#!/usr/bin/perl -w # chemiserie - simple CGI shopping for shirts and sweaters use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); my %States; # state table mapping pages to functions my $Current_Screen; # the current screen # Hash of pages and functions. %States = ( 'Default' => \&front_page, 'Shirt' => \&shirt, 'Sweater' => \&sweater, 'Checkout' => \&checkout, 'Card' => \&credit_card, 'Order' => \&order, 'Cancel' => \&front_page, ); $Current_Screen = param(".State") || "Default"; die "No screen for $Current_Screen" unless $States{$Current_Screen}; # Generate the current page. standard_header(); while (my($screen_name, $function) = each %States) { $function->($screen_name eq $Current_Screen); } standard_footer(); exit; ################################ # header, footer, menu functions ################################ sub standard_header { print header(), start_html(-Title => "Shirts", -BGCOLOR=>"White"); print start_form(); # start_multipart_form() if file upload } sub standard_footer { print end_form(), end_html() } sub shop_menu { print p(defaults("Empty My Shopping Cart"), to_page("Shirt"), to_page("Sweater"), to_page("Checkout")); } ############################# # subroutines for each screen ############################# # The default page. sub front_page { my $active = shift; return unless $active; print "


\n"; print "Welcome to our Shirt Shop! Please make your selection from "; print "the menu below.\n"; shop_menu(); } # Page to order a shirt from. sub shirt { my $active = shift; my @sizes = qw(XL L M S); my @colors = qw(Black White); my ($size, $color, $count) = (param("shirt_size"), param("shirt_color"), param("shirt_count")); # sanity check if ($count) { $color = $colors[0] unless grep { $_ eq $color } @colors; $size = $sizes[0] unless grep { $_ eq $size } @sizes; param("shirt_color", $color); param("shirt_size", $size); } unless ($active) { print hidden("shirt_size") if $size; print hidden("shirt_color") if $color; print hidden("shirt_count") if $count; return; } print h1("T-Shirt"); print p("What a shirt! This baby is decked out with all the options.", "It comes with full luxury interior, cotton trim, and a collar", "to make your eyes water! Unit price: \$33.00"); print h2("Options"); print p("How Many?", textfield("shirt_count")); print p("Size?", popup_menu("shirt_size", \@sizes ), "Color?", popup_menu("shirt_color", \@colors)); shop_menu(); } # Page to order a sweater from. sub sweater { my $active = shift; my @sizes = qw(XL L M); my @colors = qw(Chartreuse Puce Lavender); my ($size, $color, $count) = (param("sweater_size"), param("sweater_color"), param("sweater_count")); # sanity check if ($count) { $color = $colors[0] unless grep { $_ eq $color } @colors; $size = $sizes[0] unless grep { $_ eq $size } @sizes; param("sweater_color", $color); param("sweater_size", $size); } unless ($active) { print hidden("sweater_size") if $size; print hidden("sweater_color") if $color; print hidden("sweater_count") if $count; return; } print h1("Sweater"); print p("Nothing implies preppy elegance more than this fine", "sweater. Made by peasant workers from black market silk,", "it slides onto your lean form and cries out ``Take me,", "for I am a god!''. Unit price: \$49.99."); print h2("Options"); print p("How Many?", textfield("sweater_count")); print p("Size?", popup_menu("sweater_size", \@sizes)); print p("Color?", popup_menu("sweater_color", \@colors)); shop_menu(); } # Page to display current order for confirmation. sub checkout { my $active = shift; return unless $active; print h1("Order Confirmation"); print p("You ordered the following:"); print order_text(); print p("Is this right? Select 'Card' to pay for the items", "or 'Shirt' or 'Sweater' to continue shopping."); print p(to_page("Card"), to_page("Shirt"), to_page("Sweater")); } # Page to gather credit-card information. sub credit_card { my $active = shift; my @widgets = qw(Name Address1 Address2 City Zip State Phone Card Expiry); unless ($active) { print map { hidden($_) } @widgets; return; } print pre(p("Name: ", textfield("Name")), p("Address: ", textfield("Address1")), p(" ", textfield("Address2")), p("City: ", textfield("City")), p("Zip: ", textfield("Zip")), p("State: ", textfield("State")), p("Phone: ", textfield("Phone")), p("Credit Card #: ", textfield("Card")), p("Expiry: ", textfield("Expiry"))); print p("Click on 'Order' to order the items. Click on 'Cancel' to return shopping."); print p(to_page("Order"), to_page("Cancel")); } # Page to complete an order. sub order { my $active = shift; unless ($active) { return; } # you'd check credit card values here print h1("Ordered!"); print p("You have ordered the following toppings:"); print order_text(); print p(defaults("Begin Again")); } # Returns HTML for the current order ("You have ordered ...") sub order_text { my $html = ''; if (param("shirt_count")) { $html .= p("You have ordered ", param("shirt_count"), " shirts of size ", param("shirt_size"), " and color ", param("shirt_color"), "."); } if (param("sweater_count")) { $html .= p("You have ordered ", param("sweater_count"), " sweaters of size ", param("sweater_size"), " and color ", param("sweater_color"), "."); } $html = p("Nothing!") unless $html; $html .= p("For a total cost of ", calculate_price()); return $html; } sub calculate_price { my $shirts = param("shirt_count") || 0; my $sweaters = param("sweater_count") || 0; return sprintf("\$%.2f", $shirts*33 + $sweaters * 49.99); } sub to_page { submit(-NAME => ".State", -VALUE => shift) }