintf("%.2f", a);

write("Unrounded: %f\nRounded: %s\n", a, b);
write("Unrounded: %f\nRounded: %.2f\n", a, a);

// dec to bin

string bin=sprintf("%b", 5);

int dec=array_sscanf("0000011111111111111", "%b")[0]; 
                // array_sscanf returns an array

int num = array_sscanf("0110110", "%b")[0];  // num is 54

string binstr = sprintf("%b", 54);           // binstr is 110110

// @@PLEAC@@_2.4

// contributed by martin nilsson.

string dec2bin(int n) 
  return sprintf("%b",n); 

int bin2dec(string n) 
  return array_sscanf(n, "%b")[0];

// @@PLEAC@@_2.5

// foreach(enumerate(int count, int step, int start);; int val)

// {

//   // val is set to each of count integers starting at start

// }

foreach(enumerate(y-x+1,1,x);; int val)
  // val is set to every integer from X to Y, inclusive


for(int i=x; i<=y; i++)
  // val is set to every integer from X to Y, inclusive


for(int i=x; i<=y; i+=7)
  // val is set to every integer from X to Y, stepsize = 7


foreach(enumerate(y-x+1,7,x);; int val)
  // val is set to every integer from X to Y, stepsize = 7



write("Infancy is: ");
foreach(enumerate(3);; int val) 
  write("%d ", val);

write("Toddling is: %{%d %}\n", enumerate(2,1,3));

write("Childhood is: ");
for (int i = 5; i <= 12; i++) 
  write("%d ", i);

// Infancy is: 0 1 2 

// Toddling is: 3 4 

// Childhood is: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 

// @@PLEAC@@_2.6

int arabic;
string roman = String.int2roman(arabic);        // handles values up to 10000

array nums=enumerate(10001);                
array romans=String.int2roman(nums[*]);     
mapping roman2int = mkmapping(romans, nums);                   

int arabic = roman2int[roman];


string roman_fifteen = String.int2roman(15);    //  "XV"

write("Roman for fifteen is %s\n", roman_fifteen);

int arabic_fifteen = roman2int[roman_fifteen];
write("Converted back, %s is %d\n", roman_fifteen, arabic_fifteen);

// Roman for fifteen is XV

// Converted back, XV is 15

// @@PLEAC@@_2.7

int y,x;
int rand = random(y-x+1)+x;

float y,x;
float rand = random(y-x+1)+x;

int rand = random(51)+25;
write("%d\n", rand);

array arr;
mixed elt = arr[random(sizeof(arr))];
mixed elt = random(arr);

array chars="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@$%^&*"/"";
string password = "";
for(int i=1; i<=8; i++)

string password = random((({chars})*8)[*])*"";

string password = random_string(8);      // creates an untypable string

// turn the string into something typable using the base64 charset

string password = MIME.encode_base64(random_string(8))[..7];

// @@PLEAC@@_2.8

random_seed(int seed);

// @@PLEAC@@_2.9

// Crypto.Random.random(int max)

// Crypto.Random.random_string(int length)

// Crypto.Random.blocking_random_string(int length)

// Crypto.Random.add_entropy(string random_data, int entropy)

// @@PLEAC@@_2.10

float gaussian_rand()
  float u1, u2, w, g1, g2;
    u1 = 2.0 * random(1.0) - 1.0; u2 = 2.0 * random(1.0) - 1.0;
    w = u1 * u1 + u2 * u2;
  } while (w > 1.0);
  w = sqrt((-2.0 * log(w)) / w); g2 = u1 * w; g1 = u2 * w;

  return g1;

// ----

float mean = 25.0, sdev = 2.0;
float salary = gaussian_rand() * mean + sdev;

write("You have been hired at: %.2f\n", salary);

// @@PLEAC@@_2.11

float deg2rad(float deg)
  return (deg / 180.0) * Math.pi;

float rad2deg(float rad)
  return (rad / Math.pi) * 180.0;

// ----

write("%f\n", Math.convert_angle(180, "deg", "rad"));
write("%f\n", deg2rad(180.0));

// ----------------------------

float degree_sin(float deg)
  return sin(deg2rad(deg));

// ----

float rad = deg2rad(380.0);
write("%f\n", sin(rad));
write("%f\n", degree_sin(380.0));

// @@PLEAC@@_2.12

float my_tan(float theta)
  return sin(theta) / cos(theta);

// ----

float theta = 3.7;

write("%f\n", my_tan(theta));
write("%f\n", tan(theta));

// @@PLEAC@@_2.13

float value = 100.0;

float log_e = log(value);
float log_10 = Math.log10(value);

// ----------------------------

float log_base(float base, float value)
  return log(value) / log(base);

// ----

float answer = log_base(10.0, 10000.0);

write("log(10, 10,000) = %f\n", answer);

// @@PLEAC@@_2.14

// Pike offers a solid matrix implementation; highlights:

// * Operator overloading makes matrix operations succinct

// * Matrices may be of various types, thus allowing user to

//   choose between range representation and speed

// * Wide variety of operations available

Math.Matrix a = Math.Matrix( ({ ({3, 2, 3}), ({5, 9, 8})  }) ),
            b = Math.Matrix( ({ ({4, 7}), ({9, 3}), ({8, 1}) }) );

Math.Matrix c = a * b;

// ------------

Math.Matrix t = c->transpose();

// @@PLEAC@@_2.15


// @@PLEAC@@_2.16

// Like C, Pike supports decimal-alternate notations. Thus, for example,

// the integer value, 867, is expressable in literal form as:


//   Hexadecimal -> 0x363

//   Octal       -> 01543


// For effecting such conversions using strings there is 'sprintf' and

// 'sscanf'.

int dec = 867;
string hex = sprintf("%x", dec);
string oct = sprintf("%o", dec);

// ------------

int dec;
string hex = "363"; sscanf(hex, "%x", dec);

// ------------

int dec;
string oct = "1543"; sscanf(oct, "%o", dec);

// ----------------------------

int number;

write("Gimme a number in decimal, octal, or hex: ");
sscanf(Stdio.stdin->gets(), "%D", number);

write("%d %x %o\n", number, number, number);

// @@PLEAC@@_2.17

string commify_series(int series)
  return reverse((reverse((string)series) / 3.0) * ",");

// ----

int hits = 3452347;

write("Your website received %s accesses last month.\n", commify_series(hits));

// ----------------------------

string commify(string s)
  function t = lambda(string m) { return reverse((reverse(m) / 3.0) * ","); };
  return Regexp.PCRE("([0-9]+)")->replace(s, t);

// ----

int hits = 3452347;
string output = sprintf("Your website received %d accesses last month.", hits);

write("%s\n", commify(output));

// @@PLEAC@@_2.18

string pluralise(int value, string root, void|string singular_, void|string plural_)
  string singular = singular_ ? singular_ : "";
  string plural = plural_ ? plural_ : "s";

  return root + ( (value > 1) ? plural : singular );

// ----

int duration = 1;
write("It took %d %s\n", duration, pluralise(duration, "hour"));
write("%d %s %s enough.\n", duration, pluralise(duration, "hour"),
      pluralise(duration, "", "is", "are"));

duration = 5;
write("It took %d %s\n", duration, pluralise(duration, "hour"));
write("%d %s %s enough.\n", duration, pluralise(duration, "hour"),
      pluralise(duration, "", "is", "are"));

// ----------------------------

// Non-regexp implementation, uses the string-based, 'has_prefix'

// and 'replace' library functions

string plural(string singular)
  mapping(string : string) e2 =
    (["ss":"sses", "ph":"phes", "sh":"shes", "ch":"ches",
      "ey":"eys", "ix":"ices", "ff":"ffs"]);

  mapping(string : string) e1 =
    (["z":"zes", "f":"ves", "y":"ies", "s":"ses", "x":"xes"]);

  foreach(({e2, e1}), mapping(string : string) endings) 
    foreach(indices(endings), string ending)
      if (has_suffix(singular, ending))
        return replace(singular, ending, endings[ending]);

  return singular;

// ----

int main()
  foreach(aggregate("mess", "index", "leaf", "puppy"), string word)
    write("%6s -> %s\n", word, plural(word));

// @@PLEAC@@_2.19

// download the following standalone program
// contributed by martin nilsson

void main(int n, array args) 
  foreach(args[1..], string arg) 
    mapping r = ([]);
    foreach(Math.factor((int)arg), int f)
    write("%-10s", arg);
      write(" PRIME");
      foreach(sort(indices(r)), int f) 
        write(" %d", f);
        if(r[f]>1) write("**%d", r[f]);

// @@PLEAC@@_3.0

// Pike has an extensive Calendar module that provides all manners of

// manipulating dates and times.

write("Today is day %d of the current year.\n", localtime(time())->yday+1);
// Today is day 325 of the current year.

write("Today is day %d of the current year.\n", Calendar.now()->year_day());
// Today is day 325 of the current year.

// @@PLEAC@@_3.1

int day, month, year;
mapping now=localtime(time());
year  = now->year+1900;
month = now->mon+1;
day   = now->mday;

write("The current date is %04d %02d %02d\n", year, month, day);

object now=Calendar.now();
year  = now->year_no();
month = now->month_no();
day   = now->month_day();

write("The current date is %04d %02d %02d\n", year, month, day);

write("The current date is %04d %02d %02d\n", @lambda(){ return ({ now->year_no(), now->month_no(), now->month_day() }); }(Calendar.now()));
// this is essentially the same as the respective perl code:

// lambda creates an anonymous function, which in this case takes one argument 

// and returns an array. the array is the spliced into the arguments of write().

// if the goal is to get by without a temporary variable this is a rather

// pointless exercise, as there is still a temporary variable (in the function)

// and the temporary function on top of that. more interresting is the

// functional approach aspect.

// @@PLEAC@@_3.2

// dwim_time() handles most common date and time formats.

Calendar.dwim_time("2:40:25 23.11.2004");
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 CET)

Calendar.dwim_time("2:40:25 23.11.2004")->unix_time();
// Result: 1101174025

Calendar.dwim_time("2:40:25 UTC 23.11.2004");
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

// faster, because there is no need for guessing:

Calendar.parse("%Y-%M-%D %h:%m:%s %z","2004-11-23 2:40:25 UTC");
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

// without parsing

Calendar.Second(2004, 11, 23, 2, 40, 25);
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 CET)

// functional

// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 CET)

Calendar.Day(2004, 11, 23)->set_timezone("UTC")->hour(2)->minute(40)->second(25);
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

// set a time today

// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 CET)

Calendar.dwim_time("2:40:25 UTC");           
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

Calendar.parse("%h:%m:%s %z","2:40:25 UTC");                    
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 UTC)

// @@PLEAC@@_3.3

int unixtime=1101174025;
int day, month, year;
mapping then=localtime(unixtime);
year  = then->year+1900;
month = then->mon+1;
day   = then->mday;

write("Dateline: %02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d\n", then->hour, then->min, then->sec, then->year+1900, then->mon+1, then->mday);
// Dateline: 02:40:25-2004/11/23

object othen=Calendar.Second(unixtime);
// Result: Second(Tue 23 Nov 2004 2:40:25 CET)

write("Dateline: %02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d\n", othen->hour_no(), 
      othen->minute_no(), othen->second_no(), othen->year_no(), 
      othen->month_no(), othen->month_day());
// Dateline: 02:40:25-2004/11/23

// @@PLEAC@@_3.4

int days_offet=55;
int hour_offset=2;
int minute_offset=17;
int second_offset=5;

object then=Calendar.parse("%D/%M/%Y, %h:%m:%s %p","18/Jan/1973, 3:45:50 pm")
write("Then is %s\n", then->format_ctime());
// Then is Wed Mar 14 18:02:55 1973

write("To be precise: %d:%d:%d, %d/%d/%d\n", 
             then->hour_no(), then->minute_no(), then->second_no(),
             then->month_no(), then->month_day(), then->year_no());
// To be precise: 18:2:55, 3/14/1973

int years   = 1973;
int months  = 1;
int days    = 18;
int offset  = 55;
object then = Calendar.Day(years, months, days)+offset;
write("Nat was 55 days old on: %d/%d/%d\n", then->month_no(), then->month_day(),then->year_no());
// Nat was 55 days old on: 3/14/1973

// @@PLEAC@@_3.5

int bree = 361535725;         // 16 Jun 1981, 4:35:25

int nat  = 96201950;          // 18 Jan 1973, 3:45:50

int difference = bree-nat;
write("There were %d seconds between Nat and Bree\n", difference);
// There were 265333775 seconds between Nat and Bree

int seconds =  difference                % 60;
int minutes = (difference / 60)          % 60;
int hours   = (difference / (60*60) )    % 24;
int days    = (difference / (60*60*24) ) % 7;
int weeks   =  difference / (60*60*24*7);

write("(%d weeks, %d days, %d:%d:%d)\n", weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds);
// (438 weeks, 4 days, 23:49:35)

object bree = Calendar.dwim_time("16 Jun 1981, 4:35:25");
// Result: Second(Tue 16 Jun 1981 4:35:25 CEST)

object nat  = Calendar.dwim_time("18 Jan 1973, 3:45:50");
// Result: Second(Thu 18 Jan 1973 3:45:50 CET)

object difference = nat->range(bree);
// Result: Second(Thu 18 Jan 1973 3:45:50 CET - Tue 16 Jun 1981 4:35:26 CEST)

write("There were %d days between Nat and Bree\n", difference/Calendar.Day());
// There were 3071 days between Nat and Bree

int days=difference/Calendar.Day();
object left=difference->add(days,Calendar.Day)->range(difference->end());

// Calendar handles timezone differences, and since the range crosses from

// normal to daylight savings time, there is one day which has only 23 hours.

