11. References and Records


Taking References to Arrays

Making Hashes of Arrays

Taking References to Hashes

Taking References to Functions

Taking References to Scalars

Creating Arrays of Scalar References

Using Closures Instead of Objects

Creating References to Methods

Constructing Records

Reading and Writing Hash Records to Text Files

Printing Data Structures

Copying Data Structures

Storing Data Structures to Disk

Transparently Persistent Data Structures

Program: Binary Trees

/* binary tree demo program */
#define _GNU_SOURCE // getline(), tdestroy()

#include <stdio.h>
#include <search.h> // tsearch(), tfind(), tdelete(), tdestroy(); twalk()
#include <stdlib.h> // rand(), malloc(), free()

static VISIT walk_type;

int compar_int( const void * elm1, const void * elm2) {
  return ( *((int *) elm1) - *((int *) elm2) );

void walk( const void * node, const VISIT method, const int level) {
  int * data;
  data = *(int **)node;
  if(method == walk_type)
    fprintf( stdout, "%d ", *data );
  if( method == leaf )
    fprintf( stdout, "%d ", *data );

void free_elmt( void * node ){
  free( node );


int main( void ) {

  void * root = NULL;
  int i, *ptr;

  // first generate 20 random inserts
  for( i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) {
    ptr = malloc(sizeof(int));
    *ptr = (int)( 1000 * (double)rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) );

    if( tsearch( ptr, &root, compar_int ) == NULL ) {

  // now dump out the tree all three ways
  fprintf(stdout, "Pre order\n");
  walk_type = preorder;
  twalk( root, walk );

  fprintf(stdout, "In order\n");
  walk_type = postorder; // /!\  postorder is rather confusing
  twalk( root, walk );

  fprintf(stdout, "Post order\n");
  walk_type = endorder;
  twalk( root, walk );

  // prompt until EOF
  char * istr;
  size_t size;
  ssize_t ret;

  while(1) {
    fprintf(stdout, "Search? : ");
    size = 0;
    istr = NULL;
    ret = getline( &istr, &size, stdin );
    if( ret == -1 )
    sscanf( istr, "%d", &i );

    if( tfind( &i, &root, compar_int ) == NULL )
      fprintf( stdout, "No %d in tree\n", i );
      fprintf( stdout, "Found %d\n", i );

  tdestroy( root, free_elmt );
  return 0;