// by adding the number of days we effectively move the beginning of the range

// to the same day as the end, leaving us with a range that is less than a day

// long. when adding the days, the daylight savings switch will be taken into

// account.

write("Bree came %d days, %d:%d:%d after Nat\n", 

// Bree came 3071 days, 0:49:36 after Nat

// the following is more accurate, taking into account that the days where

// daylight savings time is switched do not have 24, but 23 and 25 hours.

// thanks to mirar on the pike list for pointing this out and providing a

// correct solution.

array(int) breakdown_elapsed(object u, void|array on)
  array res=({});
  if (!on) on=({Day,Hour,Minute,Second});
  foreach (on;;program|TimeRange p)
    if (u==u->end()) { res+=({0}); continue; }
    int x=u/p;
  return res;

write("Bree came %d days, %d:%d:%d after Nat\n",

// Bree came 3071 days, 0:49:36 after Nat

// @@PLEAC@@_3.6

mapping day=localtime(time());
// Result: 2

// Result: 4

// Result: 336

int year=1981;
int month=6;
int day=16;
object date;
date = Calendar.Day(year, month, day);
// Result: Day(Tue 16 Jun 1981)

// Result: 3

// Result: 24

// Result: 167

write("%d/%d/%d was a %s\n", month, day, year, date->week_day_name());
// 6/16/1981 was a Tuesday

write("in the week number %d.\n", date->week_no());
// in the week number 25.

// @@PLEAC@@_3.7

string date = "1998-06-03";
int yyyy;
int mm;
int dd;
[yyyy, mm, dd] = array_sscanf(date, "%d-%d-%d");

object day;
day=Calendar.parse("%Y-%M-%D", date);

// Result: 896824800

// Result: 1998

// Result: 6

// Result: 3

// @@PLEAC@@_3.8

object now=Calendar.dwim_time("Sun Sep 21 15:33:36 1997");
// Result: Second(Sun 21 Sep 1997 15:33:36 CEST)

// Result: "Sun Sep 21 15:33:36 1997\n"

// there is no equivalent to scalar localtime

now = Calendar.Second(1973, 1, 18, 3, 45, 50);
write("strftime gives: %s %02d/%02d/%!2d\n", now->week_day_name(), 
        now->month_no(), now->month_day(), now->year_no());
// strftime gives: Sunday 01/18/73

// pike doesn't have strftime, but hey.

// instead Calendar provides a large array of predefined formats:

// format_nice() and format_nicez() depend on the unit:

now->format_nice();           // "18 Jan 1973 3:45:50"

now->week()->format_nice();   // "w3 1973"

now->format_nicez();          // "18 Jan 1973 3:45:50 CET"

now->hour()->format_nicez();  // "18 Jan 1973 3:00 CET"

// others are unit independant.

now->format_ext_time();       // "Thursday, 18 January 1973 03:45:50"

now->format_ext_ymd();        // "Thursday, 18 January 1973"

now->format_iso_time();       // "1973-01-18 (Jan) -W03-4 (Thu) 03:45:50 UTC+1"

now->format_iso_ymd();        // "1973-01-18 (Jan) -W03-4 (Thu)"

now->format_mod();            // "03:45"

now->format_month();          // "1973-01"

now->format_month_short();    // "197301"

now->format_mtime();          // "1973-01-18 03:45"

now->format_time();           // "1973-01-18 03:45:50"

now->format_time_short();     // "19730118 03:45:50"

now->format_time_xshort();    // "730118 03:45:50"

now->format_tod();            // "03:45:50"

now->format_tod_short();      // "034550"

now->format_todz();           // "03:45:50 CET"

now->format_todz_iso();       // "03:45:50 UTC+1"

now->format_week();           // "1973-w3"

now->format_week_short();     // "1973w3"

now->format_iso_week();       // "1973-W03"

now->format_iso_week_short(); // "197303"

now->format_xtime();          // "1973-01-18 03:45:50.000000"

now->format_xtod();           // "03:45:50.000000"

now->format_ymd();            // "1973-01-18"

now->format_ymd_short();      // "19730118"

now->format_ymd_xshort();     // "730118"

now->format_ctime();          // "Thu Jan 18 03:45:50 1973\n"

now->format_smtp();           // "Thu, 18 Jan 1973 3:45:50 +0100"

now->format_http();           // "Thu, 18 Jan 1973 02:45:50 GMT"

// @@PLEAC@@_3.9

int t=time();                 // current time in unixtime seconds

float t0=time(t);             // higher precision time passed since t

float t1=time(t);
float elapsed=t1-t0;
// Result: 0.009453


write("Press return when ready: ");
array(int) before=System.gettimeofday();
array(int) after=System.gettimeofday();
int elapsed_sec=after[0]-before[0];
int elapsed_usec=after[1]-before[1];

write("You took %d.%d seconds.\n", elapsed_sec, elapsed_usec);

// this is an expanded example compared to the one given for perl

// to allow comparison of different types.

// bignum are objects of the gmp library, which are seamlessly integrated with

// regular integers.

int main()
  // size values are adjusted so that each run takes about the same length.

  gaugethis(5000000, 100, lambda(){ return random(pow(2,31)-1); });
               // values to fit into a signed 32bit int.

  gaugethis(50000, 100, lambda(){ return pow(2,64)+random(pow(2,64)); });
               // make sure values are bignum even in case 64bit ints are used.

  gaugethis(500000, 100, lambda(){ return random_string(10); });
               // might be interresting to compare longer strings too.


void gaugethis(int size, int number_of_times, function rand)
  array gauged_times = ({});
  float average;

  int swidth=sizeof((string)size);
  int nwidth=sizeof((string)number_of_times);
  for(int i; i<number_of_times; i++)
    write("%*d: ", nwidth, i);
    array(int) arr=({});
    write("creating array: ");
    for(int j; j<size; j++)
      arr += ({ rand() }); 
    write(" sorting: ");

    float gaugetime=gauge // gauge measures cpu time, giving better results

    gauged_times += ({ gaugetime });
    write(" %f          \r", gaugetime);

  write("average: %O, min: %O, max: %O                           \n", 
        average, gauged_times[0], gauged_times[-1]);

// @@PLEAC@@_3.10

int abort_on_signal=1;         // if true, aport on signal

sleep(0.25, abort_on_signal);

delay(0.25); // uses busy-wait for accuracy,

             // may be interrupted by signal handlers

// @@PLEAC@@_3.11

Calendar.dwim_time("Tue, 26 May 1998 23:57:38 -0400")->distance(
    Calendar.dwim_time("Wed, 27 May 1998 05:04:03 +0100"))->format_elapsed();   
// Result: "0:06:25"

// download the following standalone program
// chapter 3.11
// hopdelta - feed mail header, produce lines
//            showing delay at each hop.
int main()
  MIME.Message        mail = MIME.Message(Stdio.stdin.read());
  array           received = reverse(mail->headers->received/"\0");
  Calendar.Second lasttime = Calendar.dwim_time(mail->headers->date);

  array delays=({ ({ "Sender", "Recipient", "Time", "Delta" }) });
  delays+=({ ({ mail->headers->from, 
                array_sscanf(received[0], "from %[^ ]")[0], 
          }) });

  foreach(received;; string hop)
    string fromby, date;
    [fromby, date] = hop/";";
    Calendar.Second thistime = Calendar.dwim_time(date);

    delays+= ({ array_sscanf(fromby, "from %[^ ]%*sby %[^ ]%*s") + 
                ({ date, lasttime->distance(thistime)->format_elapsed() }) 


  write("%{%-=22s %-=22s %-=20s %=10s\n%}\n", delays);
  return 0;

// @@PLEAC@@_4.0

// nested arrays are supported

array flat = ({ "this", "that", "the", "other" });
array nested = ({ "this", "that", ({ "the", "other" }) });

array tune = ({ "The", "Star-Spangled", "Banner" });
// Result: "The"

// Result: "Star-Spangled"

// the typing may be more specific

// only strings allowed in the array (thus no nesting!)

array(string) flat = ({ "this", "that", "the", "other" });

// allow one level of nesting

array(string|array(string)) admit1 = ({ "this", "that", ({ "the", "other" }) });

// the first level may only contain arrays, other levels may contain anything

array(array) require1 ({ ({ "this", "that" }), ({ "the", "other" }) });

// @@PLEAC@@_4.1

// list

array(string) a = ({ "quick", "brown", "fox" });

// words

array(string) a = "Why are you teasing me?"/" ";

// lines

array(string) lines = #"The boy stood on the burning deck,
It was as hot as glass."/"\n";

// file

array(string) bigarray = Stdio.read_file("mydatafile")/"\n";

// the quoting issues do not apply.

array(string) ships = "Niña Pinta Santa María"/" ";         // wrong

array(string) ships = ({ "Niña", "Pinta", "Santa María" }); // right

// @@PLEAC@@_4.2

// download the following standalone program
// chapter 4.2
// commify_series - show proper comma insertion in list output

array(array(string)) lists =
    ({ "just one thing" }),
    ({ "Mutt", "Jeff" }),
    ({ "Peter", "Paul", "Mary" }),
    ({ "To our parents", "Mother Theresa", "God" }),
    ({ "pastrami", "ham and cheese", "peanut butter and jelly", "tuna" }),
    ({ "recycle tired, old phrases", "ponder big, happy thoughts" }),
    ({ "recycle tired, old phrases",
       "ponder big, happy thoughts",
       "sleep and dream peacefully" }),

void main()
  write("The list is: %s.\n", commify_list(lists[*])[*]);

string commify_list(array(string) list)
    case 1: return list[0];
    case 2: return sprintf("%s and %s", @list);
      string seperator=",";
      int count;
      while(count<sizeof(list) && search(list[count], seperator)==-1)
      return sprintf("%{%s"+seperator+" %}and %s", 
                     list[..sizeof(list)-2], list[-1]);

// @@PLEAC@@_4.3

void what_about_that_array(array list)
    write("The array now has %d elements.\n", sizeof(list));
    write("The index of the last element is %d.\n", sizeof(list)-1);
    write("Element #3 is %O.\n", list[3]);

array people = ({ "Crosby", "Stills", "Nash", "Young" });
// The array now has 4 elements.

// The index of the last element is 3.

// Element #3 is "Young".

// The array now has 3 elements.

// The index of the last element is 2.

// Index 3 is out of array range -3..2.

// The array now has 10001 elements.

// The index of the last element is 10000.

// Element #3 is 0.

array people = ({ "Crosby", "Stills", "Nash", "Young" }); // resetting the array

// Index 10000 is out of array range -4..3.

// accessing a nonexisting index is always an error.

// arrays can not be enlarged this way.

// @@PLEAC@@_4.4

foreach(list; int index; mixed item)
  // do something with item (and possibly index)


foreach(bad_users;; object user)

// for such simple cases pike provides a convenient automap feature:

// will do the same as the foreach above.

foreach(sort(indices(getenv()));; string var)
  write("%s=%s\n", var, getenv(var));

// if you don't need an assurance that the indices are sorted (they most likely

// are sorted anyways) you may use:

foreach(getenv(); string var; string value)
  write("%s=%s\n", var, value);

foreach(all_users;; string user)
  int disk_space = get_usage(user);
  if(disk_space > MAX_QUOTA)

// continue; to jump to the next

// break; to stop the loop

// redo can be done by doing a loop with the proper checks in the block

object pipe=Stdio.File();
Process.create_process(({ "who" }), ([ "stdout":pipe->pipe() ]));
foreach(pipe->line_iterator();; string line)
  if(search(line, "tchrist")>-1)

object fh=Stdio.File("somefile");
foreach(fh->line_iterator(); int linenr; string line)
  foreach(Process.split_quoted_string(line);; string word)//split on whitespace


array(int) list = ({ 1,2,3 });
foreach(list;; int item)
write("%{%d %}\n", list);
// Result: 1 2 3 

// we can still use foreach instead of for, 

// because foreach gives us the index as well:

foreach(list; int index;)
write("%{%d %}\n", list);
// Result: 0 1 2

array a = ({ 0.5, 3 });
array b = ({ 0, 1 });
// foreach handles only one array so there is nothing to gain here. 

// better use automap:

array a_ = a[*]*7;
array b_ = b[*]*7;
write("%{%O %}\n", a_+b_);
// 3.500000 21 0 7

string scalar = " abc ";
array(string) list = ({ " a ", " b " });
mapping(mixed:string) hash = ([ "a":" a ", "b":" b " ]);

scalar = String.trim_whites(scalar);
list = String.trim_whites(list[*]);
foreach(hash; int key;)

// @@PLEAC@@_4.5

// pike does not distinguish between arrays and array references 

// (they are all references anyways) so this section does not apply

// @@PLEAC@@_4.6

mapping seen = ([]);
array   uniq = ({});
foreach(list;; mixed item)
    seen[item] = 1;
    uniq += ({ item });

mapping seen = ([]);
array   uniq = ({});
foreach(list;; mixed item)
    uniq += ({ item });

mapping seen = ([]);
array   uniq = ({});
foreach(list;; mixed item)

// the following is probably the most natural for pike

mapping seen = ([]);
array   uniq = ({});
foreach(list;; mixed item)
uniq = indices(seen);

// not necessarily faster but shorter:

array uniq = indices(({ list[*],1 }));

// also short, and preserving the originaal order:

array uniq = list&indices(({ list[*],1 }));

object pipe = Stdio.File();
Process.create_process(({ "who" }), ([ "stdout":pipe->pipe() ]));
mapping ucnt = ([]);
foreach(pipe->line_iterator();; string line)
  ucnt[(line/" ")[0]]++;

array users = sort(indices(ucnt));
write("users logged in: %s\n", users*" ");

// @@PLEAC@@_4.7

// one of pikes strenghts are operators.

// the following are the only idiomatic solutions to the problem

array A = ({ 1, 2, 3 });
array B = ({ 2, 3, 4 });
array aonly = A-B;
// Result: ({ 1 });

// @@PLEAC@@_4.8

array a = ({ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 });
array b = ({ 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 });

// union:

array union = a|b;
// ({ 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 9 })

// intersection

array intersection = a&b;
// ({ 3, 5, 7 })

// difference

array difference = a-b; 
// ({ 1, 6, 8 })

// symetric difference

array symdiff= a^b;
// ({ 1, 6, 8, 2, 9 })

// @@PLEAC@@_4.9

// join arrays

// appending to an array will always create a new array and pike is designed to

// handle this efficiently.

array members = ({ "Time", "Flies" });
array initiates = ({ "An", "Arrow" });
members += initiates;
// members is now ({ "Time", "Flies", "An", "Arrow" })

members = members[..1]+({ "Like" })+members[2..];
write("%s\n", members*" ");

members[0] = "Fruit";
members = members[..sizeof(members)-3]+({ "A", "Banana" });
write("%s\n", members*" ");

// Time Flies Like An Arrow

// Fruit Flies Like A Banana

// @@PLEAC@@_4.10

// almost any operation you do on the elements will add more overhead than

// reversing the array, if there is any possible optimization, pike will do it

// for you.

array reversed = reverse(arr);

// unless you were going to use for anyways then foreach(reverse( ...)) is

// preferable.

foreach(reverse(arr);; mixed item)
  // do something with item


for(int i=sizeof(arr)-1; i<=0; i--)
  // so something with arr[i]


array ascending = sort(users);
array descending = reverse(sort(users));

// reverse(sort()) is faster by a magnitude

array descending = Array.sort_array(users, lambda(mixed a, mixed b)
                                             return a<b; 

// @@PLEAC@@_4.11

array arr = ({ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 });
int n=3;
array front = arr[..n-1];
arr = arr[n..];

array back = arr[sizeof(arr)-n..];
arr = arr[..sizeof(arr)-(n+1)];

// since new arrays are created if elements are added or removed

// shift and pop are not usefull here.

// if you need shift and pop capabilities use the ADT classes:

array shift2(ADT.Queue queue)
  return ({ queue->read(), queue->read() });

ADT.Queue friends = ADT.Queue("Peter", "Paul", "Mary", "Jim", "Tim");
string this, that;
[this, that] = shift2(friends);
// this contains Peter, that has Paul, and

// friends has Mary, Jim, and Tim

ADT.Stack beverages = ADT.Stack();
beverages->set_stack(({ "Dew", "Jolt", "Cola", "Sprite", "Fresca" }));
array pair = beverages->pop(2); // implementing pop2 would gain nothing here

// pair[0] contains Sprite, pair[1] has Fresca,

// and beverages has (Dew, Jolt, Cola)

// to be able to shift and pop on the same list use the following:

array shift2(ADT.CircularList list)
  return ({ list->pop_front(), list->pop_front() });

array pop2(ADT.CircularList list)
  return reverse( ({ list->pop_back(), list->pop_back() }) );
ADT.CircularList friends = ADT.CircularList( ({"Peter", "Paul", "Mary", "Jim", "Tim"}) );
string this, that;
[this, that] = shift2(friends);
// this contains Peter, that has Paul, and

// friends has Mary, Jim, and Tim

ADT.CircularList beverages = ADT.CircularList( ({ "Dew", "Jolt", "Cola", "Sprite", "Fresca" }) );
array pair = pop2(beverates);
// pair[0] contains Sprite, pair[1] has Fresca,

// and beverages has (Dew, Jolt, Cola)

// @@PLEAC@@_4.12

mixed match = search(arr, element);

int test(mixed element)
    return 1;
    return 0;

mixed match = Array.search_array(arr, test);

if(match != -1)
  // do something with arr[match]

  // do something else


// another convenient way if you do many tests on the same list,

// and you do not care for the position is:

if( (multiset)arr[element] )
  // found

  // not found


// @@PLEAC@@_4.13

array matching=({});

foreach(list;; mixed element)
    matching+=({ element });

array matching = map(list, test)-({ 0 });
array matching = test(list[*])-({ 0 }); 
// apply test() on each element in list, collect the results, and remove

// results that are 0.

// @@PLEAC@@_4.14

// since pike has different types for strings and numbers, ints and floats are

// of course sorted numerically 

// (sort() is destructive, the original array is changed)

array(int) unsorted = ...;
array(int) sorted = sort(unsorted);

// but suppose you want to sort an array of strings by their numeric value then

// things get a bit more interresting:

array(string) unsorted = ({ "123asdf", "3poiu", "23qwert", "3ayxcv" });

sort((array(int))unsorted, unsorted);
// unsorted is now sorted.

// @@PLEAC@@_4.15

array unordered;
int compare(mixed a, mixed b)
  // return comparison of a and b

array ordered = Array.sort_array(unordered, compare);


int compute(mixed element)
  // return computation from element

array precomputed = map(unordered, compute);
sort(precomputed, unordered); // will destructively sort unordered in the same

array ordered = unordered;    // manner as precomputed.


sort(map(unordered, compute), unordered); // without a temp variable

sort(compute(unordered[*]), unordered);   // using the automap operator

                                          // both get compiled to the same code


array ordered = sort(employees, lambda(mixed a, mixed b)
                                  return a->name > b->name;


                         lambda(mixed a, mixed b){ return a->name > b->name; })
        ;; mixed employee)
  write("%s earns $%d\n", employee->name, employee->salary);


array ordered_employees = 
                         lambda(mixed a, mixed b){ return a->name > b->name; });
foreach(ordered_employees;; mixed employee)
  write("%s earns $%d\n", employee->name, employee->salary);

mapping bonus;
foreach(ordered_employees;; mixed employee)
  // you are not supposed to use the social security number as an id

    write("%s got a bonus!\n", employee->name);


array sorted = Array.sort_array(employees, 
                                lambda(mixed a, mixed b)
                                    return (a->name < b->name)
                                  return (b->age < a->age);


array(array) users = System.get_all_users();

// System.get_all_users() returns an array of arrays, with the name as the

// first element in each inner array, sort handles multidimensional arrays, so

// we can skip creating our own sort function.

// if we wanted to sort on something else one could rearrange the array:

array user;
  users += ({ user[2], user });
sort(users);  // now we are sorting by uid.

// alternative:

array(array) users = System.get_all_users();
sort(users[*][2], users);



array names;
array sorted = Array.sort_array(names, lambda(mixed a, mixed b)
                                         return a[1] < b[1];
// faster:

sort(names[*][1], names);

array strings;
array sorted = Array.sort_array(strings, lambda(mixed a, mixed b)
                                         return sizeof(a) < sizeof(b);
// faster:

sort(sizeof(strings[*]), strings);

array strings;
array temp = map(strings, sizeof);
sort(temp, strings); 
array sorted = strings;

array strings;
sort(map(strings, sizeof), strings);   // pick one

sort(sizeof(strings[*]), strings);

array fields;
array temp = map(fields, array_sscanf, "%*s%d%*s");
sort(temp, fields);
array sorted_fields=fields;


sort(array_sscanf(fields[*], "%*s%d%*s"), fields);
array sorted_fields=fields;

array passwd_lines = (Stdio.read_file("/etc/passwd")/"\n")-({""});
array(array) passwd = passwd_lines[*]/":";

int compare(mixed a, mixed b)
    return (int)a[3]<(int)b[3];
    return (int)a[2]<(int)b[2];
  return a[0]<b[0];

array sorted_passwd = Array.sort_array(passwd, compare);

// alternatively the following uses the builtin sort

sort( passwd[*][0], passwd);
sort( ((array(int))passwd[*][2]), passwd);
sort( ((array(int))passwd[*][3]), passwd);

// @@PLEAC@@_4.16

ADT.CircularList circular;

mixed grab_and_rotate(ADT.CircularList list)
  mixed element = list->pop_front();
  return element;

ADT.CircularList processes = ADT.CircularList( ({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }) );
  int process = grab_and_rotate(processes);
  write("Handling process %d\n", process);

// @@PLEAC@@_4.17

array arr;
Array.shuffle(arr);  // this uses the fisher-yates shuffle


// being creative with the algorithm, this is not as memory efficient,

// but it shows the utility of multisets.

array set_shuffle(array list)
  multiset elements=(multiset)list;
  list=({});                     // reset the list

  while(sizeof(elements))        // while we still have elements left

    mixed pick=random(elements); // pick a random element

    list+=({ pick });            // add it to the new list

    elements[pick]--;            // remove the element we picked

  return list;

array list;


inherit "mjd_permute";
int permutations = factorial(sizeof(list));
array shuffle = list[n2perm(random(permutations)+1, sizeof(list))[*]];


void naive_shuffle(array list)
  for(int i=0; i<sizeof(list); i++)
    int j=random(sizeof(list)-1);
    [ list[i], list[j] ] = ({ list[j], list[i] });

// @@PLEAC@@_4.18

// download the following standalone program
// section 4.18 example 4.2
// words - gather lines, present in columns

void main()
  array words=Stdio.stdin.read()/"\n";   // get all input
  int maxlen=sort(sizeof(words[*]))[-1]; // sort by size and pick the largest
  maxlen++;                              // add space

  // get boundaries, this should be portable
  int cols = Stdio.stdout->tcgetattr()->columns/maxlen;
  int rows = (sizeof(words)/cols) + 1;

  string mask="%{%-"+maxlen+"s%}\n";     // compute format

  words=Array.transpose(words/rows);     // split into groups as large as the
                                         // number of rows and then transpose
  write(mask, words[*]);                 // apply mask to each group

// @@PLEAC@@_4.19

int factorial(int n)
  int s=1;
  return s;
write("%d\n", factorial(500));
// TODO: provide a short example using Array.permute()


// download the following standalone program

void main()
  string line;
    permute(line/" ");

void permute(array items, array|void perms)
    write((perms*" ")+"\n");
    foreach(items; int i;)
      array newitems=items[..i-1]+items[i+1..];
      array newperms=items[i..i]+perms;
      permute(newitems, newperms);


// download the following standalone program

mapping fact=([ 1:1 ]);

int factorial(int n)
  return fact[n];

array n2pat(int N, int len)
  int i=1;
  array pat=({});

  while(i <= len)
    pat += ({ N%i });
  return pat;

array pat2perm(array pat)
  array source=indices(pat);
  array perm=({});
    perm += ({ source[pat[-1]] });
    source = source[..pat[-1]-1]+source[pat[-1]+1..];
  return perm;

array n2perm(int N, int len)
  return pat2perm(n2pat(N, len));

void main()
  array data;
  while(data=Stdio.stdin->gets()/" ")
    int num_permutations = factorial(sizeof(data));
    for(int i; i<num_permutations; i++)
      array permutation = data[n2perm(i, sizeof(data))[*]];
      write(permutation*" "+"\n");

// @@PLEAC@@_5.0

// creating a mapping from arrays

mapping age = mkmapping( ({ "Nat", "Jules", "Josh", }), ({ 24, 25, 17 }) );

// initialize one index at a time

mapping age = ([]);
age["Nat"] = 24;
age["Jules"] = 25;
age["Josh"] = 17;

// if your index names are valid identifiers:

age->Nat = 24;
age->Jules = 25;
age->Josh = 17;

// the traditional way to initialize mappings

mapping age = ([ "Nat":24, "Jules":25, "Josh":17 ]);

mapping(string:string) food_color = ([ 

// a index may be of any type

mapping any = ([ "1":"a string", 1:"an int", 1.0:"a float" ]);

// you may use other types too, but be aware that they are matched by

// reference, and not by value.

// @@PLEAC@@_5.1

mapping[mixed] = mixed;
mapping->string = mixed;  //any string that is a valid identifier

// food_color as per section 5.0

food_color->Raspberry = "pink";
write("Known foods:\n");
foreach(food_color; string food; )
// Lemon

// Banana

// Apple

// Carrot

// Raspberry

// @@PLEAC@@_5.2

// an undefined value in a mapping gets turned to 0.

// assigning 0 as a value is allowed and will not remove the index.

// checking for the index will of course return 0 and be interpreted as false.

// to check if the index is really there, use zero_type()

  // it exists

  // it doesn't


// food_color as per section 5.0

foreach( ({ "Banana", "Milk" }) ;; string name)
    write("%s is a food.\n", name);
    write("%s is a drink.\n", name);
// Banana is a food.

// Milk is a drink.

// ---------------------------------------------------------

mapping age = ([ "Toddler":3, 
                 "Phantasm":UNDEFINED ]);

foreach( ({ "Toddler", "Unborn", "Newborn", "Phantasm", "Relic" });; string thing) 
      write(" Exists");
      write(" True");
// Toddler: Exists True

// Unborn: Exists

// Newborn: Exists True

// Phantasm: Exists

// Relic:

// age->Toddler exists, because zero_type() is only true if the index is not in

// the mapping. it is true because the value is not 0.

// age->Unborn exists, but is false because 0 is false

// age->Newborn exists and is true, because 0.0 is not false

// age->Phantasm exists and is false, like Unborn

// age->Relic does not exist

// we can not test for defined. UNDEFINED is a special value used internally by

// the compiler. it gets converted to 0 as soon as it is assigned in a mapping

// however we can create something equivalent that can be treated like any

// other value, except that it is false:

class Nil
  // this is a minimal example. 

  // a more complete one would also handle casting

  int `!() {return 1;}
  string _sprintf() {return "Nil";}

  // we could have this function externally, but this is more convenient

  int defined(mixed var)
    return !zero_type(var) && var!=this;

Nil NIL = Nil();                    // create an instance so we can use it

function defined = NIL->defined;  // just for symetry

mapping age = ([ "Toddler":3, 
                 "Phantasm":NIL ]);

foreach( ({ "Toddler", "Unborn", "Phantasm", "Relic" });; string thing) 
      write(" Exists");
      write(" Defined");
      write(" True");

// Toddler: Exists Defined True

// Unborn: Exists Defined

// Phantasm: Exists

// Relic:

// age->Toddler exists, because zero_type() is only true if the index is not in

// the mapping. it is defined because it exists an is not NIL. 

// it is true because the value is not 0.

// age->Unborn exists, and is defined, but is false because 0 is false

// age->Phantasm exists, is not defined because it is NIL, 

// it is not true because NIL is false.

// age->Relic does not exist, it is not defined even though it is not NIL

// because it doesn't exist. it is also not true, because it does not exist.

// ----------------------------------------------------

mapping size = ([]);
string filename;
while(filename = Stdio.stdin->gets())
  filename -= "\n";
  if(size[filename])                // wrong

  if(!zero_type(size[filename]))    // right

  object stat = file_stat(filename)  
    size[filename] = stat->size;
    size[filename] = -1; // since sizes can't be negative, this will do.

                         // if -1 is a valid value, use NIL


// @@PLEAC@@_5.3

// users occasionally may get the idea that mapping[index]=0; may remove index

// from mapping. the normal way to remove a index from a mapping is to

// subtract: mapping -= ([ index:0 ]); the following shall demonstrate the

// difference between subtracting a index and assigning 0 to it.

// food_color as per section 5.0

void print_foods()
  write("Foods:%{ %s%}\n", indices(food_color));
  write("Values: ");

  foreach(food_color; string food; string color)
      write(color+" ");
      write("(no value) ");


write("\nWith Banana set to 0\n");
food_color->Banana = 0;

write("\nWith Banana deleted\n");
food_color -= ([ "Banana":"the value is irrelevant" ]);

// Initially:

// Foods: Lemon Banana Apple Carrot

// Values: yellow yellow red orange


// With Banana set to 0

// Foods: Banana Lemon Apple Carrot

// Values: (no value) yellow red orange 


// With Banana deleted

// Foods: Lemon Carrot Apple

// Values: yellow orange red

// you can also subtract multiple indices:

food_color -= ([ "Banana":0, "Apple":0, "Cabbage":0 ]);

// note that subtracting a mapping from another creates a new mapping.

// thus any references you have to a mapping will be broken.

// in most cases this is what you want anyways. if it is not, you can also

// remove indices using m_delete();

m_delete(food_color, "Banana");

// @@PLEAC@@_5.4

foreach( mapping; type index; type value)
  //do something with index and value


// food_color as per 5.0

foreach(food_color; string food; string color)
  write("%s is %s.\n", food, color);

// Banana is yellow.

// Lemon is yellow.

// Carrot is orange.

// Apple is red.

foreach(sort(indices(food_color));; string food)
  write("%s is %s.\n", food, food_color[food]);

// Apple is red.

// Banana is yellow.

// Carrot is orange.

// Lemon is yellow.

// since pike does not have any equivalent to each() its problems do not apply

// download the following standalone program
// countfrom - count number of messages from each sender

void main(int argc, array argv)
  object file;
  mapping from = ([]);

    file = Stdio.File(argv[1], "r");
    file = Stdio.stdin;

  foreach(file; int count; string line)
    array email = array_sscanf(line, "From: %s");

  foreach(sort(indices(from));; string person)
    write("%s: %d\n", person, from[person]);

// @@PLEAC@@_5.5

// perls problems and solutions do not apply to pike

// here are a few ways to print a mapping:

// food_color as per 5.0

// debugging style

write("%O\n", food_color);
// ([ /* 4 elements */

//   "Apple": "red",

//   "Banana": "yellow",

//   "Carrot": "orange",

//   "Lemon": "yellow"

// ])

// one element at a time:

foreach(food_color; string food; string color)
  write("%s is %s\n", food, color);
// Lemon is yellow

// Carrot is orange

// Banana is yellow

// Apple is red

// with the help of an array

write("%{%s is %s\n%}", sort((array)food_color));
// Apple is red

// Banana is yellow

// Carrot is orange

// Lemon is yellow

// @@PLEAC@@_5.6

// for this we need to first create an OrderedMapping class.

// work for this is in progress



// @@PLEAC@@_5.7

mapping(string:array(string)) ttys = ([]);

object pipe = Stdio.File();
Process.create_process(({ "who" }), ([ "stdout":pipe->pipe() ]));

foreach(pipe->line_iterator();; string line)
  array tty=(line/" ")-({ "" });
    ttys[tty[0]] = ({ tty[1] });
    ttys[tty[0]] += ({ tty[1] });

foreach(sort(indices(ttys));; string user)
  write("%s: %{%s %}\n", user, ttys[user]);

foreach(sort(indices(ttys));; string user)
  write("%s: %d ttys.\n", user, sizeof(ttys[user]));
  foreach(ttys[user];; string tty)
    object stat = file_stat("/dev/"+tty);
    string user;
      user = getpwuid(stat->uid)[0];
      user = "(not available)";
    write("\t%s (owned by %s)\n", tty, user);

mapping multihash_delete(mapping hash, mixed key, mixed value)
    hash[key]-=({ value });
    m_delete(hash, key);
  return hash;

// @@PLEAC@@_5.8

// search for a value in a mapping

mapping lookup;
mixed value;
mixed key = search(lookup, value);

// transposing: (this will break if there are multiple occurances of a value)

mapping lookup;
mapping reverse = mkmapping(values(lookup), indices(lookup));

mapping surname = ([ "Mickey":"Mantle", "Babe":"Ruth" ]);
write("%s\n", search(surname, "Mantle"));
// Mikey

// with a transposed mapping (only worth doing if you'd have to search a lot)

mapping first_name = mkmapping(values(surname), indices(surname));
write("%s\n", first_name->Mantle);
// Mikey


// download the following standalone program

void main(int argc, array(string) argv)
  if(argc < 2)
    write("usage: foodfind food_or_color\n");

  string given = argv[1];
  mapping color = ([ "Apple":"red",
    write("%s is a food with color %s\n", given, color[given]);
  string food = search(color, given);
    write("%s is a food with color %s\n", food, given);

// search will only find one value, 
// but it can be given a place where it should start searching

  array foods = ({ search(color, given) });
  food = 0;
  while(food = search(color, given, foods[-1]))
    foods += ({ food });
  write("%{%s %}were %s foods.\n", foods, given);



// food_color as per 5.0

mapping foods_with_color = ([]);
foreach(food_color; string food; string color)
    foods_with_color[color] = ({ food });
    foods_with_color[color] += ({ food });

write("%{%s %}were yellow foods.\n", foods_with_color->yellow);

// @@PLEAC@@_5.9

mapping hash;
foreach(sort(indices(hash));; mixed key)
  mixed value = hash[key];
  // do something with key, value


foreach(sort(indices(food_color));; string food)
  write("%s is %s.\n", food, food_color[food]);

array foods = indices(food_color);
sort(sizeof(values(food_color)[*]), foods);

foreach(foods;; string food)
  write("%s is %s.\n", food, food_color[food]);

// @@PLEAC@@_5.10

// the natural way to merge two mappings is to use + or |

// for mappings both operations are equivalent.

mapping A, B;
mapping merged = A + B;
mapping merged = A | B;

// if an index is in both mappings, the value will be taken from the second

// one. 

mapping drink_color = ([ "Milk":"white",
                         "Tomato juice":"red" ]);

mapping ingested_color = drink_color + food_color;

//  Result: ([ /* 6 elements */

//             "Apple": "red",

//             "Banana": "yellow",

//             "Carrot": "orange",

//             "Lemon": "yellow",

//             "Milk": "white",

//             "Tomato juice": "red"

//           ])

// @@PLEAC@@_5.11

// create a mapping where indices are in both A and B

mapping both = A & B;

// in A or B, but not in both

mapping one = A ^ B;

// in A, but not in B

mapping exA = A - B;

mapping citrus_color = ([ "Lemon":"yellow",

array non_citrus = indices(food_color - citrus_color);

// @@PLEAC@@_5.12

// this problem does not apply to pike

// any value may be used as an index, if you get an object reference from

// anywhere, if will work, if the index in the mapping is actually the same

// object.

// however note that the same value is not the same reference:

array a = ({ 1,2 });
array b = ({ 1,2 });
mapping m = ([ a:"a" ]);
// Result: 0 (b will not be found.)

// Result: ([ ({ 1, 2 }): "a",

//            ({ 1, 2 }): "b"

//           ])

// this looks as if the mapping has the same index twice

// but since they are references this is not the case.

// @@PLEAC@@_5.13

// this problem does not apply to pike

// pike uses a smart preallocation algorythm that will avoid the need to

// allocate memory everytime an element is added

// @@PLEAC@@_5.14

mapping count = ([]);
foreach(ARRAY;; mixed element)

// @@PLEAC@@_5.15

mapping father = ([ "Cain":"Adam",

foreach(Stdio.stdin;; string name)
    write("%s ", name);
  } while(name = father[name]);

mapping children = ([]);
foreach(father; string k; string v)
    children[v] = ({ k });
    children[v] += ({ k });

foreach(Stdio.stdin;; string name)
  write("%s begat %s.\n", name, (children[name]||({ "nobody" }))*", ");


mapping includes = ([]);
foreach(files, string file)
  string F = Stdio.read_file(file);
    werror("Couldn't read %s; skipping.\n", file);

  foreach(F/"\n";; string line)
    array included = array_sscanf(line, "%*[ \t]#include%*[ \t]%*[<\"]%s%*[>\"]%*[ \t]");
        includes[included[0]] = ({ file });
        includes[included[0]] += ({ file });

array uniq = `|( @values(includes) );
array include_free = sort( uniq - indices(includes) );

// values(includes) is an array of arrays.

// @ splices values(includes) as arguments into `|()

// `|() is a function that represents the | operator: a|b|c is `|(a,b,c)

// | on arrays creates a new array with elements in a or b

// the resulting array is unique as long as each array only has unique elements

// from the uniq array we remove all those that are used as indices in the

// includes mapping.

// at last we sort the remaining list.

// @@PLEAC@@_5.16

// download the following standalone program
// dutree - print sorted indented rendition of du output
// as a slight deviation from the perl version, the sizes are still in one
// column, to make it more readable.

array input(array(string) args)
  mapping Dirsize=([]);
  mapping Kids=([]);

  object pipe = Stdio.File();
  Process.create_process(({ "du" })+args, ([ "stdout":pipe->pipe() ]));

  string name;
  foreach(pipe->line_iterator();; string line)
    int size;
    [size, name] = array_sscanf(line, "%d%*[ \t]%s");
    Dirsize[name] = size;
    array path = name/"/";
    string parent = path[..sizeof(path)-2]*"/";
      Kids[parent] = ({ name });
      Kids[parent] += ({ name });
  return ({ name, Dirsize, Kids });

void getdots(string root, mapping Dirsize, mapping Kids)
  int size, cursize;
  size = cursize = Dirsize[root];
    foreach(Kids[root];; string kid)
      cursize -= Dirsize[kid]; 
      getdots(kid, Dirsize, Kids);
    Kids[root] = ({});

  if(size != cursize)
    string dot = root+"/.";    
    Dirsize[dot] = cursize;
    Kids[root] += ({ dot });

void output(string root, mapping Dirsize, mapping Kids, 
            int width, void|string prefix)
  string path = (root/"/")[-1];
  int size = Dirsize[root];
  write("%*d %s%s\n", width, size, prefix, path);
  prefix += "|" + " "*(sizeof(path)-1);
    array kids = Kids[root];
    // get the dirsize for each kid and sort by that
    sort(Dirsize[kids[*]], kids); 
    // make the output for each kid
    output(kids[*], Dirsize, Kids, width, prefix);

void main(int argc, array(string) argv)
  mapping Dirsize;
  mapping Kids;
  string topdir;

  [ topdir, Dirsize, Kids ] = input(argv[1..]);
  getdots(topdir, Dirsize, Kids);
  output(topdir, Dirsize, Kids, sizeof((string)sort(values(Dirsize))[-1]));

// @@PLEAC@@_6.1


// by Scott McCoy [tag at cpan.org] 

 /* Copying and Substituting Simultaniously */
dst = Regexp("this")->replace(src, "that");
 /* Copying and replacing...Same thing */
dst = Regexp("this")->replace(src, "that");
 /* Strip to basename */
 // Note this is best done with string manipulation functions, regexp here is

 // wasteful.  Same is true in perl.

dst = Regexp("^.*/")->replace(argv[0], "");

string capword = Regexp("[a-z]+")->replace
            lambda (string c) { 
                c[0] = upper_case(c[0]); 
                return c; 
            } );

/* For the captured substitution, I'll have to figure out PCRE. */

// @@PLEAC@@_7.0

// if you are going to read the whole file, the most common way is to use 

// Stdio.read_file()

string INPUT = Stdio.read_file("/usr/local/widgets/data");
  werror("Couldn't open /usr/local/widgets/data for reading\n");

foreach(INPUT/"\n";; string line)
  if(search(line, "blue")!=-1)

// if you need more control over the process you can get a filehandle with

// Stdio.File()

Stdio.File INPUT = Stdio.File("/usr/local/widgets/data", "r");
  werror("Couldn't open /usr/local/widgets/data for reading\n");

foreach(INPUT->line_iterator();; string line)
  if(search(line, "blue")!=-1)


foreach(Stdio.stdin;; string line)            // reads from STDIN

  if(!sizeof(array_sscanf(line, "%*s%d")))
    werror("No digit found.\n");              // writes to STDERR

  write("Read: %s\n", line);                  // writes ot STDOUT

Stdio.stdout->close() || werror("couldn't close STDOUT\n") && exit(1);

// just as with Stdio.read_file(), there are convenience functions for writing:

// Stdio.write_file() and Stdio.append_file()

Stdio.File logfile = Stdio.File("/tmp/log", "w");

// access modes are "r" for reading, "w" for writing and "a" for append

// default mode is "rw"

// to read a line you may use Stdio.File()->gets() or get a line_iterator() and

// read lines from it.

object LOGFILE = logfile->line_iterator();
  string line=LOGFILE->value();

// or use foreach as shown above.

// write() is actually a shortcut for Stdio.stdout->write()

// you could get yourself a different shortcut by assigning that to a variable:

function write = logfile->write;     //  switch to LOGFILE for write();

write("Countdown initiated ...\n");
write = Stdio.stdout->write;         //  return to stdout

write("You have 30 seconds to reach minimum safety distance.\n");

// Stdio.File is unbuffered. a buffered version is provided by Stdio.FILE

// @@PLEAC@@_7.1

// use Stdio.read_file(), Stdio.write_file() and Stdio.append_file() for

// convenience, or Stdio.File for precision and to get a filehandle.

string path;

// open file for reading

string file = Stdio.read_file(path);
Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path, "r");

// open file for writing, create new file if needed, or else truncate old file

Stdio.write_file(path, "content");
Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path, "wc");

// same with setting access permissions

Stdio.write_file(path, "content", 0600);
Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path, "wc", 0600);

// open file for writing, create new file, file must not exist

  Stdio.write_file(path, "content");
Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path, "wcx");

  Stdio.write_file(path, "content", 0600);
Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path, "wcx", 0600);

// open file for appending, create if necessary

Stdio.append_file(path, "content");
Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path, "wac");

Stdio.append_file(path, "content", 0600);
Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path, "wac", 0600);

// open file for appending, file must exist

Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path, "wacx");

// open file for update, file must exist

string file = Stdio.read_file(path);
string updated = file+"foo"  // update contents of file

Stdio.write_file(path, updated);

Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path);          // this is the default operation

// open file for update, file must not exist

Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path, "rwcx");

// @@PLEAC@@_7.2

// since the filename is contained in a string, this problem does not apply

// @@PLEAC@@_7.3

string filename;

if(filename[0] == "~")
  string user, path, home;
  [ user, path ] = array_sscanf(filename, "~%[^/]%s");
  if(user == "")
    home = getenv("HOME") || getenv("LOGDIR") || getpwuid(geteuid())[5];
    home = getpwnam(user)[5];
  filename = home+path;

// @@PLEAC@@_7.4

string path = "/tmp/fooo";
mixed error = catch
  Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(path, "r");

  werror("Couldn't open %s for reading:\n", path);
// Couldn't open /tmp/fooo for reading: 

// Failed to open "/tmp/fooo" mode "r" : No such file or directory

// @@PLEAC@@_7.5

Stdio.File fh;
string name;
  name = "/tmp/"+MIME.encode_base64(random_string(10));
  fh = Stdio.File(name, "rwcx");

atexit(lambda(){ fh->close(); rm(name); });

// if you don't really need the file to be on disk (or if /tmp is a ramdisk)

// but you need an object that behaves like a file, then use Stdio.FakeFile

fh = Stdio.FakeFile();

// and use fh like any other filehandle.

// @@PLEAC@@_7.6

// since the usual way to handle files is to read them into a string, then just

// assign your data to a string and work from there:

string data = "your data goes here";

// or for convenient multiline data:

string data = #"your data goes here
and here
and ends here";

// or use Stdio.FakeFile for a Stdio.File compatible interface

// see 7.5


object stat = file_stat(__FILE__);
int raw_time = stat->ctime;
int size     = stat->size;
int kilosize = size/1024;

write("<P>Script size is %dk\n", kilosize);
write("<P>Last script update: %s\n", Calendar.Second(raw_time)->format_nicez());

// @@PLEAC@@_8.2

// Does not check file existence but return a correct value with empty (size=0) files

// Does count paragraphs correctly (does not count empty lines (\n\n))

int main(int argc, array(string) argv) {
    int count=0;
    object f = Stdio.FILE(argv[1]);
    foreach(f->line_iterator(f); int number; string paragraph) {
        // write(number+" "+paragraph+"\n");

    write("number of paragraphs= "+count+"\n");
    return 0;

// @@PLEAC@@_9.0

Stdio.Stat entry;

entry = file_stat("/bin/vi");
entry = file_stat("/usr/bin");
entry = file_stat(argv[1]);

// ------------

Stdio.Stat entry; int ctime, size;

entry = file_stat("/bin/vi");
ctime = entry->ctime;
size = entry->size;

// ------------

// A routine detecting whether a file is a 'text' file doesn't appear

// to exist, so have implemented the following [crude] function(s)

// which search for a LF / NEWLINE in the file:

// Usable with any file

int(0..1) containsText(Stdio.File file)
  string c;
  while ((c = file->read(1)) != NULL) { (c == NEWLINE) && return 1; }
  return 0;

// Alternate version, expects a buffered file [usually containing text]

int(0..1) containsText(Stdio.FILE file)
  int c;
  while ((c = file->getchar()) != EOF) { (c == LF) && return 1; }
  return 0;

// Yet another alternative - this time we cheat and use the *NIX 'file'

// utility :) !

int(0..1) isTextFile(string filename)
  return chop(Process.popen("file -bN " + filename), 1)  == "ASCII text";

// ----

containsText(Stdio.File(argv[1])) || write("File %s doesn't have any text in it\n", argv[1]);

isTextFile(argv[1]) || write("File %s doesn't have any text in it\n", argv[1]);

// ------------

Filesystem.Traversion dirtree = Filesystem.Traversion("/usr/bin");

foreach(dirtree; string dir; string file)
  write("Inside %s is something called %s\n", chop(dir, 1), file);

// @@PLEAC@@_9.1

string filename = "example.txt";

Stdio.Stat fs = file_stat(filename);
int readtime = fs->atime, writetime = fs->mtime;

System.utime(filename, readtime, writetime);

// ----------------------------

constant SECONDS_PER_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24;

string filename = "example.txt";

Stdio.Stat fs = file_stat(filename);
int atime = fs->atime, mtime = fs->mtime;

atime -= 7 * SECONDS_PER_DAY; mtime -= 7 * SECONDS_PER_DAY;

System.utime(filename, atime, mtime);

// ----------------------------

argc != 1 || die("usage: " + argv[0] + " filename");

Stdio.Stat fs = file_stat(argv[1]);
int atime = fs->atime, mtime = fs->mtime;

Process.system(getenv("EDITOR") || "vi" + " " + argv[1]);

mixed result = catch { System.utime(argv[1], atime, mtime); };
(result == OK) || write("Error updating timestamp on file, %s!\n", argv[1]);

// @@PLEAC@@_9.2

string filename = "...";

rm(filename) || write("Can't delete, %s!\n", filename);

// ------------

int(0..1) rmAll(array(string) filelist)
  mixed result = catch
    foreach(filelist, string filename) { rm(filename) || throw(PROBLEM); }
  return result == OK;

// ----

array(string) filelist = ({"/tmp/x", "/tmp/y", "/tmp/z"});

rmAll(filelist) || write("Can't delete all files in array!\n");

// ----------------------------

void die(string msg, void|int(1..256) rc) { werror(msg + NEWLINE); exit(rc ? rc : PROBLEM); }

// ----

string filename = "...";

rm(filename) || die("Can't delete " + filename);

// ----------------------------

array(string) filelist = ({"/tmp/x", "/tmp/y", "/tmp/z"});

int deleted, count = sizeof(filelist);

foreach(filelist, string filename) { rm(filename) && ++deleted; }

(deleted == count) || write("Could only delete %d of %d files\n", deleted, count);

// @@PLEAC@@_9.3

string oldfile = "/tmp/old", newfile = "/tmp/new";

Stdio.cp(oldfile, newfile) || write("Error copying file\n");

// ----------------------------

string oldfile = "/tmp/old", newfile = "/tmp/new";

mixed result = catch { Stdio.write_file(newfile, Stdio.read_file(oldfile)); };

(result == OK) || write("Problem copying file %s to file %s\n", oldfile, newfile);

// ----------------------------

// Note: This is a cross between, 'Process.system', which displays

// output on stdout, and, 'Process.popen', which does not display

// output [it returns it as a string] but does not return the status

// code

int system(string cmd)
  Stdio.File fout = Stdio.File(), ferr = Stdio.File();
  Stdio.File pout = fout->pipe(Stdio.PROP_IPC),
             perr = ferr->pipe(Stdio.PROP_IPC);

  int rc = Process.spawn(cmd, 0, pout, perr)->wait();

  pout->close(); destruct(pout); fout->close(); destruct(fout);
  perr->close(); destruct(perr); ferr->close(); destruct(ferr);

  return rc;

int(0..1) unixFileCopy(string oldfile, string newfile)
  string cmd = "cp --force --reply=yes " + oldfile + " " + newfile;
  return system(cmd) == OK;

int(0..1) vmsFileCopy(string oldfile, string newfile)
  string cmd = "copy " + oldfile + " " + newfile;
  return system(cmd) == OK;

// ----

string oldfile = "/tmp/old", newfile = "/tmp/new";

unixFileCopy(oldfile, newfile) || write("Problem copying file %s to file %s\n", oldfile, newfile);

// ----------------------------

string oldfile = "/tmp/old", newfile = "/tmp/new";

mv(oldfile, newfile) || write("Problem moving / renaming file %s to file %s\n", oldfile, newfile);

// @@PLEAC@@_9.4

mapping(array(int):int) seen = ([]);

// ----

void do_my_thing(string filename)
  Stdio.Stat fs = file_stat(filename);
  array(int) arr = aggregate(fs->inode, fs->dev);

  // Could do this [apply a lambda assigned to variable 'p']:


  //    ... || (p(arr), seen[arr] = 1);


  //    function p = lambda(array(int) arr) { ... };


  // to process a file that has not previously been seen

  (seen[arr] && (seen[arr] += 1)) || (seen[arr] = 1);

// ----------------------------

constant SEP = ":"; mapping(array(int):string) seen = ([]);

// ----

array(string) files = ({"f1.txt", "f2.txt", "f3.txt"});

foreach(files, string filename)
  Stdio.Stat fs = file_stat(filename);
  array(int) arr = aggregate(fs->inode, fs->dev);
  (seen[arr] && (seen[arr] += (SEP + filename))) || (seen[arr] = filename);

// ----

array(array(int)) idxarr = indices(seen); sort(idxarr);

foreach(idxarr, array(int) inodev)
  foreach(seen[inodev] / SEP, string filename)
    // ... do stuff with each filename ...

    write("%s\n", filename);

// @@PLEAC@@_9.5

string dirname = "..."; array(string) DIR = get_dir(dirname);

foreach(DIR, string filename)
  string path = dirname + "/" + filename;
  // ... do something with 'path' ...


// ----------------------------

string dirname = "/usr/local/bin"; int|array(string) DIR = get_dir(dirname);

DIR || die("Can't open " + dirname);

write("Text files in %s are:\n", dirname);

foreach(DIR, string filename)
  string path = dirname + "/" + filename;

  // 'isTextFile' defined in an earlier section

  isTextFile(path) && write("%s\n", filename);

// ----------------------------

// '.' and '..' don't show up in a 'get_dir'-generated array

// ----------------------------

array(string) plain_files(string dirname)
  // 'filter' procedure

  function fp =
    lambda(string filename, string dirname)
      // 'isTextFile' defined in an earlier section

      return !has_prefix(filename, ".") && isTextFile(dirname + "/" + filename);

  // 'map' procedure

  function mp =
    lambda(string filename, string dirname)
      return dirname + "/" + filename;

  array(string) paths = map(filter(get_dir(dirname), fp, dirname), mp, dirname);


  return paths;

// @@PLEAC@@_9.6

// A 'glob' workalike that filters using regular expressions


// Note: Pike offers many non-regexp-based string pattern matching

// functions [e.g. 'has_prefix' and other 'has_...' functions,

// 'search', etc]. These are preferable in many situations as they are

// much faster than regexprs. However, code shown here mostly uses

// regexprs in order to better match the Perl examples


int(0..1)|array(string) grep(string regexp, string|array(string) arr)
  if (stringp(arr)) return Regexp.match(regexp, arr);

  if (arrayp(arr))
    function fp =
      lambda(string filename, string regexp)
        return Regexp.match(regexp, filename);

    return filter(arr, fp, regexp);

  return 0;

// ----------------------------

string dirname = "...";
int|array(string) filenames = glob("*.c", get_dir(dirname));

// ------------

string dirname = "...";
int|array(string) filenames = grep("\.c$", get_dir(dirname));

// ------------

string dirname = "...";
int|array(string) filenames = grep("\.[CHch]$", get_dir(dirname));

// ----------------------------

string dirname = "...";
int|array(string) dir = get_dir(dirname);

dir || die("Couldn't open " + dirname + " for reading");


// Note: Pike arrays are immutable, so we use a mapping to emulate

// mutable arrays by using a numeric index as the key :)


mapping(int:string) files = ([]); int idx = -1; string path;    

foreach(dir, string file)
  if (!grep("\.[CHch]$", file)) continue;
  path = dirname + "/" + file;
  isTextFile(path) && (files[++idx] = path);


// Note: Traverse a mapping-based, emulated array in index order:


//  foreach(sort(indices(files)), int i)

//  {

//    write("%d -> %s\n", i, files[i]); 

//  }


// @@PLEAC@@_9.7


// Routine inspired by library function, 'Stdio.recursive_rm'. A little

// extra code helped make it more generally useful


void|mixed process_directory(string path, function(string, mixed ... : void|mixed) op, mixed ... extra_args)
  Stdio.Stat file = file_stat(path, 1); if (!file) return 0;

  if (file->isdir)
    if (array(string) files = get_dir(path))
      foreach(files, string file)
        process_directory(path + "/" + file, op, @extra_args);

  return op(path, @extra_args);

// ----------------------------

array(string) dirlist = ({ "/tmp/d1", "/tmp/d2", "/tmp/d3" });

// Do something with each directory in the list

foreach(dirlist, string dir)
  // Delete directory [if empty]     -> rm(dir); 

  // Make it the 'current directory' -> cd(dir);

  // Get list of files it contains   -> array(string) filelist = get_dir(dir);

  // Get directory metadata          -> Stdio.Stat ds = file_stat(dir);


// ------------

array(string) dirlist = ({ "/tmp/d1", "/tmp/d2", "/tmp/d3" });

function pf =
  lambda(string path)
    // ... do something to the file or directory ...

    write("%s\n", path);

// For each directory in the list ...

foreach(dirlist, string dir)
  int|array(string) filelist = get_dir(dir);

  if (!filelist) { write("%s does not exist\n", dir); continue; }
  if (sizeof(filelist) == 0) { write("%s is empty\n", dir); continue; }

  // For each file / directory in the directory ...

  foreach(filelist, string filename)
    // Apply function to process the file / directory

    pf(dir + "/" + filename);

// ------------

// Special steps need to be taken in above routines to distinguish 

// between files and directories. Easiest to abstract out directory

// traversal into a single routine [so allowing for recursive traversal

// of entire tree], and have it apply a lambda to each file

array(string) dirlist = ({ "/tmp/d1", "/tmp/d2", "/tmp/d3" });

function pf =
  lambda(string path)
    // ... do something to the file or directory ...

    write("%s\n", path);

// For each directory in the list ...

foreach(dirlist, string dir)
  process_directory(dir, pf);

// ----------------------------

void accum_filesize(string path, array(int) accum)
  int|Stdio.Stat fs = file_stat(path);

  // Accumulate size only if it is a regular file

  (fs && fs->isreg) && (accum[0] += fs->size);

// ------------

// Verify arguments ...

argc == 2 || die("usage: " + argv[0] + " dir");
Stdio.Stat fs; string dir = argv[1];
((fs = file_stat(dir)) && fs->isdir) || die(dir + " does not exist / not a directory");

// Collect data [use an array to accumulate results]

array(int) dirsize = ({0});
process_directory(dir, accum_filesize, dirsize); 

// Report results

write("%s contains %d bytes\n", dir, dirsize[0]);

// ----------------------------

void biggest_file(string path, array(mixed) biggest)
  int|Stdio.Stat fs = file_stat(path);

  if (fs && fs->isreg && biggest[1] < fs->size)
    biggest[0] = path; biggest[1] = fs->size;

// ------------

// Verify arguments ...

argc == 2 || die("usage: " + argv[0] + " dir");
Stdio.Stat fs; string dir = argv[1];
((fs = file_stat(dir)) && fs->isdir) || die(dir + " does not exist / not a directory");

// Collect data [use an array to store results]

array(mixed) biggest = ({"", 0});
process_directory(dir, biggest_file, biggest); 

// Report results

write("Biggest file is %s containing %d bytes\n", biggest[0], biggest[1]);

// ----------------------------

void youngest_file(string path, array(mixed) youngest)
  int|Stdio.Stat fs = file_stat(path);

  if (fs && fs->isreg && youngest[1] > fs->ctime)
    youngest[0] = path; youngest[1] = fs->ctime;

// ------------

// Verify arguments ...

argc == 2 || die("usage: " + argv[0] + " dir");
Stdio.Stat fs; string dir = argv[1];
((fs = file_stat(dir)) && fs->isdir) || die(dir + " does not exist / not a directory");

// Collect data [use an array to store results]

array(mixed) youngest = ({"", Int.NATIVE_MAX});
process_directory(dir, youngest_file, youngest); 

// Report results

write("Youngest file is %s dating %s\n", youngest[0], ctime(youngest[1]));

// ----------------------------

void print_name_if_dir(string path)
  int|Stdio.Stat fs = file_stat(path);
  if (fs && fs->isdir) write("%s\n", path);

// ------------

// Verify arguments ...

argc == 2 || die("usage: " + argv[0] + " dir");
Stdio.Stat fs; string dir = argv[1];
((fs = file_stat(dir)) && fs->isdir) || die(dir + " does not exist / not a directory");

// Print directory names

process_directory(dir, print_name_if_dir); 

// @@PLEAC@@_9.8

// Easy way - recommended

int(0..1) rmTree(string dirname) { return Stdio.recursive_rm(dirname); }

// ----

string dirtree = "/tmp/dirtree";

rmTree(dirtree) || write("Problem removing directory tree %s\n", dirtree);

// ----------------------------

// Another way, but unnecessary - probably for customised deletions only

int(0..1) rmTree(string dirname) { return process_directory(dirname, rm); }

// ----

string dirtree = "/tmp/dirtree";

rmTree(dirtree) || write("Problem removing directory tree %s\n", dirtree);

// @@PLEAC@@_9.9

// A list of file names

array(string) names = ({"f1.txt", "f2.txt", "f3.txt"});

// Dynamically assigned 'rename' procedure - can be reassigned at any time

function rename = lambda(string name) { return replace(name, ".txt", ".text"); };

// Process all files

foreach(names, string name)
  // Generate new name from existing name by applying 'rename' procedure

  string newname = rename(name); 

  // Perform actual rename task on file

  mv(name, newname) || write("Could not rename %s to %s\n", name, newname);

// ----------------------------

// Slightly different to the Perl example, though it does use regexp

// and intent is roughly the same.


// pike SCRIPTNAME '\.txt$' '.text' f1.txt f2.txt df3.txg


//    f1.txt  -> f1.text

//    f2.txt  -> f2.text

//    df3.txg -> df3.txg [no change]


argc > 2 || die("usage: " + argv[0] + " expr repl files...");

string expr = argv[1], repl = argv[2];

foreach(argv[3..], string name)
  string newname = Regexp.replace(expr, name, repl); 

  if (!equal(name, newname))
    mv(name, newname) || write("Could not rename %s to %s\n", name, newname);

// @@PLEAC@@_9.10

string file_extension(string filename, void|string separator)
  return (filename / (separator || "."))[-1];

mapping(string:string) file_parse(string path)
    mkmapping(({"dirname", "basename", "extension"}),
      ({dirname(path), basename(path), file_extension(basename(path))}));

// ----------------------------

string path = "/tmp/dirtree/s/s1/s1.txt";

// ----

string dir = dirname(path);
string base = basename(path);

mapping(string:string) pm = file_parse(path);
write("%s\n", pm["dirname"]);
write("%s\n", pm["basename"]);
write("%s\n", pm["extension"]);

// ------------

string path = "/usr/lib/libc.a";

// ----

string dir = dirname(path);
string base = basename(path);

write("dir is %s, file is %s\n", dir, base);

// ------------

string path = "/usr/lib/libc.a";

// ----

mapping(string:string) pm = file_parse(path);

write("dir is %s, name is %s, extension is %s\n",
  pm["dirname"], pm["basename"], "." + pm["extension"]);

// ----------------------------

// Handle as a general purpose parse task

string path = "Hard%20Drive:System%20Folder:README.txt";

// ----

  pm = mkmapping(({"drive", "folder", "filename"}),
                 replace(path, "%20", " ") / ":"),

  fm = mkmapping(({"name", "extension"}),
                 pm["filename"] / ".");

write("dir is %s, name is %s, extension is %s\n",
  pm["drive"] + ":" + pm["folder"],
  fm["name"], "." + fm["extension"]);

// ----------------------------

// See implementation for 'file_extension' function above

// @@PLEAC@@_9.11


// @@PLEAC@@_9.12


// @@PLEAC@@_10.0

// Here, in this simple example, 'greeted', is used as a 'global'

// variable. In a more complex program, however, this would not be

// the case [subsequent sections exlain why]

int greeted;

// ----

void hello()
  write("hi there!, this procedure has been called %d times\n", ++greeted);

int how_many_greetings()
  return greeted;

// ------------

int main()
  int greetings = how_many_greetings();
  write("bye there!, there have been %d greetings so far\n", greetings);

// ----------------------------

// Alternate means of defining functions [could, optionally, have also

// included type information in 'function' declaration]; could also

// have been done within scope of 'main'

int greeted;

// ----

function hello = lambda()
    write("hi there!, this procedure has been called %d times\n", ++greeted);

function how_many_greetings = lambda() { return greeted; };

// ------------

int main()
  int greetings = how_many_greetings();
  write("bye there!, there have been %d greetings so far\n", greetings);

// @@PLEAC@@_10.1

// Subroutine parameters are named, that is, access to these items from

// within a function is reliant on their being named in the parameter

// list [together with mandatory type information], something which is

// in line with many other commonly-used languages

float hypotenuse(float side1, float side2)
  // Arguments passed to this function are accessable as, 'side1',

  // and 'side2', respectively, and each is expected to be a 'float'

  // type

  return side1 * side1 + side2 * side2;

// ----

// 'side1' -> 3.0

// 'side2' -> 4.0

float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0);

// ------------

// However, Pike also allows parameters [and return types where applicable]:

// * To have one of a set of types [see (1)]

// * To have a generic type [see (2)]

// * To be optional, in which case any arguments are packaged as an

//   array, and array notation needed to access each item [see (3)]

// (1). Here the function will accept either 'int' or 'float'

// arguments, and perform runtime type checking to identify what is

// supplied

float hypotenuse(int|float side1, int|float side2)
  // If 'int' arguments passed. convert to 'float'

  float s1 = intp(side1) ? (float) side1 : side1;
  float s2 = intp(side2) ? (float) side2 : side2;

  return s1 * s1 + s2 * s2;

// ----

// Both are legal calls

float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0);
float diag = hypotenuse(3, 4);

// ------------

// (2). Here the function still expects to be called with two arguments 

// but each may be of *any* type [admittedly a very contrived example

// of little utility except for illustrative value]. Such a function

// is almost entirely reliant on careful runtime type checking if it

// is to behave reliably

float hypotenuse(mixed side1, mixed side2)
  if (stringp(side1)) { ... }
  if (arrayp(side1)) { ... }
  if (objectp(side1)) { ... }

// ----

// All are legal calls

float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0);
float diag = hypotenuse(3, 4);
float diag = hypotenuse("3", "4");
float diag = hypotenuse(({3}), ({4}));

// ------------

// (3). Here, the function is defined to accept two, mandatory

// parameters [still accessable via name], then a set of zero or more

// optional parameters, which are accessable within the function body

// via an array [the placeholder, 'args', represents an array of zero

// or more elements each corresponding to one of the passed arguments

float hypotenuse(float side1, mixed side2, mixed ... args)
  // Mandatory parameters still accessable as usual

  ... side1 ... side2 ...

  // Total number of arguments passed to function determinable via:

  int total_passed_args = query_num_arg();
  // 'args' contains all optional arguments: 0 - N

  int optional_args = sizeof(args);

  // Process variable arguments ...

  foreach(args, mixed arg)
    ... if (strinp(arg)) { ... }


// ----

// All are legal calls

float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0);
float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0, "a");
float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0, lambda(){ return 5; }, "fff");
float diag = hypotenuse(3.0, 4.0, 1, "x", ({ 6, 7, 9 }));

// ----------------------------

// Modifies copy

array(int|float) int_all(array(int|float) arr)
  array(int|float) retarr = copy_value(arr);
  int i; for(int i; i < sizeof(retarr); ++i) { retarr[i] = (int) arr[i]; }
  return retarr;

// Modifies original

array(int|float) trunc_all(array(int|float) arr)
  int i; for(int i; i < sizeof(arr); ++i) { arr[i] = (int) arr[i]; }
  return arr;

// ----

array(int|float) nums = ({1.4, 3.5, 6.7});

// Copy modified - 'ints' and 'nums' separate arrays

array(int|float) ints = int_all(nums);
write("%O\n", nums);
write("%O\n", ints);

// Original modified - 'ints' acts as alias for 'nums'

ints = trunc_all(nums);
write("%O\n", nums);
write("%O\n", ints);

// @@PLEAC@@_10.2

void some_func()
  // Variables declared within a function are local to that function

  mixed variable = something;

// ----------------------------

// Assuming these are defined at file level, that is, outside of 'main'

// or any other function they are accessable by every other member of

// the same file [and if this file (read: class or program) is the

// only one comprising the 'system', they are effectively 'global']

string name = argv[1]; int age = (int) argv[2];

int c = fetch_time();

int condition;

// ------------

int run_check()
  condition = 1;

int check_x(int x)
  string y = "whatever";

  // Whilst 'run_check' has access to 'name', 'age', and 'c' [because

  // these are declared at a higher scope], it does not have access to

  // 'y' or any other locally defined variable


  // 'run_check' will have updated 'condition'

  if (condition) write("got x: %d\n", x);

// @@PLEAC@@_10.3

// Pike does not implement C style 'static' variables [i.e. persisent

// local variables], nor does it implement C++ style 'class variables'

// [oddly enough, also implemented in C++ via use of the 'static'

// keyword], both of which could be used to implement solutions to the

// problems presented in this section. Also, there is no direct

// equivalent to Perl's 'BEGIN' block [closest equivalent is the

// class 'create' method]. So, to solve a problem like implementing a

// 'counter':


// * Use Pike's OOP facilities [simple, natural]

// * Use closures [somewhat unwieldly, but possible]

// OOP Approach

class Counter
  private int counter;

  static void create(int start) { counter = start; }
  public int next() { return ++counter; }
  public int prev() { return --counter; }

// ----

int main()
  Counter counter = Counter(42);

  write("%d\n", counter->next());
  write("%d\n", counter->prev());

// ----------------------------

// A refinement of the previous implementation that mimics 'static'

// variables

class Static
  // 'static' variable that is shared by all instance of 'Counter'

  int counter;

  class Counter
    public int next() { return ++counter; }
    public int prev() { return --counter; }

  Counter make() { return Counter(); }

  public void create(int counter_) { counter = counter_; }

// ----

int main()
  Static mkst = Static(42);

  Static.Counter counter_1 = mkst->make();
  Static.Counter counter_2 = mkst->make();

  // Same value of, 'counter', is accessed by each object

  write("%d\n", counter_1->next());
  write("%d\n", counter_1->next());

  write("%d\n", counter_2->next());
  write("%d\n", counter_2->prev());

// ----------------------------

// Closure Approach [Admittedly somewhat contrived: a Scheme overdose ;) !]

function(string : function(void : int)) make_counter(int start)
  int counter = start;
  int next_counter() { return ++counter; };
  int prev_counter() { return --counter; };
    lambda(string op)
      if (op == "next") return next_counter;
      if (op == "prev") return prev_counter;
      return 0;

int next_counter(function(string : function(void : int)) counter)
  return counter("next")();

int prev_counter(function(string : function(void : int)) counter)
  return counter("prev")();

// ----

int main()
  function(string : function(void : int)) counter = make_counter(42);

  write("%d\n", next_counter(counter));
  write("%d\n", prev_counter(counter));

// @@PLEAC@@_10.4

// It's possible to obtain a great deal of program metadata through the

// following sets of library functions:


// * 'this_object', and the sets of 'object_...' and 'program_...'

//   functions

// * 'Program' module [provides object inheritance metadata]


// The use of, 'this_object', in particular, allows the current object

// instance to be interrogated like a hash table i.e. all variables and

// methods are accessable as hash table entries.


// Unfortunately, however, it doesn't appear possible to obtain the

// current method / function name, at least, not without resorting

// to tricks like embedding a string in each method explicitly naming

// it.


// An example of program metadata use appears in chapter 'Objects and

// Ties'. Since the function name cannot, AFAICT, be obtained, the

// current section is not implemented.


// @@PLEAC@@_10.5

// Procedure parameters are passed by reference [read: the handle or

// address (or whatever) of an object is passed and is used to uniquely

// identify that object], so there is no special treatment required.

// If an argument represents a mutable object then care should be taken

// to not mutate the object within the function, either by making a copy

// of the object [e.g. use 'copy_value' to clone it], or by using a

// 'read-only' control structure like 'foreach' [if applicable] to

// access it

int|array(int) array_diff(array(int) a, array(int) b)
  // Ensure an array copy is made ...

  int|array(int) ret = sizeof(a) != sizeof(b) ? 0 : copy_value(a);
  if (!ret) ret;

  // ... transformed, and returned

  for (int i; i < sizeof(ret); ++i) { ret[i] -= b[i]; }; return ret;

// ----------------------------

int|array(int) add_vec_pair(array(int) a, array(int) b)
  int vecsize = sizeof(a);

  // Ensure an array copy is made ...

  int|array(int) ret = vecsize != sizeof(b) ? 0 : allocate(vecsize);
  if (!ret) ret;

  // ... transformed, and returned

  for (int i; i < vecsize; ++i) { ret[i] = a[i] + b[i]; }; return ret;

// ----

array(int) a = ({1, 2}), b = ({5, 8});
array(int) c = add_vec_pair(a, b);
write("%O\n", c);

// @@PLEAC@@_10.6

// Just as for subroutine parameters, Pike allows variation in return

// types, where it may be of a specific type, one of a set of types, or

// a generic return type. Whilst the Perl examples require that the

// user to nominate a return type when the function is called, in Pike

// it is handled in one of two ways:


// * Ensure function and receiving variable type match [see (1)]

// * Use generic receiving variable, and type check [see (2)]

// (1). Subroutine has set of return types. Whilst type checking

// does occur [thus user code only need handle these known types

// because other types won't be allowed], caller/ receiver needs to

// type check so as correctly handle known cases

int|array(int)|string mysub()
  return 5;
  return ({5});
  return "5";

// ----

int|array(int)|string receiver = mysub();

if (intp(receiver)) { ... }
if (arrayp(receiver)) { ... }
if (stringp(receiver)) { ... }

// ----------------------------

// (2). Subroutine has generic return type, so no type checking occurs.

// It is up to the caller / receiver to thoroughly type check lest

// some unforseen type be returned and possibly mishandled

mixed mysub()
  return 5;
  return ({5});
  return "5";

// ----

mixed receiver = mysub();

if (intp(receiver)) { ... }
if (arrayp(receiver)) { ... }
if (stringp(receiver)) { ... }

// @@PLEAC@@_10.7

// Pike doesn't directly support named / keyword parameters, but these

// can be easily mimiced using an array of mappings as function arguments

// The mappings, themselves, could be implemented via a custom class

// [see (1)], or via the 'mapping'type [see (2) - Perl examples]

// (1)

class KeyedValue
  string key; mixed value;

  static void create(string key_, mixed value_)
    key = key_; value = value_;

void the_func(array(KeyedValue) keyargs)
  foreach(keyargs, KeyedValue kv)
    write("Key: %10s|Value: %10O\n", kv->key, kv->value);

// ----

int main()
  array(KeyedValue) keyargs =
    aggregate(KeyedValue("name", "Bob"),
              KeyedValue("age", 36),
              KeyedValue("income", 51000));


// ----------------------------

// (2)

class RaceTime
  int time; string dim;

  static void create(int time_, string dim_)
    time = time_; dim = dim_;

void the_func(mapping(string : RaceTime) ... args)
  int start_time, finish_time, increment_time;
  string start_dim, finish_dim, increment_dim;

  foreach(args, mapping(string : RaceTime) arg)
    arg["start"] && (start_time = arg["start"]->time, start_dim = arg["start"]->dim);
    arg["finish"] && (finish_time = arg["finish"]->time, finish_dim = arg["finish"]->dim);
    arg["increment"] && (increment_time = arg["increment"]->time, increment_dim = arg["increment"]->dim);

  write("times: start %d, finish %d, increment %d\n",
        start_time, finish_time, increment_time);

// ----

int main()
  array(mapping(string : RaceTime)) named_args =
      (["increment" : RaceTime(20, "s")]),
      (["start" : RaceTime(5, "m")]),
      (["finish" : RaceTime(3, "m")]) });

  // Package arguments as array for passing to function


  named_args =
      (["start" : RaceTime(5, "m")]),
      (["finish" : RaceTime(30, "m")]) });

  // Ditto


  // Pass argument(s) directly in argument list

  the_func((["finish" : RaceTime(30, "m")]));

// @@PLEAC@@_10.8

// It is languages that support pattern matching, such as Prolog, Oz and

// SML, that tend to offer such facilities. These languages all offer

// a 'match all and throw away' operator that can be used in place of 

// an identifier name(s), and have the resultant value(s) be discarded.

// Such a facility helps keep code uncluttered because only values

// that are required need to be named.


// Pike does not implement pattern matching, so does not sport such an

// operator, nor any equivalent facility. Thus, none of the examples in

// this section are directly implementable.


// @@PLEAC@@_10.9

// Pike supports the return of a single value from a function. Where

// multiple values need to be returned, they can be packaged as an

// aggregate such as an array or mapping, and *that* item returned.

// The caller / receiver would, of course, be responsible for

// appropriately extracting required elements from that returned item

// (this process could be hardcoded, or generalised using extensive

// runtime type checking). Alternatively, a custom class encapsulating

// the return values can be used and an instance of that item returned

// and processed


array(mixed) somefunc()
  array(int) arr = ({1, 2, 3});
  mapping(string : int) hash = (["x" : 1, "y" : 2, "z" : 3]);

  // Return an array containing an array and a hash

  return aggregate(arr, hash);

// ----

// Get return array

array(mixed) arr = somefunc();

// Extract and process elements

foreach(arr, mixed item)
  write("Return item has type: %t, value: %O\n", item, item);

// ----------------------------

class RetValues
  array(int) arr; mapping(string : int) hash;

  static void create()
    arr = aggregate(1, 2, 3);
    hash = aggregate_mapping("x", 1, "y", 2, "z", 3);
RetValues somefunc() { return RetValues(); }

// ----

RetValues rv = RetValues();

write("Return item has type: %t, value: %O\n", rv->arr, rv->arr);
write("Return item has type: %t, value: %O\n", rv->hash, rv->hash);

// @@PLEAC@@_10.10

// Pike offers a very simple, consistent means of 'returning failure':

// return 0 [representing 'false'] when a task does not succeed, otherwise

// return whatever was the expected value. This design is extensively

// used in the Pike library, and is well supported by the language in

// that:

// * Alternate return types may be specified

// * A 'mixed' return type, indicating possible return of any type

//   value, may be used

void die(string msg, void|int(1..256) rc) { werror(msg + NEWLINE); exit(rc ? rc : PROBLEM); }

// ----

int|array(string) afunc()

  if (ok)
    // ... return an array ...

    // failure, so return 0

    return 0;

// ----

int main()
  int|array(string) arr = afunc();

  if (!arr) die("Error with 'afunc' ...");

  // ok, so use 'arr' ...


// @@PLEAC@@_10.11

// Whether Pike is seen to support prototyping depends on the definition

// of this term used:


// * Prototyping along the lines used in Ada, Modula X, and even C / C++,

//   in which a procedure's interface is declared separately from its

//   implementation, is *not* supported


// * Prototyping in which, as part of the procedure definition, parameter

//   information must be supplied. This is a requirement in Pike in that

//   parameter number, names and type, must be given. Return types must

//   also be specified, but there is an exeption when using lambdas

void func_with_no_arg() { ... }

void func_with_one_arg(int arg1) { ... }

void func_with_two_arg(int arg1, string arg2) { ... }

void func_with_three_arg(int arg1, string arg2, float arg3) { ...}

// ----

// Return type, 'void', specified 

function f = lambda(int arg1 : void) { ... }

// Return type not specified, defaults to 'mixed'

function g = lambda(int arg1) { ... }

// @@PLEAC@@_10.12

// Like so many modern languages, Pike implements exception handling

// using the 'catch' and 'throw' keywords 

// ----

// Not exactly like the Perl example, but a way of immediately exiting

// from an application [note: using, 'exit', prevents any of the 'atexit'

// call backs from executing, so application cleanup may be compromised]

void die(string msg, void|int(1..256) rc) { werror(msg + NEWLINE); exit(rc ? rc : PROBLEM); }

// ----

die("some message");

// ----------------------------

int(0..1) rmAll(array(string) filelist)
  // 'result' will be 0 if the 'catch' block succeeds

  mixed result = catch
    foreach(filelist, string filename) { rm(filename) || throw(PROBLEM); }

  // Return value of 'catch' block can be tested, and appropriate

  // action taken; here, a non-zero return code will be returned

  // [like many library functions] to indicate failure

  return result == OK;

// ----

// Attempt to remove the following files ...

array(string) files = ({"...", "...", "..."});

rmAll(files) || die("Could not remove all files - exiting");

// @@PLEAC@@_10.13

// Global variable

int age = 18;

// ----

void print_age()
  // Global value, 'age', is accessed

  write("Age is %d\n", age);

// ------------

int main()
  // A local variable named, 'age' will act to 'shadow' the globally

  // defined version, thus any changes to, 'age', will not affect

  // the global version

  int age = 5;

  // Prints 18, the current value of the global version


  // Local version is altered, *not* global version

  age = 23;

  // Prints 18, the current value of the global version


// ----------------------------

// Global variable

int age = 18;

// ----

void print_age()
  // Global value, 'age', is accessed

  write("Age is %d\n", age);

// ------------

int main()
  // Here no local version declared: any changes affect global version

  age = 5;

  // Prints 5, the new value of the global version


  // Global version again altered

  age = 23;

  // Prints 23, the new value of the global version


// ----------------------------

// Global variable

int age = 18;

// ----

void print_age()
  // Global value, 'age', is accessed

  write("Age is %d\n", age);

// ------------

int main()
  // Global version value saved into local version

  int age = global::age;

  // Prints 18, the new value of the global version


  // Global version this time altered

  global::age = 23;

  // Prints 23, the new value of the global version


  // Global version value restored from saved local version

  global::age = age;

  // Prints 18, the restored value of the global version


// @@PLEAC@@_10.14

// Define functions - will be considered constant / unchangeable

void grow() { write("grow\n"); }
void shrink() { write("shrink\n"); }

// ----

// Execute functions: 'grow', 'shrink' output respectively

grow(); shrink();

// Attempt to redefine, 'grow' fails because it is considered a

// constant value:


//   grow = shrink;


// However, it is possible to bind 'shrink' to a new local variable

// called, 'grow'

function grow = shrink;

// Execute functions: 'shrink', 'shrink' output respectively because

// local 'grow' shadows global version, and it is referencing the

// code for 'shrink'

grow(); shrink();

// ------------

// Define functions by assigning lambdas to global variables

function(void : void) grow = lambda() { write("grow\n"); }
function(void : void) shrink = lambda() { write("shrink\n"); }

// ----

// Execute functions: 'grow', 'shrink' output respectively

grow(); shrink();

// Attempt to redefine, 'grow' successful since a simple variable

// assignment is being performed

grow = shrink;

// Execute functions: 'shrink', 'shrink' output respectively - 'grow'

// has, effectively, been 'redefined' [note: reference to original

// 'grow' code has been lost (but it could have been saved, then

// restored)]

grow(); shrink();

// ----------------------------

function barney = lambda() { ... };

// ...

// 'fred' is now an alias for the code attached to 'barney'

function fred = barney;

// ----------------------------

function red = lambda(string text)
    return "<FONT COLOR='red'>" + text + "</FONT>";

// ----

write("%s\n", red("careful here"));

// ------------

function colour_font = lambda(string colour, string text)
    return "<FONT COLOR='" + colour + "'>" + text + "</FONT>";

function red = lambda(string text) { return colour_font("red", text); };
function green = lambda(string text) { return colour_font("green", text); };

// ... more 'colour' functions ...

// ----

write("%s\n", red("careful here"));
write("%s\n", green("careful there"));
// ... 

// ------------

// Pike offers the 'compile' family of functions that allow for the

// runtime compilation and [in combinaton with other Pike functions]

// the subsequent execution, of Pike code, obtained either as a

// dynamically-generated string, or loaded from file / URL. This,

// AFAICT, is the Pike feature closest to that of the 'eval' function

// found in languages like Scheme. The example here is rather

// contrived and unwieldly, but it does show how code is generated,

// compiled, and executed, and it *does* closely follow the Perl code


// Assemble text needed to build function

string build_colour_func(string colour)
  // Could also use library function, 'sprintf', to build string

  string bodytext = "\"<FONT COLOR='" + colour + "'>\" + text + \"</FONT>\"";
  return "string " + colour + "(string text) { return " + bodytext + "; };";

int main(int argc, array(string) argv)
  // 1. Generate source code. A function is built for each colour by

  //    calling, 'build_colour_func', and all the text collected into

  //    'cf_text'

  array(string) colours =
    ({"red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "purple", "violet"});

  string cf_text = "";

  foreach(colours, string colour)
    cf_text += build_colour_func(colour);

  // 2. Compile generated source code, and make it accessable to the

  //    current program. These two steps are, here, combined for brevity,

  //    but consist of the following:


  //        program prog = compile_string(cf_text);

  //        object cf_code = prog();


  //    The latter step sees the code's 'create' method called for

  //    initialisation, and also makes items accessable via:


  //        cf_code[ITEMNAME]


  //    For example, the function, 'red', may be:

  //        referenced -> cf_code["red"]

  //        applied    -> cf_code["red"](" ... ")


  object cf_code = compile_string(cf_text)();

  // 3. Apply the generated functions

  mapping(string:string) colours_and_text = 
    (["red":"baron", "blue":"zephyr", "green":"beret",
      "yellow":"ribbon", "orange":"county", "purple":"haze",

  foreach(indices(colours_and_text), string colour)
    // Get relevant function

    function colour_func = cf_code[colour];

    // Apply function with relevant argument(s)

    write("%s\n", colour_func(colours_and_text[colour]));

    // Or, above lines can be replaced with:

    //     write("%s\n", cf_code[colour](colours_and_text[colour]));


// @@PLEAC@@_10.15


// in your class

  mapping functions = ([]);
  function `->(string fun) 
      functions[fun]=lambda(mixed|void ... args)
                       return sprintf("<FONT COLOR=%s>%{%s %}</FONT>", fun, args); 
    return functions[fun];

// then outside


// @@PLEAC@@_10.16

// Alternate, though identically-behaving, nested subroutine definitions

int outer(int arg)
  int x = arg + 35;
  int inner() { return x * 19; };
  return x + inner();

// ------------

int outer(int arg)
  int x = arg + 35;
  function(void : int) inner = lambda() { return x * 19; };
  return x + inner();

// ------------

function outer = lambda(int arg)
    int x = arg + 35;
    return (lambda() { return x * 19; })() + x;

// ------------

function(int : int) outer = lambda(int arg)
    int x = arg + 35;
    return (lambda() { return x * 19; })() + x;

// @@PLEAC@@_10.17


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.0


//Pike doesn't normally use packed IP addresses. Strings such as "" are used literally.

// -----------------------------

// DNS lookups can be done with gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr()

[string host,array ip,array alias] = gethostbyname("www.example.com");
// ip[0] is a string ""


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.1


Stdio.File sock=Stdio.File();
if (!sock->connect(remote_host,remote_port)) //Connection failed. Error code is in sock->errno() .

    werror("Couldn't connect to %s:%d: %s\n",remote_host,remote_port,strerror(sock->errno()));
    return 1;
sock->write("Hello, world!"); //Send something to the socket

string answer=sock->read(); //Read until the remote side disconnects. Use sock->read(1024,1) to read only some (up to 1KB here).

sock->close(); //Not necessary if the sock object goes out of scope here.


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.2


Stdio.Port mainsock=Stdio.Port();
if (!mainsock->bind(server_port))
    werror("Couldn't be a tcp server on port %d: %s\n",server_port,strerror(mainsock->errno()));
    return 1;
while (1)
    Stdio.File sock=mainsock->accept();
    if (!sock) break;
    // sock is the new connection

    // if you don't do anything and just let sock expire, the client connection will be closed


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.3


sock->write("What is your name?\n");
string response=sock->read(1024,1); //Reads up to 1KB or whatever is available (minimum 1 byte).

//Buffered reads:

Stdio.FILE sock2=Stdio.FILE(); sock2->assign(sock);
string response=sock2->gets();


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.7


string other_end=sock->query_address(); //eg " 123"


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.9


sock->close("r");   //Close the read direction

sock->close("w");   //Close the write direction

sock->close("rw");  //Shut down both directions

sock->close();      //Close completely


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.11


//Forking is generally unnecessary in Pike, as the driver works more efficiently with other models.


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.13


//Incomplete. There's multiple ways to do this, including:

//1) Threaded server (works like forking but clients can share global state if desired)

//2) Multiplexing using select()

//3) Callback mode (puts the sockets under the control of a Backend which uses select())


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.14


Stdio.Port mainsock=Stdio.Port();
if (!mainsock->bind(server_port))
    werror("Couldn't be a tcp server on port %d: %s\n",server_port,strerror(mainsock->errno()));
    return 1;
while (1)
    Stdio.File sock=mainsock->accept();
    if (!sock) break;
    string localaddr=sock->query_address(1); //Is the IP address and port connected to.

    //The IP will be that of one of your interfaces, and the port should be equal to server_port


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.15


if (!System.chroot("/var/daemon")) werror("Unable to chroot to /var/daemon: %s\n",strerror(errno()));
//Incomplete (I don't fork in Pike). See predef::fork() and Process.create_process() for details.


// ^^PLEAC^^_17.16


//The best way to restart the server is to adopt a microkernel concept and restart only the parts of

//the server that need updating. However, if you must reload, see Process.exec()
